The family of Businessman Telman Ismailova came out of the founders of AST-International Inwaeronman, one of the largest distributors of alcohol in Russia. The company was one of the few assets that was not departed by Ismailov's creditors.

Telman Ismailov (Photo: Said Tsarnaev / RIA Novosti)

The family of the former owner of the Cherkizovsky market and the founder of the AST Telman group Ismailov was published from the founders of the AST-International InwaeronMant company, evidenced by the EGRUL. According to the registry, changes in the structure of owners of the same name LLC occurred on June 30, 2017. Up to this point, the owners of the company were five people: the sons of Telman Ismailova Alekper and Sarhan (they belonged to 27.5% of Ltd.), nephew Zaur Murdanov (25%), general director of the company Leonid Rafailov and one of the co-founders of the company Simand Sumanduyev (10% ).

After the owners of the distribution business owners in the parity began, Rafailov and Simanduyev are now found. At the time of publication, they and other representatives of the company "AST-International InwaeronMant" at a request for the reasons for changes in the composition of the founders and the terms of the transaction did not respond.

Last without bankruptcy

"AST-International InvaeronMant" was founded as a distribution company in 1992. Four years later she received her first major contract - for the implementation of the "Dovgan" popular in the mid-1990s, and in 1998, the Russian Standard vodka entered her portfolio. Since 2004, Ismailova has received contracts for the sale of brands Moet Hennessy, Bacardi and other well-known alcoholic manufacturers. As Leonid Rafailov told in 2009, the company did not suffer from the 2008 economic crisis and was part of the top five largest alcohol distributors in the Russian market. "We did not reduce the volume into the crisis," he told Forbes, "and I did not reduce the staff schedule to any unit." Telman Ismailov himself was the owner of the company until 2013, when he distributed 40% of Ltd shareholders from the sons and was out of the founders.

Currently, "AST-International" is still one of the largest distributors of alcohol. The company's revenue in 2016 amounted to 11.723 billion rubles. (In 2015 - 12.043 billion rubles) for comparison, the revenue of its competitor LLC "Company Sympl" (enters the Simple group) in 2016 amounted to 9.645 billion rubles, and Luding LLC - 11.555 billion rubles.

The "AST-International InwaeronMant" remained the only asset of the Ismailov family, who did not claim lenders of a businessman, wrote the "statements" in the fall of 2015. Rafailov told Forbes that the problems of the main assets of Ismailov did not affect the alcoholic business. "I do not feel any pressure and I do not feel any unfriendly actions," he told the publication. According to Spark Interfax, the company's lender is now a Sberbank, but only the goods are used as collateral. Until 2015, the lender is also secured by alcohol products - there was a SMP Bank. In a card file of arbitration cases, RBC did not find claims to the company that could be associated with the claims to Telman Ismailov and its structures.

What did Telman Ismailov earned on

Telman Ismailov began engaging back in the late 1980s. In 1993, he opened the Cherkizovsky market, which soon became the largest in Moscow. In the mid-1990s, Ismailova's business began to grow rapidly: among other things, his structure was opened in the capital several textile factories, a taxi company, typography, restaurants and cafes. The AST group also invested in jewelry and agricultural production. As a result, in 2007, 31 the company, which directly owned the head AST, had an annual turnover of about $ 2 billion. The cost of assets AST I Ismailov estimated at $ 3 billion. The most profitable construction assets were. By 2015, the entrepreneur himself entered the Forbes list - then the magazine rated his condition of $ 600 million.

Telman Ismailov (Photo: Valery Levitin / Kommersant)

In 2009, the authorities closed the Cherkizovsky market, and the credit duty of the entrepreneur began to grow rapidly. To pay with the old, I had to take new loans. Among the lenders of Ismailov and its structures were BM-Bank (former bank of Moscow), entrepreneur Vitaly Mastitsky, the structure of the owner of the Mangazewa group Sergey Yangukov, Deutsche Bank, etc.

In 2014, the lenders began to contact the courts to recover the debt: at first it was the structures of Yangukov, followed by the BM Bank, who demanded 17.4 billion rubles. When Ismailov was declared bankrupt, it turned out that almost nothing remained in his direct ownership. Gradually, a restaurant "Prague", the business center "Tropican" and the AST shopping center, were made at the disposal of the BM Bank.

By the end of 2015, the total amount of claims for the founder of AST exceeded 160 billion rubles, and the largest creditors in addition to the BM Bank and Mangazei were several Cypriot offshore companies, one way or another related to the Menwin Management Limited Cyprus service group that managed Ismailov's assets. The source of Vedomosti noted that the Ismailov himself can stand behind the structures applying for AST assets.

In May 2017, the court began implementing Ismailov's assets. According to the federal register of bankruptcy information, the estimated cost of the businessman's property in January 2017 was 695 million rubles, and the amount of creditors' claims is 31 billion rubles. In June 2017, it is known that the Craig Valley Plaza shopping center was arrested in Las Vegas, which the structures of Ismailov acquired in 2014. Then the court arrested the Moscow apartments of the entrepreneur.

With participation: Philiplex Aleksenko

Ismailov Telman Mardanovich - General Director of the AST Group of Companies and the Owner of the Prague Restaurant, the former owner of the Cherkizovsky market, Vice-President of the Eurasian Congress of Jews.


The main assets of Telman Ismailov are concentrated:

  • finance, Construction, Trade, Transport, Restaurant Business, Jewelry Production (AST Company Groups).




1973-1976 - studied in the Azerbaijani People's Economic Institute. D.Buniat-Zade.

1980 - graduated from the Moscow Institute of National Economy by N. Plakhanov.


At 18, being a student of the 1st year of the Azerbaijani People's Economic Institute, became the director of the commercial store.

After that, she worked as an economist in the Ministry of Commerce, as well as an expert in Eastokinutorg.

1987 - founded his first cooperative "Commercial Charitable Company".

1989 - created the first of the AST group of companies.

1989-1991 - Opened in Moscow 52 commercial stores, then the market "Luzhniki". Now the company owns part of the territories of the Cherkizovsky market.

Opening of the Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov

2012 - he agreed with the Government of Moscow first after the elimination of the Cherkizovsky market, a developer project - a hotel complex with apartments with a total area of \u200b\u200b23.4 thousand m2 near the Kremlin.


Collecting hours, which he collected about 2 thousand.

He is engaged in patronage.

He was a sponsor of singer Abraham Russo.

It is the general sponsor of the Football Club "Terek" (Grozny).

The name of the group of companies "AST" Telman Ismailov came up with the first letters of the names of his sons of Alekper and Sarhan and his name.

2006 - is included in the circle of suspects in the attempt on the life of the artist of Abraham Russo.

2009 - opened in the Turkish coast the most expensive hotel "Mardan Palace". At his construction, the businessman spent $ 1.4 billion.

The hotel is named after Father Telman Ismailova: Mardana. On the opening day of the hotel, there would be 100 years old. After the opening of the hotel, Telman Ismailov asked Turkish citizenship.

Opening of "Mardan Palace" in Turkey

At different times, Ismailov invited to himself:

  • Jennifer Lopez - 1.5 million dollars;
  • Twice Mariahi Carey - $ 1 million per speech;
  • Twice Ricky Martin - 850 thousand dollars. Presentation;
  • Robbie Williams- $ 1 million;
  • Avril Avalanie - $ 1 million.

For the fact that on one of the parties on the Cote d'Azur Telman Ismailov flew on the personal gold-plane Falcon, the British newspaper Financial Times included him on the list of the most extravagant rich-in-law.

2009 - published a video on which Moscow Mayor calls "Main Day of the Year" is not the day of victory or day of Russia, and the birthday of Telman Ismailov. According to those present, Yuri Luzhkov presented Telman Ismailov unique clock worth $ 1,500,000. Guests described the holiday as "shocking by the progenic pathos and luxury."

Anniversary Telman Ismailova

The plans of Telman Ismailova - the construction of another hotel in Turkey, now the most expensive in the world, and the purchase of the Turkish football club "Antalyasp".

A family

Married, two sons.

  • Wife - Tamara Ismailova.
  • Son - Sarhan Ismailov.
  • Son - Alekper Ismailov.


  1. Rally businessmen of Russia - 2011
  2. 2.0 2.1 Telman Ismailov
  3. Telman Ismailov: from shops and back
  4. Telman Ismaylov first revealed his secrets
  5. Ex-owner of "Cherkizona" Telman Ismailov will build an aparthotel near Prague
  6. Telman Ismailov urgently issues Turkish citizenship
  7. Abraham Russo himself hides his killers?
  8. Telman Ismailov built a hotel for $ 1.4 billion in Antalya and asked Turkish citizenship
  9. Ende des Geldregens.
  10. The owner of the Cherkizovsky market, Telman Ismailov solemnly opened in the Turkish coast the most expensive hotel in Europe
  11. Anonymous truth: Telman Ismailov
  12. Telman Ismailova's wife appeared at the concert of "Beloved" of her husband
  13. From the Dossier of the RSN: Children Ismailova, Babayev and Mironova

Catherine was the Civilian wife of the younger son of the owner of the Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov. A woman believes that she was the main love in his life. She told about his story to TV channel 360.

Three days ago I came to the house in which we lived with children and Sarhan. On the gate a huge red banner: "Sold". I scored the specified phone number, I ask: how can you sell a house with people registered there? This is my house. The tube hung.

According to Catherine, Ismailov love the whole of her life. They met at 18 years old on the ballet, and in two months they began to live together. He worked beautifully, gave flowers, rocked around Moscow.


In the forest town, the three-storey mansion in the Greek style has highlighted against the background of other houses. Nearby there are two more buildings - one for guests, another for servants. In this property, children Ruslana and David are prescribed, and she decorated on Catherine Romanov. Woman showed pictures made in the apartment. Curtains for 200 thousand dollars, stitched by personal order from Italian designers. Vintage French furniture, marble columns with gold-plated sampling.

We created our comfort. Thought, in this house we will live for a long time. And, of course, when he left here with children, did not think that forever. Now I want to return to this house again. This is my house. I tried to go to Sarhan, but the former phone is unavailable. With his friends there is no connection. For these four years, that we are not together, he never called and did not ask if everything is good with children? Where do they live?

To his father, Telman Ismailov Sarhan presented me in the restaurant in France. I knew my whole family, his friends. His mother didn't love me very much, because he did not want him to connect life with a Russian girl. We and Sarhan were not just love, but also good friendly relations. Even when it was forced to marry the girl of their nation, on the wedding day he told me: "You will always be with me."

However, four years later, the whole tale ended. Father began problems with business, Cherkizovsky market closed. The man almost killed Catherine.

Once he almost strangled me in the car, saved random passers-by.

Later, the house was expensive to contain. In this regard, Sarkhan suggested to move to the apartment for a while.

We took the most basic. After all, a few months later they had to return to this house. I remember, sat with children in the car. And the guards endured our things. Then I rose to the apartment. And the car with the children broke off. I realized that he decided to throw me and pick up children.

For children, his father led a nanny, who was bad in Russian spoke.

The father of us with a brother, "says the 13-year-old daughter Romanova Lana," settled in some apartment with an incomprehensible woman-nanny, which even in Russian was badly spoken. Included the cartoons to us so that we do not interfere. During this time, the father came to us only twice, first - said, we move to live and learn to Turkey. The second time he wanted to pick up his brother in a restaurant, but the boy began to capricious, and his father beat him. After four months I called and said: "I return you a mother."

With a removable apartment, the family gone, because there is nothing to pay. She was offered to live at the temple in a small room, since there was no place to go, she agreed. The deceived woman began to work in a church buffet with a salary of 15 thousand rubles. Living with servants, nanny and governess, she did not know how to do anything. The first time in the temple all laughed at her.

The Basmannaya Court of Moscow in absentia arrested - a large Moscow businessman, the former owner of the famous Cherkizon (Cherkizovsky market). He was accused of organizing double murder and illegal arms circulation. Ismailov's history is unique: once he was one of the most powerful people of the capital, but soon after the closing of the market in 2009, his star began to fade - and now he is threatened with life imprisonment. I remembered how Career Ismailov developed, and tried to figure out where and when the businessman turned it out.

Optic Cherkizon

In the early 1990s, the Cherkizovsky workers in the early 1990s of the capital were always disliked, comparing with the famous cunning. However, the market has successfully existed until 2009, including due to its social function: low-income citizens could easily like there for modest money. In addition, the market has become a wholesale base for small businesses of all European Russia from Murmansk to Derbent. Cherkizon was a unique phenomenon for his time - a kind of state with its unwritten laws, around which a whole infrastructure grew, designed to satisfy the diverse needs of visitors and workers. The authorities have repeatedly tried to drive merchants or at least to improve the territory of a huge market, but success in this case has never achieved.

In 2009, a mass campaign against Cherkizon unfolded in the media. In television sues, they talked about abuses in the market, and the emergence of some hazardous goods directly connected with the name of the main shareholder of the market - Telman Ismailov (a state of 0.6 billion dollars as data). Who exactly and why began the attack on the largest market of the capital - it is not known so far. However, it was Cherkizon meant the then Prime Minister, calling to struggle with smuggling. "Smuggling is a separate topic, and the struggle seems to be conducted, and the results of something small. On one of the markets there are products on more than two billion dollars, they still have not destroyed them and the owners are not (...) the result of the struggle should be in prison. Where is the landing? "," Putin said at a meeting of the government's presidium on June 1, 2009.

According to one of the versions, Ismailov brought the anger of high-ranking officials by the fact that in the same 2009 opened in Turkish Antalya, the Mardan Palace, which became the most expensive on the Mediterranean: its cost was 1.4-1.6 billion dollars. Especially for the beach of this hotel from Egypt, a special sand was brought, not burning legs in the heat; Sheet gold and natural crystal were used for finishing interiors, and guests offered wines at a price of four thousand dollars per bottle. World celebrities attended the hotel's presentation, the actress ceremony led.

The Russian authorities could have matured that all this luxury was created for profit from smuggling and other crime of Cherkizon (he, according to some reports, in 2009 brought one million dollars per day to owners). But the special cynicism of Ismailova was that the businessman invested one and a half billion dollars (45 billion rubles) to the Turkish shore, while the whole country was discounted on the construction of facilities to the Sochi Olympiad. By the way, their total cost, including donations of Russian businessmen, according to official data, amounted to 214 billion rubles.

Following the media to the attack on the security forces market. On June 7, 2009 (SCP) reported on investigation in connection with the detection of dangerous goods in the Cherkizovsky market for consumption of goods. It was noted that the group of unidentified persons brought and placed in the Cherkizon warehouses more than six thousand containers with clothing, shoes and other goods without warehousing and commodity and transport documents.

According to the SCP, in 58 containers found children's clothing and shoes that do not correspond to sanitary and epidemiological regulations - they were subject to destruction. The investigation opened a criminal case under Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Production, storage, transportation, either the sale of goods that do not meet the security requirements"). At the end of June 2009, Cherkizon closed. High-ranking officials discovered antisanitation, smuggling and public houses on the territory of the market, then control services and market work stopped forever.

Ashore Turkish

Shortly after Cherkizon was finished, on August 6, 2009, investigators of the SCP with operatives and special forces fighters in the famous restaurant "Prague" on Arbat. Like Cherkizon, he belonged to the group of AST companies led by President Telman Ismailov. Siloviki in the best traditions of the "Mask Show" spent spectacularly in Prague search with the searches of documents.

Officially, investigative actions were held as part of the investigation of a criminal case, initiated against the former rector of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism (RhUFCXIT). He was accused of abuse of official position: Matycin allegedly surrendered to the company KBF AST plot of the university land with an area of \u200b\u200babout 665 thousand square meters. This site was used by Cherkizon for trading, but the Earth was in federal property, and therefore, to rent an ex-rector of law did not have.

However, the AST lawyers then stated that the case of university lands was only a reason for searches, and investigators were withdrawn the documents related to the business of Telman Ismailov. In particular, the lawyer said that the documents relating to land rental, investigators were already excreted during searches in Prague in 2007, which means that in 2009 they seem to be looking for something else. As a result, in the late evening of August 6, the investigators took several dozen boxes with papers and system blocks of computers from Prague.

Surrounded by Telman Ismailov and the closure of Cherkizon, and searches in Prague were then tied with part of a large campaign against the entrepreneur.

"Telman Martanovich still hopes that his troubles were organized by someone from competitors and in the end, let them be allowed to resolve the situation with some losses. But those who are closely familiar with what is happening around his business, it is already clear that the orders come from the very top, "the media told a close friend of Ismailov.

Already at that time, Cherkizon's owner took steps to minimize the possible consequences of the campaign against him. Ismailov moved to Turkey and took up the registration of citizenship of this country.

Right from Baku. His father was a merchant, and from 14 years old, Telman works with him. At 18, he becomes the director of the only commercial store in Baku.

In the 1980s, Ismailov moved to Moscow and is arranged by an economist to the Ministry of Commerce, and then go to work as an expert in Vostokintorg (All-Union Association on Trade with the countries of the East). He meets Yuri Luzhkov, who at that time held the post of Chairman of the Commission of the Mosgorpol Commission on Cooperative Activities. In twenty years, already being the mayor of the capital, Luzhkov will congratulate Ismailov with the fiftieth or the words: "Telman! You are our brother! We go with you in life! ". The friendly connections were at Ismailov and with the former vice-mayor of Moscow by Joseph Ordzhonikidze.

In 1989, Telman Ismailov opened his first Moscow business - registered the AST group. The abbreviation consists of the first letters of the names of the owners - a businessman and his two sons: Alekper-Sarhhan Telman. "AST" began with clothing trafficking. For the first year of work, 52 commercial store opened in Moscow - no one was engaged in this in the city.

The group began to grow. A few years later there are dozens of companies in various fields: a hotel business ("Ast-Hoff"), construction ("Ast-Kaproy"), publishing ("AST-Moscow Printing House"), transport ("AST-TRANSSERVIS "), Jewelry business (Ast-Gold). Ismailov belonged to the Moscow restaurant "Prague" on Arbat, the Voentorg department store, as well as the famous wholesale markets - Luzhniki and Cherkizovsky.

It was the main capital of Ismailov. In 2006, Cherkizon was the largest at turnover by the center of small-optic clothing in the European part of Russia, and Ismailov himself took 76th place in the Forbes list in 2007 with a state of $ 260 million.

Protection of domestic producers

According to unofficial data, Cherkizsky inhabited 100 thousand inhabitants. In 2006, an explosion occurred in the market. As a result of the terrorist attack, 14 people were killed, 61 injured. The investigation found that the explosion organized members of the nationalist organization "Savior" to "stop the influx of immigrants."

Chinese smuggling, illegals, prostitution - in such conditions existed Cherkizon for more than 20 years. Mass market checks began after the arrest of a large part of smuggling goods at the warehouses of AST. In 2009, the market publicly criticized the Chairman of the Government Vladimir Putin: "With regard to smuggling, there are products on one of the markets by more than $ 2 billion." After that, the market was closed.

The official reason was called violation of sanitary standards. The government stated that the closure of the market - a measure to protect domestic producers: Merchants on Cherkizona did not pay taxes and "sulfate" local production. "Each point in the Cherkizovsky market meant the stopped shop in Russia," said the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Stanislav Naumov.

After the closure of Cherkizona, Ismailov went to live in Turkey. There, two months before the closure of the market, a seven-star Mardan Palace hotel was built, named after Father: Portrait of Mardana Ismailov hangs on the first floor of the hotel. The Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper appreciated him as "the most expensive hotel of the continent": cost - $ 1.4 billion. For its construction, tin gold, crystal decorations, Italian marble, and the sand for the beach was specially delivered from Egypt.

There is a zoo on site and singing fountains. At the opening ceremony, not only Hollywood stars were present - Sharon Stone and Monica Bellucci, but also the Vice Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov.

Vladimir Putin drew attention to the hotel. He stated that he did not see the crime in the construction of the Ismailo hotel in Turkey, but hinted that it would be nice for the same projects to create in Russia, for example, in Sochi to the Olympiad. In response, Telman Ismailov in 2010 signed an agreement with the Corporation "Olympstroy" the construction agreement in Sochi worth $ 800 million. However, no money was found, and the construction of the Olympic facilities had to refuse.

Loading loans

The cases of Ismailov after the closure of the Cherkizovsky market went worse. He took new and new loans to pay with old debts. The BM Bank (Bank of Moscow) and the structure of Mangazei Sergey Yanchukov helped him. When banks demanded to return the money, the businessman began to hide them. In 2014, Telman Ismailov handed over their companies to the sons of Alekperu and Sarkhan and the nephew Zauru Mardanov to escape from creditors.

In parallel, Ismailov organized the withdrawal of funds abroad: $ 8 million he sent to buy a shopping center. Another scheme is to go bankrupt yourself. He took new loans from fictitious organizations registered on his acquaintances. It should have done this way: under bankruptcy, the seized property is divided between creditors in proportion to the amount of debt. If the debt of "its" organizations exceeds the debt to the Bank of Moscow, then the bank get a penny, and all the property returns the owner.

However, as a result, the court pleaded by Ismailov bankrupt, and lenders took all assets from a businessman. VTB received a restaurant "Prague", AST and Tropicano shopping centers. The shopping center in the United States was also arrested on the suit of the Bank of Moscow. A chic mansion with a view of Skolkovo got, according to Rosreestra, a settlement and credit bank, owned by the family of the State Duma of Wahi Agayev.

For debts in 2015, the famous Mardan Palace was sold. The Turkish bank bought a hotel at an auction for $ 124 million, although its cost was estimated at $ 248 million. It was in 2015 Ismailov was the last time on the Forbes list. Then the magazine rated his condition at $ 600 million. In March 2017, the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region began selling his property to its decree.

Passion for luxury

Businessman became famous for luxury passion. The media write that he flew to a party to Nice on a gold-plane, presented the singer Nikolai Baskov for the birthday of the villa in Turkey, and his collections of wristwatches numbers more than 2 thousand copies.

Among the friends of Telman Ismailov are not only representatives of show business. His friendly relations with the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. The businessman himself confessed to an interview with the Azerbaijani publication, that in difficult times Kadyrov asked for him before Putin: "Yes, I have a very good relationship with Ramzan Kadyrov. He asked not only he, but also many other faces in the highest elite of Russia. "

Back in 2010, after a visit to Chechnya, Ismailov agreed to sponsor the local football club "Terek" (now - "Ahmat"). At the same time, the President of the club Ramzan Kadyrov appointed Sarhan Ismailov's vice president of Terek, the son of a businessman. The children of Ismailov, like the Father, are famous for a passion for gorgeous life. Both sons studied and lived in Switzerland. There, the media filed, they were witnesses in the case of an accident. Four Russians staged races on expensive cars, as a result of which a pensioner suffered. Behind the wheel of Bugatti Veyron and Mercedes McLaren were the sons of Ismailov, the Swiss police reported.

According to eyewitnesses, the President of Uzbekistan, President of Uzbekistan, arrived at the wedding of the eldest Son of Businessman - Alekper Ismailov and presented a helicopter with a newlywedheld. Alekper Ismailov owns a share of 37.5% of the AST group of companies so far.

Now various banks are trying to recognize it with bankrupt. In September of this year, the application for Ismailov Jr. was submitted by the Bank "National Standard".

Sarkan's younger son studied at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. He also owns 37.5% of the AST Group of Companies and is also experiencing financial difficulties. The car Sarhan Ismailova Rolls Royce was arrested for the debts of the Mardan Palace hotel. Another 25% "AST" belongs to the nephew of Telman Ismailov - the Zauro Mardanov.

Searches from Ismailov

When in the fall of 2017, the security forces granted to Telman Ismailov with searches of 12 addresses, then the media put forward various versions of what is happening. Priority were that searches are associated with fraud against one of the banks. According to another version, the businessman was searched due to the case of the murder of two entrepreneurs.

Brother Telman - accused of execution of the owner of Vladimir Savkin shopping complexes and the founder of Lublino-Motors, Yuri Brillev. Our source then said that the searches from Telman Ismailov were associated with this case. The same version put forward a lawyer of a businessman.

Double murder was committed in May 2016 in the suburbs. Rafik Ismailov is now in custody, he was charged under the article "Murder of two and more persons." According to the investigative committee, the motive of execution could be the financial dispute of Rafa Ismailov and his business partner Savkin.

Ismailov and Savkin were co-owners of a large shopping and entertainment center in Moscow. According to the investigation, Rafik Ismailov sold a business and took all money to himself. In order not to return a debt of $ 5.5 million Savkina, he ordered a former partner, suggests a consequence. The founder of "Lublin Motors" Brillev could become a random victim - he witnessed the attack.

As a result, the whole blame for herself, was convicted the other day, and received 13 years of imprisonment.

The second brother of Telman Ismailova - Vagif - a former officer of the Main Department of the Criminal Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - also takes place in this case and is wanted. In April last year they reported that Telman Ismailov became a person involved in the investigation on customer murders: the testimony gave an arrested member of the group. They are not about two, but about eight murders.