Is it true that Maria Aronova has cancer? This question is asked by all fans of the famous Russian actress, rumors about terrible disease which spread across the country’s most famous social networks. Today, Maria Valerievna is undergoing treatment in one of the Russian paid clinics.

Today, Maria Aronova is considered one of the most successful actresses Russia. Her career may be the envy of her rivals, who have a model appearance and influential sponsors. Maria is wildly popular both in cinema and in the theater, because she has unique charisma, expressive facial features and unique charm.

First of all, I would like to tell you a little about the life and career of Maria Valerievna herself. The future actress was born on March 11, 1972 in the family of an engineer. I studied poorly at school; my only hobby and talent was acting. Little Maria perceived the ability to make people laugh as a way of self-affirmation.

Study and early career

After graduating from school, Aronova entered the theater school. Shchukin, having taken the course of Vladimir Ivanov, whom he still considers his creative father to this day. There she received her first great recognition when she took thesis. It was a performance Royal hunt", in which Aronova played Catherine the Great, and was rewarded for this role with the Stanislavsky State Prize of Russia. In her second year at school, the actress was invited to the Vakhtangov Theater, where she played several high-profile roles. It was here that Aronova went to work after graduating from theater school.

A series of high-profile, brilliant roles began at the Vakhtangov Theater. The actress was lucky to have star colleagues with whom she constantly had the opportunity to perform on the same stage. She was not given extra or episodic roles. Maria Aronova stood on the same stage with such stars as Sergei Makovetsky, Vladimir Etush, Yulia Turberg and many others. After her role in the play “Chasing Two Hares,” Aronova was awarded the “Crystal Turandot” award.

But the actress herself believes that the most significant role for her was in the production of “Uncle’s Dream,” thanks to which she learned to speak on stage in her own voice. Subsequently he became a kind business card Aronova, she soon began to be recognized not only in the theater, but also in the cinema.

High-profile film roles

In 1994, Aronova first appeared in films. The first film was the drama “Summer People”, which was filmed in the Czech Republic, where the actress went with Irina Kupchenko, Sergei Makovetsky and Natalya Vdovina. Maria Aronova was completely delighted with her first film shoots, especially since she had never had to travel abroad before. She also really liked the director Ursulyak, who worked on the film.

Still from the film “The Artist”

This picture was followed by famous TV series:

  • "Request stop";
  • "Moscow Windows";
  • "Strawberry";
  • "Brigade";
  • "Soldiers".

The role in the latest multi-part series lasted for two whole years. It is not surprising that the image of the saleswoman Evelina won great amount audience sympathy. Many also recognize the artist from the role of Catherine, Olga’s friend, whom she played in the legendary “Brigade”. In the 2000s, Aronova was known not only throughout Russia, but also beyond its borders.

Actress on the set of the series “The Eighties”

The audience fell in love with her after other roles. And today the funds mass media The news spread that Maria Aronova had cancer. It is not surprising that all her fans are seriously worried about the health of the brilliant actress, from whom we all expect many more interesting roles in theater and cinema.

Still from the film “Battalion”

To date, the actress has starred in more than 60 films and is the winner of prestigious awards such as “Golden Eagle”, “Nika”, and the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

Personal life

Start married life young Maria could have started as early as sixteen years old: when she was still fourteen, she met a young man from Uzbekistan. His parents also liked the girl. The wedding was planned for the moment when the girl turned 16. Fortunately, already at 15, the future bride realized that for family life was not yet “ripe”, and hastily abandoned serious plans for the future. Now Aronova remembers this situation with a smile.

But while studying at the Shchukin School, Aronova met true love. She considers herself a hot and quick-tempered person, but in comparison with her lover, Maria seemed the embodiment of prudence. The young man's name was Vlad. There were legends about him among future actors; he was an insane genius, had an extraordinary appearance and was known as the soul of any company.

Maria Aronova with her husband and daughter

Maria and Vlad met in the hostel under circumstances that were far from romantic: the girl was just taking a basin with dirty water after washing the floors. In the corridor she met her future love. Feelings flared up almost immediately after meeting, and after a short period of time the couple began dating.

Vlad was not handsome: a face with large features, piercing green eyes. But it was interesting with him, the young man was truly a genius in art and at that time he studied at GITIS and the Moscow Art Theater studio. But, I didn’t finish either one or the other. Despite his genius, Vlad was not serious, was weak-willed and unreliable. Now Maria Valerievna understands that Vlad was sent to her by karma.

Soon Aronova became pregnant. Even when her friends advised her to see a doctor because of the long delay and constant nausea, Maria did not pay any attention to their persuasion. A girl from a decent family simply had no time for this; she devoted all her time and attention to study and theater. Maria found out that she was pregnant only when she felt movements. And then she mistook them for a disorder from excessive consumption of carbonated water (the first movements seemed to her like bubbles of soda in her stomach).

This news caused real panic: Maria thought that she would be kicked out of the theater and home: at that time she was a first-year student. But the girl overcame her worries and made an important choice: “I’m giving birth.” Aronova guessed almost immediately that she was having a boy. But what Vlad will become good husband and father, I didn’t really count on it.

Maria Aronova: photo

The couple never got married. After the birth of their first child, they lived in the apartment of Aronova’s parents. After two years life together they broke up, but the actress did not regret it either at that moment or later, believing that she should have ended the relationship earlier, and not wait until her beloved raised his hand against her while drunk. She considers her son Vladik Aronov to be the fruit of true, great love.

Today Maria considers herself happy: she is married to the father of her daughter Seraphima, who is very similar to her famous mother. The husband works in the same theater as Aronova as head of the transport department. Maria considers children the very meaning of life and loves them madly. Today, she is an actress who is completely satisfied with her personal life.

Does Maria Aronova really have cancer?

In the media and social media information leaked that Aronova had been diagnosed with cancer. On this moment The 45-year-old artist is being treated in a hospital, where she was admitted due to complaints of severe, constant headaches. Another reason for visiting the capital’s clinic was the general bad feeling and malaise.

But is it true that Maria Aronova was diagnosed with cancer? The star herself does not give any comments on this matter. But her official representative Natalya made a statement that rumors about dangerous disease the artists are lies, and there is no suspicion that Maria Aronova has cancer.

Maria Aronova lost a lot of weight

She taciturnly commented on rumors about the disease with the following phrase: “She’s fine.” All stories about Maria’s health problems are completely far-fetched and groundless.

But these words did not reassure me too much numerous fans the people's favorite. They are interested in the reason for the actress’s stay in the hospital, whether she really was diagnosed with cancer, and why Maria Aronova has cancer. Such a keen interest in the artist’s health was the reason that she herself decided to comment on all the rumors regarding the fatal disease that she was allegedly diagnosed with.

The actress's indignation

Maria assured all her fans that her stay in the clinic is connected with the annual scheduled check-up, which she has been undergoing for many years. By the way, she warned about this event even before she began the examination, so that fans would not experience unnecessary worries associated with Maria’s admission to the clinic. The actress assured her fans that she was currently on vacation and was going to delight audiences with new roles in the next theater season.

When rumors about Maria Valeryevna Aronova’s cancer began to gain new momentum, she commented on them on the REN TV line, making it clear that media representatives were spreading false information, and at the moment her health was fine.

Maria Aronova did not confirm cancer

She is extremely surprised at where the rumors came from, claiming that neither she nor her relatives or friends could talk about something like that simply because there was no suspicion of cancer. The same applies to the doctors who examined the actress in a Moscow clinic.

It is worth noting that at the moment Maria Aronova looks great, there have been no changes in her appearance for the worse, as usually happens even in the initial stages of cancer. The actress, as before, is active, charming and cheerful.

Maria Aronova - rare interesting facts

  1. At school, Maria Aranova studied very poorly, but her parents did not scold her - they believed in their daughter and her talent.
  2. Maria Aronova was married three times, each time the marriage was civil.
  3. In her youth, Masha almost got married. At the age of 14, she met a young man from Uzbekistan, he was twice her age. The parents had already given their consent to the marriage and were all waiting for Aronova to turn 16 years old. But later the girl realized that she was not ready for marriage, so the lovers separated.
  4. Masha’s graduation work at the Shchukin Theater School was the play “The Tsar’s Hunt.” Aronova played Catherine II there and received the Stanislavsky State Prize of Russia for her role.
  5. Maria Aronova lived with her second husband Vlad for about two years, then the couple separated. As the actress herself admits, the disagreement could have happened earlier. But the cup of patience ran out when the young man hit her in the face while drunk.
  6. Maria Aronova's third husband, Evgeniy, works in the same theater where his wife performs. The man works as the head of a transport department. From her second husband, Maria gave birth to a daughter, Seraphim, in 2004.
  7. She made her film debut in 1995 in Sergei Ursulyak’s film “Summer People” based on the play “Summer Residents” by M. Gorky. More often she starred in TV series - “Stop on Demand”, “Moscow Windows”, “Brigade”, “Soldiers”, “Strawberry”, “The Eighties”...
  8. In 2004 she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation for great services in the field of art.
  9. In 2011, she starred in the eight-episode film “Diamond Hunters,” where she played her daughter Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU L. I. Brezhnev - Galina.
  10. Maria Aronova loves to cook, make the house cozy, plant flowers, cross-stitch, and fish.

Today the guest of Boris Korchevnikov’s program “The Fate of Man” was famous actress Maria Aronova.

photo: instagram

Actress Maria Aronova has always been quite frank with fans and did not hide some details of her personal life. In March of this year, Maria and her lover Evgeniy celebrated the 20th anniversary of their relationship and finally, holding a modest celebration, which was attended only by family and close friends of the newly-made spouses.

Before meeting Evgeniy, Maria almost got married at the age of 16. When she was 14, she fell in love with a student and at 16 she was supposed to go to Uzbekistan with him, but she changed her mind in time.

As a student, Aronova gave birth to a child from another lover, who never walked the actress down the aisle, but their relationship did not last long. At the age of 18, the actress found out that she was expecting a child. “I am very stupid when I fall in love. I stop thinking, seeing and giving in to emotions. I endow a person with qualities that he does not have, so in essence, that person is not to blame for the fact that I was disappointed in him,” recalls Aronova.

“I found out about pregnancy when the term was already more than four months old, I was young and stupid then. Having learned about the child, I stopped worrying about school and was completely happy, and the child’s father told me that this baby was not his. After this we stopped communicating,” says Aronova. She got along and broke up with the child’s father, and a few years later, due to her inexperience, Maria became pregnant from him for the second time. “I took the plunge and had an abortion. I would have been kicked out of the institute, and having another baby from Vlad... I still can’t forgive myself. I still pray for forgiveness. This is the worst thing that happened in my life,” Aronova says with tears.

Fortunately, Maria was able to find personal happiness. 20 years ago, Evgeniy appeared in her life - a man 14 years older than the actress, but this did not stop the couple from being together. Evgeniy was able to replace Maria’s son Vlad own father. Maria and Evgeniy, together with little Vlad, went on vacation to Anapa, after which the actress was hospitalized with hepatitis A, and Evgeniy was with her son for more than a month and even saw him off to first grade. “When they arrived after the assembly on the first of September and I saw my well-groomed son holding Zhenya’s hand, I immediately felt so calm,” shares Aronova. After some time, Maria gave Eugene a daughter, Seraphim.

Some time ago, reports appeared on the Internet that Aronova was seriously ill - the artist allegedly received a terrible diagnosis. Aronova decided for the first time to comment on the disease she encountered. “As long as they write, it means I’m interesting and in demand. Everything is fine with me, and everything else is dirty rumors. The main thing is that this does not affect my elderly father and my daughter, who is now in adolescence"- said Maria.

Articles often appear on the Internet that doctors have given the famous Russian theater and film actress Marina Aronova a terrible diagnosis - oncology. The reason for this was her emergency hospitalization in one of the Moscow medical institutions. Specifically, there were witnesses who saw her in the oncology department of the clinic

Representatives of the actress immediately refuted this information. And Aronova herself, after some time, that these are just rumors and do not correspond to reality

Marina Aronova denies rumors of a cancerous tumor

Around the beginning of August 2018, journalists first began to talk about Russian actress Maria Aronowo suffers from terrible diagnosis cancer. The rumors were fueled by the fact that she was allegedly spotted in one of the Moscow hospitals, where she was being treated in an inpatient oncology department. Fans were very alarmed by this, and not comforting news began to appear.

The actress refused to comment on this topic, as many believed the reason for this was the death of her mother from cancer. The actress was only 23 years old when she lost her mother. This happened back in 1995. Her mother consciously refused to undergo all the necessary treatment, as she understood how low the chances of recovery were. She died long and painfully at home. This left an indelible mark on the soul of Maria Mironova.

But since the media did not stop, and rumors actively continued to spread, Aronova lost patience. For the first time she openly spoke on this topic on the air of the program “The Fate of a Man.” She reported that her health was in perfect order. She was in the hospital, but it was due to a routine examination. She carefully monitors her health and undergoes it regularly.

Maria Aronova is outraged by the spread of rumors in cancer by journalists

The fact that the press writes about Maria Aronova is evidence that she is interesting to the public. This is the only thing that consoles her in this situation. In general, the actions of journalists cause her indignation.

False rumors actively circulated in the press have Negative consequences for her family. Maria Aronova worries about the health of her father, who is already at a very advanced age, and her teenage daughter, whose reaction to these rumors.

It is worth noting that in the environment public people Such phenomena occur quite often. In addition to hospitalization, journalists drew attention to the actress’s weight loss and very short haircut, making it symptoms of oncology.

For the first time, 14-year-old Masha became interested in a twice older man, a native of Uzbekistan, Ulugbek. She was so carried away that her parents agreed to her marriage when her daughter turned 16. The parents of her future husband even began to furnish a home for the young family. But Maria matured and realized that it was too early for her to get married. They remained friends with Ulugbek and even now continue to communicate.

The expert council of the “In the Union of Word and Good” 2018 award, which included specialists from major media outlets, selected the finalists. These included Channel Five. The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on April 17, 2018.

After graduation ceremony the young artist had no question where to get a job: Maria was immediately accepted into the Vakhtangov Theater. Aronova never played in crowd scenes - she was offered, if not key roles in performances, then... Maria Valeryevna was lucky to appear on stage with such stars as Vladimir Etush, Lyudmila Maksakova, Sergei Makovetsky and Yulia Rutberg.

People's Artist Maria Aronova addressed the audience after the second bell. She explained that this call is given only after the artists received money in hand. However, the organizer did not release funds, but allowed spectators into the hall.

Maria Aronova Wikipedia. Latest details.

Maria Aronova is incredibly good in the comedy “It’s Served! Or be careful, love” by Maxim Papernik, where a real constellation of actors gathered: Alexander Baluev, Yulia Rutberg, Alexander Lykov and Olga Krasko.

On the air of the program “The Fate of a Man” with Boris Korchevnikov, the film and theater star broke the silence and responded to recent publications devoted to her state of health. “How do you respond to the challenges that come to you? I'm talking about those rumors that endlessly appear about you in the press. Including in Lately“, the presenter asked Maria. The actress said that she was fine.

And Aronova calls the production “Uncle’s Dream” fateful, where Maria Valeryevna was able to reveal to the audience all the facets of her skill.

“Why am I working? I really want to provide my children with an inheritance. Is it right or wrong, I don't know. I got so involved in everything, I really need to pay for everything, for everything. When I'm not on tour, I don't allow myself to sleep. I get up at 7 o'clock. In order to cook porridge for my daughter to take her to school, I prepare her lunch before the performance. But we don’t have such contact as nose to nose. This is not the case,” shared Aronova.

Michael Policemako told Channel Five that all this reminded him of the 90s, when such incidents happened all the time. But today such incidents are nonsense. At the same time, the actor noted that the company, who tried to deceive them has nothing to do with Surgut - these are Moscow distributors who decided to “cash in on the artists.”

Unfortunately, Maria Aronova had to leave the program “Everything will be fine!”, which she hosted on the Russia-1 channel. In October 2012, a scandal occurred. It arose due to a careless phrase uttered by Maria Aronova in relation to children with Down syndrome. The presenter’s words outraged Evelina Bledans, whose child is one of the “sunny children” (that’s what babies born with diabetes are called). As it became known later, the women made peace.

But Masha’s character was fine. She had a lot of firmness and determination. When the girl saw how deftly the girls were jumping rope in the yard, she decided to try it for herself. The failure upset her terribly. into the yard and trained until my heels began to bleed. But in the morning she showed her friends a real master class.

Maria Aronova has cancer last news. Everything that is known at the moment.

Group of famous Russian artists, including Maria Aronova, Mikhail Politseymako and Sergei Shakurov, refused to start the performance in Surgut until the organizer gave them money for the performance. A video of the incident was published online.

During that very difficult period of life, Maria Aronova was left alone with the baby in her arms. She left her husband. Mom died, and father soon brought another woman into the house. Lack of money and hopelessness. It was then that she met a man who turned out to be reliable, kind and thrifty. Evgeny Fomin worked as the head of the transport department at the Vakhtangov Theater, where Maria Aronova served. He was 15 years old older than Masha. But he offered his man’s shoulder precisely when it was especially difficult for a woman.

The actress knows how to impress. IN historical film“Battalion”, which was released in 2015, she played a deeply dramatic and tragic role. Maria Aronova appeared in the image of a key character - Maria Bochkareva, commander of the women's death battalion. And although viewers are accustomed to seeing her in tragicomic roles, Aronova was very organic as a dramatic character.

“I haven’t encountered anything like this lately. This is nonsense. Those people who deceived us, they have nothing to do with Surgut, they are a company of Moscow distributors that decided to profit from the artists in this way,” said the actor.

Speaking, Aronova stated that she, the People’s Artist, was forced to go out to the audience, “lie, talk about technical problems” and, in the end, delay the performance. “Now we are sitting, humiliating you, humiliating ourselves, completely ready for the performance,” Aronova was indignant. She later explained her position to reporters. “It turned out that we were not paid any money. We somehow had to defend ourselves, we asked the audience for help,” noted the actress.

According to the artist, Ulyanov played a huge role in her development. According to Aronova, for her he was not a great Russian actor and artistic director of the theater, but a close relative: “He raised me: he stroked me on the head, hit me on the ass - we had a wonderful family relationship.”

Actress Maria Aronova is one of those who can change instantly. She captivated the audience by changing her role, appearing before them either in the role of a housewife, or in comic images, and then suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, she became an actress in a tragic drama.

The biography of her personal life is no less interesting than her creative one. The news about the artist’s marriage has become the subject of discussion, everyone is interested in knowing who he is - her new husband and see his photo.

Biography of the actress

The city of Dolgoprudny, Moscow region became the birthplace of the future TV star, who was born on March 11, 1972 in the constellation Pisces.

The girl grew up in a simple family. My parents were far from creative; my father worked as an engineer, and my mother as a librarian. The same cannot be said about the children, Maria and Alexander, her older brother. A creative nature was evident in them from childhood.

Maria, for as long as she can remember, dreamed of becoming a famous actress, and so it happened. And Sasha drew beautifully. His talent also did not go to waste, having entered adult life, he realized himself by becoming an artist-restorer of monumental painting.

Maria did not particularly excel in her studies; the only subjects she was given were history and literature. But the girl, at every opportunity, staged performances at home on an improvised stage made from sheets and other improvised means.

Her neighbors admired her talent, and her father was ashamed, considering his daughter a clown. It never occurred to him that in this way the child was asserting himself.

As a child, Masha had complexes regarding her appearance. The limit of her dreams was wasp waist and a thick braid, like Russian beauties. But by nature she was plump, with ordinary hair. These shortcomings were compensated by strength of character. She always set a goal for herself, and no matter what, she achieved it. It was these qualities that brought her to the local folk theater “Forward”, at the cultural center. Irina Nikolaevna Tikhonova gave the girl a ticket to creative life, teaching the basics of acting.

Her lessons were not in vain; after graduating from school, the well-prepared Maria went to enroll in the Shchukin Theater School and in 1990 became its student.

Theater activities

As a second-year student, Aronova had the opportunity to play in the play “The Marriage of Balzaminov.” She did it so brilliantly that she immediately received an invitation to participate in two more productions.

The actress's diploma work was the play "The Tsar's Hunt", where she played Catherine II, receiving the Stanislavsky State Prize. Today she can be seen on the stage of various theater agencies playing in the following plays:

  • "The usual thing";
  • "Amphitryon";
  • "Mademoiselle Nitouche";
  • "Troilus and Cressida";
  • "Little comedies";
  • "Free couple"


Actress Maria Aronova received her first offer to act in films from director Sergei Ursulyak. It happened in 1995, the picture was called “Summer People”. The actress got into character so easily that from that moment on there was no end to offers.

  • "Moscow Windows";
  • "Request stop";
  • "Brigade";
  • "Soldiers";
  • "Strawberry";
  • "Eighties";
  • "Next";
  • “Diamond Hunters,” where she played the role of Galina, daughter of Brezhnev, a member of the CPSU Central Committee;
  • "Artist." For her work in this film, Aronova received the Nika Award in 2007;
  • "Dinner is served! Or be careful, love";
  • "Battalion";
  • “Ice” - work of 2017.

TV presenter work

On account creative biography Artists not only act in theater and film, the woman looks great as a TV presenter. Children remember her from the program “On Sesame Street”, adults from the project “Culinary Family”. In addition, at one time she hosted “Everything will be fine” (broadcast on the channel “Russia - 1”). But, due to an unpleasant incident that happened in 2012, she left him. had the imprudence to say: “children with Down syndrome can be dangerous to others,” which offended Evelina Bledans, who is raising a special child.

Since Aronova said this in live, the matter reached court proceedings, which led to his departure from the program. The woman apologized to Evelina, and the conflict was settled.

Constant employment did not prevent Maria Valeryevna from arranging her personal life. Photos of her new husband spread all over the Internet, becoming the subject of discussion.

Personal life of the actress

Sometimes so smiling and carefree on the screen, famous actress I’ve been arranging my personal life for a long time. She was somehow not particularly lucky in this regard. New relationships brought pain and disappointment. According to Aronova, she was married three times, but unofficially. The first time a girl fell in love for real (at least, it seemed so to her then) was at the age of 14. Her chosen one was a native of Uzbekistan named Ulugbek. He was 14 years older than her, which naturally shocked her parents. But they did not dissuade their daughter and gave their consent to the marriage when Maria reached the age of 16.

The future husband's parents began to slowly arrange housing for the newlyweds, but over time the girl came to her senses and realized that she was not yet ready for marriage. The former lovers still maintain friendly relations.

New feelings overwhelmed the artist while she was studying at the Shchukin School. She fell madly in love with young man Vladislav Gandrabur from his senior year. Seeing him in the student dormitory, as they say, “disappeared.” It was he who became the father of her first child. This marriage did not last long and broke up as soon as common-law spouse in a fit of anger he raised his hand to Maria. Despite strong feelings to her husband, the young woman did not allow such an attitude towards herself. She took the child and left him. After the breakup, Vladislav did not participate in his son’s life and did not provide financial support However, Maria did not count on this.

It was not an easy time for her, when all the misfortunes fell at once. Her mother passed away, and soon her father brought another woman into the house.

Aronova had to live from penny to penny with the baby in her arms. When faith in everything bright and good melted away, he appeared in her life - a real, caring and kind man who could be relied on. Maria Aronova and Evgeny Fomin met in the theater where the actress worked; he worked there, holding the position of head of the transport department. They were not afraid of the age difference; the man was 15 years older than the chosen one. As soon as they met, they fell in love with each other and practically never parted.

In 2004, their daughter was born, who happy parents named Seraphim. And 14 years later, a joyful event occurred in the personal lives of Maria Aronova and Evgeny Fomin; they got married, timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of their life together. The man she has been following for many years stone wall and became her new husband. The photo shows how happy they are together.

Based on her biography, filled with various events, including both joyful and sad, you can make a film or write a novel.

Today the woman is quite happy, she has everything - a loving and beloved husband and children, in whom she dotes.

Maria Aronova's disease

Information began to appear more and more often in the media that the famous actress Maria Aronova allegedly had cancer. The conversations began after it became known that the artist was in the clinic, where she was admitted with complaints of general malaise and frequent headaches. Fans, seriously concerned about the health of their favorite, demanded an intelligible answer from Aronova herself.

First there was a reaction from Natalia, her representative. She stated that everything was fine with the artist, she was just undergoing a routine examination, nothing more, she had been doing this for many years for preventive purposes. Maria herself also did not stand aside and asked everyone to calm down.

And recently the Rossiya-1 channel aired an episode of Boris Korchevnikov’s program “The Fate of a Man,” with the participation of Aronova. The presenter asked the actress to dispel rumors regarding her illness. Maria Valeryevna refuted them and asked journalists, before inventing tall tales, to at least sometimes think about how it all might end.

She has an elderly father and a 13-year-old daughter who may take this information for at face value and reflect. Rumors spread about a person indicate his popularity and demand, but there must be a limit to everything.

In the same program, according to tradition, the host asked the actress to turn to herself in the past and give instructions or wish something. Maria Aronova said that she would wish for her young self to offend people as little as possible, to be attentive to your family, and that in general you should take care of those who gave you life.

Maria Aronova today

The popular actress is involved in plays and films. In 2018, a film was released with her participation in leading role"Ice". Where she played the uncompromising coach of her mentor.

The film broke all Russian box office records, largely thanks to the impeccable performance of Maria Valeryevna, who Once again proved that she can appear before the audience in different images.

In addition to creativity, the woman takes care of her family. All free time she tries to dedicate it to her family - her husband, children and father.