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In previous articles, we looked at relationships between partners when one of the partners played the role of daddy or mommy, son or daughter, and also when there was a large age difference between the partners. Today we will continue to consider the relationship between partners, but of a slightly different type - we will consider relationships according to the principle of Shani - Shukra (Saturn - Venus).

Let's decide who is who? Shani (Saturn) here represents authority. Literally and figuratively. This is asceticism, rigidity, sometimes even cruelty. This is, for the most part, an older man with money, but earned, to put it mildly, not always in an honest way. This is an indisputable authority, but it is not a solar authority, which leads through positive emotions, through inspiration, through a flight of thought. Rather, it is authority through restrictions, asceticism, through rigidity, silent, gloomy censure. Through a hard look and submission through fear, but one that inspires respect for such a character. These are strong-willed people who have seen and gone through a lot in their lives. Sometimes their glance is enough to understand what needs to be done and what not. They are wise, popular with the opposite sex, but behave rather freely and harshly with them. Their principles are not to become attached to the environment, so as not to be dependent on someone, sometimes even, so as not to be vulnerable. In a word - authority.

The other half of this relationship, Shukra (Venus), can be either a young girl or an older woman, playing the role of a companion to authority. The age of the partner here can be different, but young, often young, predominates. Shukra (Venus) often appears here as her the lowest form, the form of a lover, a woman who desires sensual pleasures from life. These pleasures are manifested, first of all, through the possession of money, luxury, and a sense of pride in being “close to the emperor.” And accordingly, a certain power that is given thanks to the partner.

These feelings prevail over a woman for quite a long period of time, until either a feeling of possessiveness or the desire to become a mother prevails over her. The first usually occurs when sensual pleasures begin to intensify, developing into a desire to possess bO Moreover, the desire to receive them constantly and to protect oneself by becoming the wife of an authority. In the second case, sensual pleasures subside, decrease, they become satiated, the woman wants to become a loving mother and wife. In the first case, Shukra (Venus) becomes in its desires similar to Rahu, which expands desires more and more. In the second case, Venusian energy is transformed into lunar energy, the energy of maternal love and family care.

What happens next? Is an alliance between partners possible in the future? IN eastern astrology Joytish Shani and Shukra are each other's friends. Their relationship is friendly, but as soon as Venusian feelings begin to transform into lunar ones, such relationships reach a dead end. Chandra and Shani are not friends. If for Chandra Shani is a neutral planet (the Moon has no enemies), then for Shani Chandra is an enemy planet. As soon as a woman in such a partnership strives for family, warm relations, they are usually interrupted. The man, Shani, immediately loses interest in his partner due to the fact that he needs to take responsibility for the family, for her, for the children. But Shani is more characteristic of coldness and severity. Saturn's sense of responsibility is more developed in professionally, he is completely immersed in his business, work. He doesn't want to think about his family. Accordingly, there will be no continuation of the relationship if the partner does not begin to show sunny qualities, such as taking responsibility not only for himself, but also for his family, for his wife and children.

If a woman wants a legalized relationship in order to increase her influence, then she will also receive a rebuff, because Shani symbolizes the ability to distinguish right from wrong, sincerity and honesty. In those relationships when a woman has a desire to become the wife of such a man, he sees insincerity, understands that this is not right, and these relationships also reach a dead end. With Shani you need to be honest, sincere, correct, only then can you earn his favor, otherwise there will be no close relationship.

Other similar situations are also possible. Shukra (Venus) lives with Shani (Saturn) only because of the desire for sensual pleasures. They, pleasures, are for the most part possible only thanks to the availability of money. Usually our authority is an older man, and our partner lives with him mainly for the sake of money. As soon as the money dries up, the relationship immediately disappears. Shukra (Venus) in passion and ignorance requires constant nourishment for its feelings. And if a partner, Shani (Saturn), being of age, can satisfy Shukra (Venus) with the help of money, then in their absence - no longer. They have different interests by age and views on life. Accordingly, such relationships fail.

The opposite of the above is the situation when a woman loses her attractiveness, her Shukra (Venus) weakens, or her partner becomes fed up with monotony. At the same time, the relationship between lovers begins to weaken, especially on the part of the partner. He breaks off the relationship, losing interest in his aging lover. He does not want to take responsibility for starting a family and having children.

To sum up, we can conclude that such relationships are short-lived. In order for partners to be able to form a long-term union, it is necessary for each of them to change - Shani (Saturn) began to show more solar qualities, and Shukra (Venus) transformed her qualities into lunar ones. Only such a union where the man Surya (Sun) and the woman Chandra (Moon) has the opportunity to exist for a long time.

Transform yourself!

Sincerely, Vedic astrologer, Vedic psychologist Petr Brezden

The relationship between a man and a woman is in the likeness of Shani - Shukra (Saturn and Venus).

Definition by appearance men, who he is and what he represents.

Let's figure out why we need to know this.

We already discussed in the previous chapter that you can determine how to find out from several character traits and behavior whether the man next to you is worthy or unworthy. Now let's talk about appearance.

There is a science of astropsychology. She studies the influence of planets on humans. And in particular, what features of a certain planet are manifested in this or that person, and how certain signs of the planets are transmitted through this person. Therefore, there is such a thing as “planetary types”.

It doesn't depend on your zodiac sign. The body, build, physiognomy and behavior of a person are important.

Let's consider the well-known astrological planetary types. And let's give a brief and clear description each of them so that you can navigate life correctly.


For example, you've probably come across this type of man: tall, slender, with eyes that look straight into your soul. The physique is fit, thin, the forehead is a little large and the gaze is penetrating, strong-willed. He looks with an unblinking gaze, “hypnotizing.” If this is a man after forty years old, then he may not be very thin or dense. When talking, he makes such hand gestures as if he is instructing. Strong-willed, logical. He always understands everything clearly. And his words are very clearly stated. They always have meaning, there is some idea. He just never talks like that.

Positive qualities. The ability to set goals and achieve them. Logicality, clear discipline and pedantry. Such a person always needs to clearly know what, where and why. Many people call them “mental people.”

Negative qualities. Meticulous. It will find out everything: where and what you spent the money on. He will ask for everything down to the last penny. He will also ask to see the receipt. Very scrupulous. He needs to know what is happening and why. For example, why are you going there, who will be there, why do you even need this dress. In the negative, this is a person who constantly limits a woman in everything: in apartment renovation, in clothes, even in small female expenses.

There is also such a thing as a “combination of astrological types.” You must understand that Saturn suits someone. But if you feel that such a relationship in a relationship is not suitable for you, you must decide for yourself: “So this “long” one, who is looking at me so intently, is definitely not suitable for me. If I ask him to buy me an outfit for the New Year, he will tell me: “You already have a whole wardrobe. What's bothering you? You have two, why do you need a third?”

Keep in mind that such a person will not spend too much money on you. Will not provide your “feminine” needs - flowers, cosmetics. He will only give money for what is “our daily bread”. For bread and sausage he can give. For him, this is clear - he needs to eat. When he understands where the money is going, he can spend it. But if he considers something “extra” (and all “women’s pranks” are “extra” for him), then he will not give anything. And he will still condemn, accuse, say: “Why are you spending, shame on you! Look how others live..."

Can it change throughout life? Hardly in better side. Even in his youth, this type can manifest itself more softly, “disguise itself.” And the older, the more in it negative traits will appear more. It won't get better, it will only get worse. If you are married to such a person, of course it is not easy. But you can find ways to get around this tricky character. You must be able to explain logically clearly so that he can clearly understand what you need. And try to explain your desires in “his” words. Then you can expand your horizons and learn NLP techniques and study speech effects. Only in order to learn to negotiate with him, and if, of course, you are in love and you don’t want to leave him!

You need to learn to talk to him in such a way that he cannot object to you. Be able to explain in such a way that the Saturn man understands that nothing is stopping him from giving the woman he loves a gift.

Maybe you even need to learn to be a little more cunning. Because if you tell him everything as it is, he may say no. And if you present the information in a different way, then it is quite possible that he will do everything you need. But you will have to make a great energy effort.


This is also an interesting guy. And you've probably encountered it. It must be said that in order to analyze questions about planetary types, you need to ask the question: “Who am I?” This is necessary to understand the compatibility of couples by type. And if you, for example, are a Venus planetary type (you love everything beautiful, you are drawn to aesthetics, etc.), then Saturn does not suit you at all, but Jupiter does. But we're talking about Mars. This planetary type is very sexually attractive and you may be drawn to him. You need to understand that girls with the planetary type Venus are irresistibly drawn to Mars.

He is a fit, athletic, youthful man. He takes care of his body. He loves his body very much and pays attention to it. The body is toned, not loose. Loves GYM's, sports, skiing. Mars men are people who love to work with the body. They don’t need to be forced to run: they run on their own and feel good. Height is small, average or slightly below average. Stocky. Can speak quickly, vividly and emotionally. He literally shoots out words. And emotions rush over the edge. Makes sharp gestures with his hands.

Positive qualities. He loves sports and looks good. Active, impulsive. Strength and confidence come from him. And that’s why girls with the Venus psychotype want to somehow join him, to be close to him in his “Field of Mars.”

But he also has negative traits that will still come out of him. Some time will pass and you will see them.

Negative qualities. He is very selfish. Maybe impulsive - this is when people quickly enter a state of passion. For example, stand up and hit the wall with your fist. I had a friend who was a deputy. My sister started talking to him. He came to us for tea, but she was a little late. He looks like a decent person. And at first I didn’t really understand what psychotype he belonged to. But when he hit the wall with his fist, I immediately realized it was Mars. And it immediately became clear that there was no need to communicate with him. After all, he was still sober and behaved so unrestrainedly. And if he had also given in, it could have gone further. A man who raises his hand to a woman is usually Mars. Saturn won't do that. Jupiter won't do that. But for Mars this is not a sign of weakness. It’s just that it seems to be pulsating inside, and uncontrollable energy seems to be pouring out of it. He can't control himself. They love to fight or just hurt someone emotionally. Even if a person is engaged in business, even if he has grown intellectually, he is overflowing with feelings.

In terms of generosity (if it is not the wife), as a rule, zero.

They love themselves more. They will spend some money on themselves, but will regret it on the girl.

If one of the girls feels the manifestation of Mars in themselves, that is, the thrill of sports and dancing. If you feel impulsive and want to throw a tantrum and hit someone, then you need to understand that you are exactly this planetary type and learn to manage your behavior. We need to carry out a very serious internal work above oneself.

How to build a relationship with a Mars man? And the question is – why? Look: you have a choice. You are not in prison. Look around, see what kind of people surround you. And with this knowledge you will choose what you need. But if you still want to build a relationship with Mars, you must understand what kind of relationship this will be.

Know that such a person will not give you gifts, will not shower you with expensive gifts. He will always be self-centered. And you must be prepared for his aggressive manifestations towards himself: at any moment he can flare up and do something bad.

In astrology there is such a concept as “ Natal chart"person or, in other words, a horoscope. It contains information about how the planets are at the moment of a person’s birth, and how they then influence his life. So, if this is Mars, and even other planets increase the influence of Mars, then this is a difficult case. Such men can attack people and constantly start fights. And if a person, on the contrary, has softening influences of planets in his horoscope, then he may not be so aggressive. That is, he can be aggressive if pushed. And in ordinary life he will, of course, not rush at you for any reason or without reason. Of course, unless you allow him to do so.

I’ll explain why a Venus woman likes a Mars man. Because she loves everything beautiful, aesthetic, stylish. That is why she is drawn to bright, strong Mars. But then, when she starts living with him, she realizes what a mistake she made.


The planet Jupiter itself is large and large. She has a lot of energy. Therefore, Jupiter people are quite large, calm and sincere. Next to him you feel protected and calm. He sows the energy of harmony around himself. You can sit next to him on the sofa and you will feel protected. And for a woman it is really important to feel protected. Next to such a person, you understand that you will not have problems not only material, but also moral.

Jupiter can be a little gloomy and serious. He is not a joker who will entertain everyone and tell jokes. That is why he needs a woman who will dispel him. Yes, he has a sense of humor. But he shows irony when it is necessary, and to those who need it. This is a very tactful person.

Positive qualities. Psychotype Jupiter is rich people. There are no poor people among them. They love everything beautiful and refined: they have a very delicate taste. Wealth literally “sticks” to them because they have a completely different vision of the world. They will not stand with one tray of pies - they will have three hundred trays at once.

This man is always in the mood to give - money, gifts, good mood. It will never even occur to him that a girl should pay for herself. He's generous. And, naturally, girls want to see such a man next to them. By the way, that’s why we go to classes like this. So that among all these girls who want, but don’t know how, you and I occupy an advantageous position: we want and we know how!

But you need to know that Jupiter is not a heartthrob. Girls are spinning around him. It could be his friends' girlfriends, colleagues, anyone. The Jupiter man is not rude to them, does not push them away. Treats them calmly. It may even be a playful wink, but this does not lead to sexual contact.

Jupiter behaves with dignity and nobility. A Mercury man can joke incorrectly. Or get attached to a girl, start communicating with her, and then easily say goodbye to her and go to another girl. Jupiter never fusses.

Another one good trait Jupiters: always neat, pleasant perfume, suits made of soft fabrics.

I often observe the company of my comrades, very worthy people. Previously, they believed that for complete happiness they needed more girls. And now they ask me where to find the one person whom they always want to see next to them. And they admit that they are not very pleased and even somewhat disgusted to sleep with big amount girls. Jupiter can be seen in the company of girls, but he simply communicates with them. And he doesn't have any bad thoughts.

By the way, when you come to a person’s home, you can immediately understand his planetary type. Because the whole situation in the house will speak about this person. And, for example, when you come home to Jupiter, you feel comfortable there. He usually has big house. He won't live in a cage. If you see big man who lives in a one-room apartment, then this is a Moon man. Also, Jupiter always drives only a large car. Will not drive a sports car.

This type loves girls like Venus and Mercury. Even if you are not this type, by working on your feminine development, you can develop the qualities that these men like. Even if you are a planetary type Mars, we can help you develop sexuality, femininity, and sociability.

And you also need to know what Jupiter doesn’t like. Firstly, extravagant manifestations. Secondly, when a woman looks vulgar: low-cut neckline, short skirt, behaves strangely, flirts in an incomprehensible way. Third: shrill voice, loud laughter.

Negative qualities. They may be overwhelmed with their own problems and business issues. They may find themselves in a state of apathy. Gluttonies. But not alcoholics.


Mercury symbolizes intelligence, the ability to think, reason, understand, remember. Mercury is ease of communication and the element “wind”.

He has an average build. Low. An ordinary face. Not tall.

He jokes, laughs, tells jokes. He can say something nasty and immediately praise him.

Positive qualities. Easy contact with anyone. Makes friends, hugs - and instantly becomes a friend. He will always find a topic for conversation. Even if the interlocutor is silent. Very sociable.

Negative qualities. The desire to tease someone, to hurt someone. And this makes him happy.

They love themselves very much. They love to take care of themselves. They like the girl next to them to be simply super, so that they can brag about her to their friends. Their professions are television, radio, DJs, program presenters, and everything related to advertising activities. These are information transmitters. They simply cannot sit still.

If he treats you well, then it is pleasant to communicate with him. But sometimes you get tired of such a person.

Mercury is loving. He especially likes for everyone to know that he has a lot of girlfriends. There is no point in being jealous of him: he doesn’t care. He will approach anyone, hug you, and you will worry. He just has that essence. And he will assure you that there is nothing wrong with his behavior, it’s not because of you, it’s just the way he is. Chatty, unserious, and rarely gets things done.

If you have such people at work, then you must clearly understand how to work with this person. Serious matters cannot be entrusted, but the transfer of information can be done: communicate with clients, tell them something colorfully, advertise.

Moon Man

This is a very difficult option for life. You have to take it upon yourself and drag it on your shoulders all your life. Very childish. Such people are very sensitive, receptive and can be good psychics, if they begin to engage in their development.

Sun Man

A rare psychotype. Very stellar, loves to show himself and perform. This is, in fact, Kirkorov. She is not shy to wear any outfit. Has an internal strong energy. Venus, Mercury and sometimes Jupiter are suitable for the Sun. The sun loves to have everything beautiful nearby (Venus). And to be praised (Mercury).


Jupiter and Mercury

Jupiter loves Venus and Mercury. If you are a Mercury girl, then Jupiter is right for you. If you are Venus, then Jupiter is also suitable for you.

An unsuccessful union when both Mercury are in a pair. At first you will feel an energetic and emotional uplift. But then you will be very disappointed in each other, because you are not suitable for each other.

Saturn and Moon

There is a type of girl- Moon. She is calm, homely, family-oriented. Large, bulging eyes. She is very calm. She doesn't need expensive gifts. It's not just good to be together with your boyfriend. Because the Moon is passive and melancholic. And Saturn takes her by the arms and leads her through life. She is in the role of a follower, so she feels good and harmonious. She listens to him, and Saturn likes to be listened to.

If you are a Saturn girl and you meet a Venus or Jupiter man, you will simply crush him, he will not stand it. The woman will limit him all the time, and the man will resist all the time - there will be no harmony.

Of course, this knowledge is quite deep, and if you are interested in understanding it in more detail, I advise you to look for more detailed information in astrological books. But in order to quickly understand and evaluate a partner at the first meetings, this knowledge will be quite enough.

Today my guest is Saturn in the 8th house. This position in the horoscope can tell about a person’s dangers and fears. The eighth house is responsible for psychology, so people with this position have strong nerves and are resistant to crises if the planet is in a house or sign that is strong for Himself. For example, the creator of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, has this position in his horoscope.

These people are careerists, they direct their energy to work. It is also worth paying attention to which house Saturn rules. Because a person will have problems in this area, because this planet itself is a malefic, and then there is the specificity of the 8th house. Let me give you an example. Let's say Saturn rules the 6th house and is in the 8th house. This is a serious indication dangerous disease, with which a person can struggle for a long time. Immediately I thought of the singer Kylie Minogue, who has just such a situation. She is a breast cancer survivor.

Fears and dangers

For my friend the most terrible death- to be buried alive. Many sources write about the fear of death, but this depends on the strength of Saturn. If he is in a good position, then people do not worry about this and are completely calm.

This situation is a danger of fractures.

Now I want to warn the readers of this article. You should be wary of frostbite and snowfalls, since our the malware controls these things. Therefore, men with Saturn in the 8th house should better give up the hobby of snowboarding or skiing. You should also be careful when traveling in the mountains. Beware of falling heavy objects. For example, one of my clients with this situation had a ceiling fall, but there were also other indicators. In general, many of my clients with this planet in the 8th house often suffer from winter time of the year.

If they have good health at all other times of the year, then in winter their colds and chronic diseases become worse. They get fractures and sprains when they slip. Therefore, I recommend avoiding sports where you need to be on ice. To do this, of course, you still need to evaluate the connections. There is no need to work through this situation. Just be careful.

Saturn in the 8th house for a woman

For a woman, Saturn in the 8th house can be lost through the pestering of her boss. By the way, I noticed one peculiarity: girls with this position try to stay away from extreme hobbies. Unless it's in the 8th house. Women are also unlucky with sexual partners and find it difficult to satisfy them. Especially if she has .

Partner money

Saturn will tell us interesting facts about our partner’s money. Problems and quarrels over money begin even before marriage. Even if a woman is supported, the man controls the money and makes sure she doesn’t spend too much. She has to account for every penny. One of my friends common law husband forced me to bring checks home. Difficulties may arise with inheritance, especially if Saturn is afflicted in the horoscope. I often see delays in receiving inheritance and problems with the tax authorities for entrepreneurs. I recommend that people with this situation not use a shared family budget.

Saturn is the astronomically 7th planet solar system. Distant from the Sun at 9.54 AU. (1.43 billion km). The period of its orbit is 29.46 years. The diameter of the planet is 120.2 thousand km, which is 9.5 times the diameter of the Earth. The Saturn system has three main ring belts and 17 moons.
In mythology Ancient Rome Saturn is one of ancient gods. Etymologically, Saturn is associated with the root sat (“to sow”), which gave rise to the interpretation of Saturn as the patron of crops and seeds. Around 3rd century. BC Saturn became identified with Kronos (Chronos), devouring his children, which gave rise to interpretation as inexorable time absorbing what it gave birth to, or as a seed returning to the soil that gave birth to it. Saturn was revered as the god of the golden age. He taught his subjects agriculture, viticulture and civilized life. It is no coincidence that for many peoples Saturn was associated with the passage of time. Its rhythm was aimed at strict management of time, when one generation replaces another, even at the level human nature. Among the ancient Aryans, Saturn was patronized by Yazad (angel) Keyvan, which translated means “King”, “Lord of Time”, “Lord of the Past”. Time was associated mainly with the past, with memory. The Keyvan cycle - 32 years - and the ancient Aryan calendar based on it, which has survived to this day, was focused on everyone gaining some kind of spiritual protection, guaranteeing him the absence of mistakes in all his development in life, and with the possibility of gaining spiritual strength, grace, called in the Avesta - the sacred book of the ancient Aryans - Khvarnaya. The calendar based on the Keyvan cycle was the calendar of the people marked by God's ray. Astrologers needed it in order to identify these people and distinguish them from others. The ancient Aryan calendar is associated with the traditions of our territory to a greater extent than the 12-year calendar eastern calendar. He, better than others, guides a person to solve his own, personal problems - he directs him precisely to the choice between Light and darkness, shows what is in him from the grace of God and what remains in him of an animal possessing various instincts that lead away from the acquisition of higher grace.
Saturn belongs to feminine Yin.
Character traits:
(+) consistency, purposefulness, strength, staticity, sustainability, constancy, conservatism, specificity, punctuality, pedantry, caution, distrust, isolation, restraint, seriousness, logic, skepticism, formalism. He loves familiar forms, does not adapt well to new things, prefers to rely on his established attitudes. Has great respect for authorities and elders. Loves order, accounting, discipline, well organized. Thinking is concrete, realistic, based on experience. Hardworking, obliging, with a developed sense of duty. Little contact, often lonely.
(-) suspicion, stinginess, pessimism, fatalism, narrow-mindedness, extreme conservatism, fear, domestic tyrant.
Every Saturnian has a project to restructure the world as a memory of the “golden age”. But the main thing is that this harmonious structure of society begins not with a social revolution, but with the reorganization of its own home, your family and yourself, i.e. finding your core. Saturn is a symbol of isolation, isolation, it is the planet of loners. On high level Saturn, leading a person along the path of testing and self-improvement, shows a person his place in life and his true purpose on Earth.
A strong Saturnian is a self-sufficient and independent person, a contemplator who passes all events and phenomena through an internal measure. He has an inner core and a certain position in life.
Good Saturn gives firmness, stability, and patience. A person endures to the last and relies on his own strength, does not like interference in his life, improves and develops after accumulating strength, is careful, slow, purposeful and does not get into trouble. Good Saturn gives pronounced individualism, independence, and isolation. The Saturnian has a developed philosophical approach to everything. He is interested in the causes of events and phenomena, and until he puts them through his life experience, he will not believe in them. The Saturnian does not meddle in management and tries to do everything alone. Reliable and efficient, but low-contact and closed.
The low Saturnian is gloomy, unsociable, embittered, grumpy, does not trust anyone, doubts everything, everyone bothers him and everything irritates him. He is a misanthrope and a despot who does not tolerate contradictions and objections and suppresses others. If Saturn is not only strong, but also evil, then the person is dull and passive, lethargic, difficult to communicate, greedy, and pesters and nags his loved ones.
Good Saturn sets a goal for a person and gives him the opportunity to achieve it, moving slowly. Gives a person the opportunity to distinguish himself, receive an inheritance and compensation. Evil Saturn - “great misfortune” - destroys established connections, gives loneliness, deprivation, poverty, humiliation, constant grief in life, pessimism, grief, deterioration of relationships with people. And also problems with hearing, bones, spine, fear of cold.
Key words: goal, core, compression, limitation, system, deepening, self-knowledge. Cold and dry.
Personalities: E. Kant, V. Vysotsky.
Zodiac signs: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Microcycle: 4 years 7 months. The task of parents is to form stable habits in their child by the age of 5. It is important not to hit small children - you can break them inner rod. The second microcycle (7 years) works in society.
Macrocycle: 29.5 years, cycle of self-knowledge and self-affirmation. After 30 years, it is useless to change a person, because certain stereotypes have already been established and a value system has been developed. A person can change only if he influences himself.
Appearance: skin color - earthy-gray, sometimes yellowish, wide bones, asthenic build, prominent face, small narrow sunken eyes, sunken mouth with drooping corners of the lips, a somewhat disgusted expression on the face, distrust in the gaze.
Body print: dark birthmark or a black mole above the knee on the right for women and on the left for men means death alone, abandonment, poverty and oblivion. If this mole or spot is purple or Blue colour, then this is a sign of fatal deprivation at the end of life. The attraction of Saturnian problems means bruises. They appear on those parts of the body that correspond to the zodiac sign that determines the area of ​​occurrence of these problems. Events after the appearance of a bruise are played out after 2-2.5 weeks if it appeared on a debilitating Moon, and until the next new moon if on a waxing Moon.
Hand stamp: middle finger- the finger of Saturn, the bulge under it is the hill of Saturn, the more it is highlighted, the more isolated and withdrawn a person will be, the less he will succumb to the influence of others. The Saturn line runs from the tubercle of the middle finger down through the entire palm. It is called the line of fate. If it is long, clear, and uninterrupted, then a person’s life will be measured, there will be few unpredictable events in it. A person is subject to a strict system and is disciplined. The Saturn line is strongly expressed in military personnel. If the line is interrupted, if there are islands on it, then this gives the person a loss of fortune in life, deprivation, lack of purpose or misunderstanding of it. If the Saturn line is absent or very short and weak, then it gives debility or short life.
Professions: architect, builder, philosopher, monk.
Medical compliance: organ - spleen, bone marrow, body system - functions of the spinal cord and internal bones, body tissues - bone, teeth, sense organ - hearing.
Number: 7.
Day of the week: Saturday.
Color: blue.
Metal: lead.
Stone: morion, black garnet.
Taste: bitter.
Note: B
Landscape: mountains, rocks.

The article talks about four types of men that women like. The author used 4 planets in his description: the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Knowing the characteristics of these planets, we can expand this description.

It turns out that with all the variety of tastes and requirements for life partners, women still gravitate towards only four types of men. They are the ones they want to see next to them and to lean on their courageous shoulders in hard times, share sad and happy moments of life with them, cook borscht for them and complain about them to friends.

And although this classification may seem too simplified to you, rest assured that it covers more than 75 percent of the entire male population.

So, type one...

Man - Sun

This is a Sun man. He is generous and noble. He lives on a grand scale and does not waste his time on trifles. Such as, for example, washing dishes or cleaning. And in general: the whole life with its daily exhausting little things is not for him. Give him accomplishments. Preferably great ones, but in the absence of the latter, he will probably agree to something less grandiose, but undoubtedly significant for you. Something you can truly appreciate. After all, everything he does is absolutely correct. He is an indisputable authority for you and, by the way, often well deserved, because if mistakes are made, then only from the noblest motives, and, as you know, no hand will be raised to punish for nobility.

Man - Jupiter

The other type is the male caregiver. It is under the patronage of Jupiter, a powerful, noble, knightly planet. Such a man will come to the rescue Hard time and will lend you a helping hand wherever you are. You just have to make sure that others don’t take full advantage of these undoubted advantages.

Man - Mars

It is much more difficult for you women to cope with a Mars man. It is a rare woman who is able to withstand the powerful pressure of male selfhood in its pure form. Aggressiveness, unrestraint, determination, combined with stature and venerability - such a cocktail can completely defeat even the most persistent person.

Man - Saturn

And finally, the last fourth type is the male father. His planet is strict but fair Saturn. He, as a rule, is much older than his companion. Their connection is something between tender friendship and protective love. You can come to such a man with any of your problems, and he calmly, without hysterics, after listening to you, will always find a wise solution and the most gentle way out of a difficult situation. The only thing he does not tolerate is disrespect for himself, as well as neglecting his wise and truly valuable advice.