When we talk about crabs, we usually imagine small creatures whose size does not even exceed the size of a human palm. But this is far from true: of the approximately 6,800 known (as of 2017) species, barely half are “babies”. Large land crabs, blue and king crabs, Japanese spider crabs and many other relatives in in some cases can reach a meter in length. Their weight ranges from five to twenty kilograms. And their close relatives, such as the palm thief (coconut crayfish), reaching a length of forty centimeters, do not lag behind in size. Given this, it is safe to say that the crab must be a truly large creature. In this article you will learn about the largest of known species crabs and an individual named Claude - the main contender for the title of the largest representative of crustaceans on Earth.

Largest crab species

Before talking about the largest individual, it is worth figuring out what species it could belong to. To do this, we will tell you about the giants of the arthropod world. So, these most often include the following types:

  • King crabs

This is one of the most famous arthropod species in the world - at least because it is its representatives that are most often eaten. These animals live in the Far Eastern waters: Okhotsk, Japan, Bering and Barents Seas. Moreover, in the latter case they were introduced deliberately, to artificially increase their range. Near the coast of Kamchatka, the population of these crustaceans is most impressive. That is why the second name of this species is king crab. Its representatives feed on gastropods.

This species, like the previous one, is a commercial species. Other famous names species - a large land or edible crab. Brown crabs' diet includes smaller crustaceans and molluscs (mainly blue mussels). These animals live in the Atlantic, and according to some sources, in the Black Sea, Mediterranean seas. They live up to thirty years, reaching a weight of up to three kilograms.

These animals are considered the largest arthropods in the whole world: the span of their paws can reach three meters, and their body size excluding legs can be up to forty-five centimeters. The sum of the length of the body and legs of the largest individuals of this species is about four meters. These huge animals feed on carrion, plants and shellfish. The exact lifespan is unknown, but it is believed to be around one hundred years.

Now, having understood the classification a little, we will talk about the largest crab in the world. It belongs to the Tasmanian giant spider crabs. He was caught by fishermen off the coast of Australia. According to measurements taken in 2016, the width of its shell was thirty-eight centimeters and its weight was about seven kilograms.

On this moment In the world, the crab lives in the Sea Life aquarium (Weymouth, UK), whose employees bought it for $5,000, and is a kind of local attraction. He is already officially the largest crab in England, but before the title he is truly the most large specimen it's still a long way off in the world - it's only the largest crab on record at the moment. Although, considering that Claude (as the aquarium employees call him) is still very young, he still has enough time to grow to this honorary title - individuals of his species live, on average, up to twenty years.

Most large crab in the world - spider crab (scientifically “Macrocheira kaempferi”). This interesting creature belongs to the class “higher crayfish,” which includes fairly large animals such as crayfish, crabs, and woodlice. The spider crab belongs to the order of decapods.

Macrocheira kaempferi was named so not by chance, since it was studied by the German biologist Engelberg Kampfer back in 1727. Since then, this amazing creature has become known to scientists from all over the world.

The first mentions of this animal are found in ancient Japanese culture. The spider crab got its name due to the fact that it is incredibly similar to this insect.

The size of the animal is amazing. The diameter of its shell can reach one and a half meters, and the length of its straightened limbs is up to four meters. As for the claws, in some males their size can exceed 40 centimeters. Weight adult reaches 20 kilograms. The main habitat is water Sea of ​​Japan near the islands of Kyushu and Honshu. The crab lives at a depth not exceeding 400 meters.

At the age of ten years the animal reaches sexual maturity. During maturation, the crab lives on great depth, being easy prey for many sea ​​predators. This incredible creation Moreover, it is constantly under attack from poachers. Because of this, there is a sharp decline in the population of these wonderful animals, which need protection to prevent their complete extinction.

An interesting discovery was made off the coast of Australia, where a huge crab weighing 6.8 kg was discovered, which is not related to arachnids. Its width was 38 centimeters. At the moment, only a single copy of this crab has been caught.

Newly discovered biological species called the Tasmanian king crab. Naturally, the largest crab in the world has become the object of desire of many organizations. As a result, the British Sea Life Aquarium purchased this specimen for $5,000.

As a result of comparison, this crab turned out to be ten times larger than its fellows. The aquarium refused to give the magnificent animal to the chefs. The Tasmanian king crab is now a tourist attraction. Knowing what they are Marine life live up to 20 years, it can be assumed that the crab will for a long time delight visitors to the ocean museum.

The most big representative arthropods on our planet - the Japanese spider crab or giant crab (lat. Macrocheira kaempfer). The length of its body including its paws is 4 meters. The Japanese spider crab is a species of crustacean from the infraorder of crabs (Brachyura). Its scientific Latin name Macrocheira kaempferi was named after the German traveler and naturalist Engelbert Kaempfer, who lived in Lemgo, Germany, and was described in 1836 by zoologist Conrad Jacob Temminck from Holland. This is one of the largest representatives of the world's arthropod fauna. The largest individuals of the Japanese spider crab reach 45 cm in carapace length, and the span of the first pair of legs reaches 3 m, and the maximum length of the body with legs reaches 4 m. The crab is equipped with a very powerful weapon– 40-centimeter claws.

The Japanese spider crab lives in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan at various depths. Its body weight reaches 20 kg. The average length of the cephalothorax (body) without legs is 30-35 cm. The optimal depth of their habitat is 150-300 m, but more often they are found at a depth of about 200-300 m. And only during reproduction during oviposition in the spring, the Japanese spider crab rises up to 50 m. It feeds mainly on mollusks, as well as the remains of dead animals. It is believed that the Japanese spider crab lives up to 100 years.

The Japanese spider crab is widely used for food, scientific and ornamental purposes, and is often kept in large aquariums. In the spring, during oviposition, crab fishing is completely prohibited. This is the only one modern look genus Macrocheira. But in ancient times, its other relatives lived, since there are two reports of fossil finds of the species †M. longirostra and †M. teglandi. The taxonomy of these crustaceans has not yet been fully established, therefore this genus is classified either in the family Inachidae or Majidae, or in an independent family Macrocheiridae Dana, 1851.

Japanese spider crab - this one major representative arthropods, inhabitants Pacific Ocean, can most easily be found in the area of ​​​​the islands of Honshu and Kyushu. Here, adult individuals are most often used as a very decorative and unusual animal for aquariums. These giants are truly exotic decorations for any interior. The size of this “monster” is truly amazing, since the Japanese spider crab, also called a giant crab (in English: Giant spider crab) with elongated limbs can reach 4 m! Moreover, males are larger than females.

The largest adult crabs are not suitable for fishing, as they say that their meat is already tasteless. And all due to the fact that they live at a fairly large depth where they most often feed on carrion (fish and shellfish), which over time gives the crab meat a bitter taste. Young crabs that have not yet reached sexual maturity and have not brought offspring are used for fishing. It is their meat that is considered very tender and is a delicacy everywhere, which greatly influences the reduction of their population. This is why Japanese spider crabs need protection, especially during oviposition in the spring when they gather in shallow water. During spawning, females lay about 1.5 million eggs, but only a small proportion of them survive to adulthood. The Japanese spider crab becomes sexually mature approximately when it reaches 10 years of age. Although average duration Their lifespan is 50 years, but sometimes there are specimens up to a hundred years old. ……

The first biologist to publish a description amazing creature, was a German naturalist and explorer Engelbert Kampfer. Since then, namely in 1727, the giant crab has become known to Western scientists. For the first time, information about a huge spider crab is found in ancient Japanese literature. The spider crab got its name because there is an amazing similarity with the insect of the same name.

A record crab was recently caught. This huge crab has already received the nickname “Crab Kong”, but it will still grow. Size giant crab reaches 3 meters in diameter, and when it becomes an adult, it will be able to ride a car. The Japanese spider crab was caught in the Suraga Bay area southwest of Tokyo. The gastronomic qualities of spider crab are highly valued, and it was originally planned to make soup from it. Luckily for the crab, the fishermen contacted biologist Robin James from Weymouth Sea Life, who visited the village just a few weeks ago.

A 40-year-old crab, before he moved to permanent residence in Munich, is the central attraction of the Dorset theme park. Weymouth Sea Life officials believe Crab Kong has "outdone" his 15kg predecessor, Crabzilla, and is the largest crab ever seen in captivity.

The head and thorax of Japanese crabs are covered with a flat and short carapace, which ends in a spiny ostrostrum. Top part The carapace is equipped with numerous tubercles and spines that serve as protection. The weight of these terrible giants easily reaches 20 kg.

Interestingly, this species belongs to the order of decapods, and this is already one of the most famous units crustaceans. Our usual crayfish, who has long become a character in many children's fairy tales. Who would have thought that he had such an outstanding relative!

The giant crab is the only one well-known representative genus Macrocheira, but there are reports of two fossil finds of its close relatives (†M. longirostra and †M. Teglandi). Who knows, maybe on enormous depth they will also discover some interesting relative of the Japanese spider crab.

Giant crab in Blackpool

Senior Marine Curator Chris Brown prepares to relocate a Japanese spider crab called “Big Daddy” to new house at the Marine Animal Center in Blackpool. A giant Japanese spider crab with a claw span of three meters will now take up residence in the Golden Mile enclosure. This is the largest crab living in a zoo in Europe.

The giant spider crab is so huge that if it wanted to walk along the shore, it could theoretically step over a small van of vacationers. Luckily for us, he remains underwater. At a depth high pressure, but a layer of durable chitin protects the shell from being pressed in. The spider crab's leg joints are designed to allow it to move only sideways. Smooth cartilage surfaces reduce friction. Two muscles within each leg segment attach to rods in the next segment. One muscle flexes the joint, the second - straightens it again.

Did you know?

A young spider crab can only grow to adult size if it sheds its hard outer shell. The old shell is discarded, and underneath it a soft inner shell is revealed, which the crab inflates to large sizes before it hardens.

If a spider crab accidentally loses a leg, it grows a new one that gets longer with each molt.

Some species of spider crabs protect themselves by resting near sea ​​anemones Snakelock, and are apparently immune to their burns. Having settled with its back to the central stem of the anemone, the crab is almost completely hidden from view by the tentacles of the anemone hanging over it.

Sometimes spider crabs find themselves washed ashore during the surf, in ponds between rocks, but they cannot survive out of the water.

One type of spider crab feeds on plankton. It hangs from the algae, grasping it with its hind legs, and with its massive claws “sifts” the water in search of edible pieces.

The Japanese spider crab lives in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan at various depths. Its body weight reaches 20 kg. The average length of the cephalothorax (body) without legs is 30-35 cm. The optimal depth of their habitat is 150-300 m, but more often they are found at a depth of about 200-300 m. And only during reproduction during oviposition in the spring, the Japanese spider crab rises up to 50 m. It feeds mainly on mollusks, as well as the remains of dead animals. It is believed that the Japanese spider crab lives up to 100 years.

The Japanese spider crab is widely used for food, scientific and ornamental purposes, and is often kept in large aquariums. In the spring, during oviposition, crab fishing is completely prohibited. It is the only living species of the genus Macrocheira. But in ancient times, its other relatives lived, since there are two reports of fossil finds of the species M. longirostra and M. teglandi. The taxonomy of these crustaceans has not yet been fully established, therefore this genus is classified either in the family Inachidae or Majidae, or in an independent family Macrocheiridae Dana, 1851.

The Japanese spider crab, the largest representative of arthropods that inhabit the Pacific Ocean, can most easily be found in the area of ​​​​the islands of Honshu and Kyushu. Here, adult individuals are most often used as a very decorative and unusual animal for aquariums. These giants are truly exotic decorations for any interior. The size of this “monster” is truly amazing, as it is a Japanese spider crab, also called a giant crab. Moreover, males are larger than females.

The largest adult crabs are not suitable for fishing, as they say that their meat is already tasteless. And all due to the fact that they live at a fairly large depth where they most often feed on carrion (fish and shellfish), which over time gives the crab meat a bitter taste. Young crabs that have not yet reached sexual maturity and have not brought offspring are used for fishing. It is their meat that is considered very tender and is a delicacy everywhere, which greatly influences the reduction of their population. This is why Japanese spider crabs need protection, especially during oviposition in the spring when they gather in shallow water. During spawning, females lay about 1.5 million eggs, but only a small proportion of them survive to adulthood. The Japanese spider crab becomes sexually mature approximately when it reaches 10 years of age. Although their average lifespan is 50 years, sometimes there are specimens up to a hundred years old.

The first biologist to publish a description of the amazing creature was the German naturalist and explorer Engelbert Kampfer. Since then, namely in 1727, the giant crab has become known to Western scientists. For the first time, information about a huge spider crab is found in ancient Japanese literature. The spider crab got its name because there is an amazing similarity with the insect of the same name.

A record crab was recently caught. This huge crab has already received the nickname “Crab Kong”, but it will still grow. The size of the giant crab reaches 3 meters in diameter, and when it becomes an adult, it will be able to ride a car. The Japanese spider crab was caught in the Suraga Bay area southwest of Tokyo. The gastronomic qualities of spider crab are highly valued, and it was originally planned to make soup from it. Luckily for the crab, the fishermen contacted biologist Robin James from Weymouth Sea Life, who visited the village just a few weeks ago.

The 40-year-old crab, before moving permanently to Munich, is the centerpiece of an amusement park in Dorset. Weymouth Sea Life officials believe Crab Kong has "outdone" his 15kg predecessor, Crabzilla, and is the largest crab ever seen in captivity.

The head and thorax of Japanese crabs are covered with a flat and short carapace, which ends in a spiny ostrostrum. The upper part of the carapace is equipped with numerous tubercles and spines that serve as protection. The weight of these terrible giants easily reaches 20 kg.

Interestingly, this species belongs to the order of decapods, and this is already one of the most famous orders of crustaceans. Our familiar crayfish, which has long become a character in many children's fairy tales, also belongs to this group. Who would have thought that he had such an outstanding relative!

The giant crab is the only known member of the genus Macrocheira, but two fossil finds of its close relatives (M. longirostra and M. Teglandi) have been reported. Who knows, maybe some interesting relative of the Japanese spider crab will be discovered at great depths.

Senior Curator of Marine Animals Chris Brown prepares for the relocation of a Japanese spider crab called 'Big Daddy' to a new home at the Marine Animal Center in Blackpool. A giant Japanese spider crab with a claw span of three meters will now take up residence in the Golden Mile enclosure. This is the largest crab living in a zoo in Europe.

The giant spider crab is so huge that if it wanted to walk along the shore, it could theoretically step over a small van of vacationers. Luckily for us, he remains underwater. There is high pressure at depth, but a layer of durable chitin protects the shell from being pressed in. The spider crab's leg joints are designed to allow it to move only sideways. Smooth cartilage surfaces reduce friction. Two muscles within each leg segment attach to rods in the next segment. One muscle flexes the joint, the second one straightens it again.

Did you know?

Recently, one of the British aquariums, located in the city of Weymouth, posted on its website a photo of the big crab in the world. Such a move caused considerable excitement, thanks to which the management of this establishment managed to make good money. However, a fierce dispute soon erupted online regarding whether such giants really live in the world or whether this is another hoax.

What do we know about crabs?

All crabs belong to the class crustaceans. You can meet them in all corners Globe, with the exception of the Arctic and Antarctic. All representatives of this species have five pairs of paws, with one of them ending in sharp claws. The size of a crab largely depends on what species it belongs to. Thus, the largest crab in the world has claws more than 3.5 meters long, and the smallest one itself was no more than 2 cm wide.

By the way, to date scientists have discovered over four hundred species of these animals living both in water and on land. Moreover, the researchers are sure: these are not all representatives of the huge family. Therefore, it is quite possible that brave adventurers will soon find another species of crab, which may be larger in size than all of its relatives.

But until this happens, let's look at it already known to science inhabitants of the seas. Let's find out which one deserves the title "The World's Largest Crab."

Large land crab

The name of this type of crustacean speaks for itself. True, for a Russian person his second name is more familiar - brown crab. It lives in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, and some of its representatives can even be found in the Mediterranean Sea. It has an oval body shape and a pair of medium-sized claws. The shell is in most cases brown or red-brown.

On average, adults grow up to 25 cm in length, which makes them good contenders for the title of the largest crab on the planet. Moreover, their weight can fluctuate between 3-3.5 kilograms. However, science knows cases when large land crab grew to much larger sizes.

Kamchatka crab

Although this species is similar to its relatives, according to scientists, its genetic trace is much closer to hermit crabs. Nevertheless, for a long time it was generally accepted that he was the largest crab in the world. This opinion existed due to the fact that many giants of this species were caught in fishermen’s nets, which later became living examples of their remarkable size.

For example, it is known that sea ​​hunters They caught Kamchatka crabs whose weight reached 10 kilograms. True, similar cases today very rare. Thus, most adult individuals stop growing, reaching 20-25 cm in the width of the cephalothorax. Thus, their weight varies between 5-7 kilograms. And then, such sizes are characteristic only of males, since females are about 2-3 times smaller than them.

Japanese spider crab - the world's largest crab

To date, the title of winner goes to the Japanese spider crab. The size of this species is truly amazing in its scale. Just imagine: if you put this giant on flat surface, then the length from the end of one claw to the end of the other will be about 3.5-4 meters.

On average, the legs of the Japanese spider crab reach 40-50 cm in length. And its weight varies between 15-20 kg. Thus, we can safely say that this species is the winner in terms of the number of giant individuals.

The truth about the inhabitant of the Weymouth aquarium

As mentioned earlier, the world's largest crab, according to the owners of the aquarium, lives in the city of Weymouth. However, how did he get there and is he really the absolute record holder?

It all started when a family of fishermen caught a huge fish off the coast of Australia. Its weight was about 7 kilograms, and the length of its shell was 38 centimeters. Thus, it was one of the largest in the last decade.

After the huge inhabitant of the seas, he bought a famous aquarium. And thanks to its advertising, it became the most famous crab on the planet. True, it cannot be said with certainty that this is the largest representative of crustaceans caught by humans. He's just the only one who managed to become a real star.