The ancient biblical name Eve means from other Hebrew. language literally the giver of life, the giver of life. To be more precise, from חָוָה (havakh) - to breathe. Some translate it as foremother and ancestress. It should be noted that Eve’s name day is church calendar extremely rare:

  • 25.04. - for Catholics.
  • 27.08 - for Christians.

Forms of the name Eva

  • diminutive - Evochka, Evusik, Evushka.
  • short - Evka.

People named Eva celebrate their angel day in the week of the holy forefathers- Adam and Eve. Second resurrection. The name is found among all nations Christendom. There are also close, related options that have a similar semantic meaning:

  • Evangelina,
  • Gospels,
  • Evita (Brazil),
  • Evelina,
  • Evelina,
  • Chava (Georgian, Heb.),
  • Yves, Iva (eng).

Since childhood, little Evochka displays qualities inherited from both parents. The kindness towards her comes from her dad, and her obstinacy and stubbornness comes from her mom. Growing up, the girl does not lose these traits, but on the contrary becomes more and more principled and persistent.

As a woman with strong sensuality, she is sometimes very conflicted due to jealousy. She is alive in all her manifestations, for which she is very loved by the stronger sex. There is never a dull moment with her, there is always something going on. There is an important point: betrayal of a loved one will never be forgiven. She needs a hot man; nothing works with a cold and reasonable man.

Being married, Evangelinas are hospitable, love guests, and organize get-togethers and parties. She pays a lot of attention to her appearance, but that’s not the main thing. Usually there is one child in a family. Despite loyalty and constancy towards a partner, they can be married twice.

In the business sphere, he chooses professions related to communication, big amount people, constantly changing events. It could be pedagogical activity, journalism, work in show business.

Martyr Eve

Eve the Foremother

According to the Bible, she is considered the progenitor of all humanity. She broke the commandment of God, seduced by the Serpent. She tasted the fruit and bowed Adam down, forgetting about the prohibition. For which she received punishment. Loss of heavenly life, death at the end of the road, the opportunity to give birth.

People were happy being under the Lord's wing. Having left Him, they knew grief and troubles. But not everything is hopeless. One of Eve's descendants will one day destroy the asp with his life, death and resurrection. Thus, hope was abandoned by God in the hearts of people.

Eve of Dreux - (Catholic)

Memorial Day: 24.08. (06.09.)

Eva from Leodium

There is very little information about this saint. It is known that with early years she believed in Christ. While still just a girl, she became friends with another Christian, Juliana. She, in turn, became famous for being the initiator of the now popular processions of the Body of God. The friend was a resident of the Cornichon borough.

Over the years, the girl Eva closed herself off from the world. She lived in a small, walled-up cell that belonged to the church of the village. Martina. When the persecution of Christians began, Juliana had to hide because they were looking for her. Eva took her to her wretched corner. There they both continued their work, popularizing celebrations in the name of the Body of Christ.

It was established in 1246. They were supported by very famous and respected people in those places:

  • Future Pope Urban IV,
  • Saint-Cher Hugo et al.

St. died Eve around 1264. Pope Leo 13 himself approved the cult of the martyr and ruler.

New Martyr Abbess Eva, Primts.

Memorial Day: 27.08., 07.02 (transition)

Akulina Pavlova was born on July 10, 1879. in the village Issa Mrskovskaya province. from the peasants. Over time, she became abbess in the monastery in Penza. The first arrest was in 1929 in the Saratov region. (village Balki). It is not known exactly what period was given, according to some sources - 3 years of exile, according to others - 8 years.

Since 1935, Aquilina was abbess of the Moscow Sretensky Monastery. He, too, was destroyed, and his mother was exiled to Chimkent. There she, together with other exiled bishops, secretly organized a community of monks. The new nuns were tonsured.

Another time, my mother was arrested in 1937. On charges of counter-revolutionary activities, she was sentenced to death by the Troika under the NKVD. 08/27/1937 Killed in the South Kazakhstan region. During interrogation, Akulina Vasilyevna denied everything, without giving anyone away, and did not name a single name.

The name Eve is from the Hebrew for “living.” As a rule, Eva grows up as a very kind and friendly girl, who inherited her appearance and kindness from her father. But she is also very stubborn, and she inherited her stubbornness from her mother. Eva grows up to be a very persistent, principled, unpredictable, but very sensual woman. Eve also has some inherent jealousy and conflict. But despite this, men adore, as they say, these “living” women because you never get bored with them, although it is worth noting that they never forgive men’s betrayals. A woman with this name will never sit still for long.

She simply loves long trips, skiing, swimming. Most often, she is a thin blonde (often dyed because she believes that men prefer blondes). She also often chooses a profession - secretary-typist, doctor, translator, tailor, hairdresser, teacher. As a rule, Eva is always looking for a husband with the same temperament as hers. Therefore, in search of a worthy partner, some of them never get married. It is worth noting that these women do not like “cold” men at all. Having gotten married, Eva is a very hospitable and hospitable hostess, who is especially good at sweet dishes. Also, a woman with this name prefers male society rather than female society. He always carefully monitors his appearance and has excellent taste.

Eva loves long trips

In clothes he prefers black and red colors. As a rule, women with this name give birth to one child (those born in winter often have girls, those born in summer and autumn usually have boys). Eves who were born in winter have a somewhat contradictory and quarrelsome character, so they are recommended to live separately from their mother-in-law. Many of them marry twice. Eves who were born in autumn are much calmer, softer and more tolerant.

Eve's birthday

  • Name Eva according to zodiac sign: suitable for Capricorns.
  • Eve's Talisman: emerald.
  • Patron Saints of Eve: Eve the martyr.
  • Compatibility of the name Eva: favorable relationships with names: Adam, Adolf, Bronislav, Vladimir, Zinovy, Miroslav, Mikhail, Moses, Oleg, Oles, Yaroslav.

Eva is a kind girl. She looks more like her father than her mother. Having matured, Eva becomes principled and persistent. At the same time, Eva is very sensitive and impressionable. She is also unpredictable. It is unknown what to expect from her and what surprise she may present. Eva is quite jealous, which causes her to have frequent conflicts with her boyfriend.

Eve chooses a husband similar to herself, with strong character. Eva does not like softness and tenderness in men. The search for a future husband may take a long time for Eva. She is often left alone. But if Eva does get married, she becomes a good housewife who cooks well, maintains order in the house and raises children. Eva loves to be in society. Her house is always full of guests. Eva has many friends who have been with her throughout her life.

Fate: A woman named Eva has a strong-willed character, which is complemented by the ability to control herself in any situation. She is characterized by such qualities as balance, restraint, perseverance and attentiveness.

Angel Eve Day

From the Hebrew language - giver of life. “And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, for she became the mother of all living” (Gen. 3.20). The name comes from Jewish name Havwa, which means "life, living." Corresponds to the Slavic Zhiveya, personifying life.

In terms of its sound energy, Eva is a slightly cold name, but lively and purposeful. The idea associated with this name also plays a significant role " original sin", and due to the small distribution of this name in Russia, such a connection can be traced quite clearly, leaving a certain imprint on the character of Eve. No, this does not mean at all that modern Eve will be a copy of the legendary foremother of humanity, however, the ambiguity of this biblical image has not cooled down over the centuries interest in this issue indicates its importance.In addition, this idea resonates well with the general energy of the name.

In fact, the name conveys sensual aspiration, activity, perhaps even passion, but at the same time, a certain lack of softness makes the name somewhat cold. Isn’t it very similar to the biblical legend, when the passion for “eating erotic apples” turns into anxiety, and then the cold of expulsion from a happy paradise? In addition to everything, these thoughts will come to Eva’s head even in early age, and first impressions, as you know, are distinguished by the greatest depth.

When it comes to love, its inherent logic and rationalism recede into the background. Now she is an affectionate, gentle, cheerful woman, you will never get bored with her. As her life partner, Eva most often chooses a man with the same character and temperament as hers. She does not tolerate cold partners around her. She will not get married until she finds a man who fully corresponds to her ideals. It often happens that Eva’s first marriage may not be entirely successful.

She is the head of the family, but she exercises this leadership tactfully. A woman with that name is a wonderful hospitable hostess and an excellent cook who will more than once delight not only her family, but also her guests with her edible masterpieces. This makes the husband constantly crazy about his wife. Usually family life Eve always brings her happiness and lasts long years. However, she does not want to live with her mother-in-law and is trying to build a family nest outside her husband’s parental home.

At the moment of birth, a person is influenced by many factors that do not depend on anyone, such as time, place, year and month of birth. But there are factors that depend on our parents.

Our name is such a factor. The name Eva is very common, as it is very feminine and gentle. How did the name Eva come about?

Origin of the name

The name Eve comes from the Hebrew word meaning “life-giving”. IN modern context The name translates as “cheerful”, “mischievous”. Exactly this famous name worldwide.

The name Eve in Orthodoxy

Eve is considered the biblical ancestor of all people. Adam called his wife this name. But also in Orthodoxy this name is associated with the Fall, because it was because of Eve’s offense that the first people were expelled from Paradise.

The name Eva is also associated with Slavic goddess life Alive.

Name day and Angel's Day

Eva – Orthodox name. Her name day is celebrated on the week of veneration of saints Adam and Eve, two weeks before Christmas. Name days can also be celebrated on the day of remembrance of the saint. Great Martyr Eve August 27. According to some sources Day Angel Eve celebrates April 12th.

The influence of a name on fate

Eve's fate is as contradictory as her character. Thanks to his artistic and unpredictable character, Eve's fate is completely in her hands. No matter what happens in life, this woman will always be true to herself, her outlook on life and will not follow the lead of those around her. Although this behavior complicates Eva’s life, she will always remain herself. Her fate is completely in her hands, Eva realizes this and builds her life as she sees fit. You will never get bored with Eva, this is how she always attracts people to her, and everyone can find something of their own in Eva.

Name Eva for a girl

The first impression that little Eva makes is that she is a very obedient and calm girl. But it hides in it real rebellious character. Eva is very often a leader among her peers; people listen to her opinion and respect her. She can subdue children's group and lead him along. She can be stubborn, capricious, and willful. It is difficult for her to live by the rules established in society. Little Eva is a big dreamer. She can invent non-existent worlds and scare her family scary stories. As a child, Eva is very mobile, active, she is interested in everything around her, but she does not have perseverance. More often she plays with older children, since she is not interested in playing with others her own age.

Eva has the ability to learn, but she does not like to study. Very often in school years Eva shocks both teachers and parents with her behavior.

Therefore, when raising Eva, it is necessary to be patient, and also to provide her with conditions for an active life: often walk with her, take her to clubs and sections in order to give an outlet to her irrepressible energy. Eva’s parents need to be sure to monitor her diet, as Eva, who is overly active and enthusiastic, sometimes forgets to eat.

Character of the name

The name Eva endows its owner with both positive and negative traits. The positive ones include: romance, responsiveness, and the desire to avoid conflicts. TO negative traits refers to passivity, inability to take decisive action. Very often, women with the name Eva fall under the influence of magicians, sorcerers, various charlatans, and join various sects, because they believe in everything supernatural. Eva’s character is complex, she is distinguished stubbornness, tendency to tantrums, unpredictability. Usually their own positive features, such as kindness and peacefulness, Eve takes from her father. From her mother, Eva inherits stubbornness and an unbalanced character. Adult Eva, just like in childhood, does not like to sit in one place. She loves to move, travel, hike, and especially swim. Eva has very well developed intuition, so it is difficult to deceive her.

No matter what, Eva will never change her character and will not bend to circumstances. All her life she will be stubborn, daring, and assertive. He will always defend his views, have his own opinion.


Eves have good health and endurance thanks to the love for an active lifestyle. May suffer from hypotension ( low blood pressure), and also likely obesity.

Eva needs to pay special attention to the work of the intestines, lungs and pay special attention to the skin. In general, Eve is advised to lead a moderate lifestyle.

In relationships with men

Despite complex nature, Eva is not deprived of male attention. But Eve You have to choose your man yourself. Those who are ready to throw everything at her feet are simply not interesting to Eva. She is looking for a man to match herself, as bright, strong, and active. Next to her man, Eva becomes soft, affectionate, and obedient. But if Eve is never able to meet her soul mate, she would prefer to be alone than with someone she doesn’t like. Therefore, many Eves marry late or do not marry at all.


Eve ready to do anything for my family and beloved husband. For Eva, a husband is support, support and protection, since Eva is very vulnerable and sensitive to aggression or injustice. She is a wonderful mother and wife. She loves to cook, host and entertain guests. Eva prefers male company and pays a lot of attention to her appearance and clothing. With Eva, there will never be a dull moment in the family, and all her loved ones will be surrounded by care and attention. Since Eve prefers active life and does not like to sit at home, it is usually limited to one child. No matter how much Eva loved her husband, she never will not forgive betrayal. Eves often remarry.

Name compatibility

Name Eva compatible with such male names, like Boris, Gleb, . With men bearing these names, Eva may flare up vivid feelings, a dizzying novel. With men like this, Eva can create a strong family. Eve should not build relationships with men with the names , .

Eva's career

Eve endowed with many talents, high capacity and resistance to stress and conflict. Eva always stands out from the company of her colleagues. Because of her rejection of life by rules, Eva may find it difficult to work in a team in which everything is sorted into shelves. She needs freedom to realize her plans, but at the same time, Eva needs support and approval. For Eva’s career to be successful, she needs to cope with her stubbornness, learn to respect the opinions of other people and listen to them. Eva will like professions such as teacher, manager, librarian, fashion designer. As well as all professions related to people, for example doctor, nurse. Eva can become an excellent leader who will charge her subordinates with faith in success, optimism and assertiveness.

Name and zodiac signs

The name Eva should be given to girls born under the signs Taurus, Pisces and Virgo. Thanks to the successful combination of name and zodiac sign, it will be easier for Eve to show her positive traits and fight character flaws.

Charms and talismans:

In addition to the name, many factors influence our lives, so we shouldn’t take all characteristics personally. But knowing how a name influences us is important in order to be able to act correctly and make the right decisions.

When is Eve's name day according to the church calendar?: on St. Sunday father, on St. Sunday forefather – Eve, foremother, wife of Adam.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Eva:

From the Hebrew language - giver of life. “And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, for she became the mother of all living” (Gen. 3.20). The name comes from the Hebrew name Havva, which means "life, living." Corresponds to the Slavic Zhiveya, personifying life.

In terms of its sound energy, Eva is a slightly cold name, but lively and purposeful. The idea of ​​“original sin” associated with this name also plays a significant role, and due to the small distribution of this name in Russia, such a connection can be traced quite clearly, leaving a certain imprint on the character of Eve. No, this does not mean at all that modern Eve will be a copy of the legendary foremother of humanity, however, the ambiguity of this biblical image and the interest in this issue that has not cooled down over the centuries testify to its importance. In addition, this idea resonates well with the general energy of the name.

In fact, the name conveys sensual aspiration, activity, perhaps even passion, but at the same time, a certain lack of softness makes the name somewhat cold. Isn’t it very similar to the biblical legend, when the passion for “eating erotic apples” turns into anxiety, and then the cold of expulsion from a happy paradise? In addition to everything, these thoughts will come to Eva herself at an early age, and first impressions, as we know, are distinguished by the greatest depth.

Congratulations on Eva’s name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Eve's name day and congratulate Eve on Angel's Day.

Your name is a synonym

Femininity, beauty,

We say with admiration...

If Eva, then you!

Charming, lovely,

You are a woman, and that's all!

And it’s appropriate for Eve to say so,

Everything was decided for her.

So let the name, carrying light,

It will make your life easier,

Let it be easier to live, breathe,

Let melancholy not squeeze your chest!

Eve - divine your name,

Dear girl, you are a fairy tale in the world,

Everyone would feel like a king

Myself, being with you in the apartment.

You sparkle like a ruby,

And our congratulations are aimed at this,

To take you as my wife

A prince or a count - that's the only way.

Sweet fruit from the tree of life

You are so kind and gentle, Eva,

How intelligent and brave the princess is,

A maiden is intoxicating like wine,

Affectionate, sweet as a cat,

The foot will step carefully,

Jumping out of the window

I just want a little

Hug you, dear,

Precious, golden,

I’m proud, but also simple,