Social networks have long turned into something more than just sites for communication. The most popular of them attract millions of visitors every day, unite people by interests, and become means of disseminating important information. It would seem that the very presence of a community or group on social networks is already a guarantee of an influx of potential clients and buyers to the site. But in conditions of fierce competition, that is, the presence of hundreds and thousands of communities, public pages and groups on your topic, makes such work as promoting VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram and other social media or SMM - Social media marketing in demand.

Promotion of communities and public pages on social networks is understood as a set of activities that allow you to increase recognition of your brand, ensure trust in it from potential clients, improve the quality of interaction with the audience, increase sales and profit levels.

One of the most effective ways achieving all of the above goals when promoting Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram today is viral marketing and the creation of viral content.

We can offer you the full range of online activities:

SMM strategy

SMM support

Do you want to communicate with clients yourself, but don’t know? where to begin?

set clear, achievable goals that are important

for your business;

We monitor brand mentions

on social networks;

understand what language to communicate with your


We run official communities, special projects,

character accounts;

draw up a conscious plan of action;

We prepare content: news, polls, photos,

videos, humor, poetry and much more;

create a vibrant community of people united
interest in your brand.

We provide reporting on agreed KPIs.

SMM tools

Special tools today provide considerable assistance to SMM specialists. They simplify manual labor, help collect statistical data, automatically promote public pages, and even increase the chances of creating viral content.

Conventionally, all Social media marketing tools can be divided into two large groups:

Technical - services and programs that relieve the user of routine work. These SMM tools help you place ads on social networks, collect statistics, and monitor mentions of your brand or products on VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Examples - liveinternet, prospero, iqbuzz;

Creative. This is a rather abstract name. This category includes all SMM tools that are not purely technical. These are services and programs that help create, design and promote profiles, public pages and communities on social networks, are responsible for blogging, organize hidden advertising, etc.

Indirect motivation and spam activities

User activity and high traffic on social networks indicate that this is a very effective information channel for advertising and marketing activities. Not in all cases it is possible to achieve high results, especially if you use “black” methods, such as spam in personal messages, comments, photo albums. However, there are a number of technologies that allow you to advertise products on social networks with high efficiency. As a rule, this is viral or hidden advertising that does not have a direct motivation or call to use the advertised product, but still involves social network users in a discussion about the product and its benefits.

The basis of advertising on social networks is posting

Posting is one of the most popular advertising methods on social networks. This term refers to the posting of comments and messages with elements of hidden advertising in groups, communities, notes, etc. related to the topic. The most important feature of this type of hidden advertising is its increased information content. In this case, the advertising itself is regarded as a sideline, while the main message of the message attracts the audience, offers relevant information, and provides answers to important questions.

Viral methods of website advertising on social networks

Development of communities on social networks

  1. directly advertise the company, its products and services;
  2. offer users a sought-after service;
  3. consult;
  4. act as a platform for communication on certain topics.

For example, a group of coffee fans does not engage in direct advertising of individual brands and manufacturers, but is actively working to popularize the image of this invigorating drink.

An important role here is played by the fact that those users who join the community and actively participate in its life (leave comments, communicate on various topics, subscribe to mailing lists) are the purest target audience of the thematic product. That is, in the case of a group about coffee, most of the participants in this public are potential clients of the coffee brand. Moreover, starting a constructive dialogue with these people does not require much effort. That's actually why this method website promotion on social networks is the most preferred!

audience of the thematic product. That is, in the case of a group about coffee, most of the participants in this public are potential clients of the coffee brand. Moreover, starting a constructive dialogue with these people does not require much effort. This is actually why this method of website promotion on social networks is the most preferable!

Today the market and services are full of numerous participants. Among the fierce competition, good advertising is the only way to survive. There are different ways to promote. However, advertising statistics prove that the Internet plays a key role in the development of .

What types exist

Distinguish following methods promotions:

  1. According to the place and method of placement.
  2. Depending on the purpose.

To understand exactly where and how to announce your products or services, you need to study all the methods of promotion.


Shows that the most effective place to sell goods is the Internet. Advantages of advertising on the site:

  • less funds;
  • more information via views. If something goes wrong, you can fix the problem immediately;
  • you can bring your business to the international level;
  • not that annoying.

Many spend most of its time. Entrepreneurs and marketers actively use this resource for commercial purposes. advertising predicts the allocation of about 200 billion dollars in 2018 to promote products online.

In contact with

The largest and most active social network among Russian-speaking users. The number of visitors per day reaches 36 million. personal account You can view VKontakte promotion statistics for any period. It is also possible to export data to Excel format.

Shows that most of the people online are young people aged 18 to 24 years. Therefore, those products that will be of interest to this age category can be placed here. Statistics will allow you to evaluate the correctness of promoting goods and services to a specific audience. The table shows advertising statistics for 2014:

Instagram and Facebook

Has become an active platform for the promotion of many famous brands. Instagram advertising statistics predict $2.8 billion in revenue by the end of 2017. The network is one of the first in the world in terms of traffic. It is inferior to such networks as. 34.9% of users are in the age category from 25 to 34 years.

IN Advertising usage statistics are growing every year. Advertisers have the opportunity to target by age, nationality, and gender. If we look at the statistics of advertising on Facebook, then with this combination the numbers will almost double. However, it is worth noting that in i nstagram users are much younger than on facebook.

Other types

The most effective is targeted advertising on Instagram. Users’ attention can be caught by videos or banners, which are usually placed in the news feed. This method has been successfully operating since 2015.

Contextual Internet advertising usually appears when a user makes a corresponding request through Yandex or Google. Statistics contextual advertising shows that this type of promotion is in great demand among the Russian audience. The minimum click price is 0.30 rubles, and the minimum order quantity is 300 rubles.

Thematic is shown on website pages whose content corresponds to the topic of the ad. accounts for 44.1% in the “contextual” market.

Statistics in some countries

Today, statistics on advertising on the Internet show that the United States has the largest market. In 2017, this method of promotion will remain the largest source of revenue, reaching $39 billion. Advertising statistics will ignore an increase of 13% compared to 2016.

What are the advertising statistics in Ukraine? The share of the banner promotion method is 51.2%. Then there is an announcement in the video player pre-roll, mid roll 28.7%. advertising in Ukraine in the first half of 2017 totaled 827 million hryvnia of investment, which is 42% higher than in 2016.

In 2017, advertising statistics in Russia reached record levels. The share of the Internet last year was 38%. If we compare advertising statistics for 2016, the market has grown by 11% and amounts to 360 billion rubles. Within 5 years, revenues of $20.9 billion are expected from the entertainment and media industry.

Advertising statistics shows a 10% drop in the market in Kazakhstan due to devaluation. In national currency this is 33.1 billion tenge. It is difficult to say whether it is worth reducing the volume of campaigning in the country. However, in dollar terms it shrank by more than 1/3.

Outdoor advertising

This type of promotion is used on buildings and other prominent places where there are a lot of people. Which advertising is more effective according to statistics? Each promotion method has its own strengths and weak sides. is one of the most effective. Its goal is to interest a potential buyer. Advantages: reaching a large audience.

Statistics show that 70% of people pay attention to billboards, and 63% carefully read the text that is posted on them. The downside is the high cost of the products.

Let's check the effectiveness of promotion using an example plastic windows. Advertising statistics in numbers:

Video promotion

Video advertising is a form aimed at creating an image and promoting goods and services. Statistics on video advertising formats show that short videos are usually watched to the end. Non-commercial promotion methods are used to solve social problems and attracting people's attention to important public issues.

IN modern world with increasing cruelty, it becomes increasingly important social advertisement. Non-profit promotion methods are used to solve social problems and attract people's attention to important social issues. According to statistics, 40% of Russians believe in the effectiveness of this method.

According to reports based on marketing research global Internet advertising market, conducted by market research agency Forrester and marketing company Nielsen, the effectiveness of advertising on social networks is extremely low. The collected data suggests that only 2% of messages from popular brands reach the recipient, and only 0.07% pay attention to the messages. In other words, people do not read or even block mailings and messages if they are of an advertising nature.

Users prefer to use social networks for communication and entertainment. Marketers, dreaming of influencing users, do not achieve their results. The study states that only 37% of advertisers are satisfied with their social media advertising campaign. Another conclusion of the report is that the more famous and larger the company, the more successful the advertising campaigns. For small companies, this is a death to their advertising budget.

Promising and wide audience coverage, targeted impact, realizing 100% of the company's potential, increasing awareness ratings, interactive two-way communication with potential clients - these phrases force many to spend their advertising budget on social media campaigns. And that’s not all: in addition to the budget, you can completely destroy your reputation with potential clients and turn your advertising campaign into anti-advertising. Roughly, it's done like this:

  • aggressive spam mailing of new services and innovations;
  • minute-by-minute news about the life of your business, about its every breath;
  • old, vulgar, tasteless posts from third-party sites.

Very low conversion from the “popularity” of an advertising campaign to an increase in real sales and poor predictability of results - this is another side of advertising on social networks that no one will tell you about. This will only become obvious after you've blown your advertising budget and haven't gotten any returns.

Social networks provide a very unique age sample, where we see a huge bias towards young people. When developing an advertising campaign for, say, a garden tools store, it’s not particularly worth waiting for a flow of customers under the age of 25. This audience is not interested in such offers. Why run an advertising campaign completely outside your customer segment? Don't waste your effort and money.

The key conclusion is incredibly simple - the main influx of customers, and therefore direct sales, comes through search engines. By launching a high-quality landing page and driving people to it through, for example, Yandex.Direct, we will get an absolutely clear picture of the performance of our advertising.

Properly configured advertising in Yandex.Direct works like clockwork - the result will be noticeable the very next day, and proper management of an advertising campaign will also reduce the budget for it. Yandex.Direct is bringing profit to millions of companies right now, and are they still telling you about the benefits of advertising on social networks?

During recent years The active development of the Internet stimulates the spread of online advertising. Increasingly, the Internet is used simultaneously with television - both by users and advertisers. The spread of the Internet does not replace other media, especially TV, but rather complements them. The Internet is becoming recognized as an important tool for influencing consumers and preparing them for purchases. Thus, the FEVAD-Mediametrie barometer study conducted in 2010 showed that 78% of Internet users study product information on websites before making a purchase. The Internet is also facilitating the emergence of new platforms for advertising, such as social networks, whose influence and role in modern society it is already difficult to underestimate and the presence of companies on social media is becoming an integral part of their marketing strategy. The expansion of advertising opportunities thanks to the Internet leads to the emergence of new formats and methods of advertising aimed at the target audience. At the same time, the growing number of advertising formats and spaces requires new methods for assessing the actual visibility and effectiveness of advertising. New methods of targeted advertising based on behavioral stereotypes are emerging, which increases the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, and multimedia and video advertising open up opportunities for new consumer relationships with the brand, including in social media.

Seven key approaches to assessing the effectiveness of online advertising

The main task is to monitor the effectiveness of online advertising.

There are numerous metrics available, but the most widely used metric is still the clickthrough rate (CTR). However, this coefficient underestimates real impact graphic advertising on the brand image.

A 2009 study by comScore shows that the number of people clicking on advertising links and banners on the Internet is gradually decreasing. Between 2007 and 2009, the number of Internet users clicking on sponsored links and banners dropped by 50%, and in 2009, only 16% of Internet users clicked on sponsored links. Moreover, almost all “clicks” come from a very small portion of Internet users (85% of clicks come from 3% of users). The characteristics of Internet users who click on advertising links are also very specific (young people aged 25 to 44 with incomes less than $40,000 per year) and do not always match advertisers' target audiences 1 .

The main disadvantage of the CTR rate is that it does not provide information about the impact advertisement in terms of potential buyer awareness, ad recall, purchase loyalty or purchase intention.

Therefore, dedicated evaluation tools are needed to effectively monitor online advertising.

Below are the main approaches to assessing the effectiveness of online advertising.

1. Defining the goals of your online communications strategy

To be effective, the Internet must be included in the overall marketing strategy.

There are many indicators that allow for a more specific and often faster assessment of online advertising. However, a wide range of indicators does not always provide a proper assessment of the effectiveness of a marketing strategy. Some advertisers face the risk of “information obesity.” For advertisers, it is more important to consolidate and compare data across different media (Internet, TV, radio, print, etc.), rather than simply evaluate data using a wide range of indicators. Most advertisers emphasize the need for integrated measurement and monitoring systems, especially in the following three areas:

  • Understanding media reach and repetition
  • Analysis of the impact of advertising campaigns on the brand
  • Assessing the impact on sales

More sophisticated advertisers are developing strategies that span all types of media. Thus, Internet strategy should not be viewed in isolation, but in terms of its contribution to overall marketing and business goals.

Given that the goals may be different, it is necessary to identify and implement indicators that correspond to these goals.

We have formulated an approximate list of various goals that can be set for an online advertising campaign.

  • Branding: The purpose of branding campaigns is to enhance various components of a brand, such as awareness, image or purchase intentions. These campaigns are usually part of a broader media strategy and are often assessed for their cumulative effect along with other media.
  • Work to increase customer loyalty is also carried out within the framework of branding and is aimed at expanding the experience of the consumer’s relationship with the brand online, but with specific purpose interaction directly with the Internet user.
  • The growth of offline sales (traditional types of sales) continues to be the ultimate goal of a brand promotion campaign, with the exception of image advertising. Achieving this goal may have more important for specific campaigns, which means the assessment can be carried out with greater accuracy.
  • Online sales growth: These campaigns are aimed primarily at increasing sales on the brand's website or partner networks. Such campaigns may also pursue advertising and branding effectiveness goals simultaneously.
  • Definition of a circle potential consumers is based on a results-oriented method, but does not have the goal of increasing online shopping. The goal is to study the range of people who use interactive Internet resources, such as games and questionnaires, for classification purposes.
  • Increasing reach and repetition of messages: As Internet penetration increases, it is quickly becoming a means mass media, which allows you to enhance the impact of the advertising message. One of the goals of online campaigns can be to broaden the reach of the message and ensure replication in other media.
  • Reducing customer acquisition costs can be another goal of online campaigns. For result-oriented advertisers, it is fundamental.

To achieve each of the above goals, different indicators can be used. The following is a basic, but by no means exhaustive, list that gives an idea of ​​the evaluation tools available to advertisers. The same indicator can in many cases be used to assess the achievement of different goals.

9 types of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of online activity


  • number of impressions
  • number of “visible” advertisements
  • number of advertisements viewed
  • duration of display
  • Conversion

  • CTR rate
  • conversion rate
  • conversion rate after viewing
  • conversion rate after click
  • Traffic

  • number of visits
  • number of pages viewed
  • duration of visit
  • number of refusals to visit
  • Interaction

  • interaction coefficient
  • interaction time
  • video watched rate
  • rate of fully watched videos
  • video viewing time
  • activity on social networks
  • Subscription

  • number of subscriptions (requests for information, games, advertising brochures, etc.)
  • subscription price
  • recommendation rate (social networks, viral online marketing campaign on the Internet)
  • additional sales
  • proceeds received
  • conversion rate for the target audience
  • influence on the frequency and volume of purchases
  • traffic at points retail, initiated by Internet advertising
  • Return on Investment (ROI)

  • cost of attracting customers (offline versus online)
  • return on investment (revenue received/advertising costs)
  • Post-tests

  • impact on recognition
  • impact on ad recall
  • impact on brand image
  • influence on purchase intentions
  • influence on recommendations
  • Indicators corresponding to specific goals

    2. Assessing the contribution of the Internet to achieving branding goals

    In addition to click-through rate, several studies have assessed the impact that the Internet has on brand awareness, recall, and image.

    Impact on brand awareness

    To determine the impact of advertising on brand awareness, Nielsen analyzed the impact of several campaigns shown on television and then online. 2 It was found that in some sectors, such as the automotive and beverage industries, the Internet generated brand recall twice as much as television (see Figure 2). Such high Internet performance can be explained, in particular, by the number of advertising inserts.

    Improving brand image

    Several studies have also revealed the positive impact of the Internet on brand image. For example, an analysis of McDonalds' 2009 display advertising campaign shows that the online advertising campaign increased brand identification by 10%. Similarly, a campaign conducted by L'Oreal resulted in a 9% increase in brand identification 3 .

    Positive impact on purchase intention

    In a study of image advertising campaigns run by four advertisers across different industries, Mediametrie NetRatings found that the purchase intentions of Internet users who viewed these advertising campaigns increased by 11% 4 .

    Conducting post-tests remains the standard method for assessing the impact of advertising campaigns on a brand. Recognizing this, advertisers are increasingly conducting ad hoc analysis online. Using metrics other than click-through rate can help determine the branding impact of online advertising.

    Figure 2. Brand recall among viewers after watching video ads on television or online, Nielsen IAG Panel, 2009.

    By measuring exposure, advertisers understand how noticeable an image ad is and learn average duration Internet users' contact with advertising. This indicator will be increasingly used in the future as assessment methods become standardized.

    Measuring interaction is also one of the ways to initially analyze the impact of a video ad or multimedia advertising campaign on a brand.

    Several studies have proven a strong link between engagement and the impact on brand reputation and image.

    The following measures of duration and frequency were developed to assess interactions:

    • The Dwell rate measures the percentage of Internet users who interact with a particular banner (move the cursor to the banner, but do not click on it).
    • Interaction time - Dwell time reflects the average time during which users interact with an advertisement (for example, the time of watching a video or the time of expanding an expanding banner).
    • The Dwell indicator is calculated by multiplying the interaction rate by the interaction time.

    These metrics offer an interesting alternative to click-through rate, which is often inappropriate for formats that don't necessarily include a "call to action." A recent study by Eyeblaster found that the engagement rate for multimedia formats is around 10%, while only 4 out of 1,000 Internet users use standard formats 5 .

    Analysis of viewing behavior allows you to evaluate the “brand experience” that occurs when viewing online advertising.

    Advertisers whose primary goal is not to increase sales but to expand their brand's online presence and influence are seeking to create a “brand experience.” Online, this may take the form of visits to the brand's website or partner sites, or participation in a specific promotion associated with the brand.

    To determine the impact of these promotions, we can assess the loyalty of the target category of Internet users by determining the impact of the campaign on the user's subsequent browsing behavior.

    This can be assessed in several ways:

    • Time spent by a user from the target category on the advertiser’s or partner’s website;
    • The number of pages viewed by a user from the target category;
    • Actions performed on the site (watching a video, registering to participate in a competition, subscribing to a newsletter, etc.);
    • Browsing depth (i.e. the number of pages visited during one click on a link);
    • Activity on social networks.

    The potential of the Internet as a branding tool depends on the ability to compare different media in terms of reach and repetition.

    Over the past few years, advertising agencies have been using the concept of Web GRP* to make it easier to compare different media.

    However, some advertisers we interviewed use GRP in developing their media strategy, often in conjunction with “recognition beta,” which measures the level of recognition for different advertising media within a specific target audience. This data is then used as the basis for determining the level of ad recall (memorized coverage).

    * GRP (Gross Rating Point) = percentage of the target audience reached by advertising, multiplied by the average number of message repetitions per representative of the target audience. Limitations associated with the use of this indicator for the Internet are mainly explained by the quality of the method used to estimate the Internet audience, which is associated with the large number of publishers (for example, compared to the number of television channels).

    3. Assessing the impact of online campaigns on offline sales

    In 2009, 24% of Internet users in France surveyed by IFOP said that they would be influenced by advertising to purchase a product advertised on the Internet. The same number of respondents said that television advertising could influence them in a similar way. 6 In 2010, eight out of ten Internet users surveyed by Mediametrie reported conducting research online before purchasing a product. 7

    An analysis of the purchasing behavior of a group of 185 million consumers, conducted by the market research institute comScore, showed the importance of influencing Internet users with advertising campaigns, which increase online sales by an average of 42% and in-store sales by 10% 8 .

    The study also found that the cost of the average shopping cart of an Internet user who saw an ad was 7% higher than that of a user who did not see it.

    This system makes it possible to evaluate the impact of an advertising campaign in terms of cost, frequency and type of purchases using the example of a specific group of consumers. Analysis parameters can be precisely calculated to focus on specific target groups or exposure levels to determine how advertising campaigns should be adjusted in the future. Traditional advertising media have used post-tests for many years to analyze the impact of online campaigns on sales. It should be noted that the influence of the Internet in isolation has never been tested, as very few large national advertising campaigns are conducted using the Internet alone.

    Econometric models can be used to estimate the impact on online and other media advertising sales over time, but they require considerable long period observations.

    Figure 3. Advertising media that has the most big influence on purchasing intentions (% of respondents), France, 2009

    Typically, advertisers often use a rule of thumb method of evaluation by cross-checking sales data against media campaign strategy. Many advertisers understand that this method requires improvement, since a number of organizational and technical aspects make it difficult to use these indicators.

    4. Finding the most effective combination of the Internet and other media

    Media use is becoming increasingly interconnected. In 2009, 40% of European consumers watched TV while using the Internet at least once a day. 9 The Internet is considered a means of expanding reach and optimizing results within a fixed budget. Research conducted by Nielsen for the manufacturer alcoholic drinks, showed that redistributing 10% of the budget for television advertising in favor of the Internet will allow the advertiser to increase its audience by 3-4% and increase the final GRP of the campaign by 20.7 points. Combining different media is an effective branding mechanism that in some cases can increase brand awareness and loyalty by 20%. 10

    There are no hard and fast rules for optimal budget allocation. However, in latest study, conducted in Germany among the largest advertising networks in partnership with Procter & Gamble, studied the question of how much of the advertising campaign budget should be allocated to advertising on the Internet 11 . The study found that for the same budget, advertising campaigns were more effective when at least 15% of the budget was spent on online advertising. The study also found that graphic advertising had virtually the same effect as television advertising at a lower budget.

    Impact on the brand

    Figure 4. Number of respondents who said they would use/purchase products from this brand in the future

    A quantitative and qualitative study conducted by Thinkbox 12 in 2008 found that using online advertising in addition to a television campaign increased branding scores by an average of 18 points (see Figure 4) and purchase intentions by an average of 21 points. .

    Panel studies help assess the impact of the combination of media used.

    Conducting post-tests in consumer groups is one way to evaluate the results of advertising campaigns in various media. By comparing the impact on consumers who saw an advertisement in one media with those who saw it in multiple media, the advertiser can take measures to improve results such as:

    • optimizing budget allocation by determining the best media mix;
    • adapting the advertising format to the type of message;
    • ensuring consistency of messages transmitted through different channels;
    • clearer definition of campaign goals.

    5. Analysis of the impact of online advertising on browsing behavior

    Advertising influences the behavior of Internet users who visit a brand's website. A 2009 study by the Online Publishers Association found that the average amount of time Internet users spent on websites increased by 50% after viewing image ads 13 . Advertising contributes to the revitalization of activity on the site, and this activity must be assessed in all respects: depth, duration of visit, purchases and registration. Tracking, whether directed at sites or at users, is often seen by advertisers as a way to measure the effectiveness of advertising and monitor its effectiveness. Viewing advertisements online also increases search volume. Image advertising results in a significant increase in search volume associated with an advertising campaign, indicating a relationship between image advertising and search. According to comScore, European consumers are more likely to conduct an online search based on a brand or keywords, related to the brand, increases 2.3 times under the influence of an advertising campaign on the Internet 14 .

    Approaches to analyzing user behavior when searching and viewing information after an advertising campaign.

    When analyzing browsing behavior, it is important to remember that there are two approaches: the “site-centric” approach and the “user-centric” approach.

    The first comes down to analyzing information about the number of visits (visits by category, time spent, actions performed) and can be correlated with advertising if Internet traffic occurs as a result of clicking on an advertising banner. Using this approach, a lot of information can be obtained, but cross-validation against users who were previously exposed to advertising cannot be done. It also does not allow for analysis of the impact of advertising on behavior when viewing information on the site.

    The second approach uses cookies stored on the client system to analyze the browsing behavior of Internet users after exposure to advertising. This system is installed on the advertiser's ad server and provides an accurate assessment of the impact of advertising based on performance indicators.

    Both approaches complement each other and allow advertisers not only to obtain more information about Internet users, but also to improve sites, bringing them closer to user expectations.

    Multiple exposure analysis and the impact of message repetition are unexplored areas with great potential.

    Millward Brown's research into the effectiveness of advertising formats suggests that more quantity repetitions, the more significant the impact on brand performance 15.

    At the same time, this method is not without its risks. Advertisers must correctly identify required amount displaying advertisements to the user so that advertising does not seem intrusive, as this may negatively affect the brand image. To achieve greater effectiveness of an advertising campaign, it is necessary to analyze three aspects:

    • Advertising performance taking into account the setting to limit the number of advertisements shown to one user. This allows advertisers to optimize the number of message repetitions and increase the advertising effectiveness rate.
    • Analysis of advertising exposure on customers who have purchased a product or are in the process of purchasing it (requested information or recommendations about a product, but did not complete the ordering process). This allows advertisers to determine the number of repetitions that achieve the highest ad effectiveness rate.
    • The impact of repetition on brand awareness and recognition.

    6. Assessing the impact of targeted advertising on all aspects of advertising campaigns

    Online advertising allows advertisers to more accurately define their audience and interact with users. There are six main types of targeted advertising 16, the use of which provides advertisers with a full range of solutions. The table below gives short description each type. The first four types of targeted advertising have been widely used for many years. Behavioral targeting of advertising and the selection of target audiences based on user actions are also beginning to be used more often, especially in e-commerce.


    Determining the target group of consumers depending on parameters such as age, gender, socio-economic status and marital status


    Determining the target audience in a given location: country, region, city




    Determination of the target audience based on behavioral characteristics when viewing information. Audience characteristics include their interests, the types of purchases they make, and demographics

    Determining the target audience taking into account user actions (retargeting) / repeated advertising message (remessaging)

    Targeted behavioral advertising is actively used to increase advertising effectiveness. The use of targeted behavioral advertising is rapidly gaining momentum. According to a study conducted by eMarketer, its growth rate in the United States will increase by 23% per year over the next five years 17 . When determining the target audience, taking into account user actions on the Yahoo! The impact of targeted behavioral advertising as part of the Dell advertising campaign was also analyzed. The results of the analysis show that post-click and post-view ad effectiveness increased by 8.5% and 6.5%, respectively, when targeted ads were shown to Internet users (see Figure 5).

    Figure 5. Impact of targeted advertising on performance indicators. Dell/Yahoo advertising campaign (comparison base: 100)

    While the primary goal of behavioral advertising is to improve advertising effectiveness, it also has a positive impact on branding. To evaluate the impact of behavioral advertising on brand recognition and awareness, Wimderloop analyzed the results of a family car advertising campaign. The results of the study showed that although the target audience of this advertisement was families, it had a negligible impact on brand image and awareness in this target group, while the level of brand awareness in the high-tech target group doubled. Using targeted behavioral advertising allows you to increase the effectiveness of their advertising campaign by identifying the most targeted audience. Over time, behavioral analysis will allow advertisers to accurately identify the advertising preferences of different segments of the population and offer them useful decision-making tools.

    Defining the target audience taking into account user actions is the most effective method Internet sales.