Water Dead Sea it is difficult to call it water - it would be more correct to say “a strong solution of salt”, since the concentration of all kinds of salts in this water reaches 42%. To create such a solution at home, you will have to pour three bags into the bath table salt and manage to stir it until completely dissolved.

* The age-old question about the chicken and the egg in the Bible the solution is simple - in chapter 1 of the Book of Genesis, it is clearly stated: “...And God created great fish... and every feathered bird... And God saw that it was good.” So the chicken came before the egg.

* The Roman Empire had more than 80,000 kilometers of stone-paved roads. Many of these roads have survived and are still in use today, requiring no repairs.

* In the old days in Rus', rolls were baked with a handle resembling a bagel. It was customary to eat the kalach while holding the handle, and after eating it, throw away the handle or give it to the poor. This is where the expression “get to the point” arose.

* One of the most honorable occupations in Rus' was that of a spitter - one who sowed turnips. Turnips have very small seeds: there are more than a million of them in one kilogram. It is impossible to sow them by hand. The seeds were spit out, and good spitters were highly valued.

* By decree of the Russian Empress Elizabeth in 1746, the branding of criminals with hot irons was legalized. It was this decree that gave birth to a new epithet, still applied to rogues and swindlers - burnt.

*Until 1885, vodka in Russia was sold to take away only in buckets (12.3 liters).

* A shabby appearance has nothing to do with the meal. “Shabby” in Peter’s times was the name given to the coarse fabric from which the cheapest clothes were made in the factories of industrialist Ivan Zatrapeznikov.

* Policemen received the nickname “garbage” not because household waste. The fact is that before the revolution, the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department was called the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department. The offensive nickname came from the abbreviation ICC.

* IN Old Church Slavonic alphabet the letter X was read as “her” (short for cherub). From it comes the word “poherit” in the meaning of “crossing out something on paper with a cross.”

* Dead Man's Chest is not a chest at all, but an uninhabited island in the Caribbean Sea, with an area of ​​only 200 m2. At the beginning of the 18th century, the formidable pirate captain Edward Teach landed 15 rebels here and left them only a bottle of rum, dooming them to certain death from thirst and hunger. However, the rebels survived and were returned to the ship a month later. In their honor, the pirates composed a famous song.

* Tarif is an island in the Mediterranean Sea where port parking fees were first charged during Arab rule in the 8th century.

* By order of the Admiralty of England, in order to prevent theft, since 1776, red thread began to be woven into all ropes for the navy during production. The thread was woven in such a way that it could not be removed even from a small piece of rope. This is where the expression “a thought running like a red thread” arose, that is, a thought without which the narrative cannot do.

* In 1791, the British authorities began an active fight against superstitions among sailors. On the twice-cursed day, Friday the 13th, construction of a large ship began at the shipyard. Without fear of sin, they called him “Friday.” The ship was launched, of course, also on Friday, and it sailed into the foggy distance. Since then, no one has seen either the ship or the crew...

* In England in 1812, a law was passed, which is still in force, according to which all morgues are equipped with a bell with a rope so that the “dead person” who awakens from lethargic sleep can call for help.

* Headless flatworm grows a new brain, complete with all the old memories.

* There are still whales alive in the world that were born before Moby Dick was written in 1851.

*The communication system of dolphins is so developed that each dolphin has its own name, to which it responds when its relatives address it.

* Koala fingerprints are indistinguishable from human fingerprints even under a microscope.

*Each zebra has a unique pattern of black and white stripes, similar to human fingerprints. A zebra cub recognizes its mother by the drawing. The first time after the birth of a foal, she shields him from her relatives with her body so that he remembers her coloring.

*Each cat's nose print is unique, no two prints are alike.

* Unlike humans, animals do not produce the enzyme to break down the alkaloid theobromine. If a dog eats a chocolate bar, it will die.

* Wolves form resistant married couples, persisting throughout life.

* Mosquitoes are the most dangerous animals on Earth for humans. Carriers of more than a hundred deadly diseases (including malaria, yellow fever and encephalitis), they kill up to 3 million people every year.

* One of the most interesting secrets nature - the secret of beaver engineering. During the construction and repair of dams, beavers in some unknown way carefully coordinate their actions. Hundreds of animals took part in the construction of the largest known dam, which is more than a kilometer long. Beavers work in shifts, in small “teams” and at the same time strictly adhere to the general plan.

* Quills protect hedgehogs from the cold no worse than skins protect other animals.

* All polar bears are left-handed.

* If bat is sick and cannot fly out to hunt, her neighbors feed her.

* A chameleon's eyes move independently of each other, so it can look in two different directions simultaneously.

* Duck quacks don't echo, and no one knows why.

* The Bounty Islands have nothing in common with the tropics. These are barren subantarctic uninhabited islands in Pacific Ocean, on which only penguins, albatrosses and seals are found.

* Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean is so deep that if you throw a coin into it from the surface of the water, it will take more than an hour to reach the bottom.

* The moon is shaped like an egg and appears round only because its thick end is turned towards the Earth.

* In addition to the Moon, 6 more asteroids accompany the Earth, moving in its orbit around the Sun. One of them is Kruinha, with a diameter of more than 5 km, located 15 million kilometers from the Earth. So, with some stretch, we can say that the Earth has 6 moons, and not one.

* The Greek Sirtaki dance is not a folk dance - it was invented in 1964 for the Hollywood film “Zorba the Greek”. Even the name of the dance was invented - it was suggested by the performer leading role, American actor Anthony Quinn, and the music for the dance was composed by Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis. After the release of the film, sirtaki became the most popular Greek dance in the world and one of the symbols of Greece.

* Chocolate is not harmful to teeth; moreover, it slows down the development of caries. Is it true, we're talking about not about milk chocolate, but about dark chocolate.

* The inscription “cholesterol free” on packages of vegetable oil is nothing more than an advertising gimmick. Cholesterol can only be found in animal fat. In addition, the harm of dietary cholesterol is greatly exaggerated - we get only 20% of this vital substance from food, the remaining 80% is produced by our body.

* The human heart is located in the chest not on the left, but in the middle.

* Yawning cools your brain the same way a fan cools the insides of a computer.

* Sneeze with with open eyes impossible.

* There is no yellow race. A typical Chinese is no yellower than a typical Frenchman.

* In winter, first of all, you need to take care of your gloves, not your hat. A person in the cold loses more heat from the surface of his hands than from his uncovered head.

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There are words that we often hear in the news or even use in speech ourselves, but cannot visualize. We just have a poor idea of ​​what the objects they represent look like.

website I decided to bring some clarity and talk about these mysterious things.

10. Black box

Paradoxically, the modern black box is mostly an orange ball. There are several versions why it was called that:

  • The first flight recorders were rectangular and black, like the one on the left.
  • Due to their mystery - after all, their content remained a secret to almost everyone.
  • The first recorders became black with soot after a plane crash.

9. DNA

Everyone knows very well what the famous DNA helix looks like. But few people know that it can be seen with the naked eye due to the length of the molecule.

To do this, you need to prepare a solution (you can do this at home, see instructions or). The DNA in it will look like a thread-like sediment that can be wound on a stick and even dried to form a fibrous substance, as in the photo.

8. Mastodon

The mastodon is a huge, woolly, proboscis animal with massive tusks. This giant lived on our planet even before the appearance of mammoths.

In fact, in appearance the mastodon is very close to the mammoth, and a non-specialist would easily confuse these two mammals.

7. Gibraltar

Gibraltar - overseas territory Great Britain, which is located in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, is close to the Spaniards.

It's pretty interesting place: on a piece of land with an area of ​​only 6.8 square meters. km speak English and use the pound, and for Strait of Gibraltar Africa is visible. Gibraltar is also the only place in Europe where monkeys live.

6. Bitcoin

To be precise, Bitcoin does not look like anything - it is a digital currency without a physical embodiment.

Since 2011, there have been “cash bitcoins”, which were issued by the company Casascius Bitcoin Mint. The coins contain an address and a key hidden under a hologram.

These tokens and cards are used for cash payments, and numismatists are also hunting for them.

5. Tarantula

The large hairy spider that many people think of when they hear this word is a tarantula, which is not even related to the real tarantula.

Tarantula much smaller in size, it lives in the south of Eurasia and can bite - it hurts, but is generally not dangerous. This confusion came from the fact that once all major or dangerous spiders called tarantulas.

4. Barrel of oil

IN Lately This expression is heard by many. The American oil barrel is a unit of measurement for the volume of oil, which is equal to 158.987 liters, and it looks like this barrel.

Our world is full of amazing things. We are told about some at school, and about some we learn from Everyday life. But there are also those that few people know about, but in vain! After all, facts that do not fit into our usual order of things only broaden our horizons and remind us of what strange planet we still live.

1. What is an avocado?

Despite the opinion of the majority, this is not a vegetable or even a fruit, but a berry.

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

2. Do you know what triboluminescence is?

This is exactly the process that happens to a sugar cube when it is crushed. If you watch this in the dark, you can see how the sugar glows.

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

3. Sharks are real long-livers.

Some of them are even older than many old trees.

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

4. Half of the population of our planet has never seen snow in real life.

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

5. Squirrels, like cats, can “purr.”

Few people know about this, because they are most often wary of coming close to a person.

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

6. What do you think is the best-selling item in the world?

Considering that Apple technology is in second place - surprisingly, this is the Rubik's Cube!

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

7. The hummingbird is an amazing bird, not just because of its size, appearance or speed.

It is also the only bird that can fly backwards! But at the same time he cannot walk. Isn't it strange?

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

8. The inventor of the telephone never called his mother or his beloved wife in his entire life.

Not because he didn’t want to, but because he couldn’t - they were both deaf. So he really invented this device for humanity, and not for personal purposes.

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

9. Rain of frogs is not something out of a fairy tale.

In Mexico in 1997, there was a whole storm of these small creatures. This kind of rain probably doesn't make you feel the most pleasant.

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

10. You don't smell while you sleep.

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

11. Modern Eskimos do not buy refrigerators to cool food.

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

12. There is hundreds of times more gold hidden in the World Ocean than has been mined by humanity in its entire history.

Just think - at the bottom of the ocean there is a treasure that can turn the world economy upside down!

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

13. Canada is an Indian word that translates to “big village.”

Although, the name no longer suits it, because Canada is one of the most developed countries With high level well-being.

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

14. The most popular and used word all over the world is okay (Okay, OK)

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

15. Have you noticed what a sharp sound a whip makes when struck sharply?

This happens because its tip moves during impact. faster speed sound.

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

Victoria Demidyuk

The human psyche is such an unknown and strange matter that scientists have been trying to discover all its secrets for many years, but not always successfully. However, today many are already known psychological facts, which will help you better understand yourself and explain many phenomena.

What combination of colors do we perceive very poorly?

It turns out that if there are things or objects of red and blue colors, then this combination is very difficult and even painful for a person to perceive. This effect even has special name- “eromostereopsis”. This means that one of the colors seems to dominate, goes first, we perceive it better, but the second one fades into the background and fades. As a result of this effect, our eyes become very tired and irritated. The same thing happens when combining red and green shades.

What do we spend 30% of our lives on?

You won't believe it - like a dream! Of course, these are averages, which means there are people who spend quite a bit of time doing this. a pleasant activity even more time! This does not bode well, especially if dreams come true. By the way, scientists are sure that people who often dream cope with problems more easily and creatively.

A busy person is always happier

This truth is already clear to everyone, but let’s look at another funny example. Let's say that yesterday you took a test, the results of which determine a lot, and today you need to pick it up. The journey to the hospital takes approximately 15 minutes. You arrived during this time, took the test and breathed a sigh of relief. There was no room for impatience, right? Now imagine that you got a ride in 5 minutes, but you still have to wait 10 minutes before receiving the coveted piece of paper. And, believe me, they will be the most painful, since you will not go anywhere, but will torment yourself with different thoughts. Accordingly, when we are busy with something, we are happier.

The world is not quite what we perceive it to be

Scientists have proven that there is no zancheinya, as is the case in the sun of the bkuva, the main thing is that the tochynmi blyi of the first and the village. Even if you mix absolutely all the letters, a person will still understand what is written. It turns out that our brain is designed in such a way that it perceives the entire word at once, and not letter by letter. So it turns out that the way you perceive the information coming to you is not always what you see in front of you. That is, you see “sakzka”, but the brain still records it as a “fairy tale”.

We can't do several things at once

Even if you think that you can perform several actions at the same time, you are mistaken. Many will object that I can stir soup with one hand and calmly talk to my friend on the phone with the other. Yes, this is true, but still at this particular moment your brain will be focused on doing one thing. So either over-salt the soup, or you won’t understand what you and your friend were talking about.

Each time we remember the same event differently

It sounds strange, but it's true. We all love to remember the past, replay certain moments in our memory. And if you think that every time you see the same memory as a recorded video, where nothing will change, then you are mistaken. Please note that every time you remember the same event differently, you change it. This happens because our neural pathways are activated in completely different ways, because they try to fill in what you cannot remember.

We will always blame others, but not the situation itself.

The following case is probably familiar to everyone. You called someone and agreed to meet at a certain time. You are lucky to arrive on time, but for some reason the person is late. You begin to get nervous, angry with him, attribute to him unpunctuality, irresponsibility and other sins. If you are delayed, be sure to blame everything on the circumstances, situation, transport, etc., but not on yourself.

This selection will definitely expand your horizons. Look!

Why are eyebrows needed?

This is a natural “headband” that we inherited from our ancestors. Eyebrows prevent acrid sweat and raindrops from rolling down from your forehead directly into your eyes. There is a possibility that the invention of umbrellas and hats, as well as the ruthless evolution over the coming millennia, will remove eyebrows from the list of organs necessary for survival and procreation. Because of this, women of the fourth millennium will no longer need to track discounts on plucking and styling on beauty salon Instagrams.

How does dirt appear in the navel?

Accumulation of dirt in the navel - no joke - the most mysterious physical process on the human body. Austrian chemist Georg Steinheiser studied the formation process and composition of “umbilical mud” and published the results of his scientific research in 2010. It turns out that during the day, the hairs around the navel collect fibers from clothing and push them inside, where they mix with dust particles, beads of sweat and microscopic particles of skin, falling into clumps. To combat this scourge, says Steinheiser, you can either shave the hair around the problem area or get a piercing: the metal will repel dirt and there will be nothing to pick out in the shower in the evenings.

What does the subway smell like?

Creosote is a special chemical used for lubrication. wooden sleepers and other details of the metro. In the quantities in which it is in the air at stations, it is non-toxic and does not cause any unpleasant effects, except for reactions in allergy sufferers. In the subways of other cities (New York, Tokyo, London and even CIS cities - Minsk and Kyiv) this characteristic smell is not present.

If the mother of Russian cities is Kyiv, then who is the father?

First we need to figure out why Kyiv is still a “mother”, despite masculine. The pre-revolutionary spelling of Kyiv is “Kiev”. Solid sign at the end in the 19th century it did not sound at all, but denoted the hardness of the previous consonant sound. But in IX it was pronounced as an unstressed “o” (for example, like the first two “o” in the word “milk”). During the reign of Prince Oleg, who called Kyiv “the mother of Russian cities,” the word was read as “Kieva” and belonged to the feminine gender. The pope of Russian cities, according to historians, is Novgorod. It was built before Kyiv, and served as an important trading hub - it was the beginning of the legendary route “From the Varangians to the Greeks.”

Do penguins have knees?

There are two sets. The first is the so-called tarsus, which looks like a backwards-turned knee, which almost all birds have, and a real functional knee that connects the femur and tibia.

The problem is that the penguins' tarsus is too close to the foot, and the knee itself is too close to the body. Therefore, the lower legs of penguins look like a solid, rigid structure.

Where does the excavated soil go after the construction of the metro?

She doesn’t disappear anywhere without a trace. Depending on the quality of the resulting soil, the soil is sent either for processing and disposal in technical enterprises, for example, for construction projects in Moscow and the region, or, if it good quality, for landscaping parks and forest areas.

What dreams do blind people see?

People who are blind from birth actually see dreams that do not have visual images. Dreams may contain sounds, smells and touches in various combinations, but they will not even have color or light elements. People who have lost their sight during their lifetime experience normal dreams. Their brightness decreases year after year: colors disappear and images blur, until eventually they fade to zero.

Why do traffic police officers have striped batons?

The contrasting black and white coloring is equally noticeable both in the city and in the field at any time of the day and in any weather. The traffic police came to the idea of ​​painting the batons black and white 77 years ago. Before this, back at the beginning of the century, until traffic lights appeared and the flow of cars grew to the modern endless traffic jam for the entire city, traffic controllers first made do with completely white and then red-yellow batons, similar to lightsabers from " Star Wars" Then the USSR launched a bold but unsuccessful experiment: for several years they made do with white gloves and a special set of gestures. It was after the fiasco of this venture that the traffic controllers were given the famous black and white sticks.

What is the most popular word in Russian?

A special organization of linguists monitoring the state of the Russian language found out in 2014 that the most popular word in Russian - the interjection “damn”, which is used in speech even more often than the pronouns “I” and “you”. This says a lot about the state of modern Russian speech.

Will a gun fire in space?

It will definitely shoot once. A bullet, devoid of air friction, gravity and other obstacles, will fly for a very long time and very far (quite likely millions of kilometers) until it falls into the gravitational zone of a star or extinguishes inertia in another way, but the shooter will have to fight with the recoil from shot, spinning around its axis and coping with nausea and disorientation. The second, third and other shots may well not happen: in order for some parts of the gun to work as required, they need an air gap to compensate for the friction of the parts. So every shot in space will render the gun unusable a thousand times faster than on Earth.

What causes "butterflies in the stomach"?

Adrenalin. For the brain, falling in love is very little different from other types of stress, such as grief or danger. This is why lovers eat little and sleep poorly. As soon as a person sees a loved one, the brain recognizes this as a stress signal and begins to pump adrenaline through the vessels. Please note: you most likely experienced the same sensations in your stomach before important exam or before an important interview.

Why don't people sneeze in their sleep?

First, you need to understand how people sneeze: the brain receives information about irritation, transmits a signal to the chest muscles to fill the lungs with air, closes the holes in the throat and gives a signal to exhale. The air ends up exploding through the nasopharynx. You can’t sneeze in a dream because problems occur at the very first stage: the brain receives a signal about irritation, but due to the fact that nervous system works in a suppressed “sleep” mode, and cannot do anything about it except wake up the owner if the irritation is strong enough. And then, you won’t be able to sneeze immediately after getting up: the nervous system has not yet entered working mode.

Why are some dreams so difficult to remember?

During sleep, norepinephrine is not released - a hormone that, among its other duties, is responsible for fixing memories in long-term memory. Interesting detail: norepinephrine is released during lightning stressful situations: injuries and burns, as well as during serious nervous shocks, states of anxiety and fear. This is why nightmares and disturbing dreams are much more memorable than good dreams.

Why do some drinks taste bad after brushing my teeth?

The toothpaste contains sodium lauryl sulfate. It is added as a foaming agent, which makes brushing your teeth easier and distributes the paste more evenly throughout the mouth. The substance is not considered harmful, but may cause allergic reaction or irritation. Another thing is that upon contact with the tongue, sodium lauryl sulfate suppresses the receptors responsible for sweetness. In addition, the component temporarily destroys the phospholipid layer, which suppresses the bitterness of food. So it turns out that the taste of food and drinks that a person consumes immediately after thoroughly brushing his teeth changes beyond recognition and not for the better.

Why does ice cream hurt my forehead?

The effect is called “brain freeze” and is observed in a third of people living on earth. Unpleasant pressing sensations in the forehead or behind the ears are caused by the fact that from the cold in the mouth (specifically in the palate), the brain is “scared” that the cold will soon reach it, and begins to urgently pump warm blood to itself. Because of this, blood flow is disrupted for some time, and unpleasant sensations arise in the head. In science, the effect is called sphenopalatative ganglioneuralgia. You can make warning stickers and use them to mark ice cream in stores.

What happens to the pages of deceased people on social networks?

In most cases - nothing. Automatic page deletion after a certain period of inactivity in many in social networks still no. For example, pages on Facebook, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte remain forever. However, Twitter deletes a profile in which no new posts have appeared for more than six months. In other cases, pages change status. Facebook allows you to turn a user profile into a “memorial”. To do this, you need to send a copy of the death certificate to the network administration. The status of the page will change - the inscription “In loving memory of...” will appear, and you can continue to leave comments and entries on the wall. When changing status, access to personal correspondence is not transferred to either relatives or other close people. Your secrets will definitely remain yours forever. A single solution to the problem of the social network has not yet been developed, but in the coming years it is already worth having in stock: around 2050, the number of pages of the dead will be equal to the number of profiles of the living, and then the ratio will change in favor of the dead.