In one of the early episodes, the crew of the Enterprise contract a strange virus that pushes out the hidden desires and emotions of the crew members. In this episode, Spock's emotional shell of iron logic and self-control cracks for the first time: the Vulcan is unable to restrain his romantic impulses, hysterical laughter and tears. As a result, Spock locks himself in an empty cabin and gives vent to his emotions. In this scene, the audience saw for the first time how painful, ashamed and painful it was for Spock to experience feelings - because they were contrary to his nature.

Spock's Kiss

Another attack on Spock's restraint: on mysterious planet beautiful flowers and happy people his head is intoxicated by the local blonde and magical spores, which put him in a state of eternal bliss.

Slap Spock

In the second season, half-Vulcan, half-human Spock encounters his parents on the planet Babylon. It turns out that Spock's father does not approve of his career in Starfleet. At the same time, the father ends up in the hospital - he needs an urgent transfusion of Vulcan blood. In an environment of military threat, the earthling mother tries to convince Spock to give up command and donate blood to save his father. However, guided by his harsh Vulcan logic, Spock refuses. The mother gives him a delicious human slap in the face.

Spock is homeless in 1930s America

Episode "The City on the Edge of Forever" from the first season of the classic Star Trek - best example science fiction of its time, one of greatest episodes the entire series. In search of Dr. McCoy, who has been lost in time, Captain Kirk and Spock travel to America during the Great Depression, where instead star wars The economic crisis and unemployment are raging. Kirk and Spock disguise themselves as local tramps and settle into a local homeless shelter run by a beautiful woman. Besides the heartbreaking ending, the episode's most memorable scenes are, of course, the scenes of Spock in his work cap.

Spock's wedding

Scene from the first episode of the second season, in which Spock fell into madness mating season. Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy go with Spock to a wedding ceremony on Vulcan, where it turns out that a Vulcan wedding is somewhat similar to a Russian one: fights, bloodshed and strange competitions. For the sake of his bride, Spock has to kill his friend Kirk in an unequal battle. However, when it turns out that the death was fake, Spock flashes a sincere smile for a second. And every smile of Spock, as you know, is worth its weight in gold.

Evil Spock with beard

In the episode "Mirror, Mirror", due to anomalies in the ionic storm, Captain Kirk's crew is teleported to an alternate universe where their evil counterparts, including the bearded and ferocious Spock, live aboard the Enterprise.

Spock sings

Spock, Kirk and McCoy find themselves hostage by the inhabitants of the planet Plato, where ancient Roman madness reigns. Using psychokinesis, local cultural connoisseurs force our trio to sing ditties, dance and act in a theatrical production. Singing Spock is powerful.

Spock with a cat

In the episode "Destination Earth", secret agent Gary Seven appears, called upon to save humanity from self-destruction. The agent had a faithful companion in the guise of a black satin cat named Isis. It is known that she was not just a werewolf, but her essence was never revealed. But Spock found an approach to the mysterious cat, in whose arms she was basking.

Death of Spock

The climax of the 1982 film " Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan" - Spock sacrifices himself and, dying, tells Captain Kirk the unforgettable: “I have always been and will be your friend.” It seems that even the most hardened Vulcans cannot hold back their tears at this moment. True, after some time, Leonard Nimoy successfully resurrected his character in the film “Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock,” which he himself directed.

Spock) - a character in the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Original Series, the animated series Star Trek: The Animated Series and some episodes of the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, as well as the following feature films:


Spock was born in Earth year 2230 on the planet Vulcan to the Vulcan family Sarek and his Earthling wife Amanda Grayson. Spock himself considered himself a full-fledged Vulcan, however internal conflict on the basis of dual origin, it periodically made itself felt. He has green blood and blood type T-negative.

Spock had a brother, Sybok, who eschewed logic and was expelled from Vulcan for such “heresy” (he was killed in the feature film “Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier”).

In 2267, Spock was inducted into the Vulcan Scientific Legion of Honor and qualified as an A7 computer specialist.

It is known that Spock became the first Vulcan to begin a career in Starfleet, despite the objections of his father, who wanted his son to attend the Vulcan Science Academy. However, Spock, having become interested in the computers that were equipped with Starfleet starships, decided differently, and when Captain Christopher Pike offered him a place on the starship Enterprise, Spock happily agreed. He was assigned personal number S179-276. Like most Vulcans, Spock is a vegetarian and does not drink, but he enjoys Romulan ale.

Spock served under Captain Pike for almost eleven years. According to a number of sources, during this time he was promoted to lieutenant and then to lieutenant commander.

Under the command of the Enterprise's next captain, James Tiberius Kirk, Spock served on the Enterprise in two capacities simultaneously: as first mate and as science officer. In Earth year 2267, Spock receives the rank of commander. And three years later, in 2270, Spock returned to Vulcan to study the discipline of "kolinar" (eng. Kolinahr).

In 2271, Spock returned to Starfleet and was reinstated to service with the rank of commander and research fellow on the starship Enterprise.

During the Widger Crisis, in which First Mate Williard Dekker was killed, Spock resumed his post as first officer, which he combined with the position of research assistant.

A few years later, Spock was promoted to captain and appointed captain of the Enterprise, while Captain Kirk was promoted to admiral and transferred to Starfleet headquarters. In 2285, Spock, according to the orders of Starfleet headquarters, temporarily ceded the captain's chair to Admiral Kirk for the starship's participation in the study of strange events at the Regula scientific station (the film "Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan"), which ended in a battle with Khan Noonien Singh . In this battle, Spock dies while saving the Enterprise.

However, Spock's biography does not end there. Before his death, Spock, using Vulcan knowledge, transferred his "katra" - spiritual essence - to Doctor McCoy. Spock’s body, after a cosmic funeral, ended up on the Genesis planet and, due to its characteristics, returned to life (the film “Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock”).

Captain Kirk, disobeying orders from Starfleet, hijacked the Enterprise and returned Spock's body to Vulcan, where in one of the temples, with the help of a special ritual, Spock's spiritual component - katra - was connected to his body. After his resurrection, Spock underwent an accelerated Starfleet officer training program and was reinstated to the rank of commander, and the amnesia that tormented him soon disappeared.

In 2286, Spock transferred to the new Enterprise NCC-1701-A as first officer, while retaining the rank of captain. During the starship's five-year mission, he took part in a trip to the center of the Milky Way (the film "Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier").

After the explosion of the Klingon moon Praxis in 2291, Spock's father Sarek recruited him to participate in negotiations between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. Upon arriving at his ship after negotiations aboard the Enterprise, Klingon Chancellor Gorkon was killed. The Klingons blamed Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy, who were arrested by Klingon authorities. Spock took command of the starship and forcibly freed his colleagues from captivity. Subsequently, Spock became key figure in forming a long-lasting alliance with the Klingon Empire (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) and began a long-lasting friendship with the Romulan Chancellor Pardek.

After the decommissioning of the Enterprise NCC-1701-A, Spock retired from the Navy and focused his efforts on diplomacy, and virtually nothing is known about the next seventy to seventy-five years of his life - Spock does not appear in events involving Starfleet. It is assumed that he got married, as Captain Jean-Luc Picard once said that he was present at the wedding of Sarek's son, but it is not directly specified who he is talking about.

In 2368 - already during the events of the series "Star Trek: The Next Generation" - Spock was the Federation ambassador to Romulus (the central planet of the Romulan Empire), where he tried to establish an alliance between the Romulan Empire and Vulcan, but he was unable to do this directly due to - for betrayals within the Empire, so he remained on Romulus to help the already established small movement in enlightenment into Vulcan philosophy.


Spock is the only character to appear not only in all 79 episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series, but also in the pilot episode "The Cage".

Cultural influence

  • Spock is the idol of the main character of the television series The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon Cooper.
  • In the movie "Boomerang" main character says Spock's last name is Jenkins.
  • In the series Doctor Who, the Doctor's companion Rose asks the Doctor to be at least a little like Spock (season 1, episode 9, The Empty Child).
  • In Stephen King's The Langoliers, Nick Hopewell tells Craig Toomey during a confrontation on an airplane to calm down or else he will perform "Mr. Spock's famous sleep hold."
  • IN science fiction movie"Running Man" the leader of the Resistance says the phrase "Connect to the power grid, Mister Spock, and take control of the ship." The second character, looking at the leader in surprise, asks: “Who is Mister Spock?” (84th minute of the film).
  • In the movie "The Boondock Saints" there is a scene in a bar: - I am Ivan Chekhov, and your establishment is closing! - Chekhov? Well, this is McCoy; Let's find Spock - and there will be a complete set.
  • In the episode "The Hounds of Baskerville" of the TV series "Sherlock" there is a scene in which John Watson calls Sherlock Spock. It is noteworthy that a minute earlier Sherlock quotes famous phrase Conan Doyle: “Throw away all the impossible, what remains is the answer, no matter how improbable it may seem,” which Spock also said three times: in an episode of Star Trek: The Original Series, in the film and in the film Star Trek (2009).
  • The name of the American progressive rock band Spock's Beard translates as "Spock's Beard." It was invented by the band's founders Neal Morse and his brother Alan after one party when Alan told his brother: “It's like we were in another universe , just like that episode of Star Trek where Spock had a beard.”
  • In the book " Mysterious story Billy Milligan" one of the personalities - the British Arthur - is compared to Mr. Spock.

see also

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  • Spock (English) on the Internet Movie Database

Excerpt describing Spock

It was necessary to walk to the Ilaginsky eel through fields. The hunters straightened out. The gentlemen rode together. Uncle, Rostov, Ilagin secretly glanced at other people's dogs, trying so that others would not notice, and anxiously looked for rivals for their dogs among these dogs.
Rostov was especially struck by her beauty by a small pure-dog, narrow, but with steel muscles, a thin muzzle and bulging black eyes, a red-spotted bitch in Ilagin’s pack. He had heard about the agility of the Ilagin dogs, and in this beautiful bitch he saw his Milka’s rival.
In the middle of a sedate conversation about this year's harvest, which Ilagin started, Nikolai pointed out to him his red-spotted bitch.
- This bitch is good! – he said in a casual tone. - Rezva?
- This? Yes, this one - kind dog“He’s catching,” Ilagin said in an indifferent voice about his red-spotted Erza, for which a year ago he gave his neighbor three families of servants. “So you, Count, don’t boast about threshing?” – he continued the conversation he had started. And considering it polite to repay the young count in kind, Ilagin examined his dogs and chose Milka, who caught his eye with her width.
- This black-spotted one is good - okay! - he said.
“Yes, nothing, he’s jumping,” answered Nikolai. “If only a seasoned hare ran into the field, I would show you what kind of dog this is!” he thought, and turning to the stirrup man said that he would give a ruble to anyone who suspected, that is, found a lying hare.
“I don’t understand,” Ilagin continued, “how other hunters are envious of the beast and the dogs.” I'll tell you about myself, Count. It makes me happy, you know, to take a ride; Now you’ll get together with such a company... what’s better (he again took off his beaver cap in front of Natasha); and this is to count the skins, how many I brought - I don’t care!
- Well, yes.
- Or so that I would be offended that someone else’s dog catches it, and not mine - I just want to admire the baiting, right, Count? Then I judge...
“Atu - him,” a drawn-out cry was heard at that time from one of the stopped Greyhounds. He stood on a half-mound of stubble, raising his arapnik, and once again repeated in a drawn-out manner: “A—tu—him!” (This sound and the raised arapnik meant that he saw a hare lying in front of him.)
“Oh, I suspected it,” Ilagin said casually. - Well, let's poison him, Count!
- Yes, we need to drive up... yes - well, together? - Nikolai answered, peering at Erza and the red Scolding uncle, two of his rivals with whom he had never managed to match his dogs. “Well, they’ll cut my Milka out of my ears!” he thought, moving towards the hare next to his uncle and Ilagin.
- Seasoned? - Ilagin asked, moving towards the suspicious hunter, and not without excitement, looking around and whistling to Erza...
- And you, Mikhail Nikanorych? - he turned to his uncle.
The uncle rode frowning.
- Why should I meddle, because yours are pure marching! - in the village they pay for the dog, your thousands. You try on yours, and I’ll take a look!
- Scold! On, on,” he shouted. - Swearing! - he added, involuntarily using this diminutive to express his tenderness and hope placed in this red dog. Natasha saw and felt the excitement hidden by these two old men and her brother and was worried herself.
The hunter stood on the half-hill with a raised arapnik, the gentlemen approached him at a step; the hounds, walking on the very horizon, turned away from the hare; the hunters, not the gentlemen, also drove away. Everything moved slowly and sedately.
-Where is your head lying? - Nikolai asked, approaching a hundred paces towards the suspicious hunter. But before the hunter had time to answer, the hare, sensing the frost by tomorrow morning, could not stand still and jumped up. A pack of hounds on bows, with a roar, rushed downhill after the hare; from all sides the greyhounds, who were not in the pack, rushed at the hounds and the hare. All these slowly moving hunters are screaming: stop! knocking down the dogs, the greyhounds shout: atu! guiding the dogs, they galloped across the field. Calm Ilagin, Nikolai, Natasha and uncle flew, not knowing how or where, seeing only dogs and a hare, and only fearing to lose sight of the course of the persecution even for a moment. The hare was seasoned and playful. Jumping up, he did not immediately gallop, but moved his ears, listening to the screaming and stomping that suddenly came from all sides. He jumped ten times slowly, allowing the dogs to approach him, and finally, having chosen the direction and realizing the danger, he put his ears to the ground and rushed at full speed. He was lying on the stubble, but in front there were green fields through which it was muddy. The two dogs of the suspicious hunter, who were closest, were the first to look and lay after the hare; but they had not yet moved far towards him, when the Ilaginskaya red-spotted Erza flew out from behind them, approached a dog's distance, with terrible speed attacked, aiming at the hare's tail and thinking that she had grabbed it, rolled head over heels. The hare arched his back and kicked even harder. Wide-bottomed, black-spotted Milka came out from behind Erza and quickly began to sing to the hare.
- Honey! mother! – Nikolai’s triumphant cry was heard. It seemed that Milka would strike and catch the hare, but she caught up and rushed past. The Rusak moved away. The beautiful Erza swooped in again and hung over the hare’s very tail, as if trying to grab him by the back thigh so as not to make a mistake now.
- Erzanka! sister! – Ilagin’s voice was heard crying, not his own. Erza did not heed his pleas. At the very moment when one should have expected her to grab the hare, he whirled and rolled out to the line between the greenery and the stubble. Again Erza and Milka, like a pair of drawbars, aligned themselves and began to sing to the hare; at the turn it was easier for the hare; the dogs did not approach him so quickly.
- Scold! Swearing! Pure march! - shouted at that time another new voice, and Rugai, his uncle’s red, humpbacked dog, stretching out and arching his back, caught up with the first two dogs, moved out from behind them, kicked with terrible selflessness right over the hare, knocked him off the line onto the green, Another time he pushed even harder through the dirty greens, drowning up to his knees, and you could only see how he rolled head over heels, getting his back dirty in the mud, with the hare. The star of dogs surrounded him. A minute later everyone was standing near the crowded dogs. One happy uncle got down and walked away. Shaking the hare so that the blood would drain, he looked around anxiously, running his eyes, unable to find a position for his arms and legs, and spoke, not knowing with whom or what.
“This is a matter of march... here is a dog... here he pulled out everyone, both thousandths and rubles - a pure matter of march!” he said, gasping and looking around angrily, as if scolding someone, as if everyone were his enemies, everyone had offended him, and only now he finally managed to justify himself. “Here are the thousandths for you - a pure march!”
- Scold me, fuck off! - he said, throwing the cut-off paw with the earth stuck on it; – deserved it – pure march!
“She pulled out all the stops, gave three runs on her own,” Nikolai said, also not listening to anyone, and not caring whether they listened to him or not.
- What the hell is this! - said Ilaginsky the stirrup.
“Yes, as soon as she stopped short, every mongrel will catch you from stealing,” said Ilagin at the same time, red-faced, barely catching his breath from the galloping and excitement. At the same time, Natasha, without taking a breath, squealed joyfully and enthusiastically so shrilly that her ears were ringing. With this screech she expressed everything that other hunters also expressed in their one-time conversation. And this squeal was so strange that she herself should have been ashamed of this wild squeal and everyone should have been surprised by it if it had been at another time.
The uncle himself pulled the hare back, deftly and smartly threw him over the back of the horse, as if reproaching everyone with this throwing, and with such an air that he didn’t even want to talk to anyone, sat on his kaurago and rode away. Everyone except him, sad and offended, left and only long after could they return to their former pretense of indifference. For a long time they looked at the red Rugay, who, with his hunchbacked back and dirt stained, rattling his iron, with the calm look of a winner, walked behind the legs of his uncle’s horse.
“Well, I’m the same as everyone else when it comes to bullying. Well, just hang in there!” It seemed to Nikolai that the appearance of this dog spoke.
When, long after, the uncle drove up to Nikolai and spoke to him, Nikolai was flattered that his uncle, after everything that had happened, still deigned to speak with him.

When Ilagin said goodbye to Nikolai in the evening, Nikolai found himself at such a far distance from home that he accepted his uncle’s offer to leave the hunt to spend the night with him (with his uncle), in his village of Mikhailovka.
- And if they came to see me, it would be a pure march! - said the uncle, even better; you see, the weather is wet, the uncle said, if we could rest, the countess would be taken in a droshky. “Uncle’s proposal was accepted, a hunter was sent to Otradnoe to pick up the droshky; and Nikolai, Natasha and Petya went to see their uncle.
About five people, large and small, courtyard men ran out onto the front porch to meet the master. Dozens of women, old, big and small, leaned out from the back porch to watch the approaching hunters. The presence of Natasha, a woman, a lady on horseback, brought the curiosity of the uncle's servants to such limits that many, not embarrassed by her presence, came up to her, looked into her eyes and in her presence made their comments about her, as if about a miracle being shown, which is not a person, and cannot hear or understand what is said about him.
- Arinka, look, she’s sitting on her side! She sits herself, and the hem dangles... Look at the horn!
- Father of the world, that knife...
- Look, Tatar!
- How come you didn’t somersault? – said the bravest one, directly addressing Natasha.
The uncle got off his horse at the porch of his wooden house overgrown with a garden and, looking around at his household, shouted imperiously that the extra ones should leave and that everything necessary for receiving guests and hunting would be done.
Everything ran away. Uncle took Natasha off the horse and led her by the hand along the shaky plank steps of the porch. The house, unplastered, with log walls, was not very clean - it was not clear that the purpose of the people living was to keep it stain-free, but there was no noticeable neglect.
The hallway smelled of fresh apples, and there were wolf and fox skins hanging. Through the front hall the uncle led his guests into a small hall with a folding table and red chairs, then into a living room with a birch round table and a sofa, then into an office with a torn sofa, a worn carpet and with portraits of Suvorov, the owner’s father and mother and himself in a military uniform. There was a strong smell of tobacco and dogs in the office. In the office, the uncle asked the guests to sit down and make themselves at home, and he himself left. Scolding, his back not cleaned, entered the office and lay down on the sofa, cleaning himself with his tongue and teeth. From the office there was a corridor in which screens with torn curtains could be seen. Women's laughter and whispers could be heard from behind the screens. Natasha, Nikolai and Petya undressed and sat on the sofa. Petya leaned on his arm and immediately fell asleep; Natasha and Nikolai sat in silence. Their faces were burning, they were very hungry and very cheerful. They looked at each other (after the hunt, in the room, Nikolai no longer considered it necessary to show his male superiority in front of his sister); Natasha winked at her brother, and both did not hold back for long and laughed loudly, not yet having time to think of an excuse for their laughter.
A little later, the uncle came in wearing a Cossack jacket, blue trousers and small boots. And Natasha felt that this very suit, in which she had seen her uncle in Otradnoye with surprise and mockery, was real suit, which was no worse than frock coats and tails. Uncle was also cheerful; Not only was he not offended by the laughter of his brother and sister (it could not enter his head that they could laugh at his life), but he himself joined in their causeless laughter.


Captain Kirk disobeying orders Starfleet, hijacked the Enterprise and returned Spock's body to Volcano, where in one of the temples, with the help of a special ritual, Spock's spiritual component - katra - was connected to his body. After his resurrection, Spock underwent an accelerated officer training program. Starfleet and was restored to the rank of commander, and the amnesia that tormented him soon passed.

In 2286, Spock transferred to the new Enterprise NCC-1701-A as first officer, while retaining the rank of captain. During the starship's five-year mission, he took part in a journey to the center of the Milky Way (see Star Trek V: The Final Frontier).

After the explosion of the Klingon moon Praxis in 2291 Spock's father Sarek attracted him to participate in negotiations between United Federation of Planets And Klingon Empire. During negotiations aboard the Enterprise, Klingon Chancellor Gorkon was killed. The Klingons blamed Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy, who were arrested by Klingon authorities. Spock took command of the starship and forcibly freed them from captivity. Spock subsequently became a key figure in the formation of a long-lasting alliance with the Klingon Empire (see Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) and developed a long-lasting friendship with the Romulan Chancellor Pardek.

After the decommissioning of the Enterprise NCC-1701-A, Spock retired from the Navy and focused his efforts on diplomacy, and virtually nothing is known about the next 70-75 years of his life. (At least Spock does not appear in events involving Starfleet.) He is supposed to have gotten married: Captain Jean-Luc Picard once said he attended a wedding son of Sarek. This may not have been Spock's first marriage - his wife T'Pring appears in the first episode of the second season (but the wedding ceremony was not completed).
In 2368 - already during the events of the series "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Spock was the Federation ambassador to Romulus(central planet of the Romulan Empire).

History of creation

Spock was originally intended to be a Martian. His skin was supposed to be red and he was supposed to absorb electricity. But they decided to abandon this, deciding that a more humane character would be more interesting to the audience. They also abandoned Spock's Martian roots. The creators of the series believed that the beginning of expeditions to Mars would make such an origin unscientific.

Spock is the only character to appear not only in all 79 episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series, but also in the pilot episode "The Cage".

Cultural influence

  • Spock is the idol of the main character of the television series The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon Cooper.
  • In the movie "Boomerang" the main character calls Spock's last name - Jenkins.
  • In the series Doctor Who, the Doctor's companion Rose asks the Doctor to be at least a little like Spock. (Season 1, episode 9, The Empty Child)
  • For a long time, fans of the epic believed that Spock was the first Vulcan to serve in Starfleet. However, the plot of the series Star Trek: Enterprise refutes this assumption. However, there is no reason to doubt that Spock was the first Vulcan to undergo training in Starfleet Academy.
  • From the events of the film "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" it becomes known that Spock does not like Italian food.
  • Spock, unlike other Vulcans, drinks alcohol and prefers brandy and bourbon.
  • Asteroid #2309 , bearing the name "Spock", is indirectly related to the character Star Trek: The asteroid was named after its discoverer's cat, who in turn was named after Spock from Star Trek.
  • Spock's famous gesture (fingers interlocked in pairs) is a slightly modified (two-handed) ritual blessing performed by a kohen, a priest in Judaism.


first officer, science advisor

actor: Leonard Nimoy

Spock was born on the planet Vulcan to the Vulcan Sarek and his human wife Amanda Grayson. Spock himself considered himself a full-fledged Vulcan, but internal conflict based on unclean blood periodically made itself felt. Spock had a brother, Sybok, who eschewed logic and was exiled from Vulcan for such “heresy.”

It is known that Spock began his career in Starfleet against the wishes of his father, who wanted his son to attend the Vulcan Academy of Sciences. However, Spock became interested in the computers that were equipped with Starfleet starships, and when Captain Christopher Pike offered him a place on the starship Enterprise, Spock gladly accepted.

Spock served under Captain Pike for almost eleven years. According to a number of sources, during this time he received the rank of lieutenant, and then lieutenant commander. Under the command of the Enterprise's next captain, James Kirk, Spock served as both first officer and science officer. In 2267 he received the rank of commander. And three years later, in 2270, he returned to Vulcan to study the discipline of Kolinahr.

In 2271, Spock returned to Starfleet and was reinstated as commander and science officer of the USS Enterprise. During the VG Crisis, in which First Officer Williard Dekker was killed, Spock resumed his post as first officer, which he combined with the position of science officer.

A few years later, Spock was promoted to captain of the Enterprise, while Captain Kirk was promoted to admiral and transferred to fleet headquarters. In 2285, Spock, by order of the Starfleet leadership, temporarily gave up the captain's chair to Admiral Kirk for the starship's participation in the study of strange events at the Regula research station, which ended in a battle with Khan Noonien Sing. In this battle, Spock dies saving the Enterprise.

However, Spock's biography did not end there. Before his death, Spock, using Vulcan knowledge, transferred his "katra" (spiritual essence) to Doctor McCoy. Spock's body, after a cosmic funeral, ended up on the Genesis planet, due to the peculiarities of which it returned to life.

Captain Kirk, disobeying orders from Starfleet, hijacked the Enterprise and returned Spock's body to Vulcan, where in one of the temples, with the help of a special ritual, Spock's spiritual component was connected to his body. After being revived, Spock underwent an accelerated Starfleet officer training program and was reinstated to the rank of commander, and the amnesia that tormented him soon disappeared.

In 2286, Spock transferred to the new Enterprise NCC-1701-A as first officer, while retaining the rank of captain. During the starship's five-year mission, he took part in a journey to the center of the galaxy.

After the explosion of the Klingon moon Praxis in 2291, Spock's father, Sarek, recruited him to participate in negotiations between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. During negotiations aboard the Enterprise, Klingon Chancellor Gorkon was killed. The Klingons blamed Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy for this, who were arrested. Spock took command of the starship and forcibly freed them from captivity. Spock subsequently became a key figure in the formation of a lasting alliance with the Klingon Empire and began a long friendship with the Romulan Chancellor Pardek.

After the decommissioning of the Enterprise NCC-1701-A, Spock retired from the Navy and focused his efforts on diplomacy, and virtually nothing is known about the next 70-75 years of his life. It is assumed that he got married (Captain Jean-Luc Picard once said he attended the wedding of Sarek's son).
In 2368, during the events of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Spock was ambassador to Romulus (the central planet of the Romulan Empire).

As you know, the Star Trek series is not a one-day event, but a saga stretching over decades. It is quite logical to understand that the series is not static, it has evolved along with its creators and performers.
So, if at the beginning of the first season the heroes did everything on the planets that seemed right and reasonable to them, then by the end of it it turns out that the captain of the starship has an order on non-intervention.
Some laws replace others, the history of the Earth, the history of star fleet changes. New names and new details from the lives of the heroes appear. If in the first episodes the characters were like cut out of cardboard, then in the second they already acquired volume, character, characteristics and preferences.
One of the main characters who received this very volume is my beloved Mr. Spock.

Of course, you and I are used to seeing it like this:

Calm and stern Mr. Spock, not for a second forgetting about his duty.
IN as a last resort- so, slightly thoughtful Mr. Spock:

Sometimes even like this - Mr. Spock, skeptical of earthly weaknesses:

Sometimes - a very surprised Mr. Spock:

By God, you can forgive everything for this raised eyebrow)
And sometimes Mr. Spock is very frightened by something:

Of course, Mr. Spock got into all sorts of scrapes. He was sincerely glad that... well, of course, that he would not have to take over management of Enterprise. And not even the fact that Jim is alive:

Sometimes Mr. Spock enjoyed life under the influence of substances:

Sometimes he was possessed by something alien, wanting life:

But gentlemen, this is not normal behavior. Either a stranger in the body, or some kind of moral shock. It was different!
But Mr. Spock... let's imagine for a moment that everything is happening for real. The Enterprise is a real ship, and Stratrek is not a series, but an on-board video log. Then something completely strange emerges for you and me.

Let's start with the appearance. This is Mr. Spock from the pilot episode:

Eyebrows - thick and wide, with gray hair, gray hair at the ends. Mr. Spock from the zero series is at least twice as old as the Spock from the first and subsequent ones! Why?!

And here he is, in the same series:

No scary narcotic flowers, no strangers. Mister Spock just smiles at the flower! Why?!

Third episode of the first season. Spock plays a Vulcan folk instrument and smiles:

Moreover, Mr. Spock is in the common room, not in his quarters! Uhura sings a swashbuckling song about himself, and Spock, instead of sending the signalman to work (as he would have done in the second or third season) - benevolently accompanies her:

And, most importantly, he continues to smile:

Conclusion - something happened to Mr. Spock on one of the planets. Presumably it was Talos IV. What did they do to him? Why did he become younger? Spock traded emotion for youth?

However, horrors await us not only in the first season. Second episode of the third season. What happened to Spock!? Where are his luxurious ears!?

The second season also has a lot of surprises. For example, we have the pleasure of contemplating Spock with a beard:

Evil Spock:

Spock fighting Kirk:

In general, Kirk and McCoy call Mr. Spock either the devil or the devil. But what the hell is he? This is a noble high elf:

And once again we pay attention to the shape and size of the ears (and not at all to Spock in the distant past):

The size of the ears is also something of a miracle: sometimes they are large, sometimes medium, sometimes sharp, sometimes rounded.
Miracles are happening, citizens!