The wedding ceremony that took place on July 14 at the Agalarov Estate golf club, during which Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova officially became husband and wife, continues to attract the attention of social networks. Many, to tell the truth, were eagerly awaiting the reaction of the singer’s ex-wife, daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Leyla Aliyeva.

To be honest, it was expected that there would be sarcastic comments regarding new darling"former". Suffice it to remember “how much was poured out” on the Internet at the initial stage of the divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt... Many, on the contrary, hoped that such a wonderful couple would restore their relationship and Emin would be together with Leila. And now, finally, we have waited. Many, not what they wanted.

Leyla Aliyeva’s answer turned out to be worthy of the beauty: “I wish Emin and Alena happiness. They are very worthy and beautiful people..." Judging by the fact that Leila wished Emin love and joy in life, she does not hold a grudge against her “ex” and intends to continue maintaining friendly relations.

But still the pain remained...

Correspondents news agency Express-News found out that literally on the eve of Emin’s wedding to Alena Gavrilova, a rather controversial poem by Leyla Aliyeva appeared on the social network:

The ships have sailed, the hares have run away,

Is this a time for human sadness?

I recently let you go,

I didn’t get cold in grief, I didn’t forget in boredom.

Everyone always leaves, everyone goes home,

The cat wanders outside the door - you choose.

Leila, however, tried to refute the prevailing opinion among subscribers that the poems were “inspired” by the change in “status” of Emin Agalarov.

It is noteworthy that Agalarov in his interviews speaks quite “warmly” about ex-wife, with whom I was able to maintain a “normal” relationship that allowed me to raise children. And he considers an unsuccessful marriage to be the biggest “failure” in his life.

Emin Agalarov and Leyla Aliyeva, who met in 2005, were already engaged in 2006 at the residence of the President of Azerbaijan. In 2008, they had twins - Ali and Mikhail. The couple divorced in 2015, but continue to maintain a relationship. We recently met at the birthday party of Amina, the girl adopted by Leila. And the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan herself constantly takes part in the “Heat” festival held annually by Agalarov.

She is better known from gossip columns as the wife of Emmin Agalarov. But at home, in Azerbaijan, as well as in the world community, she is also known as eldest daughter current president countries.

Public image

Leila herself is also in last years actively engaged in social and political activities. Thanks to her strict Caucasian upbringing, the girl honors traditions, and in her biography it is difficult to find any scandalous stories. Journalists often confuse the girl with the Kumyk singer - her full namesake, but the singer Leyla Aliyeva and the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan are completely different people.

Leila is positioned in the world community not as one of the offspring of the rich and influential families, the main advantage of which is its origin. The girl understands perfectly well what a respected and noble dynasty she is, and tries to live in such a way as to be the pride of the family. She harmoniously combines beauty, wisdom eastern woman, but at the same time, thanks to her education received in Europe, she is quite Europeanized. This combination is very rare Nowadays. Thanks to its natural beauty, bright oriental appearance and rich social and political activity the girl attracts media interest and often appears in gossip column reviews.

The childhood of the president's daughter

Leila was born on July 3, 1986 in Baku into a family who at that moment was a teacher at MGIMO, and in given time is the President of Azerbaijan. Leyla's grandfather, Heydar Aliyev, was also the country's president. The biography of Leyla Aliyeva, if we consider the period of childhood, is no different from the stories of most other children. Of course, the girl did not feel a shortage of toys and other material benefits, but her parents made efforts to ensure that she grew up unspoiled. Her mother, Mehriban Aliyeva, is currently the country's first lady and is a doctor by training. Average and elementary education the girl received it in her homeland in high school No. 160 of Baku city. Mehriban did not want from the very beginning early childhood send children to closed rooms, deciding that during this period there is nothing more important than maternal affection and attention. Then Leila along with younger sister Arzu was sent to study at private colleges in Switzerland and the UK, so the girl is fluent English language. Parents tried to give their daughters everything. A lot of attention was paid to education according to all traditions, so that they would never forget that they are Eastern women. At the same time, attention was paid to their comprehensive development and education.

Constant media attention

Of course, in 1986, when Leyla Aliyeva was just born, there was no talk of a presidential dynasty. But in the 90s, after her grandfather became the president of Azerbaijan, everything changed. The girl had to walk with several guards all the time. She repeatedly admitted that because of this she could not feel free, because she, like all children, just wanted to walk along the streets of the city so that no one would pay attention to her. However, already in their early years she liked to participate in various ceremonial events state level.

After leaving for London, the girl began to breathe full breasts, because in British capital Few people knew her, and she had no need to go out for a walk with a crowd of guards. Even now she recalls her time in London as one of the most best periods own life.

Meeting my husband and getting married

We can almost confidently say that Leyla Aliyeva’s biography is crystal clear, with the exception of one incident. While on holiday in Switzerland ski resort the girl met her future husband, Emmin Agalarov.

He was not an ordinary guy, but from a very respected and wealthy family. He also received an excellent education abroad, and his father owns the Crocus Group. The Agalarov family's fortune is estimated at almost 400 million US dollars. But the girl’s father, having learned about her passion for the younger Agalarov, was furious, because she is a representative of the presidential dynasty, so future husband Leyla Aliyeva was supposed to be from a noble and respected family. But the girl insisted on her own, not wanting to connect her life with a “suitable” person for this, but wanted to date the one she loves. And dad gave up. Emin had to officially ask permission from the girl’s father just to start courting her.

Wedding and celebrations

In the spring of 2006, the young people got married. The official first wedding ceremony took place in Baku, where a relatively small number of guests were invited - only 240 people. Afterwards the newlyweds went to the Maldives Honeymoon. According to Azerbaijani customs, the bride’s relatives arrange another wedding for the couple, so after returning to Moscow, another ceremony was held at Crocus City Hall, where they had already been invited large quantity people, as well as representatives of the press.

Leyla Aliyeva's wedding became very high-profile event. The director of the celebration was B. Krasnov, who is the author of the inauguration of V. Putin himself. Vladimir Vladimirovich sent the newlyweds a congratulatory letter, and D. Bush prepared a whole congratulatory video message. The ceremony itself truly became a grandiose and expensive event. Crockery and furniture for the celebration were brought from the UK on 8 trailers, and flowers to decorate the halls were delivered by special flight from Holland.

Family life

After the wedding, Leyla Aliyeva and her husband moved to live in Moscow. This is not surprising, because the Agalarov clan, of which Leila became a member, conducts all its main business in Russia and lives in Moscow. But the girl was not bored, and she quickly found something to do. She entered the master's program at MGIMO, where she studied from 2006 to 2008. Thanks to this and her father’s teaching background, she became president of the Azerbaijan Club of MGIMO Students and Alumni. After moving to the Russian capital, the girl became actively involved in social activities. Leila’s husband was seriously interested in music and took his first steps as a solo artist, so the girl often had to attend all sorts of social events with him, presentations of new albums, etc. Leila Aliyeva once admitted that she knew all her husband’s compositions by heart. In December 2008, Leila gave birth to two twin boys in an American clinic, who were named Mikail and Ali.

Plastic surgery

Mehriban Aliyeva, Leyla’s mother, is not just the first lady, she is also considered the main standard of beauty in her homeland. She harmoniously combines the qualities of an oriental woman, exemplary wife both a caring mother and a Western woman. No wonder she instilled in her daughters good taste, taught them to look after and care for themselves, to keep themselves in shape. Of course, Mehriban uses the services of plastic surgeons. However, Leila, according to rumors, repeatedly turned to them for help. Of course, the girl herself did not comment on all these rumors, but media representatives, comparing early photos and current photographs confidently confirm that Leyla Aliyeva, whose plastic surgery is visible to the naked eye, still uses the services of doctors.

The girl corrected the shape of her nose. She also regularly uses filler and Botox injections to make certain facial features more expressive.

Rumors of divorce

IN Lately There were persistent rumors that Leyla Aliyeva had divorced her husband. Emin spent more and more time in Miami and was busy recording a new album. There were also rumors about his affair with Miss Universe Olivia Calpo, whom he invited to star in one of his videos. Also in Crocus City Hall was organized new stage the Miss Universe competition, in events dedicated to which Emin and his parents took an active part, while Leila was not around. At the same time, she actively participated in public life in his homeland in Baku. Of course, all this could not go unnoticed, and the media began to write about the couple’s divorce. But he officially denied all these rumors, saying that there was no divorce.

However, the couple, who could so often be seen at social events, can hardly be seen together today, since they spend a lot of time apart due to work and social activities.

Leyla Aliyeva today

Leila is not one of those people who works on camera, acting busy man. The girl is really very actively involved in social and political life country, makes great efforts to develop Russian-Azerbaijani relations. She is the editor-in-chief of the Baku magazine, heads charitable foundation named after Heydar Aliyev and tries to help people who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Leyla is also the head of the Azerbaijani youth organization in Russia. At the same time, she manages to be a good mother, paying a lot of attention to her sons.

Leyla Aliyeva - public figure Azerbaijan, Chief Editor and founder of the Baku magazine and vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

Childhood and youth

Leyla was born on July 3, 1984 in the family of the President of Azerbaijan and statesman Mehriban Aliyeva. Leyla is the granddaughter of Heydar Aliyev, the former president of Azerbaijan. Leyla has a sister Arzu (born 1989, film producer) and a brother Heydar (born 1997, student at the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy).

Leila was born in Moscow, however school education received at gymnasium No. 160 in Baku. Many famous figures graduated from this school at one time, including the writer and translator Chingiz Huseynov, critic and TV presenter Vitaly Vulf, composer Leonid Weinstein, film director and TV presenter and many representatives of the KVN team “Guys from Baku”.

In 2000, the girl entered European school business (ESB), and then graduated from the MGIMO master's program with a degree in Political Science.


In 2006, the girl moved to Moscow, where she began to engage in social activities. In the spring of 2007, Leila was appointed head Russian representative office non-governmental non-profit Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The foundation, headed by Mehriban Aliyeva, Leyla’s mother, was founded to honor the memory of the statesman and convey the ideas of national statehood to young Azerbaijanis.

On December 19, 2007, the first issue of the Baku magazine was released in the capital of Russia, of which Leila became the editor-in-chief. The magazine, published in Russian, writes about history, art, culture, life, traditions and features modern life Azerbaijan. In the spring of 2011, a presentation of the English-language magazine “Baku” took place in London for a wider audience of readers.

On May 8, 2008, Aliyeva launched the “Justice for Khojaly” campaign. The purpose of the event is to tell the whole world the bitter truth about the Khojaly massacre, mass murder civilians by Armenian militants in the winter of 1992. The fund's rallies took place in many countries, including the UN headquarters in Geneva.

Since 2008, Leila has served as the chief coordinator of the youth forum of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the largest and most significant official government Muslim international association.

In April 2009, Aliyeva took the initiative to found the Azerbaijani Youth Organization of Russia (AMOR), the main task of which is to unite young Azerbaijanis living in Russia and promote Azerbaijani traditions.

In 2011, Aliyeva was appointed vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. In the summer of the same year, for her fruitful activities and services in the development of the Azerbaijani diaspora, by decree of President Ilham Aliyev, Leila was awarded the Progress medal.

In October 2013, Leila was awarded the Order of Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga III degree - the award went to the girl for her assistance in installing the monument in Astrakhan.

In December 2013, Aliyeva was awarded the medal “For Services to the Volgograd Region” - for fruitful actions aimed at social and economic development region.

In the fall of 2015, for his contribution to strengthening cooperation and friendship with Russia, development and maintenance economic ties, popularized the Russian language abroad, awarded Aliyeva a medal.

Leila's biography was supplemented by the founding of the IDEA project - Initiative for International Dialogue on Environmental Protection.


Since childhood, Leyla Aliyeva loves art and writes poetry. Her most famous poem is "Elegy". The poem dedicated to grandfather Heydar Aliyev was first published in the Azerbaijan newspaper in December 2008 - on the 5th anniversary of his death former president countries. In 2012, the poem was included in literature textbooks for 5th grade students.

In April 2016, a presentation of Aliyeva’s collection of poems “If the Stars Became Steps” took place in one of the Moscow bookstores. The collection is also dedicated to Heydar Aliyev. In the same year, the Belarusian publishing house “Zvyazda” (Minsk) published a collection of Aliyeva’s poems “Leaf” (translated by T. Sivets).

IN free time The girl paints and enjoys visiting art exhibitions. Aliyeva's works can be seen on her official website.

Personal life

In April 2006, Leila became the wife of an entrepreneur, vice-president of the Russian holding CrocusGroup and a musician of Azerbaijani origin. The girl first met her future husband at the ski resort of St. Moritz in Switzerland. In order to start courting Leila, Emin asked for official permission from her father.

150 guests were invited to the wedding from Aliyeva’s side and 90 from Emin’s side. The banquet took place in the large Moscow shopping center Crocus City Mall. A famous stage designer and producer took part in organizing the celebration, and music, lighting and sound equipment was brought from the UK. According to unofficial information, thousands of orchids and white roses were chartered from the Netherlands to the banquet hall. After wedding ceremony the couple honeymooned in the Maldives.

On December 1, 2008, in a maternity hospital in the United States, Leila gave birth to twin boys, Ali and Mikail. In 2015, Aliyeva and her family made an umrah (minor pilgrimage, hajj) to Mecca.

After 9 years life together, in May 2015, the couple announced their divorce. Agalarov commented that he and Leila separated by mutual desire. The musician added that now their relationship is much better than in marriage, and their separation did not affect the upbringing of their children.

Leyla Aliyeva with children

In July of the same year, Leila took the child from the orphanage. The girl Amina lived in one of the orphanages, which was assisted by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. A year later, on his Instagram page, Agalarov published a photo in which he posed with adopted daughter Layla. Emin shared that he treats the girl like his own.

According to rumors, Leila repeatedly turned to plastic surgeons. The girl does not comment on such statements, but photographs before and after the alleged plastic surgery confirm that Aliyeva at least enlarged her lips with the help of special injections.

Leyla Aliyeva today

Now Leyla Aliyeva continues her social activities, participating in numerous cultural, sports and social events in the country.

In March 2017, Leila, together with the IDEA association, presented a 40-minute documentary film “Azerbaijan. Saving goitered gazelles." The film reflects the progress and results of the work done as part of the restoration program historical place habitat of gazelles (artiodactyls of the gazelle genus) in Azerbaijan.

IN this moment Leila, together with the Ministry of Ecology, is developing a project for a complex for the reintroduction of bison in Shahdag national park Azerbaijan.

Also at the beginning of April 2017, Leila took part in the planting of orchards for low-income families in the Ismailli district. In the future, it is planned to implement the project in other parts of Azerbaijan.

The daughter of the President of Azerbaijan and her husband cooed at each other at the presentation of a new book by Stalik Khankishiev

The night before, stars and politicians flocked to the capital's Zafferano restaurant from one specific purpose- eat. Not to look at others and show off oneself, not to talk about business and work, but solely for the sake of pleasing one’s stomach. Because the way the famous chef, TV presenter and author of popular websites about food Stalik KHANKISHIEV cooks - you still have to look for it. Stalik’s first book, “Cauldron, Barbecue and Other Men’s Pleasures,” became a bestseller. And now he presented his new work - “Cauldron, Ram and Dastarkhan”.

That evening, the guests, among whom were even the ambassadors of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Moldova and Lithuania, ate a lot and deliciously, drank deliciously and said endless toasts in honor of the author of the book being presented. Food for the dinner party was delivered by plane from Baku a few hours before it started. Our efforts were not in vain: TV presenter Leonid Parfenov As soon as he fell for the juicy kebab, he couldn’t tear himself away from it until he destroyed everything down to the crumbs. At the next table, the husband was snacking on lamb with no less appetite. Diana Gurtskaya Petr Kucherenko. But the singer herself modestly pecked a microscopic portion of pilaf from a plate - apparently, she was taking care of her figure. They also came to try kebab from Khankishiev Mikhail Kozakov with his wife Anna Yampolskaya, Vladimir Menshov, Alexander Linkov, Yuliy Gusman, Svetlana Konegen and many others.

The real highlight of the evening was Leyla Aliyeva– daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. The star of the East proudly sailed into the hall, accompanied by a whole retinue of guards, along with her husband, heir to the Crocus Group empire Emin Agalarov. It was no accident that Leila wandered into the light: the restaurant Zafferano, where the presentation took place, belongs to her father-in-law Aras Agalarov. In addition, Leila is the editor-in-chief of the Baki magazine, with the support of which the presentation took place. The beauty cooed all evening with her husband, who every now and then gently kissed his beloved on the cheek.

Beautiful wife And delicious pilaf– what else does a man need to be happy? – one of the guests remarked philosophically, watching the tenderness of the couple.
“A lot of money,” his table neighbor answered gloomily. At this time, Leila carefully offered her husband another piece of kebab. Emin, who is often called the “singing businessman,” recently presented another album, which he composed and recorded under the pseudonym EMIN. The Crocus Group heir modestly regards his passion for music solely as a hobby, but court flatterers have already managed to nickname him “the Azerbaijani Elvis Presley.”