Not only hunters, representatives law enforcement and athletes, but also citizens who fear for their lives and safety. This has become especially true in last years in connection with the increasing number of attacks on drivers both on federal highways and in the courtyards of their own homes. Among civilian drivers, truckers most often resort to self-defense devices. Let's consider what rules stipulate the transportation of weapons in a car, what documents you need to have, and what punishment will befall violators.

Who can get a weapons permit

The following persons can purchase a weapons license:

  • Whose age exceeds 21 years.
  • Whose age does not exceed 21 years, but they have served or are currently serving in military units.
  • Who are in the service of state paramilitary organizations.
  • Having military or special ranks, class ranks.
  • Who are over 18 years old and need weapons to wear with national clothes.

The purchase of hunting firearms and pneumatic equipment is permitted only to people who have a hunting license (state or membership), as well as those who have obtained the right to hunt (ownership experience own weapons at least 5 years). A license to use a hunting rifle can be obtained from the age of 18.

Athletes are allowed to purchase weapons with a rifled barrel. To do this they need to provide:

  • Athlete's passport.
  • Certificate confirming sports title for the sport where equipment is needed.

In this case, the athlete must have great achievements and a title in this sport or own his own gun for at least 5 years.

What weapons do not require documents or permission?

Some types of weapons used for self-defense do not require permission in our country. These include:

  • Air pistols in which the muzzle energy does not exceed 7.5 J.
  • Gas cartridges.
  • Steel arms.
  • All kinds of bits, etc.

These types of equipment can be purchased and used without any permits, transported in any convenient place vehicle. But to avoid problems with traffic police officers, it is better to have at least technical certificate subject. Thus, pistols, knives and spray cans are often hidden under the steering column or near the driver’s seat, so that in case of a life-threatening situation they can be quickly retrieved. But in case of causing serious harm to human health by any type of weapon, you will have to answer according to the law. Moreover, in Russia there are often cases when a criminal sentence is assigned to a person who exceeded the level of self-defense and killed or maimed the attacker.

Who does not need to present a permit for the type of activity

  1. Legal entities that transport weapons by car within the territorial regions of the country where the permit was issued and the delivery was registered.
  2. Citizens or officials that transport ammunition or weapons that do not require special registration.
  3. Permission is also not required for military personnel and law enforcement officers, because they are obliged to be guided by the internal charter, as well as the orders of their senior ranks. This applies to both moving around administrative district, and beyond, depending on the charter and decrees of the authorities.
  4. Some types of sporting firearms or other equipment also do not require documentation, but athletes must still have a permit for it, so the document must be there anyway, even if it is not asked.

What do you need to show if you have a firearm?

When transporting, for example, hunting weapons by car and stopping the vehicle by traffic police officers, you will need to present a permit to carry and transport, as well as a passport and license. Permission can be obtained from the local Ministry of Internal Affairs within a month after submitting the appropriate application with the necessary certificates confirming that the person can use weapons. The procedure for issuing permits to carry permissible types of weapons, including hunting ones, is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 814, as well as Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia No. 319 on obtaining a hunting permit.

Rules for transporting weapons across the country

Firstly, guns must be unloaded during transportation and the clip must be removed if possible. This is argued by the fact that when the car hits a hole or any other unevenness in the road, a strong push can cause the trigger to spontaneously release. This can cause damage to the car and frightening the driver and passengers, as well as a serious accident.

Secondly, when transporting a weapon, it must be in a case, no matter what it is. You can use any, but it is better to purchase certified holsters, cases or boxes. It is also possible to purchase a car gun safe that best meets safety regulations. The main thing is that any means for storing and transporting hunting weapons has valid factory certificates and other documents. This is necessary so that when a vehicle is stopped by traffic police officers, they do not have any complaints, and the person transporting the equipment does not have problems with the law.

Thirdly, cartridges must be transported in original packaging or in special plastic boxes, which can be purchased at gun store. They cannot be transported in containers where they come into contact with each other (backpacks, bags, etc.). If used gun safe, then we can assume that the safety of the driver and passengers is ensured at top level, because These safes have special compartments for ammunition.

As for knives and any bladed weapons: they are transported exclusively in cases for the safety of both the driver and passengers. If a person is going to transport gas or traumatic weapons to another region of the Russian Federation, then he needs to have a transportation permit.

Please note that one person can transport no more than 5 guns and 400 rounds of ammunition at a time.

If the quantity of one of them exceeds the norm, then additional rules must be followed:

  • Accompaniment in the form of a group of 2 or more persons armed with firearms who have permission for such activities.
  • Coordination with law enforcement agencies of the planned route and vehicle.

Export and import of weapons across the border of the Russian Federation

The import and export of weapons can be carried out by non-residents or residents of the country. Each category has its own rules.

  1. A non-resident of the Russian Federation is allowed to transport across the border by car only hunting and sporting weapons and only if you have documents (hunting licenses, invitations to competitions, etc.). Bring weapons into the country for self-defense foreign citizens Absolutely forbidden.
  2. A resident of the Russian Federation can import no more than 5 guns by car, provided that they have documents issued by the Central Internal Affairs Directorate authorizing the carrying of this equipment and the import or export. The document also indicates the number of cartridges that are transported. During transportation, all rules described above must be observed.
  3. To import or export, you must undergo certification and customs inspection at the border checkpoint.

Weapons that:

  • already has a certificate or declaration of conformity;
  • transported across the territory of Russia to other countries in accordance with an international agreement (licensing from the country’s customs authorities is required);
  • brought for temporary use in hunting, cultural, historical, sporting events or exhibitions.

Ancient weapons can be taken out of the country only with a permit and a list of registration numbers certified by the Ministry of Culture (especially if the equipment is included in the list of historically important objects).

Responsibility for violating the rules

If a person is caught who has violated the rules for transporting weapons in a car, he faces administrative liability in the form of a fine in the amount of 1000 to 1500 rubles, and when transporting firearms, for example, a hunting violator may be brought to criminal liability, which is expressed in :

  • Restriction or imprisonment (up to 4 years).
  • Forced labor (up to 4 years).
  • Arrest (up to 6 months).

Also, the violator may be charged a fine of 80,000 rubles. or in the amount of income from work for 3 months.

Weapons are too dangerous a cargo to be transported lightly. It is not surprising that the rules for storing, transporting and using weapons are strictly regulated by law. These restrictions fully apply to situations where weapons have to be transported on airplanes. The rules for transporting all types of weapons on airplanes are regulated by the relevant instructions of the Russian Ministry of Justice.

The basic rule of transportation: passengers are prohibited from bringing any weapons into the aircraft cabin or during the flight or carrying any weapons with them. This limitation is quite understandable - the use of even the simplest weapons in the cabin of an aircraft can cause extremely serious problems.

Even we're talking about about a toy machine gun, a dummy, an airsoft weapon or a penknife, in hand luggage things like this shouldn't happen . However, if several conditions are met, transporting even real weapons as luggage will not be a problem.

What is needed to transport weapons on an airplane?

Features of transporting various types of weapons

Type of weaponPrimary requirements
Steel armsIf the knife does not show signs of a bladed weapon (has a blade that is not hard enough to penetrate human body), you can carry it in your luggage without restrictions. If the knife belongs to the category of bladed or hunting weapon, documents (permit to carry or hunting license) are required to transport it in the luggage compartment. Any piercing or cutting objects, including manicure sets, knitting needles and shaving blades must be carried only in the luggage compartment (they are prohibited from being carried into the cabin)
Firearms and traumatic weaponsTransported in luggage only if there is an appropriate permit issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate or the Internal Affairs Directorate. A permit is issued for each trip indicating a specific date. The weapon must be packed (cased) by the passenger. Conditions of carriage traumatic weapons determined by its power.
Hunting riflesFor transportation in the luggage compartment across the territory of the Russian Federation, special transportation permits and a hunting license are required. It is important to inform airport employees in advance about the presence of weapons.
Sports weapons (rifles, crossbows, pistols)Availability of an export permit, a certificate for the weapon being transported and a covering letter indicating that the weapon is sports equipment, and the need for its transportation is caused by participation in training, competitions, etc. When transporting airsoft weapons, a safety certificate is required.
Ancient weaponsAvailability of a permit from the Ministry of Culture indicating a list of weapon registration numbers certified by the Museum Fund.
Gas weaponAny gas weapon must be transported in an unloaded state, and it is prohibited to transport ammunition for gas weapons by air.
Electric shock weapon
Only domestically produced stun guns and electric batons can be carried in luggage.

One person is allowed to transport no more than 5 weapons, as well as up to 400 pieces of ammunition for them. Total weight ammunition cannot exceed 5 kg. The cartridges must be factory-made.

How to pack a weapon (photo)

Transportation of weapons when crossing state borders

Citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to import/export weapons across the Russian border only with the appropriate permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

To import weapons from abroad, a person who is not a citizen of the Russian Federation must have compelling reasons and relevant documents (hunting license/permit, invitation to sporting competitions, etc.). Data on imported weapons must be included in the visa. Foreigners are prohibited from importing weapons for self-defense or to protect property.

During transfer transportation, weapons must be handed over and received at each transfer point. During flights within Russia, this mainly causes trouble for the passenger himself, but during international flights, many airlines simply refuse to transport weapons to passengers on transfer flights.

If you have the necessary permits, transporting weapons across the territory of the Russian Federation (including between different subjects of the Federation) will not be a problem. The possibility of exporting weapons outside of Russia is determined both by the presence of all the necessary documents and by the rules for importing weapons into another state.

We answer your questions

What weapons are prohibited from being carried on an airplane?

It is prohibited to carry firearms, bladed weapons, flare weapons, pneumatic and gas weapons, as well as any electroshock devices on the plane. This includes: crossbows, checkers, cutlasses, broadswords, sabers, swords, rapiers, scimitars, daggers, bayonets, Hunter knives, as well as weapons for underwater hunting and all kinds of weapon simulators, except in cases and in the manner prescribed by law Russian Federation:

It is allowed to carry weapons in checked baggage in the cargo and luggage compartments of an aircraft with isolated passenger access to luggage during the flight upon presentation of all Required documents on him.

Prohibited for transportation on aircraft cartridges for gas weapons and gas cartridges filled with nerve-paralytic and tear effects.

I'm going to go to Karelia to hunt. Can I carry a hunting rifle on a plane?

Based on Order No. 104 of the Russian Federation and the provisions of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, you can transport weapons in checked baggage, having previously packed it in accordance with the airline's requirements for the carriage of weapons. Hunting weapons can be transported by air, provided that they are registered with the relevant authorities and you have a permit document with official confirmation this fact. The hunter-passenger must have a hunting license with the number of the weapon entered, as well as documents for the right to own, store and transport a gun or rifle.

What documents are required when transporting weapons by plane?

Permission to store and carry weapons;

Permits for import/export into/out of the country;

Customs permit (if necessary);

Documentation confirming the preparation of cartridges for transportation on an airplane, unopened original packaging, the exact number of cartridges, etc.

If I travel abroad with a hunting rifle, do I need any additional documents?

An article about how you can and should transport weapons in a car, important rules and responsibility. At the end of the article - interesting video about the transportation of weapons.

However, not everyone knows that the most law-abiding citizens have the legal right to carry weapons in their personal car, which will be discussed now.

Carrying weapons in a car

When traveling by car, absolutely all citizens can carry weapons with them, if the law is followed. These could be hunters, athletes, military, police officers or employees of other organizations whose work requires the availability of service weapon(for example, collectors).

And, in the end, private individuals who care about their own safety can carry weapons with them. But, nevertheless, despite the fact that the law allows all people to transport weapons in cars, the law treats different categories of citizens differently.

The fact is that some citizens can transport weapons without permission, while others must have this permission in order not to come into conflict with the law.

For whom the law is not a decree

So who doesn’t have to take a special permit to transport weapons? These are, as a rule, government employees whose work requires them to carry personal protective equipment. These include:
  • Legal entities transporting weapons by car within the boundaries of the administrative territories where these weapons were received and registered;
  • Persons carrying weapons that do not require special equipment. registration, as well as ammunition for it;
  • Law enforcement officers and military personnel who act in accordance with the internal regulations and orders of their senior positions and ranks. These categories of civil servants can travel by car both within their administrative region and throughout the country, but, again, guided by the charter and orders of their superiors;
  • Athletes equipped with weapons that do not require any documentation. However, they should still have documents for weapons, even if the traffic police officers do not ask for these documents.

Weapons without documents

What types of weapons do not require special permission and documentation.

There are types of weapons for which no one will require permission within the territory of the Russian Federation. Such weapons are usually used for self-defense:

  • pneumatic pistols with a shot force no more powerful than 7.5 J;
  • gas cartridges;
  • steel arms;
  • various kinds of bits, as well as other items that can be used instead of impact weapons.
You can purchase and use all of the items listed above without any permits and freely transport them anywhere in the car. However, in order to avoid misunderstandings with traffic police officers, try to take with you at least the registration certificate of the personal protective equipment being transported.

As we have already said, such unregistered weapons can be transported in any way. Therefore, drivers often hide it either near the driver’s seat or in the area of ​​the steering column. They do this so that in a life-threatening situation, weapons can be quickly obtained.

But we should not forget that for causing serious harm to a person’s health with this type of weapon, one can be subject to criminal prosecution. It is no secret that sometimes citizens who exceed the level of self-defense are sent to prison.

Who is eligible to obtain a permit to transport weapons?

As stated earlier, any Russian citizens can transport weapons, but only by fulfilling the conditions stipulated by law. Let's look at these conditions. So, the following persons have the right to a license:
  • citizens whose age is at least 21 years old;
  • persons under 21 years of age, but who are military personnel;
  • state employees of paramilitary organizations;
  • persons with class ranks and military ranks;
  • persons over 18 years of age who have weapons important attribute national clothes.
To own and, accordingly, transport hunting weapons, additional conditions are required. Buy and use hunting equipment, both firearms and air guns Only for those who have a hunting license.

In addition, you will also need documents giving the right to hunt (confirming that you have at least five years of experience using the weapon). A license for a hunting rifle is given at the age of 18.

As for weapons with rifled barrels, the issue of their use by hunters today is very controversial even for the legislative branch. In any case, even if someone manages to obtain permission to hunt with rifled barrels, this permission will always have quite a few restrictions.

But in this regard, it is much easier for athletes - they can always purchase rifled weapons, but in this case they will need to present:

  • athlete's passport;
  • a special certificate confirming that its owner is indeed an athlete in a sport that requires weapons with a rifled barrel.
In addition, the athlete must have high performance, awards and titles, or at least five years of experience using weapons.

What must a driver show when transporting firearms?

If, for example, you are transporting hunting weapons and you are stopped by traffic police officers, then you will need to present the appropriate transportation permit and, of course, your passport and driver’s license.

You will always get a weapons permit from the local police department. First, write an application according to the established template, attaching to it all the certificates confirming your ability to use a weapon. After this, you will be provided with a permit document within a month.

The regulations for granting permits for permissible types of weapons are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 814 and Order of the Ministry of Nature of Russia No. 319.

Rules for transporting weapons in Russia

The rules for transporting weapons within the country are quite simple, so they are not difficult to remember.
  1. Before setting off, it is necessary to unload the weapon and remove clips, if any. This rule is dictated by life: if the car is traveling on an uneven road, the shaking may trigger the trigger spontaneously. As a result, the consequences can be unpredictable: it can be damage to the car interior, fright of the driver, resulting in a serious accident, as well as mental trauma for passengers, including children.
  2. Whatever weapon you take with you on the road, you cannot take it into open form. So be sure to put it in a case. In principle, you can use any cases, but it is better to purchase holsters, cases or boxes that are made specifically for a particular type of weapon. And if you want to have a means of storing weapons that would best meet safety requirements, then you can’t think of a better car safe for weapons. But no matter what you use to store weapons during transportation, the main thing is that these means have manufacturer’s certificates and all other documents, in the presence of which there will be no claims against you from the traffic police officers.
  3. If you are transporting weapons, then, of course, you will also carry ammunition along with it, for which there are also transportation rules. Thus, cartridges must be transported in original packaging. If the cartridges are not packaged, then in this case you can purchase special plastic boxes at any gun store. It is strictly prohibited to transport cartridges in containers in which they can touch and bang against each other (in backpacks, in bags, in metal containers). And the same gun safe can provide you with maximum security, because it has special sections for storing cartridges.
Note: knives and any other bladed weapons are transported only in safe cases. This is necessary for the safety of passengers and the driver.

If you are planning to transfer weapons to another region of Russia, then you will have to take a special permit. At the same time, be aware that one person is allowed to simultaneously transport no more than five weapons and no more than 400 rounds of ammunition.

But if it happens that the number of weapons and ammunition exceeds the specified norm, then you will have to rely on the following rules:

  • organize an escort from a group of people consisting of at least two people equipped firearms and having all the necessary permits;
  • agree with the competent organizations on the proposed route and vehicle used.

How to export and import weapons across the Russian border

Crossing the Russian state border with weapons largely depends on whether you are a resident of the country or not. The fact is that for each of these two categories of people there are separate rules.
  1. If you are not a resident of Russia, then through Russian border You have the right to transport only sports and hunting weapons, having with you all the necessary documents, the presence of which is strictly required. Such documents may include an invitation to sports competitions, a hunting license, etc. Foreigners are strictly prohibited from importing weapons into Russia for self-defense purposes.
  2. If you are a resident of the Russian Federation, then you are allowed to transport no more than five weapons with accompanying documents provided by the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. These documents must reflect a description of the weapon and the quantity of ammunition being transported. Plus, you will have to comply with all the other rules for transporting weapons, which were mentioned above.
  3. Before you import or export a weapon, you will have to go through a certification procedure and customs inspection.
A certificate is not required if your weapon:
  • has been certified in advance;
  • transported, referring to an intercity agreement with a license obtained from customs structures.
  • delivered for temporary use in hunting or for sports, as well as cultural and historical events.
Note: antique weapons representing historical value, can be exported only after receiving a special permit and a list of license plates certified by the Ministry of Culture.

Responsibility for violating the rules

Violation of the rules for transporting weapons is punishable by law. If a violator of these rules was detained by traffic police officers, he may be subject to administrative liability with a fine of 1,000 to 1,500 rubles.

If the rules for transporting firearms are violated, a criminal case is initiated, which may result in the violator having the following measures:

  • restriction of freedom for up to 4 years;
  • arrest up to 6 months;
  • forced labor for up to 4 years;
In addition, the violator may be punished with a fine of 80,000 rubles or three months’ working income.

Video about transporting weapons:

Today we will be presented with the rules for transporting weapons. This question interests many citizens. Especially those who carry weapons. In addition, all hunters should be aware of the rules for transporting these objects. They are the ones most often faced with the need to transport weapons and their components. This is a normal, common occurrence. Weapons trafficking requires special attention. In Russia, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs treat this topic extremely carefully. Therefore, it is necessary not only to clarify how to transport certain things, but also to understand whether this can, in principle, be done in this or that case. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Just a few tips and recommendations will help bring your idea to life.

Is there any chance of transportation?

First, you need to understand whether it is possible to transport a variety of weapons. Or will citizens not be able to implement the task?

Fortunately, no one prohibits the transportation or transportation of weapons. Neither within the Russian Federation, nor abroad. It is enough to remember some rules that will help bring your idea to life. It should be noted that in Russia, moving objects being studied is much less of a hassle.

The rules for transporting weapons are varied. Cars and airplanes operate differently. They all agree on some nuances. Which ones? What should every person know?

By car within the country

The most common option is to transport weapons and ammunition for hunters. They are most often faced with the implementation of the mentioned task. There is nothing special or incomprehensible about this.

First, let's consider a situation in which we are talking about transporting hunting weapons by car within the Russian Federation. Violation established rules can lead to a number of negative consequences.

You can transport weapons by car, but subject to certain rules. The first thing every hunter should remember is that a license is obtained for the objects being transported. Without it, it is prohibited to use, transport or store weapons.

But this is just the beginning. In addition to a license, the rules for transporting hunting weapons require that a citizen have a hunting license and a hunting permit. The second document is needed if the citizen has mastered the subject being studied for more than 5 years.

In addition, the rules for transporting firearms require a person to transport the item in an unloaded state. It is prohibited to charge and transport it according to the laws of the Russian Federation.

Restrictions on transportation by car

Transporting ammunition and weapons in Russia by car is not prohibited. The main thing is to follow a number of established rules. They will help you avoid huge amount various problems and consequences.

The rules for transporting weapons in a car allow the transportation of only 5 weapons. Quite a lot, if you think about it. In this case, as already mentioned, they all must be discharged.

But ammunition is more limited. Thus, you cannot carry more than 400 rounds of ammunition on a car. If this limit is exceeded, certain problems may arise. But more about them a little later.

International transportation and auto

What other features should you pay attention to? When transporting hunting weapons across Russia, it is enough:

  • take into account limits on weapons and ammunition;
  • have a weapons license;
  • obtain a hunter's license;
  • if necessary, obtain a hunting permit.

This is all. And here international shipping require special attention. It is more difficult to get it out by car. Rules for transporting weapons international directions prescribed by government decree No. 814 of July 21, 1998.

The received transportation permit must include information about the quantity of ammunition and weapons being transported. In addition, it is imperative to indicate the purpose of transportation of the objects being studied. It is confirmed by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The import and export of weapons to international destinations involves certification of objects. Otherwise, the weapon may be taken away at customs. Transit through Russia requires the execution of an international agreement. In addition, the weapon must have a license. Without it, it will not be possible to bring your idea to life. The transportation of the studied objects will be regarded as illegal.

Without car certification

The rules for transporting weapons to international destinations do not always require a citizen to have a certificate. There are rare exceptions that allow you to avoid this step.

Thus, there is no need to issue a certificate for weapons and ammunition if:

  • the object has a declaration of conformity;
  • weapons are transported to Russia under an international treaty;
  • the object is transported for sports competitions, exhibitions, and cultural events.

There are no more exceptions. In other cases, you will have to comply with all the previously listed conditions.

Consequences of violation of transportation by car

What happens if you violate all the previously listed features? If the rules for transporting weapons (hunting) by car are not followed, administrative liability is provided. And in case of violations of the transportation of other ammunition and weapons, you can face criminal charges.

Civil smoothbore weapon for hunting, it must be transported in accordance with all the previously listed features. Otherwise, according to Article 20.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a citizen may receive a fine in the amount of 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles.

If the rules for transporting firearms in a car are violated, you must contact the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. More precisely, to Article 122 (Part 1). It states that the following sanctions may be applied as punishment for violations:

  • imprisonment (up to 3 years);
  • arrest (maximum 6 months);
  • imprisonment (4 years);
  • forced labor (4 years maximum).

In addition, you can receive a fine of up to 3 salaries of a citizen. Its analogue is a payment of up to 80,000 rubles.

About firearms

A little about firearms. It must be treated with special attention. The thing is that the rules for transporting and storing weapons in Russia have many peculiarities. Thus, firearms for self-defense can only be transported and stored in certain places specified in the permit. What does it mean?

Transporting self-defense weapons (firearms) is permitted only if moving from one place of residence to another. If such a motive is not proven, the citizen may be prosecuted.

What about ammunition? They have exactly the same features as weapons. This means that every hunter must obtain the appropriate permit when transporting ammunition.

Features of transportation on airplanes

Now a little about what rules there are for transporting weapons on an airplane in Russia. The point is that the main issues of this case are regulated in exactly the same way as in the case of cars. It means that:

  • You cannot transport weapons and ammunition without licenses, certificates and permits;
  • there are restrictions on transported units;
  • it is necessary to transport weapons in an unloaded state;
  • It is mandatory to report and register all units of the objects being studied.

What else should every citizen know? The thing is that the rules for transporting traumatic weapons (and not only) provide for informing the Ministry of Internal Affairs officers at the airport about this action. Before the flight, the citizen will have to fill out a number of documents for weapons and ammunition, which will help confirm the legality of the actions.

Activities at the airport

Now a little about what to do if a person wants to transport ammunition or weapons using an airplane. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems.

So, the rules for transporting weapons on an airplane require the following manipulations:

  • inform airport security staff in advance (when purchasing a ticket and checking in for departure) about the transportation of weapons or ammunition;
  • registration is carried out no later than 1.5 hours before departure;
  • if transportation is carried out across the territory of the Russian Federation, the citizen must have a permit to carry and store weapons;
  • when importing into Russia or during transit, you will have to contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs and obtain permission for this operation;
  • foreigners can carry sports and hunting weapon if there is an invitation from one or another organization, a license, a hunting contract, a permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • simulators of weapons cannot be transported in the cabin;
  • all weapons and ammunition are given to airport security staff for the duration of the flight, after landing the items are given to the owner;
  • all weapons must be accepted in packages (for example, in cases) that meet safety and security requirements;
  • Cartridges for gas weapons are prohibited from being carried on airplanes.

Another pretty one important point- foreigners cannot carry out transportation civilian weapons(firearms and not only), if this is not indicated in international agreement with Russia. Therefore more exact information It is recommended to check at the airport. These rules are prescribed in the law “On Weapons”.

Results and conclusions

It is now clear what rules for transporting weapons will help avoid administrative and even criminal liability. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. A law-abiding citizen will not have any problems with the case being studied. It is enough to have all the permitting documents with you, unload the weapon, pack it (including ammunition), and then either transport it in a car or give it to airport security staff for storage. Such objects are prohibited on board the aircraft.

If you remember all the listed rules for transporting weapons and ammunition, you don’t have to worry about the fact that certain objects will not be able to be transported. Every hunter and ordinary citizen should contact airport security staff before departure - they will help draw up the documents necessary to bring the idea to life.