Since I'm talking about African continent, then it’s worth saying what he did for the opera. Namely, he gave the world amazing African-American artists who sing with great skill and knowledge.

These are real stars that have traveled the world, but I’m willing to bet that many experts simply don’t know them. So here they are - revealing a few names that are worth remembering...or remembering.

This Ohio native has performed at La Scala, the Metropolitan Opera, and in Berlin, Paris, Rome and London. Critics remembered him for The Barber of Seville, Daughter of the Regiment. He performed with Renée Fleming, “the gold standard soprano.”

The owner of this powerful soprano was born in India, but has since toured successfully throughout the world. She has performed in New York and with the South African Opera in Cape Town. I love her, if only because she prefers Verdi.

Here is her Paris performance in 2007.

When he was studying at high school in New York, he was invited to sing backup for Mariah Carey. But he chose the classical direction. He considers opera to be a mirror of society and Hollywood. He believes that representatives of all nationalities and races should perform on the opera stage.

He says that everyone who attends the opera for the first time is surprised that no one sings with a microphone. He often travels to Harlem and also performs in American and European theaters. Spent two months in South Africa, where he played Don José in Carmen. All the performers in the production were African.

A beautiful soprano from the West Coast of the USA. She has performed in Melbourne, San Francisco, and Carnegie Hall. She played Desdemona in Othello. Recorded Verdi's Requiem.

This is an interesting guy. Born and raised in New Orleans - an unfortunate land, practically destroyed natural disasters. He graduated from several universities and now works in New York at the Metropolitan Opera. And before that I sang right in Switzerland in opera house city ​​of Basel. Played Mephistopheles in Faust.

But here he is in Hades. Sorry there are so many Verdis.

She came to the opera thanks to the Metropolitan Opera's assistance program for young artists. Extremely popular in Germany. She even received the title of “Chamber Singer” (Kammersängerin). She performed in Finland. On discs you can listen to her performances of Wagner operas. She made her debut in Gershwin's Porgy and Bess at the Metropolitan Opera. She worked with Rostropovich and even Bobby McFerrin.

Ave Maria performed by her.

Here's another short video.

There are still many interesting and talented performers about whom we know not so much. So if you have any other interesting new names, please share, don’t be secretive!

Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra- Legend of American music of the 40s - 60s. Frank's songs are included in the golden collection of world music. An unforgettable voice and a special, soft style of performance conquered the whole world. Frank Sinatra was also a very popular actor and showman.

Ray Charles

Ray Charles(Ray Charles)- Black American composer and singer. Fate took away Ray's sight, but that didn't stop him from becoming greatest artist 20th century. Ray Charles is unofficially considered the father of jazz and rhythm and blues. For my creative life he released more than 70 albums that captivated listeners with their energy.

Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry - American singer and composer of the late 50s and early 60s. King of rhythm and blues. His super hits were covered by many rock stars, including the Beatles. Chuck Berry's most famous hit "Maybellene" made the singer famous. Subsequent songs were no less popular and loved by the people.

Marvin Gaye

Marvin Gaye- American singer and showman. King of rhythm and blues. Fame came after performing the hit "Pride and Joy". In 1965, Marvin entered the top ten best performers America. Every song of his is a masterpiece.

Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley- King of Rock and Roll. The song "Heartbreak Hotel" brought worldwide fame. Until the English invasion (The Beatles) did not leave the first places of the charts in Europe and America. Elvis's enormous popularity brought the singer fabulous fees. The concerts were always sold out. Americans still revere Elvis and organize grandiose shows of the singer's doubles.

Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan - Outstanding American composer and singer. IN early years was not performing on stage when his songs were rising to the top of the charts. Only in 1965, Bob released his first solo album, which won the hearts of rock music lovers. The circulation of his album has exceeded one million. Subsequent albums were no less popular.

Little Richard

Little Richard- American singer and composer. One of the founding fathers of rock and roll. It was he who came up with the characteristic rhythm rock and roll, which took the music world by storm in the late 50s and early 60s. All of Richard's super hits were covered by leading rock and roll stars and helped them climb to the top of the musical Olympus.

Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Hendrix- Singer and guitar virtuoso. He pioneered new electric guitar tones and literally paved the way for heavy rock music. The black musician with the band of the same name recorded more than 200 hits. Jimmy died from an overdose of sleeping pills in 1970.

Otis Redding

Otis Redding- American singer and guitarist. In his short life span (he died in a plane crash), he managed to become famous throughout the United States for 26 years. He worked in the soul style. His songs “These Arms Of Mine”, “Pain In My Heart” and others have repeatedly reached the top of the US charts. Otis is recognized as a classic of the soul style.

Roy Orbison

Roy Orbison- American rock musician and singer, especially popular in the 60s. One of the founders of rock and roll. "Oh Pretty Woman", "Only The Lonely" and other super-hits topped the charts in Europe and America in the mid-60s.

Sam Cooke

Sam Cooke - African-American singer - a leader among soul singers. Many consider Sam to be the progenitor of this style. His single "You Send Me" was Starting point to the heights of glory. Sam Cooke's subsequent songs were also very popular in the world.

Dean Reed

Dean Reed - American singer and film actor. Because of his left-of-center views, he was blacklisted as singers in the United States and was forced to leave his homeland forever. He was a beloved artist in the USSR. He starred in anti-American films and sang revolutionary songs against genocide and wars.

Black actors have long occupied an important place in modern cinema. The times of racial intolerance are long gone, and today they, along with everyone else, are fighting for the most prestigious film awards in the world. We will tell you about the best of them in this article.

Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman is considered the standard among black actors. He became famous thanks to his characteristic calm voice and skill as a storyteller, which he repeatedly demonstrated in many films. He was repeatedly nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe. The actor has one Oscar statuette for Best Supporting Actor in Clint Eastwood's sports drama Million Dollar Baby. In 1990, he received a Golden Globe for Best Actor for Bruce Beresford's dramatic comedy Driving Miss Daisy.

Most viewers know him from Frank Darabont's drama "The Shawshank Redemption", David Fincher's thriller "Seven", Paul McGuigan's crime thriller " Lucky number Slevin" and Rob Reiner's tragicomedy "Until I played in the box."

Freeman also tried himself as a director. In 1993, he directed the drama Bopha! This is a political detective story, the action of which takes place in one of the South African cities. The main character is a black police officer who is faced with a difficult choice. Riots begin in the city due to unjustified aggressiveness white officer. The key character must decide which side to take: to support his son, who is an ardent supporter of the fight against apartheid, or to choose a job in the importance and justice of which he believes?

Denzel Washington

Another black Hollywood actor is Denzel Washington. He made his big screen debut in 1974 in Michael Winner's detective film Death Wish. The film is dedicated to the rampant crime in New York in the 70s.

Washington received his first Oscar nomination in 1988. In the biographical drama Cry of Freedom, he played the role of Steve Biko. This is a real-life fighter for the rights of black people. The film takes place in the 1970s in South Africa. The film details the struggle against the ruling regime, which pursues an aggressive policy of racial segregation. Moreover, almost the entire film was filmed in Zimbabwe.

He did not receive the prize that year. The statuette was awarded for his role in Brian De Palma's crime drama The Untouchables. Washington received his first Oscar in 1990 for his portrayal of Private Trip in the historical war drama Edward Zwick's "Glory". In 2000, the black actor won a Golden Globe and a Silver Bear at the Berlin Film Festival for his role as boxer Rubin Carter in Norman Jewison's sports drama The Hurricane.

Samuel Leroy Jackson

Among black male actors, one of the leaders in the number of roles in films is Samuel LeRoy Jackson. He has more than 120 films to his credit. He first acted in films back in 1972. It was a little-known film "Together Forever". The black actor gained universal recognition in 1991 after Spike Lee's drama Rain Fever. Jackson became a superstar after playing in Quentin Tarantino's black comedy Pulp Fiction. For this work he received a BAFTA Award and an Independent Spirit Award.

Jackson has since collaborated regularly with Tarantino. He played in his films “Django Unchained”, “Jackie Brown”, “The Hateful Eight”.

Laurence Fishburne

The list of black actors who have earned fame and recognition includes Laurence Fishburne. He left his name in the history of world cinema by playing in the film adaptation of Shakespeare's drama "Othello" in 1995. Most viewers remembered his name after starring in the Wachowski brothers' sci-fi action film "The Matrix." For his role in this cult film, he received an MTV Award in the “Best Fight” category.

In 1994, Fishburne received his only Oscar nomination for his portrayal of American blues musician Ike Turner in the film What Love Can Do. As a result, the award went to Tom Hanks for the legal drama Philadelphia. His career also includes many theater roles.

Ving Rhames

Among black male actors in Hollywood, Ving Rhames plays a prominent role. He began his career with Broadway productions. In the mid-80s he came to television. His first notable work became the role of the father of writer James Baldwin, which he played in the autobiographical drama “Go Tell Me from the Mountain.” Rhames often starred in Vietnamese westerns. He played in Adrian Lyne's dramatic mystical thriller Jacob's Ladder.

Fame came to him, as well as to Jackson, after Quentin Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction.” Perhaps Rhames' most notable starring role was as Luther Stickell in the Mission: Impossible action film series. In total, the actor has more than a hundred film roles. It is still actively working. In 2017, he starred in Lawrence Sher's comedy Who's Our Daddy, Dude? and James Gunn's fantasy action film Guardians of the Galaxy.

Eddie Murphy

Not a single selection of photos of black actors is complete without mentioning. He reached the peak of his popularity in the 80s. His first major success on the big screen was Martin Brest's action comedy Beverly Hills Cop. His roles in John Landis's comedy "Trading Places", Tom Shadyac's comedy melodrama "The Nutty Professor", Betty Thomas's comedy "Doctor Dolittle", Ron Underwood's fantasy action film "The Adventures of Pluto Nash", Bill Condon's dramatic musical "Dreamgirls", brought him universal love. family comedy fantasy by Rob Minkoff "The Haunted Mansion".

Perhaps this is the most famous black man. In addition to successes, there were many failures in his career. The actor was repeatedly nominated for the Golden Raspberry Award. He even became its owner. For example, in 2008 he received an award for worst actor in Brian Robinsk's comedy melodrama "The Tricks of Norbit." And in 2010 he received the Golden Raspberry in the category of the decade for a whole series of unsuccessful works.

Will Smith

Another successful black actor is Will Smith. He was nominated for an Oscar twice during his career. In 2002, Smith competed for the statuette for Best Actor in Michael Mann's biographical sports drama Ali, dedicated to boxer Cassius Clay. But the victory that year went to Denzel Washington for the dramatic thriller “Training Day.”

In 2007, Smith once again competed for an Oscar for his work in Gabriele Muccino's drama The Pursuit of Happyness. But even that time the award did not go to him. He won for his leading role in Kevin MacDonald's historical drama The Last King of Scotland. Nationwide love Will Smith won after the release of Barry Sonnefeld's fantastic action-comedy film Men in Black. And then the second part of this film. Since then, many have known him as agent James Darrell Edwards.

Despite the fact that the origins of extreme music lie in traditionally “black” or mixed styles like blues and rock and roll, blacks somehow have not taken root in metal - and it’s even difficult (without going into offensive racial remarks) to say why. However, there are exceptions to this rule: talented metal blacks. Today we are talking about them...

2. Derrick Green of SEPULTURA
Yes, yes, many people don’t like him, and “sepultura” is no longer a cake, but be that as it may, the guy does his job... and quite well.

The fathers of hardcore, who turned the punk of the 70s into a completely new, much more brutal and “frostbitten” style.

4. Howard Jones from KILLSWITCH ENGAGE
Part-time amateur.

5. Katon W. De Pena of HIRAX
Thrash metal legend from California.

Stylistically diverse (there is jazz, funk, heavy metal, and psychedelic) pro-Christian group from New York - by the way, they dedicated the umpteenth part of their lyrics to the fight against racism.

According to the "metal archives", the first African-American band in the heavy style (was created in 77). She sang about the end of the world, mass death and... love.

8. Stephen "Thundercat" Bruner and Eric Moore of SUICIDAL TENDENCIES
Another hardcore legend.

9. Byron Davis and Doc Coyle of GOD FORBID
Not a bad thrashcore crew from New Jersey.

10. Caller of the Storms from BLASPHEMY
The guitarist of the longtime Canadian band BLASPHEMY is one of the few black musicians registered in the black metal genre. Truly black metal (even despite the band's somewhat over-the-top sound).

P.S. Continuation of the topic, the second ten, look!

Today, June 19, Zoe Saldana, one of the most beautiful and promising actresses in Hollywood, famous, among other things, for her impeccable style, celebrates her 37th birthday. The American owes her exotic appearance to her Jamaican, Indian, Irish and Libyan roots. Like all actresses with a dancing background, Saldana made her film debut as a dancer in the film “Proscenium,” and earned worldwide popularity thanks to the super-grossing “Avatar.” The personal life of the graceful brunette is of interest almost more than her filmography: a rare partner on the set could resist the charm of the beauty - among them Kate Britton and Bradley Cooper. However, only one gentleman managed to earn Zoya's hand and heart - Italian ex-football player and artist Marco Perego.

Congratulating the birthday girl, ELLE decided to remember other dark-skinned beauties who conquered the star Olympus with their exotic appearance.

The laurels of the main dark-skinned beauty in Hollywood belong to Halle Berry - Bond girl, Catwoman and the first African-American woman in cinema history to receive an Oscar for her performance leading role in film. Women all over the world admire the actress’s sexuality and impeccable figure, but Berry is in her fifties! And the gentlemen in love list actresses to match her, one better than the other - David Justice, Eric Benet, Gabriel Aubry, and now Olivier Martinez, with whom the star went to the altar for the third time.

The daughter of a Kenyan senator and Yale graduate Lupita Nyong'o can boast not only of the fastest time in Hollywood's top league (the actress received an Oscar for her first cameo role in a movie), but also the title the most beautiful woman planet, which many American magazines, including People, proclaimed it to be. According to rumors, Brad Pitt himself, as well as the famous ladies' man Jared Leto, who has been flirting (but so far unrequitedly) with the beautiful Lupita for two years. Nyong'o's exotic appearance has also been noted by leading beauty brands, which have been representing the actress as their ambassador for years.

If People magazine awarded the laurels of the most beautiful woman to Lupita Nyong'o, then the first line in the ranking of the most stylish stars Gave it to Kerry Washington. But more important than her unerring choice of outfits for the red carpet, the beauty is a favorite of film critics and directors. The great and terrible Quentin Tarantino himself cast Carrie in the title role in Django Unchained, allowing her to develop best qualities: acting talent and beauty.

The fact that the Jamaican-born Englishwoman Naomie Harris became the girlfriend of superspy Bond in the next Bond series speaks for itself - only beauties become partners of the legendary film spy. The British woman was so convincing in the role of agent 007’s fighting girlfriend that she was invited to star in the continuation of the story. Even as a voodoo witch in Pirates Caribbean Sea“Harris was so good that handsome Orlando Bloom succumbed to her charms.

Lisa Bonet and Zoe Kravitz

The love of my life and the only one legal spouse Lenny Kravitz actress Lisa Bonet captivated the rocker at first sight - when he saw the girl, he was literally speechless. After six years of relationship, Lenny broke up with her, not coming to terms with the fact that he was not the only one admiring the beauty of his beloved (at that time Lisa acted a lot in films). To this day, the musician calls Bonet the most beautiful of women (and the playboy had many of them). By the way, their fruit Great love, Zoe’s daughter, having inherited all the best from her parents, now also regularly appears in sexiness ratings.