The 44-year-old lover of actress Maria Golubkina, actor Boris Livanov, shared with Boris Korchevnikov for the first time how he ended up behind bars, and how difficult his relationship with Golubkina is.

Middle son people's artist RSFSR Vasily Livanov Boris became a guest of the program “The Fate of a Man”, in which for the first time he openly spoke about the circumstances of what happened, because of which he ended up in prison. In 2009, Boris Livanov was convicted of murder, from which he was released on parole in 2014.

Boris Livanov was married only once. His chosen one, Ekaterina, did not like the artist’s parents because she abused alcohol with her husband.
« Katya has always been very positive, but some things brought her down. Of course, she and I drank, I drank all my life along with everyone else, but for some reason they always noticed me, even if compared to the others I was almost not drunk. Some time after the birth of our daughter, we had to separate"- said Boris. According to him, the fatal blow for Catherine was that their daughter Eva was born deaf - this is what provoked her addiction to alcohol.

In 2005, Boris and Ekaterina divorced. Daughter Eva more often lived with Vasily Livanov and his wife, since her mother was being treated for alcoholism. Boris had already met with another woman, but in a fateful New Year's Eve In 2009, he again found himself in the company of Ekaterina. The artist celebrated the holiday in Khimki. At the height of the celebration, Boris and his friends left the apartment to buy more alcohol, and the owner jumped out behind them with a knife. According to witnesses, Livanov stabbed Khromov several times.

Maria Golubkina and Boris Livanov with their daughter Eva

« I woke up in the police station with no idea how I got here. At first, this did not cause me any concerns: at that time I had visited almost all police departments in Moscow. And then someone says to me: “Why did you kill a man?”
At first I thought it was a joke, but I didn’t remember anything. There are a lot of questions in this case. Witnesses said that I was holding the knife in my left hand, although I am right-handed. Someone claimed that I was defending myself. The man I killed was drunk, his blood did not clot from large quantity ppm If he had been sober, he would have been slightly injured... The situation is very murky, I don’t know what happened. Until the end I didn’t admit my guilt"- recalls Livanov.

As a result, Boris was sentenced to eight years in prison. His daughter, by court decision, lived with Vasily Livanov and his wife Elena. In February 2016 after family conflict 13-year-old Eva ran away to her mother. Subsequently, the girl returned several times and went back to Catherine. Two years later, Eva was completely reconciled with her father and grandparents.

Last summer, Boris Livanov and Maria Golubkina announced their engagement. The couple then announced their breakup, but New Year spent together again. Maria admitted that she loves Boris, but it is very difficult for them to be near each other for a long time. Livanov admits that he cannot imagine a future without Golubkina. " We have great relationship, incredibly complex. I'm now a victim domestic violence on her part. It took all my experience to attract her and keep her for at least some time. She has an excellent relationship with my parents. This is Love“, - Boris said frankly.

« And to the question: “So what’s going on between you?” I’ll answer - we have a Battle! The battle of Patriarchy and Matriarchy, Yin and Yang, male chauvinism and female feminism, Christianity and paganism, classics and fantasy, Day and Night, in short and in general - everything with everything. A truce is periodically declared so that the orderlies of consciousness will remove wounded arguments from the field, and we can take a break from each other. But, and this is important - no one loses or wins, so far, a damn year and a half already, treating each other with love and tenderness", Boris admits.

« It’s funny that the station is very symbolic in our relationship with Masha - we either meet each other for life, then we see each other off forever, so that, even with more passion, meet again", noted Livanov.

but went through difficult years. In 2009 Boris Livanov was convicted of murder, went to prison, and was released on parole in 2014. Recently, the actor became a guest of Boris Korchevnikov’s program “The Fate of a Man” and for the first time openly spoke about the circumstances of what happened.

Boris Livanov was married only once. His chosen one, Ekaterina, did not like the artist’s parents because she abused alcohol with her husband.

“Katya has always been very positive, but some things brought her down. Of course, she and I drank, I drank all my life along with everyone else, but for some reason they always noticed me, even if compared to the others I was almost not drunk. Some time after the birth of our daughter, we had to separate,” said Boris. According to him, the fatal blow for Catherine was that their daughter Eva was born deaf - this is what provoked her addiction to alcohol.

The first thing Borya did when he got to the pre-trial detention center was to write a statement so that Eva’s mother would not be allowed to see him. This woman is nobody to my son or my granddaughter! She is nothing to all of us!

“Sometimes I feel like I’ll never leave here. That I am not in a maximum security colony, but trapped in my own mind. In a dream, inside a dream, I live life after life... All connections between me and the world around me were severed. And I am no longer there, there is only a shadow wandering in the labyrinth of memories, only pain and powerlessness to change something, to bring it back.<...>Despite the fact that you are always among people who say something, swear, laugh, the feeling of absolute loneliness does not leave you. I want to wake up, but this is impossible, because this is not a dream. This is reality. Reality, where every minute is scary, but there is no longer any spiritual strength to be afraid of. There are no more of them left."

This is the voice-over text of the documentary film “Life after Life”, which Boris Livanov, a prisoner of the maximum security colony PKU IK-8, made about another prisoner - Dmitry Karakchiev, a former major Russian army, a military pilot who received twelve years for the murder of his wife. In this monologue, the filmmaker clearly conveyed the thoughts and feelings not only of his neighbor in the barracks, but also his own. Maybe even our own first. Boris was sentenced to nine years for a crime that the Livanov family is convinced he did not commit. He was released last September.

Boris: I was released on parole, which means that two administrative offenses are enough: I smoked a cigarette in the wrong place, crossed the road in the wrong place, and that’s all. Again - the Stolypin carriage and the zone. It is clear that in such a situation you don’t really want to appear on the street. When this does happen, I constantly catch myself that when I see the police, my brain begins to frantically figure out what I have in my pockets. This is already automatic, which I probably won’t get rid of soon. The good thing is that the feeling that haunted the first few hours after my release is gone - or almost gone: that I escaped and now the sirens will start blaring and they will start catching me with dogs. My mind couldn't believe that I was free. Recently I had a dream that I was in prison again, I was trying to remember why - and I couldn’t. Woke up in a cold sweat.

Boris's photo shows the window of a barracks in a high security zone Photo: from the archives of the Livanov family

He served two-thirds of his sentence by May 1, 2014. This is the threshold after which a prisoner can apply for parole. Thank God the decision was positive.

Vasily Borisovich: The son did not say that everyone submits such a petition, but the court does not always give the go-ahead for parole. Boris deserved it with his exemplary behavior and work. In the colony, he created the “Candle” television studio, filmed reports, news releases and documentaries. One of them - “Life after life” - was submitted to the competition. He wrote poems that were published in the newspaper Crime and Punishment, the official organ of the Federal Penitentiary Service for Voronezh region, was the organizer and participant competitive program within the framework of the All-Russian festival “Kalina Krasnaya”.

Writer German Ashkinazi spoke about Boris Livanov in his memoirs: “During my youth and youth, he was very popular. I was lucky enough to see him not only in films or hear on the radio his characteristic bass with the famous Lebanese pauses, but also in the 60s of the last century to enjoy his performance at the Moscow Art Theater. And shortly before his death in 1972, he brilliantly played a cardiac surgeon in the film “Degree of Risk” based on the then sensational story by the outstanding surgeon Professor Amosov “Thoughts and Heart”. It is known that Stalin valued Livanov. For 10 years, from 1941 to 1950, he was awarded 5 (five!) times Stalin Prize. Whether for this reason, or because of his innate independent character, it seems that Livanov did not feel any fear of the high authorities. At that time, they were popular among the creative intelligentsia different stories concerning the relationship between this very intelligentsia and those in power. The witty Boris Nikolaevich was a frequent character in these stories, which can now be found in abundance on the Internet under the name “theatrical tales”. However, I didn’t find one of these old stories there. So I vouch for the originality, but don’t blame me for the authenticity, although it was told by one of the theaters of that time. In my opinion, it well reflects both Livanov’s character and the post-war Stalinist atmosphere. Here it is, this story, or, if you like, a tale. Boris Nikolaevich was an indispensable participant in the post-war Stalinist receptions and was part of the group of the so-called creative intelligentsia, composed of eminent theater and film figures, scientists, writers, and artists. At the banquet they were placed at some distance from the central table, where Stalin sat with his closest rulers. Government officials, diplomats, famous military leaders were located closer... The first toast in honor of the leader of all progressive humanity was traditionally made by one of the country's top leaders. And this time another toastmaster offered to raise a glass to the great, the brilliant... and so on and so forth. Everyone got up. Usually this took 10-15 minutes, but then something unexpected happened. At the peak of the toast, Stalin was called to the telephone, which was installed in a room adjacent to the banquet hall. The leader left, but for some unknown reason did not close the door behind him. The speaker interrupted the speech, and in the ensuing silence one could only hear the invitees shifting from foot to foot and Stalin’s short remarks in the next room. This lasted quite a long time. Finally, Stalin appeared at the door and slowly walked to his place at the table. The toaster perked up and just opened his mouth to continue speaking, when suddenly Livanov’s indignant bass broke the silence: “But I won’t drink!” Deathly silence reigned. People didn't know where to put their eyes. Sticky sweat ran down my spine and perspiration appeared on my forehead. Stalin slowed down slightly... And Boris Nikolayevich, after enduring the “Lebanon” pause, finished with anguish: “Because I’m not tired!” (Yes, yes!.. that’s what he said “nolito”, with the emphasis on the first syllable). Stalin grinned a little, but everyone caught it, and a sigh of relief rustled through the hall. The speaker cheerfully continued his speech. The banquet rolled in the given direction.”

44-year-old Boris Livanov never denied that he was a difficult child. He often lacked parental attention, and his successes were perceived by his star relatives as unremarkable events. On the air of the program “The Fate of a Man,” Boris frankly admitted: his relationship with future wife Catherine were a kind of attempt to attract the attention of her father, the famous artist Vasily Livanov, and mother.

This affair, which Boris’s parents opposed, resulted in the birth of his daughter Eva and numerous sufferings. The fact is that the heiress of the couple was born deaf, and this was a big blow for her mother.

“You see, there are such optimistic people who are simply not prepared for the blows of fate. When it turned out that Eva was deaf, it was simply a shock for Katya. It was as if all the circuits inside her had burned out. Then problems with alcohol began. In the end, I had to pick up Eva and leave,” the artist admitted.

It would seem that separation from mother only daughter remained in the past, and another romantic story began in Livanov’s life. However, on the ill-fated New Year's Eve in 2009, Boris again found himself next to Catherine. Then during the feast he inflicted serious injuries to a stranger, after which the latter died. The actor himself claims that he does not remember anything about that night, and therefore what happened still remains a mystery to him.

“I woke up at the police station with no idea how I got here. At first, this did not cause me any concerns: at that time I had visited almost all police departments in Moscow. And then someone says to me: “Why did you kill a man?” At first I thought it was a joke, but I didn’t remember anything. There are a lot of questions in this case. Witnesses said that I was holding the knife in my left hand, although I am right-handed. Someone claimed that I was defending myself. The man I killed was drunk, his blood did not clot from a large amount of ppm. If he had been sober, he would have received minor injuries, but in the end the blood flowed and flowed,” said Livanov.

After lengthy trials, the actor was given a disappointing sentence: eight years in a maximum security colony. This would have broken any other person, but Boris repeatedly noted that the Livanovs simply did not know how to give up. In prison, he began to engage in amateur activities, preparing concerts and performances. “I had two options: follow the path of a thief or do what I know how to do. But again, what kind of thief am I? I chose the second one, because I could do something really good and necessary. Prison is a place where there is nothing left of you except inner rod. It doesn't matter who your parents are. It was there that it became clear to me who I really am,” the heir to the famous dynasty emphasized.

And while Livanov was trying to get through the most ordeal in his life, his parents fought hard for their granddaughter. Eva's mother insisted that the girl should live with her. However, her behavior raised more and more questions from the guardianship authorities. That is why it was so important for Vasily Borisovich and his wife to take the girl for themselves.

After 5.5 years, Boris Livanov was freed. The actor is sure that the terrible test was not given to him in vain, because it was thanks to this that he was able to improve relations with his parents, become more caring towards his daughter and find love. Now the artist is happy next to Maria Golubkina, believing that she is the very woman he has been waiting for.

And yet, Livanov regrets that New Year’s skirmish on the landing, which turned into remorse for him and a long test of strength.