If you are interested in the question of how to learn how to perform tricks on cards, then this material will be extremely useful. Exists big variety beautiful and colorful card tricks that can captivate and completely captivate the attention of the public. However, it is better for novice magicians to first master simpler, but also entertaining and effective tricks.

Before you start learning the technique of a particular trick, you should make sure that you fully master the art of flourishes, cuts, flips, double lifts, breaks and false shuffles. These are fundamental skills for successfully performing any trick, be it the simplest or the most incredibly complex.

Let's look at a few simple and original tricks that always cause excitement and bewilderment among the audience.

Magic leaf

To perform this trick you will need:

  • cards;
  • table;
  • piece of paper;
  • writing pen;
  • spectators.

The essence of the trick: you shuffle the deck in any way that suits you. Then write the names of two pictures on a piece of paper, but do not show them to the audience yet. Insert the piece of paper into the middle of the deck. You scroll through it to the piece of paper in the middle, turn it over and show it to the audience, they see what is written. Then you insert the sheet back, lay out the deck with a ribbon and open one image on each side of the sheet in the middle. These are exactly the cards you wrote.

Focus mechanism: When shuffling, look at the top and bottom cards in the deck. Write them down on paper. Then insert the sheet into the middle and start flipping through the stack until it reaches it. When you reach it, grab it along with the cards in your hand and turn it over. This way the viewer will see what is written on the paper, and you put the piece of paper on top of the deck (you already know the top picture).

Then we put the second half of the pack on a piece of paper, and it turns out that it is sandwiched between two cards known to us. Now we stretch the deck with a leaf in the middle with a beautiful ribbon and turn the images next to it. Everyone is surprised and applauds, and you mentally congratulate yourself on your success.

It is important! Use a shuffle that allows you to peek at the cards above and below unnoticed!

The essence: the viewer selects any picture from the deck, remembers it and puts it back in any place. The magician begins to sort through the cards from the deck one by one, and it is the picture chosen by the viewer that turns out to be an upside-down pattern against the background of the remaining cards lying face down.

Mechanism: before letting the viewer choose a picture, you need to discreetly turn the bottom piece from the pack over. You can do this in advance. While the person makes his choice, you turn the deck over and give him to insert his card. After this, turn the deck over again and begin flipping. The viewer's choice will be reversed. The trick is very simple and does not require too complicated manipulations.

It is important! All deck flips in this trick must be performed instantly and unnoticed, this is 90% of the successful outcome.

Three Jacks

A very effective and bright trick that makes you simply grab your head from the apparent unreality of what is happening.

The bottom line: you offer the viewer only three cards - the jack of clubs, the jack of spades and the jack of diamonds. Then, one by one, place them in your hand as follows. First, the jack of diamonds is vertical, then the jack of spades is also vertical, but horizontally between them you insert the jack of diamonds. Then, in front of the audience, you make several magical passes, and the Jack of Diamonds ends up upside down, facing the audience, and lying horizontally in the middle. The incredible replacement of a jack of crosses with a jack of diamonds using magic - this is exactly what it looks like from the outside.

Mechanism: full and detailed description Learn this trick here:

I know what her score is

Another cool trick that can cause a flurry of emotions in the audience. And at the same time completely easy to implement.

The essence: the spectator chooses any card from the deck and then you remove it inside the pack. You invite the viewer to pick cards from the deck as many times as he wants. Then you take the pack in your hands and say: “I know what your card is.” You name the number, count out the one you need, turn it over and you've got an exact hit. The viewer is shocked, you are in the rays of glory.

Mechanism: You can view this trick in action and learn it at the following link:

Go through more detailed and full course Video training of card tricks for beginners can be found here:

To perform such tricks with cards, you will need special equipment. cards with special coating. You can order these

You will learn three more good trick, which can be used to start a magical career.

It is important! Remember that any trick requires training in advance. Never perform a poorly practiced trick, as it is impossible to restore the reputation of a good wizard!

Tricks with cards for beginners and fans of card tricks.

Where to start practicing magic tricks?
Advantages of card tricks for beginner magicians.
What tricks can they do with cards? ordinary people?
Where to buy magic tricks for beginners?

Card tricks are divided into mathematical or automatic, where you just need to learn the sequence of actions for the trick. Also with sleight of hand - you will need the skill of “double card raising”, various sub-withdrawals, false shuffles, etc. Already prepared cards with a secret for tricks, it will seem to the viewer that you are the greatest magician in the world.

Learn card tricks that require no sleight of hand.

“Sandwich”, “4 Acrobatic Kings”, “The Spectator Finds Four Kings”, “Beyond This World”, “Name the Card”, “Do as I Do”, “Aces from the Pocket”.

There is also a video of the classic card appearing out of thin air. The concept used is backpalm, i.e. the card is hidden behind the outside of the palm. Detailed training. It won't work right away, but the effect is worth learning. In our video you will learn how to do this without complicated explanations.

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Svengali Card Tricks Almost everyone knows at least one card trick, but with this deck of magic Svengali cards you can quickly become a card trick master. Magic cards Svengali are the most amazing magic cards ever invented. The book will teach you to amaze, amaze and amaze your friends with...

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Classic appearance cards out of thin air The trick is the appearance of cards from the hand - we need five cards and sleight of hand - in Russia they came up with the term - slaying. We hold the cards behind our palm. The viewer only sees inner part brushes - palm. The cards are located outside the palm. They manifest themselves in this way - we take them with our thumb...

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Demonstration of a trick with cards “Name a card.” Description of the effect. The spectator shuffles the deck of cards completely by accident. The magician places the cards face down across the table. Asks to name the cards - meaning and suit. The spectator, based on his own considerations, randomly points to any card, but does not turn over the card. The magician asks to find 6 crosses. The spectator points to this card. It is important for the viewer to remember...

This question worries many. Card tricks look very, very impressive. And the more incredible the trick seems to the audience, the more impressive it makes. Almost every person who has picked up cards at least once asks the question of how to do tricks with cards. In this article we will look at several options to show that anyone can master this art.


As you know, the basis of almost every trick is the principle of “sleight of hand and no fraud.” That is why some preparation will be required from the magician himself. It's about about the ability to shuffle cards in several ways, perform a trick at the right time, and also the ability to divert the audience’s gaze at the right moment.

It is strongly recommended that you first master the methods of shuffling cards. There are special materials for beginners, where everything is described in detail. A beginner who is wondering how to learn how to do it does not necessarily have to immediately jump into professional tricks. At first, you can start with simple tricks, such as “4 by 4”. This trick has other names, for example, “lock”. Its essence is that 4 jacks, 4 queens, 4 kings and 4 aces are laid out sequentially into 4 piles.

4 eights: idea

If you are one of those who are wondering how to learn how to do card tricks to amuse children, then this trick is especially for you.

Its essence lies in the fact that 4 cards - eights - are laid out on the table (or other horizontal surface). Of all stripes, respectively. To perform this trick, by the way, different decks of cards are suitable, as well as 52. So, when the cards are already laid out face up, the magician advises the viewer (this can be either a child or a person of a different age) to wish for one card.

After the illusionist turns away, the spectator must rotate the card 180 degrees. That is, so that the values ​​​​are swapped, but, in fact, nothing has changed. When the spectator finishes, he informs the magician about this, who again turns to face the cards.

You (if you are playing the role of the one doing the trick) can make different movements to represent reading the spectator's face, reading cards, and so on. After that, all that remains is to name the correct answer.

4 eights: secret

If you look closely at all the cards except the diamond suit, you may notice one very interesting thing. The thing is that the suit pattern is arranged in three columns. Three patterns on the left and three patterns on the right, two in the middle. So, in the side lines, the central patterns can be directed either towards the magician or away from him. Since the diamond suit is represented by a diamond, this rule does not apply to it.

This is why when the magician turns back (after remembering which way the suits are facing), he can see if the direction of one of the cards has changed. If yes, then this will be the answer. If the direction has not changed, then it was turned diamond card. So we have given the answer to the question of how to do tricks with cards for beginners. As you can see, everything is quite simple. At least at first.

Transformation: idea

The meaning of this trick is that the magician holds one card in his hands, and then, after clicking on it, presents the audience with a completely different one. A little simple, but quite effective.

Transformation: secret

This trick is quite easy to perform. But you are unlikely to learn how to do it the first time, since it requires certain dexterity and developed fingers. So, what is the secret of the “transformation” trick?

From the very beginning, the illusionist (naturally, unnoticed by his spectator) takes two cards at once. He places one, which will be shown at the end, face down on the back of the main card, which is shown to the spectator at the beginning of the trick.

You need to hold the cards not in the “top-bottom” position, but in the “sideways” position. At the same time, the index and middle fingers hands should lie on the front side of the main card from above, and thumb- on the back of the spare card in the area of ​​the middle finger. That is, the thumb and middle finger are on the same line, but from different sides.

Simultaneously with the click, the cards change. Very fast, it should be noted. This is done by synchronously moving the fingers in different directions: the middle one pushes the old card back, the big one pushes the new one forward.

It should be noted that at the same time old map must be fixed in a certain position. The trick must be performed while standing directly in relation to the viewer. There should be no rotations, shifts, demotions or promotions of cards. Otherwise, the spectator will see that the second card is at the back.


Thus, by giving examples of two simple tricks, we answered the question: “with cards?” The training is quite simple, as you can see, there are no particular difficulties. Of course, further tricks will be more difficult. But once you learn the basics, you can understand the complex ones.

Especially as a child, it was interesting to watch card tricks. For some it seemed incredible, but for magicians it became a calling - entertaining people.

Watching card tricks is interesting for both young and old people, but unraveling the secrets of card tricks is not so easy. Below are training videos with the secrets of magic tricks, from the simplest to the more complex. Video training clearly shows and explains how to do these tricks.

Produce good impression on your acquaintances and friends with only one deck playing cards and acquired skill as a magician.

Card trick "Inverted card"

This “Inverted Card” card trick is very simple, and at the same time allows you to fully engage the viewer, who will be surprised to see the very chosen card, but in an inverted state.

Isn't it a simple card trick that's very easy to learn?

Robin Hood card trick

A fitting name for the Robin Hood card trick. You choose the Ace of Spades from the deck. You are sorting through the deck, and at that moment you are stopped. You don’t know what card you were stopped on, you connect the decks and shoot like a real Robin Hood into the deck with an ace. Then lay out the deck face down. You ask if the ace is adjacent to the hole card, but it doesn’t hit. The hole card will not be that arrow (ace of spades), but will be the very chosen card.

The training video for the Robin Hood card trick is a little more complicated, but it will definitely surprise your friends and acquaintances.

Learning the card trick "Black and Red"

In this card trick, you will be able to turn the viewer into a real seer and psychic; he himself did not even know about such abilities before.

Not a difficult trick with cards, the secret of which you just saw in the training video.

The secret of the "Hands and Coin" card trick

From the selected card, you look for the one chosen by the viewer and find the desired card by spectator's choice and coin, choosing from "heads" or "tails".

Learning this trick with cards is not difficult. You give the viewer a choice, but in fact you choose the desired card yourself.

A simple trick with cards “Faith in the Magician”

The spectator chooses absolutely any card, then puts it in the deck. The magician begins to shuffle the deck, after which he finds a card.

The simplest card trick from childhood.

An easy trick using Whisper cards.

The spectator chooses a card, and the magician will definitely guess it.

So you learned some card tricks and their secrets, watched a training video. Now you can surprise your friends with real magic.

The ability to perform tricks is always useful in good company, and to perform card tricks you do not need any additional items and, often, special skills. The very simple tricks with cards presented below are just one of these simple, but surprising tricks for observers.

A simple trick with cards - find the hidden card

To begin, ask one of the people around you to choose any card, remember it and put it on top of the deck so that you do not see what card it is. After this, remove the deck and place its lower part on top. Then lay out the cards face up and simply indicate the card the person chose.

The secret of this simple trick with cards is this: before you start, you need to look at the bottom card in the deck you are using and, of course, remember it. When you lay out the deck, the card chosen by the person will be just before the one you remembered and you just have to indicate it.

Another simple card trick is to select four aces from a deck without revealing any cards.

Tell others that you can easily select four aces from a deck without looking at the pictures of the cards. Let anyone tell you a number between 10 and 20.

After this, count out a number of cards from the deck equal to this number and set them aside in a stack. Add the digits of this number together (for example, 14=1+4) and remove from the top of the set aside pile a number of cards equal to this number. They can be put back into the deck. Then set the top card remaining in the pile aside and return the rest to the deck.

Again ask to name a number from 10 to 20 and, having done the above manipulations with the deck, set aside another card. This entire procedure must be done four times, after which you will have four cards set aside. By opening them, you will demonstrate to others that these are aces.

The secret of this card trick is very simple. You must put the aces in the deck in 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th places in advance and do not shuffle the cards before the trick begins. Then everything will work out as described above.

Simple card trick, kings and queens

The trick itself is as follows: you choose kings and queens from a deck, and divide them into two separate piles - one with kings, the other with queens. You combine them into one deck, let the deck be removed several times, put it behind your back, and then take out two cards from the deck. They turn out to be the king and queen of the same suit.

The simple secret to this simple card trick is to make sure that when you stack the kings and queens, the sequence of their suits is the same. Behind your back, the deck must be divided into two parts of four cards each, and then the top cards of each part will be the king and queen of the same suit.