When going for an interview, you need to clearly understand that the interviewer will see you for the first time. He doesn’t yet know how good you are as a specialist, so he will meet you “by your clothes” and project your behavior, appearance, and manner of speaking onto your attitude towards work.

So if you are interested in the outcome of the interview, try to match as much as possible with the image of the “ideal candidate” in HR’s head. Here are common job interview mistakes that can seriously ruin your first impression.


Inability to plan your day- Not best characteristic for the applicant.

The recruiter may conclude that you are constantly late (and, most likely, he will be right).

Looks too relaxed or unkempt.

Inappropriate clothing and general sloppiness- a clear indication of a frivolous attitude towards oneself and, probably, towards work too.

Bad habits

It is clear that an invitation to an alcoholic party on the eve of an interview should be declined. As for smoking, it is often this habit is synonymous with wasting working time, so you shouldn’t advertise it right away. And, by the way, it is better to spit out the chewing gum about a block before the desired building.

Accompanying the interview

The company of a friend, boyfriend, mother and any other “support group” - evidence of the candidate’s complete immaturity.

An exception is if you need help moving, but even in this case, you should ask the accompanying person to wait outside the office.


How to prepare for an interview, what mistakes should be avoided? Many mistakes can be easily avoided if collect more information about a potential employer.

Visit the company's official website, ask your friends, ask a few clarifying questions to the employee you contacted by mail or phone.

  1. You will produce good impression, if you know the history of the company (year of foundation, place in the market, main production), its achievements, and navigate the product range.
  2. Find out in advance how strict the company's dress code is. However, even if everyone in the office wears jeans and slippers, it is better to prefer a business attire for the first interview.
  3. Be sure to ask HR for directions to the building where the interview will take place. Arrive early to have plenty of time for unforeseen situations. It is better to apologize for arriving early and wait a bit than to apologize for being late.
  4. Read the job description carefully. Write down in advance all the points on which you will ask questions.
  5. To pay attention corporate culture. Large employers value candidates who can explain how their personal goals and aspirations align with the company's values ​​and mission.

A story about yourself

At any interview you will probably be asked, “Tell me about yourself.” When answering, it matters what you say and how you say it.


The ideal candidate speaks fluently and confidently, in a well-trained voice with clear intonations.

To everyone who cannot boast of such a thing, in order to prevent typical speech errors During an interview, it is better to follow a few simple rules:

  1. During a conversation, look at your interlocutor. Don't lower your head or support it with your hands- this will make your speech less clear, not to mention the strangeness of such behavior.
  2. Control the volume and speed of speech. Try not to speak too quickly or quietly, but don't shout either.
  3. Grammatically correct speech can be your advantage, do not make obvious mistakes like “ringing” and “laying down”.
  4. Any reduced language during an interview is strictly prohibited. Even in companies with a very creative atmosphere and free morals, it is better not to allow yourself anything stronger than professional slang.
  5. Do not mention terms whose meaning you doubt. Such an attempt to show off your knowledge can lead you to a dead end.

What should and should not be discussed at an interview?

Talk about what the employer will be interested in knowing and will present you in a favorable light:

  • successful projects and other achievements in the last couple of years;
  • new knowledge and skills, obtained in the process of work or study, with an emphasis on how they are useful for business;
  • professional goals for the foreseeable future that you can achieve in this position.

What should you not say at an interview? It is not recommended to paraphrase your resume verbatim. and talk about your education in detail unless you are directly asked to do so.

It is better to leave complaints about life and purely personal goals for meeting with close friends.

Far-reaching career plans for the coming years may alert the interviewer if the position does not clearly imply such.

Try not to interrupt your interlocutor. It is better to answer any question in as much as possible. in 2–3 minutes. Sketch out the main points in advance to quickly navigate during the interview.

How should you behave?

Even for the most confident person, an interview creates some stress.

Try not to give it away too clearly.

Typical behavioral mistakes during an interview: closed postures (crossed arms and legs), frequent touching of hair, manipulation of objects in hands.

This should be avoided. However, even nervous foot tapping will not be as destructive as demonstrating qualities that are completely unacceptable in the opinion of any HR:

Tendency to lie

A mistake during a job interview will be considered outright lies about experience, personal qualities and even hobbies. This information quickly comes to light as soon as a potential employer decides to check your person.

Obsession with money

No more the right way alienate the interviewer than start a conversation about salary without knowing the duties and responsibilities of the proposed position.


Criticism of a previous employer is a bad idea, the recruiter will immediately try on all your attacks. Even worse is to tell how you complained to the labor inspectorate and sued for compensation for illegal dismissal, even if it was completely fair.


It’s best to keep an expert opinion on how everything is wrong with a potential employer and how you can immediately improve it until you’re officially hired.

Take time to prepare for the interview and remember to smile and light humor - they will not deprive your image of seriousness, but will help smooth out rough edges in the conversation.

Useful video

This video discusses the main mistakes made by applicants during an interview:

What is an interview? An interview is a conversation of 10 minutes to 1 hour, during which it is determined whether the person will be hired. "Thanks, Cap!" - you say.

Yes, many, of course, know what an interview is, but this does not stop them from making the most common mistakes. We will talk about these mistakes so that you do not make them, and the vacant position and attractive income remain with you.

Straight to the point, as they say. Let's look at ten mistakes.

Wear your best

Often, wanting to please the employer, people wear the best they have in their wardrobe. The result of this approach is that the person who comes does not know how to dress to suit the occasion.

This also includes an unpretentious and nondescript wardrobe. After spending for a long time When looking for a job, a person may not attach importance to his appearance and come to an interview in an old shirt or frayed jeans.

It would be best to dress modestly but elegantly, choosing clothes such as business style. Your appearance should also be neat - neat hair, trimmed nails, manicure, makeup, etc.

Arrive an hour before your scheduled time

Remember the saying: “Precision is the courtesy of kings”? This also applies to applicants.

It is advisable to arrive for interviews no earlier than 10 minutes before the meeting in order to slightly assess the situation and tidy up your appearance. If you arrive earlier, then the manager may not be there at all, and if he is at home, then he is unlikely to consider it necessary to change his schedule. As a result, you will embarrass not only yourself, but also the office staff, because... Out of politeness, they will have to come up with something to keep you occupied.

Along with this, under no circumstances should you be late for a meeting. It is recommended to find out in advance where the office is located, decide how to get there and leave in advance. If force majeure does occur, there is no need to run into the office in a panic or not come at all - just call, apologize, explain the situation and find out when the manager will be able to see you.

Complain about your previous employer

Even if you quit for some unpleasant reasons, there is no need to let the new employer know about it.

You will naturally be asked why you left your job. past work, and you should name neutral reasons: no career and professional growth, inability to reach your potential, desire to find a job in a more large organization, distance from home, etc.

It’s also not worth criticizing past bosses. If there were, then you shouldn’t talk about it, but if you still had to talk about it, then you need to discuss this topic correctly, emphasizing that you tried your best to resolve the misunderstanding.

Be silent

Although the truth “silence is golden” works in many situations, an interview does not apply to such situations.

Remember that the employer must receive answers to all the questions he is interested in, but after the phrase “Tell me about yourself”, either silence on the part of the applicant or his story about his life often begins. This is a big mistake, because... we need to talk about what specifically concerns the professional sphere, i.e. about education, work experience, wishes and attitude towards work. A short story you can prepare about yourself in advance. Include everything you need, but it should take no more than three minutes.

Another mistake job seekers make is being closed or stiff. But it is important to give complete answers that will give the maximum impression of you as a specialist. And the manager should not “pull” these answers out of you.

Show shyness

Being too modest during an interview is also a hindrance. Under no circumstances can you do it on your own - you must make it clear that your professionalism is at the proper level. But there is no need to over-praise yourself. It is important to adequately evaluate your advantages and disadvantages.

Given that you are talking one-on-one with the employer, you must, as they say, “sell” yourself to him by talking about your strengths. Your position must be objective, and all information must have a real basis and, if possible, evidence, for example, certificates, diplomas, etc.

A good addition here would be a few words about your shortcomings. You may be asked a question about them, so it would be good to come up with an answer in advance. Please note that there is no need to talk, for example, about the habit of being late or not completing assignments on time. But we can say that you may be focused on work at the expense of personal affairs or emotionally experience professional difficulties.

Show no interest or devalue future work

In some cases, applicants do not feel comfortable showing how much they want to get new job, and they, on the contrary, show feigned indifference. But the employer must make sure that the person really wants to work for him.

You need to show a sincere interest in the company, its field of activity, future job responsibilities, etc. You need to be involved in the conversation process - this way the employer will understand that you really want to get a place in his company.

Eliminate templates from your answers to questions, answers for which you have no arguments or that are not at all related to the topic of the meeting. Be attentive to your interlocutor and answer as truthfully as possible.

You need to react with restraint and calm to unpleasant questions, which, quite likely, you may also be asked, which will tell about your resistance to stress. The answer to tricky questions should be a sincere smile and a positive attitude.

Talk about everything in the world

Communication skills and frankness are positive qualities, but even in them you need to know when to stop, and it is undesirable to start conversations with the employer about your family problems, which may affect work, financial or housing difficulties, health issues, etc. None of this is directly related to your future activities, but it may well affect it negatively, and the employer should not know about it.

In addition, there is no need to talk about your manner of interacting with the team, especially if you know nothing about corporate culture new organization. The best option will get a job, become part of the team, evaluate all the nuances and act in accordance with the new regulations.

Point out the attractiveness of financial rewards

One of the most frequently asked interview questions is what attracts an applicant to a new position and company. And the most incorrect answers are answers about attractiveness high salary, social package, good location of the place of work to the house, etc. The personal motives of the applicant are of least interest to the boss, and he wants to hear arguments on why he should hire a new employee.

You should name those reasons that can say about you as a energetic person and a dedicated employee for whom the success of the company is important. The more professional interest you show, the more likely it is that the employer will choose you.

Ask about money

Questions about finances are reserved for the end of the interview and should not be asked in the middle or at the beginning of a conversation. According to the rules of a competent interview, questions regarding the job itself, the employer and the applicant are initially clarified. If towards the end of the meeting you feel that the manager liked you, you can safely inquire about the amount of payment.

You also need to be prepared for the fact that the employer himself will ask you how much you would like to earn. To do this, you need to look at the company’s website or a job search site in advance and find out what conditions it generally offers this company employees, and decide what salary will suit you. In a situation where a lower salary level is offered, there is no need to agree to it.

In general, questions about the amount of earnings are not asked by applicants, but are discussed at the initiative of the employer. And even if this issue was not raised at the first meeting, you will definitely discuss it at the next one if the employer is interested in your candidacy.

Don't ask questions

If the applicant has no questions, this is bad sign, which negatively affects the employer's impression.

Almost always, applicants are asked to ask questions after the main conversation. Questions are an indicator of interest. You need to ask about job responsibilities, monthly work plan, performance evaluation, strategic goals of the company, etc. For convenience, you can take a notepad to the interview and write down information in it, which will indicate your professionalism and serious intentions. And so that there are questions, and they are substantive, for the interview, again, you need to approach it wisely - study in advance the specifics of the company and the features of its activities.

And in conclusion, I would like to give one more piece of advice: if your candidacy was not approved immediately after the interview, call the organization a couple of days later and find out what decision was made on your issue. If the decision is negative, ask what was the reason for the refusal so that you know what to look for in your future job search. Subsequently, act differently and, of course, do not make typical mistakes.

By being even 5 minutes late, you show yourself as a person for whom it is difficult to plan time or this meeting is not important. Both do not characterize you in the best possible way. All the excuses – traffic jams, the door was jammed, I couldn’t find parking, I didn’t have a pass – are useless. Follow the rule: “we did it the way we really wanted.” It was possible to leave in advance, avoid all these problems, look at the map in advance and not get lost, finding out that there is no pass, immediately call the contact person. Therefore, looking for excuses, a person looks ridiculous. It's better not to come than to be late. Of course there are exceptions. If you called in the morning and asked to move the meeting forward half an hour, that's normal.

  • failure to accept employer procedures

In response to a request to fill out a test or some forms, the candidate begins to say that he has already done this and shows dissatisfaction. Let's think about what new things the employer will learn about you if you behave this way. Are you flouting rules and procedures? This vacancy is not that important to you, and you are not willing to spend 20 minutes filling out a questionnaire?

  • negative attitude

In response to the recruiter’s standard question: “How did you get there?”, the candidate begins to talk about all the misadventures that awaited him on the way to the office: they didn’t send him a card, as a result, he couldn’t find the entrance for a long time, they didn’t order a pass for him, the security guard at the entrance is angry and etc. Small talk about how you got there or what the weather is like today is used solely to establish contact with you, ice breaker, this is not an invitation to conversation. The only correct answer is positive and short. You can ask a question in response, the question should be general about everything and nothing (“Have you recently moved?” - if there are objective signs, or “You probably have a great view from your window” - if the company is located on a high floor).

  • inappropriate

You need to find out in advance whether the company has a dress code, and if there is not, then you should dress neutrally. Minimal jewelry and daytime makeup for women, all parts of the body that need to be covered must be covered. The heel is medium, the length of the skirt is medium. I have heard many times that a highly qualified specialist can come in pajamas, and they will still hire him. Highly qualified specialists usually think this way; HR managers think differently.

  • ignorance of the details of the vacancy, poor awareness of the company’s activities, products, services.

How many unpleasant moments could have been avoided if you had really studied information about the company, studied all open sources, and knew everything about the product or service that the employer offers.

Mistakes during an interview that can let anyone down, even the best specialist:

  • use of jargon, abbreviations, non-business vocabulary

You are well versed in your profession and will easily find mutual language with your immediate supervisor, but the HR manager may not be familiar with some details of your specialization. An internal recruiter in companies is a generalist recruiter who recruits sales managers, customer service managers, administrators, programmers, etc. Therefore, there is no need to try to “pass as one of us” using “bird language”. This may be appropriate for a second interview with your immediate supervisor, whose task will be to evaluate you as a professional. The HR manager will evaluate your competencies and soft skills, including the ability to build communication and convey information, so it is in your interests to be understood.

  • illiterate speech, lack of structure in your story, inconsistency
  • assertiveness, the desire to take control of the situation often looks like a “reverse interview” when the candidate asks too many questions

Even if you have a lot of questions, don't forget who is interviewing. You will definitely have the opportunity to ask your questions. This usually happens at the end or beginning of a meeting. When at the end of the meeting you are asked if you have any questions, the risks of “pulling the blanket over yourself” are minimal, since you are under time constraints. And if you are asked about this at the beginning, be careful to limit it to the 3 most important questions.

Common mistakes

Typical mistakes in an interview are two extremes: lack of questions or too “deep” questions. It is not yet known whether the candidate will work in this company, and he is already asking about something that the recruiter himself does not know.

If a candidate doesn’t ask questions, it’s at least strange: either he knows everything about the company that real life it is impossible, either this is the company of his dreams (a large well-known company “well-known”), or he needs a job, no matter where and under what conditions. Try not to look like a person from the third category. It is important for the employer that you want to work in this particular company, in this particular position, otherwise why all these questions about motivation?

When asking questions, you should not go to the other extreme, for example, asking how businesses are doing in the Zimbabwean market after the 2013 drought. Such questions will not give you useful information, and will take up time that the recruiter could spend analyzing your knowledge and skills. Don't deprive him of this opportunity.

What you should never do during an interview:

If you are not offered to undress in the corridor, gently ask where you can leave your clothes. Why is this so important? You form an image in the perception of the person interviewing you in the first couple of minutes. And your main task is to create the impression of “your” person, open, ready to cooperate. By entering in outerwear, you seem to emphasize that you came “from outside”, building an invisible barrier. You should be perceived as if you already work here, because it’s easier to negotiate with “one of your own.”

  • come in with large bags and packages

You may have arrived very early and made purchases in Auchan on the way, make sure that the recruiter does not see this. Otherwise, you get the impression that you were “passing by.”

And finally, the most disastrous mistake can be called the candidate’s reluctance to learn the rules of the game. When you go to a meeting with a client, do you prepare? When you sell, do you prepare? I'm sure yes. An interview is the same transaction, a sale, and ignoring the basic rules of the game would be a big mistake.

The main mistakes applicants make during interviews

1. Non-business clothing. This includes short skirts, bare navels, deep necklines, sneakers, stretched sweaters, and worn-out shoes.

2. Problems with hygiene (oily scalp, odor, dirty nails). This is without comment.

3. The way you enter. Uncertain behavior, timid peeking at the door. Such a candidate will certainly perch on the edge of a chair, with his gaze directed at the floor or table. With all his appearance he shows that he is trying to take up as little space in the room as possible.

4. Being late. It's better to come early. Acceptable delay may be 5–10 minutes. In this case, it is worth calling the interviewer and warning him that you will be delayed.

5. Failure to show up for an interview without warning. Some candidates simply don't show up for interviews. When you start calling them back, they, as a rule, simply do not answer the call. It is clear that such applicants are immediately taken into account.

6. Rudeness, rudeness, defiant behavior. From the very first minutes, such candidates put themselves above the interviewer. They try to jump over his head straight to the manager. For example: “Well, why am I going to talk to you? Maybe you can arrange a meeting for me with the director right away?” It happens that immediately after the interview, such candidates try to call the manager in order to attract attention.

7. Ostentatious indifference. Another variation of the previous point. Here the candidate will sit with an indifferent look, demonstrating that he is bored and is simply forced to go through this stage. But when he communicates with the director, then he will behave differently.

8. The first question you asked was: “How much will I be paid?” One immediately gets the impression that the candidate is primarily concerned with the salary, and not with the tasks that will be assigned to him. By doing this, you will instantly lower your opinion of yourself below the plinth.

9. Bargaining during a preliminary conversation before an interview good conditions labor. Imagine that the recruiter doesn’t yet know what you can do, and you’re already offering to discuss your future working conditions. The result is identical to the previous point.

10. Excessive talkativeness. The candidate gives overly detailed answers to each question, and the answer may take 10–20 minutes. Remember, you need to answer clearly, briefly and to the point.

11. The desire to talk to the interviewer as a friend. Such candidates believe that, having received support, they will be able to advance to the second round of interviews. The interviewer's task is to select the optimal candidate for the open vacancy. Involving him as a friend may negatively affect the outcome of the interview. In addition, during the process of soul outpouring, you can give out a large number of information that will not benefit you.

12. The candidate begins to beg to hire him, presses on pity.

13. Criticism of previous employers. This makes you think about how the candidate will behave and what to say after leaving this company.

14. A story about the experience as a whole, without reference to facts. All yours positive points must be supported by facts. Phrases like “Successful sales experience” no longer attract anyone.

15. Excessive demands on working conditions. Such requirements, if they are not supported by production necessity, work against the applicant. An example would be the case when Chief Accountant she demanded a separate office with a small staff and only two accountants.

16. Hit the recruiter. This is taboo for everyone - taboo. You cannot make complaints to the interviewer. And options like “You are asking me some strange questions”, “This question is not related to work, I will not answer it” are completely unacceptable.

17. Lie. A small lie is good when it cannot be revealed. In other cases - only the truth.

18. Attempts to take the initiative into your own hands. Remember that it is not you who is conducting the interview, but the interviewer. Therefore, there is no need to try to dominate. Nothing good will come of this.

19. Attempts to use manipulative techniques. Some candidates (mostly young ones), having read popular books on psychology, NLP and pickup, try to implement the recommendations of these manuals. For example, they adjust to the interviewer’s posture and breathing. Such attempts are mostly tracked and immediately put an end to your future work.

20. The candidate cannot justify the choice of profession or life path. For example, when asked why you previously worked as a purchasing specialist, and then changed your position to a sales specialist, the candidate replies that, they say, it happened that way. The interviewer may doubt that the choice was conscious and that you will develop in the professional field.

21. Excessive excitement, lack of contact for representatives of communication professions (sales specialist).

What is typical here is a statement of the presence of communication skills and their complete absence during the interview. As you understand, when choosing what to believe - your resume or your own eyes - the recruiter will choose the latter.

22. Inflated salary ambitions during an interview. At the same time, the candidate wants a good wages. This situation is often typical for sales professionals. Sometimes it's better to bet on the future. Prove yourself and you will earn more. The employer is more willing to agree to such conditions. After all, then his risks are reduced.

23. Desire to work in several diverse vacancies. For example, a sales specialist, a purchasing specialist, an accountant. As you understand, the qualities that are important for an accountant and purchasing specialist are very different from those of a sales specialist. This is alarming. If you really want to consider different job options, make different resumes and negotiate for different vacancies so that your interest in diverse positions is not known to the interviewer.

24. Demonstration of personal acquaintances. Such candidates boast of their connections and social circle. As a rule, the more insignificant a person is, the more he tries to flaunt his acquaintances.

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Each of us at least once in our lives looked for a job and, of course, went to interviews with a potential employer. Unfortunately, these meetings did not always go perfectly and we got the job of our dreams. Next, we will look at the most common mistakes we make during interviews.

Poor preparation

As is known, best impromptu- this is a pre-prepared impromptu, so you must prepare for the interview. You should not rely on natural talkativeness and activity. The minimum you should do is to thoroughly study the potential employer's website. Very often, the website contains a lot of information about the company’s activities, management, partners, corporate culture, and so on. If during an interview a candidate says: “I didn’t have time to visit your website,” believe me, his rating in the eyes of the interviewer drops sharply.

Try looking for information about the company in the media; suddenly you come across a recent interview with the head of the company and, as if by chance, mention it during the interview. Believe me, this will be a big plus for you as a potential employee. Be sure to ask your acquaintances and friends, perhaps one of them has previously worked in this organization, and he will be able to tell you about the company from the inside. In general, play a little Sherlock Holmes, but don’t overdo it, don’t like photos of your future leader on social networks, you’ll be misunderstood)))

Lateness and first impression

The first impression is very important, so you shouldn’t overshadow it by being late for the interview. It is better to arrive 10-15 minutes before the start of the interview, as you may have to run around for a long time and look for the right office in the labyrinths of the office center. If you are still late, be sure to call and warn - this is a rule of good manners. When entering the office, be sure to say hello, smile, if they extend their hand to you, shake it, but not too hard. Don't forget to disable mobile phone, it may ring and throw you off track, you'll start to get nervous, and things won't go as you originally planned.

At an interview.
- Name your strengths.
- Perseverance.
- Thank you! We will contact you.
- I'll wait here.


This point is known to everyone, but time after time during interviews we make mistakes in the dress code. You must come to the interview formal business style. It is better that it be: suit, shirt, tie, classic shoes for men and a suit, blouse, skirt/pants, classic shoes for women. Do not smoke before the meeting under any circumstances, take care of fresh breath. It is better for girls to use a minimum of cosmetics and a calm perfume. Of course, exceptions are possible, it makes a difference where you go for an interview and for what position, but why take the risk? I know a lot of managers who have a “fad” about appearance his employees, so keep in mind that everything is important during an interview, even the little things.


When you are talking to a person, keep eye contact. This does not mean that you should drill your interlocutor with “Kashpirovsky’s gaze,” but you also don’t need to look around or study the microbes under your nails. Remember that your voice, gestures, and posture should radiate calm and self-confidence. Use psychological technique and adapt to the interlocutor, to his manner of speaking and behaving.

During the interview:
- Where did the previous employee go?
- I went on maternity leave.
- It’s dangerous here...

Be carefull

Very often, a professional HR manager so skillfully wins over a candidate that he becomes so relaxed and forgets that he is at an interview, and not on a couch with a personal psychologist, and begins to “open his soul to him.” Excessive frankness can negatively affect the results of the meeting. If you tell a sob story about what a scoundrel your former boss was (although, let's not deny that this is possible), this will not make you look better as a candidate. You should not greatly exaggerate, much less lie, about your achievements and results. The professional environment is much smaller than you think, and if you cheat once, it will be very difficult to restore your reputation and it may take years.

I had an interview at one of the companies today. The HR manager gave me a laptop and said: “Try to sell it to me.” Well, I took the laptop and left the room with it, and then... I left altogether. When I got home, the HR manager called me and started shouting hysterically: “Give me my laptop back immediately!” I said: “200 bucks and the laptop is yours.”

Me, me again, me again

Remember, excessive conceit does not make a candidate look good. When talking about your achievements and successes, do not attribute all the laurels only to yourself. Remember that you will also be assessed from the point of view of “ability to work in a team” and “ability to delegate authority.” You should not talk down to the HR manager, since it is his opinion of you that determines whether you will advance to the next stage. He should become your ally.


When at the end of a meeting you are asked: “Do you have any questions?” - not worth asking next questions: “I will have a separate office, and what will my salary be?” Know that you dug your own grave and jumped into it yourself. Be sure to ask questions on a professional topic, ask about the next stages of the interview when you receive feedback Based on the results of communication, how best to prepare for the next stage with your immediate supervisor. The HR manager will raise the issue of salary himself. At the end of the meeting, thank them for their time and make sure you still have your interlocutor’s contact information.

During the interview:
- Good afternoon. I came to apply for a job as a foreman.
- Do you have work experience?
- Yes.
- What questions do you have for us?
- What will my salary be?
- 20,000 rubles.
- But the ad says 150,000. What about the rest?
- Goodbye. You have no work experience.

The main thing to remember: negative result- this is also a result. Even if you were rejected as a result of the interview, analyze it step by step, perhaps you made a mistake somewhere. Failure is not the end of the world! Perhaps this is not your company, not your position, or not a very good time to change jobs.

We hope that these simple tips will help you pass your interview successfully and get your dream job!

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