Brugmansia (Brugmansia.) - a spectacular tropical plant, which is often mistakenly called a dope. The confusion occurred due to the fact that these two, although being relatives, but still completely different plants from the Parenic family (Solanaceae) used to be combined into one way. About how to distinguish them read .


Motherland brugmania - Tropics of South America. In natural conditions, these are shrubs or trees of rather impressive sizes (up to 10 m height). On tourists who visited Thailand an unforgettable impression produce these spreadable plants, ridiculously hung with huge disrupting flowers of various colors, exacerbating a strong fragrance. Flowers can be simple or terry. Some varieties of flowers hang down, others are directed a little to the side, but never up (like a date). Flowers have a tubular bell shape, for which in the Americas countries are called "Angels Pipe".

The Latin name South Beauty received in honor of Botany from the Netherlands Sebalda Justinus Bruhmans (1763 - 1819).

It must be remembered that all parts of Brugmansia are very poisonous!

Brugmissy at home

Tropical beauty does not endure frosts, so where the winter is cold, it can be grown only as a waiting plant in apartments, greenhouses or winter gardens. Deciding to start the house by Brugmancia, it is necessary to immediately take into account that this is a very large plant, you will not place it on the windowsill. He needs to highlight enough space in a large sunny room.

Brugmissy, landing and care Behind which at home does not represent special difficulties, needs spacious capacity. Big and stable ships are best. Young plants are transplanted early in spring in size in size. Large adult bushes do not translate, and the top layer of the soil is replaced annually.

The soil for a rusty growing and abundantly blooming Brugmancia should be fertile. This plant needs regular feeding in the spring-summer period. In addition to mineral fertilizers for flowering plants, it is good to use an infusion of bird litter or manure, as Brugmancia reacts very well to the organic. It will benefit to her and the infusion of compost.

Large leaves of Brugmansia evaporate a lot of moisture, so that it needs frequent and abundant irrigation. Loves this beautifully flowing tropical plant and spraying with warm water. However, water, especially in the cold season, should not be stamped in the pallet, otherwise the plant can be understood. If it happened, then not to lose at all Brugmancia, you can cut back still healthy upper shoots on the cuttings.

Perfectly, if it is possible to put Bermancia for the summer on fresh air - on the veranda or in the garden. Only to the sun it will be necessary to teach gradually. It is possible to carry a container with Brugmancia in the garden to the ground. Then, over the summer, her roots will germinate through the lower holes of the pot into the open ground, the plant will receive more nutrients and better develop. In the fall, before the onset of frosts, the pot digs, cutting off the outer roots, the plant is transferred to the wintering room to the room, having finished the crown.

It is possible if the container is plastic, drill holes in its walls. Then, at the Brugmancia, planted along with this container, will grow more roots, respectively and the power is better. In the fall, all these roots are cut off, at the same time cutting and crown to lose parts of the roots, the plant has not weakened.

Wintering for room Brugmissy should be cool (8-12 ° C). If possible, the temperature can be reduced to 5 ° C. Watering is reduced, watering only when the upper layer of soil dries. This is necessary in order to slow down as far as possible, vegetation. After all, in winter in northern latitudes there is not enough light, winter shoots will be defective, and the plant will exhaus.

Brugmissy, Growing, Care, Reproduction which is not very complex, needs only in a well-organized wintering. If you choose a light cool room (and it may even be a staircase or an entrance) is impossible, a dark attic or cellar is suitable for wintering. In this case, the temperature should not be higher than + 5 ° C. Then the plant will relieve the leaves, watering will need to limit as much as possible, and put the spring for the spring.

Brugmansia in open ground

For the landing of Brugmansia in the garden choose a sunny place. Ideal if it is protected from strong winds, such as a house wall or a fence. The soil should be very fertile. For landing, they prepare a large pit, on the bottom of which the thick layer of compost or manure is sure to be poured. I regularly murdered by a compost, overwhelmed by the ground around my Brugmissions, and from above - dried bevelled grass. I do it 2-3 times a year. In this case, no fertilizer is needed, although it is possible to pour a plant with lime water once a year (1 g of gaundled lime on 1 liter of water).

Brugmancia It will be very grateful for frequent abundant watering in the summer. However, she can persistently move and drought, just in this case the bloom will significantly decrease. It is also good to arrange her shower in the evenings.

The bloom of Brugmansia in the open ground in Greece begins approximately (it depends on the weather) at the end of May and continues until November-December, and if the winter warm and night there was no frost, even in winter.

Growing Brugmansia in the open soil In countries with a warm climate, usually does not cause gardener. The only danger is a sudden night freezing. In my garden in Greece, it can happen 1-2 times in the whole winter. If it is shy only slightly, in the morning, then Brugmansia will only lose the leaves, the delicate tops of young shoots will dry out. But sometimes frost can be all night. And, although the temperature is rarely lowered below the level -1 ° C, this is enough to the powerful, about 2 meters high, the plant, extinct to the base. Therefore, despite the warm weather, I have been covered with the bottom of the bush from the end of October (about 1 meter from the ground) with dry leaves, top with the leaves of fan palm trees and all together pulling a rope. In this case, even if the upper part is frost, the spring Brugmissy will quickly recover.

Trimbing Brugmania

Brugmissy is well tolerating trimming. It can be grown in the form of a tree or bush - it depends only on your desire.

The reproduction of Brugmansia

The reproduction of Brugmansia cuttings is an easy and fast way to get a lot of new plants. The cuttings of up to 20 cm long cut in spring or early summer from the topless shoots and put in a jar with water. Soon the roots will appear. Each cutlets are planted in a separate pottery and keep in a shady spot until it is touching in growth.

Why not blooms by Brugmissy?

The plant grown from the cutter can be blooming for the second year, but usually young plants bloom at the 3rd year after landing. Another reason is the lack of lighting. In this case, Brugmansia shoots grow long and weak. With insufficient watering, if it led to the drying of the Earth Koma, Brugmancia can reset buds.

In the photo below, Brugmansia is under the balcony - a sprawling bush with a height of about 3 meters.

N And the first view of the plant with such an unusual name resembles Duram, according to the will of an unknown wizard enlarged several times before the sizes of the tree. The first impression, as is often the case, turns out to be true: Brugmansia and Duman the nearest relatives, who only recently divided biologists by making the Brugmancia with independent genus.

The plant is distinguished by originality and sophistication. Special beauty, the uniqueness and charm of Brugmansia give numerous huge flowers, which, besides, perfectly smelling. Such an exotic beauty that does not require great effort during cultivation, the desired decoration of the house, terrace or winter garden, where it is well neighboring with such plants as abutilon , bougainvilia , Tellandia, Friezia, neopherage. In the tropical climate, Brugmansia is planted in an open ground.

The only "disadvantage" of Brugmansia during the cultivation at home is its size: it takes a lot of space. Therefore, possessing a branched powerful root system, needs a large container with a substrate. But the bred some new varieties do not have impressive dimensions and speed of growth and are quite suitable for apartments, for example, Cordata Red or Culebra varieties (the latter is different, besides, from other narrow leaves).

Systematics and names

BRUGMANSIA is part of the Solanaeae family (Parenic) from the class of Dwalleled Division of Flower. Previously, Brugmancia attributed to the genus Duram, but the vital form and some morphological features allowed to allocate it in a separate genus.

Scientific Latin name Brugmansia Plant received in honor of the scientist from the Netherlands Sebalda Justinus Bruges. The Folk Names of Brugmissy are connected, mainly with the form of its colors: Angel Pipes, Pipes of Archangelov, Arkhangelsk Mountain. Some are based on similarity with dope: Duman-tree, dura-tree, woody dope.

Morphological structure

The vital form of Brugmansia is evergreen shrubs and small trees with a height of 3-11 m with a symphodial branch type.

The leaves are simple, oval or ovoid, pointed at the end, green. There are copper varieties. Brugmansia develops the leaves of two types: large, up to 50 cm, in which the edge of the leaf plate is smooth, and the leaves are slightly smaller, the edges of which are cut. Leaves on long stiffs. The surface of the sheet matte, slightly velvety to the touch. Microscopic hair, creating a "velvet effect", protect the leaf fabric from sunburn, allowing Brugmissions to grow under the rays of the tropical sun.

The root system is rod, powerful, branched, with a large number of additional roots.

In the photo: Brugmancia fragrant / fragrant, grade "Flamenco"

Flowers are large, reaching a half-meter in length and 20 cm in diameter, have a double perianther. Very quickly grow and develop: sometimes, per day, the flower can grow by 6-8 cm. The tubular whisk is formed by five consolidated petals, the color of which can be white, yellow, red or cream. Selective varieties of petals are any colorful, available colors: from cream or pink to purple or cobalt. There are varieties with terry flowers.

Flowers are pollinated by insects, to attract the smell. Frame colors are especially strong in evening and night hours. Fruits - boxes.

Growing conditions

Brugmancia is a thermal-loving plant that does not withstand frosts of a temperate climatic zone, even if it is covered by winter. Therefore, here Brugmansia is grown either in a closed soil (greenhouses, winter gardens, residential premises), or use the combined option. That is, from the middle or end of spring to the beginning or mid-autumn, the plant is put on the street, pre-catching it to new conditions, and in the cold period of the year, Brugmansia is indoors.

In the photo: Rare variety of Brugmissions "Culebra" with narrow long leaves and separated petals, all other varieties and species of petals have grown.

The best summer temperatures for Brugmissy are plus 22 -28 degrees. Medium winter temperatures may be below 15-18 degrees, in this case, Brugmansia will be able to be at rest, stop blossoming and actively vegetate. Brugmancia can withstand the temperature of + 8-10 degrees, while it partially or completely drops foliage. This is a normal phenomenon with a decrease in temperature. However, it is a less desirable way of wintering.

When leaving you need to consider another number of features. one). The plant does not like sharp drops of temperature and drafts. 2). On the hot sun, Brugmansia may look faded, but in the evening it looks great to look again, so it's not worth overgrown. 3). To reduce the overheating of the plant from the open sun, it grows in bright large frames, for adult copies of at least 15 liters, which are placed in summer in a half.

In the photo: An outstanding variety of tree Brugmissy "KnightII", marked by British royal gardening society. It has long blossoms and two-tier snow-white flowers.

Since in nature, many Brugmissions grow in the Equatorial zone, then in culture they will feel well with uniformly annual temperatures. In this case, Brugmancia can bloom without ceasing, remaining an attractive all year round.

Wherever Brugmansia grew up: in the winter garden, on the balcony or on the windowsill, it needs good lighting with straight sunshine at least a couple of hours a day. At the same time, a very bright sun for a long time can make her flowers dull. In apartments, Brugmansia is better placed on southern or western windowsill. In the summer of hot afternoon, the plant requires shading.

In the room, away from the window, it is necessary to provide Brugmissy an additional light. To do this, use lamps with the corresponding light wavelengths, so-called phytolamby. In the autumn-winter period, additional lighting is also desirable. If the plant winter indoors with low temperatures (5-7 degrees), then it may be in complete darkness.

In the photo: Brugmissy in the open ground, Crimea

Brugmissy prefers to grow on nutrient rich in organic substrates of medium severity or lungs. Loyally refers to various soil acidity, it is important that the soil for the plant is well aerated and passed water.

In order to prevent the water stagnation in the container and protect the Brugmancia from getting the roots when boarding the bottom of the pot put drainage. Ceramzit, small stones, shards, pebbles can be drainage. Since the growth rate of many varieties is high, the plant is needed every year in the spring of replant, changing the soil and a pot to more, or grow new copies from cuttings. In large plants that are difficult to replant change the upper layer of the soil on a new fertile.

Humidity and watering
Possessing the huge surface of the leaves, Brugmansia loses a large amount of water that evaporates through the dust. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the plant does not stop, especially if Brugmansia grows in a pot. But Brugmancia is also very sensitive to an excessive amount of water: it can be drove the roots. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the water is not stood in the pallet. A good option for summer cultivation is to instil the Brugmania in the substrate along with the pot. Sometimes Brugmancia is planted at all from the pot into the ground, and they return to it for wintering. But this is possible only in the southern regions of the country.

When watering, it is necessary to ensure that the water does not get on the leaves and flowers. When growing in the room, Brugmansia provide sufficient air humidity. You can increase moisture:
by splashing water near the plant;
Puting a container with water;
Having installed a pot with Brugmancia on a podlon with wet clay;
putting a few plants nearby (in groups of plants it is better to store moisture);
Having installed a special device that increases the humidity of the air.

In the photo: The young escape of Brugmansia, a fork is visible in the lower part. Open ground. Crimea.

Fertilizer's application is carried out 4-6 times over the growing season, if Brugmansia grows in the open soil. And if the plant does not leave the room, the fertilizers contribute from spring until the end of the summer every seven or ten days. The better the Brugmissy will eat, the stronger and longer it will bloom, and her flowers will be brighter.

Even if Brugmansia is contained all year round in the same temperature conditions, in the late autumn and winter does not bring feeding.

Fertilizers can be used liquid, which dissolve in water and water the plant, or solid, which are made to the substrate, where they slowly dissolve and give macro and trace elements. In the second case, fertilize Brugmancia can be 1-2 times per season. It is good to alternate the use of organic and mineral components, preferring phosphorus-potash elements.

To feed the plant is needed carefully: in overdose or exceeding the concentration of active substances, Brugmansia will receive toxic burns.

Depending on the conditions and goals of cultivation, the pruning of Brugmissy is carried out. Trimming can adjust the height and shape of the plant (stack or bush), the number of shoots and branching, maintain a neat view, to break down the thickened instances. Crop the Brugmacy in the fall. Below the development shoots are not shortening - it delays flowering. Family plants have all new shoots that appear from the soil are removed.

In the photo: Fair cultivation of Brugmansia, Stack.

Preparation for wintering
In some cases, if Brugmancia is grown in summer on the street, cuttings are cut from her shootings, which are moving at home for the future season, the old plant is thrown away at the end of the autumn. In this case, Brugmancia cultivate as an annual culture, so we often do with.

More often choose another version of wintering. Brugmacy digs up, cutting the roots in the size of the pot, in which it is placed. Simultaneously reduce (cut out) part of the shoots. In this form, the cropped root is easier to drink a plant.

You can share a bush on the number of shoots, each decene (escape with roots) to put in a separate pot and transfer to the premises to spring.

In winter, Brugmansia watered very moderately.

The reproduction of Brugmansia

Brugmancia is breeding vegetative and generative.

Geneant, or seed, reproduction Brugmania can lead to a loss of its varietal qualities, especially in the most decorative hybrids, although in nature the seed reproduction exists. In the culture of the same, the descendants will not necessarily be like parental forms. Therefore, for sowing seeds it is better to purchase in specialized stores, and not to use collected from their plants. When choosing a variety, it is necessary to remember that the varieties with simple flowers are easier to grow, they bloom faster, rather than terry.

Seeds are sown from January to March (so that the seedlings reacted to an increase in the daylight). The composition of the substrate should be approximately: peat + sand (perlite) in a 1: 1 ratio. But variations are possible. The main thing is that the soil for planting seeds is sufficiently light, nutritious and wet.

The depth of seed seed 1.0-1.3 cm. After planting, they are covered with a film with aeration holes done in it. Temperature necessary for germination of seeds, + 22-25 degrees.

After germination of seeds, the film must be raised to a height of 40-60 cm from the soil level. The presence of a film will ensure the necessary humidity (75-85%). Support moisture by splashing water in the air. Lighting should be bright, without direct sunlight.

The transplantation of seeds to the pot is carried out when the seedlings are empty three or four normal, not semi-siardial, sheet.

Vegetative reproduction They are carried out by rooting green or semi-resistive cuttings taken from young shoots with a developed growth point. It is better to carry out the shifting in July-August during flowering (with non-defeating shoots, cuttings are not cut). Earlier, in the year of the plant from the semi-restless cuttings bloom. Green cuttings will allow the blooming Brugmissions in only a year. A good result gives the reproduction of root cuttings, they can be taken from the transplantation of the plant.

Another feature must be taken into account when the planting material is billet. Brugmancia forms buds only after a formed formed on a young stem (usually at an altitude of 80 cm), the buds are not laid below. Therefore, the cuttings are so appreciated, because they will soon bloom. If you take a stalk above the fork, then the floral buds on the plant obtained will be laid below.

Soots up to 20 cm long (photo 1), cut with a sharp knife or a secateur. From long shoots you can get several cuttings at once.

For better rooting, the bottom leaves from the escape must be cut off (photo 2).

Then the cuttings are placed in the water. To prevent the appearance of rotary bacteria, activated carbon (1-3 tablets) is added to the water. Water periodically change, dissolving coal in it.

Brugmissy shoots can be rooted in the substrate using a rootier (photo 3 and 4). The pots are planted 1-4 cuttings, if necessary, put a sign with the name of the variety, if several (photo 5) participates in reproduction. When growing, the same conditions are observed.

Brugmancia: Diseases and pests

Insects pests

Bellenka - Small insect, appearance resembling a small white mole. Dangerous pest, powered by juice of plants. Most often, the white bar is striking the plants of the closed soil. When the appearance, it is necessary to handle Brugmancia insecticide, after 4-5 days, repeat the processing. Preparations: "Admiral", "Aktara".

Aphid - Small insects living with groups affecting Barmancia, growing in closed soil and on the street. More often the plant is affected by the green tool, and not black. Insects suck nutrients from all parts of the plant, but prefer buds and young leaves.

When the twee is detected, the Brugmancia is treated with insecticide or use folk methods (tobacco or soap-sized tincture). Preparations: "Commander", "Actor", "Phytoverm". It is necessary to carry out 2-3 processing. If Brugmansia grows on the street, then you need to pay attention to the Moravian nests located nearby and destroy them. The ants cultivate the TRU, so in the presence of them get rid of the pests very difficult.

In the photo: Golden Barmancia

Caterpiles Amazed Brugmancia, growing in the open soil. Large caterpillars can be collected manually, but if the larvae of butterflies are too much, you need to use insecticide, for example, "avant", "Decis Profi", "lepyocid". For the fight against caterpillars, which are the larch stages of butterflies, you can use both biological methods of struggle, for example, attract birds into the garden.

Brugmissy pests belonging to other systematic groups

Cobed tick - A very small pest related to the spider-shaped, to see which, sometimes, you can only with the help of magnifying glass. In case of damage to the tick leaves, the Brugmansia is withering, twisted, lose color. Characteristic feature - the presence of a cobweb. Cobed tick - One of the most dangerous pests, to deal with which is very difficult. 3-4 processing by acaricidal preparations, such as "Apopllo", Borneo, "Envidor", "Klezhevit", Omaith 57, Marshal (high-tech).
In order to prevent Brugmancia, it is necessary to carry out fresh air, and with a very strong heat and dry air to spray the leaves.

In the photo: Brugmansia is fragrant white - one of the views, best of all behaved in gardening. His advantages - unpretentiousness, long blossom and amazing flavor.

Slug - pests relate to mollusks. Prerequisites for their development usually serve dampness, abundance of moisture, bad drainage. The slugs are mostly striking the Brugmancia growing in the open soil. To combat slugs, specific drugs are used, as well as, if possible, change the conditions for the content of Brugmancia (tolerate from a raw place, cut part of the branches). Preparation: "Thunderstorm".

Fungal diseases of Brugmania

Most often aboveground parts of Brugmissy affect gray Gnil and puffy dew . Prerequisites for the development of diseases are wet weather, water entering the leaves, sharp cooling.

At the first signs of diseases - the appearance on the leaves or bootons of gray plaque or white mildew, it is necessary to treat the plant by fungicide ("quadris", "Maxim", "Topaz", "Vetra"). The number of treatments depends on the degree of damage to the plant, but there must be at least two. With severe damage, infected parts of the plant must be removed.

Prevention measures:
with a decrease in temperature to reduce watering;
monitor that when watering, water does not fall into leaves and flowers;
To spray Brugmancia only during warm and dry weather;
In prophylactic purposes, process with fungicidal drugs.

Root fungus rot It develops with wet water in the container, with poor drainage and with a sharp change of temperature. If the disease occurs, the affected roots are removed, and the Bargmancia is treated with a fungicidal preparation, for example, "Glyocladin" can be used.

Interesting facts about Brugmissy

Brugmansia long time was revered and revered by shamans. Flowers used for their outfit, brewing tea, holding rituals, believing that the plant helps to predict the future, cause the spirit of the deceased, to help in search of gold. Such a conviction, most likely, arose due to the toxicity of Brugmansia, capable of causing a person like a drunk ugon.

Nevertheless, the presence in the plant atropine, historical, the scopoloman confirms the antispasmodic, anesthetic, the narcotic effect of Brugmancia. In the countries of growth, the leaves of the plant and are now applied externally to problem areas of the skin and with inflammation of the joints.

Currently, all the work on landing, care or reproduction of Brugmissy is recommended to be carried out in gloves and closed clothes.

On sale a plant can be found under the name "Angels Pipes" (Angel Trumpet).

Brugmansia (Lat. Brugmansia) - an incredibly beautiful exotic evergreen plant of the family of Parotnic. A tree plant in natural nature reaches a height of 5 meters. In our temperate climate, its height is 2-3 meters.
The effect of the plant gives large fragrant flowers in the form of gramophones lowered down. They look so elegant that it is impossible to take eye from them.

Sometimes the flower of Brugmansia is called "Angel Pipes." The palette of shades of flowering tropical beauty is very diverse: from gentle pastel tones to bright and rich, sometimes several colors are combined simultaneously. Flowers gramophilies can be simple, semi-level, terry shape, as well as with funnels, which are located on two levels.

The flowering period is July-August. Right luxurious flower from the tropics and subtropics of South America. This is a thermo-loving plant, which is successfully grown in the southern regions, the winter of Brugmancia should be carried out in the warm room, it will not transfer the winter cold. Therefore, it is planted into the open ground in the containers, which are listed for the winter.

Views of Brugmania

  • Fascinous Brugmissy.This species also has the name - fragrant. The birthplace of the species is solar Brazil with a hot climate, where the plant feels comfortable. By creating similar climatic conditions in the room (greenhouse or greenhouse), it will bloom and fierce all year round. In natural nature, this species reaches a height of 5 meters. Its large snow-white, sometimes with a light green or light yellow shade look very attractive. Large leaves, oval reaches a length of 25 cm, widths - 15 cm. The plant grows pretty quickly.
  • Golden. View of Brugmissy from Colombia. The peculiarity of this type of yellow-orange painting of flowers and the elongated shape of the leaves, reaching the length of 0.5 meters. Flowers - beautiful shape, have a wide bend. In addition to golden shades there are plants from this species with cream or pink flowers. Golden Brugmissions blooms late in the evening and at night, attracting butterflies and insects with her dumb aroma. The feet of the village is short.

  • Snow-white. Other type name wood. The birthplace of the species is South America, where the plant grows up to 3 meters high. Flowers - white-white up to 25 cm long. Numerous hybrids are derived based on this species.

  • Bloody. This species is called for an incredibly colorful color of the plant flowers, which can be both bright red and orange. One of the most beautiful and frost-resistant species of Brugmissy.

  • Multicolored Brugmissy. This name is this kind thanks to an unusual blossom - the flowers of the plant change their color depending on their age. At the beginning, it blooms white, and over the years peach or orange flowers. Flowers are large - up to 50 cm long. Like all kinds, it has a fragrant, pleasant and mounted for insects aroma.

Brugmissy: Growing in the open soil

You can grow this gorgeous plant as their seeds, and buy seedlings in flower shops where they are sold landed into the container with the soil. In addition, it can be reproduced by a plant with cuttings - Burgmansia perfectly gives back shine. Consider 2 ways how to grow flower: seed and stalling.

Growing Brugmania from seeds

The optimal period for the sowing of the seeds of Brugmansia is January - March.

1. Choosing soil

The plant prefers fertile looglinis soils, so to create optimal conditions for active growth and development, it is necessary to properly prepare soil for planting seeds.

  • one part of biohumus;
  • one piece of clay soil;
  • 2 parts peat.

The resulting soil is a disinfection, ugly irrigated by a solution of manganese.

2. Sowing seeds

Stages of planting seeds:

  • To accelerate the germination process, soak the seeds in the growth stimulator.
  • Soil in tanks, before sowing, rubbing and plenty.
  • Sit seeds to a depth of 0.5-1 cm.
  • To create comfortable conditions for germination of sprouts, cover the tank with a film or glass. As soon as shoots appear - the shelter is removed. Shoots must often spray (up to 3 times a day), while not moisturize the soil.
  • As soon as the fifth leaves will appear on shoots, the plant can be transplanted into a spacious pot, not forgetting that Brugmansia grows very quickly.

The cultivation of Brugmansia is seed by a way to require a lot of time. Due to the fact that her seeds have a rather dense shell, the first shoots appear from seeds no earlier than in 2 months. Before boarding, it is recommended to scratch each seed to accelerate its germination. Plant will bloom for the second year after landing.

Landing of Brugmansia in Open Soil

As soon as young seedlings turn the roots of the container, where they were planted after a dive, Brugmancia can be planted in an open ground to a permanent place. Considering that the plant does not remain winter in the open ground in the garden, it is grown as a waiting plant, which for the winter is entered into the room where it continues to bloom. The container with a seedling can be taken into the garden after frosts. The transplant to the container or tub is carried out by the transshipment method along with the land of the earth. The bottom of the container is stacked by a drainage layer, the container must be spacious enough and have drainage holes for the flow of extra moisture. Place in the garden choose lit, with scattered light and well-protected from wind. The shoots of Brugmansia are very fragile, wind gusts can break them. After disembarking, the plant quickly goes into growth, actively gaining a lot.

Growing and reproduction with cuttings of Brugmansia

Brugmancia can easily breed and grow from cuttings. For a high-quality cutlery, it is necessary to find a semi-respected top-to-20 cm long overweight, with leaves located asymmetric. Such a cutlets quickly root and quickly starts blooming. Place the cuttings into the water (per 1/3), the water should be changed as often as possible, while adding the integrated activated carbon into it.

A month later, the first roots will appear. Brugmancia is ready for landing into a container, which must be at least 10 liters, as the growth of the plant is rapid. Sour for landing should be special (we described it earlier for sowing seeds). Tropical guest loves frequent watering and good soil moisturizing. During the year, the tree will grow about 1 meter in height, in rare cases, with special feeding it will bloom.

Brugmissy, care

Many people think that it is very difficult to care for Brugmancia and do not take it in the garden. But, knowing certain rules for the care of the southern guest, when creating optimal conditions for its growth, you can grow this gorgeous flowering tree in your dacha.

Watering Brugmansia

The plant comes from a hot climate and needs good moisture. Its leaves actively evaporate moisture, so watering should be abundant, no less than once a day. And with arid summer - twice a day. Also daily spraying in the evening. With a lack of moisture, Brugmansia recesses foliage, flowers and formed buds. In the rainy summer, watering is reduced so that the soil manage to dry.

Up. Brugmansia

Brugmancia reacts positively to the introduction of hydrochildren and mineral fertilizers. A chicken container is made in the container once a week. During flowering, complex phosphorus-potash fertilizer is added.

Trimbing Brugmania

The plant needs pruning throughout the season. But the most effective is the spring trimming, which is carried out in March. Delete should be broken, damaged branches, and leave the lower Y-shaped shoots, from which the development of floral kidney.

Care after flowering and wintering

In the fall, when Burmangsia is blocked, it is added to the room and do it before the first frosts, as soon as the night temperature reaches 5-7 degrees of heat. In the room, Brugmansia continues its development and flowering, filling the room with a fragrant aroma. The room for a large flower should be spacious, well lit, organize additional lighting in the room. Consider that the flowering plant has a strong fragrance.

If you want to give the plant to relax and translate it into the rest stage until the next spring, move the adhesion with it to the cool room (veranda), do not feed and water with moderate. Brugmissy will reset the foliage for the winter, and at the end of winter new kidneys will appear.

Diseases and pests of Brugmissy

  • Basically, the plant is attacked by slugs, whiteflies, a spider tick and aphids. Pesticides are used to destroy them.
  • Most often, Brugmancia is infected with putrefactive diseases, for example, gray rot. The plant infected with them stops its height, the leaves and shoots are affected. The cause of the fungal disease is an excessive humidity of the soil and irregular watering when the branches are stagnant in the intercosals. The affected shoots should be removed, give the ground to dry and apply for the processing of the plant of fungicides.
  • Not only the top of the plant, but also the root system is exposed to sulfur. With root rot, it is necessary to hold the plant without watering about a week so that the soil dries well. Next, watering renewed, it must be moderate.
  1. Even in experienced flower flowes there are problems in growing a luxurious flower, especially for flowering. Often it is possible to observe as soon as the appeared buds begin to fall. The reason for boutons is lack of lighting. With a lack of sunlight, the stalks and shoots of the plant become weak and thin. In addition, buds may turn due to a sharp change of air temperature. You should not rearrange Brugmancia with buds to a new place, when changing lighting, it can reset buds.
  2. An adult plant has a luxurious, spreading the crown to 2 meters in diameter. Choosing a place on the plot, take into account this fact.
  3. South beauty does not need a neighborhood with other plants, it looks great as a single plant.
  4. The fragrance of Brugmansia is rich, in the room it becomes very stumbled, small or badly ventilated premises for her wintering will not fit. A suffocating aroma, which becomes more intense at night, can cause insomnia and headaches.
  5. Plant Brugmissy is considered to be poisonous. All of its parts (especially seeds) contain psychotropic and toxic substances with hallucinogenic properties. In ancient times, the Indians used the flowers of Brugmansia for therapeutic purposes.
  6. Trimming branches should be made in gloves, as the plant is poisonous and can cause irritation in humans, especially with sensitive skin.

Brugmissy is a magnificent plant, which during flowering produces an indelible impression in the garden and will not remain unnoticed. After placing it near the terrace or veranda, you will enjoy the magnificence of snow-white, cream or orange "angel pipes", which have an amazing flavor that is amplifying in the evening.

Brugmancia, photo

Brugmissy, video

You can enjoy the beauty and splendor of charming Brugmissy with a video clip:

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With admiration and envy, you look at Brugmancia, richly flowering in the neighbor garden? So, this female plant for the whole summer blooms in a magnificent fountain of huge, slightly drooped tubular-bell-bells of divine shades, but to achieve such excellent flowering, you need to know and skillfully apply some very useful tricks.

Flower pots and earth

In too little pot, Brugmansia suffers from the drying of the soil, which will tell you her drooping leaves. Young plants should transplant each spring in a new pot of a 2-3 cm dimer than former. For this tree shrub, which is also called the angelic pipes, plastic pots are best suited, rather than clay or terracotta: because the root system is growing in them more evenly, and thin roots do not grow to the walls. It is very important to make drainage holes in the bottom of the container, through which the excess water goes.

Large leaves of Brugmissy evaporate a lot of moisture, and when the wind gusts are losing balance and can easily break. Therefore, for the plant it is worth choosing a large enough tube, which can accommodate more water and will be quite stable. Large stone bans are highly appreciated. At the bottom, in which the holes are done to remove the excess water, begging a layer of clay. With the cultivation of Brugmansia, the usual soil for frame plants is used. At the further development of the plant, the addition to the soil of some part of the clay granulate, saving moisture and nutrients, is very favorably affected. In case of doubt, enrich the substrate with clay granulate or claying per 10% of its total volume.

Brugmansia "Feuerwerk" (Brugmansia Sanguinea) in a frame of plastic, imitating the texture of stone casting

Tip: In the summer, Brugmansia should be planted directly in the garden. Thus, your flowering shrub will be more evenly provided with water. However, in front of the first frosts, a plant sensitive to cold, the plant must be carefully digped and put in a tub, putting it for the winter to the place protected from frost. The annual digging of the roots of the plant does not harm.

Perfect location

Spring Brugmancia for a while (3-4 days) need to be left in a slightly shady spot, so that it can get used to intensive sunlight. After that, our angel pipes will be able to withstand even straight sun rays. Ideal for the wind protected from the wind, very bright, but sided from the midday sun in the garden or on the terrace. For the plant create, for example, crowns of trees or lace umbrellas.

Abundant watering

Brugmancia with its large, oval-elongated, weakly-free leaves consumes extremely plenty of water. Therefore, in the summer, it is necessary to water the plant at least once, and on hot days - even twice a day. Water until excess water leaves drain holes per pallet.

Fascinous Brugmansia "Frosty Pink" (Brugmansia Suaveolens). In nature at home, in southeastern Brazil, it reaches up to 5 m in height

Generous subcord

Brugmansia is as well as almost all representatives of the Polenic family (Solanaceae, to which, for example, tomatoes and tobacco) is a strong nutrient consumer. A pledge of their long and abundant flowering is regular and generous feeding. Therefore, in the spring during transplantation to fresh land for balcony or frame plants, it is necessary to wash the fertilizer of a long action. In addition, in the period from May to August, you feed your beauty one - twice a week with liquid fertilizer for flowering plants, adding it to water for watering. And you can be completely calm, in the case of Brugmancia, the oversaturation of fertilizers is almost impossible! The experience of many gardener lovers testifies that good results can be achieved with the help of conventional mineral fertilizers, such as Blaukorn. In 10 liters of water, water dissolves two with riding tablespoons. At the end of August, all sorts of feeding should be discontinued that he will suspend the growth of the plant and will contribute to the Wrapping of shoots.

Garden bench in the frame of abundant flowering shrubs of Brugmansia

Trimming: Pay attention to the shape of the leaves

In the period when Brugmansia is in the open air, the trimming of it, in principle, is not needed, since the plant is well branching and forms a sufficient number of floral shoots. In the winter apartment, our angel pipes due to lack of light are mainly thin, low-tech shoots with small, pale green leaves. Such shoots in the spring should be shortened, leaving only 1-2 asymmetric leaves. The plant forms flowers over Y-shaped ramifications, so-called "forks". The blossom zone can be determined by the base of the sheet: a symmetric sheet indicates the growth zone, and the ledge at the base of the sheet - at the beginning of the flowering area. In the autumn, Brugmancia is circumcised so that in the winter apartment it does not occupy too much space. ATTENTION: Plant cut off so that at one floral shooting remains at least one asymmetric sheet. Pruning shoots, leaving only symmetric leaves, will lead to a delay in flowering next season.

Tip: After trimming, in the fall, do not carry the plant immediately into the wintering room. Cropped Brugmancia Leave for several days on a warm terrace to dry fresh sections.

Flower sections of shoots have asymmetric leaves (leaf on the left). In the zone with symmetrical leaves, that is, the leaves of the right form (leaf on the right) Flowers are not formed. Cutting a plant, you should not leave alone symmetric leaves.

Frequent diseases and pests

Brugmancia is almost not subject to diseases, but can be amazed by different, for example, weevil. The bugs can be very easy to recognize according to characteristic, semicircular exhaled sites along the edges of foliage. Snails also love to enjoy soft, fleshy leaves. In addition, Brugmancia is often amazed by a web tick. As a rule, plants are suffering from it all year round in poorly ventilated premises.


Brugmancia leave winter in a light, cool (about 10-15 ° C) room. It can be a winter garden. In such conditions, the plant fully preserves the leaves and continues to bloom for some time - which is not given to any due to flowers with intense aroma. Some gardeners are placed by Brugmancia for the winter in a dark place. In any case, the air temperature should be, if possible, a stable about 5 ° C. In such conditions, the plant resets almost all of its leaves, but in the spring it is very quickly restored. In the dark, the cold room, Brugmancia is watered so as not to sworn roots. If the plant is winter in a bright room, then it is necessary to water it more and more often to damage pests.

Several amazing varieties of Brugmania from the Private Garden Monica Gottshallk, Germany

Abundant blooming Brugmansi (Brugmansia X Cubensi) S "EDNA" with bell tiles, drooping, terry medium-sized flowers (27 - 29cm), painted in a delicate white-pink color. Charming Brugmansis (Brugmansia X Cubensis) "Fandango" strikes with bell-colored white painting flowers with peach bloom. In order to extend abundant bloom, Brugancia must be in a semoligible place in the winds protected.
Brugmansia Snow White (Brugmansia X Candida) "Marie Stöppler" with large (30 - 33 cm), drooping, terry flowers in the form of a gentle pink bell. Brugmansia Snow Whole "Brugmansia X Candida" "DiebSteinperle" with terry, discerning bells (30 - 33cm) a kind of form. Abundant-blooming hybrid.

Large (30 - 33cm), very beautiful drooping flowers with a wide whisk of Brugmansia (Brugmansia X Candida) "Luise". Color color - cream with apricot raid.

Translation: Lesya Vasko
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this is a flower with a tree-shaped stalk up to five meters. Plant flowers with a diameter to seventeen centimeters, their length varies from 25 to 50 cm, the color can be changed during the day. The smell of flowers in day barely is heard, since the flowers are semi-shot, as the smell is dissolved. Brugmissy leaves are placed by two tiers. In the first row, the leaves are elongated, the edges of their smooth. In the second row, the leaves of smaller sizes with uneven edges. The length of the sheet reaches 50 cm, they are large with well-pronounced streaks. The reproduction of Brugmansia is carried out both seeds and cuttings.

Did you know? Due to the tubular shape of the flower and incredible Flashbirdmansia received the second name - the trumpet of the angel.

How to grow Brugmansia from cuttings when starting

The reproduction of Brugmansia green cuttings is carried out when the plant will be a year. Silence in the fall (in September) and spring (March month). Experienced gardeners prefer spring shower. In the spring flower wakes up, the period of resumption of the deputation occurs, and at the same time the stalk is better rooted. So how to propagate the Brugmancia with cuttings easier than messing with seeds, most gardeners prefer to use this method of breeding.

Important! Brugmissy is a poisonous plant, so all work with it is carried out in gloves.

How to prepare cuttings of Brugmansia

The cultivation of Brugmansia from Chenkov has its advantage: the plant is better shot and blooms before. Many break their heads how to harvest the cuttings of Brugmansia, in fact the process is quite simple. Crop the stalks with a sharp secitor with a plants crown, which have reached a height of 15-25 cm having their top growth point. Of the long shoots, several cuttings are obtained. The lower leaves of cuttings are broken, and the upper leaves cut half.

It is worth noting that the workpiece of planting material should be taken from the plant, which has reached a height of more than eighty centimeters, since the buds are not laid below. In addition to the stroke shuttle, you can also resort to root shine. A bush grown with root shine is better adapted.

Did you know? On one sapling of Brugmansia can be located about a hundred flowers.

How to root the cuttings of Brugmansia

The rooting of Brugmancia cuttings is carried out in two ways: in the substrate and in water. Everyone chooses a convenient way for itself. The rooting of Brugmansia in the substrate will require fewer time resources. Sliced \u200b\u200bstems break down the lower leaves if they are long divided them on the cuttings of 15-20 cm in size and placed for rooting into water or substrate.

Rooting in the substrate

Since the water of Brugmansia varieties are rooted in water, resort to rooting cuttings in the substrate. Before planting a cutlets of Brugmansia in a pot, you need to prepare a landing pot. At the bottom of the pot put drainage (vermiculite, foam), then the substrate is poured. The substrate makes a deepening and put a stalk. The land around the cutlery is slightly adjusted, then cover it with a can, creating greenhouse conditions. When landing in the substrate use root growth stimulants. In the pots insert up to four blanks. A month later, the plant will be ready for a transplantation for a permanent habitat.

Rooting of the cuttings of Brugmansia in water

To roighten the cuttings in the water, the dilated warm water is used. In order for the stems placed in the water, they did not rotate, the activated carbon tablet is bred. At the bottom of the bank or plastic cup pour some water (3-5 cm) and the cuttings prepared in advance are placed in the container, then transferred to a warm well-lit place. In the formation of roots, not only water is involved, but also oxygen, so the water level should not be large. Capacity with a cutter is covered with polyethylene and put in a warm place. After 10-15 days the first roots will appear.

Important! Activated coal is added to the water, in order to avoid rooting.

How to care for cuttings of Brugmansia

When reproducing the flower, the question is not placed on how to cook the cuttings of Brugmansia, but on how to save them. Basic receptions of Brugmancia cuttings are the right watering, comfortable temperature and sufficient lighting.


In order for the cuttings leaves, they are periodically irrigated from splashes. Mandatory is the daily ventilation of mini-guy. Also control the condition of water. With the slightest turbidity of the fluid in the vessel, it is replaced with fresh.

Did you know? Brugmissy is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of tumors and eye infections..

How to care for a cutlets in the ground

First of all, Caring for the born of Brugmansia, you need to follow the humidity of the soil.The soil should not be overwhelmed, but also absolutely dry it can not be. Pot put in a half man, so that the plant will not get sunburn through the jar. The bank periodically removes the bank for a few minutes to ventilate the plant. When the cutlets are rooted and go into growth, start it to temper it.