The methods of cleansing the body of toxins are so varied; for many, popular methods are healing spells to cleanse the body, which need to be read on the waning moon.. During the waning moon, with the help of a conspiracy, you can independently cleanse the body of toxins and toxins at home, with all this cleanse the intestines very quickly and even lose a little weight with the help of this ancient plot .

It has long been known in folk medicine that if you read a special conspiracy to cleanse the body, it will adjust the body’s biorhythms for self-cleansing and as a result, the very next day after using this method of cleansing, your health improves, headaches, weakness go away and disappears. fast fatiguability. After a conspiracy to cleanse the body will increase vitality and your mood will improve, and the body, having gotten rid of waste and toxins, as well as losing a few kilograms, will work like clockwork.

On any day of the waning moon, pour into a glass clean water and tell the water a spell that cleanses the body :

Worm, worm, your place is in the apple,
In a damp grave, in black earth,
And not in me. How pure is God's water,
So let my body be clean.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

After reading the spell that cleanses the body, you need to drink water. .

© Copyright: Magician

  • This good plot for osteochondrosis, it helped many to quickly relieve pain from the lower back or neck. Exacerbation of osteochondrosis, what to do and how to quickly cure osteochondrosis of the spine, neck and lumbar region? In folk medicine, there are many ways to effectively cure osteochondrosis, and one of them is casting a spell. The spell for osteochondrosis should be read on an aspen stick with a knot

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  • Quick treatment of herpes in children and adults can be carried out using a conspiracy. This one is easy to do and very effective method how to quickly cure herpes on the lips is very common in Siberia where treatment of herpes on the lips in children and adults is very common. After the conspiracy, herpes on the lips will disappear within 24 hours without leaving any trace on the face. If it's on your face

  • This plot helps to instantly cure any toothache in an adult (even when the wisdom tooth is cutting). Relief comes almost immediately and the enchanted tooth will never disturb its owner again. To cure toothache yourself, you need to crush 2 cloves of garlic. Next, you need to calcinate coarse salt (3 pinches) on a church candle and add salt

  • What to do when small child If your teeth hurt, of course read the plot against toothache. For severe toothache in young children when they are teething, a good spell will help, which will immediately relieve the baby’s pain and give relief to the child and mother. To cast a spell and relieve a child from toothache, dry drying is needed. The spell to relieve a child from toothache must be read three times,

  • There is a good spell for a sore throat that should be read if an adult has a sore throat. This conspiracy helps against purulent sore throat and flu, after a simple ritual the patient will feel relief and get better. You need to read the plot for a sore throat at noon with a glass of strong moonshine. Moonshine needs to be poured nine times from a bottle or decanter into a small glass, then it needs to be

  • This white spell will help with sharp and twisting pain in the abdomen in adults and children, which will very quickly relieve any, even the most severe, pain in the abdomen with its magical effect. To soothe a stomach ache you need a stale crust of rye (black) bread. If you don't have any crackers, cut off a thin layer of the top of the loaf and air dry it for 10 minutes.

  • From severe pain helps in the back and lower back strong conspiracy which you read on your own to prevent back pain. A sore back causes a lot of trouble, the pain interferes with sleep and work, but not everyone knows that you can quickly soothe pain in the back and lower back by saying a quick and very effective conspiracy from a sore back, after which the pain will go away almost immediately and the person will stop suffering.

  • Conspiracies on tell a good conspiracy so that your legs don’t hurt. This magical ritual Very fast acting and not at all difficult to perform, but the result of the plot comes almost immediately by removing constant pain and heaviness in the legs. To read the plot, you need to go into the forest and find in it the tallest aspen tree that is alive and strong with green leaves. Approaching the aspen

In this article:

The cleansing ritual is a simple but very effective magical ritual that allows you to get rid of any negativity. With this product you can cleanse yourself, your internal energy, your loved ones, your home, etc.

Rite of purification through the power of fire

Most popular rituals for getting rid of negative energy carried out using force fire element. In rituals, this power is often symbolized by the flame of a candle; this small flame allows the performer to clear his own thoughts and concentrate on the magical ritual of getting rid of any filth.

Purification rituals are simple and safe, however, for such magic to work as effectively as possible, the performer requires intention, strength and will.

These are very important components of successful work.

Home cleansing ritual

This is a simple ritual that works on the power of the element of fire. He will help you cleanse own house, get rid of negativity and evil. Light a candle, concentrate on its flame and try to feel how everything bad burns out in this small flame. Come with a burning candle to front door and go around the whole house with it, moving clockwise, along the walls. At this time, you need to continuously look at the candle flame, think about how good it is at home, how cozy, warm, and dear your home is. Try to feel the atmosphere of peace and love in your home, think that here the walls help you in all matters, you and all the other residents.

When you feel confident that your home is really helping you, think that inside these walls you will be protected from any evil, from people with bad intentions, from negative energy.

As you move around the house, try to think about how the candle flame actually helps protect you. own home from evil, hatred, envy and other negative feelings and emotions.


While walking through the rooms with candles, pay special attention to the vibrations of the flame; if the fire at some point becomes restless, you will hear distinct crackling sounds, which means that the negative energy impact is especially strong in this place. Stop for a while and read any cleansing spells or prayers you know.

When you have gone through all the rooms in the house, return to the front door, place a candle on the threshold and leave it there to burn out. Place the candle in such a way that people entering will not knock it over.

A candle can be used to cleanse not only your home, but also your own thoughts and feelings.

If something is really bothering you, if you are tormented by doubts and fears, just light a candle, put it on the table, sit next to it and concentrate on its flame. Try to enjoy contemplating the sacred fire, admire it yellow tongues, and then just tell the flame what really worries you, what prevents you from living and feeling happy. Tell sincerely about all the grievances and pains, about doubts, about everything that lies a heavy burden on your heart. After that, just imagine that all your negative thoughts and emotions are a pile of garbage that you threw away and gave to the sacred flame. Now you will definitely feel better.

Slavic rituals for cleansing

Our distant ancestors viewed themselves in an inextricable connection with nature, which they identified with the Gods and the Mother of all things. Moreover, the Slavs considered themselves descended from the Gods and called themselves the grandchildren of Dazhdbog.

Few people know, but one of the most common cleansing rituals, egg rolling, has roots in ancient Slavic rituals. This simple technique allows you to remove any energy damage to the body and spirit. The ritual is completely safe and correct use it can be used any number of times.

Ritual for home protection

Our ancestors paid special attention to protecting family and home from negativity. They believed that there should always be some object located next to the front door that would catch the eye of everyone entering. It was this object that was supposed to absorb all the negative energy.

As such a protector, the Slavs used small wooden or straw houses, wreaths of various herbs and flowers, old clothes and shoes, as well as jewelry with various seeds, fruits and berries, bags of herbs and amulets.

The same item can be used today, you just need to know the basic properties of the listed items.

Salt for clearing negativity

In many cleansing rituals, the Slavs used salt, which was considered one of the most powerful means for collecting negative information.


A simple way to cleanse a room of any filth is to take a small amount of coarse salt, pour it into plates or pots, and place it in all corners of the room. Leave the plates for a week, and then pour all the used salt into one bag and bury it outside. Do not use waste salt in food under any circumstances, as you will take on all the accumulated negativity.

Slavic ritual of cleansing an apartment with fire

Fire has always been revered by the Slavs, and bonfires were an integral attribute any holiday. As an example, consider the holiday “Kupala”. The fire was always led by a sorcerer or sorcerer, who chose from among the young men those who would maintain the sacred fire throughout the sacrament.

To cleanse yourself or a room with fire, light a few candles, place them in a circle and read the words of the ancient conspiracy:

“In the name of Svarog the Father, in the name of Dazhdbog, and in the name of Perun the Thunderer. You, Svarog the Father, separate truth from falsehood, you, Dazhdbog, separate day from night, and you, Perun, separate Reality from Navi. I conjure (name), by the power of heavenly fire, by the power of the fire that is between heaven and earth, by the power of earthly fire, and by the underground I conjure. Let all the dark spells, all the teachings and slander, all the dry spells of Navya burn out in the Pekelny Fire. May what has been said come true. Exactly".

Purification ritual with water and fire

Before performing this ritual, place three or twelve on the table church candles. Water and Fire are the elements that are at the core of the universe, therefore they must be treated with all respect and reverence. Sit at the table and say the words in a whisper:

“Lord God, bless you for cleansing. I ask you, spirits of fire and water, help me cleanse myself, take away all the anger and misfortune from me, burn them in fire, drown them in water, so that they never return to me, the servant of God (name). Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, move the candles from the table to the floor and sit in the center, reading the Lord’s Prayer nine times. Try to relax and watch the candles burn around you. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a boat, in the middle big lake, feel the waves rocking your boat. If at this moment you feel bad influence, which can manifest itself in nausea or other sensations, means there is a large amount of negative energy on you.


You need to stay inside the circle of candles until you feel relief. If it doesn’t get better, then you can leave at any time, but at the same time, be sure to thank the forces of Fire and Water for their help and support.
This ritual must be performed every day until you feel that there is no trace left of everything negative and negative.

Powerful ritual of purification

This is extremely effective ritual, which will help not only get rid of negative thoughts and feelings, but also teach you how to enter a state of meditation, which can be successfully used in other magical practices.

To perform the ceremony you will need some kind of silver vessel. This could be a cup or a vase. If you do not have a suitable silver vessel, then you can replace it with a jug made of another material, but in this case you will need to place it on the bottom of the vessel silver coin(the presence of silver is a prerequisite for this ritual).

Pour water into the prepared vessel and place it on a windowsill or balcony so that moonlight falls into the water. The water should be exposed to the moon for several hours. Then place the vessel in front of you and place both hands on its neck. Close your eyes and try to imagine that the moonlight is touching your palms through the water. As soon as you manage to catch this first sensation, begin to transmit it to your whole body, as if moonlight is spreading throughout your body.

When you feel that you have taken all the energy flow from the jug, read the words of the conspiracy:

“Silver moonlight, you give strength, you bring purity. Cleanse me, God's servant (name), from all filth, from all evil, from envy and sadness. Let it be so".

Now scoop up some moon water with your palms and moisten selected points on your body with it. Most often they choose: temples, forehead, solar plexus area, neck, wrists, etc. When you feel energy starting to flow into your body again, read the words:

“My mother Moon, strengthen my spirit, fill me with your strength, light, creative power, cleanse me from everything dark, everything evil and unworthy. Cleanse, Moon, your child (name). Let it be so".

Then lower your hands and say:

“I (name), pure, I am perfect, like a baby at the beginning of its life path. Thank you, O Moon Goddess. Stay with me in my life, help me preserve the lily of my soul in the silver of your rays. Exactly".

The philosophical meaning of the word “karma” is not always easy to perceive for a person far from esotericism. Therefore, before describing the ritual of karmic cleansing, we will try to clearly explain the need for this action. Imagine this picture: you have just been born and are in the arms of a happy mother.

Remember: from this moment karma begins to develop. Even if you still unconsciously look around and succumb only to natural instincts, but you are already enveloped in a karmic shell that was passed on from your parents. Buddhists take this ancestral heritage quite seriously and believe that karma cannot be remade.

How does this happen?

If your ancestors committed many unseemly acts: practiced black magic or, even worse, were involved in serious crimes, your life may be very difficult. Please note that all people are susceptible to this. Including those who have wonderful character qualities. And, of course, these individuals do not at all support the vicious deeds of their great-grandmothers or great-great-grandfathers.

Why is this happening? In essence, karma is retribution not only for one’s wrong actions, but also for the sins of one’s parents and the entire family tree. There are many examples where drug addicts or inveterate thieves grow up in exemplary families. In this case, it is worth paying attention to relatives who suffered from a similar illness.

This is necessary in order to identify the genetic roots that influenced the karmic shell of the child. Next, before proceeding with medical or psychological treatment, we recommend doing a karmic cleansing ritual to get rid of ancestral debts.

Description of the ritual

You need to prepare for it in advance and be patient. After all, it is necessary to perform the karmic cleansing ritual for 9 months during the waning moon cycle.

So, prepare 12 church candles. Pour water into a deep round container and place all the candles around this dish clockwise. Then light the candles one after another and say the text: “When I light the first candle, I resurrect the memory of the first (second, third, etc.) generation.”

After this, try to mentally imagine images of your relatives from all generations. At the same time, take each candle and imagine how all the secrets of your family tree come out of it. Next, turn the candle over so that the wax drips into a container of water. Monitor your thoughts during the process.

They should be focused on spiritual connections with relatives. Ask them for forgiveness and help. Each time the wax drips into the water, say: “The sins and debts of my family are burned in flames, my soul and karma are cleansed. The dark figures of fate fall into the water, and they free me from the heavy karma of my family.”

This action must be carried out with each candle in order to reproduce 12 generations of your family in the information space. The resulting wax figures and scenes should be poured into the nearest river, stream (fountain) along with water. The remaining candles can be saved until the next ritual, and the cinders must be buried in the ground.

The above-described ritual of karmic cleansing at home is available to every person. You just need to take into account some features. For example, you need to pay attention to your emotional state. It is important that it be smooth, devoid of irritability and hesitation.

It is also recommended to focus on the images and sensations that arise during the ceremony. Perhaps in this way important signs are sent from relatives that can make your life easier. During the period of cleansing your karma, it is recommended to help people.

Moreover, if you have financial difficulties, then help someone in need with money. If problems arise with childbearing, support a pregnant woman or help raise a busy couple's child. The point is this: take active action in reality to correct the mistakes of your ancestors and alleviate your ancestral burden.

If you're unlucky in love

There are a large number of rituals aimed at cleansing and softening karma. If it is not clear what exactly needs to be corrected, you can turn to a professional esotericist. With the help of a magical instrument, he will be able to assess the life line of the ancestors of your family tree and suggest the necessary ritual.

Everyone has their own special ritual of karmic cleansing. We present to you a magical action that is used in love matters. For example, a woman has been unable to build relationships with men for a long time, or along the way she encounters chosen ones of the same type: players, gigolos, drunkards.

How to perform a karmic cleansing ritual at home?

For the ritual you need to take your photo to full height and run a wax candle over it several times. Then pour water into a large container and throw three coins into it: bronze, silver and gold. Next, you should stand in this container, light your photo and let it burn halfway.

Then you need to throw the charred remains into the same water in which you are standing and say the spell: “Love burned like a flame. I always wanted love. Let my destiny come (describe how you see your chosen one). Let everything be as I want! May my karma be cleansed after the words I uttered: “Cleansing. Karma. Love". And now I’m not afraid, because I won’t fall for falsehood. Let everything be the way I want! Amen!".

This ritual of karmic cleansing should be repeated three times, and each time a coin should be pulled out of the water at random. The result of the ritual can be judged by the last banknote. If a bronze coin appears, you will meet your loved one in 6 months. Silver - will predict such an opportunity in 4 months, gold - in 1 month and 5 days.

Karmic load can be tracked in natal horoscope, which gives a person not only a description of his essence, but also shows who he was in past reincarnations and how this affects him real destiny. For each representative of the constellation, you can choose your own cleansing ritual.

The karmic axis is visible in the natal horoscope according to lunar nodes. According to the Southern (descending) one can track the experience acquired by a person in previous life. Northern (ascending) shows the path that should be taken to correct one's karma. Also, each zodiac sign has its own karmic task. Let's look at it using the example of one of the air signs.

Aquarius Challenge

So, the representative of this constellation will have to learn to take for granted the ordinariness of everyday worries. The peculiarity of people of this sign is that they like to do only what they like, turning a blind eye to other necessary matters. For example, they do not like cleaning the house (cooking) and tend to shift these problems to others. The stars believe that in this way Aquarius seeks to elevate himself above others, showing that other great things await him.

The karmic task of Aquarius is to force yourself to do everyday things, at least out of a sense of duty. If this does not happen, fate will throw him various tests on this topic. To overcome his character, such a person is shown a ritual of karmic cleansing.

For Aquarius, a ritual associated with air is suitable. For example, you can write the text on a piece of paper: “ Higher power, I ask you to remove from me the sins of my family and ease my karma. From now on, I undertake to monitor my actions so as not to burden my karma and not burden my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and subsequent generations with it. Let it be so!". After this, burn the leaf and scatter the ashes in the wind. It is best to carry out this

We can conclude that representatives of different constellations should look for a magical ritual of karma purification in accordance with their elemental affiliation. In conclusion, we want to give parting words: watch your actions, thoughts and words. Always remember that you are leaving behind the main legacy - children and grandchildren who take karma from you like a relay baton!

On this page for the development of your psychic abilities Several Siberian conspiracies are given.

Siberian conspiracy against alcoholism

Conspiracies are read 3-9 times, preferably before sunrise on the new moon:

  • Hops and wine, retreat from the servant of God (name) into the dark forests, where people do not walk, where horses do not roam and birds do not fly.

  • You, heaven, see, you, God, hear what I want to do over the soul and body of the servant of God (name). My body is a wound, my liver is poison. Come down into the cup of mash, clear stars, there is water in my cup blue sea. You are a bright month, come into my hut, and in my hut there is no bottom, no tire, no top board. You are my true sunshine, come into my yard, but in my yard there are no people or animals. Stars, keep God's servant (name) away from wine. My word is a castle. Amen.

  • Dawn, beautiful maiden, mother and queen herself, bright moon, clear stars, take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, midnight owl. In the middle of the night, come to me, even as a red maiden, even as a mother-queen, and take away from me this accursed power that holds me, and give me a hand and a strong lock to save me from the corrosive devil, the green snake, to strengthen my heart. Enemy Satan, get away from me.

  • In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Hops and wine, depart from the servant of God (name) into the dark forests, where people do not walk, and horses do not roam, and birds do not fly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (twice). Hops and wine, come out fast water, on which water people do not travel, from the servant of God (name), hops and wine, go to the violent winds - which the wind travels in a distance. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (twice). Take this wine beyond the hills and mountains. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Get attached to a dashing person who thinks recklessly about (name), get attached to someone who won’t do any good, get rid of me forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.
  • Drink, servant of God (name), do not get drunk, do not forget the Lord God Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was born from heaven, he did not drink and did not give it to us. Jesus Christ walked along a long road and carried three candles: Strizhenskaya, Annunciation and Spasovskaya. Just as these candles do not light up, so the servant of God (name) does not get drunk with the burner, so that the servant of God (name) does not get drunk with the burner, so that the servant of God (name) does not get drunk with the burner, like a peg to a sick person. Wash your face with cold water, servant of God (name), and say goodbye to misfortune.

In the place where the pig slept, collect straw or whatever you have in a pile, bring a bottle of vodka (wine, beer) to this place and say three times (After the slander, let him drink from that bottle, and the desire to drink will pass.):

  • The pig doesn’t even drink vodka, but eats slop. So you, slave (name), don’t drink vodka, don’t get sick from it.

Frog conspiracies are considered powerful. The frog is placed in wine, one of the above spells is spoken, the wine is placed in warm place, then give the drink so that the person suffering from the binge does not know what he is drinking.

Spells to cleanse the soul and body

When washing with water say:

  • In the name of the immortal and eternal love, in the name of the immortal and eternal Truth, on the bed of which we live and have our existence, may this water free me from all impurities.

Take a glass of clean water, dip three fingers of your right hand into it, concentrate your thoughts on the ideas of Love, Truth and Wisdom. Drink this water with the thought:

  • For Love that heals, for Wisdom that illuminates and for Truth that liberates.

Conspiracies to acquire health

These spells are pronounced on the waxing moon.

  • I ask the one who occupied the graves: holy holidays, old and young, near and far, your own and others, accept bread and salt and bestow health.

  • I am going to the sea out of great grief. You, fish, perk up, fight off your grief. For your kindness I’ll put bread and salt, take bread and salt and give me health.

Everyday conspiracies for all diseases

These conspiracies are called everyday, since they are not directed against any specific illness or misfortune, but are designed to protect a person from all disasters that may befall him. Try to say them once every day, and many disasters will most likely pass you by.

*** They slander the water:

  • You, the water of the Jordan, created by God, flow from under the dawn, cleanse the meadows, banks, flints, white stones. Cleanse, Mother Water, the born baptized servant of God (name) from all evil, illness, all evil spirits, hatred. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Every morning they pour this water over themselves or after washing they splash this water on their face. The child is bathed in this water on Thursday before sunrise. And the water is poured where people don’t go, under a bush or tree. Water is taken before sunrise.

  • I, baby Alexei, will stand up, blessing him, and will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field, I will put there a damask fence from earth to heaven, from east to west. I will close it with 77 locks, with 77 keys. I’ll throw these keys into the blue sea under the Belgrade Stone. Just as these keys will not return to baby Alexei, so no disease will stick to me, neither plague, nor cholera, nor ulcer, nor radish, nor a sorcerer, nor a witch. Save and preserve me, Lord, from everyone evil people, all sorts of enemies, adversaries. My words are my lips, my tongue is my castle, forever and ever. Amen! Amen! Amen!.

The plot is read for three days in a row. If necessary, read for three more days after a week-long break. Then they take a week break again and treat for another three days. A total of three to nine days of treatment is needed. It should be remembered that speaking on Monday and Sunday is prohibited.

*** They cast a spell on water against 12 diseases. Take a mug of water right hand by the hand so that thumb was on top of the mug, and they said:

  • Spring water, not mine, do not rinse the steep banks, but wash away, rinse off the servant of God (name, if the child is under three years old, then say “small baby”) all the lessons, all the commotion, so that it does not go wrong, so that it does not go wrong. With the morning dawn of Mary, with the evening dawn of Marimyana, with the red sun, with the golden moon, with the clear stars, washing away from the entire composition, from the hands, from the legs, from the bones, from the eyes, from the liver, from the hot blood, from the zealous heart, from lungs, from kidneys, from large brains, from brown eyes, from black eyebrows. So that there is no pinch of cracks, bone crushers, so that the servant of God (name) does not have any pain. Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, send peace and sleep to the servant of God (name) and good health. Amen. To stand, to rest, to know nothing, century after century, from now on, to eternity. Amen.

Repeat three times per water. Take the charmed water three times a day in small sips for five minutes.

  • In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Ivan the Baptist baptized the water, and I, Herod’s daughters, expel you, Herod’s daughters, with God’s prayer from God’s servant(s) (name), from the body, from God’s servant(s) (name), from the blood. There are seventy-seven of you. You took off your socks, you drank his (her) blood and killed his (her) body. I drive you out with God’s prayer and what was brought in and whispered, taken from the dead grave to the sand, dead water drenched I'm banishing you God's prayer. There mother of god walked. She drove the Savior. She said seven prayers. Come forth, Herod's daughters, from his (or her, or my) body and blood.

Read seven times.

  • ABOUT Holy Mother of God. Queen of heaven, Lady Mary, cover with your red robe, with an honest hand, with the life-giving cross, the servant of God (name) from all evil and misfortune forever and ever. Amen. From the slanderer and the slanderer, from the heretic and the heretic, from the sorcerer and sorceress, from the wizard and sorceress forever and ever. Amen. Archangel Michael, Gabriel and John the warrior will defeat the demon and the adversary and the enemy forever and ever. Amen. The servant of God (name) is protected by the sun, girded by the month, and I will not fear the enemy and adversary and my enemy forever and ever. Amen.
  • Lord God, bless! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Just as the Lord God, heaven and earth, and water, and stars, and the raw mother earth, firmly established and strengthened, and how on that raw mother earth there is no disease, no bloody wounds, no pinching, no aches, no swelling, the Lord created me, the servant of God (name), in the same way. As the Lord has done, He has firmly established and strengthened my sinews and my bones and white body mine, just as I, the servant of God (name), would not have had any disease or tumor on my white body, on my zealous heart, or on my bones. One Archangel key. Forever and ever. Amen.
  • Save, Lord, the servant of God (name) from sorrows and illness, from melancholy, from aches, from typhus, from scarlet fever, from various things; from behind the ears, from vain death, from a fatal ulcer, from a flying serpent and a creeping serpent, from a sorcerer and a sorceress, from a bare-haired girl. Save and preserve the servant of God (name) with the sign of the cross of autumn and stone wall fence. Amen, amen, amen.

Siberian conspiracies from lessons, from thoughts, from blood, from good people, from envious people

  • I will become a slave (name), having blessed myself, I will go, crossing myself, out of the hut by the doors, out of the gates by the gates, into an open field, into a green oak grove. In a green oak grove stands a pure birch tree with twelve roots. Just as neither the morning dew nor the evening dew holds on me, so neither lessons, nor ghosts, nor sorrow-illness, nor fear-commotion, nor windy fractures hold on to me. From Rodimtsu Rodimeshnov, from fair-haired, from blond, from black cherry, from two-toothed, from three-toothed, from bigamous, from three-toothed. May my words be strong and moldable, stronger and more moldable than sturgeon glue. Amen.

Siberian conspiracy against bleeding

  • In the name of the Father, an old man rides from the field, under him is a horse, a slave (name) does not let blood drop. May my words be molded and strong, stronger than my style, stronger than gray stone. The lock is the key, the lock is in the company, and the tongue is the key to the ocean. Amen.

Usage: Read three times over the place from there's blood coming out. After reading, they spit on the bleeding area three times. (I recommend it, the plot works perfectly. Tested more than once.)

Hex from damage

  • I will lie down with blessings, stand up and cross myself, leave the hut through the doors, out of the yard through the gates, to the eastern side, to the Okiyan-Sea. On the Okiyan Sea stands the Zlatyr stone. On this golden stone is the Apostolic Church. In this church there is a throne, on this throne are Jesus Christ and the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Jesus Christ, save and preserve the slave (name), from lessons, from corruption, from a heretic, from a corrupter, from an old one, from a small one, from a gray-haired one, from a bearded one, from a white-haired one, from a fair-haired one. Be my words strong and capacious. Amen.

Usage: In case of spoilage, “when the bottom cuts - the inside,” prepare an infusion of “urgical grass” in church grape wine and give it to drink in a glass, after crossing the infusion three times and stirring it with a fork. While drinking, the hex is read three times. In general, it is used only as “nine nines”.

Siberian conspiracies for toothache

For a toothache spell general rule- cast spells on the street (that is, under open air, can be on the balcony or porch of the house). You need to turn your face towards the month, and if it is not there, look at the sky. It is believed that it is best for the patient to stand with his feet on a stone and take hold of an oak branch.

They cross themselves three times and say three times:

  • A pike is in the water, a worm is in a hollow, and a moon is in the sky. When they all come together to talk, then the servant of God (name) will have a toothache. Amen, amen, amen!

They slander the water and drink it at once:

  • The four sisters, Zacharias and Macarius, sister Daria, and Marya, and sister Ulyana, themselves said that the servant of God (name) should not have swollen cheeks and teeth not hurt, century after century, from now on to century. With my word the key and the lock; the key is in the water, the lock is in the mountain.

Three strawberry roots are dipped into water and said three times (After the hex, put the roots on the tooth and drink the water.):

  • Just as these strawberries dry up and wither, so that the servant of God (name)’s teeth freeze and become numb, to this day, to this hour.

Siberian conspiracy from Barley

Show the “fig” to the barley and say on Monday:

  • The barley was growing and mowing was approaching. The barley was mowed, the sorceress was begged. Grandfather witch, speak barley. Go to the forest, to the grass, to cold water from slave (name). Amen.

The healer wets his ring finger with saliva, lifts soot from the stove onto it, circles this finger around a knot in the tree (furniture, floor, baseboard, etc.), then leads it around the barley and says:

  • God bless! Motoviltse - horn. He himself will disappear as his forehead turns black. Keys and lock. Lock in your mouth, key in the sea. Amen, amen, amen.

(The slander is read three times.)

Siberian conspiracy from a bitch's tit

  • Bitchy tit, boil Vasily, move away, there’s nothing in that place. Just as a branch on a bench dries and fades, so does the servant of God (name) in her chest, under her bosom, on her white body, on her leg, the knotty tit and boil of Vasily, dry and fade, fade in the middle, dry at the edges. May my words be molded and strong.

Usage: Draws on three bitches ring finger right hand in right side, pronouncing the hex to the “lock” (before the words “Be my words molded and strong.” First, the first branch is outlined, then the second, then the third, the hex is pronounced once at a time. The same is done around the sore spot, but with the hex being read three times. They repeat the same order of drawing a second time. The third time they draw like this: having drawn once around one branch, with the pronouncement of a hex to the “lock,” they draw dots around the same branch three times and pronounce the hex from the words “as a branch dries on a bench.” Having made three full revolutions, make a cross with four points and say last words in the “lock” - “strong”, touch the finger all the way to the branch. Then spit three times. The same is repeated over the remaining two knots. Over the sore spot the same is true, but the first time the slander is read three times.

Siberian conspiracies for bruises

  • The pain is gone, the blood is standing, the meat is intact, so nothing hurts. Amen.
  • I will pray to the Lord God. I bow to the Holy Most Pure One. Dawns-lightning, God's helpers, come, help me speak from the blow. Blow-blow, get out of the small and large bones, from the joints and from the face. There is no blow here, no breaking of a white bone, no drying of red blood, no flogging of a blue vein, freeing from pain, endowing the servant of God (name) with health. Amen.
  • Well, good, beautiful Katerina sits on a blue stone, on the blue sea, dark and light nights are shooting. An iron barrel under his arm, iron boots on his feet, iron mittens on his hands, an iron cap on his head. You don’t need to shoot at a baptized person, you need to shoot at the willow surface, birch bark, aspen top, stone bank, then it would be easier to endure.

*** If a bruised elbow hurts for a long time. And sometimes after that the hand begins to dry out. Look at your elbow and say a curse:

  • "Bone, blood, vein, subcutaneous. He hit, and the master fixed everything. Amen."

Siberian spells for enuresis (urinary incontinence)

*** The hex is read in the morning on a wet bed:

  • Mother river, underground water, as you wash the banks, wash away, rinse the incontinence of urine from the slave (name). Like a branch dries without water, so that the slave (name) has a dry, unwetted bed. Mother river, underground water, as you wash the banks, wash away and throw away illnesses, uncontrollability from the slave (name) to someone else’s side. Amen.

*** They take a cup of water with their right hand by the handle so that the thumb is on top of the cup and say the following words:

  • Spring water, not mine, don’t rinse the steep banks. And wash away, rinse off the servant of God (name) (if the child is under three years old - they say: “from a small baby”) all the lessons, all the commotion, so that it doesn’t go wrong, so that it doesn’t rinse. With the morning dawn of Mary, with the evening dawn of Maremyan, with the red sun, with the golden moon, with the clear stars. Wash off from the entire composition: from the hands, from the legs, from the bones, from the eyes, from the liver, from the hot blood, from the zealous heart, from the lungs and kidneys, from sick brains and brown eyes, from black eyebrows, so that there is no pinch of alkali, So that the servant of God (name) (or the little baby (name)) does not have any pain. Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, send us restful sleep and good health. To sleep and rest, to know nothing, forever and ever, from now on forever. Amen.

(Spit over the left shoulder. Repeat the spell three times. Drink water in small sips for five minutes three times a day.)

Siberian conspiracy from lessons

Usage: Most often it is read over water, which is then given to the patient to drink. They read the plot once, twice or even three times, depending on the degree of the lesson and the tractability of its treatment.

  • Because the servant of God (name) was born, he received relief from all sorts of illnesses, from all kinds of sorrows, from lessons, from troubles, from fears, commotion, from burdens, from aches, from terrible things, from troubles, from a sharp tooth, from a sharp eye, from white and black and veil, from a woman, from a sister-in-law, from a simple-haired girl. Be my words strong and sculpted. In those words, the lock is the sea, the key is the teeth.

Hex from lessons

  • In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Gets rid of the tract, from the ozovishka, grief, illness, birthmarks, fear, commotion, from a wild roar. Like a stone petrified, the lessons, the prizes became petrified; they wouldn’t be sick, they wouldn’t grieve, they wouldn’t be chilled, they wouldn’t be depressed. These words have a key and a lock. The lock is in the company, and the key is in the sea. May my words be strong and sculpted. Stronger damask steel and styling. The damask steel and the way of life will boil over the fire, but my strong words will not burn even on the fire, even if they do not boil.

A conspiracy that protects drivers from being stopped by traffic police officers

  • I walk, crossing myself on four sides, bowing. In front is the red sun for God's window, behind the month is a clear, non-dangerous path, on the sides are guardians, my deliverers from all authorities and their wisdom, from all ranks and their subordinates, from their uniforms and all commanders. Turn around, not me, but you, bow to me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Sometimes there comes a period in the life of any person when every day becomes ordeal- illnesses are spreading, there is complete bad luck in business, and there is a heavy atmosphere of discord in the family.

Of course, we know that life is like a vest - after the light stripe, wait for the dark one. However, if the dark streak has dragged on, it means that the matter is not a simple cyclical nature of existence. Most likely, negativity has accumulated in your home and in your energy – the dirt of subtle planes.

The house and the human body not only need regular cleaning, washing and cleaning on the physical plane, but also need to be cleansed energetically.

For purification on the subtle plane for centuries by sorcerers and magicians with different corners planets, special cleansing rituals were developed. These rituals have survived to this day in almost their original form.

There are many purification rituals, some duplicating each other, and some used for different purposes.

Fire rituals for cleansing are the most common, since fire has the property of irreversibly destroying information. And subtle dirt is, first of all, accumulated information structures that interfere with the normal flow of energy in the home or body, or transform ordinary energy external environment or communication to harmful effect.

Residential cleansing ritual

For effective cleansing Some points to remember:

  • Negativity usually accumulates in hard-to-reach places: corners, space behind furniture, under sofas and beds.
  • After the ceremony, you need to ventilate the room for a while to replenish natural flows.
  • The ceremony always ends with a consolidation ritual.

The ceremony begins at the front door. A door is a gateway not only for the owners and their guests; both positive and negative energy flows penetrate through the door.

  • The first step of the ritual is performed: light a church candle, then drop wax into the right corner of the opening, move along inner surface doorway, light the candle counterclockwise and drop it in the lower left corner of the opening. At the same time say: “I’m closing!”
  • Now you need to start walking around the house clockwise. Imagine that a ray passes through the point where your “third eye” and the candle light are located, which after the candle light becomes fiery. By raising or lowering the candle, or moving it from side to side, you seem to change the direction of the beam.
  • You need to mentally “burn” the space of the rooms with the fire of the beam, paying special attention to corners and other hard-to-reach places.
  • In places where you involuntarily feel the urge to stop and work longer, the “Our Father” is read to enhance cleansing.
  • After you have walked through one of the rooms, stand in the center and try to feel the atmosphere in it after you have completed the ritual; if necessary, repeat the ritual again.
  • After you have walked through all the rooms, return to the front door. Drip wax into the left (as viewed from the room) corner of the opening, run a candle flame along its inner surface, drip wax in the opposite corner with the words of the anchoring ritual: “I open to goodness, health and prosperity!”
  • After the ceremony, be sure to ventilate the room!
  • Approach the person from behind. Hold the candle above your left shoulder, imagining molten pure silver in that space. Once the image of silver has become clear, we move on to the next stage.
  • Hold the candle over your right shoulder until the image of molten silver appears.
  • Hold the candle behind the image being cleaned until the image of the straightened silver appears.
  • Hold the candle in front of what you are purifying until the image of molten silver appears.
  • Move the candle in a clockwise circular motion over your head until an image of silver appears.

The Roman rite is distinguished by its large number of parishioners. It is both a celebration and a ritual. There is every reason to believe that the Roman ritual of purification by fire takes its origins from pagan rites. The Roman pantheon of Gods did not differ much from other pagan pantheons, in whose rituals of service they most often used fire. The Roman liturgical rite receives additional power of purification from the recitation of “cleansing” prayers.

The Roman rite requires high degree trust on the part of parishioners, which large quantities participants enhances the cleansing effect many times over.