Was the Duchess of Cambridge pregnant? October 23rd, 2013

There is no direct evidence of this, but still, after analyzing all the official information, we can come to the conclusion that Kate Middleton faked pregnancy.
It is worth noting that the prince's wife had to become pregnant within the next 9 months after the wedding in order to comply centuries-old tradition royal family. This is a serious condition involving caring relationship future mother of an heir or heiress royal throne to his delicate position.

So, about “pregnancy”. The royal couple officially announced they were preparing to become parents in early December 2012 after Kate was admitted to King Edward VII Hospital for allegedly vomiting heavily. She was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum. However, this illness did not hinder the princess at all. three days earlier play field hockey ON HIGH HEELS.

Did the princess really know nothing about the fairly high probability of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy? At the very least she should have worn shoes flat shoes. Certainly, appearance the named style icon should always be impeccable, but jeopardizing the life of a child was, at a minimum, strange and irresponsible, especially during the first pregnancy.

One might assume that this happened by accident, due to carelessness, but no. Throughout her pregnancy, Kate went out in high heels. And, the most interesting thing, no more swollen ankles at the last stage, heavy gait, weight gain and changes in shape as a result of hormonal processes in pregnant women. It was as if the physiological processes in the body of any pregnant woman did not apply to her at all.

There was a lot of confusion about the gender of the then unborn child. The royal couple claimed that they did not know whether it was a boy or a girl until the birth. But it seems that this was not the case. The new parents contradicted themselves. The press tells us about this: after the size of the embryo became known, the couple began to call their future daughter little grape, reports US Weekly magazine on March 18. On a trip to Grimsby in early March, a well-wisher gave Kate a teddy bear, and among her words of gratitude, Kate said: “Thank you. I'll leave it for my d...” On last word she stopped short and did not continue the sentence. To all subsequent questions - whether she meant a daughter - she answered that she did not know the sex of her child. In the news on July 16, Kate Middleton's uncle expressed his assumptions that his niece would have a daughter.

The father of the child also behaved completely strangely. When it was already known that Kate would give birth any day now, Prince William suddenly rushed off 160 kilometers from London to play polo. Apparently the birth itself didn’t bother him much, or maybe he just knew that it was all a performance.
And now the long-awaited day of birth has arrived. Well, this time everything did not go without incident: CNN makes an unforgivable mistake by declaring the heir stillborn. Where did this information come from and how often do such “accidents” occur?
Kate's first exit from the hospital with her child created a sensation in funds mass media! She was praised for her courage to appear in public 24 hours after giving birth. But every woman who has given birth knows how difficult it is, and even impossible, to completely get herself in order a day after the birth of a child. Kate looked flawless, as if she had not given birth at all, given that the baby was born quite large - more than three kilograms. And again high heels. How is this possible during the recovery period after childbirth?

A separate question is what happened to her belly? It feels like she went overboard trying to look natural and believable. Yes, the next day women who give birth do indeed have a fairly large belly, but it usually looks different: more saggy and rather shapeless. Kate, on the other hand, looked round and firm, just like before giving birth, and too big for her figure.

Another unclear point: William, holding the baby in his arms on the threshold of the hospital, said that they had not yet come up with a name and were seeing their son for the first time. This is after almost 30 hours after birth. That is, the mother did not even put her newborn son to her breast?
The weirdness doesn't end there. For the first time, the head of the British Home Office was not present at the birth of an heir, although this tradition has been strictly followed for centuries! If we take into account that in reality there were no births, then this fully explains the reason for such a deviation from the rules.
Let's go further: Kate Middleton's special royal pregnancy consultant, 49-year-old gynecologist Alan Farthing, was involved in 1999 loud scandal. His fiancee, TV presenter Jill Dando, was killed. Officially, the culprit was found, but the story is quite dark. According to rumors, Jill began to dig into the topic of pedophilia among famous people and met her own fiance! With this turn of events, it is not difficult to guess who her real killer was.
The birth itself was attended by 69-year-old Dr. Marcus Satchell, personal doctor Elizabeth II. But this doctor’s reputation, to put it mildly, is tarnished. He is under investigation and accused of, quite a bit, negligence and medical error. Such doctors could well agree to take part in a play called “Kate Middleton’s birth.”
There is a fairly reasonable opinion that the royal couple will give birth to a child surrogate mother. And indeed, why was Kate taken to the hospital with nausea on December 3, when the royal court had a whole staff of its own doctors? This means there was something more serious involved, such as egg retrieval. Everything would be fine, but only one of the nurses who observed Kate these days (from December 3 to December 6) committed suicide, allegedly becoming the victim of a ridiculous joke by Australian Radio. Maybe it wasn’t the radio at all, but the fact that she learned the duchess’s insidious secret? And perhaps they just helped her shut up?

If the royal couple really used the services of a surrogate mother, and the embryo was transferred to her only in December, then real child will have to be born before September. This is probably why the young parents decided to postpone the previously promised photo shoot with their newborn child, and Prince Philip’s well-being has absolutely nothing to do with it.
By the way, this explains strange shape Kate's belly. Nowadays it is not difficult to buy a silicone belly to simulate pregnancy. (At one time in China it was even fashionable to buy yourself a fake silicone pregnancy). In the description of the product at the Chinese auction it is written that the false belly can be used to simulate pregnancy, if in reality the child is carried by a surrogate mother.

Contrary to royal principles, Kate and William also refused a nanny for the child. This is understandable; a non-existent child really doesn’t need a nanny! Kate spent the last week before and after giving birth with her parents, explaining that she felt calmer with her family. That is, she doesn’t consider William her family and doesn’t feel his support?
Moreover, Camilla, Prince William's stepmother, began to doubt that Kate Middleton gave birth to a child from William, and, as evidence to the contrary, demanded a DNA test.
We don't know if Kate decided to maintain her figure and therefore allowed another woman to carry her child, or if she is even infertile. There were a lot of suspicions about this, because Kate could not get pregnant for a long time. By the way, this diagnosis is often found among royalty due to frequent marriages between relatives. After all, in reality, the Duchess is not a simple English girl as the press positions her, but William’s sister, albeit in the 12th generation. Be that as it may, the truth always triumphs. We hope that in this case the truth will definitely emerge.

Gave birth to the fifth candidate for british crown. The ceremony took place at St. Mary's Hospital - the same place where George and Charlotte were born, and even earlier, Princes William and Harry. The whole of Great Britain froze in impatience, but MIR 24 correspondent Gleb Sterkhov is following the events.

St. Mary's Hospital has been number one at dawn since dawn. English paparazzi occupied the approaches to the hospital. Bollards and tapes were brought up for the cordon, and mobile television stations staked out a place in the courtyards to broadcast pictures live.

The place is familiar, all the approaches and secret paths for a good angle are familiar. All members of the royal family are born here. Kate gave birth to George and Charlotte in this maternity hospital, and here Princess Diana gave birth to her sons William and Harry. Since mid-March, an entire wing of the maternity hospital has been reserved for the expectant mother for 6.5 thousand euros per day. She has to drive three kilometers from the palace. And any parking around the maternity hospital was prohibited in advance.

So they kept watch, ready for five minutes to receive the baby. Well, fans of the crowned family are right there. They keep watch for weeks. They live in tents.

“We have been here for 15 days, and today is a little easier, but more exciting. We can't wait to hear how it went for her. And today is the day of St. George, the patron saint of England. This is a wonderful event for the country. This will lift everyone’s spirits,” said royal family fan Maria Scott.

“I'm so delighted!!! And he rushed to tell the others this news. Of course, we can't wait for Kate to take the steps today, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, showing us the royal baby, boy or girl!!!" - pointed out royal family fan John Loughrey.

Thank you dear Kate and William. The whole industry of souvenirs, booklets, and children's toys is beginning the bread season. And bookmakers have traditionally given birth to bets on the name of the unborn child. Guess and get your £500 or more.

True, this time you won’t be able to earn too much. The other day the British media almost killed the intrigue. They trumpeted how William spilled the beans in an interview with football fans at an English Football League championship match. He loves midfielder Jack Grealish and wants to name the child... well, you get the idea.

And so it happened. Boy. Prince Williams can be trusted. There were no bets made on the sex of the child. The bookmakers were despondent. And one more moment, slightly muffling the sensation. The more large the prince and his wife become, the less resonance there is. William and Kate's third child will be fifth in line to the throne. There are almost no options. At the end of the line of applicants. Even the royal court historian became a little sad.

“In my opinion, the interest in this child will not last long. Still, when the first-born, Prince George, was born, he was the direct heir to the throne. This one, unless things go extremely wrong, will never become king or queen,” said royal family historian Hugo Vickers.

Kate gave birth to her first child George in 2013 very loudly. Heralds rang and shouted, cannons were fired, parades were held. And two years later, almost as pompously, a girl, Charlotte, Princess of Cambridge, was born. And half the world turned pink and delighted. However, this time there will still be enough holiday for everyone. Have wonderful appearances there is never too much light. More good news is on the way. Kate Middleton's sister is expecting her first child. The birth is planned for October.

Prince William's wife has shocked the public more than once with her appearance on the threshold of the maternity hospital. Main question, which worried everyone at these moments: how does she manage to look so good after giving birth?! However, even now: a little more than 7 weeks have passed, and the duchess has already returned to her previous form. After three pregnancies, her figure is perfect, as if Kate Middleton never gave birth.

At a charity polo tournament last weekend, Kate looked incredibly slim, and her belted dress perfectly emphasized her changed figure and thin waist. Not to mention how the Duchess of Cambridge looked in a soft azure dress during the Trooping the Color parade in honor of Queen Elizabeth II's birthday.

The entire public noticed this, leaving Kate Middleton's appearance without comment. Midwife Laura Speizer from the “Women’s Health Clinic” said that some young mothers manage to quickly get back into shape, which depends not only on nutrition and physical activity, but good genes.

“Some women can easily return to their pre-pregnancy weight, especially when it is in their genes. If the mother is healthy, and the pregnancy proceeded safely and with a normal BMI, then after childbirth the body, as a rule, quickly gets into shape.”

She also added that so fast recovery Duchess is probably related to proper nutrition: “Remove from your diet those foods that the body “requires” after childbirth. On breastfeeding I especially want carbohydrates and something tasty - the body is “looking” for extra calories. If you can control yourself, opt for healthy snacks and balanced healthy dinners, then you are more likely to lose the weight you gained faster.”

And although Kate Middleton herself does not make any official statements about her figure, it is known that even after the birth of George, in 2013, a famous fitness and health expert worked with her Louise Parker. She developed her own method and has been working with people for over 20 years, helping them change their body. According to the star trainer, a third of her clients are young mothers. Based on her experience, Louise does not recommend that women after childbirth immediately begin to lose weight in any way possible.

At first, the body needs to rest and recover after nine months of such a serious load. Experienced mothers know that every pregnancy takes a toll on the body. Therefore, after giving birth, it is especially important to give yourself the opportunity to rest and try to get enough sleep.

“It's not easy for people who are always in the public eye,” she says. “Yes, they have the resources, a whole support team of nutritionists and personal trainers, but in the end they still have to do this work on themselves.”


“Exercise is important, but long, high-intensity training is not necessary. I do not believe in the benefits and effectiveness of grueling workouts after childbirth. Anything that is too aggressive can only aggravate the situation and the mother’s emotional state, says the athlete, who herself suffered from postpartum depression and coped with it by walking. “You need to exercise, but little by little, gradually increasing the pace.”

The most suitable fitness plan for a new mother is cardio (such as walking) and light weight training for the upper body. You can do exercises every day while walking with a stroller: this will not only help strengthen the heart muscle and lose extra pounds, but also give the body the opportunity to gradually “get into mode.”

“Your body should gradually recover from pregnancy. The most important thing is posture. Watch how you sit and walk. The best place to start is by strengthening your upper back and heart,” says Louise Parker, who then recommends a fairly gentle cardio-sculpting method.

"This is very effective method, during which you simultaneously train muscles and burn fat. Instead of regular squats, try doing exercises for your arms, back or neck muscles.”

“Finding time for sports is always difficult,” on own experience Mum of three Louise Parker knows. “But if you strive for this every day, you will be able to gradually get into the routine and exercise 3-4 times a week.”

Kate Middleton herself spends a lot of time with her children fresh air, walks, runs: she is always on the move. Not to mention the fact that one of the children is always in her arms, so the stress on her arms and back is constant.


Star trainer Louise Parker is sure that a strict diet is strictly contraindicated for young mothers. During the first time after childbirth, the body is recovering from major hormonal changes, so you should not deprive it of nutrients. A balanced diet consisting of healthy and “clean” foods is what helps restore the body even during breastfeeding.

“We completely destroy “white” and “fast” carbohydrates until we reach the goal. These include White bread and baked goods, sugar and sweets, as well as carbonated drinks. As healthy breakfast you can choose porridge or regular muesli with bran, adding berries or fruits to them. For lunch- lean meat or chicken with a side dish of legumes or vegetables, and for dinner-steak of meat or fish with light vegetable salad. As snacks Smoothies, light snacks like hummus with crackers, oatmeal cookies, or slices of fresh vegetables and fruits are great.”

Prince William's wife's diet

In an interview with one of the culinary magazines, chef Kensington Palace Caroline Robb spoke about the Duchess's favorite dishes. When Prince William’s wife needs to get rid of extra pounds, she switches to a special diet for a while (Meghan Markle, according to rumors, also lost weight on it before the wedding).

Basic principles of Kate's diet:

  • There are plenty of salads and greens;
  • Replace sweet flour desserts with fruits (for example, watermelon salad);
  • There are many vegetables in the form of salads, ceviche, gazpacho;
  • Replace cow's milk for almond;
  • Replace meat protein with spirulina;
  • Monitor portion sizes;
  • Allow yourself “goodies” during the day, but in limited quantities;
  • Drink plenty of smoothies and organic juices.

The Duchess also simply loves Indian vegetarian curry of potatoes, black lentils, spinach and cauliflower (she ate it both during pregnancy and after).

Kate Middleton's favorite green smoothie


  • ¾ cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 glass fresh spinach
  • ½ cup chopped kale
  • ½ cup chopped romaine lettuce
  • 1 tbsp. spoon spirulina
  • ¼ cup coriander
  • 1 ½ water

How to cook:

Mix all ingredients in a blender. Serve garnished with a few blueberries.

Louise Parker says that on the way to the body of their dreams, many people become literally obsessed with numbers and count every gram, which is not very beneficial for the body and psyche:

“Just make sure you do your best. Even if today it was just a long walk and a relaxing bath, everything you do has a cumulative effect.”

Tell us, how did you manage to get in shape after giving birth?

Mothers began sharing photos of themselves after giving birth to reassure other women and add a little more realism to the Internet.

And all because of Kate Middleton's flawless appearance after giving birth. This is what she looked like just hours after giving birth to her third child.

Naturally, people suspected something was wrong, because real women do not look so flawless. And they look something like this

After these photos, many women lost faith in Wonder Woman and recognized the duchess as much cooler than the superhero Amazon, while noting that their appearance after childbirth was not even close to Kate Middleton’s appearance.

"7 hours after birth"

Despite the humorous comparisons, many of these women came out in support of Kate, saying that it was just her job and that underneath all the clothes and makeup, she felt just like other postpartum women.

"I look as good as Kate!"

"When Kate stole your style and looks as flawless post-baby as you do."

Compare with Kate

"A baggy dress, linoleum on the floor and my little boy traumatized after a 40-hour labor and emergency caesarean section. Now... where are my lips, designer dress and my hairdresser?"

“I was hoping to look as glamorous as the Duchess of Cambridge after giving birth, but alas!”

"Me and Kate 7 hours after giving birth... If anything, I'm on the right in case you're confused."

"Here's my hilarious comparison! I look bloated and super scary after 3 days of induced labor ending in an emergency c-section."

“This is me after an emergency caesarean section under general anesthesia with significant complications. More than 24 hours have passed. For a long time I simply physically could not hold my daughter.”

"Creepy comparison"

"Me and my wife 2 hours after giving birth to our son. Poor thing, she is so exhausted."

Some women noted that they would like to look like Kate Middleton, not just hours later, but at least after many years of caring for children

"7 hours later and 5 years later"

Many women felt sorry for Kate, because most of all after giving birth they would like to relax and not see anyone, while she had to dress up and pose in front of the cameras.

Do you like comparisons? Then you will definitely be crazy about these

A fresh and energetic look, curls blowing in the wind after styling, flawless makeup, high heels, a radiant smile and happiness in the eyes - are we now thinking about women who have just left the spa? But no – we’re talking about Kate Middleton, who just a couple of hours ago gave birth to her third child!

The incredible “trick” that the Duchess of Cambridge repeated for the third time in a row made women all over the world believe in the chosenness of Prince William’s wife.

But indeed, even a day after natural birth many new mothers see everything as if in a fog, and the reflection in the mirror shows them bloodless skin, swelling and an exhausted appearance. And we still don’t remember this caesarean section! But Kate, it seems, the problems of earthly women are completely unknown...

Well, judge for yourself - on June 22, 2013, she gave birth to her first child, Prince George, in ten and a half hours, and the very next day she was discharged home with perfect hair and makeup. Okay, many mothers still somehow believed that this was possible and was even considered the norm for European maternity hospitals. But…

On the morning of May 2, 2015, in just two and a half hours, the Duchess gave birth to Princess Charlotte, and after another five hours, with an equally blooming appearance, in full dress and in high heels, she cheerfully waved her hand to all fans of the royal family on the porch of St. Mary's Hospital, presenting the newborn baby! Do you also have doubts?

Well, when for the third time everything went without a hitch for Prince William’s wife, and at 11:01 a.m. on April 24, 2018, 36-year-old Kate Middleton gave birth to her third baby, and seven hours later she walked down the steps of the hospital after being discharged in stiletto heels and showing off her radiant Look, there are no more doubts - this is some kind of mystery! As you understand, the whole world has taken on the task of solving it.

Avocado, seaweed smoothie, swimming, yoga and hypnobirthing

You can talk about it as much as you like good genes, but don't dial excess weight in time of three Kate's pregnancy was helped by a special diet, which included traditional English oatmeal, lean meat and the main trump card - avocado.

It is known that every day the Duchess prepared special cocktails for herself from seaweed, cabbage and spinach.

From the first days until the birth of her babies, Prince William's wife regularly swam in the pool Buckingham Palace and did yoga with personal trainer!

Well, the birth of the royal heirs to the duchess took place naturally and without epidural anesthesia. She replaced it with the “hypnobirthing” technique, in which pain relief occurs through self-hypnosis and relaxation.

Here comes Royal Baby No. 3!

By the way, Gisele Bündchen and Angelina Jolie will confirm that this method is the best!

Kate Middleton also prepared her first “outing” after the birth of her second son in advance - she liked a red dress with a white lace collar from Jenny Packham and 10-cm heels (!) from Gianvito Rossi. The Duchess's favorite hairdresser, Amanda Cook, created an impeccable hairstyle that was not disturbed even by the wind, and Arabella Preston's makeup emphasized the fresh and rested look.

But, as you understand, the rest of the planet’s mothers, who were about to give birth to a baby, could not come to terms with “their own imperfections” and today the Network is simply flooded with photographs with funny captions!

“A few hours after giving birth, I looked like a deflated balloon with jaundice!”

“Nooo, Kate, not to the same extent! A woman who has just given birth cannot wear transparent tights, heels and earrings!”

“Even 14 hours after giving birth, no force will force me to get out of bed and go down the stairs!”
“And this is me 18 hours after giving birth. And I look like someone who has risen from her bed!”