Baptism is one of the important events in the life of an Orthodox person. It is believed that he receives some kind of pass into the Kingdom of God. This is the moment of a person’s spiritual birth, when his previous sins are forgiven and his soul is cleansed. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of godparents for the child, since they have an influence on the spiritual life and salvation of the believer. Therefore, the godfather, whose duties and responsibilities include all of the above, must be worthy.

The role of a godfather in a child's life

Now let's take a closer look at what role the godfather plays in Orthodoxy, whose responsibilities include not only gifts for holidays. The most important thing he must do is to provide assistance in the spiritual life of his godson. So, let's look at the responsibilities in order:

  1. Show for him worthy example with your life. This means that in the presence of a godson you cannot drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or speak swear words. You need to be noble in your actions.
  2. Prayers for your godson are obligatory, especially in difficult moments.
  3. Visiting a temple with your child.
  4. Spiritual education of the godson is mandatory (stories about God, teaching the Bible, etc.). If there are problems in life situations, then provide all possible assistance.
  5. In charge godfather also included material support if necessary (if parents a difficult situation with money or work).

What do you need to know to choose godparents?

So, how to choose a godfather or godfather? What should you be guided by? Firstly, you should know that in the spiritual life of a child, the most important thing is a godfather of the same sex (for a boy - a godfather, for a girl - a godmother). However, according to established tradition, two are chosen as godfathers.

Of course, the decision about who will be the child’s spiritual educator throughout his life is made at the family council. If there are any difficulties when choosing, then consult with your priest or spiritual father. He will probably suggest a suitable candidate, because this is quite an honorable duty.

It is very important that godparents do not get lost in life, that they continue to spiritually care for the child throughout his life. Both the godmother and the godfather, whose duties and functions are described above, have their own responsibilities before the Lord.

Based on all this, Christians who are over fourteen years old are suitable for the role of spiritual parents. They take responsibility for the future spiritual life of the child, praying for him, and then teaching him to live in the Lord.

Who can't be a godfather?

When choosing a godfather or mother, you need to know who cannot be for your child:

  • Those who are going to become spouses in the future or are already such in the present.
  • Parents of the baby.
  • Those who accepted monasticism.
  • Unbaptized people or non-believers in the Lord.
  • Can't be taken in people's godparents who have mental illness.
  • Those who profess a different faith.

All of this should be taken into account before a godfather is chosen. His responsibilities are quite extensive, so the person who agreed to be him must be clearly aware of everything.

Necessary items for the ceremony

You should talk in more detail about what items are needed for this ritual:

  • Kryzhma. This is a special towel on which a cross is embroidered or simply depicted. A child is wrapped in it during anointing, as well as when prayers of prohibition are read. Sometimes the baby's name and the date of his baptism are embroidered on such a towel.
  • Baptismal swaddling cloth. This is not an entirely necessary attribute, but it should be there when it’s cold. This diaper is used to wipe the baby after dipping into the font, and then wrap it again in the kryzhma.
  • Clothes for baptism. It could be baptism set(dress) for a girl or a special shirt for a boy. It is advisable that these clothes be purchased as a gift by the baby’s successor.
  • It is necessary to have a pectoral cross with you for a future Christian. Usually it is acquired by the godfather. Responsibilities at baptism for him, of course, are not limited only to this acquisition, but they will be written about them below.
  • It is necessary to take with you an envelope for the baby's cut hair.
  • You should also purchase icons for the child and make a donation to the temple (this is an optional condition).

Is there any special preparation for recipients before the ceremony?

You should also pay attention to preparing for christening. The most the right step there will be an appeal to a confessor or priest for advice. However, you should know that usually before the sacrament it is necessary to confess and receive communion. Before this, you need to fast (the priest should tell you about the number of days). You may need additional actions, such as reading prayers, spiritual literature, etc. It is also advisable not to attend noisy parties, various entertainment venues, or watch TV at this time. All free time It is advisable to devote time to prayer.

If this is your first time in the role of godfather, then it is advisable to familiarize yourself with how the sacrament is performed, what prayers are read, and what the order of chants is. This is necessary because when you become a spiritual educator little man, you need more than just a formal presence. Sincere prayer is necessary, which should not stop even after the completion of the sacrament, because this is the essence of becoming a godparent.

More details about what responsibilities the godfather has during this ritual will be discussed below.


Considering the question of the duties of a godfather at a christening, it should be said that on this day it is customary to give gifts, both to the baby and to the godfather. If desired, you can give a gift to your parents.

It is appropriate for a child to give both an educational toy and something more important for spiritual life, such as a Bible for children with pictures. By the way, the gift can be discussed in advance with the parents, because something else may turn out to be more important at this moment.

There is one main gift that his godfather must give the baby. The responsibilities during baptism are not only to hold the baby, but also to show the first example of honoring the Lord. After all, children understand everything from birth at the level of feelings. In addition to reading prayers, such a gift becomes pectoral cross, which is baptismal. It must be bought and presented by the recipient.

For parents, especially for the mother of the baby, a good gift There will be a prayer book containing the necessary prayers for the whole family.

How were christenings celebrated in ancient times?

Previously, as now, christenings were a very significant event in people's lives. This sacrament was necessarily performed no later than two months after the baby was born, and sometimes earlier, on the eighth day. This happened because there used to be a high infant mortality rate, so it was very important for loved ones to baptize the child before the irreparable happened, so that his soul would go to heaven.

The celebration of the little man’s joining the church took place with big amount guests. This was especially noticeable in large villages. Many people gathered for such a holiday, who came with gifts and Best wishes baby. At the same time, they brought mainly various pastries - kulebyaki, pies, pretzels. In the house where the little man lived, a sumptuous table was laid for the guests, and there was practically no alcohol (there could only be red wine in very small quantities).

There were traditional holiday dishes. For example, a rooster baked in porridge for a boy or a chicken for a girl. There were also a lot of shaped baked goods, which symbolized wealth, fertility, and longevity.

It was customary to invite the midwife to the table, who would receive the baby. They could also call the priest who performed the baptismal ceremony. During the celebration, numerous songs were sung, thus wishing the child all the best. They saw off all the guests, presenting each with sweets.

How is baptism performed? Responsibilities of a Godfather

Now let's look at how the ceremony itself takes place, what should be done at this time and what responsibilities each of those present has. In our time, this sacrament usually occurs on the fortieth day after birth. Parents or future godparents must go to the chosen temple in advance and sign up for the chosen date, as well as agree on the process itself. After all, you can hold individual christenings or general ones.

The responsibilities of the godfather during the baptism of a girl are the same, and that of a boy are different (although they differ slightly). If the child is not yet a year old and cannot stand on his own, then he is held in his arms all the time. For the first half of the ceremony (before immersion in the font), boys are held by their godmothers, and girls by their fathers. After the dive, everything changes. Since the main thing for a boy is the father, it is he who accepts the child, and the mother accepts the girl. And this continues until the end of the ceremony.

The service itself lasts about forty minutes (more time is required if there are many people). It begins after the celebration of the liturgy. The performance of the sacrament begins with the laying on of hands on the person being baptized and the recitation of a special prayer. After this, you should renounce Satan and his works. Adults are responsible for a child who cannot speak.

The next step in the ritual will be the consecration of the water in the font. Before immersing the person being baptized into it, he should be anointed with oil (back, chest, ears, forehead, legs and arms.) Only after this does immersion into the font occur. The priest reads prayers. This action symbolizes dying to the world and resurrecting to the Lord. This is how a kind of cleansing occurs.

Then the child is handed over to the godfather, he is wrapped in kryzhma (as mentioned above, the boy is handed over to the father, and the girl to the mother). Now the baby is anointed with myrrh.

So, now you know the responsibilities of a godfather when baptizing a boy and a girl. As you can see, they are slightly different.

Baptism at home

In addition to baptism in the temple, it would not be reprehensible to perform this sacrament at home, with your family. However, it is better to do it in the right place. This is based on the fact that after baptism, boys must be brought into the altar (girls simply venerate the icons).

After the ceremony is completed, the little man becomes a full member of the church. This can be felt most strongly only in the temple. Therefore, home christenings are possible only if the baby is unable to withstand the ceremony in church. They are also committed when the child is in mortal danger(illness, etc.). If the whole sacrament takes place in home environment, then the godfather has the same responsibilities for baptism as if the ceremony were performed in a temple.

Church life of new Christians

You should know that after baptism, a person’s spiritual life just begins. The first acquaintance with church rules begins with the prayer of one’s own mother and godmother. This is how, invisibly, the word of God is instilled in the baby. And in the future, when he sees everything for himself, you can slowly introduce him to family prayer, explaining its value.

Special mention should be made about baptismal accessories. Kryzhma and special clothing (if you purchased it) should be stored separately and not used in everyday life. A christening shirt (dress) can be worn when a child is ill (or simply wrapped in it). The icon that was used during the sacrament should be placed near the baby’s crib or on home iconostasis(if there is one). The candle is used in special cases and they also keep it for life.

The responsibilities of a godfather at baptism are just beginning. In the future, when the child grows up, he will need to go to church with him, take communion and attend services. Of course, this can be done with parents, but it is better if it is a godfather. By the way, you need to take your child to church from an early age. It is there, in the bosom of the church, that he will be able to realize all the greatness of God. If he doesn’t understand something, you need to patiently explain the difficult moments.

This is how addiction occurs and has a beneficial effect on the human soul. Church chants and prayers calm and strengthen. As you grow older, difficult questions can arise. If godparents or parents cannot answer them, then it is better to turn to the priest.


So now you know what the responsibilities of a godfather are. They need to be taken seriously from the very beginning, as soon as such an offer is made to you. If necessary, consult with the priest about what you should do for your child, how to educate him in the spiritual life and what support to provide. Be careful, because from now on you and your godson are spiritually connected forever. You will also be responsible for his sins, so upbringing should be treated with special importance. By the way, if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to refuse this.

Being a godmother means taking responsibility for the baby, playing a big role in his life. Before God, a mother is a spiritual mentor. Her responsibilities are very significant and numerous, and all of them relate to the spiritual development of the child and his involvement in the church.

The ritual of baptism is sacred. After the baby is immersed in the font, the clergyman hands him over to his godparents. And, handing over the baby, he at the same time places on them the responsibility to take care of the spiritual education of his godson.

During baptism, a spiritual relationship is established between the godson and godparents(they are called receivers). Not every woman is suitable for this role. There are certain requirements for selection. Can't become a godmother birth mother baby, the same goes for the receptionist. Moreover, godparents cannot be married to each other.

Nowadays, traditional baptismal duties have been somewhat distorted. But a godmother is a mother before God. It is important for her not only to completely take care of the child during christening, but to raise him, engage in spiritual development and involve him in the church after. And the most important thing is to take on the role of parents if something happens to them.

In order for the ceremony to take place according to traditions, the recipient must meet certain requirements:

There were often cases when joining the church occurred after participation in the ritual. The main thing when choosing a godmother is to give preference to a person who will feel responsible and will take both the sacrament of baptism and the subsequent spiritual education of the baby seriously.

Today, any baptized girl who is chosen among relatives or close friends can become a successor. As practice shows, the godmother is usually chosen by the mother.

What is a godmother supposed to do?

The responsibilities of the godmother are clearly defined, therefore, based on church statutes, she must:

  • pray for the spiritual development and health of the baby;
  • introduce the child to church, attend it together, and as he grows older, introduce him to Orthodox traditions, take you to the temple of God and be a real mentor;
  • providing support and assistance is mandatory;
  • be good example, that is, it must embody the ideal of an Orthodox believing woman, capable of directing her to perform pious deeds.

The duties of the godmother include explaining what the Bible is, reading it, and explaining the meaning of religious rites, holidays and traditions. Having your own children, younger sisters and brothers, as well as nephews should not become an obstacle to caring for your godson.

What is needed for christening

Christening is significant event, symbolizing the birth of a child. It is believed that performing it helps the child’s life to be sinless and pious.

The recipients take the baby in their arms immediately from the font, when he is clean, devoid of sinful thoughts and deeds, when original sin has been removed from him. After dipping, the baby is dressed in a ritual shirt (kryzhma) and a cross is put on his neck .

In the time of our ancestors, the purchase of a cross was carried out by the godfather, but the woman brought the kryzhma. Today, this tradition is somewhat broken, and sometimes everything important attributes purchased by the parents themselves.

Since at present the christening cover in its true form is a rare find, its analogues can be a shirt, an openwork diaper or a towel, always new, which have not yet been washed.

What a child’s spiritual mentor should know

Preparation must be done in advance. At the same time, knowledge of the prayers that will be required at baptism is mandatory. In addition, you need to understand their meaning and the meaning of the sacrament itself. Although nowadays few people learn prayers by heart, and during the ceremony those present simply repeat the words after the clergyman or read from sight.

Note! Regardless of the fact that now for many this is just a formality, a woman who makes an effort to live according to the commandments should become a godmother.

It is important to know several prayers:

  • "Our Father";
  • "King of Heaven";
  • “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice.”

Reading the Creed is also very important. The prayers reflect the essence of the Orthodox Christian faith. Ideally, everyone present should know them. Although now this is very rare.

To better understand the need to know prayers, it is worth noting that the first “Our Father” is a direct appeal to the first one standing in Holy Trinity- To my father. Christians believe that people learned this prayer thanks to their Savior. “Our Father” is the personification of the desire for life, which is so pleasing to the Lord God, as well as hope in his favor and care for every mortal.

“To the King of Heaven” is an appeal to the Holy Spirit, who, during the sacrament, invisibly cleanses the baby’s soul from sins, gives him the strength to overcome any obstacles that may arise on the path to salvation, and the strength to bear his life’s cross.

“Rejoice to the Virgin Mary,” or “Ave Maria,” as it sounds in Latin, is a greeting Holy Virgin. With this prayer, the Archangel sent by God greeted the Virgin Mary. By reading “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary,” we show respect to her.

As for the Creed, these are the main dogmatic provisions of Orthodoxy that are needed for baptism. Since the baby is not yet able to pronounce the Symbol and answer to the celebrant, the recipients do this for him. Actually, this is what they should teach their godson in the future.

Nowadays, raising a child in the traditions of Orthodoxy is very hard labour, which is simply impossible to master on your own. You need to pray to God to help and send strength, and also to understand and thank him.

Rules for godmother

To begin with, you need to come to church several times to talk with the catechist. This is followed by the purchase of everything necessary, since after dipping the baby must be wrapped in new, clean clothes. Before baptizing the baby, the one chosen for this important role the woman must confess and receive communion. In addition, there are a number of rules that are also required to be followed.

As already mentioned, she must be baptized. Moreover, the ceremony does not necessarily take place in infancy. In some cases, this may occur already at a more conscious age. The main thing is that the decision to come to faith is thoughtful and sincere.

Attention! Representatives of another faith cannot be recipients. During the sacrament, participants are required to wear their cross on their chest.

But as for the natural parents, they may profess a different faith or even be atheists, although such situations are extremely rare. The Church welcomes the choice of relatives as successors, since these ties are the strongest and break much less often when compared with friendly ones.

Useful video: everything about godparents: theory and practice

Responsibilities of a godmother during the baptism of a girl and a boy

When a girl undergoes the ceremony, the spiritual mother must be present, while as for the godfather, he can be present in absentia. The mother bears great responsibility for the girl and acts as a spiritual mentor for her.

Responsibilities of a godmother at baptism:

  1. Some time before the sacrament, he reads a prayer for the child, as well as the Creed.
  2. She must enter the church with her head covered with a scarf and wearing a long, modest dress.
  3. After dipping the baby into the font, first of all he takes the goddaughter in his arms and puts white clothes on her, symbolizing purity and innocence.
  4. While walking around the font, following the priest, who reads prayers for the child, he holds the baby in his arms.

When a boy is initiated into the faith, a large role is no longer given to the godmother, but godfather. He is entrusted with the main responsibilities at baptism.

It is believed that for a boy, it is the man who will later be the spiritual mentor and answer to God for the actions of his godson. At this time, the godmother performs the same functions as for the girl, with the exception that after immersion in the font, the child is given into the arms of the godfather.

In addition, the priest carries the boy behind the altar, which is not done with girls.

Useful video: about godparents


Currently, few people follow the rules of baptism, although this ceremony is performed by the majority of Christians. And many people greatly simplify the duties of a godmother, reducing it only to participation in the sacrament. But those who honor church traditions will definitely choose a successor who is strong in faith and will be able to fulfill everything that is required of her.

What is Baptism as a Sacrament? How does it happen?

Baptism is a Sacrament in which a believer, by immersing his body three times in water with the invocation of God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, dies to a carnal, sinful life and is reborn from the Holy Spirit into a spiritual life. In Baptism a person is cleansed of original sin– the sin of his ancestors, communicated to him through birth. The sacrament of Baptism can be performed on a person only once (just as a person is born only once).

The baptism of an infant is performed according to the faith of the recipients, who have the sacred duty to teach children the true faith and help them become worthy members of the Church of Christ.

The baptismal kit for your baby should be the one that is recommended to you in the church where you will be baptizing him. They can easily tell you what you need. Mainly it is a baptismal cross and a baptismal shirt. The baptism of one baby lasts about forty minutes.

This sacrament consists of Announcements(readings for those preparing for baptism special prayers- “prohibitions”), renunciation of Satan and union with Christ, that is, union with Him, and confession of the Orthodox faith. Here the godparents must pronounce the appropriate words for the baby.

Immediately after the end of the Announcement, the follow-up begins Baptism. The most noticeable and important point- immersing the baby three times in the font with the words pronounced: “The servant of God (servant of God) (name) is baptized in the name of the Father, amen. And the Son, amen. And the Holy Spirit, amen." At this time, the godfather (of the same sex as the person being baptized), taking a towel in his hands, prepares to receive his godfather from the font. The one who has received Baptism then dresses in new white clothes and puts a cross on him.

Immediately after this another Sacrament is performed - Confirmation, in which the person being baptized, when the parts of the body are anointed with the consecrated Myrrh, in the name of the Holy Spirit, is given the gifts of the Holy Spirit, strengthening him in spiritual life. After this, the priest and godparents with the newly baptized person walk around the font three times as a sign of the spiritual joy of union with Christ for eternal life V Heavenly Kingdom. Then an excerpt from the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Romans is read, dedicated to the topic of baptism, and an excerpt from the Gospel of Matthew - about the sending of the Apostles by the Lord Jesus Christ to the worldwide preaching of the faith with the command to baptize all nations in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Afterwards, the priest washes the myrrh from the body of the baptized person with a special sponge dipped in holy water, saying the words: “Thou art justified. You have become enlightened. You are sanctified. You have washed yourself in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God. You were baptized. You have become enlightened. You have been anointed with chrism. You have been sanctified in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.”

Next, the priest cuts the hair of the newly baptized in a cross shape (on four sides) with the words: “The servant of God (name) is tonsured in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen,” puts the hair on a wax cake and lowers it into the font. tonsure symbolizes submission to God and at the same time marks the small sacrifice that the newly baptized person brings to God in thanksgiving for the beginning of a new, spiritual life. After making petitions for godparents and the newly baptized, the Sacrament of Baptism ends.

This is usually immediately followed by churching, denoting the first offering to the temple. The baby, taken by the priest in his arms, is carried through the temple, brought to the Royal Doors and brought into the altar (boys only), after which he is given to his parents. Churching symbolizes the dedication of the baby to God according to the Old Testament model. After baptism, the baby should be given communion.

Why are only boys brought into the altar?

In principle, boys should not be included there either, this is just a tradition.
The Sixth Ecumenical Council determined: Let no one belonging to the ranks of the laity be allowed to enter the sacred altar... (rule 69). The famous canonist Bishop. gives the following comment to this resolution: “In view of the mystery of the bloodless sacrifice offered at the altar, it was forbidden, from the earliest times of the church, to enter the altar to anyone who did not belong to the clergy. “The altar is reserved for sacred persons only.”

They say that before baptizing your child, you should confess and receive communion.

Even without regard to the Baptism of a child, Orthodox Christians are called by the Church to regularly begin the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion. If you have not done this before, then it would be good to take the first step towards a full church life before the Baptism of your own baby.

This is not a formal requirement, but a natural internal norm - because, introducing a child to church life through the sacrament of Baptism, introducing him into the fence of the Church - why should we ourselves remain outside it? For an adult who has not repented for many years, or has never in his life, and has not begun to accept the Holy Mysteries of Christ, is at this moment a very conditional Christian. Only by motivating himself to life in the sacraments of the Church does he actualize his Christianity.

What is the Orthodox name for a baby?

The right to choose a child's name belongs to his parents. Lists of names of saints - calendars - can help you in choosing a name. In the calendar, names are arranged in calendar order.

There is no unambiguous church tradition for choosing names - often parents choose a name for the baby from the list of those saints who are glorified on the very day of the child’s birth, or on the eighth day, when the rite of naming is performed, or during the period of forty days (when the Sacrament of Baptism is usually performed). It is wise to choose a name from a list of names church calendar of those that are fairly close after the child’s birthday. But, however, this is not some kind of obligatory church institution, and if there is some deep desire to name a child in honor of this or that saint, or some kind of vow on the part of the parents, or something else, then this is not an obstacle at all .

When choosing a name, you can familiarize yourself not only with what this or that name means, but also with the life of the saint in whose honor you want to name your baby: what kind of saint he is, where and when he lived, what was his way of life, on what days is his memory celebrated?
Cm. .

Why do some churches close the church during the sacrament of Baptism (without doing this during other sacraments) or ask people who call themselves Orthodox not to enter it?

Because during the Baptism of an adult, it is not very pleasant for the person being baptized or the one being baptized if strangers look at him, sufficiently exposed physically, and watch him. the greatest sacrament, with a curious look from those who have no prayerful relationship to this. It seems that a prudent Orthodox person will not simply go as a spectator to someone else’s Baptism if he was not invited there. And if he lacks tact, then the church ministers act prudently by removing the curious from the church while the sacrament of Baptism is being performed.

What should come first - faith or Baptism? Can you be baptized to believe?

Baptism is a Sacrament, that is, a special action of God, in which, with the reciprocal desire of the person himself (certainly the person himself), he dies for sinful and passionate life and is born into new life in Christ Jesus.

On the other hand, deep faith is what a baptized and churched person should strive for throughout his life. All people are sinners, and one must strive to acquire faith in such a way that it is combined with deeds. Faith, among other things, is an effort of will. In the Gospel, one person who met the Savior exclaimed: “I believe, Lord! Help my unbelief." () This man already believed in the Lord, but he wanted to believe even more, stronger, more decisively.

It will be easier to strengthen your faith if you live the church life and not look at it from the outside.

Why do we baptize babies? They still can’t choose their own religion and consciously follow Christ?

A person is saved not on his own, not as an individual who unilaterally decides how to be and act in this life, but as a member of the Church, a community in which everyone is responsible for each other. Therefore, an adult can vouch for the baby and say: I will try to make sure that he grows up to be a good Orthodox Christian. And while he cannot answer for himself, his godfather and godmother pledge their faith for him.

Does a person have the right to be baptized at any age?

Baptism is possible for a person of any age on any day of the year.

At what age is it better to baptize a child?

A person can be baptized at any time from his first breath to his very last breath. In ancient times, there was a custom to baptize a child on the eighth day of birth, but this was not a mandatory rule.
It is most convenient to baptize a child during the first months of birth. At this time, the baby still does not distinguish his mother from the “strange aunt” who will hold him in her arms during Baptism, and the “bearded uncle” who will always come up to him and “do something with him” is not scary for him.
Older children already perceive reality quite consciously, they see that they are surrounded by people unfamiliar to them, and that their mother is either not there at all or for some reason she does not come to them, and may experience anxiety about this.

Is it necessary to be baptized again if a person was “baptized by his grandmother at home”?

Baptism is the only Sacrament of the Church that, in case of emergency, can be performed by a layman. During the years of persecution, cases of such baptism were not uncommon - there were few churches and priests.
In addition, in earlier times, midwives sometimes baptized newborn babies if their lives were in danger: for example, if the child received a birth injury. This baptism is usually called "immersion." If a child died after such baptism, he was buried as a Christian; if he survived, he was brought to the temple and the priest supplemented the baptism performed by the layman with the necessary prayers and sacred rites.
Thus, in any case, a person baptized by a layman must “complete” his baptism in the temple. However, in old times midwives were specially trained in how to perform baptism correctly; in the Soviet years, it is often completely unknown who baptized and how, whether this person was trained, whether he knew what and how to do. Therefore, for the sake of confidence in the actual performance of the Sacrament, priests most often baptize such “immersed” as if there was a doubt about whether they were baptized or not.

Can parents attend Baptism?

They may well not just be present, but pray together with the priest and godparents for their baby. There are no obstacles to this.

When is Baptism performed?

Baptism can take place at any time. However, in churches the procedure for performing Baptism is established differently depending on internal regulations, opportunities and circumstances. Therefore, you should worry in advance about finding out about the procedure for performing Baptism in the church in which you want to baptize your child.

What does an adult who wants to receive the Sacrament of Baptism need?

For an adult, the basis for Baptism is the presence of a sincere Orthodox faith.
The purpose of Baptism is union with God. Therefore, the one who comes to the baptismal font needs to decide for himself very important questions: does he need it and is he ready for it? Baptism is inappropriate if a person uses it to seek some earthly blessings, success, or hopes to solve his own problems. family problems. Therefore one more an important condition for Baptism is a firm desire to live as a Christian
After the Sacrament has been performed, a person must begin a full-fledged church life: regularly go to church, learn about divine services, pray, that is, learn to live in God. If this does not happen, Baptism will have no meaning.
It is necessary to prepare for Baptism: at a minimum, carefully read these public conversations, read at least one of the Gospels, know by heart or close to the text the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer.
It would be simply wonderful to prepare for confession: to remember your sins, wrongs and bad inclinations. Many priests do very correctly by confessing the catechumens before Baptism.

Is it possible to baptize during Lent?

Yes, you can. Moreover, in earlier times, fasts served as preparation not only for a specific holiday, but also for joining new members, i.e. to the Baptism of the Catechumens. Thus, in the ancient Church they baptized mainly on the eve of big Church holidays, including during fasting. Traces of this are still preserved in the peculiarities of the services of the feasts of the Nativity of Christ, Easter and Pentecost.

In what case can a priest refuse Baptism to a person?

A priest not only can, but must refuse Baptism to a person if he does not believe in God as he teaches to believe Orthodox Church, since faith is an indispensable condition for Baptism.
Among the reasons for refusal of Baptism may be a person’s unpreparedness and a magical attitude towards Baptism. The magical attitude towards Baptism is the desire to use it to protect yourself from the forces of evil, to get rid of “damage” or the “evil eye”, and to receive all kinds of spiritual or material “bonuses”.
People who are drunk or leading an immoral lifestyle will not be baptized until they repent and reform.

What to do if it is known for sure that a person has been baptized, but no one remembers the name with which he was baptized? Baptize a second time?

This situation occurs quite often. There is no need to baptize a person a second time - you can only baptize once. But you can give a person a new name. Any priest has the right to do this simply by confessing a person and giving him communion with a new name.

How many times can you be baptized?

Definitely - once. Baptism is a spiritual birth, and a person can only be born once. IN Orthodox Symbol Faith says: “I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.” Secondary baptism is unacceptable.

What to do if you don’t know whether you are baptized or not, and there is no one to ask?

You need to be baptized, but at the same time warn the priest that you may be baptized, but you don’t know for sure. The priest will perform Baptism according to a special rite for such cases.

About godparents (successors)

What responsibilities do godfathers and mothers have towards their godchildren?

Godparents have three main responsibilities towards their godchildren:
1. Prayer room. The godfather is obliged to pray for his godson, and also, as he grows up, to teach prayer so that the godson himself can communicate with God and ask Him for help in all his life circumstances.
2. Doctrinal. Teach the godson the basics of the Christian faith.
3. Moral. On by example, show the godson human virtues - love, kindness, mercy, and others, so that he grows into a truly good Christian.

How should future godparents prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism?

Godparents are guarantors for their godson. They have the responsibility to take care of the spiritual and moral education his godson. His godparents teach him the basics of the Orthodox faith, prayer and the way of life of a true Christian. Consequently, the godparents themselves must know both the Gospel and church life well, have good prayer practice, and regularly participate in divine services and Church Sacraments.
Have you decided to become a godfather, but do not meet the requirements? Make it a reason to start moving in that direction.
First listen public conversations in the temple or on.
Then read either the Gospel of Mark or Luke. Choose for yourself - the first is shorter, the second is clearer. You can also find them in; more precisely, in the New Testament.
Read the text carefully - during Baptism, one of the godparents reads it by heart or from sight. It would also be good if by the time of Baptism you knew it by heart.
After Baptism, deepen and expand your knowledge of Biblical history, pray at home and participate in church services - this way you will gradually acquire the practical skills of a Christian.

Is it possible to become a godfather in absentia without participating in the Baptism of an infant?

The original name for godparents is godparents. They received this name because they “received” the person being baptized from the font; at the same time, the Church, as it were, delegates to them part of its care for the new Christian and teaching him Christian life and morality, therefore, not only is the presence of godparents required during Baptism and their active participation, but also their conscious desire to take on such responsibility.

Can representatives of other religions become godparents?

Definitely not.
In Baptism, the recipients testify to Orthodox faith, and according to their faith the baby receives the Sacrament. This alone makes it impossible for representatives of other religions to become recipients of Baptism.
In addition, godparents take on the responsibility of raising their godson in Orthodoxy. Representatives of other religions cannot fulfill these duties because for us Christianity is not a theory, but life itself in Christ. This life can only be taught by those who live this way themselves.
The question arises: can representatives of other people become godparents? Christian denominations, such as Catholics or Lutherans? The answer is negative - they cannot for the same reasons. Only Orthodox Christians can become recipients of Baptism.

What things should you bring with you to Baptism and which godparent should do it?

For Baptism you will need a baptismal set. As a rule, this is a pectoral cross with a chain or ribbon, several candles, and a baptismal shirt. The cross can also be purchased in regular stores, but then you should ask a priest to consecrate it.
You will need a towel or diaper to wrap and dry your baby after the bath.
According to an unwritten tradition, the godfather acquires a cross for a boy, and the godmother for a girl. Although this rule does not have to be followed.

How many godfathers and mothers should a person have?

One. As a rule, they are the same gender as the child, that is, for a boy - godfather, and for a girl - godmother.
The possibility of having both a godfather and a godmother for a child is a pious custom.
It is not customary to have more than two receivers.

How to choose godparents for a child?

The main criterion for choosing a godfather or godmother should be whether this person will subsequently be able to help in the Christian education of the person received from the font. The degree of acquaintance and simply the friendliness of the relationship are also important, but this is not the main thing.
In former times, concern for expanding the circle of people who would seriously help the newborn child made it undesirable to invite close relatives as godparents. It was believed that they, due to natural kinship, would help the child. For this reason, natural grandparents, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts rarely became recipients. However, this is not prohibited, and is now becoming more and more common.

Can a pregnant woman become a godmother?

Maybe. Pregnancy is not an obstacle to adoption. In addition, if a pregnant woman herself wants to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, then she can do so.

Who can't be a godfather?

Minors; Gentiles; mentally ill; completely ignorant of the faith; persons in a state of intoxication; A married couple cannot be godparents for the same child.

What should godparents give to their godson?

This question lies in the realm of human customs and does not concern spiritual life, regulated Church rules and canons. In other words, this is a personal matter for the godparents. You don't have to give anything at all.
However, it seems that the gift, if it does take place, should be useful and remind of Baptism. It could be the Bible or New Testament, a pectoral cross or an icon of the saint after whom the child is named. There are many options.

If godparents do not fulfill their duties, is it possible to take other godparents and what needs to be done for this?

In the literal sense of the word - it is impossible. Only the one who received the child from the font will be the godfather. However, in a sense, this can be done.
Let's draw a parallel with an ordinary birth: let's say a father and mother, having given birth to their baby, abandon him, do not fulfill their parental responsibilities and do not care for him. In this case, someone can adopt the child and raise him as his own. This person will become, although adopted, a parent in in the truest sense this word.
The same is true in spiritual birth. If the real godparents do not fulfill their duties, and there is a person who can and wants to take on their function, then he should receive a blessing for this from the priest and after that begin to take full care of the child. And you can also call him “godfather”.
In this case, the child cannot be baptized a second time.

Can a young man become godfather to his bride?

Definitely not. A spiritual relationship arises between the godparent and godson, which excludes the possibility of marriage.

How many times can a person become a godfather?

As many as he deems possible.
Being a godparent is a lot of responsibility. Some may dare to take on such responsibility once or twice, some five or six, and some perhaps ten. Everyone determines this measure for themselves.

Can a person refuse to become a godfather? Wouldn't that be a sin?

Maybe. If he feels that he is not ready to bear responsibility for the child, then it will be more honest to the parents and to the child and to himself to say so directly than to formally become a godfather and not fulfill his duties.

Is it possible to become a godfather to two or three children from the same family?

Yes, you can. There are no canonical obstacles to this.

For Orthodox rite Baptism is a very important and integral procedure that any little person will definitely undergo, no matter when it happens: before a year, or when he gets older. Parents, in turn, often select godparents for the baby even before the birth. But, unfortunately, not all modern Orthodox Christians know about the duties and responsibilities that are assigned to godparents. In order to correct this situation a little, we will talk about the responsibilities of a godmother, what she should do and know, and in general, how to choose a godmother.

Who can become a godmother?

Unfortunately, not every woman can become a godmother for a child. When choosing it, you will have to adhere to several criteria:

  • The godmother must be Orthodox, this also implies that she is a baptized woman;
  • it is impossible for the godmother to be a nun;
  • it is also impossible for the godmother to take on the role of dear mother child;
  • in cases where there are two godparents, it is not allowed for these people to be related by marital relations;
  • if the choice fell on a pregnant godmother, then know that the church is not against this, the main thing is that the pregnant woman is able to endure the entire baptismal ceremony, and is also able to hold the child in her arms. Although there are many cases where children cry very much, some priests then allow the child to be held by its mother during the ceremony.

The role of the godmother

The godmother should become a close and dear person for her godson, and her role in his life is quite large. What should I do? godmother? Let's start from the very first minutes.

  1. Before baptism, the godmother should visit the church and talk to the priest, ask him everything exciting questions. In some churches, before becoming godparents, you will need to confess and receive communion.
  2. At baptism, the duties of the godmother will include holding the child in her arms during the ceremony. It will be possible to hand over the child to the godfather only after the baby is dipped into the font three times. Although, again, due to the fact that all children behave differently during baptism, and the conditions in all churches are different, the sequence of being held in arms may change.
  3. After baptism, the godmother tacitly assumes responsibility for the spiritual development of the child. As soon as the baby begins to understand everything, the godmother should talk to him and explain what is good and what is bad, what the church and Orthodoxy are. Also, until the end of his life, the godmother’s prayer for her godson will be his intercession before God himself.

Sometimes the godmother, for one reason or another, does not suit the family, which has high hopes for her. In such cases, parents very often ask the question: “Is it possible to change the godmother?” With such a problem, it is best to contact a priest. If he considers that your case is special, then it may well be that he agrees to bless another woman so that she can help raise the child. But if this happens, then do not think that you will have to go through the entire baptism procedure again. The baptism ceremony takes place only once in a lifetime.

Fees for christening

As with any other visit to church, clothes for the godmother should be strict and seasoned: a skirt, a neat blouse, a scarf and a pectoral cross, which must be worn when visiting church.

It is customary for godparents to give gifts. What does the godmother give? It is believed that the duties of the godmother include purchasing a cross for the baby. But, most often, these nuances are discussed with parents and godfathers.

The baptism of a baby is an exciting event!

How to prepare for it so as not to miss anything,

not to break tradition, so that everything is in order?!

WHAT SHOULD A GODMOTHER KNOW? This role can be performed by an Orthodox Christian woman who has accepted Holy Baptism and following in life God's Commandments. The godmother must prepare for the ritual in advance. Her responsibilities are not only to know the prayers for baptism, but also to be conscious of the ritual taking place. Most often, Russians Orthodox Temples involve the use following prayers for the baptism of a child: “Rejoice, Virgin Mary”; "King of Heaven"; "Our Father". It is also important to be able to read the Creed. These prayers need to be known not only by the godmother, but also by everyone Orthodox Christian. They express the whole essence of faith, help turn to God, cleanse yourself of sin and gain strength to overcome obstacles in life. life path. The godmother must be aware that modern world It is not easy to raise a child as a believer. However, sincere love and affection for the baby will help to instill best qualities and features. It is necessary to rely not only on your own strengths, but also to ask the Lord for help in this difficult work.

WHAT SHOULD A GODMOTHER BUY? Based on her own capabilities, the godmother is obliged to help the parents prepare for the ritual and celebration. She must buy her godson a cross and a chain, an icon of the patron saint, a kryzhma. This issue is quite individual and is resolved jointly with the father and mother of the child. In addition, she needs to undergo a special interview with the priest before the christening.

WHAT SHOULD A GODMOTHER DO? Of course, the main duty during baptism is fervent prayer that the godson will be worthy to receive holy grace. It is necessary to turn to God in a request to give her and the blood parents the strength and wisdom to raise the child according to church commandments. During the baptism process of a girl, the godmother takes her in her arms after immersing herself in the font. When a boy is baptized, it is the other way around - before immersion. It is very important to establish a connection with your baby before the ritual so that he feels calm and safe. The baby may need to be changed or rocked. Christenings take place in several stages. First, the parents, priest and godmother read prayers, and immersion is carried out in the font. Then anointing with the oil of myrrh is carried out. The priest smears a cross on the baby’s forehead, eyes, ears, chest and says: “The Seal of the Holy Spirit. Amen". At the next stage, the hair is cut crosswise on each side of the child’s head. This symbolizes submission to the Lord and is presented as a kind of sacrifice. You need to dress modestly and neatly for a christening. You cannot come in trousers, and the skirt must be below the knees. A headscarf is an invariable attribute for going to church under any circumstances.

EVENT CELEBRATION After the church ceremony, the family and guests go to the orphanage. Traditional is festive table, on which there must be rich pies. In ancient times, they cooked it specially for such a holiday. sweet porridge with butter and milk. This dish can be replaced with a more modern one, for example, a casserole based on cereals with the addition of berries or fruits. But for dad they cooked a special porridge - very salty, spicy and scalding. He had to eat a dish that symbolized the difficulty of childbirth for a woman. Thus, her father partially shared her hardships. It's good if children are invited to visit different ages. This was also a tradition in ancient times. For them, you need to serve many different sweet treats on the table.