A lot of things have changed over the years, but the TV presenter herself seems to have not changed in her soul, she has not aged. “Sometimes I’m even ashamed of how young I feel,” Vovk admits in an interview

Angelina Vovk was born on September 16, 1943 in a small village in Irkutsk region. There was a second World War, and there was an air force base where her father served as a fighter pilot. After the plane crash, he miraculously survived and flew in the personal crew of Marshal Timoshenko. In the end, he still did not escape his fate - he crashed. In the Yugoslav mountains, their crew, in complete fog, delivered a whole group of generals to some secret meeting. Near the town of Ovala, the plane crashed into the mountains in the fog. After his death, the family, along with two-year-old Angelina, left for Moscow.

The future TV presenter graduated from school in the area of ​​Moscow's Vnukovo airport and focused herself on the Institute foreign languages named after Maurice Thorez. Like any girl, her range of interests was quite wide. She wanted to become a ballerina, singer, doctor, flight attendant (Vnukovo Airport after all) and, finally, a translator. There were no special opportunities then for developing the necessary skills and knowledge that children of wealthy parents have today. But there were free clubs everywhere: Angelina was fond of sports, went to dance and drama clubs, and then to the drama studio at the Palace of Pioneers on Novoslobodskaya.

In the ninth grade I took part in a competitive television audition on Shabolovka. The first round was successful - I read “The Stupid Artist” by Leskov. But in the second round I decided to show Natalya’s monologue before the suicide attempt from Sholokhov’s Quiet Don. Of course, she lacked either female experience or drama. Therefore, they told her: “You are, of course, a good girl, but come to us when you finish school.” Angelina, oddly enough, was not at all upset. Continued to take courses in English to Arbat. Her course teacher lived right on Sobinovsky Lane, where GITIS is. She often invited the girl to her home, and one day Angelina, walking past GITIS from a course, saw an advertisement for admission. Since the Foreign Language exams were later, the girl decided to try to enroll in the acting department. I tried it and got it. Although in her heart she saw herself as a flight attendant and even made several test flights as a flight attendant, but then her mother abruptly changed her mind: “Dad crashed, so I’m afraid for you!”

Angelina grew up in the forest, and apparently there was something in her that was not in surrounding life. She was a thin and slender beauty with long blond (natural) hair and blue-gray eyes. Just at that time, the film “The Witch” with Marina Vladi appeared on wide screens. leading role. This image has become extremely popular. When she walked down the street, the young people turned 180 degrees and followed on her heels.

It was at GITIS that Angelina met her first husband, her classmate Gennady Chertov, with whom all the girls in the course were in love. He became her first love. He had a surprisingly romantic appearance. Although he gave the impression of a rather unapproachable person: so closed and withdrawn. Among the students, he looked like a romantic hero and an unsolved personality. Angelina fell in love with him literally at first sight even before classes began, when everyone was put on a bus and taken to the collective farm to dig potatoes. When she was already sitting on the bus, he entered. And her heart broke into small pieces. And although Gena had an affair with another girl, Angelina still loved him. Then it turned out that he fell in love with her too. As a result, towards the end of the institute they decided to get married. And after graduating from GITIS, Angelina spent almost a year filming in Crimea with the famous poet and aspiring film director Grigory Pozhenyan. He played the hero-sailor, Angelina - his bride. Despite interesting story, the film turned out to be boring and did not bring satisfaction to the actress. Moreover, Gennady was categorically against his young wife wandering around on film expeditions. Angelina returned to Moscow and found that all the theaters were staffed. Her husband constantly told her: “You will disappear on set for months. But you won’t be able to work in the theater, there are intrigues there, you won’t survive with your character. In the theater you need teeth and claws.” He dreamed of them working together.

In the fall of 1968, the Institute of Television at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company was opened. They weren’t recruiting announcers then, but they were recruiting directors. Angelina Vovk was accepted there. After studying there for a year and coming to Shabolovka for directing practice, she suddenly realized that she could not be a TV director. As a result, Angelina and her husband graduated from announcer courses and both ended up in the announcer department of Central Television.

Angelina loved her first husband very much; they were married for 16 years. But gradually both began to realize that the marriage had developed such a crack that was only growing. Due to serious health problems (Vovk underwent several operations) they did not have children. The absence of children accelerated the process of alienation between the spouses, and this ultimately led to divorce.

The second husband of the actress was the Czech Inrdjich. Angelina Vovk starred in Czechoslovakia in a film about studying the Russian language - then there were such programs in every socialist country. And Indřik made the scenery for the show; he was an artist and architect by training. Nobody called him handsome, but he made an indelible impression on everyone. In the Czech Republic, perestroika was already in full swing and capitalism was actively raising its head, and he, a fashionable artist, could afford to come to filming every time. new car. Moreover, he preferred rare cars rather than ordinary ones. Cars were his passion and he loved changing them throughout his life. One day Angelina noticed that this man simply could not take his eyes off her. She bothered to look at him, and then, like in a movie: “Their eyes met, and they looked at each other for a long, long time.” When they walked around Prague, Henry showed her places unearthly beauty, castles, squares. But filming ended, and the actress left for Moscow. He called her every day and said that he couldn’t live without her. In the end, he rushed to Moscow by car. Angelina thought it was fate. They merried. He dreamed that she would move to Prague and built amazing beauty palazzo on the most high point Prague, and this house was completely buried in acacias. He gave her a lot of expensive things, which the actress immediately sold (fortunately, those who wanted to buy them lined up): exorbitant sums were required to pay telephone conversations with Prague.

Angelina flew to Czechoslovakia only once or twice a year; more was not allowed. Their house was not far from the airport, and she saw her beloved from the plane. The actress could not decide to leave for Czechoslovakia for good. Work, mother, sister, brother - all this kept her in Moscow. And Henry didn’t want to move to Soviet Union. And so their marriage continued for 13 years... Angelina had no children in this marriage either. Henry offered to take in the child, especially after the 1988 Armenian earthquake. He told his wife: “Take your favorite books, paintings, take your child and come forever!”, but it didn’t work out. She didn't come. And then she found out that her husband had another woman. This did not surprise her - Henry had always been eligible bachelor.

Angelina Vovk "grew up" from Aunt Lina from " Good night, kids!" into the permanent presenter of "Song of the Year"... But young people still perceive her not as an ordinary TV presenter, but almost as a nanny Arina Rodionovna. She turned from a communist into a follower of Lazarev's teachings. The actress considers this man's lectures the most bright event in your life.

With age, Vovk added coquetry to her appearance: she cut off her bangs and allowed herself a cleavage, whereas previously television presenters were taken en masse to GUM to a special department for party wives and “threw away” identical suits with a clasp at the neck.

A lot of things have changed over the years, but the TV presenter herself seems to have not changed in her soul, she has not aged. “Sometimes I’m even ashamed of how young I feel,” Vovk admits in one of his interviews, “I prefer not to remember any grievances or disappointments in life, I’ve loved everyone for a long time and I’m grateful to God for everything in my destiny. Especially for that great love, which I had the opportunity to experience as a woman. And experience it twice, mind you! And believe me, this is worth a lot."

A truly unique woman, the 71-year-old TV star has no plans to leave the screen. She has a lot of titles and awards behind her. For 35 years, VOVK led the “Song of the Year” and with this achievement even entered the Guinness Book of Records. Angelina Mikhailovna gave an interview, frankly telling our correspondent about the main men in her life.

Many sought her sympathy. Once a crazy Georgian climbed up the balconies of a Sochi hotel all the way up to the eighth floor, and the biggest TV boss was petty mischief for her not reciprocating: first he sent her to “Good night, kids!”, and then completely out of sight, to Japan , for a year - teach the Japanese Russian!

Moreover, the presenter attracts the attention of men who regularly court her. But Vovk is sure that representatives of the opposite sex have selfish intentions and want to make a career at her expense.

Angelina Vovk husbands: Vovk today

In addition to working on television, Angelina Vovk devotes a lot of time to social work, teaching. For four convocations in a row, the TV presenter became a municipal deputy and dealt with issues of children's education and leisure. Now, under the leadership of Angelina Mikhailovna, every year at the All-Russian children's center"Eaglet" on Black Sea coast The international children's festival "Song of the Year" is taking place. At the Institute of Culture, Vovk heads the department of stage speech.

Angelina Vovk – active user Internet, her microblog on Instagram is regularly updated with new videos and photos. In 2018 on new year holidays the TV presenter went to Thailand, which she announced from her page. Fans of the presenter were pleasantly surprised by the video file in which Angelina appeared in a beach suit, emphasizing the slenderness of her legs.

Angelina Vovk husbands: Personal life

Officially, Angelina Vovk was married twice. Her first husband, actor and announcer Gennady Chertov, studied with her at GITIS. The young people married in 1966 and lived together for 16 years. Angelina still considers Gennady the most great love in personal life. Unfortunately, family misunderstandings led to a breakup, and the TV presenters separated.

The second husband turned out to be a foreigner. The Czech artist and architect Jindrich Goetz proposed to Angelina in 1982. The couple were officially in a relationship for 13 years, but did not live together - Jindrich could not move to Moscow, and Vovk did not dare to leave his homeland forever, so the husband and wife saw each other no more than 4 times. 5 times a year.

Later, the TV presenter had another serious affair with a non-public person, but this relationship quickly ended. By the way, many compatriots were sure that Angelina Vovk and partner in the “Song of the Year” program Evgeny Menshov were connected not only by work. Their tandem was considered one of the most beautiful and charming on Soviet television. In fact, there was no romance between them, and at first there was complete coldness in the duet.

She long years was the permanent presenter of “Song of the Year”, and every evening meeting with Aunt Lina in “Good night, kids!” Thousands of boys and girls were waiting. She appeared on screens with a constant smile on her face. In life Angelina Vovk there was great happiness, and endless international calls, and even clinical death.

Gennady Chertov

Angelina Vovk in the film “There Lives a Guy Like This,” 1964. / Photo: www.karl-lvovich.ru

In GITIS, a fragile blonde with expressive gray eyes I was just bathing in love. She was always open and smiling, and also very kind. The boys fought for the right to take her home after class, and her classmates were proud of their friendship with her.

Gennady Chertov in the film "Mother's Heart". / Photo: www.kino-teatr.rf

Despite the many fans, she fell in love with the one who did not notice her at all. Gennady Chertov was handsome, like Gerard Philip, he has a girlfriend and he became a celebrity after filming the film “Mother’s Heart”, where he played the role of Alexander Ulyanov, younger brother Lenin. Angelina Vovk, by her own admission, simply went crazy about him and tried in every possible way to attract his attention.

It turned out that he deliberately ignored the darling of the entire course, although he had long been sympathetic to her. Weddings took place immediately after graduation. He was invited to the Gogol Theater, and she was invited to the Mayakovsky Theater. And here for the first time the young husband showed his domineering character. He decided: theater stage doesn't suit her.

However, he decided a lot in life for her: what dress to buy, where to go to work. Angelina did not complain or grumble, she loved her Genochka very much and was ready to obey him and obey him in everything.

A television

Gennady Chertov did not allow her to film in Odessa, believing that a three-month separation would harm their family. But he personally brought her to television. He became an announcer and helped his wife master this profession. True, Angelina Vovk herself first enrolled in a directing course at the Institute for Advanced Studies at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. But after the first internship, I switched to the announcer course.

She came to Shabolovka, as Valentina Leontyeva once said, as an enthusiastic puppy. She really really liked it Magic world television.

Angelina Vovk, "Good night, kids!" / Photo: www.karl-lvovich.ru

News programs were not for her. Angelina Vovk could not maintain an impartially serious expression on her face for long; she smiled all the time. Thanks to the programs classical music, she became popular among the musical intelligentsia; on Sundays, children hurried to “Alarm Clock,” which she hosted. And after that, many music festivals and programs were associated with Angelina Vovk.

On the set of “Blue Light” Angelina Vovk lost consciousness. She was barely saved after peritonitis. She has undergone several surgeries and clinical death. After several months of illness, she learned to walk again and hold a spoon. Her husband, mother and close friend were constantly on duty near her bed. As soon as the presenter recovered, she was overtaken by new blow: Due to the illness she suffered, she will never be able to have children.

Jindrich Goetz

After her illness, she was sent to Japan for a whole year to host the program “Speak Russian.” She fell in love with this country and even climbed Mount Fuji.

The Japanese business trip was followed by a trip to Czechoslovakia, to film the educational film “Russian Language Lessons” in Prague.

There she met Jindřich Goetz, the chief artist of the Barrandov studio. It was love at first sight. Later, Angelina Mikhailovna admits that the despotic character of her first husband also played a significant role in this. If he hadn't put so much pressure on her about everything, she might not have had the need to change anything in her life. For a long time she could not decide to divorce. But she also considered herself not entitled to live by deceiving her husband.

Angelina and Henry became husband and wife, each continuing to live in their own country. He did not want to live in Russia, and she could not leave her country. Her whole life was here: work, friends, mother. At that time, marriages with foreigners were not encouraged, but for the sake of love, Angelina Vovk was ready to endure any oppression.

In 13 years family life they talked on the phone more than they lived together. Henry was always waiting for her to move in with him. Something was bothering her all the time. Work, then fear of leaving my mother.

And then he stopped waiting. He got another woman.

Never-ending optimism

After the divorce, Angelina Mikhailovna’s problems began to grow like a snowball. At first they wanted to close “Good night, kids!” She found sponsors for this program and convinced the management to keep the program on the air. True, Aunt Lina was no longer invited to the role of presenter in the updated studio. Then there were problems with “Song of the Year,” and she again managed to defend her right to host the song festival until 2006.

At 75 years old, Angelina Mikhailovna is energetic, full of strength and optimism. She goes winter swimming, rides alpine skiing, floats.

Angelina Vovk on the project "Dancing with the Stars". / Photo: www.info-4all.ru

She celebrated her 70th birthday on the floor, taking part in the TV show “Dancing with the Stars.” She is the author, organizer and presenter of the children's music festival “Liver of the Year”, held annually in “Orlyonok”.

Angelina Vovk did not adapt to the system and married a foreigner, her colleague masterfully bypassed strict rules Soviet television.

Angelina Mikhailovna Vovk (September 16, 1943, Tulun, Irkutsk region) - Russian TV presenter.

Life and career

Angelina's father served as a fighter pilot. But he died in 1944. After that, she and her mother moved to Moscow. Here her mother worked as an accountant at the airport. It is not surprising that the girl dreamed of becoming a flight attendant. While studying in the 9th grade, Angelina participated in the television selection on Shabolovka. Then she was advised to come after finishing school. In addition, she was fond of sports and also attended dance and drama clubs.

In 1965, Angelina Mikhailovna graduated from GITIS (acting department). At the same time, she worked part-time as a fashion model. After graduating from the institute, Angelina starred in G. Pozhenyan’s film “Farewell” for about a year. Note that the first husband Vovk was against her acting career. Thus, with his light hand Angelina's life turned in a completely different direction.

1968 – began studying at the Institute of Television on the directors’ course. But she soon realized that this profession was not suitable for her, and decided to take an announcer course. After some time, Angelina was accepted into the broadcasting department of the Central Television. At first, Vovk appeared only in news broadcasts. But very soon she began to conduct various programs, namely:

  • "GOOG night kids!";
  • "Alarm";
  • "Music kiosk";
  • "Blue Light";
  • "Morning Post";
  • "Nanny to the rescue."

1976 – worked as a presenter on Japanese television in the program “Speak Russian.”

1988-2006 – together with E. Menshov she hosted “Song of the Year”. Angelina Vovk has been the host of many other concerts and music festivals. She also hosted the program “ Good morning, Russia!" (Russia-1 channel).

1997 – participated in the filming of the project “Old songs about the main thing-2”

2003 – implements his creative project- children's music festival "Song of the Year". Every year, its main stages are held in the regions of Russia, and the final takes place on the Black Sea coast.

2006 – received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

2012 – elected as a deputy for a term of 5 years.

2012 – began hosting the “Good Health!” program.

2013 – became the host of the “In Our Time” program.

In 2012, Angelina Vovk participated in the TV show “Dancing with the Stars.” Her partner was Oleg Vechkasov.

Angelina Mikhailovna heads the Russian Foundation for Culture and Art. In this regard, she takes part in the propaganda and revival of Russian folk traditions, trades, crafts, musical and oral folk art.

The first husband of the TV presenter was Gennady Chertov, an actor and announcer on Central Television. The couple lived together for 16 years. But in 1982, Angelina Mikhailovna married Czech Jindřich Getz, an architect and artist at the Barrandov film studio. They met when Angelina was filming in Czechoslovakia in a project dedicated to studying the Russian language. This marriage lasted until 1995.

Vovk is engaged in winter swimming and loves skiing.

Angelina Mikhailovna admits that the secret of her youth is trying to live with an open and pure heart. She always treats people around her kindly. In addition, the TV presenter loves to be outdoors.

Rudolf (later Rodion) Rachkov - the hero of Vladimir Menshov's Oscar-winning film “Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears” - argued that over time television will replace everything. There will be no theater, no books, no cinema... Even though his prediction did not come true, it is worth recognizing that television still plays a significant role in people's lives.

Many Soviet and post-Soviet viewers are familiar with the name Angelina Vovk. Sometimes it seems that this woman has held so many concerts and other events - it’s hard to wrap my head around...

But Vovk graduated from the acting department, and then also went to directing courses, but neither one nor the other profession suited her.

Only after completing the broadcasting course did Vovk realize that she had found her calling. But there was a problem here too. Due to poor eyesight, Vovk could not read news on a piece of paper normally, and it was also difficult for her to keep her face serious.

In order not to lose her qualifications, Angelina began hosting children’s programs “Good night, kids!” and “Alarm Clock”, music programs “Morning Mail” and “Music Kiosk”, as well as concerts, festivals, competitions and other programs. It was then that real fame came to her.

Last year, Angelina Mikhailovna celebrated her 75th birthday. And recently, on her Instagram, a woman shared photos from her vacation in Thailand. It turns out that the woman has her own apartment there.

Angelina Mikhailovna keeps herself in shape by skiing. At home, the presenter works out on an exercise bike and treadmill.

In addition, Mrs. Vovk has another hobby in her life - winter swimming.

Among other things, Angelina Mikhailovna regularly visits beauty salons. They say that one cannot do without the notorious “beauty injections”...