September 1 is not only the beginning of autumn, but also World Knowledge Day and the first day of school. School is the first stage of education and, of course, the most important. After all, there we receive all the basic knowledge, and at the same time we decide what of this knowledge we want to use further in our life and work. School education is the basic minimum that is necessary for further advancement in studies and, of course, career.

However, in Hollywood everything is much simpler. To become famous, some celebrities didn’t even need school education. Let's meet celebrities who never bothered to finish school, but still went on to have successful careers.

Ryan Gosling

Ryan attended high school in Ontario, but when he turned 17, acting became his main priority. Leaving his native Canada, Ryan moved to the United States and appeared on the show “The Mickey Mouse Club” along with other future stars such as Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake.

Cameron Diaz

She left school at 16, but quickly switched to acting.

After signing a contract with the famous modeling agency Elite Modeling Management, Cameron decided to postpone her education until better times. She left school at 16, but quickly switched to acting.

Daniel Radcliffe

Although the filming schedule for the Harry Potter franchise left plenty of time for studying, Daniel chose to leave school. He studied with tutors from time to time, but eventually decided that going to college would interfere with his acting career.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Many celebrities did not graduate from school due to acting, but instead of sitting at a desk, Catherine took a three-year course in musicals at the School of Art in London.

Tom Cruise

Having spent his childhood in Canada, Tom began acting in films at the age of 14. And although he received a church scholarship to study at a Franciscan seminary, Cruz decided that acting was his true calling.

Charlie Sheen

Charlie was expelled from school for bad behavior and unsatisfactory grades.

Just weeks before graduation, Charlie was expelled from school for bad behavior and failing grades. He still thinks that he was lucky, because he was able to switch directly to his career.

Gisele Bündchen

Few celebrities who didn't graduate from high school can boast the highest earnings in their field. Gisele has been the highest paid model in the world for several years now, and this year Forbes magazine included her in the top 100 influential women peace.

John Travolta

John's acting career also prompted him to leave school. Travolta left school at 16 and concentrated on the stage until he became a global celebrity.

Drew Barrymore

At the age of 13, she was already undergoing a rehabilitation program for alcohol and drug addiction.

This actress not only dropped out of school, but already at the age of 13 she underwent a rehabilitation program for alcohol and drug addiction. And although she entered Hollywood life Just a child, Drew eventually managed to find the right path and earn success.

Whoopi Goldberg

She is one of the few celebrities to have won every major award (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony). However, she did not graduate from school and, before becoming an actress, worked as an operator in “phone sex”.

Mark Wahlberg

Most celebrities who drop out of school never return to school, but Mark decided to complete his education at 42. In 2013, he finally received his certificate. “Now I can look at my children every day and understand that I did this not for myself, but for them,” Wahlberg said in an interview with one of the newspapers, commenting on his return to school.

They constantly try to convince us that finishing school is the key to real success and excellent knowledge, but some celebrities debunk this myth by their example. Many popular and sought-after stars did not even graduate from school, but were able to reach unprecedented heights in their careers. Of course, it is simply necessary to study now, but if there is no such opportunity, then do not despair, but simply follow the example of celebrities.

Let's take a look at world-famous stars who, for one reason or another, did not sit at school.

Johnny Depp

The actor, who had been smoking and using drugs since age 12, was expelled from school at age 15. Johnny was not particularly upset about this, because immediately after that he joined the rock group “Children”. Dreaming of becoming a musician, Johnny came across the opportunity to play in a movie and, naturally, he did not refuse. Already at the age of 20, he began his acting career and music faded into the background.

Charlize Theron

The beautiful Charlize left school at 16 and is excited to become a real ballerina. A stage career was everything for the future film actress, so it is not surprising that school became superfluous in her plans. Charlize was born in South Africa, but her success brought her to Los Angeles, where she remained after suffering a knee injury. It was in the USA that Charlize found her calling as a film actress.

Jim carrey

The extreme poverty of Jim's family led to the fact that his entire childhood was spent in numerous part-time jobs, undoubtedly to the detriment of his education. Jim was kicked out of school, but the young and ambitious Carrey did not despair and continued to storm the stage of comedy establishments. It is worth noting that this led Jim to today's success.

Nicole Kidman

This girl really wanted to study, but devoted herself entirely to caring for her mother, who had cancer. Nicole was literally exhausted, because she not only had to take care of her mother and work as a masseuse, but also study art and work in the theater (Nicole always dreamed of becoming an actress). At the age of 16, after leaving school, Nicole first appeared on television.

Quentin Tarantino

The future director left school at the age of 15 with the consent of his mother, who set the condition for Quentin that he would find a job and help her financially. It should be noted that despite the lack of education, Quentin's IQ is 160 points.

Uma Thurman

An irresistible desire to become an actress prompted Uma to leave school at the age of 15. Surprisingly, she achieved something she never even dreamed of.

Al Pacino

A typical poor student, Al Pacino was expelled from school at the age of 17, which is why he quarreled with his own mother. The future film actor worked hard to get an acting education and he succeeded. Determination played a very big role in his case.

Keanu Reeves

15-year-old Keanu, having coped with dyslexia, decided to quit school and master acting, even despite significant success in hockey and chess.

Demmy Moor

Demi decided to leave school at age 16 to become a model. The idea of ​​being an actress came to Demi a few years later at the suggestion of Nastassya Kinski, to whom she certainly should be grateful for this.

Russell Crowe

As a teenager, Russell dreamed of helping his family with financially. To fulfill his dream, and even become an actor, Russell had to leave school at the age of 15.

John Travolta

The talented actor John Travolta decided to leave school at the age of 16 in order to build successful career.


The brilliant diva Cher also dropped out of school at the age of 16. Due to dyslexia, studying was very difficult for her, but music and acting skills did not cause any difficulties.

Robert DeNiro

Robert first appeared in films at the age of 10, and already at 16 he said goodbye to school forever. You can easily guess that he left her to study acting.

Charlie Sheen

Bad behavior and poor academic performance caused Charlie to be expelled from school right before graduation. By the way, since then his behavior and actions have not changed for the better.

Whoopi Goldberg

This talented woman, at the time when she was in school, was listed among the laggards for several years due to dyslexia. And due to difficulties in mastering reading and writing, she nevertheless dropped out of school and, having joined the hippie movement in the late 60s, left home.

Ewan McGregor

This actor from the UK dropped out of school at 16 and tried unsuccessfully to storm nearby theaters until he got a job as an extra and proved to everyone that he was truly talented.

Jude Law

The actor left school a little later than the others - at 17 years old. The reason for this was Jude’s participation in the filming of the television series “Family”.




Psychologists have long noticed that successful people often they turn out not to be excellent students and good boys, but to be C students and hooligans. Bright, creative personalities They have often been rebels since childhood.

This was, for example, Marlon Brando. The son of a traveling salesman, despised by his classmates, tried to gain authority among his peers with his extravagant antics. One of them - when Marlon rode a motorcycle through the corridors of his alma mater - cost him expulsion from school. Brando subsequently never bothered to complete his secondary education, which, however, did not prevent him from becoming a great actor.

Gerard Depardieu was a juvenile delinquent. At the age of 12, he dropped out of school, traveling around Europe with money earned from selling stolen cars and trading in contraband goods. He, of course, did not return to school. Kevin Spacey also had a stormy childhood: he was kicked out of a military school for brutally beating a classmate.

Al Pacino, a top athlete and school bully, spent so much time on the baseball field that he had no time to go to class, much less learn anything. By the age of 17, he realized that he was simply wasting his time at school. Your brilliant future acting career he had to start out as a courier and dishwasher. And another careless student, Jean-Paul Belmondo, left school at the age of 16 to pursue a boxing career, which, however, lasted only two years.

Of course, among the two-star celebrities, not all were hooligans - some owe their “successes” to impenetrable laziness. For example, Quentin Tarantino was terribly lazy. He skipped classes and studied so poorly that his mother, tired of the constant complaints of teachers against her son, at the age of 15 allowed him to leave school with one condition - to find a job in return.

But Jim Carrey was a poor student not at all due to a lack of diligence. He just showed enough zeal and was in good standing in the class - until his parents had to hard times and he didn’t have to get a job as a cleaner in a factory to help feed his family. But, after working eight hours at the factory (after school), he was so tired that no science could fit into his head. Jim spent three whole years in 10th grade before giving up. He realized that he would never overcome school wisdom in such conditions.

Demi Moore left school at the age of 16 not because of a good life. She had no choice - her divorced, alcoholic mother could not properly take care of her daughter. And Demi began her career as a collector - collecting money from debtors.

Nicole Kidman also had to leave school against her will. Her mother fell ill with cancer, and the girl decided: now there is no time for studying, she needs to take care of herself a loved one. And she never returned to school... And the sex symbol of all times, Marilyn Monroe, decided at the age of 16 to marry worker James Doherty in order to escape from yet another foster family and become independent. Marilyn achieved her goal, but school education never completed it.

Some celebrities interrupted their studies not because family problems or poverty. Children can sometimes be very cruel to those who are somehow different from them. Winona Ryder had to experience this herself, who was beaten at school because she was the daughter of free-thinking hippies, and even dressed like a boy. In the 7th grade, her head was smashed so badly that she had difficulty getting home. Of course, school was over.

Kate Winslet could not stand the constant bullying of herself and herself. Fat Kate (she was very plump at that time) could not come to terms with the fact that she was called at school not by her name, but by the offensive nickname Bubble. Proud Pierce Brosnan could not stand the ridicule either - snobs treated him at school as a “dirty Irishman.” He left his offenders, but was left without a certificate.

There are a lot of celebrities who are dropouts among those who have been diagnosed with dyslexia. The inability to quickly read and assimilate any significant amount of information has long been considered a sign of a weak mind. But it turned out that IQ had nothing to do with it. For example, director Guy Ritchie's IQ test results were excellent, but he could not study. Unable to withstand the constant ridicule, Guy dropped out of school, not yet knowing what his problem actually was. Doctors made an unpleasant diagnosis only when he was already an adult.

The importance of education cannot be denied. It is believed that the more educated a person is, the more successful his future career will be. Many people believe that people who drop out of university or school choose a long and painful career in cafes. fast food. But there are always exceptions to the rules. Below is a list of 10 such people.

10. John D. Rockefeller.Billionaire.

Before becoming perhaps the richest man in history (adjusted for inflation), John Rockefeller was the humble son of a slick swindler and a high school student in suburban Cleveland, Ohio. Although he had little education, when he was sixteen, Rockefeller decided to drop out of school and start a career with the goal of earning $100,000.

We can safely say that he made his dream come true, as well as many others. Rockefeller left his mark on oil industry, founding the company "" and, ultimately, creating a monopoly over the entire industry. By 1902 he had $200 million, and before his death he accumulated a fortune of over one billion dollars. Studying must have been important.

9. Horace Greeley.Journalist and congressman.

Unless you're a big fan of journalism history, you've probably never heard of Horace Greeley, except perhaps for a passing mention somewhere. Born in New Hampshire in the early nineteenth century, Greeley became one of the most influential people in the press throughout American history. He also became a congressman and one of the founding members of the Republican Party.

Greeley did all this without a high school education. At the age of fifteen he left home to become an apprentice to a printer in Vermont. When he turned twenty, he moved to New York and began working for The New Yorker magazine and the New York Tribune newspaper. It was his work with the Tribune that made him famous. He also helped found the city, which later began to bear his name. To this day he is considered one of the most influential journalists in history.

8. John Glenn. Astronaut.

During the intense space race of the 1950s and 1960s, a man emerged who became the first American astronaut as the United States fought Soviet Union for championship first in space, and then on the Moon. This man was John Glenn. He became a war hero and one of the most famous astronauts in history, despite dropping out of university. Glenn attended Muskingum University where he studied science. But when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, he left it to fight in World War II.

7. Steve Jobs.Co-founder of Apple.

At the end of the twentieth and beginning of the twenty-first century there were great amount great figures who have accomplished incredible things without even graduating from college, such as Bill Gates (Microsoft) and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook). But perhaps the most influential "technological" mind of the last century was Steve Jobs, co-founder.

Jobs and Steve Wozniak created the first successful personal computers and introduced numerous revolutionary products such as the iPod, iPhone and iPad. Jobs did it after only six months at university.

By the way, Jobs was adopted. His biological mother agreed to give him to Clara and Paul Jobs only on the condition that he attend university. Well, the mission is partially accomplished.

6. Mark Twain.Writer and satirist.

Arguably America's most beloved writer and humorist, Mark Twain rose to fame after creating the classic characters Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. His novel "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is considered by many to be a "great American novel" Not bad for a man who had incomplete secondary education and worked as an apprentice since the age of eleven.

When Twain was eighteen, he worked as a printer in New York, Philadelphia and St. Louis, and spent all his evenings in the library. Before he became a steamship navigator, he expanded his knowledge by reading everything he could get his hands on. Twain continued to work on the steamboat until Civil War, and after a short stay in the Confederate army, he began to travel throughout the country and write widely. Twain is clear proof that intelligence is something you are born with.

5. Henry Ford.Industrialist and entrepreneur.

In the history of America, perhaps, few people are the personification of the “successful self-taught”, more of a person who is remembered by mankind for almost single-handedly creating the US automobile industry. Ford did not complete high school education. He was born on a farm outside Detroit, where he worked with his father, who dreamed that his son would one day have his own farm.

Instead, at the age of seventeen, Ford left home and became an apprentice machinist in Detroit, thus choosing a career that would ultimately change his life, making him a very wealthy and successful industrialist. Despite having little to no high school education, Ford created a mechanized assembly line long before his work earned Detroit the name "Motor City."

4. William Shakespeare.Poet and playwright.

Currently one of the most famous historical figures, William Shakespeare is one of the most famous historical figures. He created some of the most beloved works the world has ever known: Romeo and Juliet, Lady Macbeth, etc. But very little is known about early period Shakespeare's life, in fact, does not even have any records indicating that he ever received a secondary education.

Scholars suggest that he attended the New Royal School, but at the same time, judging by some of his works, he left school at the age of thirteen. It seems amazing that the person who gave English language more than 1,700 words, apparently left his studies at high school.

3. Winston Churchill.Statesman and politician.

One of the most outstanding politicians 20th century, famous satirist and master of aphorisms, Winston Churchill was born into a family of aristocrats. It is therefore not surprising that he quickly rose through the ranks and eventually led Britain to victory in World War II. What is truly amazing, and why he is on this list, is that he reached such heights with less than a high school education.

Churchill, who came from a wealthy family, had access to the best education. But, unfortunately, this did not mean that he was good student. Studying was not easy for him and he studied quite poorly, and was often punished for poor performance. IN military service there were also problems due to poor performance. Three times he tried to enter the Royal military school, and was accepted only after applying to the cavalry class rather than the infantry class, since the requirements there were lower and knowledge of mathematics was not required. To be fair, it is worth noting that no one likes mathematics.

2. Abraham Lincoln.President of the U.S.A.

Perhaps the most popular US President of all time, a man who, contrary to popular belief, did not fight vampires, Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth President of America. He led the nation through perhaps its most difficult times. But the man who gave the Gettysburg Address and ended slavery in the United States, although not with the Emancipation Proclamation, was not well educated.

Lincoln was almost entirely self-taught, despite the fact that early age he was famous for his laziness. This did not stop him from starting his career in politics from the bottom in his early twenties. Lincoln became a member of the Bar after self-study laws in free time. It seems that he was a political prodigy. And if everything they say about him is true, then he achieved everything thanks to reading by candlelight in his small wooden house.

1. Albert Einstein.Physicist.

Yes, a man whose name is now equated with the word "genius", who has published more than 300 scientific works; the man who created the theory of relativity (E = mc2) and the man who received the Nobel Prize was assigned to high school. He tried to enter the university, but failed the entrance exams.

Einstein eventually went to college and graduated, of course, precisely because people of his unrivaled intellect will always find a way. But the fact remains: the greatest mind of the twentieth century was expelled from school.

He was going to become exclusively a rock star, so he preferred basement rehearsals with the group The Kids to lessons. The teachers were not happy with this state of affairs, but they could not do anything about the obstinate boy. And the more Fs Depp received for unfinished homework, the less he was drawn to school. As a result, he generally told the teachers that their profession was useless, which earned him several bad marks for his behavior. The future actor dropped out of school at the age of 15. His rock band became popular, and very soon the “dream factory” opened its doors to the stubborn young man. So former teachers Depp is now willing to tell his current students about the bully who became a world star.

The offspring of famous parents and Mikhail Shirvindt in school years also did not differ in exemplary behavior and good grades. Since Fedor's parents - director Sergei Bondarchuk and actress Irina Skobtseva - were always on the road, his grandmother Yulia Nikolaevna was involved in raising the boy. And, as often happens with grandmothers, she did not show due severity with her grandson. Fedor smoked and studied very poorly. “I think Fyodor creates this image of a truant for himself,” says Bondarchuk’s teacher from Moscow special school No. 31, where he studied. “He didn’t shine academically, but he wasn’t a poor student either.” After receiving the certificate, Bondarchuk submitted documents to MGIMO, but on the entrance exam he wrote an essay with 37 mistakes! His father advised him to go to VGIK. He entered and successfully graduated from the institute.

A famous father Alexander Anatolyevich, host of the “I Want to Know” program, Mikhail Shirvindt, still remembers how he was summoned to the director because his son blew up a toilet in school toilet and almost drowned in the pond. The boy changed four educational institutions, and finally having received a certificate of secondary education, he entered the Shchukin Theater School. Where he was expelled because one November night he tore the Soviet flag from the building of the architectural institute. Based on these events, the film “Russian Ragtime” was later made. Two years later, Mikhail Alexandrovich nevertheless returned to the university and graduated from his studies in 1981.

The need to maintain discipline often prevents not only boys but also girls from studying well. admits: “I left school when I was 14. I hated it, the uniform and the fact that I was forced to sit at a desk all day. I didn’t like these conditions.”

On the contrary, Andrei Tarkovsky, a student at Moscow school No. 554, consistently received only “A” grades in behavior. Teachers rated his knowledge of literature as a solid B; in history, the author of “Andrei Rublev” had a C, but the situation was worse with the exact sciences: in chemistry and drawing, the future genius of cinematography was constantly given two marks. Another famous film director, starting from the sixth grade, studied “worse than average.” And Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, who performed the hit about the suffering of a first-grader, knew about this firsthand. The Diva’s diary showed a solid “A” only in singing.

"Scarecrow" Angelina Jolie

It can be difficult for children who are very different from the rest to study at school. For example, rapper Eminem grew up in poor family and went to public schools, where more often than not I found myself the only white student in the class, if not in the entire educational institution. He was beaten almost every week. And when he was 11 years old, the future star was beaten so badly that he spent five days in a coma. Eminem changed schools every three to four months, so there could be no talk of academic success. The rapper only completed his studies until the 9th grade. Kate Winslet dropped out of school due to constant bullying from classmates about her excess weight. And she suffered because of his lack. IN adolescence she was the typical ugly duckling. Classmates at Lee Strasberg's famous Hollywood school teased her for having braces on her teeth and being extremely thin. Jolie was an outcast. “I felt very depressed and unhappy at that time, I believed that I was absolutely useless,” Angie confessed much later. The lack of a certificate did not prevent Winslet and Jolie from becoming famous, becoming sex symbols, and even outwitting their offenders, because both actresses received Oscars. Jolie - in 2000 for her supporting role in the film Girl, Interrupted, and Winslet - in 2009 for main role in the film "The Reader". “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t prepare this speech. In fact, I have been rehearsing since childhood, standing in the bathroom with a bottle of shampoo. Now, instead of shampoo, I hold an Oscar,” Kate said in her acceptance speech.

Now it’s almost impossible to believe, but she also became a victim of child cruelty. According to a former classmate, while studying at Downe House High School, Katherine was constantly bullied by her classmates. True, the girl studied at this school for only two years: conflicts began to affect her academic results, and her parents transferred their daughter to Marlborough College. Tom Cruise tried very hard, but could not study well. The actor has dyslexia, so reading and writing were, and still are, difficult for him. The scripts are read aloud to the superstar - this is how he memorizes them. The boy endured bullying from children and even some teachers, who believed that he was simply fooling around, reading syllables.

“I was very lonely at school,” says Tom Cruise. - I had no friends. The attitude and ridicule of others made me strong, but I don’t like to remember my school years.” During 12 years of study, Cruz changed 15 schools. It must be said that dyslexia is a common disease among Hollywood stars. Until the age of 15, Keanu Reeves tried to overcome his inability to read and write, and then, after taking part in a school production of Romeo and Juliet, he decided that he wanted to become an actor, dropped out of school and went to take Hollywood by storm.

The suffering of young Tarantino

- a living example of the fact that education or lack thereof has nothing to do with the level of intelligence. The boy's parents sent him to Narbonne, a private Christian school in Harbor City. But Quentin categorically did not like studying there. “Everyone was constantly laughing at me: at my hair, my jaw and the way I spoke,” Tarantino recalled. “One day I thought: “Why should I endure this and suffer?” - and dropped out of school.” Quentin was 15 years old at the time. Meanwhile, the IQ of the famous director is 160 points. For comparison, this is the average IQ of scientists who can qualify for the Nobel Prize. Tarantino has one of the highest IQs of all time. famous men(higher - 180 points - only actor James Woods). By the way, actor Dolph Lundgren scored exactly the same number of points as Tarantino. And he, by the way, has a master's degree in chemical engineering.

Some of the now rich and famous still regret that they did not finish school at one time, and are trying to make up for lost time already in mature age. Mark Wahlberg could well have grown into a notorious thug, because as a teenager, the future actor spent almost more time in a prison cell than in school desk. Wahlberg was caught by the police several dozen times in cases related to the possession and distribution of drugs, and at the age of 16 he ended up in a correctional school after becoming an accomplice... to attempted murder! Having had time to think about life, Mark rethought everything and, getting rid of the corrupting influence of his environment, went to Hollywood. . Mark jumped at this opportunity, spent a year cramming for textbooks and studying for final exams in between filming, and this year he received a certificate. "I wouldn't want my kids to tell me, 'You didn't finish school, so why should we?' But they will definitely need education... The hardest thing for me was mathematics - despite the fact that I can count money very well,” Mark laughs. The actor is not going to stop there and intends to continue his education in the field of cinematography.

Charlie was supposed to graduate from school back in 1983, but then he didn’t have enough points. The guy had the opportunity to fix everything by retaking the exams in the fall. But for this it was necessary to spend the summer studying textbooks. Charlie gave up on his studies and focused on his film career. “Could I have spent the first summer of my freedom sitting on the school bench?” — the actor explains his decision. Despite his established career and the success that came, Charlie was burdened by what he never did 30 years ago. Having properly prepared for the exams, Shin successfully passed them. Now he calls his school certificate one of the most important achievements in life. “I will put it in a frame in a visible place so that my children can see this document. This is really important to me,” says the actor.