The full moon is the most mystical and strong time month. To day full moon May 2017 was filled with only positive events; it is important to know the date of the upcoming Full Moon and prepare for a surge in lunar energy.

The full moon is considered best time in order to make a wish cherished wish and take the first step towards your dream. On this day Vital energy The human being is activated, releasing hidden inner potential, so the Full Moon is great for any type of creativity.

Emotional people need to be wary of an energy surge: it can result in negative emotions and contribute to conflicts with family and friends. For supporting Have a good mood and inner harmony, you can go for a long walk, which can be easily combined with meditation while walking.

What date is the Full Moon?

In May 2017, the Moon will reach its peak on the 11th in the constellation Scorpio. The day will be simple for people who know how to control their emotions and are open to new acquaintances. Maintaining personal boundaries will also serve well for everyone who will communicate a lot with strangers on the day of the Full Moon.

You should not allow others to manipulate you with negative messages: keeping inner peace, you will easily overcome all obstacles and achieve your goal.

May 11 may not be the most successful day for people whose work involves long trips, business trips and public relations. To prevent possible problems, you need to start the day right and do your work meticulously.

The full moon is considered the best time for any rituals aimed at achieving financial success and well-being. Money Ritual with coins from famous psychic Nadezhda Shevchenko can help you significantly improve your financial situation.

On the day of the full moon, you need to carefully monitor your health. In addition to emotional fatigue, at this time the following are possible:

  • nervous breakdowns;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • injuries and bruises;
  • sleep disturbance.

To maintain good health and positive thinking try to follow a sleep and eating schedule, devote more time to rest and not overload yourself with household responsibilities.

A Full Wolf Moon is always special.

The wolf is a symbol of intuition and awareness of our inner essence. Therefore, if you are planning to start making plans for the year, make sure that these are your plans, and not the plans of your loved ones or your bosses. Also remember that the evening of May 11th is a great opportunity connect your mind and your subconscious together, make them work together. So try to think about something really important this evening - you may come to unexpected conclusions.

Full moons are the most important days in every month.

The lunar calendar calls these days dangerous, so their importance increases significantly. January 12 will be no exception.

So what to do?

Firstly, tomorrow evening is the last good time in the first half of this year to finally sort out your plans, make important decisions for this year and take the first step.

Let's say, if you are determined to lose weight, you should start with tomorrow's dinner.

If you want to restore relationships with relatives, make the first call on the evening of January 11th.

Do you want a boost in your career? Build a strategy and step by step plan its performance on this very evening.

Since this is the first full moon of 2017, it is also the most important!

Full Wolf Moon is always special

The wolf is a powerful animal and an important spiritual symbol in all cultures. He is a symbol of intuition and awareness of our inner essence. Therefore, if you are planning to start making plans for the year, make sure that these are YOUR plans, and not the plans of your loved ones or your boss.

Also remember that

the evening of January 11th is a great opportunity to connect your mind and your subconscious and make them work together.

So try to think about something really important this evening - you may come to unexpected conclusions. And even shout to yourself several times: “EUREKA!”

It is also important to note that after the full moon, the main astrological constellations will take the form of the so-called “Grand Cross” for several days. There will be too much energy and tension around you these days. Take it easy.

You should not be afraid of this energy; it is better to use it for your benefit.

Work - both on yourself and on your projects, with special diligence. In the next 10 days, your efforts will be more useful than ever.

It is also believed that since these days the stars are located very close to each other (if you look at them from the Earth), it means that the heavens are “whispering about something important” or even “plotting a revolution.” So don’t be surprised by the tremendous changes that may come in your life and in the lives of your loved ones, somewhere after the 20th of January!

This will be the first full moon of 2017. After the global energy renewal and entering 2017, this is the first an important event. On this day the Moon will be in the sign of Cancer. This means that it is better to spend the day in peace and not rush to make important decisions.

January 12 is Thursday, therefore this Friday will be special. On Friday the thirteenth, all living things also send a special impulse.

The energy of this day can be dangerous, so on a full moon it is better to save your strength for the next day.

Cancer will help you find something pleasant even in the most impenetrable darkness of everyday life. This zodiac sign allows the Moon to give hope to people. If you feel that everything is starting to go to hell, then pull yourself together. One can help you with this simple phrase: "I can do everything".

5 most powerful rituals for attracting money

The full moon is a unique time. Our ancestors also noticed that everything wished for during the full moon comes true. It doesn’t matter whether you ask for wealth, health or luck. This time is considered the most powerful in terms of the release of energy, which finds material embodiment in life. And the full moon of the Wolf, which falls on May 11 in 2017, not only guarantees the fulfillment of everything planned, but also provides special assistance in attracting... money.

And if you don’t have an extra million to be completely happy, you should think about how to help finance your home. AND all possible help full moon rites may have an effect.


Before performing the ritual, it is imperative to cleanse both thoughts and body. And the best way to help with this is a shower or bath with aromatic oils. While bathing, you should think about how all the negativity is washed away from you, how sadness and heaviness go away. After ablution, you can begin the rituals.

MAGNET FOR MONEY. On the night of the full moon, that is, today, take three coins and put them in the pocket of the clothes that you wear most often. In the other pocket there is a magnet. Then light a candle in the hallway and let it burn completely.

UNCHANGEABLE COIN. To do money talisman, which will attract money to your wallet, perform the following ritual: at night, take a 5 or 10 hryvnia bill, fold it in half, slowly bring it to your lips, saying: “As this day attracts the night of the full moon, so let this bill attract their "relatives". I will have a lot of money and I will become a rich man. Let everything that is said come true! Amen!". Then this bill should be hidden in your wallet and not spent for three months. And ideally, leave it as a talisman altogether.

HOW TO DRIVE AWAY POVERTY. This ritual is very effective in cases where you not only need to attract money once or twice, but also remove poverty from your life. Stand with your back to the Moon and take a small mirror in your hands and say three times: “Mother Moon, I ask you, take poverty and lack of money away from me.”

MONEY RAIN. On a full moon, a very simple ritual using coins is also effective. Collect 50 coins of different denominations and wash them thoroughly. Ideally, they should even be boiled for a few minutes in boiling water to get rid of foreign energy. And then, at any time from 19.00 to 21.00, pour yourself a “rain” of coins.

FOR CONSTANT FINANCIAL FLOW. On the day of the full moon, go outside, stop in any open place illuminated by the moon. In this case, you need to look at the moon, transfer the money in your wallet three times from one compartment to another. Look down, and then look at the moon again and say: “Lady Moon! Hurry up and make mine cash income grew, and did not stop growing!”

When you get home, rub all your money with cinnamon. Then take a candle and rub it with this spice too. Light a candle, put money next to it and think about how much and what you need. After fifteen minutes, thank the moon, put the money in your wallet pocket and wait until the candle burns out completely. Hide the rest of the candle.

Full Wolf Moon 2017: what you can and cannot do at this time

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What awaits us all in 2017: 5 unexpected forecasts

The full moon is the most mystical and powerful time of the month. In order for the Full Moon day in May 2017 to be filled with only positive events, it is important to know the date of the upcoming Full Moon and prepare for a surge in lunar energy.

The full moon is considered the best time to make your deepest wish and take the first step towards your dream. On this day, a person’s vital energy is activated, releasing hidden internal potential, so the Full Moon is great for any type of creativity.

Emotional people need to be wary of an energy surge: it can result in negative emotions and contribute to conflicts with family and friends. To maintain a good mood and inner harmony, you can go for a long walk, which can be easily combined with walking meditation.

What date is the Full Moon?

In May 2017, the Moon will reach its peak on the 11th in the constellation Scorpio. The day will be simple for people who know how to control their emotions and are open to new acquaintances. Maintaining personal boundaries will also serve well for everyone who will communicate a lot with strangers on the day of the Full Moon.

You should not allow others to manipulate you with negative messages: by maintaining inner peace, you will easily overcome all obstacles and achieve your goal.

May 11 may not be the most successful day for people whose work involves long trips, business trips and public relations. To prevent possible problems, you need to start the day right and do your work meticulously.

The full moon is considered the best time for any rituals aimed at achieving financial success and well-being. A money ritual with coins from the famous psychic Nadezhda Shevchenko can help you significantly improve your financial situation.

On the day of the full moon, you need to carefully monitor your health. In addition to emotional fatigue, at this time the following are possible:

  • nervous breakdowns;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • injuries and bruises;
  • sleep disturbance.

To maintain good health and positive thinking, try to follow a sleep and eating schedule, devote more time to rest and not overload yourself with household responsibilities.

Full Wolf Moon is always special

The wolf is a symbol of intuition and awareness of our inner essence. Therefore, if you are planning to start making plans for the year, make sure that these are your plans, and not the plans of your loved ones or your bosses. And also remember that the evening of May 11 is an excellent opportunity to connect your mind and your subconscious together, make them work together. So try to think about something really important this evening - you may come to unexpected conclusions!

The name of the January full moon was given by the American Indians, who believed that it was during this month that wolves howled at the moon especially zealously. And despite the fact that scientists long ago refuted the connection between lunar cycles and the desire of forest orderlies to communicate, the name stuck.

Many pagans consider wolves to be a kind of “totem” of this time, which brings us a number of lessons useful for learning right now. And meditating on them can be a great way to prepare for a celebration or even an idea for rituals.

Wolves are social animals

Living in a pack, they adhere to clear principles of hierarchy and communication rituals. Thanks to this they do not have natural enemies in nature, because where one wolf can become a victim, the pack will be a predator.

In a person’s life, his social activity is also the key to survival. It was thanks to the fact that our ancestors united that they could survive the January cold. While some were preparing food for the winter, others were building warm houses, and still others acted as defenders from external threats. In winter, social skills took over as everyone gathered around the warm fire. This is a time of communication, passing on traditions from the older generation to the younger, and making joint plans for future periods of time. And losing the support of loved ones in winter was considered greatest sorrow which often led to death.

Worth thinking about

What is the condition of your social activity at this moment? Perhaps there is something you can do to bring her into a more harmonious state? What place “in the pack” do you occupy (in your work team, family, among friends) and to what extent are you in “your place”? Does your “pack” support you or drag you down?

Wolves are sociable animals

Scientists have long proven that wolf howl has nothing to do with the phases of the moon or the time of year. This is a method of communication through which they can exchange information many kilometers away from each other. In addition to “verbal” communication in a pack, there is also whole line ways to find out “how you are doing”: body movements, sniffing and eating rituals. All this makes the flock a single organism capable of surviving even in the most negative conditions.

Many researchers note that every year communication skills become more and more valuable among people. Headhunters are inundated with requests specifically for “sociable and open-minded employees who can make a friendly team out of a team,” and team building specialists have emerged as a separate, in-demand specialty. And even if we move away from work issues, each of us is faced with the most different ways communications that allow you to reveal your potential to the fullest, find like-minded people and up-to-date information. Social media, seminars, meetings on interests, discos and clubs - these are all places where you can realize your potential precisely through the ability to communicate.

Worth thinking about

How do you rate your social skills? What does your speech, manner of dressing and behavior tell others? What “message” do you bring to this world? Perhaps you can somehow adjust and improve your communication skills in order to be more successful and realize your strengths more effective? Who are you currently communicating with and how much do these people help you grow? Perhaps there are those with whom contact has been lost for some reason, and today it is worth correcting this misunderstanding?

Feed the wolf's feet

If the flock stops, it will most likely die. Constant running, searching for food, and chasing prey allows wolves to never go hungry. However, it is not only the fact of movement itself that is important, but also its thoughtfulness. Strategy and tactics allow wolves to emerge victorious from the most unfavorable situations, cut off weak individuals from the herd and drive down large game.

The ability to set long-term goals, as well as develop the most effective strategy for achieving them, distinguishes successful people from “executive” people. In addition, as psychologists note, having goals and meaningfulness in life allows a person to survive in the most difficult situations(for example, during imprisonment in concentration camps, which can be read about in Frankl).

Worth thinking about

What goals do you have? Are you going towards your dream or does life “happen” to you? What can you do to become more goal-oriented? Do you have a plan for the current year or at least the month? Make and compare lists of what you “want to achieve” and what you “need to do”; do they match or are you not living your life? Where are you headed and what might your current trajectory lead to?

Wolf pack - big family

Wolves will lay down their lives for their puppies, and not only the parents, but the entire pack will come to their defense. There are even cases of revenge against hunters who drove wolf cubs. The social interactions of these animals also show many family customs. In particular, a male will never harm a female; his instincts will not allow it.

Previously, family was the key to survival among people. In the absence of pensions and social benefits It was she who helped the young get back on their feet and the old people not die of hunger. Despite the fact that today a person may be “alone in the field,” the role of the family continues to be extremely important. The world's largest capitals are “family” ones. People who are supported by family are generally more successful and resilient than those who are alone. The most important positions are trusted to “their own”, as they will not betray.

Worth thinking about

What is the current state of your family? What can you do to strengthen family ties? How can you show your loved ones that you love them? Do you know your family history? What ideas and values ​​do your loved ones live by?