Christianity has great amount icons that have their own unique story. The image of the “Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary” also belongs to such icons, although it is dedicated to a holiday or event.

“Cathedral” is translated as a gathering or mass meeting. This is one of the most common icons in Catholicism and Orthodoxy. You can read prayers in front of it or take it with you to long journey. It is not necessary to leave it at home, because in its help this image is universal and unique.

History of the icon

“The Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary” is a holiday, and one of the most ancient in Christianity. This is the meeting of all the saints, prophets, angels and martyrs next to the Virgin Mary on January 8th. Even ordinary people on this day remember the Mother of God, because she gave the world the Savior. This is the post-celebration of the Nativity of Christ. And it was for this day that this icon was painted.

There are several versions of the icon, because each of them was created at a different time. Newer images contain only saints and prophets, but many older ones contain entire stories about the life of Jesus Christ, as if this is a look into the future, because the Virgin Mary knew what awaited her son from the very beginning.

This icon can be an excellent gift for Christmas. You can give it to your mother, wife, sister, or you can buy it for your home. It is necessary to place it so that the Mother of God “sees” as much as possible.

This icon is very often placed on the facades of churches. It is, for example, on the southern facade of the Church of the Mother of God in the village of Glinkovo, which is located in the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region. The point is that this image has no specific purpose. He only points out the importance of the Mother of God in the birth of Christ.

What does an icon help with?

This is an icon with a unique versatility. The Mother of God will always help you find your mood and lead you on the right path in business. At home with such an icon, quarrels will be extremely rare. It will help in relationships between children and parents, as well as between husband and wife. Accept general solutions It will be much easier for the family. At the beginning of our era, when Christianity was just emerging as world religion, this icon was even miraculous. Many images helped people heal from illnesses and find meaning in life.

Before this icon you can and should read the following prayers: “Living Help”, “Our Father”, “Creed”. This image is a symbol of most holidays associated with the Mother of God - Presentation, Intercession, Transfiguration, Christmas. If everything is bad in your personal life and if you are constantly visited by negative thoughts, you can read another prayer: “Holy forefathers, martyrs and all those close to our Lord, help us sinners to see the real world, so that sadness and spiritual weakness will recede forever and ever. Forgive us, gracious Mother Intercessor, as we ignore our sins. As if we doubt our faith and do not notice our dark deeds. Help us find happiness and transform our home with kindness and love. Amen."

Read this prayer every day if you feel overwhelmed by sadness. Be sure to purchase this icon for your home so that it protects your walls from any evil beginning.

One of the greatest twelve holidays, the Nativity of Christ, is the day of this icon. More precisely, her day is January 8, the time of remembrance of Mother Intercessor. This date is the day of veneration of the icon. Don't forget to visit church on this day if you have time and opportunity. Pray to all the saints and to the Mother of God, without whom there would be no Nativity of Christ. Don't forget to congratulate all mothers on this holiday. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.01.2018 05:32

Every parent wants to protect their precious child and guide him on the right and righteous path. Find out what prayers...

The Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is located on one of the central squares of St. Petersburg, Vladimirskaya Square, and at the metro station of the same name. Nearby is the Dostoevsky House Museum and a monument to this great classic. The temple was built and consecrated in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, Defender of the Russian land. Historians believe that thanks to her patronage, the cathedral remained unharmed to this day. Today, services, sacraments of baptism and weddings are held here.

History of the cathedral

Initially, the temple was founded on the site of a wooden church, also consecrated in honor of the icon of the Mother of God. Its construction began in the second half of the 18th century and was the first in the city at that time architectural project, designed in the likeness of the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow.

The temple is a five-domed, two-story building in the Baroque style, with crosses on the domes, 3 porches and an apse. If you walk around it, you will notice that it has the shape of a square with truncated corners. The cathedral also plays an important architectural role. It is the apogee of Zagorodny Prospect and the main monument of Vladimir Square. Compared to the background of other buildings, it looks majestic. Yellow walls and black domes in combination with each other create an extraordinary image that comes from ancient times and carries enormous energy.

All subsequent church buildings in St. Petersburg will be erected in the likeness of this cathedral.

In 1930 it was closed and given over to the State Public Library. In the post-war period, a knitting production was located in the temple building. For exactly 60 years, the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was not able to receive parishioners and hold services. But in 1990, thanks to Lev Gumilev and Dmitry Likhachev, it again became the property of the Leningrad Diocese.

Since then, as part of the restoration work, 8 gilded crosses have been installed, the domes have been covered with copper, and the upper church and the facades of the chapels have been restored. In 2000, the church received official cathedral status.


The main pride of the temple is the iconostasis of the upper altar, erected in the name of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, and which is included in 10 unique works church art. The project was developed by the talented architect of Italian origin Rastrelli. And they brought it to life the best masters the time of Empress Elizabeth.

The icon of the Mother of God itself deserves no less attention. It came to us at the beginning of the 12th century from Byzantium. Its creator is considered to be the evangelist Luke, who captured the picture seen at the dinner table. Mary, her husband and little Jesus Christ were having a meal. The mother's caring arms gently hugged her son, who clung to his mother with devotion. Sorrow is visible on Mary's face.

If you look at the reverse side, you can see a picture depicting the throne and the instrument of passion. Another feature is the imprinted baby's heel on the front side.

Later, thrones were installed in honor of the Mother of God of all who mourn, as well as the martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia. In total, the church has six altars.

Another shrine of the cathedral is the icon " Saved by the miraculous"with the image of Christ the Savior. Numerous legends say that this is able to give strength to overcome difficulties, help in the fight against illnesses and give a hint for solving a problem.

On the territory of the cathedral there is a Sunday school and a bell-ringing school, and there is also a church library. The cathedral provides free legal assistance.

Myths and legends

Numerous legends surround the image of the Virgin Mary about her help during battles with foreign invaders.

They say that during the reign of Yuri Dolgorukov, the mother of Jesus Christ appeared to him. She ordered the icon to be taken to the city of Vladimir and a church built for it. So the icon received the title of Vladimir.

The chronicles also claim that thanks to this holy image, not a single country has so far managed to conquer Holy Rus'. The great Asian commander Tamerlane gave the order to retreat from Russian borders after the appearance of the Mother of God to him.

In honor of this event and 2 other miracles of liberation from the invaders, church holidays are celebrated.

At sunset life path, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was a frequent visitor to the church. He came here in the hope of remission of past sins.

The temple is also famous for the fact that Arina Rodionovna, Pushkin’s nanny, his faithful assistant and mentor, was inveterate here.

If you enter the cathedral, you can see that it consists of 2 full-fledged churches - upper and lower.

Also in view is a miniature model of the building and the adjacent chapel and courtyard, which allows you to appreciate the architectural monument from a bird's eye view.

The cathedral owns a copy of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, the original is kept in Tretyakov Gallery. At the time when it was kept in the Assumption Cathedral, it was engulfed in a strong fire. All the decoration of the temple was damaged by the fire, except for this icon. The image remained intact even after the destructive invasion of Batu Khan.

Entering the temple, each visitor receives a charge of energy and feels free from the hustle and bustle, which brings true pleasure from visiting it.

January 8. Celebrating the 2nd day of Christmas. Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Icons, shrines, prayers.

Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The day after the feast of the Nativity of Christ, the Orthodox Church, with songs of praise and gratitude, turns to the Mother of God, who became the chosen instrument of Providence, giving birth to the Savior.

This meeting of believers was called the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

On the celebration of the Council, the memory of St. Joseph the Betrothed, King David (the ancestor in the flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ) and St. James, the brother of the Lord, the son from the first marriage of St. Joseph the Betrothed, is remembered. Saint James, together with his father Joseph, accompanied the Mother of God and the Infant Jesus during their flight to Egypt.

The establishment of this celebration dates back to the ancient times of the Christian Church. Already Epiphanius of Cyprus († 402), as well as Saint Ambrose of Milan and Blessed Augustine, in their teachings on the feast of the Nativity of Christ, combined praise of the born God-man with praise of the Virgin who gave birth to Him. An indication of the celebration of the Council of the Most Holy Theotokos on the next day after the Nativity of Christ can be found in Rule 79 of 6 of the Ecumenical Council, held in 691.

Tuesday of the 32nd week of Pentecost.
Voice 6th.

After-feast of the Nativity of Christ.
Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Sschmch. Euphemia, bishop Sardinian (c. 840).
St. Constantine of Sinad (VIII).
St. Evarest of Studium (825).
Novoschmch. Constance of the Russian (1743).
Vilenskaya-Ostrobramskaya and called “Three Joys”, “Merciful”, Barlovskaya “Blessed Womb” (1392) icons of the Mother of God.
St. Nicodemus of Tisman, Romanian (1406).
Novoschmch. Andrey, ep. Ufimsky and Novomets. Valentines (1937).
Prmch. Isaac II, Optinsky (1938). Sschmchch. Alexander and Demetrius presbyters (1918). Sschmchch. Nicholas, Nicholas, Michael the presbyters and Michael the deacon (1930). Sschmch. Leonida, bishop Mari, Alexander the presbyter, martyr. Vasily, and prmtst. Anfisa and Macarius (1937). Sschmch. Gregory the Presbyter, prmcc. Augusta and Mary, mts. Agrippina (1938).
Icon of the Mother of God, called “Helper in Childbirth”.

Theotokos: Heb., 306 ch., II, 11–18. Matthew, 4 parts, II, 13–23.
On Great Vespers entrance, great prokeimenon: “Who is the great God, even as our God...”
At Matins both canons of the holiday. According to the 3rd song of the canon - kontakion, ikos and ipakoi of the holiday, according to the 6th - kontakion “Like before the morning star...” with ikos. We don’t sing “The Most Honest,” but we sing the choruses of the holiday. A great doxology is sung.
At the liturgy at the entrance, the troparion of the holiday “Thy Nativity, O Christ our God...”, “Glory, and now” - kontakion, tone 6: “Like before the morning star...” (the same kontakion is read on the clock). Prokeimenon, tone 3: “My soul magnifies the Lord...” Involved in “The Deliverance of the Lord to His People.”


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Liturgical instructions

Tuesday. After-feast of the Nativity of Christ. Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Sschmch. Euphemia, bishop Sardinian.

Icons of the Mother of God of the Three Joys.

Yesterday church songs glorified the One born in a den and a manger, and now the Author of our joy, the Most Holy Theotokos.
This holiday is called a cathedral because ancient Christians had the custom of gathering in churches on this day to glorify the Mother of God.
On the day of the gathering of believers for the glorification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we will indicate cardinal virtues and the perfections with which she adorned herself on earth Holy Virgin, not daring to enter into the very depths of the grace that rested on Her.
The first virtue, and together the foundation of all human virtues, is devotion to the will of God with oblivion of one’s own will. This virtue, necessary for a person, constantly filled the entire soul and entire life of the saint. Virgin Mary. Behold the servant of the Lord, wake Me according to your command! - She said to the archangel who preached to Her the conception of the Son of God. Apparently, it was not difficult to express such devotion at a time when one should have decided not on anything regrettable and humiliating, but on the honor and glory of being the Mother of the Son of God: but in fact, this was the height of human devotion and self-sacrifice. For, firstly, the rank and title of the Mother of God included, as we will see, many sorrows and temptations, such, moreover, that do not visit the greatest ascetics of piety. Therefore, to say: behold the servant of the Lord - meant to say: behold, I am ready for all hardships, sorrows and suffering - ready for the weapon to pierce My very soul! (Luke 2:35). The very dignity of the Mother of God, although it is the highest of all dignities, for a truly humble soul, such as was the soul of Mary, it is even more difficult to decide to accept it than to decide in grief: for last man the humble considers his natural lot and belonging for his moral imperfection - and to become higher than the cherubim and seraphim - as befitted the Mother of God - to this a truly humble soul could be inclined by boundless devotion to the will of God. And this devotion was expressed in all its strength in the words of the Ever-Virgin: Behold the servant of the Lord, be unto Me according to thy word! This was said once - to the archangel; and it was always fulfilled, not only before the angels, but also before the stubborn enemies of truth and righteousness. Nothing could shake this devotion in Mary, not even the very cross of Her Son, which shook the whole earth. The second virtue of a righteous soul is purity of body and spirit: all servants of God are adorned with it, but no one was adorned in such completeness as the Blessed Virgin. For this virtue, She, still belonging to the Old Testament, where the celibate state was even contrary to the law, which promised many children and numerous offspring as a reward for fulfilling it, chose virginity for Her entire life, and thus set an example in Herself perfection belonging to the New Testament. For this virtue, the Most Blessed One did not first agree to the archangel’s gospel until she learned that its fulfillment over Her would not in any way violate the holy vow of virginity. For what does She tell him? - How will this happen if I don’t know where my husband is? (Luke 1:34). As if, that is, this is how She advertised: the matter that you will tell about, everything and in everything depends on whether I can remain with him in the celibate state that I have chosen for Myself: if I can, then I am ready to serve the secret ; if not, then let your gospel reach another head! - This is how far, as you see, the love for purity of spirit and body in the Most Pure One extended!
The third virtue of the souls of saints is the courageous enduring of sorrows and temptations. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, after Her Son and God, is the first and highest example of this virtue. What temptation did She not endure, what sorrow did She not endure? The word became flesh (John 1:14), that is, it was conceived from the Spirit in the womb of the Ever-Virgin: for the last of the mothers there is weakness and condescension in a similar position; for the Mother of the Son of God - he is not there! The holy betrothed, not knowing the secret, suspects Her of stealing a marriage. What could be heavier than this temptation? But the Holy Virgin bears him silently. - One word from Her could calm the old man, and with him Herself, and dispel suspicions; but She does not dare to say this word, because this is the secret of Providence - she suffers and is silent! Then the time of birth approaches - peace is needed even more here, and the Mother of the Son of God had to go to Bethlehem with Joseph at this very time to undergo a national census. At the very moment of birth there is not enough space in the monastery; and Mary goes to the den for this, lays the born one in a manger!.. As soon as the joy of the newborn makes her forget the constraint of her position, Herod’s sword already extends over the den; and the Mother and the Offspring were forced to flee to Egypt along the same path that the strongest and most armed people still struggle to pass in the middle of the day. Imitating the evangelist, we pass through the following years in silence. Behold, Mary is already on Calvary. What torment for the Mother’s heart to see the Son in agony on the cross, that Son who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, who, according to the prophecy of the archangel, was to reign in the house of Jacob forever!.. (Luke 1:33). Strangers could not bear this sight, and returned from Golgotha, beating their breasts (Luke 23:48); and the Mother of Jesus stands at the cross in silence, immersed in thought in the abyss of God’s ways. What can compare with this holy courage of spirit and heart?
We will not offer a story about the greatness of the Most Honest Cherub. Instead of glorifying the Most Pure Ones, let us hasten to turn to Her with prayer. About what? Most of all, that through Her grace-filled assistance even a small and weak image of those virtues and perfections that adorned Her on earth would be reflected in our unclean soul, so that in our actions we would be guided and governed not by our vain desires, but by the most holy will of God, - to preserve, as much as possible, our soul and body from worldly defilements, and to be able to graciously endure those disasters and sorrows that meet us on the path of our earthly journey. Amen.

Archpriest Grigory DYACHENKO




There is no poetry except for a week. On the Lord, I cried: stichera of the feast on 6:

There is no poetry except Sunday. On the Lord, I cried: stichera of the feast on 6:
Voice 2, self-agree:

On “Lord I cried” the stichera are self-vocal, tone 2
Germanovo: Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, telling the real mystery: / the mediastinum of the city is destroyed, / the flaming weapon gives the splash, / and the Cherub retreats from the tree of life, / and I partake of the food of paradise, / I was expelled from him for disobedience; / the unchangeable image of the Father, / the image of His ever-present, / the image of a slave accepts, / from the Unartificed Mother he passed, / without undergoing change, / who remained, the true God, / and who was not accepted, Man was for the sake of love for mankind. / To this we cry: / God, born of the Virgin, have mercy on us. (2)

Patriarch Herman: Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, / explaining the present Sacrament: / the wall separating us from God is destroyed, / the flaming sword turns back / and the Cherubim retreat from the tree of life / and I partake of the bliss of paradise, / from which I was expelled for disobedience. / For the unchanging Image of the Father / and the Mark of His eternity / takes the form of a slave, / coming from a Mother who has not experienced marriage, / without suffering any change. / For He remained what He was - the true God, / and took upon Himself what He was not, / becoming a man out of love for mankind. / Let us exclaim to Him: / “God, born of the Virgin, have mercy on us!” (2)
Anatolievo: The Lord Jesus was born from the Holy Virgin, / all things were enlightened: / for he who worshiped the shepherd and the sorcerer, / the angel who sang, Herod was in revolt, / as God appeared in the flesh, / Savior of our souls. (2)

Anatolia: With the birth of the Lord Jesus from the holy Virgin, / the whole world was enlightened: / the shepherds played the flutes and the wise men worshiped, / the angels sang - but Herod was worried, / that God had appeared in the flesh, / the Savior of our souls. (2)
Thy Kingdom, O Christ God, / the Kingdom of all ages, / and Thy Dominion in every race and generation, / incarnated by the Holy Spirit, / and made man by the Ever-Virgin Mary, / light has risen to us, O Christ God, / Thy coming; / Light from Light, Father’s radiance, / you have enlightened all creation, / every breath praises you. / The image of the Father’s glory, / Who is here and who was before, / and who shone forth from the Virgin, O God, have mercy on us.

Thy kingdom, O Christ God, / is the kingdom of all ages, / and Thy dominion is in every generation and generation. / Incarnate from the Holy Spirit / and made human from the eternal virgin Mary, / You kindled a light for us, O Christ God, by Your coming. / Light from Light, Father’s radiance, / You illuminated all creation. / Everything that breathes praises You, / The mark of the Father’s glory. / Existing and Pre-Existing / and shining forth from the Virgin, have mercy on us!
What shall we bring to You, Christ, / as He appeared on earth / as a Man for our sake? / Every former creature from You brings thanksgiving to You: / Angels - singing; heaven - a star; / volsvi – gifts; shepherding is a miracle; / earth – den; desert - manger; / we are the Mother of the Virgin. / Like before the ages, God, have mercy on us.

What shall we bring to You as a gift, O Christ, / for the fact that You appeared on earth for our sake as a man? / For each of the creations You created / brings gratitude to You: / The angels - a song, the heavens - a star, / the wise men - gifts, the shepherds - wonder, / the earth - a cave, the desert - a manger, / we - the Virgin Mother. / Eternal God, have mercy on us!
Glory, and now, voice 6: Glory to God in the highest, / and on earth peace, / today Bethlehem will receive Him who sits everlastingly with the Father, / today the Angels of the born Child will gloriously glorify: / glory to God in the highest, / and on earth peace, / in human favor.

Glory, even now, voice 6: Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth! / On this day Bethlehem receives Him who sits forever with the Father. / On this day, the Angels glorify the born Child as God: / “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, / good will among people!”

Entrance. Prokeimenon, tone 7:
Who is God as great as our God? / You are God, work miracles.

Entrance. Prokeimenon, tone 7
Who is a great God like our God? / You are a God who works miracles. Ps 77:14b – 15a
Verse 1: Thou hast spoken Thy power among men, and Thou hast delivered Thy people with Thy arm.

Verse 1: You have demonstrated Your power among the nations, You have delivered Your people with Your arm. Psalm 77:15b – 16a
Verse 2: And rekh: now has begun, this betrayal of the right hand of the Most High.

Verse 2: And I said: “Now I have begun to understand that this change is from the right hand of the Most High.” Ps 77:11
Verse 3: I will remember the works of the Lord, just as I will remember Your wonders from the beginning.

Verse 3: I remembered the works of the Lord; for I will remember Your wonders from the beginning. Psalm 77:12
If it is Saturday, in the evening we sing the prokeimenon: The Lord reigns, clothed with beauty: (from his verses). And the great prokeimenon: Who is the great God, as is our God: his verses are then sung at the eve of the holiday; daytime is left. Let us say the litany.

On Saturday at Great Vespers we sing the prokeimenon: The Lord reigns: with his verses.

On the poem, the stichera are self-consonant, tone 8.

The stichera on the poem are self-concordant, tone 8
John the monk: The glorious sacrament is being established today, / nature is renewed, and God the Man comes into being, / who abides, and who is not accepted, / having endured no confusion, below division.

An unheard-of sacrament is being performed on this day: / nature is renewed, and God becomes man. / He remained what he was, / and accepted what he was not, / without undergoing either confusion or separation.
Verse: From the womb before the morning star I gave birth to Thee, / The Lord swears and will not repent.

Verse: “From the womb before the morning star I gave birth to You,” / the Lord swore, and will not repent. Ps 109:3B – 4A
Lord, you came to Bethlehem, / you dwelt in the den, / you had a throne in heaven, / you laid down in a manger, / His armies are surrounded by angels, / you descended as a shepherd, / so that you, like the Merciful, saved our race, glory to You.

Lord, having arrived in Bethlehem, / you moved into the cave; / having heaven as a throne, / was laid in a manger; / He Who is surrounded by armies of Angels / came down to the shepherds / to save, like the Merciful, our race. Glory to You!
Verse: The Lord said to my Lord: / Sit at My right hand.

Verse: The Lord said to my Lord: / “Sit at my right hand.” Ps 109:1A
How shall I pronounce the great sacrament? / The incorporeal is embodied, / the Word becomes white, / the Invisible is seen, / and the Intangible is touched, / and the Beginningless begins. / The Son of God is the Son of Man, / Jesus Christ is yesterday and today, The same and forever.

How will I announce the great sacrament? / The Incorporeal is embodied, / The Word is materialized, / The Invisible is contemplated, / and the Intangible is touched, / and the Beginningless begins. / Son God's Son Becomes human: / Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!
Glory, and now, the same voice: The shepherd flocked to Bethlehem, / proclaiming the true Shepherd, / sitting on the Cherubim, / and reclining in the manger, taking the form of the Child for our sake, / Lord, glory to Thee.

Glory, and now, the same voice: The shepherds gathered in Bethlehem, / proclaiming the true Shepherd, / sitting on Cherubim and lying in a manger, / who took on the image of a Child for our sake. / Lord, glory to You!

Troparion of the holiday, tone 4:
Thy Nativity, Christ our God, / the light of the mind of the world has risen, / in it, for those who serve the stars / learn from the star / to bow to Thee, the Sun of Truth, / and lead Thee from the heights of the East. / Lord, glory to You.

Troparion of the holiday, tone 4
Your Nativity, Christ our God, / illuminated the world with the light of knowledge, / for through it those who served the stars / were taught by the star / to worship You, the Sun of Truth, / and to know You, from the heights of the Rising Luminary. / Lord, glory to You!

Troparion of the Theotokos, tone 4:

Most Pure Mother of God, Mother of God, / Thy venerable Cathedral is decorated with many different kindnesses, / many worldly people bring gifts to Thee, O Lady, / break our sinful bonds with Thy mercy / and save our souls.

Troparion to the Mother of God, tone 4

Most Pure Mother of God, Mother of God! / Your sacred assembly is adorned with manifold beauties; / Many worldly people bring gifts to You, Lady. / Break our sinful bonds with Your mercy / and save our souls.*

Another troparion, tone 4

[Carrying a baby in your arms, Pure One, / Ruler over all, / who received flesh from You, / You appeared as the Giver of joy. / Therefore, on this day, all creation sings joyfully / Thy births that awe, Mother of God, / for You have given birth to the source of immortality in the world. (From Greek)]
The canon to the Hieromartyr Euthymius is sung at Compline on another day.

The power of prayer Holy Lady Our Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

The Mother of God, the Intercessor for our salvation, constantly prays at the Throne of the Lord.

If the intensified prayer of the righteous can do much (James 5:16), then all the more powerful is the prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos. Even during Her earthly life, She found grace from the Lord and turned to Him with intercession for those who asked for Her help and intercession.

The Most Holy Theotokos was awarded special grace and closeness to the Throne of God after Her glorious Dormition. She moved to Heaven not only in order to abide in the radiance and majesty of the Divine Glory of Her beloved Son, but also in order to intercede for us before Him with Her prayers. “Rejoice! “I am with you all the days,” She said, appearing to the holy apostles.

The Blessed Virgin, while living on earth, herself experienced the same deprivations, needs, troubles and misfortunes that we also experience. She experienced the sorrow of suffering on the cross and the death of Her beloved Son.

She knows our weaknesses, needs and sorrows. Our every sin causes Her suffering, and at the same time, our every misfortune finds Her sympathy. What mother does not take care of her children and is not heartbroken by their misfortunes? What kind of mother leaves them without her help and attention? The Mother of God is always ready to give us timely help.

The Mother of God, like the sun, shines and warms us with the rays of Her love and revives our souls with the grace given to Her from God. By Her Spirit She always abides on earth. When blessed Andrew the Fool, like the Apostle Paul, was caught up in spirit into the heavenly abodes and saw the Lord there, he began to grieve, not seeing the Most Pure Mother of God. But the Angel told him that She had retired into the world to help people.

We are all burdened with sorrows, life's adversities, illnesses and misfortunes, for we all sin. The Word of God says that there is no person who would live on earth and not sin (see: 2 Chron. 6, 36). But God is the highest Love (1 John 4:8), and out of love for His Mother and for us, He accepts Her prayers. We believe in Her constant intercession and intercession for us sinners before the Merciful and Humane-loving God and in the power of Her prayers. Let us resort to Her as a quiet and kind refuge and diligently call on Her all-holy and all-sung name. And She will not leave us with the unexpected joy of salvation.

Day of celebration: December 26

Just as in Moscow everyone bares their heads when passing through the Spassky Gates of the Kremlin, in the same way in Vilna everyone reverently bares their heads under the arches of Ostrobramskaya, on which miraculous icon Our Lady.

She is known as Korsunskaya, because, according to legend, Grand Duke the Lithuanian Olgerd acquired it in the Crimea, when he defeated the Tatar horde and devastated the peninsula as far as ancient Korsun. He was then still a semi-pagan and gave this icon to his wife Maria, while his second wife Juliania (daughter of the Tver prince Alexander Mikhailovich) dedicated this icon to the Trinity Monastery, which she founded over the sacred remains of the first three Vilna martyrs: Anthony, John and Eustathius. (They were tortured by Olgerd at the beginning of his reign for their firm confession of the faith of Christ, to please the priests and nobles). A wooden chapel was built above the neighboring gates of the Ostrago end to store the Holy Icon of the Mother of God, and here it has been publicly celebrated since the 14th century (since 1341), under the name Ostrobramskaya.

After the introduction of the union, the Orthodox monks lost, along with the Trinity monastery, the sacred Ostrobramskaya chapel. But with the destruction of the union (in 1839), the ancient Trinity Monastery passed again into the hands of the Orthodox, and the miraculous icon remained in the hands of Catholic monks (Carmelites).

It is touching, however, to see the zeal of the entire city for the miraculous image of the Mother of God, the constantly burning candles in front of the sacred face, clothed in a precious robe, and the crowd of worshipers at the top of the tower, inside the chapel, and on both sides of the narrow Ostrobramskaya street.

Memorial Day: December 26

At the beginning of the century before last, one pious painter brought from Italy a copy of the painting “The Holy Family” and left it in Moscow with his relative, the priest of the Trinity Church on Gryazekh (on Pokrovka), and he himself soon went abroad again, where he died . The priest, having received news of his death, donated this icon to his church and placed it in the porch above the entrance. Forty years have passed since then. One noble woman suffered heavy losses in a short period of time, one after another: her husband was slandered in some way and sent into exile, the estate was taken away from the treasury, and The only son- consolation of mother, captured during the war. The unfortunate woman sought consolation in prayer and asked the Queen of Heaven to be an intercessor before God's mercy for the innocent sufferers. And then one day she hears a voice in a dream, commanding her to find the icon of the Holy Family and pray in front of it. The grieving woman searched for a long time in Moscow churches for the desired icon, until she finally found it at the porch of the Trinity Church on Pokrovka. She prayed earnestly in front of this icon and soon received three good news: her husband was acquitted and returned from exile, her son was freed from heavy captivity, and her estate was returned from the treasury. That is why this holy icon received the name “Three Joys”.
And today the icon never ceases to show miracles. An akathist to the “Three Joys” icon of the Mother of God was recently brought to the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Gryazekh, near the Pokrovsky Gate (Pokrovka, 13), where she was glorified. Before this, an akathist to St. Nicholas was read in the church on Wednesdays. Now the question arose whether to continue reading the akathist to St. Nicholas, or to start reading it to the revered “Three Joys” icon. In the midst of discussions, a lamp was lit by itself at the “Three Joys” icon of the Mother of God. Since then, in the church on Wednesdays at 17.00 they began to read the akathist to the icon of the Mother of God “Three Joys”. She is considered the intercessor of those slandered, separated from loved ones, who have lost what they had accumulated through labor, a helper in family needs, and the patroness of family well-being.

The image of the Mother of God “Three Joys” shows its grace to military personnel in need of her high protection in the hot spots of our long-suffering Motherland. Under the special protection of the Mother of God are people who are left alone, including, as already mentioned, those who find themselves in captivity and in a foreign land.

Here is the testimony of one colonel Russian army: "To the Temple Holy Trinity I was led by the desire to receive a blessing before leaving on a business trip to peacekeeping forces in Abkhazia. Father John blessed me and gave me an icon with the image of the Mother of God “Three Joys”.

In December 2002 we moved around broken roads An unpleasant drizzling rain was falling at the place of permanent deployment. Upon arrival at the location of a military unit located far from settlements in the destroyed poultry farm, I saw only one mountain Urta, and in my soul such surroundings made me sad. Having settled in a damp room without light or heat, I placed the Icon in a prominent place, praying in front of it, my heart immediately felt warm. In my subsequent service, I prayed in front of the icon every day, and when leaving for checkpoints that were located on the line of separation of the warring parties and where peacekeepers served, protecting, among other things, civilians from bandits, I always took it with me. On February 14, 2003, a report was received about the discovery of a mine at checkpoint 301, on the road near the Enguri River. Due to my duty, I needed to understand the situation and make a decision. Taking the icon with me, I arrived at the place and saw that near the refugee tent there was a mine with an unknown homemade fuse; the second mine was found under the bridge. Setting up a cordon and evacuating people, I found myself 15 meters from the mine and at that time an explosion occurred. The scattering of fragments with complete damage at the mine is up to 200 meters, but thanks to the icon, not a single fragment hit me. Being on the “front line” in the conditions of a mine war and constant clashes with bandits, during the year of service, of the 1,500 soldiers and officers under my command, no one died.

On September 18, 2003, private A.V. Derevyannykh was captured by bandits. During the search, I had to move at night through areas where bandit groups operated, and everywhere the icon was with me and kept me safe. On October 1, 2003, after the bandit group was disarmed, the hostage was released.

In December 2003, I gave the icon to the mother of another hostage captured by bandits in Gagra in July 2003. She had been trying to free her son for six months; she was in a desperate state, because... Russian security forces could not do anything in Abkhazia. Negotiations with the bandits were very difficult - they demanded a huge amount of money and threatened to kill the hostage.

On December 31, 2003, the hostage, 18-year-old Muscovite Alexey Vorobyov, was released in very dangerous and difficult conditions - two mines were removed along the detachment’s retreat route, while all participants in the operation remained alive.” Wonderful are Your deeds, O Lord, through the Intercession of Your Mother!

We can say that it was with this icon that the revival of spiritual life began in the Muranovo estate and in the surrounding area, which has quite deep spiritual traditions. In 1998, by decree of His Eminence Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsky and Kolomna, Hieromonk Feofan (Zamesov) was appointed rector of the Church of the Passionate Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Artemovo; he was also appointed responsible for the revival of our amazing holy place Great Russia- Muranovo estate named after F.I. Tyutcheva. In this event, the initiator and active participant was and continues to be the director of the museum V.V. Patsyukov.

In June, on the Feast of the Holy Trinity, the first prayer service was held on the street in front of the restored church. At the end of the service, a woman in the rank of schema-nun approached the rector of the church, who, out of love for God, even during her hard times, took monasticism and was mentored by the great Russian ascetic of piety of the 20th century, schema-abbot Savva. This woman, Schema-nun Mikhail, handed the priest a whole pack of icons - these were the “Three Joys” icons. She fulfilled the will of her mentor, who blessed her to distribute these images to people. By the way, schema-hegumen Savva last days his life he labored in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, seeking its advice and kind words Russian people came from all over our vast Motherland. The abbot treated the proposed icons with special responsibility, and they were subsequently distributed to pilgrims. In fact, the Mother of God blessed the opening of the Muranovo temple through this image.
Years of tireless work and prayer passed. Hieromonk Theophanes was appointed responsible for the pastoral care of the legendary Sofrino brigade operational purpose Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Units of the unit were and are constantly performing combat missions, in places of regional ethnic conflicts in the territory former USSR, with the goal of establishing law and order there - Baku, Fergana, Nagorno-Karabakh, Tbilisi, Dagestan and Chechnya. Several years ago, a mutual desire was expressed by the brigade command and the clergy of the Pushkin Deanery to build a temple on the territory of the unit. And so, on September 27, 2003, a temple was founded in the name of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, and soon its construction began. According to existing practice, during construction a chapel-temple is built where a full range of services can be held. The leadership of the military unit allocated a suitable room, where in the shortest possible time a temple was equipped in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir the Baptist, the collector and defender of Rus', who is the patron saint of internal troops of our state. During the creation of the holy place, the Lord visibly helped this good cause - there were people who donated the necessary utensils and liturgical books. IN Easter week In 2004, a small rite of consecration was held here by the Dean of the Pushkin District, John Monarshek, and after that the first Liturgy was held, at which the soldiers received the Sacrament of Holy Communion. By the way, spiritual work in the unit was carried out before, including Confession, Communion and Baptism. During the close cooperation between the clergy and the military, about 1,000 soldiers were baptized. The rector of the temple, Hieromonk Theophan, repeatedly came up with the idea that it would be good to have an icon here that would help soldiers in their difficult field, and which would be their protector. For this purpose, at the end of the Liturgy, a prayer service addressed to the Lord and His Most Pure Mother was served in the Muranovo church. A few hours later, pilgrims from the town of Khimki, near Moscow, entered the refectory and brought humanitarian aid for fighters, including spiritual content. After a short conversation, the servant of God Sergius, unwrapping the package, took out ancient icon... - it turned out to be precisely the image of the Mother of God “Three Joys”. By the way, such icons are very rare. According to those who came, this image has already helped wars in their difficult service. They handed it over to the priest with the firm confidence that the “Three Joys” icon of the Mother of God would help the soldiers of the Sofrino brigade. Seeing God's providence, the priest placed the shrine in its rightful place in the church-chapel in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.

Orthodox people, having learned that the wonderful image of the Mother of God was in the church community, expressed a desire to pray in front of it. The rector, Father Feofan, took the “Three Joys” icon for a short time outside the military unit so that everyone could ask for intercession from Holy Mother of God. In the following days there were repeated incidents gracious help and the intercession of the Queen of Heaven for those praying before her image.

How harmoniously intertwined in the world of God are the destinies of people living and deceased, what surrounded them, and what was valuable to them...

Anna Fedorovna Aksakova (née Tyutcheva), who was the first teacher of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich (son of Alexander II), wrote in a letter to Sergei Alexandrovich that she would like to present his bride with an unusual gift... Many years ago, after a prayer service and vows at the shrine St. Sergius Anna Feodorovna gave the mother of Sergei Alexandrovich (Empress Maria Alexandrovna) the image of the Virgin Mary “Three Joys”. This image was always with her and she prayed before it every day. The image was returned to A.F. Aksakova after the death of the Empress... “I would like (wrote Anna Fedorovna) that your bride ( Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, who visited the Muranovo estate several times and was the godmother of one of the descendants of the poet F.I. Tyutchev) accepted this image as a blessing coming from your mother and from the saint, who is the patron saint of Russia, who, at the same time, , and your patron."

Now the image of the Mother of God “Three Joys” has taken its rightful place in way of life Sofrinsky operational brigade of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. This shrine is placed on the parade ground or in Assembly Hall V special cases life of the brigade - Brigade Day and Remembrance Day for the fallen Sofrino soldiers, as well as when sending soldiers on business trips and during prayer services and Processions of the Cross- for the blessing and assistance of military personnel.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” was written, according to legend, by the Apostle Luke and given by him to Egyptian Christians. In 980 she was taken to Constantinople. During the reign of Emperor Alexius Komnenos (1082-1118), it was revealed to the Cypriot hermit elder Isaiah in a wonderful sign that this image should be on the island of Cyprus. The elder made a lot of efforts to fulfill the divine command.

It was not easy to get the icon from the royal palace. And only after the intervention of the power of God, after illness and miraculous healing imperial daughter, the shrine was sent to the island with honor. There, on Mount Kykkos, from which the icon received its second name, a temple was built in her honor and a monastery was established at the expense of the emperor. Numerous miracles that began to occur from the icon upon its arrival on the island are recorded in the monastery books. By the blessed power of this icon, rains poured down many times during the drought, the dumb spoke, and the boy, who was almost dead, recovered.

From ancient times to the present day, those suffering from all kinds of ailments flock to the monastery of Our Lady of Mercy from all sides and receive healing according to their faith. Not only Christians, but also non-Christians believe in the miraculous power of the holy icon and resort to it in troubles and illnesses. The Kykkos icon has one remarkable feature: it is not known from what time it is half covered with a veil from the upper left corner to the lower right corner, so that no one can see the faces of the Mother of God and the Infant God. For boldly lifting the veil, many were punished.
Through prayers before the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” (Kykkos), during a drought, blessed rain is sent to the earth, the sick, bleeding, suffering from headaches and relaxation receive healing, and childbearing is given to the barren.

Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary. history of the holiday

In liturgical annual circle There is such a peculiarity: after the great holiday, the next day the memory of the saints who served this event is celebrated. So, after it is noted Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, after - the Council of John the Baptist, after the day - the Council of the Twelve Apostles. On the second day after the Nativity of Christ, the Council of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated. This holiday is dedicated to the glorification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who gave birth to Jesus Christ. Glorifying the Most Holy Theotokos, the Church remembers the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt.

Library of Russian Faith
Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Great Menaion of Cheti →
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When King Herod learned that the Magi, who worshiped the newborn Savior, went to their land without telling him the place of birth of the Child, Herod fell into anger and ordered the killing of all infants under two years of age in Bethlehem and the surrounding area. But an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to take the Christ Child and the Blessed Virgin Mary and flee to Egypt. Joseph did as the angel told him. When King Herod died, the angel appeared to Joseph again and told him to return to Bethlehem. Joseph, the Virgin Mary and the Child settled not in Bethlehem, but in Nazareth, fearing Herod's son Archelaus. On the first Sunday after the Nativity of Christ memory of the saint righteous Joseph to whom the Virgin Mary was betrothed, Holy King David, from whose family Christ came, and Holy Apostle James, Brother of the Lord, son of Joseph.

Establishment of the celebration of the Council of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Establishment celebration of the Synaxis of the Blessed Virgin Mary dates back to ancient times Christian Church. Epiphanius of Cyprus(d.403), Saint Ambrose of Milan(c.340-397) and Blessed Aurelius Augustine(354-430) in their teachings on the feast of the Nativity of Christ, they combined praise of the born Christ with praise of the Virgin Mary who gave birth to Him. An indication of the celebration of the Council of the Most Holy Theotokos on the next day after the Nativity of Christ is contained in Rule 79 of the VI Ecumenical Council, which took place in 680-681.

Feast of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Divine service

Troparion to the Nativity of Christ, tone 4.

Your joy is ours, the light of the world is reasonable. In 8 there are more and more ŕvezdam employees, ŕvezda teach. I bow to you to the righteous saint. And 3 you are led by these above east, where glory is to you.

Kontakion to the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, tone 6.

And before the day of birth t nts7A was born, on earth 2 without 8 nts7A incarnated 1sz today and 3stemE. Moreover, the star preaches to the sorcerers, while the shepherds sing, your unspeakable joy is spoiled.

Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Icons

Iconography of the Cathedral of Our Lady formed at the end of the 13th century. In Rus', icons of the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary have been known since the 14th century. In the center of the composition is the Virgin Mary sitting on a throne with the Child in her arms. She is surrounded by angels, shepherds and wise men. The icon also depicts Orthodox hymnographers and Church Fathers glorifying the Mother of God. The earliest known fresco depicting the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary is in the Church of Our Lady of Peribleptos in Ohrid (1295). The most ancient Russian icon of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, dating back to the XIV - beginning. XV centuries, comes from Pskov. The icon is very different both from previous Byzantine monuments and from Russian icons and frescoes of a later time. In the center of the icon is the Virgin Mary on a throne, which has a curved asymmetrical back and is decorated with a white curtain. However, the Mother of God does not hold the Infant Christ in her arms, although this is exactly how She is depicted in all other works on this subject. On this icon, in front of the Mother of God, on Her chest, there is an image of Christ enclosed in a two-color eight-pointed “glory”, which She seems to be holding.

To the left of the throne of the Virgin Mary, the Magi are depicted bringing gifts, one of them points to a star, the image of which has not been preserved on the icon. To the right and left of the foot of the throne are written the figures of two women who personify the Desert and the Earth. The desert is dressed in red, she offers Christ a manger, and the Earth is dressed in a green cloak: with one hand she seems to be holding out a den, and in the other she is holding a flourishing branch. At the top, above the slides, angels and marveling shepherds are depicted. In the upper corners are images of especially revered saints - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Great Martyr Barbara. The depiction of saints was probably made at the request of the customer, and is not directly related to iconography. At the bottom of the image are three husbands in white robes similar to surplices, a young reader, and a young man. This scene still has no clear interpretation. IN scientific literature There are conflicting interpretations. It is assumed that the whole group as a whole can personify different shapes glorification of the Mother of God performed by people. The three central figures were seen as a choir of singers, as deacons, as the Godfathers David, Joseph and Jacob. They were called “shepherds” in the concrete and allegorical meaning of the word, meaning by this also wandering performers of spiritual verses dedicated to biblical events.

There are also later iconographic images and frescoes of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As mentioned above, the Blessed Virgin is depicted seated on a throne with the Infant Christ, surrounded by angels, wise men who present gifts to the Savior, and saints.

Folk traditions of the holiday Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary

People called the feast of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Woman's porridge.” On this day it was customary to honor women in labor and midwives. In the villages on January 8, pies were baked and treated to women in labor. In peasant families with children, on this day the parents prepared dishes and went with a bow to visit the midwife who was delivering the child. According to ancient Russian traditions, on the day of the Council of the Most Holy Theotokos, women felt their special unity with the Mother of God, which is why they left Her a gift of bread. The women baked bread and brought it to church: they left some of the treats at the altar, and took some home after the consecration. Also on this day it was supposed to cook porridge. These traditions are believed to be of pagan origin because pagan beliefs existed for a long time after the Baptism of Rus'. It is known that before Epiphany there was polytheism in Rus'. Among the gods they revered the patroness of all women - Makosh, whose cult after the Baptism of Rus' changed and mixed with the Christian holiday of the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary.

About the Feast of the Synaxis of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the same day, believers remember Saint Joseph the Betrothed and King David, from whose tribe were (descended according to the flesh) the Mother of God and Joseph the Betrothed. This is also the day of remembrance of Saint James, the brother of the Lord from the first marriage of Saint Joseph - he, James, later one of the first of the Lord's apostles among the seventy, was with the family during the flight of the Holy Family with the Infant Christ to Egypt from the persecution of King Herod.

The Mother of God became the vessel from which the Savior of mankind was born. She, who gave birth to her Son, the Lamb of God, who began his earthly journey in a den - a cave that served as a stall for livestock, gave Him up to suffer on the cross for all of us who believed in Him. With his precious Crucifixion, he turned the cross of torment and sorrow, a symbol of the most shameful execution among the Jews, into the Life-Giving Tree, and physical death, having trampled hell, into the possibility of Resurrection in the flesh, which is available to everyone who trusts Him and follows Him.

The holiday was established in the first centuries of Christianity - Epiphanius of Cyprus, Saint Ambrose of Milan and Blessed Augustine, speaking about the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, in their first sermons and teachings combined praise of the Lord, His Incarnation into man with praises of the Most Pure Blessed Virgin. The final celebration of the day of the Council of the Blessed Virgin Mary was established at the Sixth Ecumenical Council, convened in 691, in its 79th rule.

Today the Church glorifies the Most Pure One for Her maternal feat, for the example of unparalleled humility before God given to us in Her person, for her unspeakable maternal suffering and the joy of her eternal presence after Her Dormition at the throne of our Lord Jesus Christ. With Her began a new era in the spiritual history of mankind. All of Her earthly life and suffering became the guarantee of Christ's Easter, through Her, together with the Infant God, came the fulfillment of prophecies about the Messiah and the future Good News about eternal life, which is possible for all who believe in the Son of God - the Son of Man.

Some signs and customs associated with the holiday

But, as everywhere else, national cultural roots could not disappear without a trace with the advent of Christianity. They were preserved in the form of rituals, folklore holidays, merging with the Orthodox Church cultural tradition, which enriched and spiritually ennobled the folk tradition, giving it a deeper sound: Honey and Apple Spas, Christmas carols, Maslenitsa, where every day is the beginning of preparation for Lent, Easter, Trinity... All holidays contain a special, our, Russian national spirit . The Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, too, in the old days was not only a spiritual holiday, but also a suitable joyful occasion for the preservation of certain customs and rituals.

In the old days, on this day, rural women baked pies and took them with them, going to church to “treat” the Most Pure One, and celebrated a special women’s holiday - “women’s porridge.” The women cooked delicious porridge, took pies, homemade lard, meat for cabbage soup and flour and went to visit the midwives, so that those in the house would have wealth, so that the one who welcomes a newborn into the world would never need anything. It is not difficult to see a symbolic parallel in this, a veiled hint that the Blessed Virgin herself received the newborn Christ-child. In addition, the midwives were given canvases or towels so that the birth she took would be successful and easy. It was a woman's business, that's why unmarried girls, no men were allowed to participate in the holiday.

A little about the iconography of the icon dedicated to the holiday and other icons of the Mother of God

The most famous icon of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary comes from Serbia; it has been known in Russian iconography since the 14th century. Art historians consider this image to be a symbolic version of the “Nativity” icon, since its composition and the biblical characters present on it are close to the “Nativity” icon. It is also believed that the icon of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an illustration for the Christmas stichera written by St. John of Damascus, “What shall we bring,” since it accurately conveys the content of the stichera, which sings about all the gifts brought to His cradle: singing praising the Mother of God and the Infant God - from the angels, the star of Bethlehem - from heaven, gifts - from the wise men and amazement - from the shepherds. Here below are depicted those who sang the event of the Nativity, and the Mother of God, and the Fathers of the Church.

The Orthodox iconography of the Mother of God icons is very large and varied. There are more than 860 names in the iconography of the Mother of God icons, and those commemorated in the Russian calendar Orthodox Church- about 260 miraculous and revered images of Her. Usually the Mother of God is depicted in a purple maforia - the attire of a married woman, purple is the color of the royal affiliation of the Mother of God, on the maforia there are three stars located on the head and shoulders, and under the maforia the Most Holy One is dressed in a blue tunic.

We come to Her icons and pray to the Most Pure One before them. But She also speaks to us from the icons. Icon “Softening Evil Hearts” (Semistrelnaya)- Her indication to us of the need for peace and harmony among ourselves, for every discord - tribal, family, any - like a sharp arrow, pierces Her loving heart, because now, after the Incarnation, we and Her children are forever quarreling among themselves to the great sorrow of our common Heavenly Mother.

Much to pray for Kazan Icon of the Mother of God- one of the main icons of Russia, in whatever troubles those praying turn their gaze to the Mother of God, but especially in front of this icon they ask for deliverance from vision problems. In front of her, since she belongs to the Hodegetria-Guide type, as in front of any other icon of this type, for example, the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, they pray for help on the upcoming journey.

Before icon “Inexhaustible Chalice” they ask for relief from the disease of drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking, for resolution of housing problems, and in general they ask for prosperity in the house. And before the image of the Virgin Mary "Quick to Hear"- about the successful delivery of pregnancy and the birth of healthy children. They also pray for spiritual insight, especially in moments when a person is at a loss and does not know what to do. The Mother of God is addressed to the Mother of God in front of Her “Quick to Hear” icon in all cases when a particularly fast and effective help in Her prayer to the Son. Also, the Mother of God, through her icon “Quick to Hear,” gives help in curing various diseases, even oncological ones.

Has a very powerful healing effect Icon of the Mother of God “Vsetsaritsa”("Pantanassa") She is known throughout the world as a cancer healer. The very name of the icon - “All-Mistress”, “All-Mistress” - speaks of its special, all-encompassing power. Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “The All-Tsarina” they pray for healing from fatal diseases, most often from cancer, for deliverance from witchcraft and conspiracies, and parents whose children are addicted to drugs and alcohol turn to the Mother of God in front of Her icon “The All-Tsarina” for help.

According to legend, the first icon of Eleus - the Tenderness - was painted during the earthly life of the Mother of God by the Evangelist Luke, who entered the house of the Most Holy Theotokos. He depicted the Most Pure One on the tabletop at which the Holy Family was eating. One of the most famous and revered variants of Eleusa in Russian traditions is. In sorrows and temptations, they read prayers and akathists in front of her, pray to the Mother of God for the humility of those at war, for softening evil hearts, as well as about the healing of physical and mental illnesses.

In front of any icon of the Mother of God, we can ask for everything, but every iconographic image of Her acquired in the history of its creation or acquisition carries Her commandment to us, which we can especially ask for precisely in front of this image. Because there are a great many famous icons The Mother of God is evidence of Her many all-encompassing love and attention to us and her readiness for help and intercession.

But, remembering Her maternal feat, let us not forget to thank Her and praise Her for the fact that She gave the world the Eternal God Jesus Christ, thereby opening for us the time of the New Testament, and, as they say, in one of the prayers, through Her Incarnation taken the whole human race for adoption.

Troparion of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, tone 4
Most Pure Mother of God, Mother of God, Thy venerable Cathedral is adorned with many different kindnesses, gifts are brought to Thee, O Lady, by many worldly people, Break our sinful bonds with Thy mercy and save our souls.

Kontakion of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, tone 6
Who was born before the star from the Father without a mother, on earth without a father was incarnated today from You. In the same way, the star preaches the good news to the sorcerer, while the angels and the shepherds sing your indescribable Nativity, O Blessed One.

Prayer - Hymn to the Most Holy Theotokos
Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice, blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.