Lyudmila Markovna some admired her, others hated her, and still others fell madly in love with her. On the occasion of the actress’s birthday, remembered only those men with whom she was in legal relationships.

Husband No. 1. Director

Gurchenko got married for the first time when she was 18 years old. Her chosen one was a famous director at that time Vasily Ordynsky. He fell in love with young Lucy at first sight. Whether this love was mutual is a big question. This marriage generally still remains a mystery, shrouded in darkness. For a long time neither those around Gurchenko nor those around Ordynsky knew about him. They say that Lucy married the director solely for convenience. She hoped that he would become her personal director. Ordynsky tried to meet her expectations. He invited her to audition for his film. However, the artistic council rejected Gurchenko's candidacy. Then the actress decided to end the marriage. Ordynsky was against it, but could not stop her. Their relationship lasted a little over a year.

Husband No. 2. Screenwriter

Not long after the divorce, Lucy truly fell in love. My love - a student of the screenwriting department Boris Andronikashvili- she met in the dining room. As the actress later admitted, when she saw her second husband for the first time, she almost dropped the tray from her hands. The sympathy turned out to be mutual, a whirlwind romance broke out, which ended in a wedding. At first family life turned out happily. Lucy and Boris practically never separated. Everything changed with the birth of my daughter Maria. Forced to take care of the child, Gurchenko began to notice that her husband was increasingly absent from home. And then they began to report to her that Boris was cheating on her. Convinced of the veracity of the rumors, she filed for divorce without any scenes or scandals.

Motherhood did not bring happiness to Gurchenko either. Firstly, I dreamed of a son. And a daughter was born. Secondly, she dreamed that her daughter would inherit her talents: voice, plasticity, acting talent, figure, in the end. But Masha disappointed Lyudmila Markovna in all these respects. The result was a quarrel and a break in a 19-year relationship. Maria learned about her mother’s death from the media. And now she herself has left for another world.

Husband No. 3. Actor

After breaking up with Andronikashvili, Lyusya was alone for two years. One day in one of the restaurants she was introduced to an actor Alexander Fadeevadopted son famous writer. And although the acquaintance was casual, Fadeev set himself the goal of winning the actress’s hand. He succeeded very soon. Without really recognizing each other, Lucy and Sasha went to the registry office. This marriage did not last long. The actress quickly realized her mistake and offered to divorce.

Husband No. 4. Singer

About my relationship with Joseph Kobzon Gurchenko didn’t like to remember. However, this marriage was an event of all-Union significance. Kobzon courted Gurchenko for a long time, and in the end the actress gave up. Star couple aroused admiration. It seemed that Lucy had finally found her happiness. However, it turned out to be very difficult for two complex personalities to get along under one roof. Conflicts and disagreements began almost from the first days of life together. All attempts to find a compromise led nowhere. Lucy realized that she would not be able to live with Kobzon. As in everything previous times, the initiator of the divorce was Gurchenko.

Husband No. 5. Musician

After divorcing her fourth husband, the actress decided that there would be no more husbands in her life. She was already approaching forty when she met a young pianist Konstantin Kuperweis. This time, Gurchenko was in no hurry to go to the registry office - she wanted to get to know her new lover better. Konstantin, like no one else, felt the character of the actress and knew how to “adapt to her.” Of course, in the end Gurchenko gave up and got married again. Their relationship lasted almost 25 years. The actress was sure that this marriage was the last in her life. Konstantin was her support. Everything collapsed when Gurchenko found out: all these years, her husband has actually been living with two families. The divorce that followed this news became the most painful for Lucy.

Husband No. 6. Producer

In 1991, on the set of the film “Sex Fairy Tale,” Gurchenko met the producer Sergei Senin, who was 20 years younger than her. Of course, Lucy did not think about any relationship with him. But after a short time fate brought them together again. Gurchenko met Senin at film set film "Love". After this meeting, Lucy realized that she did not want to part with this person. She considered him somewhat similar in character to her father, and he jokingly called her his daughter. The problem was that Senin was married and had a growing child. He was in no hurry to file for divorce. But hide the relationship with famous actress It turned out to be difficult. Senin’s wife found out that her husband and Gurchenko are connected not only creative relationships, and filed for divorce herself. Lucy got married for the sixth time. This marriage became the happiest in her biography. As she herself called, Senin was the only one of all her husbands who became a truly close person to her.

Weekly AiF/Persona/11/12/2017

She was married five times and had many admirers. Her stormy, passionate and amorous nature, as Lyudmila Gurchenko admitted, required an outlet. And her numerous men were, in a way, temporary fireflies who flew towards the bright light to bask in its rays and show themselves.

Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that they often very skillfully used the popular fame of Lyudmila Markovna, extracting considerable benefits for their personal person. However, Gurchenko was never a whipping girl. She had a strong and domineering character, sometimes capricious to the point of indecency. And we must admit that life together with the star was far from glamorous.

Vasily Ordynsky

Eighteen-year-old Lucy’s first lover was film director Vasily Ordynsky. Gurchenko met him in her second year at VGIK.

The romance that began between them lasted no more than a year. For Lyudmila, everything that happened remained behind the scenes, just a touch in the beginning biography of the actress. There is no doubt: there was a certain benefit in these relations.

Vasily Ordynsky even invited her to main role in one of his films. But the members of the artistic council, respecting the honor and conscience of Soviet cinema, gave complete failure young artist. And yet, the status of the “passion” of a fairly famous director made itself felt. Otherwise, she would not have been invited to the main role in Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Carnival Night,” which brought Lyudmila Gurchenko phenomenal success and national recognition.

Boris Andronikashvili

Parting with Ordynsky was easy and painless. Soon on her life path Boris Andronikashvili, a student of the screenwriting department of VGIK, a recognized idol of the girls of the course, met with irresistible appearance. Lyudmila, without knowing it herself, succumbed to the charms of a spectacular young man and married him. Boris became the first official husband Gurchenko and father only daughter actresses - Masha. After two years of married life, they separated: “ice and fire” in the relationship turned out to be completely incompatible.


Lyudmila Gurchenko later recalled this marriage in her book “Lyusya, stop!”

“With this young man, we approached each other as in the song: “You and I are two banks of the same river.” This can be seen from the bell tower today, but then...

Despite its sophisticated appearance, from which you initially do not expect anything deep, it was Difficult person with a set of extraordinary qualities - large and small. All his pockets were stuffed with rare books mixed with newspapers and magazines. I read everything in the world. He had a special sense of humor.

He believed that his personal criticism was the most accurate and original. He was distinguished by his musicality and masculine charm.”

“Everything about him was unattainable for me. And vice versa. He treated my profession with irony. He considered a musical comedy a spectacle far from art. Well, success with the public... When I delved into a field that was not “my” (I was interested in his complex screenwriting profession), I was always amazed at how much irony my “leap” from a frivolous, primitive acting life in his mysterious world... He somehow talentedly knew how to live nearby, being only on his own shore. With incredible willpower we had to learn to live alone together... website

Unexpected Lucy: rare photos Lyudmila Gurchenko

On November 12, the beloved actress would have turned 80 years old.

Her husband Sergei Senin shared rare archival footage with Antenna and Woman's Day.

1993, still from the film “Love”.

— This is our second with Lyusya collaboration, - says Sergei Senin. “The musical film was her long-standing idea, and I found the opportunity to make it happen. The film was directed by Fyodor Sergeevich Bondarchuk. Lyusya always addressed Fedor by his first and patronymic names. The artists were Boris Krasnov and Valentin Yudashkin. Cameraman: Mikhail Mukasey. The television premiere took place in New Year's Eve. This is a benefit performance: songs and monologues.

Lyudmila Markovna dreamed of being a musical film actress. Her greatest pain and melancholy regarding her profession was that, unfortunately, in our country Lyusin’s musical talent was not in demand. She was calm about even her best dramatic roles, believing that they could have been played by anyone else. good actresses. Here's a musical! It was a dream...

Approximately 1939−1940.

— Lucy in kindergarten in Kharkov. “My first groom is Semochka,” she smiled, looking at the photo. Here he is pushing her on a sled.

Circa 1936. With dad Mark Gavrilovich.

— Her father was the most dear person to her. This photograph in his book “Lucy, Stop!” she signed it like this: “With early years I listened carefully to my father’s instructions.”

1953 High school graduation.

— Kharkov girls’ school No. 6. There is now a class there that is dedicated to Lyudmila Markovna. In 2013, a memorial plaque was unveiled at the school (now a gymnasium). Sitting in front of Lyusya (she is on the far right) is Mila Gitstein, her closest friend. They were born on the same day and in the same year.

Late 1950s. With my friend Mila.

— These are houses in Kharkov. Photo taken by Lucy's dad. Now Mila lives in Chicago, but they walked through life side by side and always kept in touch.

Lyudmila Gurchenko is one of the most recognizable Soviet and Russian actresses, singers. Her film is popular with thousands of people from the older generation to the young. Lyudmila Gurchenka has become a symbol of an entire era of Russian cinematography. Creative path Lyudmila is full bright roles, calling people and their applause. Lucy is famous for her films: “Carnival Night”, “Station for Two”, “Love and Doves”. Lyudmila Gurchenko is the winner of many awards and titles in the field of cinema. In this article you will learn about this fragile, but on the other hand, “iron” lady.

Height, weight, age. How old is Lyudmila Gurchenko

Many questions revolve around this famous woman. Her fans are interested in the question of what height, weight, age, and how old Lyudmila Gurchenko was. Gurchenko lived to be 75 years old. Her life was bright and eventful. In the prime of her youth, the artist’s height was 173 centimeters and her weight was 58 kilograms. Lyudmila Gurchenko was the owner of the thinnest waist, her waist is 56 centimeters. According to her zodiac sign, Lucy was born Scorpio. By Chinese calendar she was born in the year of the Pig.

Biography of Lyudmila Gurchenko

In the eastern part of Ukraine, in the small town of Kharkov, a famous artist was born on November 12, 1935. The girl's childhood is languid, as she was affected by military actions. When the city was liberated from the Germans in 1943, Luda went to gymnasium No. 6. She loved her extremely National language, as well as music.

In 1953, Lyusya goes to conquer Moscow and immediately enters VGIK.

Gurchenko’s debut as an artist took place in Jan Fried’s film “The Road of Truth.” The Soviet artist gained fame in 1958, when she played the main role in the film “Carnival Night”.

Throughout her career, Lyudmila Gurchenko has starred in more than 100 films, played on the stage of five famous theaters in Russia, and performed more than 17 songs. One of the popular singles performed by the artist was “Five Minutes.”

The biography of Lyudmila Gurchenko is fascinating. Let's highlight the five most Interesting Facts from her life path:

  1. The concert dress she wore for the first time on stage had to be sold to a thrift store due to debts.
  2. The artist wrote her songs to herself.
  3. Lucy also created the images in which she performed for herself.
  4. The artist loved being called Lyusya.
  5. The actress loved two dogs named Pepe and Gavrika.

Personal life of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Fans are interested in the personal life of Lyudmila Gurchenko. In this part we will talk about her men. Lucy was officially married 6 times. As the artist herself said: “I can fall in love at every step.” Each of her men played a huge role in fate. The first husband is Vladimir Ordynsky. The artist lived with him for only a year. The next husband is Boris Andronikashvili. Luda was captivated by this Georgian man, but the union lasted only 2 years. This marriage produced a daughter, Masha.

The third husband was Alexey Fadeev. The marriage to the actor lasted only 2 years. Then Joseph Kobzon became his husband. This relationship lasted only 3 years, and the couple tries not to remember them. The two of them believe that this was a huge mistake in their lives. Fifth husband - Konstantin Kuperweis. Kostya was 14 years younger than Gurchenko, but his family life lasted 18 years. Last husband Lucy - Sergei Senin. Senin was with the artist until the end of her days.

Family of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Lyudmila Gurchenko's family comes from farm laborers and repressed nobles. Father - M.G. Gurchenko, mother - E.A. Simonova-Gurchenko. During the war, Lucy's family lived in the city of Kharkov, captured by the Germans. From childhood, Lyusya recalls that she often sang with her mother for the Germans in order to get a piece of bread. From childhood, the family was instilled in music, painting, and architecture. They raised Lyudmila to be a real noblewoman. Lyudmila Gurchenko has big family: husband Sergei Senin, daughter Masha, granddaughter and two great-granddaughters. Luda never said in the press that she had a daughter.

Children of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Let's return to Gurchenko's second marriage. In 1958, Lucy married Boris Andronikashvili. In this marriage a beautiful daughter is born, who was given an extraordinary gift - beautiful name Maria. After a break in relations with Boris, Masha is sent to her grandmother in Kharkov. The girl spent her childhood and youth in a small village. Lyudmila Gurchenko had no time to pay attention to raising her daughter. However, the children of Lyudmila Gurchenko should be proud that they have such a famous mother. But Maria crossed out her mother from her life, because she believed that her grandmother had replaced her mother.

Daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko - Maria

The daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko, Maria, was born on June 5, 1959 in a popular family in the USSR. Her father is Boris Andronikashvili. After the divorce, Lyudmila Gurchenko takes her two-year-old daughter to be raised by her grandmother in the village. Later Masha was brought to Moscow to her mother, but it was difficult for the girl to find mutual language with her, as she is accustomed to living independently. Maria even remembers that she tried to escape to Kharkov, but was stopped. Masha is different from her famous mom in everything. Masha Andronikashvili got married early, and the main thing for her was always family, children, and not a career.

The ex-husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko is Vasily Ordynsky.

Ex-husband Lyudmila Gurchenko - Vasily Ordynsky was the director. I met Vasily on the stage of VGIK. The popular artist studied in the 2nd year, and the director in the 4th year. Vasya was 12 years older than Lyuda. Vasily Ordynsky had the front behind him before entering the university, but Lucy only had school. They were predicted to have a long life life together, but the marriage lasted only a year. Luda tries not to recall this union in her memory, since she could not let go of her husband’s betrayal. The couple had no children in this marriage. It can be noted that all of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s husbands were associated with the stage.

Former husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko - Boris Andronikashvili

Lyudmila Gurchenko's ex-husband, Boris Andronikashvili, was a screenwriter. The acquaintance with Boris also took place within the walls of VGIK. The Georgian guy made the young artist’s heart beat faster. Andronikashvili had not only beautiful appearance, but also with an intellectual mindset and musicality. In 1958, the couple officially registered their relationship. The marriage lasted only two years. Even their little daughter could not seal their union. There are many reasons for the breakdown of relationships, one of them is professional differences.

Former husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko - Alexander Fadeev

The ex-husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko is Alexander Fadeev. This union for Lucy was also short-lived. Lucy lived with her adopted son Fadeev Sr. for 2 years. Alexander Jr. was an artist, but without any prospects on the great stage. In 1962, Lucy and Sasha officially registered their relationship in the Moscow registry office, but in 1964 they filed for divorce in the same registry office. The breakdown of the relationship was constant drinking sprees young actor- Fadeeva. As the actress herself stated, she simply could not tolerate betrayal.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's ex - Joseph Kobzon

Former husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko - Joseph Kobzon famous artist THE USSR. Kobzon and Gurchenko tried not to remember this marriage, and behaved as if nothing connected them. The two of them thought it was a huge mistake. But they lived with this mistake for three years. In 1967, Joseph and Lyudmila got married. But because complex nature Lucy, Joseph is breaking up with her. The marriage with Lyudmila Gurchenko was the second in a row. After a year of breaking up, he married for the third time, and still lives with his wife, but sometimes mentions our heroine in interviews.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's ex - Konstantin Kuperveys

The ex-husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko is Konstantin Kuperweis. Acquaintance with Konstantin was accidental, but fateful for Lyudmila Gurchenko. After an unsuccessful relationship, Lyusya became disillusioned with men, and Kostya was able to light a flame of love in her. In 1973, after dating for a short time, the couple decided to get married. For twenty years the pianist guessed the character of a famous artist, and she loved him madly. Lyudmila Gurchenko did not expect that he could betray her. But in 1991, the couple divorced because Cooperweis had another woman.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's husband - Sergei Senin

Lyudmila Gurchenko's husband is Sergei Senin. Lyudmila met producer Sergei on the set of “Sex Tale.” The People's Artist was about 60, and the producer was 35. Externally and internally, Senin resembled Lyuda's father, Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko. He even jokingly called her “daughter.” At the end of her youth, Lucy finally finds true love, a real man who took care of her until the end of her days. IN happy marriage the couple lived only 18 years. The couple does not have children together; they always had a good time together, although there were plans for children.

Lyudmila Gurchenko causes of death, funeral of the actress

On March 30, 2011, articles “Lyudmila Gurchenko causes of death, funeral” appeared on the vastness of Internet resources. A lot of information immediately spread on Internet resources that the death of the Soviet artist was due to the fact that she arrived late “ ambulance"and could not save the artist. Although, husband Sergei Senin claims that death occurred instantly. “Lucy just sighed and died immediately.” The life of the popular artist was interrupted at the age of 75 due to pulmonary embolism. To this day, Sergei cannot forget his beloved.

Wikipedia Lyudmila Gurchenko

Wikipedia Lyudmila Gurchenko is one of the information resources where you can learn about her life and work, awards. IN in social networks the artist was not registered. If fans want to know more about her life path, then it is worth reading her three autobiographical books: “My adult childhood", "Applause", "Lucy, stop." In 2015, the series “Lyudmila Gurchenko” was filmed by producer Sergei Aldonin, which included 3 of her manuscripts. The television series consists of 16 episodes. After watching it, you can completely penetrate the life of the actress.


After death great actress Sergei Senin drinks a lot and leads young girls

Less than two months have passed since the death of Lyudmila GURCHENKO, and her numerous fans and the housemates are already in full swing discussing who will become the new owner of the apartment on Trekhprudny Lane. Some are sure: widower Sergei SENIN will remain faithful to the memory of Lyudmila Markovna long years. But there are citizens (and there are many of them!) who believe that Lucy’s place in his heart will very soon be taken by another woman.

And this must happen! Walking recently in the park near the Patriarch's Ponds and discussing last years life of our beloved actress, photographer Ruslan and I unexpectedly came across a thoroughbred middle-aged man who looked incredibly like Senina. Two things were confusing. The man was under severe pain, could barely stand on his feet, and was prevented from falling by a pretty young lady of about twenty who grabbed him around the waist. Before Ruslan, who was taken aback, had time to unsheath his Nikon, the strange couple dived into the nearest yard and mysteriously disappeared, dissolved in him in just half a minute.

Consumed by a premonition of a newspaper “bomb,” the next morning we were already cooing near the house where Sergei Mikhailovich lived for several years with Lyudmila Markovna. There was no need to rush. Our hero looked out of the entrance into the light of day only about three hours after noon. But with a completely different girl.
Senin gallantly held the door for her, and then, with the dog under his arm, cheerfully trotted off, leaving his girlfriend behind. Like, she's not with him. And only a hundred meters later, having caught up with her, he began to heatedly discuss something as he walked. Then he unexpectedly took his companion to the nearest cafe and, sitting behind a screen in the farthest corner, ordered a bottle of wine.
We decided to leave them alone, and in the evening I called Senin, inquiring about the origin and purpose of the young beauties.

— A lot of people come to my house now. I don't even remember their faces. Girls? — Sergei Mikhailovich became thoughtful. — These are fans of Lyudmila Markovna. Now I have to calm them all down. Sometimes when I'm away, they even live in this apartment.
The next day, the superstar's widower went out into the yard alone, immediately went to an open eatery nearby and hung out there for several hours. I ordered dry red wine glass by glass and thought about my own. Perhaps he was waiting for someone, but no one approached him...

But the next day we again found the widower with another young lady. True, this time she was waiting for Senin not far from home. Sergei Mikhailovich came out of the entrance and quickly walked past her, again hiding from neighbors and other random witnesses. The lady, looking around, followed him. Soon the widower called her over, hugged her, and kissed her. They got into the blue Audi that Lyudmila Markovna had once driven and sped away.

With a pretty brown-haired girl...

...and kissed my friend on the cheek

Lyudmila Gurchenko is an actress and singer who, over many years, has managed to become a true symbol of Soviet and Russian stage. In her creative career there were many famous hits, popular films and memorable images.

That is why, many years after leaving the stage, she is still remembered and loved by millions of spectators in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, as well as some other states of the former Soviet Union.

Early years, childhood and family of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was born on November 12, 1935 in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov. Before the Great Patriotic War The parents of our today's heroine worked at the Kharkov Regional Philharmonic. My father played the button accordion, and my mother sang, often appearing on stage with her husband. That is why, from childhood, Lyudmila always had the opportunity to become involved in art.

Her parents often took her with them to concerts and performances, and therefore most The future celebrity spent her childhood behind the scenes.

After the outbreak of hostilities, Lyudmila Gurchenko’s father went to war, even though he was unfit to army service. His family remained in Kharkov. After the liberation of the city by the Red Army, our today's heroine went to school for the first time (a little belatedly).

A year later, little Luda also began attending classes at the Kharkov Beethoven Music School. It is very noteworthy that already at that moment the future artist became quite famous in some areas of Kharkov. She often spoke to veterans and also traveled to military units to give speeches.

Looking at the successes of little Lyuda, many acquaintances dreamed of seeing her as a pop singer, however, despite this, in 1953, our today’s heroine chose a slightly different path in life. After graduating from the standard Soviet “ten-year school” and receiving a certificate of secondary education, Lyudmila Gurchenko moved to Moscow, where she applied to the acting department of VGIK. She was accepted.

And therefore, subsequently, the talented Ukrainian began to study with the best teachers of the USSR.

During her studies, the actress began to play in various student performances. Among her works, the most famous was the graduation performance “Keto and Kote”, in which Lyudmila Gurchenko first showed herself both as an actress and as a singer.

Star Trek actress Lyudmila Gurchenko, filmography

Our today's heroine began acting in films in 1956. It was then that Lyudmila performed roles in her first films “The Road of Truth” and “The Heart Beats Again.” Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Carnival Night” became especially successful and popular.

Lyudmila Gurchenko - “No, my dear”

In this film, the girl played the main role, thanks to which she instantly became the favorite of the Soviet public. In addition, the song “Five Minutes” she performed became a real hit, which subsequently became one of the symbols of the New Year for many years to come.

Following the first star picture, another famous film with the participation of Lyudmila Gurchenko, “Girl with a Guitar,” was released on the screens of the USSR. The musical film was a great success. And the compositions performed by our today's heroine and other characters in the film were even released on a separate disc.

Thus, the talented Ukrainian-Russian actress became a real star. However, due to the specifics of Soviet cinema, the actress’s financial situation still remained disastrous. That is why at one point Lyudmila began to participate in the so-called acting “hack jobs”. She performed in front of the audience. But not for long.

The reason for the abrupt end of the concerts was real persecution inflicted on the artist by figures of Soviet journalism. Gurchenko was accused of a “capitalist approach to art,” and therefore at some point the actress suddenly began to lose favor with the public.

Despite this, our today's heroine continued to act in films. Her bright and original roles, as well as myriads of melodic songs, at some point put everything in its place. Gurchenko gained confidence in herself and her abilities. Therefore, new films with her participation began to be released regularly.

Among best films Lyudmila Markovna’s films are worth mentioning: “The Straw Hat”, “The Marriage of Balzaminov”, “A Step Toward”, “An Ideal Husband”, “Station for Two”, “Love and Doves”, as well as some other films.

Lyudmila Gurchenko, last interview, video and funeral.

In parallel with her work in cinema, the actress also played in the theater. IN different years she was a regular actress in the troupe of the Film Actor Studio Theater and the Moscow Sovremennik Theater, as well as a regular participant in the performances of the State Concert pop and theater association. Occasionally, our today's heroine also performed at the Anton Chekhov Theater, the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire and on some other stages.

As for musical successes, there were also many of them in the celebrity’s career. Gurchenko often gave concerts and also released several music records. Over the years, she performed together with such artists as Boris Moiseev, Toto Cutugno, the Umaturman group and some other musicians.

Concluding our talk about the actress’s work, we note that Lyudmila Gurchenko also worked as a composer, writer and director in different years (the film “Motley Twilight”).

For her enormous contribution to the development of Soviet art, Lyudmila Gurchenko was awarded a huge amount awards She was Honored and then People's Artist of the RSFSR and the USSR, recipient of the Order People's Ambassador Ukraine, orders “For Services to the Fatherland” (second, third and fourth degrees), “Nika” awards, “Golden Gramophone”, as well as many other awards. Lyudmila Markovna's star journey ended only with her death.

Death of Lyudmila Gurchenko, cause of death

In February 2011, Lyudmila Gurchenko slipped at the entrance and broke her hip. She was made complex operation, after which the elderly woman’s health deteriorated greatly. At the end of March of the same year, the singer began to have new health problems. Some time later, Lyudmila Markovna was found dead. The cause of death was pulmonary embolism.

After her death, many people expressed condolences to the artist’s family. statesmen. Memorial plaques in honor of the celebrity were unveiled in Ukraine and Russia.

Personal life of Lyudmila Gurchenko

In the life of our today's heroine there were six husbands. At different periods of time, she had relationships with director Vasily Ordynsky, screenwriter Boris Andronikashvili, actor Alexander Fadeev, singer Joseph Kobzon, musician Konstantin Kuperweis, as well as producer Sergei Senin.

Gurchenko has a daughter, Maria Koroleva (Andronikashvili), as well as a granddaughter. Mark Korolev, the singer’s eldest grandson, died at sixteen from a drug overdose.