The sailfish family includes the Atlantic blue marlin. Some sources call it blue marlin. This fish is heat-loving. All year round lives in the tropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean. IN warm months expands its range to temperate waters, but with the onset of cold weather it returns to the tropics. There are more representatives of the species in the west of the Atlantic than in the east. Individual specimens are found in Indian Ocean, where they swim during migration.


Females are 4 times larger than males. The weight of the latter rarely exceeds 160 kg, but the weight of females varies from 540 to 820 kg. However, officially registered Weight Limit females are only 636 kg. A stuffed specimen of this fish is located in the city of Vitoria (state of Espirito Santo, Brazil). The heads of marlins are crowned with a long and strong “spear”. Its length from the tip to the eyes is 20% of the total body length. And here greatest length torso is 5 meters. But only females grow to such a size.

There are 2 dorsal and 2 anal fins. They are supported by special bone spikes (rays). There are many rays. There are from 39 to 43 of them in the first dorsal fin, and 6-7 in the second. Pectoral fins long and narrow and also have rays. To reduce water resistance and increase speed, the pectoral and anal fins are retracted into special recesses on the body.

Blue marlins, thanks to the pigment in their cells, can change color. But in most cases the body is black and blue on top and silver and white below. There are transverse pale blue stripes on the sides. The top of the body is covered with elongated bony scales. The mouth has small teeth. Nerve endings stretch along the sides of the body, detecting fluctuations in water and changes in pressure.

Reproduction and lifespan

Puberty occurs in males at a weight of 35-45 kg, and in females this figure is 48-60 kg. By age this ranges from 2 to 4 years. During the season, which takes place in late summer and autumn, females can spawn up to 4 times. Larvae emerge from the eggs. They grow quickly and turn into juveniles. In young fish, the first dorsal fins are very high, but as they grow, they decrease in size in relation to body length. In its native element, the Atlantic blue marlin lives from 18 to 27 years. Moreover, females live 10 years longer than males.

Behavior and nutrition

This species is in high commercial demand. It is also caught as bycatch in fisheries for other fish species. And to add to this, it is popular among sport fishermen. As a result, blue marlin are considered endangered by the IUCN.

These eat Marine life other marlin, tuna, small schooling fish, squid. The victim's weight is limited to 45 kg. Great help in hunting it has a “spear” that ends at the head. Atlantic blue marlins crash into a school of fish and use a “spear” to stun, injure or kill the prey, and then eat it. In these stomachs sea ​​predators fishermen often find undigested remains of fish, on which chopped and puncture wounds. They are inflicted by a “spear” during a hunt.

Niramin - Apr 26th, 2016

The famous Atlantic blue marlin or blue marlin (lat. Makaira nigricans) lives in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Closer to the equator, you can perform a unique fishing feat - catch a blue marlin. After all, in order to become the owner of a “Grand Slam”, not a tennis one, but one that takes place in a fishing environment, among other conditions, it is necessary to catch this particular fish.

There are countries where marlin fishing is quite strictly regulated by local legislation. In some of them, the law requires the entire catch to be released into the wild. But the main thing for a person obsessed with fishing is not to eat the fish, but to defeat it. In the case of blue marlin, the fight will always be long, difficult and interesting.

Judge for yourself, the length of the fish can reach up to 4 meters, and the weight of the beauty can be up to 0.8 tons. Exactly, beauties. Marlins are one of the few animals whose females are much larger than their male relatives. Fish dark of blue color in the upper part of the body and silvery on the sides, with unusually beautiful dorsal fins and a spear-shaped snout, capable of accelerating up to 100 km/h. Some peoples call it the king fish.

The king marlin fish prefers open water and shallow depths. But it can also approach the shore and go deeper. They live in small flocks of about a dozen individuals. The fish is predatory; it is believed that it prefers tuna, crabs and shrimp to everything else.

In the third year of its life, marlin becomes sexually mature, that is, ready to reproduce. The female lays eggs in quite large quantities, about several million eggs. This happens up to 4 times a year.

Blue marlin in the photo:

Photo: Atlantic blue marlin.

Video: Blue Marlin Action – lots of jumps and fights

Video: Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans)

Fish are not only our source of food. They are also fun and amazing creatures nature, which sometimes you just want to contemplate. But the most fascinating "attribute" of fish is their ability fast swim at incredible speed.

They use their incredible speed to chase food or escape predators. In general, the ability of fish to swim quickly is their way of surviving in wildlife, or rather in the waters.

We present to your attention the list fastest fish in the world, as well as their maximum swimming speed. Some of the things listed here may surprise you, but the truth is that fish truly are some of nature's greatest wonders.

fastest fish in the world

10. Tarpon

Tarpon live in Atlantic Ocean some tropical or subtropical regions globe. They have a well-streamlined body, allowing the tarpon to swim very quickly. Also, tarpon are “equipped” with thick silvery scales, which make them very shiny and attractive to fishermen.

Maximum speed tarpon– 50 kilometers per hour.

The incredible speed of the tiger shark makes it one of the most... dangerous predators in the world. According to statistics, the tiger shark is the second largest of its kind, second only to the white shark. The length of these terrible predators reaches 5 meters.
Maximum speed tiger sharks– 53 kilometers per hour.

8. Albula

Albulas are also among the fastest fish in the world. For the most part this fish used as a catch in sport fishing. They are found in shallow waters of tropical and subtropical regions.

Maximum speed of albul– 60 kilometers per hour.

7. Swordfish

One of the most popular fish, when the conversation turns to sport fishing. Swordfish can reach incredible sizes - about 4.5 meters in length and weight - 650 kg.

Maximum speed of swordfish– 65 kilometers per hour.

6. Blue Shark

It is colored dark blue but has a white belly. Blue sharks are found in deep tropical and temperate regions.

Maximum speed of a gray shark– 69 kilometers per hour.

5. Southern Bluefin Tuna

Also one of the favorites in sport fishing. Based on the name, you probably guessed that it lives this type tuna in southern hemisphere. They grow 2.5 m in length and weigh about 400 kg (bluefin tuna have very large bones, which makes them so heavy).

Maximum speed bluefin tuna – 74 kilometers per hour.

4. Yellow tuna

Externally, they differ from their relatives due to their two yellow and long fins. Due to its small size, yellowfin tuna are able to move and maneuver quickly in the water.

Maximum speed of yellow tuna– 75 kilometers per hour.

3. Striped Marlin

Striped marlin is one of the three fastest fish in the world. The home of these fish is the Pacific Ocean. Also, interestingly, they like to swim close to the surface of the water.

Striped marlin reach a length of 4.2 m and weigh 190 kg. The favorite diet of these giants is sardines. Due to the difficulty of catching them, these fish are included in the sport fishing list.

Maximum speed of striped marlin– 77 kilometers per hour.

2. Horse mackerel

Because they are difficult to catch, sardines are expensive. They are also very tasty, which is why horse mackerel dishes are served in many of the best restaurants in the world.

Maximum speed of horse mackerel– 80 kilometers per hour.

1. Sailboat

The sailfish is the fastest fish in the world, which in its speed leaves many of its competitors behind. From the tip of the sharp “nose” to the tail, their length is 3.5 meters and their weight is 90 kg.

The maximum speed of the sailboat is 112 kilometers per hour. This figure is similar to that of the cheetah, which is considered the fastest land animal.


How much does marlin fish cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Marlins do not mean one specific fish, but a whole family, distributed in temperate and tropical waters of the Atlantic, mainly in the western part of the ocean. Marlin fish are not only an attractive commercial item on the world market, but also an extremely popular sport fishing item.

Marlin fish meat is highly prized in various cuisines around the world. In addition to traditional first courses and cooking over coals, the freshest meat of this fish is an integral part of Japanese sushi - kajiki. It is noteworthy that when preparing this dish, marlin meat is almost not subjected to cooking.

Since marlin meat has a high fat content, it is extremely important not to overcook it when cooking. Grilling is considered the ideal way to prepare this large fish, resulting in a very tender and juicy finished dish.

However, other options homemade also fit well. For example, marlin meat is often boiled, fried in oil, and also, after marinating, cooked on an open fire for a barbecue.

For raw meat Marlin fish is characterized by a reddish color, while when boiled it acquires a pinkish-fawn color. The consistency of this meat is quite dense, and the taste is pleasant. By the way, fish of this family, which differ increased content fat, the meat looks as if it has been glazed or varnished.

In general, when preparing sashimi and some other dishes based on raw fish Marlin meat is often used as a complete substitute for tuna. In addition, marlin and tuna fish successfully replace each other when smoked.

Marlin fish is rich in a lot of useful substances, including vitamins and phosphorus. In addition, the meat of this fish is considered natural source unique omega-3 fats,” which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 50 percent. With regular consumption of marlin meat, due to the content of macro- and microelements, you can improve your mood and avoid depression.

Types of marlin

The most famous species of marlin is the blue marlin - one of the largest fish, which lives in the world's oceans. Thus, the weight of some adult individuals sometimes reaches 800 kilograms with a body length of two to three meters.

In addition, many people are familiar with striped marlin. This species of marlin earned its name due to the pronounced transverse striping of the body. Black and white marlin are also representatives of this kind and is distinguished by the characteristic coloring of the body.

Calorie content of marlin fish 112 kcal

Energy value of marlin fish (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

: 20.1 g (~80 kcal)
: 3.6 g (~32 kcal)
: 0 g (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 72%|29%|0%

The name “marlin” is a common name for fish that belong to the sailfish family and the order Perciformes. In general, this includes eleven species, the main of which are Atlantic blue, blue, black, striped and marlin (photos of it are located below) can reach speeds of up to 130 km/h and are an active, ruthless predator. Among its distinctive characteristics are an elongated, streamlined body and a head with a spear-shaped process. In size, it is the largest among all. Cases have been recorded when the length of some individuals reached five meters. Marlin fish, regardless of variety, are considered an elite trophy in sport fishing. In most cases, she is photographed and released. Therefore, dishes made from it belong to the category of delicacies that are found mainly in expensive restaurants.

The most valuable in the entire family is marlin. Its body is covered with many elongated small scales that are completely hidden under the skin. The dorsal fin consists of two parts of different sizes. The main, first fin has a long base with spiny rays, and the second is short and is located closer to the tail. The pectoral fins are different in that they are not adjacent to the body. The tail of this fish is crescent-shaped and formed by thin but extremely strong blades. The jaw teeth are poorly developed. The weight of the black marlin is also large. Once a specimen was caught with a record weight of 708 kilograms.

These fish are found mainly in the waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans, as well as near the coast Central America and Mexico. The predator feeds mainly on tuna and squid, less often on others. great depth he practically doesn't hunt. Marlin fish spawn mainly in the equatorial regions of the tropical zone. This process lasts throughout the year. At the same time, family members do not create large clusters and do not carry out systematic migrations. Interesting feature This type of fish is breathing. The fact is that while underwater, they swim with their mouths half open. The water that passes through their gills at this time enriches the blood and the entire body with oxygen.

Marlin fish, regardless of the subspecies, has highly valuable and very tasty meat. It is caught mainly using the longline method (tuna is caught in a similar way), or using a harpoon. Spinning rods are used in sport fishing. However, the fight against a giant who is hooked is often long and difficult. The fish constantly tries to go deeper, and sometimes even jumps high into the air. Among the avid fans of this sport, it should be noted that his knowledge of the habits of marlins and the intricacies of the process of catching them helped him write the story “The Old Man and the Sea.” Now everyone has the opportunity to see a stuffed fish by visiting the Museum natural history, which is located at the Washington Smithsonian Institution.