Once upon a time there was a leaf. A warm breeze played with the leaf in the morning, and the sun warmed it until the evening. The leaves that grew next to him did not let him feel sad and bored. And the tree on which the leaf lived was very beautiful and generous. It held the leaf tightly on the branch and gave it life. It was green, with small dark veins. The leaf joyfully waved after the flying birds. Oh, how the leaf wanted to travel like these little birds high in the sky. Sometimes the leaf dreamed, looking at the sky. He wanted to fly so much. One day, schoolchildren sat under a tree and the leaf heard music for the first time in its life. I think it was called "Seasons" by Tchaikovsky. I've already heard about seagulls. These are the birds that live by the sea. And this is the first time I’ve heard about Tchaikovsky’s “times of the year” leaflet. It's probably very big bird, - thought the leaf and again began to watch the birds high in the sky. They flew beautifully, as if someone had drawn them their way to a wonderful country. The leaf knew the name of this country - " Warmer climes"And when he saw a flock of birds in the sky, he thought, “Here are some more birds flying to a wonderful country, but he will never see it with his own eyes.” The leaf listened to the music and was sad. Suddenly, a droplet rolled down the leaf and fell to the ground. Then another, and another. The leaf shook off the cold drops and looked at the sky again. A cloud was frowning there. Well, the leaf thought, now she will cry. And it’s true, first a small, and then a big rain began. Previously, when the sun was shining bright, the leaf was glad of the rain. It washed itself with pleasure and became green, very green. But now the sun appeared less and less, and the rain came more and more often. And the breeze was no longer so warm. And sometimes the wind came from the sea and tore leaves from the trees. The leaf shrank from the cold and hid from the wind. It was autumn. The leaf did not yet know that in autumn the leaves fall to the ground and fall asleep until spring or fly away to travel with the wind. But now there was such beauty all around that the leaf, perhaps , would agree that the country “Warm Lands” would be similar to this autumn fairy tale. On one of these autumn days When the sun was pouring from the sky onto the trees, a leaf suddenly heard the conversation of other leaves. - Oh, look at him, how yellow he is, like the sun! Where did your green outfit go? The leaf did not know where his green outfit had gone, and he could not see himself. He looked at the other leaves and saw that they had also turned yellow, but this, in his opinion, was no worse than being green. This is such a sunny outfit, thought the leaf. The wind swayed the leaf, and the leaf dreamed of a wonderful country where birds flew away. One day the wind came from the sea again. It was so strong that the leaf barely stayed on the branch. This wind always brought rain with it. Sometimes it rained for several days in a row. And on one of these days, the leaf could not stay on the branch and flew away with the wind. Out of surprise, the leaf forgot to be scared. He somersaulted in the air and flew. He was flying! From this thought all fear evaporated and the leaf wanted to see the skies where the birds were flying. He did not know how long he had been flying like this. He so wanted to fly in the sky like a bird. Suddenly the leaf felt water. The wind carried him to the sea and laid him on the wave. The leaf looked around in surprise. He had never seen so much water in his life. Now the leaf, like a small boat, floated with the wave. “I will sail to a wonderful country,” the leaf thought and swayed on the wave. And high in the sky the birds responded, - Yes, yes, to a wonderful country... The leaf was happy that he flew with the wind, because if he had stayed on the tree, he would never have seen the wonderful country.

“Tales about autumn leaves” for children preschool age.

Olga Aleksandrovna Frantsuzova, teacher at MBDOU kindergarten No. 2 Novozavidovsky village, Konakovsky district, Tver region.
Description. Has arrived autumn time. Everything around is gradually falling asleep. And the most bright moments autumn can be recorded and enjoyed for a long, long time. This material can be used for cognitive development for preschool children.
Target: formation and expansion of children's knowledge about autumn in a fairy-tale form.
Tasks: develop curiosity, thinking, memory, phonemic awareness; cultivate a love of nature and artistic expression; develop the ability to listen to works; learn to answer questions.

The journey of the maple leaf.

In early spring A small leaf blossomed on the mighty old maple tree. The sun caressed him with its rays, the breeze sang songs, and the rain refreshed him with drops of clean water. After spring came a sultry, hot summer. The leaf basked in the sun, drank raindrops, looked at white mane clouds. And soon turned into a big, green beautiful leaf. He was very cheerful and sociable, often whispering with his neighbors, who were always afraid of falling from a branch to the ground. Birds, butterflies, and bugs came to visit him and told him how interesting and beautiful he was. the world. Leaf listened to their stories with pleasure and dreamed about his journey. So the summer passed.
Golden autumn light with a wave of her hand she painted the leaves on the trees in different colors. And our leaf dressed in a bright festive outfit. He got bored of sitting on a branch and talking with his neighbors. The maple leaf wanted to travel, to soar freely in the air, like birds. He asked the wind to blow harder. So the leaf tore off the branch and flew away.
A leaf, driven by the wind, flies across the endless blue sky, smiles at the sun, snow-white clouds. Suddenly he sees a butterfly with a sick wing falling down. He flew up to the poor thing, offered her a barrel, and they flew off together. The maple leaf got tired of flying, landed on a branch and heard someone's plaintive cry. I looked around and saw a small ant lost among the willow leaves. “Carry me to the hummock,” squeaked the frightened ant. “Sit down,” answered the leaf and rushed at full speed to the ant mound. I dropped off the ant and got ready to travel further.
Suddenly stood up strong wind and blew the leaf off the hummock onto the grass and rolled it across the grass like a ball. So our traveler reached the river and floated downstream further and further from his native shore. Along the way he came across different leaves, silent fish, nimble water striders and others. aquatic inhabitants. The maple leaf continued its journey for a long time until the water carried it to a distant foreign land.
The weather completely deteriorated, it became cold, the first white flies flew. The leaf froze and cried because it didn’t know what to do next, because it was left completely alone. Suddenly our traveler heard someone whisper: “Come to us, leaf, we will warm you,” and saw a fabulous carpet of leaves ahead. The leaf landed on the multi-colored carpet, pressed itself against other leaves and remained with new friends to spend the winter.

Journey of autumn leaves.

Once upon a time there were little green leaves in the world. It was warm and beautiful all around. The sun was shining and warming with its bright rays, the breeze caressed the leaves, and the dew gave them moisture. But suddenly it started to get colder outside – it was autumn time. The leaves have changed their color. They became: gold, yellow, red, burgundy, brown - multi-colored. The sun stopped shining, frequent and cold rains began, and a strong gusty wind blew. Beautiful leaves tore off the branches and flew above the ground like birds. They were so light and airy that their flight seemed fabulous, magical. The leaves flew and were obedient to the wind. They flew over the ground and looked at surrounding nature around you. Everything around was so beautiful and interesting that the leaves began to whisper to each other. The colorful leaves resembled travelers wandering the earth. They had been traveling for a very long time and were tired, suddenly the wind died down slightly and the leaves fell to the wet ground. This is how it began winter time of the year. The leaves became sad, they darkened, withered and fell asleep.

A tale about an autumn leaf: writing with preschool children.

A fairy tale about an autumn leaf: we compose with preschool children

In this article, I am very happy to present the experience of using materials from the “Native Path” website by the family of our regular readers from Hungary. Meet Olga Zagoratz and little son Daniel (Hungary, Pecs). Dana is 2.5 years old. competitors

How my child and I composed a fairy tale about an autumn leaf

Olga writes: “Already more than a year I found your site and never cease to rejoice at this “accident”. Your wonderful materials help us a lot in everyday life - how and what to play with, develop speech, etc.

One rainy October morning, Danka and I sat in the kitchen as usual and had breakfast. The tea was almost finished. It was time to decide what we would do today. We were so used to good weather, long walks and searching for autumn treasures that we were even a little surprised by the grayness and cold. Having discussed that the weather was still NOT bad, and most suitable for autumn, we decided to stay at home.

Usually we discussed this topic on the street or somewhere in line. At home they came to the rescue Stuffed Toys(and, of course, substitute items): the bears were carefully fed with berries and fish and put to bed, the squirrel was helped to collect mushrooms and berries for drying, the stork flew “to the Limpopo”... We really didn’t get to the badgers, but, as they say, how old are we? !

And then we decided make up your own fairy tale! Armed with the advice of the “Native Path” () with the help of leading questions and clarifications, we together came up with the story of one autumn leaf and immediately began to implement the book.

I first wrote down the text on a rough draft. Together we decided what illustrations needed to be made, and immediately began to paint. I must say, we immediately set our sights on a large work - 3 spreads. It took about a week to draw, cut, and then paste all the necessary pictures. I wrote the text into the book last, then sewed the pages together, and the manuscript was ready!

Danka was very pleased with the result! We have read the book many times, and we still leaf through it often. Needless to say, with what pride the book was presented to dad and grandmothers! It was completely sold out!

Despite the fact that the plot turned out to be simple, we were able to play with current topics. And further I saw that twinkle in my baby’s eyes that happens when you get excited about an idea and can’t stop. It's worth a lot!

Thanks to your materials, my son and I discovered the new kind leisure time with making up stories (at 2 years old!), getting to know nature, creative activities and speech development – ​​in one! Such activities are useful not only for the baby, but also for the mother. I feel that I am moving in the right direction in terms of the harmonious development of the child :).

This is the kind of book Olga and Dani came up with.

Book cover - fairy tales about an autumn leaf

Book pages - tales about an autumn leaf

Page 1

In the nursery near our house there grew a tall birch tree. Its thick crown - branches and leaves - delighted the children all summer. The birch tree covered the playground so that one could play outside even on the hottest day. If the summer rain started to drizzle, the birch tree could hide everyone from it.

Page 2

All the leaves on the tree were a beautiful, lush green color. But one leaf was special... It didn’t just want to hang on a branch and rustle in the wind. Leaf really wanted to do something useful and help someone.

Page 3

But summer was coming to an end, Golden autumn with its rains, winds, colds. Our leaf turned from green to multi-colored - blue-yellow-purple. Many of his brothers also changed color and flew away from the tree in a gust of wind. But the leaf still hasn’t managed to do a good deed and help someone.

Page 4

He was completely sad. But then one fine day a butterfly flew up to him. “Oh, how cold I am!” - she whispered. - “The sun is no longer warm at all!”

Then the leaf showed the butterfly a crack in the bark where it could hide and wait out the cold winter.

Page 5

Soon another guest came running - a ladybug. "Oh. my little tummy hurts so bad!” - she complained. - “I can’t get to the hospital on my own!” Then our leaf, together with the ladybug, waited for the next gust of wind, took off from the tree and flew... Like an airplane, it flew by ladybug over the nursery, over the store and the road and landed near the hospital.

Page 6

The leaf was very happy! Still would! After all, his dream - to help someone - came true. First, he told the butterfly where it could warm up. And now I’ve brought the ladybug to the doctor! And while the leaf was lying on the road, one came up a little boy, said: “How beautiful!” And he took it home to give to his mother.

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"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

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About journey of an autumn leaf. Recently, my little son received such an assignment. With common effort he and I were born like this educational fairy tale. We tried to describe autumn signs and how animals behave in preparation for winter. It turned out to be a real fairy tale about autumn. Happy reading.

Adventures of an Oak Leaf

In one old fairy forest there was an oak tree. He was in the prime of his life, not yet old, but no longer young. Oak has seen a lot in its little over 100 years. But his cheerful leaves changed every year and were not as wise as he.

One autumn morning a slight breeze was blowing. The oak leaves swayed merrily on the branches, made a lot of noise and shouted at each other. They began to argue about which of them became more beautiful this fall. After all, in spring and summer they were all the same. And with the arrival, each leaf had its own special outfit and they began to compete with each other.

And so, the leaves became so noisy that the wise oak could not stand it and shook its crown menacingly. Some leaves broke off and flew down cheerfully, shouting: “Look, we are rain!” The acorns also flew to the ground with them. A huge boar was already waiting for them below, picking the ground with its snout in search of a tasty treat.

One leaf in a red and green outfit separated from the noisy company and, clinging to the beard of the wind, flew with it. He flies and admires the sides. The forest from above looks like the glow of a fire: all red and yellow and “alive” - they’re swaying...

Suddenly he saw Belka hanging something on the branches. He became curious. With the beginning of autumn, squirrels often came to the oak tree for acorns and all took them somewhere. And one day the leaf saw a squirrel burying an acorn not far from it. Then he still thought, why look for and carry such a weight in order to bury it later... So the baby could not resist curiosity, broke away from the windy beard and flew down.

He fell right next to the squirrel. But the squirrel didn’t even pay attention to him. She carefully pierced the handsome man's hat with a sharp twig. Then the leaf itself asked:

- Hello. Why do you hang mushrooms on branches?

“Hello,” the squirrel snorted, “I have a family, baby.” I need to feed my children in winter. So I dry the mushrooms. And I still have nuts, cones and acorns in the pantry.

“And I saw one bury an acorn.” For what?

- Is it true? And where?

- There, near the father-oak.

— Some squirrels have pantries in the ground. True, sometimes they then forget where they have it and the acorns lie there all winter. But in the spring, the pantry turns into a greenhouse - acorns sprout and new trees appear.

- What is winter? - asked the leaf. But the squirrel did not have time to answer him, as the wind grew stronger and caught him with it.

Soon the curious leaf met the bear. He furiously devoured nuts and scoured the raspberry patch in search of belated berries. The leaf clung to the bear's skin and asked:

- Look, you’re so big and fat, why do you keep eating?

- It's a big winter. I need to stock up on fat. “I’ll be asleep and won’t be able to go out for dinner,” the bear growled.

- What is winter?

-You don’t know what winter is? — the bear was surprised. — Winter is when it’s cold and I sleep….

Then the leaf saw something prickly rolling along the ground. He broke away from the bear's fluffy coat and flew down. When he clung to the spines of the prickly creature, he even screamed a little.

- It’s me, the oak leaf. - And who are you?

Left a reply Guest

Once upon a time there was a leaf. A warm breeze played with the leaf in the morning, and the sun warmed it until the evening. The leaves that grew next to him did not let him feel sad and bored. And the tree on which the leaf lived was very beautiful and generous. It held the leaf tightly on the branch and gave it life. It was green, with small dark veins. The leaf joyfully waved after the flying birds. Oh, how the leaf wanted to travel like these little birds high in the sky. Sometimes the leaf dreamed, looking at the sky. He wanted to fly so much. One day, schoolchildren sat under a tree and the leaf heard music for the first time in its life. I think it was called "Seasons" by Tchaikovsky. I've already heard about seagulls. These are the birds that live by the sea. And this is the first time I’ve heard about Tchaikovsky’s “times of the year” leaflet. This must be a very big bird, the leaf thought, and again began to watch the birds high in the sky. They flew beautifully, as if someone had drawn them their way to a wonderful country. The leaf knew the name of this country - “Warm Lands” and when he saw a flock of birds in the sky, he thought, “Here are more birds flying to a wonderful country, but he will never see it with his own eyes. The leaf listened to the music and was sad. Suddenly, a droplet rolled down the leaf and fell to the ground. Then another, and another. The leaf shook off the cold drops and looked up at the sky again. There was a cloud frowning there. Well, thought the leaf, now she’s going to cry. Indeed, it started to rain a little, and then a lot. Previously, when the sun was shining brightly, the leaf was glad of the rain. He washed himself with pleasure and became very green. But now the sun appeared less and less often, and the rain came more and more often. And the breeze was no longer so warm. And sometimes the wind came from the sea and tore leaves from the trees. The leaf shrank from the cold and hid from the wind. It's autumn. The leaf did not yet know that in autumn the leaves fall to the ground and fall asleep until spring or fly away to travel with the wind. But now there was such beauty all around that the leaf would probably agree that the country “Warm Lands” looked like this autumn fairy tale. One of these autumn days, when the sun was pouring from the sky onto the trees, a leaf suddenly heard the conversation of other leaves. - Oh, look at him, how yellow he is, like the sun! Where did your green outfit go? The leaf did not know where his green outfit had gone, and he could not see himself. He looked at the other leaves and saw that they had also turned yellow, but this, in his opinion, was no worse than being green. This is such a sunny outfit, thought the leaf. The wind swayed the leaf, and the leaf dreamed of a wonderful country where birds flew away. One day the wind came from the sea again. It was so strong that the leaf barely stayed on the branch. This wind always brought rain with it. Sometimes it rained for several days in a row. And on one of these days, the leaf could not stay on the branch and flew away with the wind. Out of surprise, the leaf forgot to be scared. He somersaulted in the air and flew. He was flying! From this thought all fear evaporated and the leaf wanted to see the skies where the birds were flying. He did not know how long he had been flying like this. He so wanted to fly in the sky like a bird. Suddenly the leaf felt water. The wind carried him to the sea and laid him on the wave. The leaf looked around in surprise. He had never seen so much water in his life. Now the leaf, like a small boat, floated with the wave. “I will sail to a wonderful country,” the leaf thought and swayed on the wave. And high in the sky the birds responded, - Yes, yes, to a wonderful country... The leaf was happy that he flew with the wind, because if he had stayed on the tree, he would never have seen the wonderful country.