A pioneer - a young builder of communism - works and studies for the good of the Motherland, preparing to become its defender.
A pioneer is an active fighter for peace, a friend to pioneers and the children of workers of all countries.
The pioneer looks up to the communists, prepares to become a Komsomol member, and leads the Octobrists.
A pioneer values ​​the honor of his organization and strengthens its authority through his deeds and actions.

A pioneer is a reliable comrade, respects elders, takes care of younger ones, and always acts according to his conscience.

A pioneer has the right to: elect and be elected to pioneer self-government bodies; discuss at pioneer gatherings, rallies, meetings of councils of detachments and squads, in the press, the work of the pioneer organization, criticize shortcomings, make proposals to any council of the pioneer organization, up to the Central Council of the Higher Professional Education named after V.I. Lenin; ask for a recommendation from the squad council to join the ranks of the Komsomol.

Pioneer motto

The declared goal of the pioneer organization: to educate young fighters for the cause of the Communist Party Soviet Union. It is expressed in the motto of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin. To the call: “Pioneer, be ready to fight for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!” - the answer follows: “Always ready!”

Pioneer badge

The most important pioneer attributes were the squad banner, squad flags, bugle and drum, which accompanied all the solemn pioneer rituals. Each pioneer squad had a pioneer room where the corresponding attributes were stored and meetings of the squad council were held. In the pioneer room, as a rule, there was a ritual stand with pioneer attributes, a Lenin corner and a corner of international friendship. At school and in classrooms, pioneers published and hung handwritten squad and detachment wall newspapers.

Pioneer uniform

IN common days coincided with school uniform, complemented by pioneer symbols - a red tie and a pioneer badge. On special occasions (holidays, greetings at party and Komsomol forums, meetings of foreign delegations, etc.) it was worn dress uniform, which included:
red caps, pioneer ties and badges;
for boys - white shirts with gilded buttons and sleeve emblems, belted with a light brown belt with a gilded buckle, blue trousers and dark shoes;
girls have white blouses, blue skirts, white knee socks and white shoes;
in regions with a hot climate, shoes were replaced with sandals, and trousers could be replaced with shorts, if this did not contradict the spirit of the event and the national traditions of the republic;
for banner groups, the dress uniform was complemented by a red ribbon over the shoulder and white gloves.

Pioneer publications

The Central Committee of the Komsomol, the Central Committee of the Komsomol of the union republics, regional committees, regional committees of the Komsomol, Central, Republican, regional and regional councils of pioneer organizations published pioneer newspapers and magazines and literature necessary for children, including the newspaper “Pionerskaya Pravda”, magazines “Pioneer”, “Koster” ", " Young technician", "Young Naturalist", etc. Radio and television regularly produced programs for pioneers, the call letters of the radio newspaper "Pionerskaya Zorka" were broadcast daily, the "Orlyonok" television studio worked on Central Television, and the monthly documentary film magazine "Pioneerism" was shown in cinemas before the film was shown. .

Pioneer practice

Waste paper collection
Scrap metal collection
Help for pensioners (Timurov movement)
Game "Zarnitsa"
Classes in sports clubs and sections

Pioneer camps

The vast majority of pioneers spent their school holidays in pioneer camps. In the USSR, there were up to 40 thousand summer and year-round pioneer camps, where about 10 million children vacationed annually. There was a kind of unspoken hierarchy between them. The most famous of them was the All-Union Pioneer Camp of the Komsomol Central Committee "Artek", which had international status. The second place in prestige was occupied by the All-Russian Pioneer Camp "Orlyonok" ( Krasnodar region, RSFSR). This was followed by the republican recreation camps “Ocean” (Primorsky Territory, RSFSR), “Young Guard” (Odessa region, Ukrainian SSR) and “Zubrenok” (Minsk region, BSSR).

The wall canvas is red with golden silk fringe with the motto, the laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union and the pioneer badge. The artifact was made in the 70s of the 20th century. Material: acetate silk. Dimensions: 58 x 90 cm. Such canvases, as a rule, were hung on the walls of the school Pioneer Room or the Red Corner, where the attributes of the Pioneer detachment were kept - banners, flags, bugles, drums, etc. Upon closer examination, it becomes obvious that the Soviet pioneers borrowed their laws, like many other things, from bourgeois scouts. The artifact awaits a more detailed description.

The laws of young pioneers in the Soviet Union were the established set of rules of life and social activities members of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after. IN AND. Lenin. These laws set out the main goals and objectives of the pioneer movement in a form that was concise and accessible to children. essential principles communist morality, moral and ethical standards of behavior of young pioneers - the growing Komsomol shift.

For the first time, the Laws of Young Pioneers, developed by the commission of the Central Committee of the RKSM with the participation of representatives of the Komsomol, as well as N. Krupskaya and A. Lunacharsky, were approved by the V Congress of the RKSM in October 1922 - i.e. 5 months after the formation of the Pioneer Party itself, but before it was given the name of Lenin. The congress delegates quite expectedly decided that the children's movement, in conditions of acute class struggle, should set itself the goal of uniting, educating and preparing children to fight for the interests of the proletariat. "The basis of the proletarian children's movement children should play for a long time, based on the characteristics childhood and therefore influencing the feelings of children and drawing children into public life, into the struggle and construction of the working class,” stated in the decision of the congress. And in order to subordinate the child’s personal life to the goals of the pioneer movement, moral obligations were established in the form of the Laws of Young Pioneers. They initially highlighted the main rule, the so-called "iron law", formulated according to Lenin’s behest to young people to learn communism: “I will always strive, wherever possible, to obtain knowledge in order to use it for the benefit of the working people.” However, it was not the only one.

It is quite obvious that most of its laws, as well as many other things (including the form, organizational structure and paraphernalia - more about this in the article) Soviet pioneers borrowed from bourgeois scouts, who were practically banned in the USSR by 1922. These borrowings are clearly visible in the following comparative table. Let us note that in the pioneer interpretation there are no longer such “bourgeois” concepts as the Motherland or property, and for some reason scout politeness, fun and modesty are considered inappropriate. Instead of “neighbor” there are “brothers in labor”, instead of “Motherland” - “working class” and further down the list:

The gradually increasing ideologization of the children's movement could not but affect the content pioneer laws. A comparison of them (and until 1932, 7 versions of laws were adopted and were in effect, replacing each other) convincingly confirms not only the complexity of formulations that are difficult for a child to assimilate and implement, but also the increasing degree of their politicization. New versions of laws began to appear annually in 1929, 1930, 1931, which was due to the aggravated political situation caused by the “great turning point” and the permissiveness of the totalitarian party-state system. Children were drawn into immoral political struggle- this was required of them by the “Laws of Young Pioneers”, developed and adopted by adults. Let's read the texts of those laws: “The pioneer is the enemy of the kulaks and bourgeoisie, for the workers’ international,” “The pioneer always and everywhere fights back the class enemy.” Who is he, " class enemy"? What forms of resistance and struggle should a pioneer use? And the adults themselves answered: report and report, report and report... And the pioneers of the early 30s worked illegally in factories and factories, where they helped implement the notorious industrial financial plan, which was unsecured and unsubstantiated. After all new law, which appeared at the end of the first five-year plan, read: “The pioneer organizes children to carry out the plans of factories, factories, MTS, and collective farms.” In a word, in the difficult situation of the 1930s, passion and romance were completely banished from the life of the pioneers, and in their place formalism and officialdom were firmly entrenched.

At the X Congress of the Komsomol in 1936, the opinion was voiced that “the laws and customs of the pioneers” are far-fetched and useless thing. Soon the Bureau of the Komsomol Central Committee abolished them, at the same time approving the “Rules of Young Pioneers” in the image of the school ones. This step only strengthened the subordination of the pioneers to the school, which caused a protest from N.K. Krupskaya. “I was very upset by the resolution of your plenum on pioneers...”- she wrote to the Komsomol Central Committee, but the opinion of the widow of the deceased leader was not heard. By that time, what we now call “the ideology and practice of the cult of personality” was already firmly established in life. The new Solemn Promise adopted by the Bureau of the Komsomol Central Committee in November 1937 was also permeated with its spirit: “The pioneers are selflessly devoted to their Motherland, the All-Union Bolshevik Party and the great successor of Lenin’s work - Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, who made childhood in the USSR joyful and happy.”

The changes that occurred during the years of socialist construction in the conditions of activity of the pioneer organization, the deepening of the content and improvement of the forms and methods of its work were reflected in the new text of the laws of young pioneers, approved in 1957 by the VIII Plenum of the Komsomol Central Committee. They were collected not only on red banners for the Red Corner, but were also issued in the form of numerous posters and postcards. These are the rules:

  • The pioneer is devoted to the Motherland, the party, communism
  • A pioneer is preparing to become a Komsomol member
  • The pioneer looks up to the heroes of struggle and labor
  • Pioneer honors the memory of fallen fighters and prepares to become a defender of the Fatherland
  • Pioneer - the best in study, work and sports
  • A pioneer is an honest and faithful comrade who always boldly stands for the truth.
  • Pioneer - comrade and leader of the October
  • Pioneer is a friend to pioneers and children of workers of all countries

Canvas with the Laws of Young Pioneers from the “Little Stories” collection

For the first time, the Laws of Young Pioneers, developed by the commission of the Central Committee of the RKSM with the participation of N.K. Krupskaya, were approved by the 5th Congress of the RKSM in October 1922. In the Laws of Young Pioneers, it was highlighted as one of the main laws - “I will always strive, wherever possible, to obtain knowledge in order to use it for the benefit of the working people”

The laws of young pioneers are a set of basic rules for the life and activities of a member of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after. V.I. Lenin. The goals and objectives of the children's communist organization, the basic principles of communist morality, and moral and ethical standards of behavior for young pioneers are set out in a form that is imaginative and understandable to children.

Laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union

The changes that occurred during the years of socialist construction in the conditions of activity of the pioneer organization, the deepening of the content and improvement of the forms and methods of its work were reflected in the new text of the Laws of Young Pioneers, approved in 1957 by the 8th plenum of the Komsomol Central Committee.

1. The pioneer is loyal to the working class and communism.
2. A pioneer is a friend and brother to every other pioneer and Komsomol member.
3. The pioneer is honest and truthful. His word is like granite.
4. The pioneer is disciplined.
5. The pioneer daily helps his fellow workers in building a communist society.
6. The pioneer is hardworking and respects useful work.
7. A pioneer is pure in thoughts, words and deeds.

Pioneer customs.

1. The pioneer does not lie in bed in the morning, but gets up as soon as
2. Pioneers make their beds with their own hands, not with someone else’s hands.
3. Pioneers wash thoroughly, not forgetting to wash their necks and ears, and clean
teeth and remember that teeth are friends of the stomach.
4. Pioneers are precise and accurate.
5. Pioneers stand and sit straight, without hunching.
6. Pioneers are not afraid to offer their services to people.
7. Pioneers do not smoke; a smoking pioneer is no longer a pioneer.
8. Pioneers don't keep their hands in their pockets; holding hands in pockets
not always ready.
9. Pioneers protect useful animals.
10. Pioneers always remember their customs and laws.
11. A drunken pioneer disgraces his squad.

In the fall of 1918, a children's organization of young communists (YuKov) was created, but a year later it was dissolved. In November 1921, a decision was made to create an all-Russian children's organization. Children's groups operated in Moscow for several months; during the experiment, pioneer symbols and attributes were developed, and the name was adopted new organization- detachments of young pioneers named after Spartak. On May 7, 1922, the first Pioneer bonfire was held in the Sokolnichesky Forest in Moscow.

In the Soviet Union, the Day of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin, or, more simply, Pioneer Day, was officially celebrated on May 19. It was on this day in 1922 that the 2nd All-Russian Komsomol Conference decided to create pioneer detachments everywhere. Social hierarchy: October - Pioneer - Komsomol member, was aimed at creating an internal ideological core in Soviet children and teenagers, the desire to grow and improve. Pioneer organization taught children life in a socialist society, ways of coexistence with peers. Now many citizens see shortcomings in this approach to educating young people, they say, ideological clouding of the brain, which made puppets out of people. Even so, at that time the level of drug addiction and crime among young people was extremely low compared to our time. After the collapse of the USSR, Pioneer Day ceased to be an official holiday. Today Pioneer Day is unofficially celebrated by some children's organizations and companies involved in the organization children's leisure. And there will always be people who remember their young pioneer years with pleasure.

Which of the Soviet pioneers does not remember the excitement with which they were preparing to join the ranks of a mass socio-political organization? How were scarlet ties tied to the sounds of bugles and drums? How, for the first time in our lives, did we solemnly swear allegiance to the cause of Lenin and the Communist Party? The Soviet country spared nothing for the young. Beautiful Pioneer Palaces and children's camps were built. The very activity of children's communist organizations in the USSR and other socialist countries was on such a serious scale that it even surpassed in significance its “bourgeois” prototype and analogue - scout movement. The pioneer movement differed from it in significant aspects: the system was all-encompassing state character and set as its goal the ideological education of children as citizens fully devoted to the Communist Party and the state. It should be noted that, as the movement evolved, the role of the scouting heritage in it decreased (which can be clearly seen in the evolution of the pioneer camp from the type of sports and tourist tent camp to the type of sanatorium complex). Among the particular differences is the absence of separate organizations for boys and girls. Until 1924, the pioneer organization bore the name of Spartak, and after Lenin’s death it received his name.

"Be ready!"

"Always ready!"

Pioneer oath
I, I.F., joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization, in the face of my comrades, solemnly swear: to passionately love my Motherland; live, study and fight as the great Lenin bequeathed, as he teaches Communist Party; Always follow the laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union."
"Be ready!"
"Always ready!" Note. Until 1986 it was: “...to passionately love your Motherland, to live, study and fight, as the great Lenin bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches, to always fulfill the laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union.”

1922 edition
I promise with my word of honor that I will be loyal to the working class, I will help my fellow workers every day, I know the laws of the pioneers and will obey them.

1923 edition
I, a young pioneer of the USSR, in the face of my comrades, solemnly promise that

1) I will firmly stand for the cause of the working class in its struggle for the liberation of workers and peasants throughout the world.
2) I will honestly and steadily comply with the laws and customs of young pioneers.

1924 edition
I, a young pioneer of the USSR, in the face of my comrades, solemnly promise that I will firmly stand for the cause of the working class in its struggle for the liberation of workers and peasants of the whole world. I will honestly and steadily fulfill Ilyich’s behests, the laws and customs of the young pioneers.

1928 edition
I, a young pioneer of the USSR, in the face of my comrades, solemnly promise that: 1) I will firmly stand for the cause of the working class in its struggle for the liberation of the working people of the whole world. 2) I will honestly and steadily fulfill Ilyich’s behests - Laws of UP Laws of Young Pioneers - a set of basic rules for the life and activities of a member of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after. V.I. Lenin. The goals and objectives of the children's communist organization, the basic principles of communist morality, and moral and ethical standards of behavior for young pioneers are set out in a form that is imaginative and understandable to children.

For the first time, the Laws of Young Pioneers, developed by the commission of the Central Committee of the RKSM with the participation of N.K. Krupskaya, were approved by the 5th Congress of the RKSM in October 1922. In the Laws of Young Pioneers, it was highlighted as one of the main laws - “I will always strive, wherever possible, to obtain knowledge in order to use it for the benefit of the working people.”

The changes that occurred during the years of socialist construction in the conditions of activity of the pioneer organization, the deepening of the content and improvement of the forms and methods of its work were reflected in the new text of the Laws of Young Pioneers, approved in 1957 by the 8th plenum of the Komsomol Central Committee.

Laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union

The pioneer is devoted to the Motherland, the party, and communism.
A pioneer is preparing to become a Komsomol member.
The pioneer looks up to the heroes of struggle and labor.
The pioneer honors the memory of the fallen fighters and prepares to become a defender of the Fatherland.
A pioneer is the best in studies, work and sports.
The pioneer is disciplined.
A pioneer is an honest and faithful comrade, always boldly standing for the truth.
Pioneer - comrade and leader of the October.
A pioneer is a friend to pioneers and the children of workers of all countries.
The pioneer is honest and truthful. His word is like granite.

Pioneer customs.

The pioneer does not lie in bed in the morning, but gets up straight away, like a good-for-nothing.
Pioneers make their beds with their own hands, not with someone else’s hands.
Pioneers wash thoroughly, not forgetting to wash their necks and ears, brush their teeth and remember that teeth are friends of the stomach.
Pioneers are precise and accurate.
Pioneers stand and sit straight, without hunching.
Pioneers are not afraid to offer their services to people. Pioneers do not smoke; a smoking pioneer is no longer a pioneer.
Pioneers don't keep their hands in their pockets; Those who keep their hands in their pockets are not always ready.
Pioneers protect useful animals.
Pioneers always remember their customs and laws.

Pioneer anthem

Music: S. Dyoshkin Words: A. Zharov

We, the pioneers, are the children of workers.

Chorus (after each verse):
The time is approaching /aut:era/
Happy years,
Pioneer's cry -
"Always be prepared!"

With a joyful step, with a cheerful song,
We stand for the Komsomol.

We raise the red /aut:scarlet/ banner,
Children of workers, boldly follow us!

Together we will ring out a distant song
For the pioneers of the world family

Raise your bonfires, blue nights!
We, the pioneers, are the children of workers.

Signals and marches of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after. V. I. Lenin (Parts 1, 2)

Genre: signals and marches
Year of release: 1983
Disc manufacturer: USSR
Audio bitrate: 320 kbps
Duration: 00:16:11

I Signals

1. Introduction - 00:00:35
2. Attention! Listen up everyone! - 00:00:37
3. Get up! - 00:00:28
4. For lunch - 00:00:23
5. To class - 00:00:27
6. Gathering of pioneer counselors - 00:00:14
7. Bedtime - 00:00:47

II Squad line

8. Signal "Gathering" - 00:00:40
9. March "Solemn carrying out of the banner" - 00:00:23
10. Raising and lowering the State Flag of the USSR - 00:00:29
11. Soar with fires, blue nights!
12. Grand opening - 00:00:21
13. Minute of silence - 00:00:51

III Marches to accompany
pioneer system

14. Solemn greeting - 00:00:36
15. Pioneer touch - 00:00:17
16. Pioneer March - 00:00:53
17. Counter march - 00:00:28
18. Ringing march - 00:00:32
19. Guard march - 00:00:22
20. Pioneer March - 00:00:43

IV Pioneer Signals
military sports game "Zarnitsa"

21. Signal "Zarya" - 00:01:04
22. Alarm signal - 00:00:30
23. Air raid signal - 00:00:13
24. Alarm clear signal - 00:00:21

Symbols of the pioneer organization

Regulations on the symbols, attributes and rituals of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after. IN AND. Lenin provides for the use of state symbols established by the Constitution of the USSR in educational work. The pioneer organization instills in children and adolescents deep respect for the Coat of Arms, Flag, and Anthem of the USSR, as well as for the Coat of Arms, Flag, and Anthem of the Union Republic. These state symbols represent heroic story, the power and greatness of the socialist Fatherland.

The educational purpose of the symbols of the pioneer organization, the importance of using state symbols in its work lies, first of all, in explaining to them in a specific, vivid, imaginative, emotional and understandable form for children:

The idea of ​​revolutionary continuity of generations of communists - Komsomol members - pioneers, loyalty of the younger generation to the revolutionary, combat and labor traditions of the Soviet people, readiness to fight for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union;
the socio-political meaning of the activities of the communist organization of children and adolescents;
the importance of the pioneer organization as a replacement and reserve Lenin Komsomol;
the need to strengthen the unity of members of the pioneer organization.

The symbolism of the pioneer organization was distinguished by the following ideological and political orientations:

The deep ideological and political content of each symbol, an inextricable connection with communist ideas;
concreteness and accuracy of expression of the ideological and political content of certain communist ideas;
brightness and emotional appeal of the external form of the symbol;
simplicity and accessibility of the disclosure of political concepts that are difficult for children.

Red banner and red flag. The Communist Party and Komsomol entrusted pioneer organizations and squads with the right to have the Red Banner, and the detachment - the red pioneer flag. These were symbols of the loyalty of the younger generation to the cause of the October Revolution, the cause of the Communist Party, a symbol of loyalty to the Motherland, honor and unity of the pioneers.

On the Red Banner of the All-Union Pioneer Organization there are two Orders of Lenin and the Commemorative Ribbon of the Komsomol Central Committee. The first Order of Lenin was awarded to the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after. IN AND. Lenin was awarded on May 17, 1962 in connection with her 40th anniversary for great job on communist education of children. The commemorative ribbon of the Central Committee of the Komsomol was presented to the pioneer organization on June 30, 1970 at the XVII All-Union Rally of Pioneers in Leningrad for successful work in preparation for the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin. The pioneer organization was awarded the second Order of Lenin on May 18, 1972 in connection with its 50th anniversary and for its great work in educating children in the spirit of Lenin’s precepts.

The Red Banner was solemnly presented by representatives of the Lenin Komsomol to pioneer organizations of union and autonomous republics, national districts, regional and regional, city and district organizations, a school squad, and a temporary squad of a pioneer camp.

Samples of the Red Banners of pioneer organizations and squads were established by the Central Committee of the Komsomol. These banners depicted a pioneer badge and inscribed the words of the pioneer motto: “Be ready to fight for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!” On the ribbon attached to the flagpole is the name of the organization or squad. Commemorative ribbons for successes in all-Union and republican pioneer affairs were also attached to the flagpole of the squad. Caring attitude to the Red Banner was the sacred duty of every leader and pioneer.

Red flag was presented by a representative Komsomol organization to the newly created pioneer joy at the ceremonial assembly. A sample of the red flag of the detachment was also approved by the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. On the front side of the flag was a pioneer badge. A ribbon with the honorary name of the detachment embroidered in silk, and commemorative ribbons - a reward for success in pioneering affairs, for example, were attached to the flag pole. Ribbon of Honor Central Council All-Union Pioneer Organization named after. IN AND. Lenin to the “right-flank” detachment of the All-Union March of Pioneer Detachments.

Red tie and pioneer badge.

Every pioneer wore a red tie. It was a symbol of loyalty to the cause of the Great October Revolution, a symbol of the unbreakable unity of three generations: communists - Komsomol members - pioneers. The pioneer's tie is a piece of the revolutionary Red Banner. To preserve the honor of your pioneer tie means to sacredly preserve the honor of the Red Banner. The badge is a symbol of the pioneer’s membership in the unified mass communist organization of children and teenagers of the Soviet Union. “Such an icon,” wrote N.K. Krupskaya in the brochure “RKSM and Boy Scoutism,” strengthens the connection between the organization and its members and strengthens the member’s responsibility for his actions.”

Pioneer badge.
The pioneer badge is an image of a five-pointed red star (a symbol of unity and the working people of five continents) with the profile of V.I. Lenin in the center of the star (a sign of belonging to the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin and the pioneer’s fidelity to Lenin’s covenants), above the upper rays of the star there is a pioneer fire with three flames (a symbol of the unity of generations of communists - Komsomol members - pioneers), the lower rays of the star are intertwined ribbon with the words “Always Ready!” (a symbol of the pioneer’s readiness to fight for the cause of the Communist Party).

Pioneer fireworks. The pioneer's salute means that for him the interests of society, his communist organization, squad and detachment are higher than personal ones. The pioneer gave a salute, raising a bent at an angle right hand with fingers tightly clenched above head:

Https://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/62701/108533029.23/0_211944_e1f9d85f_orig.jpg when presenting him with a red tie;
during the performance of the Anthem of the Communist Party of the Internationale, the Anthem of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the anthems of the union republics, the raising of the State Flag of the USSR and the flags of the union republics;
at the Mausoleum and monuments to V.I. Lenin, memorials to the revolutionary, military and labor glory of the Soviet people, answering “Always ready!” to the words of the pioneer motto;
when presenting insignia to members of the councils of squads and detachments, rewarding during a solemn ceremony;
the pioneer also salutes the Red Banner - the flag of the detachment, and greets the counselors, pioneer and military formation with a salute.

An honorary name. Assigning a name to a pioneer organization, squad, detachment outstanding figure Communist Party and revolutionary movement, the hero of our Motherland, was a symbol of fidelity to the glorious traditions of the struggle for communism. Examples of heroic life and struggle, "glorious work Soviet people, the feat of the heroes performs as high moral ideal pioneers,” which they were supposed to imitate. Already N.K. Krupskaya noted in her works the significant educational power of the connection between ideals and practical behavior of adolescents and children. The life and work of V. I. Lenin was proposed as the highest ideological and moral ideal for the pioneers.

The symbolism is inextricably linked with the attributes of the pioneer organization. Attributes are certain objects and signs that express the ideas, symbols and traditions of the pioneer movement in a bright and expressive form, emphasize the cohesion, unity and organization of pioneer groups, and create an emotionally attractive design for a children's communist organization.

Some of the main symbols of the pioneer organization were also its attributes (red banners of pioneer organizations and squads, red flags of detachments, a tie and a pioneer badge).

The attributes, having a symbolic meaning, reflected the revolutionary romance of pioneer life, the pathos of the heroic struggle of the people for the great cause of the Communist Party. Therefore, for example, it is wrong to consider both the horn and the drum only from the point of view of their utilitarian and practical purpose of sending signals. The bugle and drum became companions of the detachment as symbols of the battle trumpet of the Red Army regiments of the fiery years civil war and marching drums of the young Gavroches of the Paris Commune.

The attributes of the pioneer organization were the uniform of counselors and pioneers, insignia of elected pioneer activists, awards of counselors and pioneers, memorable emblems, signs and award badges of pioneer rallies, festivals, contests, competitions, all-Union and republican games.

Thus, the goals and objectives of the pioneer organization were determined on the basis of party directives and formulated in the Komsomol Charter and the Regulations on the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after. V.I. Lenin, documents of the Lenin Komsomol.

The common and unified goal of the school, the Komsomol and the pioneer organization were the tasks comprehensive development communist personality. The goal of each squad was to prepare a worthy replacement for the Leninist Komsomol.

The symbols and attributes imparted a revolutionary-romantic mood to the life and work of the pioneers, helped to organizationally and ideologically strengthen the team of members of the communist organization of children and adolescents, bring emotional and solemn elation to pioneer affairs, and create an aesthetics for the life of the collective. They expressed socio-political ideas public life, the pathos of the struggle to build socialism and communism.

To prepare an event for Trade Workers Day in the “Pioneer Camp” style, we found the Laws of Young Pioneers, Customs and Oath.

The laws of young pioneers are a set of basic rules for the life and activities of a member of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after. V. I. Lenin; The goals and objectives of the children's communist organization, the basic principles of communist morality, and moral and ethical standards of behavior for young pioneers are set out in a form that is imaginative and understandable to children.

For the first time, the Laws of Young Pioneers, developed by a commission of the Central Committee of the RKSM with the participation of N.K. Krupskaya, were approved by the 5th Congress of the RKSM (October 1922). In the Laws of Young Pioneers, it was highlighted as one of the main laws, formulated according to Lenin’s behest of youth to learn communism: “I will always strive, wherever possible, to obtain knowledge in order to use it for the benefit of the working people.”

The changes that occurred during the years of socialist construction in the conditions of activity of the pioneer organization, the deepening of the content and improvement of the forms and methods of its work were reflected in the new text of the Laws of Young Pioneers, approved in 1957 by the 8th plenum of the Komsomol Central Committee.

Laws of Young Pioneers

1. The pioneer is loyal to the working class and communism.
2. A pioneer is a friend and brother to every other pioneer and Komsomol member.
3. The pioneer is honest and truthful. His word is like granite.
4. The pioneer is disciplined.
5. A pioneer helps his fellow workers every day in building a communist society.
6. The pioneer is hardworking and respects useful work.
7. A pioneer is pure in thoughts, words and deeds.

In 1967, the 2nd Plenum of the Komsomol Central Committee made some additions and changes to this text.
1. The pioneer is devoted to the Motherland, the party, communism
2. A pioneer is preparing to become a Komsomol member
3. The pioneer looks up to the heroes of struggle and labor
4. The pioneer honors the memory of the fallen fighters and prepares to become a defender of the Fatherland
5. Pioneer - the best in study, work and sports
6. A pioneer is an honest and faithful comrade, always boldly standing for the truth
7. Pioneer - comrade and leader of the Octobrist
8. A pioneer is a friend to pioneers and children of workers of all countries

To fulfill the Laws of the Pioneers means to always and in everything be faithful to the precepts of the great Lenin, to your honest pioneer word, to treasure the pioneer tie, to cherish a sacred object and to carry the Red Pioneer Banner high.

Pioneer Customs

1. The pioneer does not lie in bed in the morning, but gets up as soon as
2. Pioneers make their beds with their own hands, not with someone else’s hands.
3. Pioneers wash thoroughly, not forgetting to wash their necks and ears, and clean
teeth and remember that teeth are friends of the stomach.
4. Pioneers are precise and accurate.
5. Pioneers stand and sit straight, without hunching.
6. Pioneers are not afraid to offer their services to people.
7. Pioneers do not smoke; a smoking pioneer is no longer a pioneer.
8. Pioneers don't keep their hands in their pockets; holding hands in pockets
not always ready.
9. Pioneers protect useful animals.
10. Pioneers always remember their customs and laws.
11. A drunken pioneer disgraces his squad.

Pioneer oath

I (Name, Surname), joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in the face of my comrades, solemnly promise: to passionately love my Motherland, to live, learn and fight, as the great Lenin bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches, to always fulfill the Laws of the Soviet Pioneers Union.

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