Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchadzhioglu are happy parents little Sofia, who celebrated her sixth birthday last weekend. In addition to the girl’s relatives, numerous friends of the singer also appeared at the celebration. Thus, the baby’s godfather Philip Kirkorov attended the celebration along with his heirs Alla-Victoria and Martin. Fans of the king of the national stage were impressed by the outfits of his children: the kids appeared in similar T-shirts with embroidery in the form of stars and hearts.

Stas Mikhailov and his wife came to congratulate the girl, as did Alexander Revva and his family. Couldn't miss it an important event and the artist’s mother, Zhanna Vasilievna. A touching post dedicated to the baby also appeared on her father’s Instagram.

“Happy birthday, my princess, my endless love. Thank you all very much for your congratulations,” Murat Nalchadzhioglu signed a photo from the event.

The baby herself appeared at the celebration in a white dress, which almost completely repeated her mother’s outfit. The hall where the event took place was decorated with colorful balloons and congratulatory posters. The children were entertained by animators in colorful costumes.

The party continued on the street, where the stars happily posed with the children. A little later, all the guests were released into the sky air balloons and returned indoors to try a gorgeous cake created especially for Ani Lorak’s family.

The singer's fans rushed to join in the congratulations and wished the birthday girl good health. “Carolina, happy birthday to your daughter. Let her grow up healthy and happy. She is so beautiful! Just sunny”, “Happy birthday to my daughter. May she always bring you joy,” “Happy belated holiday to Sonya, may her wishes always come true,” fans commented on photos from the celebration.

Before one celebration had time to die down, the artist began to speak tender words to another loved one: On June 12, her husband, Murat Nalchadzhioglu, celebrated his birthday. Young woman in Once again confessed her love to her husband, noting that he changed her life.

Let us remember that Ani Lorak met her chosen one in 2005, and already in 2009 the artist got married. A couple of years later, the singer became a mother for the first time.

Details Created: 04/10/2016 18:24 Updated: 08/25/2017 12:54

Everyone's favorite young and beautiful singer Ani Lorak (real name Carolina Kuek) has come a long and thorny path to her well-being. You can find out about her personal life, family and latest news below.


After all, the little star, according to sources, was born in poor family, where the role of breadwinner and educator fell only on the shoulders of a single mother (she and her father divorced even before her birth). There were four children in the family and the mother had to send them to a children's boarding school in order to feed them all. But Carolina managed to break through, because talented children are hard to miss.Moment family well-being was missed in her childhood, so Caroline is trying with all her might to find a worthy husband, to recreate her own happy family and create real home comfort.

First husband

Her first lover, according to media reports, was producer Yuri Thales. They lived together for eight years in a de facto marriage and separated due to different political views(during the Orange Revolution in Ukraine). The husband became a great support in the world of show business for the small and naive star. He helped and supported her in everything, but apparently they were not destined to be together. Lorak did not see her true man in him, so they never got married.

Ani Lorak and Yuri Thales

Second husband

Then she throws herself into her work, but of course she doesn’t forget about active search the men of your dreams. When she was vacationing in Antalya (in 2005), rumors spread online that her heart was won by a young and hot Turkish guy Murat Nalchadzhioglu. They began such a whirlwind romance that he couldn’t stand it and a year later he came to the singer’s homeland and soon made an application to her. As is known from some sources, Murat is far from a poor guy, but eligible bachelor, because he is one of the owners of the tour operator “Tur tess Travel”. By the way, Carolina later became the face of the TurTess Travel company.

Ani Lorak's wedding took place in August 2009. It is known, according to some sources, that they got married, of course, in the Kiev registry office, but they had a magnificent wedding in Turkey. She was in seventh heaven because she found kindred spirit and a loved one. And in 2011, fate gave her a new gift: her daughter Sofia was born, and godfather became Philip Kirkorov.

Ani Lorak's life, even outside of her career, is very multifaceted and eventful. If we consider the woman’s life as a whole, she was literally forced to make her way through obstacles and problems, because she herself was from a boarding school. But let's talk about everything in order.

Now we will tell you about her life and career, how she managed to get on the podium, become famous, and achieve what others can only dream of.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ani Lorak

Looking at this forever young beautiful woman, it seems that she is not influenced by time, never has problems with either weight or age. But, of course, this is not so, because time moves inexorably for everyone. Today, Ani Lorak is already 38 years old, although it’s hard to believe, because the singer is used to taking care of herself.

She is miniature, with a height of 162 centimeters, she weighs only 48 kilograms, that is, she fully meets modern beauty standards. So, if anyone is interested in knowing Ani Lorak’s height, weight, age, how old, they can be sure that everything is fine with her. Always slim, fit and smiling, she continues to delight the hearts and ears of her fans, of whom she has many.

Biography of Ani Lorak

The singer's real name, which was given to her at birth, is Carolina. The surname is Kuek, and she took her father’s surname, despite the fact that he left their family, the girl did not renounce him and consider him a traitor. She firmly believed that everyone chooses their own path in life, therefore, she also respected her father’s choice.

The biography of Ani Lorak begins in Soviet times. She was born on September 27, 1978 in a small Ukrainian town. Even before her birth, her parents separated, and when the girl was born, her life was poor and joyless. And although her mother divorced her father, it was his daughter who inherited his last name, although she abandoned it for the sake of a singer’s career.

Since the children did not have a father, they lived poorly, the mother could not support them all. As a result, the girl and her brothers ended up in a boarding school, where she stayed until high school. This was explained by the fact that the parent, as mentioned above, was not able to support the children, although she worked around the clock.

Even at a young age, Ani wanted to become a singer, and, despite life’s adversities, she firmly believed that she could achieve this. I was busy taking part in all the singing competitions that could be offered at the boarding school or beyond. And as it turned out, the young future star’s efforts were not in vain, because participation in one of the competitions brought her her first results.

In the early nineties, the girl won a singing competition, which bore the sonorous name “Primrose,” where she met the right people who saw unlimited potential that was worth taking on and giving a chance to realize it. Victory at the festival gave the future star her first professional contract, from which her long but colorful journey began. For several years in a row, Ani learned the secrets of the art of singing under the guidance of producers, this continued until the mid-nineties.

In the mid-nineties, the girl began working on one of the popular television programs, where the producer was able to get her a job. Then she had to take a pseudonym and abandon her usual first and last name. It must be said that it was precisely this time that turned out to be truly golden for Lorak, she began to receive various offers and awards, the fees aroused the admiration and envy of others. A lot of fans appeared, the number of which increased with each concert, because it was impossible not to notice this bright, young and talented personality.

In the same year, Ani Lorak finished her first studio album, and the next year she won the next competition. Every year the girl won some competition, thereby showing that she deserves to take a place in Ukrainian show business.

Under the guidance of her producer Ani Lorak, she took part in competitions of various sizes, where she showed her top scores. She received money, a national calling, that is, everything that she could not even dream of before. I did what I loved, worked a lot on myself and creativity, strived to become even better and more talented. I understood that talent means nothing without great, fruitful work.

In 2008, the young singer went to Eurovision, where she managed to win second place for her home country. At Eurovision, the bright and charming singer could not help but be noticed. Her achievements have now been supplemented by an excellent performance at Eurovision, and not all stars can boast of this.

Today Ani Lorak is the owner large quantity awards for his singing talent, as well as platinum albums. Ani does not intend to stop there, because she is not used to it. Surely, there will be other albums that will amaze the public once again.

I would like to note that Ani Lorak, not only a singer, has not only a beautiful voice. She has repeatedly acted as a model for the country's leading designers and is the face of Oriflame cosmetics. She has her own restaurant in Kyiv, which she opened in 2006.

Personal life of Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak's personal life is as vibrant as she herself. The celebrity does not hide his family, as many other stars do. And why do this if she is happy with her family and does not deny it.

For eight years in a row she lived with her producer, whose name is Yuri Thales, but they did not enter into an official marriage, that is, they were more likely to be cohabitants than husband and wife.

But in 2009, she married Murat Nalchadzhioglu, who was a co-owner of the restaurant. She still lives with him, their family is strong and loving.

Two years later, a daughter appeared in the family, who was baptized in Kyiv; by the way, Philip Kirkorov became the godfather. Traditionally, a newborn girl received her father's surname. So we can say that the singer’s personal life was a success, no matter how many fans she has, her husband and beloved daughter will come first.

Ani Lorak family

As mentioned above, Ani Lorak’s family consists of three people. Lorak is married to Murat, together they raise common daughter Sofia.

Despite the fact that mom and dad are serious and busy people, they still find time to play with their daughter and devote time to raising her. Family plays a huge role for the singer, because she knows what it is, how important it is to stick together early childhood.

Children of Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak's children, or more precisely, her daughter, take up a lot of her time, because it is important for her to raise the heiress correctly. Most likely it's because of this star mom I can’t give my daughter a brother or sister yet, but, as they say, everything is still ahead.

My only daughter Lorak pampers, for example, on her first anniversary - five years old, she organized a fabulous birthday in Disney Land. He also arranges photo sessions for her, dresses her beautifully, that is, prepares her for show business, and simply teaches her to be beautiful and stylish.

Ani Lorak's daughter - Sofia

The daughter of Ani Lorak was born in 2011 in a legal marriage with Murat Nalchadzhioglu. Ani Lorak's daughter's name is Sofia. Today, Sofiyka is a small, charming creature who has inherited her mother’s beauty.

It's too early to talk about future fate Girls, however, there is no need to worry too much here. With rich and successful parents, all doors are open to her. So far, Sofia is growing up as a healthy and cheerful child, receiving expensive gifts from her parents and trying to study well.

Ani Lorak's ex-husband - Yuri Thales

Ex-husband Ani Lorak - Yuri Thales is more likely a civilian. The Ukrainian producer just cohabited with the singer.

The man himself is interesting, extreme, recorded songs, always studied creative activity. Born April 12, 1961, has adult daughter, continues to do what he loves.

Ani Lorak's common-law husband - Murat Nalchadzhiogl

Common-law husband Ani Lorak Murat Nalchadzhiogl is a Turkish businessman. The singer is with him legal marriage, they got married in 2009 and had a daughter, Sofia. A charming and handsome man managed to win the heart of a singer famous throughout the country, managed to give her a simple woman's happiness which every girl strives for.

Photos of Ani Lorak before and after plastic surgery are a very popular request in the search engine. After all, it’s so interesting whether this one uses beautiful woman services of a plastic surgeon or is she an ardent opponent of interference against nature.

At first glance, it seems that such a beautiful “natural” woman does not need any plastic surgery. But, on the other hand, maybe all this is preserved thanks to plastic. At one time, Ani Lorak was very interested in the public with her plump lip, which she did not have before. Immediately there were rumors that she turned to plastic surgeon so that he could bring her such beauty.

Ani Lorak herself answers the question regarding her appearance quite vaguely, it is clear that she does not like such questions.

It cannot be denied that the singer can use the services of surgeons, because being in the public eye, you need to look amazing all the time, and sometimes, without the help of modern surgery, this is impossible to achieve. So it's not surprising that she could have pouted her lips or done a lift, but again, no one knows for sure.

However, maybe Ani Lorak really doesn’t use plastic surgery, she simply doesn’t need it. She has a beautiful appearance, she is a beloved wife and mother, she has everything you can dream of. Here you can do without the intervention of surgeons.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ani Lorak

For those who want to find out as much as possible about their idol, all you have to do is go online. The star has her own page on Wikipedia (, where general facts from her life and career are collected. The celebrity also runs her own page on Instagram (, she is on Vkontakte. The singer actively communicates with her fans and answers questions with pleasure. Posts photos, shares plans for the future, in other words, tells about himself to those who are interested.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ani Lorak will always help you find necessary information for those who want to find unique facts about life, about what she is doing today, what she dreams about and what she is going to do next.

Ani Lorak's life has become a shining example that there are no barriers to a real dream and goal. She did not give up when life was especially unkind to her, she managed to rise and reach the pedestal. I have achieved what many strive to achieve throughout their lives.

On June 9, 2011, Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchadzhioglu became parents for the first time: in one of the Ukrainian maternity hospitals naturally Their daughter was born, who was named Sofia. The baby's weight at birth was 3.29 kilograms, height - 52 centimeters. The first to happy news Lorak representatives reported on its official website:

Congratulations to Carolina and Murat on the long-awaited event! On June 9 at 22.50 they became the parents of a beautiful daughter!

On April 7, 2012, Sofia’s baptism took place in Kyiv, and he became godfather close friend Lorak - Philip Kirkorov. He was one of the first to congratulate Ani on the birth of her first child, regularly inquiring about the health of Lorak herself and her baby. Later, Sonic, as her family affectionately calls her, became friends with Philip’s children - Alla-Victoria and Martin.

Together with Martin and Alla-Victoria, Sofia posed in photos that “showed” the girl’s face to the public for the first time. Before this, Lorak hid her daughter from prying eyes and did not publish her pictures on in social networks to protect the child from ill-wishers. But during fourth day birth of Sonic, some pictures of the girl ended up on the Internet, and a couple of months later she ended up on general photo from the birthday celebration of Alla-Victoria Kirkorova.

Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchadzhioglu with daughter SofiaAni Lorak with daughter Sofia
Sonic NalchadzhiogluMurat and Sonic Nalchadzhioglu

Like her parents, Sonic dresses brightly, but not pretentiously. Her wardrobe is dominated by red, yellow, pink, and blue shades, which the girl - or her stylist mother - skillfully combines with each other. At only 5 years old, Sonic can already boast that she has at least one stage costume: in the winter of this year, the girl first appeared on stage with her mother and helped her sing a song in front of the American public. It's only the beginning!

Click on the photo to view the gallery Sonic NalchadzhiogluAni Lorak with daughter Sofia
Murat and Sonic NalchadzhiogluSonic Nalchadzhioglu