The Holy Church has a certain date of the New Mountain (start of Indict) - September 1 (September 14, on a new style). It is to this date that the governocarial follow-up is timed. The civilian new year celebrated in winter is not connected with the church calendar, but was introduced in Russia ...

Cause 1: non-church, non-theorestable nature of the date itself

The Holy Church has a certain date of the New Mountain (start of Indict) - September 1 (September 14, on a new style). It is to this date that the governocarial follow-up is timed. The civilian New Year celebrated in the winter is not connected with the church calendar, but was introduced in Russia by Peter I C 1700 (although he was celebrated in the Julian calendar, and not on the Catholic Grigorian so-called. A new style, as in Europe) .

But the Novolety, celebrated on January 1, withdrawn from the liturgical circle, and the nature acquired nechritic, as evidenced by many Russian saints, for example, St. Faofan Relaimer and Holy Righteous John Kronstadt. They pounded the Russian people in the fact that, imitating the weta, he began to give a new year to paganly: "Those with glasses - what is the point?<…> You will say: Custom went. - And I confirm: the custom went out, - and I will add: the custom, quite the Christian, and the pagan, wicked, bad "(SVT. FEOFAN NASTAP. Word for the Epiphany, January 6, 1865).

With the introduction of the Bolsheviks after the revolution of the new style, the current civil calendar, the celebration of the New Year on January 1, it became over the last days of the Christmas post - the days in which Tipikon commands Orthodox Christians strict abstinence.

Reason 2: Antichristian New Year's character

The modern, new year and celebration, preserved from the Soviet times, was initially introduced into counterweights, instead of the church holiday of the Nativity of Christ, and the Bolsheviks regarded the adoption of their New Year's advocacy as the success of anti-religious propaganda.

It turns out that the Orthodox, celebrating this day, become friends to the godless world in his ministry of idols. And the use of "from love to the near" rapid in the circle of non-church people, and the arrangement of the "lean table" (an attempt to formally follow the instructions of the Charter) - all these are different manifestations of that friendship with the world, which, according to the word of Scripture, is a hostility against God (JAK. 4, 4).

Church of Christ is not from this world. The ancient Christians were not afraid not to fit into the modern society, on the contrary, they even opposed themselves to him, disgusably walked on the torment, attracting their pure life and confessional exponentials of new Christians in the church fence. Now, not the church Christians (shale) the world, and the world is actively trying to "split" Christianity. And such a rapprochement with the world makes the believer "Salt Shooting" (see: MF. 5, 13).

Celebration of the civil new year on January 1st in a new style should be unacceptable for Orthodox.

On this day, when the godless and the Godothetic world celebrates its new year, the Orthodox Church makes the memory of the Holy Martyr of Vonifati, which is for every heat-hammer of a Christian an example of perfect confessionism and sediments of consultation.

Are Orthodox to the Gregorian calendar come?

In the heads of our contemporaries sometimes there is a complete confusion. In the West, not only Catholics, but Protestants and part of the Orthodox celebrate Christmas on December 25th. After that, the new year is celebrated, on January 6, the Epiphany is celebrated, and we are January 7 - Orthodox Christmas. What happened? Why did such a difference in celebrating Christmas between Western and Eastern Christians? With this question we turned to the abbot of the temple of the Saints of the Bescas and Damian, the candidate of theology, the priest Alexander Borisov.

The Russian Orthodox Church does not notify the so-called "old" New Year on January 14th. On this day, the circumcision of the Lord is celebrated, because, according to church legend, on the eighth day after Christmas, the infant Jesus was cut off. Circumcision in the Old Testament Church is a symbol of a child's dedication to God. On the same day, the memory of St. Vasily of the Great, one of the outstanding saints of the 4th century, the creator of the monastic charters, a fighter against the Arian heresy.

- And when the church celebrates the New Year?

September 14th. It is on this day that the church new year begins, otherwise - a new state. This custom began to start the new year in September is associated again with the Old Testament Tradition. The year ended with harvesting. Until the XVI century, the Church used Julian calendar. The Romans borrowed it from Egyptians, but in 46 BC, Julius Caesar improved him. That is why it is called Julian. In 1582, at the initiative of the Roman Pope, Gregory Xiii was introduced a more perfect calendar, which was called Gregoryan. The reform was caused by the fact that the Julian calendar lags behind the real year for one day for every 128 years. If you follow the Julian calendar, Easter should have moved for the summer over time, and then to autumn. Grigorian style reduced lag on one day for 3,300 years. But during reform, the gap between the East Church, which remained faithful to the Julian calendar, and the Western, who moved to Gregorian. In the XVIII century, the gap between two styles was 11 days, in XIX - 12, and in the twentieth of the 13th day! In 1917, the Bolsheviks also moved to the Gregorian calendar. In 1923, an attempt to go to the same calendar took Patriarch Tikhon. But a year before him, it tried to make "updates" ("Fifth column" within the Russian church, artificially created by the Bolsheviks). Therefore, the reform turned out to be compromised and the patriarch was forced to abandon her. Catholic and Protestant churches were switched to the Gregorian calendar, as well as part of the Orthodox. Including Constantinople, Eleladskaya, Alexandria, Antioch, Cyprus, Romanian, Finland, Macedonian, American, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian. Russian, Jerusalem, Georgian and Serbian, due to historical features, retained the Julian calendar.

- When did the civil new year be celebrated in Russia on the night of December 31 to January 1?

Only under Peter I. But the church retained old customs. Due to the difference between calendars, there is a disorder of civil and church holidays. Before the revolution, the new year was celebrated on the Julian calendar - that is, on January 14, on a new style. Of course, I would like all Russians to celebrate Christmas on the eve of the New Year. After all, it will end the Christmas post and you can safely sit down for a New Year's table with all the disasters. Now the time of the density. It will last until January 18, when believers will begin to prepare for the feast of the Epiphany. In the people, it is also called baptism. On the eve of the holiday - the Epiphany Christmas tree, when the church calls his parishioners to a strict post. Before the revolution on baptism, water was usually sanctified in rivers and ponds, and the most zealous parishioners performed ablution in the worm after the consecration of water.

- What do you think, will the Russian Church go to the Gregorian calendar?

When such an attempt was undertaken in 1923 by Patriarch Tikhon, most believers opposed this innovation, and the Patriarch was forced to abandon the transition to a new style. The Grigorian calendar is also imperfect, like Julian. Perhaps, a regular calendar reform will be taken soon, and then it is worth thinking about it. Such reforms in the church require a special approach and this should be engaged in the local cathedral. If a calendar problem is raised on the next local cathedral, it is hoped that the Cathedral will take a wise decision that will be perceived by all church people. The unity of the church people is more important than calendar differences.

The new year is approaching and the last weekend behind this holiday. Unfortunately, at this time, the whole country is without a measure and eats, and the only distraction from the feast is to watch all sorts of vulgar shows and "blue lights" on TV. Life would seem to get silent.

To understand why in modern Russia, the celebration of the New Year is elevated to the cult, why for non-church people this holiday has become almost the most important holiday of the year, it is necessary to make a small historical excursion.

To Peter I and Church, and civil calendar in Russia began on September 1. Church and now begins the church one-year circle September. Peter decided to celebrate the New Year from January 1 - on Western Manner. The new year was a secular holiday and accounted for a shnik - the days after the Nativity of Christ. And therefore there was no sin in a series of softy days to celebrate and the newly, biting free food and wine. After the revolution of 1917, another calendar reform was carried out: instead of Juliansky, the Gregorian calendar was adopted (new style), so that the celebration of the New Year began to fall at the end of the christmas post. Therefore, there was a problem for people who observe spiritual traditions: how to celebrate the new year and celebrate it at all?

The celebration of the New Year is now performed with much b about with a smoke and accompanied by about leather drunkenness and rampant than in Soviet times. It is understandable. At first, the Soviet government took away church holidays from people and planted their own, the proletarian and revolutionary people, who, for the absence of others, and noted. But with the fall of the Soviet building, the revolutionary dates moved into the past, and from the previous holidays almost one new year remained. "And the soul - as the hero said V.M. Shukshina in the film "Kalina Red", - Wants Holidays. "

But unfamiliar with the spiritual Russian traditions of the soul, unhappy, devoid of real holidays, thinks that it is possible to celebrate the celebration only with drunkenness and rampant fun.

A little distracted and tell a small story, also associated with the loss of spiritual traditions. She told her one priest.

Somehow, walking around the cemetery, he saw a postcard on one grave. Near the vase stood a fresh bouquet of flowers. It was the grave of a woman who lived a little over 30 years old. He bent and read the postcard. It was written on it: "Dear mommy! Happy Birthday! We remember you and love very much. " And this father thought: "Poor Soviet children! They took away faith, took the church. They do not know what our deceased from us await how to treat death. " In this tragedy of our people - in a gap with traditions, spiritual experience. All this was almost completely intended by a bulldozer of more than 70 years of atheism.

But back to the New Year holiday. Of course, to celebrate the new year by drunken and a gulyan - the custom of Soviet, and not Russian Orthodox. And we need to get rid of this harmful tradition and return to the holidays by the present, Christian. Moreover, that Christmas, we now, thank God, is always a day off, and therefore no one bothers him. No need to give the celebration of the new year such a paramount, sometimes just mystical meaning. The new year in pre-revolutionary Russia has always been inextricably linked merry Christmas, just this holiday stood in a series of Christmas days, and, of course, no one has noticed him so widely and solemnly.

By the way, an interesting fact: In the 1920s, the Bolsheviks fought with tradition to put and decorate the Christmas tree on the new year. One familiar woman who was born before the revolution (now the deceased), recalled how the Soviet government led the fight against the Christmas trees as with an indispensable attribute of the Christmas holiday. After all, the Christmas tree before the revolution was dressed up before Christmas, and on the new year she, naturally, was already in the house. So, there was a period when a Christmas tree was banned in order to fight religion. And again allowed to put the Christmas trees in 1935.

How do people relate to the Orthodox people to universal rampant fun and drunkenness on New Year's days? No one should condemn, but not to participate in it. We are preparing for Christmas, we expect this second most important and solemnity of the Orthodox holiday and we will remember that the days of the Day of the Christmas Day, which we bring as our modest gift to the nursery born the Savior of the world. Although, of course, the All-Russian New Year's extravagania by order distracts us from the post, creates certain difficulties. For example, in the last days of December, people start digging with meat counters, other rapids and drinks. In stores and in the markets at this time it is better not to appear: you will lose a lot of time and strength. Also on New Year's Eve, it is almost unrealistic to fall asleep because of the explosions and cotton Petard and screams of celebrating neighbors. And someone and in the family there are amateurs to note the arrival of the New Year with noise. But we know that Orthodox Christians have always been difficult and they always prevented celebrating holidays and observe posts. Remember the recent time when the day of Christmas Day itself, not everyone could go to the temple, if only the holiday did not occur on Saturday or Resurrection. And as of January 7, a new style was an ordinary working day. So there is a sin to complain because we can now fast and pray, and walk on the Christmas service at night.

Some Orthodox people occupy a very extreme, strict position: New Year is the feast of the demonsky, the god. This position is fully explained, because the new year is always accompanied by telenision and drunkenness - we have already spoken about it. However, completely deny the new year and see one sin in its celebration. You just do not need to replace them Christmas and incorrect by post. After all, we, Orthodox people, are citizens of their country. And we want this or do not want, we live in a new, Grigorian, calendar, we build our lives and work on the Calendar Calendar. For example, we go on vacation, we rent reports at the end of the year in a new one, and not according to the old style. Therefore, it is not a sin to spend the old year, to summarize, thank God and, of course, pray, entering the New Treaty. "Blessed Venal Beehive Current!" (Ps. 64: 12). In all the temples of the Russian Orthodox church, prayers are served so that we all have the opportunity to ask the Lord's blessing for the coming year. You know, a very closed phrase is a New Year's wish: "How to meet the New Year - I will spend it" - contains a lot of truth in itself. Someone under the New Year goes to the temple with the whole of his family prays for the New Year's prayer, to call for a blessing and helping all their affairs, and then for a modest meal to remember with gratitude the outgoing summer (this year the night for the New Year falls on Saturday, When even fish is allowed by the charter). And someone will hold a New Year's Eve (and the next week) in the television car. And it turns out how in one joke about Millennium: a man wakes up from a terrible hangover after the New Year's Eve, barely ruins the eyelids, goes to the mirror and, looking at his swollen, swimming, a rumpled face, says: "So what are you Third Millennium! " I really do not want the face of the Russian person of the Third Millennium to be exactly the same. Bad, unsuccessfully starting some business, we can not enter the right rhythm for a long time. And many, starting the year from drunken and idleness, assimilate this style for the next few months. And vice versa, as the proverb says: "A good start - half anchor": starting a year from prayer, with a request for the help of God, let's hope that the Lord will not leave us a year coming and bless our works and affairs.

Allow, I will tell you a little about how our family usually celebrates the new year. December 31, in the evening I serve in the church of New Year's prayer. The spouse with children also, of course, goes to church. And then we have a tradition: every year we are friends with friends ... No, we do not go to the bath, and we are going to have in the country at the Moscow region and celebrate the new year there. My kum and a single-handler for the seminary Protodicacon Alexy lives outside the city and invites us with children to themselves. He has a big family - four boys, and the children are very fun together. The city is especially good to celebrate the New Year also because in Moscow it is almost impossible to fall asleep on New Year's Eve, and in the summer village, although it is also noisy, but much calmer. So here. Usually we all together prepare a lean meal and in front of the Prayer "Our Father" we still sing the "king of Heaven" and "Many Summer". After that, we sang and share a modest friendly meal, we communicate, remember the outgoing year. And on this night we go to the forest, where the guys make the cave from snow, put inside the candles and look, whose candle will burn longer.

Unfortunately, we are set in such conditions that in the New Year's Eve, you want - do not want to be awake: you can fall asleep with sleeping pills and already in the morning. Therefore, Orthodox people can quite sit down at the table, talk, but at the same time, of course, remember that the post is not over yet.

In a friendly feast, there is nothing bad for communication, and the new year is also a reason to get together, summarize, remember the past. After all, the church holidays we celebrate and post. For example, the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem is always celebrated in the post. But they are noted modestly, in a fairness and, of course, with prayer. They give us the opportunity to reinforce the next part of the post. Of course, the New Year is not a church holiday at all, but it can be filled with spiritual meaning and noted quite in Orthodox. Although it is, of course, not to celebrate the new year at all, restrict ourselves to the New Year's prayer. This is also permissible.

Another problem: New Year's school holidays - traditionally the time of all kinds of children's trees, matinees and theatrical holidays. How to deal with children, can they visit these events?

Typically, most New Year trees in kindergartens and schools are held before the new year before the holidays. As a rule, children are engaged in the production of these holidays and therefore the will of the unilles participate in them. I do not see anything souvenral in the children's matinee with Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and Distribution of Gifts; In addition, if all children take part in the holiday, and we will forbid our children to visit it, they will feel deprived of it. Although I fully admit that modern children's holidays may contain some unacceptable moments for Orthodox children. It is necessary to learn in advance, and, if so, it is better to avoid participation in the matinee. All children's events and holidays are advisable to visit until January 2 (when the Christmas post is intensified).

Some "Jealous of Orthodoxy" fundamentally do not celebrate the New Year on January 1, but they celebrate the so-called "old new year" on January 14, that is, the new style in the old style. Honestly, I do not see any point in this. After all, our secular life, as well as the life of the country and the whole world is built on a new civil calendar. And for the shints and so many holidays are: the Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos (December 26 / January 8), the memory of the St. Seraphim of Sarovsky (January 2, 19) and, of course, circumcision of the Lord and the memory of St. Vasily of the Great - on January 1, January 1/14.

Interestingly, in Greece, the role of a Christmas-New Year's elder, which gives gifts to children, is traditionally absorbed not to St. Nicholas (Santa Claus), as in Western countries, and not Santa Claus, as in Russia, and St. Vasily. Since his memory is accounted for at the Novois. There he is referred to as Agios Vasilis. Like Santa Claus, depicted with a white beard and in red-white robe.

Let me remind you that the Greek church lives in a new style. The church calendar in Greece coincides with civil, and the new year they celebrate after Christmas.

Our cities and weights in the New Year holidays are chaining, it is very difficult at this time to engage in some kind of affairs outside the house, as many organizations stop working. Many this universal inaction is very tired and annoying. But this time can be spent with benefit. A modern family person remains very little time to communicate with the family. Pope, and many moms, work for all day, and in the evening the strength and time remains only to feed the children, check their lessons and put to sleep. And the time of quite long winter holidays is very good to devote to communicating with children and loved ones. You can also make a fairly launched homemade business, clean up the house before Christmas.

I think that when in Russia, the new year began on September 1, the people did not spend this time in idleness and idleness. After all, Russia was a country that is completely dependent on agriculture, and September is the harvest time and preparation for wintering. And the holiday to which the end of the field work was timed, was the day of celebrating the Intercession of the Virgin (October 1/14). No wonder traditionally for this holiday accounted for a lot of weddings. The time of the lull in rural works has come to spring, and it was possible to think about creating a family.

Somehow I thought about the New Year's questions and came to the conclusion that for our country, of course, the September New Year was the right one. By September, the annual natural cycle ends. The fruits ripen, they are cleaned, and nature begins to prepare for the winter holiday to ride in the spring for a new fruitfulness.

Often, parishioners ask me how to be if there are unchurched relatives in the family (sometimes almost the whole family of unchurcharted), who love to celebrate the new year with lush feast and do not think New Year's Eve without a TV? How not to offend them, but also not harm the soul, not to disturb the calm current of the post?

A lot of wisdom is needed here. It is necessary to find the golden middleness to and not offend relatives, do not quarrel with them, but also not damage yourself.

Imagine that some person, an Orthodox Christian, lives with the nearest relatives in the same apartment (and very often happens that in married couple one half a believer, and the other is not), and his non-church natives want to celebrate the New Year, "To Everything was like people. " With Salat Olivier, Khotod, fried chicken and, of course, abundant drinking. And, of course, the main decoration of the table in the New Year, as the postman Pechekin once noticed, for them there is a TV. As, the believer man is hammered into the farthest corner, demonstratively turn away from the blue screen and, like the Pharisee from the Gospel Proverbs, to repeat about himself: "I am not like other people, robbers, offenders, adulteurs ..."? No, it will not be a Christian. The Apostle Paul has such words: "We, strong, should demolish the weakness of powerless and not help themselves. Each of us must please the neighbor, for the benefit, to the edification "(Rome 15: 1-2). Of course, all this is very difficult. A Christian, who has non-church relatives, is as it were for an advanced spiritual struggle. It should be understood that we can bring them to God only love and prayer for them. People they are intimid, as the apostle says, "powerless," therefore, we need to incur and their weakness. We are already given to know the joy of Orthodox holidays, and someone else is not. It remains only to sympathize. So what do we do? I think that if we sit down a little at the table, if possible, observing the post (you can help relatives in preparations for the holiday and make a couple of lean salads), sin will not be. Also, raising a glass with champagne, you can pronounce a toast about gratitude to God for everything that was in the outgoing year. After all, a Christian, dividing a feast with people who are far from spiritual questions, may well somehow inspire this celebration. To tell people about the present sense of the celebration of the New Volmet, talk about the upcoming Christmas of Christ. After all, people now just have learned to celebrate, do not even know how to speak normal wishes and toasts. The secular holidays are often a solid fellowship and "crossbinding" nearby.

Of course, some Orthodox find and drunk a glass of champagne in a New Year's Eve sin, but, for example, when I studied in the seminary, after the New Year's Eve, the seminarians went to the dining room for dinner (naturally, lean), where the brothers were also offered "consolation" - a glass of champagne.

Noting the new year with non-church close, of course, you need to observe the measure. It is absolutely optionally to sit at the table all night and fully participate in the noisy fun. Having given a tribute to the relatives, you can retire under the pretext of fatigue to relax (if it works) or pray, read.

By the way, we find a similar prescription in the canonical rules for priests. When the fun in the wedding is already moving to the famous measure and all sorts of dances begin, in which it is unacceptable to take part in the clergy, the canons prescribe the father to decompress and leave the celebration. But it does not say that the priest should denounce guests and urge everyone to order.

If relatives do not really object to your absence on New Year's Eve, this option is possible: take a visit to Orthodox friends and celebrate the New Year with them.

There is another way out, but it is acceptable mainly for residents of Moscow. In our area, for more than one year, there is such a custom in several arrival: on the night of December 31, the night service serves on the night of December 1. Liturgy is usually attached to the ectinies, prayers, the apostle and the gospel of the New Year's prayer. I know at least three such places. This, of course, the Sretensky monastery, also the temple of the Library Trinity in Khokhlah and Nikolo-Percevinsky Monastery. In general, many Orthodox seek to meet the onset of the New Year prayer.

Some priests specifically put themselves in the liturgical schedule on January 1. It is very symbolic that on January 1 in a new style - the memory of the saint martyr of vonifati. And January 2 - the day of the memory of the Holy Righteous John Kronstadt. To both of these saint pray for suffering from the death of drunkenness. We will pray and we are about those unfortunate who, not knowing the measures, is drunk in the New Year. And for many, this "celebration" ends in a hospital or morgue. On New Year's Eve in Russia, thousands of drunken people freeze to death, and even more cripples remain, they lose their health, lose their hands, legs due to frostbite.

I wish all visitors to the site in the new year to be always with God, and the Lord will not leave us! The worst thing happens when a person leaves the source of life, from the father of heaven. And I also want to wish everyone not any earthly goods, but the most important thing: peace and love in the hearts and families. After all, only when people have peace and love, they are happy.

And it will still be not superfluous: the post is not yet completed and after the new year there will be six more days, and in the last five days, even on Sunday, it will become stricter - does not bless to bless the fish.

Orthodox know: the end of the post is often accompanied by considerable temptations. It happens because the fallen spirits want to laugh at us and spoil us a feat of the post, engaging in a quarrel or crawling to indulge in sorrow and sadness. In addition, the conditions for this are very favorable. By the end of the post, a Christian could weaken or, on the contrary, successfully passing almost the entire post, to fall into some euphoria. This is self-confidence and demons use. As they say, "do not say" Gop! ", Until you jump over." So we will be on the check, and give us all the God of the Forces to go through the rest of the way without a stumbling block and happily meet the Christmas of Christ!

What are the Christmas tree decorate?

The Gental Romans when winter was cut into green laurel trees, brought them to their home and thus believed that spring remains in their homes. The same, the ancient Germans with her fir was committed. This tradition was widespread in Germany in 15-16 centuries. Spruce decorated various kinds of sweets. The Germans translated into America in the 17th century spread this tradition and here. After marriage in the 19th century, the Queen of England Victoria and the German Prince Alberta, this tradition began to spread in England. As can be seen from the foregoing, neither December 25, nor Santa Claus, nor have anything to do with the birth of Isa Ibn Mariam (peace to him!). These traditions are traditions of pre-Christian pagan peoples and civilizations. This is also confirmed by Christian scientists. So, for example, in the book Encyclopedia of the Catholic of 1911, Oroen writes: "The source of these festivals are the birthdays of such tyrants, like Firon and Nerd, who force themselves to worship themselves and called themselves" gods. "

New Year is not a Muslim holiday!

During the reign of communists in our country, many Muslim peoples were imposed on various holidays, such as November 7, December 31, May 1, etc. "All of them are alien for Muslims, our ancestors did not celebrate them." If Muslim wants to learn about the birth of the Prophet Isa (peace to him!), He is enough to read books on the history of the prophets, in which Kranic stories are told. The story of the Prophet Isa (in the Russian tradition it is called in Greek Jesus) (peace to him!) Is given in the Quran in Sure Mariam, 22-26 Ayata.

Allah and his messenger Muhammad (peace and blessing to him!) Forbidden to us to resemble, like themselves in customs and traditions to representatives of other denominations.

Religion teaches a person to rely on his creator. In Islam, Muslim must believe in all its needs in the Almighty Allah. Therefore, you need to teach and children also ask everyone from the Almighty Allah and hope only for His mercy. So that they do not lose to Santa Claus or "Good Santa", but have relied only for Almighty Allah.

Transferred from the words Abu Said Al-Lyubi (may Allah be satisfied!) That the Prophet (may Allah bless him and welcome!) Said: "Truly, if you follow the customs of those who lived to you on the span and elbow for the elbow, and (It will happen before that) if they are penetrated into the noura lizard, then you will definitely follow them! "- We asked:" About the Messenger of Allah, (you mean) Jews and Christians ?? " - And he said: "And who else ??"

(Sahih Al-Bukhari, 3456).

And those Muslims who celebrate the New Year, I would like to remind you that it is not an Islamic tradition to celebrate this holiday and rejoice at this day. Let's analyze the details of the New Year celebration Muslims - this is a fired tree in the house, a covered table, over which bottles with alcoholic beverages, and the people around the table, who wanted each other all the glasses with glasses in their hands ... Especially blasphemous looks like a new year celebration painting, When such phrases are pronounced with a glass of champagne in his hands: "Dai, Allah, we are happiness this year!" - And all the choir say: "Amin!", raising glasses at the same time. This is the reality of the Dagestan feasties of our days - it takes great sin and is mentioned the name of the Most High!

I remember the case that happened also in Dagestan on December 31 at 12:00 in the morning, when most people, forgetting the Most High, raise champagne glasses and look at the sky, which pierces the fakers and shots - at the same time in one of the rural madrasas, students gathered in 24 : 00 and remembered the Most High. When everyone forgot about God, they gathered and asked the Almighty to send mercy and forgive our sins. In many ways, thanks to the pure worship of Allah's favorites and such students who seek the Islamic knowledge and their plenty, Allah will relieve us all from many troubles.

Instead of celebrating the new year and destroy spruce and pines, go to the "New Year's Top", Muslims would have to show gratitude to the creator, think about the meaning of life, to become better and benefit to society, help poor and orphans!

The new year in Russia is difficult to call the holiday - this is ten days of the filing and downtime almost all industrial production.

300 thousand Russians can go back in January from the causes associated with alcohol. Every year, the month following the New Year holidays becomes peak on mortality associated with alcohol, and 5, 6 and 7 January - days of the maximum number of fixed alcohol psychotes. Most of the dead usually make up men aged 30 to 54 years old, psychiatrists approve.

The statements of the government on curbing Russian alcoholism "to a greater extent remain in words than real measures," Alexander Nemtsov, said at a press conference of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Alexander Nemtsov. According to him, "hundreds of thousands of Russian social orphans are children of drinking parents." Nemtsov believes that for January weekends and up to 300 thousand Russians may die during January from the causes associated with alcohol.

Studies of alcohol mortality data in 2000-2007 show that mortality from alcohol and indirect causes associated with it differs in months. So, following January, the peak of alcohol disadvantage of alcohol disadvantages falls on March, then for May.

Summer is calmer, then from October begins a growing mortality rate from alcohol poisoning (up to 3 thousand cases per month), to which cases of deaths from injuries, complications of cardiovascular pathology, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, violent deaths associated with drinking alcohol.

Undoubtedly, alcohol is the factor of the highest risk of not only violent deaths of Russians, but also the death of people from diseases, especially when it is chronic. In fact, it will be indirect alcoholic losses, or "hidden alcohol mortality."

The very emergence of such problems is excluded in Islam and the solution of all these problems that arose due to oblivion of the norms of religion is also laid in Islam. This is a strict locked for the use of alcoholic and other psychotropic substances. The only right and saving step for those who were addicted to alcohol or drugs may be a step towards Islam.

Who is Santa Claus?

As for the image of "Santa Frost", the historians of the Russian folklore say that this is a symbol of the sinister and awesome. When the child had to explain how to behave in winter when coldly, the parents told the terrible stories about the evil "Santa Claus", which bites and pinch children, and naughty generally sends to the next one. In a word, for the Russian people in ancient this image of death from the cold! And the "Snow Maiden" is a teenage girl, the victim of his own stupidity, which did not obey their parents and died in the forest when "Grandfall" sowed her body with cold.

Why are these deaths from the cold and the victims of the cold have become so popular in Russia in the 20th century? The first reason - the anti-robes of the ancient folklore romanticized poets and composers, they attached to the evil "grandfather-frost" the features of a wise and a good senior, obviously under the influence of the cult of "New Year's Santa Claus" from the west. From this mixture, the current appearance of the "New Year's heroes" arose. He became part of the bourgeois culture of the 19th-early 20th centuries. That is why the Communists fought with him so ruthlessly. They saw in them traces of both bourgeois symbolism and irresistible paganism.

However, they themselves could not create and strengthen New Year's cult in communistly and were forced to return all the attributes of the New Year holidays, the truth with an attempt to be awareness. So, for example, instead of old toys began to hang on the Christmas tree red stars, tractors and cars. This is in this form and reached this day this strange symbiosis, an unthinkable mixture from the paganism of the ancient Romans, Slavs and Germans, plus the Orthodox-national cult of Nicholas, plus another ... unrestrained traction for non-harmonious drinking. And what is now in this "festival" more - it is difficult to say.

It is known that being an unknown person, "Grandfall" in various countries is known under different names, such as Saint Nicolas, Nikolas of Mariya, Santa Klaus, Pere Noel, etc. In the territory of modern Turkey, in the province of Mugla, where the city of Patars is located, there is a Santa Klaus church. Patar was one of the cities of ancient Giz.

Let every sensible Muslim, analyzing all these historical information, decides itself for himself, for his conscience: what customs, what principles follow him in these December-January days?

Jiannat Sergey Marcus

- Is it possible to celebrate the new year or is it "demonic" holiday?

More than two hundred years, from 1700 to 1918, our people noted the civilian new year after Christmas, which was previously preceded by a forty-day christmas post. On December 25, there was a great feast of the Nativity of Christ, then a shitigation was coming - the days of special spiritual joy, connecting the Christmas and the Baptism of the Lord, - and it was for this silent period that the New Year had fallen.

After in 1918 the government introduced a new civilian style, the question arose for Orthodox Christians: how to treat the new year celebration? He now falls on the days of the Christmas post, on those days when a Christian is called to the most reinforced spiritual preparation for the Great Holiday of the Nativity of Christ. For many decades, our society has artificially refused from those spiritual roots, those traditions that the people lived. And over these decades of life outside the church, we have new civil holidays, new secular traditions, replacing church traditions. New Year, this almost only unlimited holiday, loved to all people - and adults, and children, - bringing joy associated with gifts, christmas tree. All this was transferred from Christmas to the New Year. And the people, even, may not be aware of that, monitored the importance of these days - days when Christ the Savior was born into the world. Christmas celebrates forbidden, Christianity was etched from human consciousness, and the New Year received a dominant place in this series of winter holidays.

Now we live in a society where not all people are deeply church and will set up where among our relatives there are many people of non-church and even openly speaking their disbelief. And we must treat them not only tolerant, but with Christian love, which is not in words, but in practice. For these people, the holiday of the Nativity of Christ is not as significant as for us with you, and they are waiting for the new year from us to communicate, manifestations and attention. They want us to share with them the joy that they can rejoice, and we cannot ignore it. We must, for our part, not going to our Christian principles and remembering that the Christmas post continues, to the best of our opportunities, try to divide them with our loved ones. And if this is their joy, then this is our joy.

The Lord all arranges to our good. And even something initially negative in Christianity can be filled with new content. Look, the first holiday, which we celebrate in the new Civil, is the Christmas of Christ. It turns out that we will not end the year by Christmas, as our ancestors did, but begin our civilian year the first great holiday of the Nativity of Christ.

Christmas is the feast of the coming of Christ to the Earth. We sing in Orthodox churches: "God is with us." In the early days of the new year, the Lord comes to us. God is with us - This is the benchmark that is revealed to us at the very beginning of our path in the new year, so that we built our future life in the coming year with God together with God. If we are in this arrangement in the new year, in this symbolic period of time, separating one period of our life from another, you can get the right fruits from this event, without damaging your Christian post, get that impulse from Christ Christ, who can help Throughout the next year, we have to build our relationship with God and correctly communicate with your loved ones, pleased with your life, joint communication, bringing joy and benefit to this world and, thereby creating your identity for joyful life with God.

- Is it possible to watch New Year TV programs for the new year?

If you have decided not to sleep on New Year's Eve, talk with your close at the table in a joint conversation. If you want to see something on TV, I advise you to choose a good DVD with a good program. You can go out into the street, take a walk with your loved ones, to talk in this way, breathe fresh air, to rejoice in the early festival of the holiday of Christ. And the night New Year television programs do not advise you to look, because we will not see anything positive there, except for another shortcoming of poorly lost people who are trying to convey their worldview and we are trying to drown out with this madness.

- Is it possible to have fun in the new year, because there is a post?

Under the mercy, every person understands his. That for a person who lives outside the Christian tradition is considered to be fun, then for the Orthodox man sometimes is the horror from which he runs. If we include a TV on New Year's Eve and we will look at how our stars of teleexpan are having fun, we may have a state of pity for these people who burn their time thus engaged in self-examination and disorient the huge amount of that television judgment that is trying to equal on them.

A person needs to have an example of life before his eyes. This applies not only to children, but also adults. Our Motherland since the sincerversion was called the Holy Rus. Not because all people were holy. We know that there were ignorance, and steep morals, and lawlessness, and sins, but it was considered not the norm, but by the manifestation of the distortion of human nature. The person had landmarks before their eyes - these are saints. Now, a person is often looking for landmarks in life, looking at the showful life of heading, people who do not have any talent, not some talls, but only ties and money, and thus get the opportunity to show their sick worldview, their bodies of life in everything society. For them, this is joy.

For someone joy - get drunk and roll under the table. For someone, joy - find another dose of drugs and ingress to Vienna. For someone, joy - go and worst with someone. For someone, the joy is to listen to silent jokes and laugh. If we are talking about this joy, then, of course, not only Orthodox, but in general, any person will bring harm and destruction of the person. Such fun brings other people suffering. So, if people are so noisy having fun, they interfere with the rest of others, their fun turns into a chagrin for others. It is incompatible with Christian life.

There is a genuine fun that stems from joint communication with each other, communicating in love with each other. But it often happens that some corporate parties, and sometimes even for family celebrations, invite to Tamada and some professionally engaged in these people who try to merge the guests in every way, because they talk about nothing with each other. It turns out an absurd situation: people can not together be together, and so that no one notice this, so that people are not sickened, boring, unbearable - external impressions are needed, externally injected fun, which is not in dubs. And the person is having fun. It is thinking that he is good, heats the voice of his conscience, the pain of his soul. A man without God did not have learned to have fun soul - as the prophet David had fun. Many have learned to feel genuine joy, and therefore there are other joys: TV, wine, drugs ... and frequent situations arise: all relatives gathered, but they cannot be together with each other, it is not possible to find points of contact in conversation, there is no general topics For conversations. They need a stimulant of joy, and for this you need a stranger, who would entertain them.

Think about it, brothers and sisters! Do we always have fun with genuine fun, not dependent on external impressions, and by the internal state of our soul?

- Is it possible to celebrate the new year to visit, where will not be on the table of lean dishes?

The question suggests that we go to the people of non-church, since the table is not oriented at the time of fasting. Accordingly, it is necessary to understand, for which the Orthodox man goes there. If in order to not offend your loved ones, relatives who love us and want to jointly spend time, talk, be happy as they can and know how, it will be a manifestation of our love, sacrifice. But in the event that we come to visit, where the bulk of people of non-church, we must remain Christians under any circumstances. And then, after all, it happens - in the temple we are Christians, but outside it, like everyone else ...

There is a common answer to the question of whether it is possible to disrupt the post for the sake of love, in order not to offend a person: it is possible, since the post is not an end in itself, but the means of changing the grace of the Holy Spirit, as said the Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky. So if someone sincerely rejoices that we came if someone called us by love, cooking some kind of kushan to please us, - do not be grieving and positioning yourself out of this table, saying that "I don't want To be discharged and will blast your post. " But there is another side of this situation. When we come to the society of non-church people, it seems to us that we will become "our own" for them, communicating with them at their level, as part of their world view. But sometimes it happens that people who position themselves non-church, maybe even praise with their unbelief, nevertheless, knowing that we are the people of Orthodox, we are looking forward to the manifestations of our other ways to show our faith. If they see that we, as well as all the gathered non-church people, eat, drink and have fun, they may not but roll out out, but think: "Here they are, Orthodox Christians, - eat and drink everything in a row in The post, rejoice and having fun by the jokes that we rejoice and have fun. They do not differ from us. All this is emptiness. All this is nonsense. No Christianity is actually no. " And we, thus, we can show your antiproprocity of Christianity. We think about it and we will try even in the environment of non-church people to show Orthodoxy in this world, to show our Christian worldview. Let's not forget that many want to see in our eyes the manifestation of the kingdom of God.

Sometimes people are trying to go to some corporate New Year parties by no means due to the fact that without going on them, thus offended someone, and for other reasons: at home is boring, in the family it is tired, I want novelty, which That joy, I want to unwind ... Of course, if a person goes from a family for such purposes to such corporate standards, consciously, it will not bring a man of spiritual joy, but will rejoice his soul and blurs his heart. And he will not be able to rejoice in Christmas, as if it was sought to keep the christmas post.

- How is it better to celebrate the new year, including with children?

Good to come on December 31 in the temple on the New Year's prayer. In our sorrowing temple every year on December 31, at 16 o'clock, the New Year's prayer is held, on which we thank God over the past year. We thank him for long-suffering to us, sinful, and asking for a blessing for a year coming, realizing that without the help of God, without his blessing, we will not be able to fulfill everything planted that it is necessary to make us in the coming year. With such a tie, we enter the symbolic segment of the time, which tells us that we can always leave the negative, which we have in your soul. We can always contact God, and the Lord will always update your image in our souls and will help us go again through life, which leads to joy, creating our personality, joy of joint communication with our relatives and friends.

For children these days are special. As children stretch to a fairy tale, for something kind, light and all that is associated with the New Year, finds a response in their hearts, undoubtedly, needed a closer joint communication with children - they need our attention. Not only to wear and feed them should, but also try to see their children, seemingly not enough for us, the problems that they would feel that we were also ever with the children, have experienced the same difficulties and rejoiced the same joys that they knew rejoice. And this period of the year is very favorable in order to even more close with their children. Having faith, having in the soul of Christian values, we can, without breaking the inner spiritual world and external piety, these days to communicate with loved ones, especially with our children, on the wave of pre-Christmas joy to receive mutual enrichment from each other - from joint communication, a good word , good participation in each other's life. It is good to walk along the snow-covered streets, in nature with children, play with them in winter games, try to try to see what the Lord gives us.

- If children believe in Santa Claus, do they need to explain that he does not exist? And is this character not pagan?

Children always strive for joy, holiday. This is the natural need of a person, especially child. And when the Easter of Christ, Christmas, the day of their angel, having replaced all these wonderful joyful Orthodox holidays, delayed all these wonderful joyful Orthodox holidays by Soviet Surrogate, especially joyfully and tremble children began to perceive and perceive the new year - as time when you can hope for a miracle , on a fairy tale. And the children are not always believe in it literally - in what will be some miracle that at night Santa Claus will put them under the Christmas tree gifts. But so I want to believe in it and, even if I don't believe, the child plays like that. Many children are glad that parents are playing out in the game in Santa Claus.

If we explore the origin of this character, then, of course, we can embarrass his pagan past, the origin is by no means from the Christian tradition. But this does not mean that everything that arose outside the Christian tradition is subject to anathematization. When children were taken away by the saints of God, the only grandfather with a big beard and in the unlike clothes towards all visible people around the children - this is Santa Claus: the one who loves them, wishes them to good and happiness, brings gifts, rejoices to children's joy, playing with them. This feature must fulfill the parents. They must play with children, show attention to their problems. But many of the parents are underwritten, and Grandfather Frost - he will never let down, never betray. Children in this character personify their need to communicate with an adult person who loves them, appreciates, what they are, believes in them, and they, respectively, believe in it, and there is nothing wrong with that. After all, this is not the replacement of Christ, not the substitution of Christian values, but a natural desire for communication and good, the need for love. Therefore, the "persecution" is not worth it for Santa Claus, but when the child develops harmoniously, the Holy Taine Holy Tain comes, seeks to know the Christian worldview, seeks to communicate with his peers and with his loved ones, everything gradually becomes in its place. And Santa Claus occupies his niche in the worldview of the child, which does not prevent him from entering Christ in his soul and his heart. And the child, believing in Santa Claus, rejoicing this fairy tale, does not replace Christ and genuine life given by God to man.

- How to be with matinees and christmas trees in kindergarten and schools?

The child has not yet accumulated that sinful baggage, which prevents an adult person to truly rejoice. The child is more directly and sincerely rejoices to jointly communicate. Motorens and holidays suitable in kindergarten and schools are designed to unite children around a general joy, and there is nothing negative, unrexious. You should not deprive the child of the holiday with your classmates, with your friends in kindergarten. Not in the festival, because for an Orthodox person, sin, but in the manifestation of passions, in the indulgence of them. It is quite possible to come to the New Year holiday to school or to a kindergarten, glancing for your baby who reads the echok Santa Claus or dancing the snowflake dance.

A person will be happy for his child, and the child will be happy that parents found the time to be able to pour on his holiday, to divide this joy with him - his joy. And you can come to the "pious place" - the temple, - and condemn all those who are located there, to see who is as dressed, who is as worth who is baptized. And we think about who will get a great spiritual benefit - is it who went with his child to the New Year's holiday, or the one who in such spiritual state went to the temple of God?

- Is it possible to give gifts for the new year?

Children from Orthodox families are best to give gifts for Christmas Christ, but not all our relatives and acquaintances are church people. Over the past decades, our society has been rejected by those spiritual traditions that our ancestors lived. And over these decades of life, new traditions have appeared outside the church. One of them is to give gifts for the New Year. Christmas people took away, but the need for a person in the donation of joy to another remained. The soul in nature is a Christian, and the manifestation of attention to a person in these winter pre-Christmas days, when the whole society celebrates the new year, it remains, so this tradition is to give something for the new year, thereby showing his attention, love and felt, does not have There is nothing negative and vicious in itself. There is nothing wrong if the grandmother or grandfather will give her grandson or granddaughter a gift for the new year.

Orthodox wedge.
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