The popular men's publication Men's Health has compiled another celebrity rating. This time we are invited to find out the Top 15 Hollywood star couples, who over the past year were most discussed both in the media and among their fans, and also have a greater degree of global popularity and attractiveness. So, who are they?

15. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel

Five years of dating and numerous rumors of a breakup did not stop the sweet couple from playing gorgeous wedding on south coast Italy.

According to the popular publication, although they seem different at first glance, the lovers have exactly the same life values, for example, they both adhere to healthy eating and are fond of sports.

14. Josh Duhamel and Fergie

The constant employment of both spouses did not prevent them from coming to mutual understanding and harmony, thanks to which they have been living together for more than 3 years.

True, media representatives are increasingly asking the question why star couple so still no children. In his numerous interviews, Josh has repeatedly said that he is ready for the responsible role of a father, however, there are rumors that Fergie will soon give him an heir.

13. Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston

Having been trying to find the man of her life for a long time, Jennifer seems to have finally met him in the person of Justin Theroux in May of the year before last.

This year the couple plans to legalize their relationship and, possibly, give birth to their first child.

12. Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz

"Agent 007" is used to the company of only the most beautiful women: in June 2011, he secretly married “The Mummy” star and simply beautiful Rachel Weisz.

The couple has been inseparable since the filming of the film "House of Dreams", in which both actors played the main roles. They look great together and behave well, trying not to advertise their relationship in front of strangers.

11. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

Even the divorce that took place last year did not reduce interest in the separated couple - rather, on the contrary.

The marriage of Tom and Katie has been repeatedly recognized as the strongest and most passionate star marriage in Hollywood: they lived together for 6 years. However, many assume that there is a possibility that they will get together again, albeit solely for the benefit of their common daughter Suri.

10. Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin

Before their marriage, which took place in August 2010, the actors dated for three years.

In September 2012 in happy family Baby twins were born within a few minutes of each other.

9. Matthew McConaughey and Camilla Alves

They met in 2007, when Matthew’s popularity had already gained incredible momentum, and Alves was working in small company as a model and designer. Less than a year had passed since the lovers had their first child.

Now they have 6 years of harmonious relationships and three children behind them (the youngest, Levingston, was born on December 28, 2012). And last year, Camilla finally received a marriage proposal from her lover, and the couple officially registered their relationship.

8. Cash Warren and Jessica Alba

This producer-actor union is already more than 8 years old, but according to the lovers themselves, their feelings are only growing stronger every day.

Their little ones, Honor (4 years old) and Haven (1.5 years old), take an active part in this, as well as the couple’s common interests, which, according to Jessica, only help strengthen the relationship.

7. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Many people are looking forward to the wedding of one of the most beautiful Hollywood couples, and this topic will probably be discussed much more often this year than in previous years.

Both actors feel quite harmonious even without a stamp in their passport - they are beautiful, wealthy, self-sufficient and happy together. A wedding ceremony, which they plan to arrange, will take place, according to them, solely at the request of their six children.

6. David and Victoria Beckham

Family values for this couple are the main thing life priority, and David and Victoria consider the time they spend together with their 4 children to be the most peaceful and relaxing in the world.

Complete external well-being and harmony in the couple are achieved due to the mystery of Mrs. Beckham, since hardly anyone else except David knows what she is like in real life.

5. Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen

The editors of the publication simply could not help but mention this couple: in all likelihood, both externally and internally, this is an ideal union of two lovers.

Moreover, they are happy parents growing son and daughter.

4. Prince William and Kate Middleton

William and Kate, who are expecting the birth of a royal grandson this summer, have a lot to learn.

The kind, beautiful, cheerful and active Duchess of Cambridge perfectly complements the courageous Prince William, who spent New Year's Eve, participating in the rescue operation.

3. Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr

Ignoring gossips, who are spreading rumors about the affairs of both lovers on the side, Miranda and Orlando are in no hurry to leave each other's arms, continuing to raise their 2-year-old son Flynn.

There are rumors that they don't love each other at all and that the actor tied the knot only because the model became pregnant. However, if you believe the same rumors, then a couple of years ago Orlando was generally gay.

2. Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes

The couple has been dating since the fall of last year. They say that in the near future the 32-year-old actor will propose marriage to the 38-year-old actress, and she will gladly accept him, as she adores her lover. However, so did he her.

It is worth adding that both lovers have beautiful figures, as well as very passionate temperaments, which makes their relationship harmonious and worthy of second place in the rating.

1. Jay-Z and Beyoncé

This couple can be called the most powerful in every sense: last year they were recognized as the richest, most discussed, and even the hottest in the world.

Beyoncé is set to release her new solo album next year, while her husband plans to collaborate with Kanye West again.

There are stars who are immutable figures in themselves, but if celebrities also choose their other half to match, such a romance is simply doomed to close attention. Especially for Valentine's Day, we have made a selection of the most bright couples V modern history Hollywood. Some were predictable, some were... shocking, while others - simply heartbreaking for the world community.

Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston

They were called the most beautiful couple Hollywood. Handsome and the dream of all women Brad Pitt at the time of meeting future wife was already popular, but he added points to his image as the main sex symbol due to his affair with the incredibly popular performer of the role of Rachel in the TV series in the late 90s "Friends". Jennifer Aniston Also, at first she was just a sweet and funny girl, playing the first star role in her life. However, the project became mega-popular, and of all the actors in the series, she was the No. 1 star. It was here, on the set of the sitcom, that the fateful and main meeting in life took place. Brad Pitt And Jennifer Aniston. Each of their dates was accompanied by the affection of the public - the media adored them, the paparazzi recorded their every move, and fans and tabloids never tired of saying that these two were made for each other. Their marriage lasted five happy years, and the wedding became one of the most luxurious in the history of Hollywood. Brad kept telling the press: “Jen is the woman of my life!” With her, he found his signature gloss and chic and played the most stellar roles.

The news about the dramatic separation of the most touching and loving couple in Hollywood came as a real shock to the whole world. On the set of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" Pitt started an affair with his co-star Angelina Jolie. A huge scandal and growing negativity from the public towards Angelina forced her to defend herself - at first Jolie and Pitt said that they were just friends, then the couple tried to justify the desire to be together by the desire to have more offspring. In the press at the suggestion of the PR service Angelina Jolie they began to write about Aniston’s reluctance to have children. In contrast, Angelina adopted children from third world countries and gave birth to Brad three.

In fact, the biographers of all three participants in this story are unanimous - Jennifer Aniston She tried repeatedly to get pregnant, but she could not become a mother. Information about her reluctance to have children was simply necessary for the “Jolepitt” couple for contrast - they frantically gave birth and adopted, emphasizing that the main thing in their family was children and Brad’s desire to leave the family was determined solely by this factor. Plus, everyone knows that Angelina ignored her father for years Jon Voight, who abandoned her mother, having an affair with a film partner on the set, and therefore banal passion was not in their case with Brad Pitt a powerful argument.

Cheating scandal Brad Pitt, became one of the most serious in Hollywood history. The uproar was such that it almost ruined the career of the “homewrecker” Jolie, who urgently began a PR campaign to whitewash her reputation. Staged photographs with children, detailed photo reports about trips to hungry children in African countries, and touching interviews about self-sacrifice began to appear in the press. However, popular T-shirts with the inscriptions Jolie Team and Aniston Team clearly showed that public sympathy was on the side of the abandoned wife. However, she was also quite tired of the reputation of a poor and abandoned victim of Angelina’s machinations - in the wake of the scandal, Jennifer became one of the highest paid comediennes in the world, but for a long time she could not find happiness in her personal life. Personality scale Brad Pitt really prevented her from adequately assessing candidates for her hand and heart.

As time passes Brad Pitt became the most father of many children Hollywood, got a beard, retrained from a sex symbol to a character actor. Jennifer Aniston entered the top of the richest actresses, became interested in yoga out of grief and received the status better body Hollywood, and her novels are still a reason for close media attention. And although the glory of each of them is still at its zenith, the time when they ignited with their energy, were distinguished by incredible sincerity and positivity, is irrevocably gone. The “gap of the century” left in the past something that fans of the actors still regret - the genuine emotions of the couple and the energy of youth, far from thoughtful publicity.

Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin

The romance between Hollywood sex symbol Kim Basinger, star of Playboy and the erotic drama “9 1/2 Weeks,” and actor Alec Baldwin began in 1990 on the set of the film “The Marrying Habit.” The oldest, most successful and handsome of four brothers acting dynasty Baldwinov fell in love with the beautiful blonde at first sight. He stalked her for several months, calling and writing letters, inviting her to luxurious restaurants and showering her with gifts. After two years of courtship, Alec and Kim became husband and wife. The actress gave her consent to the marriage only after a huge scandal with a Hollywood studio penalty and the actress’s bankruptcy associated with her refusal to participate in the film “Elena in the Box.” Baldwin paid off all the debts of the woman he loved and was going to live his life with her. Their for a long time They were considered the most harmonious star couple, and later also exemplary parents. But the hysterical and nervous Kim, prone to phobias and fears, became more and more difficult to bear every year. Alec struggled stoically with her mental problems, which worsened during her pregnancy. Under the influence of Kim, whose bad character was legendary in Hollywood, the calm and diplomatic Alec turned into an equally capricious and scandalous star, disrupting filming and throwing chairs. After eight years of marriage, the lovers had a final break - Baldwin left the love of his life to go in search of inner harmony.

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez

The passionate romance of this couple also began with the words “Camera! Motor! ”, but in reality it did not look like a movie fairy tale about love. It all started very romantic. Affleck belonged to a dying breed of gentleman who follows all the traditions of courtship and dating. Despite enviable external characteristics, a reputation as a good actor, an intellectual and a smart girl, Ben Affleck He never had a reputation as an inveterate Don Juan and was shy when interacting with girls. Having started dating the Latin American diva J.Lo, who was mega-popular in the early 2000s, he took a big risk with his reputation - the sultry singer was no different good taste, and her pretentious appearances, parties and rhinestone outfits were watched by Affleck’s entourage with a shudder. Despite the absolute difference in characters and lifestyles, the couple did not hide their passion, which Lopez, thirsty for another PR, transferred into the plot of one of her Jenny from the Block videos.

Yachts, jewelry, designer items, frivolous kisses from her boyfriend on the singer’s famous butt - all this caused a wave of interest and criticism from the public. The couple everyone was talking about was called “Bennifer” - the media wrote about them, they were pursued by the paparazzi, and the upcoming wedding of the stars was called nothing less than the “wedding of the century.” Press pressure didn't bother Jennifer at all, but it literally demoralized Ben. At this time he had practically no creative victories; he was increasingly called an actor who wasted brilliant career to become the companion of a pretentious star. A shock to the public was the breakdown of the relationship literally on the eve of the wedding in 2003, and a little later the final break. Each of the lovers remained silent for a long time. Ben nobly allowed the media to think that Jennifer made the decision, although the couple’s friends noted that Affleck’s departure left Lopez depressed for a long time.

Demi Moore and Bruce Willis

This divorce is included in the list of the loudest because it turned out to be completely unexpected - the couple lived together for 11 years and were considered an exemplary couple in Hollywood. Famous couple Moore-Willis seemed surprisingly organic and was always outside of discussions and rumors, so the news of their breakup came as a shock to absolutely everyone. This divorce was even given the name “end of the legend” - two big stars and two bright person have always been inseparable in the eyes of the public.

Their first meeting took place in 1987, and they got married that same year. After a while, three daughters appeared in the family - Rumer, Scout and Tallulah. If at the beginning of the relationship the couple could not do without scandals and fights, then closer to the breakup they, on the contrary, gave the impression of an ordinary loving family. None of them pulled the blanket on themselves - everyone's career went up steeply. Willis starred in the cult film Die Hard, and Moore became the No. 1 star after the release of the famous film Ghost. However, literally before the divorce, reports appeared about affairs and betrayals that seemed to be the invention of ill-wishers. Mutual jealousy and claims led to a breakup - the actors divorced without comment to the press, while to this day they continue to maintain warm friendly relations.

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman

Gossip about this acting couple circulated constantly. An enviable Hollywood groom and an aristocratic Australian woman seemed outwardly completely unsuitable for each other. However, this did not stop them from living in an official marriage for almost ten years and having two adopted children. In this couple, the star was always Tom Cruise, and Nicole accompanied him more and played a supporting role. Later she admits that she loved her husband so much that she lived as if in slavery, subjected to sexual violence and sophisticated humiliation. The breakup of this beautiful and apparently prosperous couple was shocking in its cruelty. Various sources It was rumored that Nicole learned about the reason for the divorce from her husband’s lawyers; Cruise did not even explain to his wife. Due to a painful separation, Kidman, who was carrying a child, suffered a miscarriage. However, Tom Cruise scandalously told the press that the child was not his. Subsequently, an examination proved his paternity, and fans of the star union could not understand the reason for such harsh treatment of Tom Cruise with his beloved. After the breakup, Nicole Kidman became one of the highest paid stars in Hollywood and received the long-awaited Oscar.

Claudia Schiffer and David Copperfield

The flamboyant singer, reality TV contestant and Ozzy Osbourne's daughter Kelly announced her engagement to her boyfriend, chef Matthew Mosshart, this week. The couple posed for the cover of Hello magazine, talking about romantic details happy event– Moshart proposed to Kelly while standing on a balcony overlooking the ocean. Needless to say, the couple is colorful - a chef who looks like a rock star and a singer with purple hair, whose biggest achievement is losing 32 kg. Probably Kelly’s next step will be to release the book “How to Live with a Chef and Not Gain Gain.”

While the lovers are preparing for the wedding, let's see what else colorful couples might please Hollywood.

Sean Penn and Madonna

An explosive mixture of two of the most temperamental personalities in Hollywood. Scandals, fights and alcohol did not give the couple any one chance for a stable long-term relationship, despite the fact that in 1985 the actor and singer were married. The divorce followed 4 years later, and it still remains a mystery how they managed not to kill each other. From them joint photos you can charge the batteries - even many years later, Madonna claims that Sean was the best man her life. Penn admits that in order to portray passion during the recent filming of Harvey Milk, he thought about Madonna.

Dita Von Teese and Marilyn Manson

The outrageous rocker with a scary face and the luxurious burlesque diva were together for 6 years, of which a little more than a year were married. This couple evokes painful spasms of nostalgic regret about their breakup - probably none of the stars looked so strange, unusual and at the same time harmonious. This is what Dita said about their relationship: “He and I are cut from the same cloth. We both completely changed our essence, dyed our hair black, came up with makeup and our own own style- that's why we're so successful. We matched each other on a very deep level."

Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci

The sexiest couple in modern cinema. Monica is an incredibly beautiful Italian with the face of a goddess and the figure of a statue, Vincent is a daring Frenchman with an undressing look and a charge of negative charm that knocks you down. Separately they are, of course, beautiful, but together they are simply cosmically beautiful! Their marriage demonstrates miracles of stability, despite the increased attention to Monica from all the men on the planet and the increased kobe... mmm, let's say... Cassel's sociability.

Seal and Heidi

A beautiful fairy tale with an ugly ending. The angelic blonde is one of the most sought-after top models, and the talented dark-skinned singer with dramatic scars on his face met in 2004. They could be called Beauty and the Beast, but the noble act of Sil, who married a model pregnant with Flavio Briatore, somehow does not fit in with the monsters. The singer raised his daughter Heidi as his own, and in gratitude, Klum gave birth to three more children. The couple renewed their wedding vows every year, celebrating it in an original and grand way... And in 2012, Heidi and Seal divorced. Not even with the scandal (that would have been at least effective), but with the dull exchange of caustic remarks in the press and Heidi’s humiliating affair with the bodyguard for Seal.

Mary-Kate Olsen and Olivier Sarkozy

(on the right is Sarkozy’s 11-year-old daughter)

The relationship between the petite 26-year-old actress and the 45-year-old brother of the French President shocked the public in April 2012. Even if you don't take into account the 19-year age difference and the even more noticeable difference in height (Olsen is only 152 cm tall, and Olivier is almost 2 meters!), the anorexic icon of boho style with grunge elements and the conservative businessman simply do not look together. That does not prevent them from purchasing property for joint living and, according to rumors, preparing for a wedding.

Wladimir Klitschko and Hayden Panettiere

The Ukrainian boxer and the Hollywood starlet began appearing together in 2009. This couple had no chance of going unnoticed - little Hayden, with her 157 cm height, looked like a child’s toy against the backdrop of the almost two-meter giant Vladimir. The lovers broke up in 2012 due to conflicting schedules, but got back together last winter. The younger Klitschko, according to rumors, proposed to the actress.

Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter

One of the most successful family-creative tandems in Hollywood. The actress and director complement each other perfectly, creating strange fantasy images on the screen that are business card Burton films. Helena and Tim shock the public not only in the movies, but also in life. On the red carpet and in paparazzi photographs, the couple appears in the constant style of urban madmen.

Polina Porizkova and Rick Ocasek

The legendary top model of the 80s and 90s, Polina Porizkova, star of Sports Illustrated and Playboy magazines, married Rick Ocasek, leader of the group “The Cars” in 1989. It was difficult to imagine a more inappropriate couple - an aristocratic beauty and a man who could play Koshchei the Immortal without makeup. However, almost 25 years later they are still together. Like the following pair:

Bowie and Iman

This union is so old that it’s embarrassing to talk about it out loud. And every year they only get better. Their relationship has already become a legend. This is a karmic union not even of people, but of two unearthly creatures - eternally young and beautiful, strange and talented. The alien appearance, voice and style of David Bowie are ideally complemented by the inhuman grace, face and figure of Iman, who seems to have found the miraculous cream of Bulgakov's Margarita.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Sam Taylor-Wood

A completely fresh pair that has not yet been dragged through various ratings. However, the first reaction that occurs when looking at them is WTF? The promising 23-year-old handsome actor and the 46-year-old artist, producer and director met in 2009 while working on the joint film “Becoming John Lennon.” A few months later, the couple announced their engagement. Aaron was only 19 years old at the time, and Sam did not look at all like a fatal temptress, and therefore no one believed in their marriage, even after Johnson took the surname Taylor. But they are still together, raising 2 common daughters, they speak so sincerely about their love that someday we will believe them. By the way, Sam will direct the film adaptation of the acclaimed novel Fifty Shades of Gray, and we already know that she loves filming her husband in leading role. So Aaron (Kick-Ass) Johnson may be in for a career change.

Star divorces and related scandals have become commonplace in the world of show business, undermining our faith in strong marriage among celebrities. However, there are exceptions here too, because some stars are distinguished by enviable constancy in choosing a lover.

Since 1977, the actor lived with Rima Horton, whom he met in 1965, when he was 19 and she was 18.

After 47 years of dating, the couple legalized their relationship. They secretly married in 2012 in New York. They lived together until Rickman's death in 2016.

Kevin met his partner Kyra Sedgwick on the set of the film Lemon Sky.

At first, Kira was not happy with the way Kevin was courting her, but he did not give up and continued to woo her.

In the end, the actress relented, and she and Kevin got married a few months later.

They have been married since 1988 and have two children, Travis and Soucy.

The actor first met his future lifelong friend on the set; he was surprised at how much she looked like Grace Kelly.

John Travolta and Kelly Preston got married in 1991.

In 2013, everyone was talking about spouses divorcing after 22 years. life together, however, Kelly and John are still together to the envy of gossips.

They have two sons and a daughter in total, but the couple's eldest son died at the age of 16 as a result of a seizure caused by Kawasaki syndrome.

The Hollywood handsome man is 13 years younger than his wife.

When they decided to get married, he was 28 and she was 41.

According to Deborra-Lee Furness, she was not afraid of the groom’s age; she also admits that he was much wiser and more thoughtful than her.

Hugh has a rule not to be separated from his wife for more than two weeks.

After Deborra's two miscarriages, the couple failed to have their own children.

But in 2000, they adopted a newborn boy, Oscar, and five years later adopted a girl named Ava.

Kurt started dating Goldie Hawn when he was already over 30.

It is little known that the actor was in love with the blonde from the age of 16, having first met her on the set of the film “The One and Only Genuinely Original Family Orchestra.”

But 21-year-old Goldie didn’t even look in the boy’s direction; she was going to marry the respectable director Gus Trikonis.

Poor Kurt had to wait while Goldie first lived with her first husband, and then with her second, Bill Hudson, with whom she gave birth to two children.

At the next joint filming in the early 80s, Kurt finally decided to win the hand and heart of his beloved. As we know, he succeeded.

They have one child together, Wyatt.

Despite the fact that Seth gets only hooligan roles in films, in life he is an exemplary family man.

He began dating actress Lauren Miller at age 21.

However, Seth delayed the offer for six long years.

And only in 2011 the couple had a magnificent wedding.

The rocker met Sharon when she was 18 years old, and he was still in his first marriage.

Friends doubted that their marriage would last even a week, but they are still inseparable.

Today the Osbornes have three adult children - Amy, Kelly and Jack.

The actor married Catherine Zeta Jones back in 2000.

A large age difference has never been a hindrance for her, much less for him.

The age difference is 25 years in Michael's favor.

In 2013, after a short separation, the couple improved their relationship and continue to live together to this day.

They are raising their son Dylan and daughter Carys.

The 58-year-old actor has been married since 1988.

His union with Rita Wilson is for many a model of an ideal family.

They have two sons together, Truman and Chester.

Like everyone else, things don't go smoothly for Hanks and Wilson, but nothing could ruin this union.

Will has been married to his longtime girlfriend Jada Pinkett since 1997.

Smith has repeatedly stated that an important aspect happy marriage– spend more time alone, and not at noisy parties.

The couple has a son, Jaden, and a daughter, Willow.

The musician loved his future wife Alison Hewson as a child.

And he started dating her at the age of 15, Alison was a year older.

In 2015, they celebrated an impressive 40 years of marriage.

The actor met his companion Tracy Pollan on the set of the film “Family Ties.” But, as they both claim, they didn’t like each other then.

Then, in 1987, the couple met again on the set, and in 1988 they got married.

Michael and Tracy have been together ever since, despite Fox being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 1991.

Often, real feelings arise between actors who play lovers in movies, and then their romance from the screen turns into reality. Let's remember celebrities whose relationships began this way.

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes

Having played married couple in the crime drama “The Place Beyond the Pines,” the actors became so carried away by each other that they began dating in reality. Despite Eva Mendes's words that she is too selfish to become a mother, she and Gosling already have a daughter, Esmeralda Amanda, and perhaps another baby will appear soon.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

After watching their passionate relationship in the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith, fans held out hope that the story would continue beyond the set. Everything happened as if by magic: the couple have been together for 11 years and are raising six children.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

On the set of the film “The Rum Diary,” Johnny fell madly in love with his on-screen passion, Amber Heard, and left his family. For 14 years, Vanessa Paradis never received an offer from the Hollywood pirate, but here he is new darling received the coveted ring shortly after the start of the love story. Depp doesn’t seem to be at all embarrassed by his wife’s age: Heard is 23 years younger than him. Indeed, all ages are submissive to love.

Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan

At the end of the film “Step Up,” they captivated the audience with a stunning dance, and after filming they decided not to break up. The couple are very kind to each other and admit that they still often watch romantic films together in the spirit of "Titanic", and their daughter Everly - exact copy dads.

Joshua Dallas and Ginnifer Goodwin

The love story of this couple truly began in a fairy tale. In the TV series Once Upon a Time, Snow White and Beautiful Prince demonstrate ideal relationship and even divided the heart into two. The actors are in no way inferior to their characters. During breaks between filming, Josh carefully shelters Ginny from the wind, who will very soon give her husband a second son.

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively

Having played the chosen one of “Green Lantern” in the film story of the same name, the blond beauty Blake could not resist Ryan’s charm in her life. Reynolds left Scarlett Johansson, and Lively forgot about DiCaprio, and now they are truly happily married.

Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn

One of the strongest couples in Hollywood was formed after filming the legendary comedy “Overboard”, where the relationship of the main characters in their performance deserves applause. They have been together for 33 years. The couple has a son together, and daughter Goldie from her first marriage, Kate Hudson, calls Kurt dad and is sure that her mother is incredibly lucky with the man.

Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz

Their long-standing friendly relationship could have remained so if it had not been for their joint work in the film “House of Dreams.” To create happy family, Daniel and Rachel had to end their long-term relationship. But, as time shows, it was worth it.

Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus

Things really work out for these young lovers, just like in the movies. They met on the set of the film " The last song", where they played young romantics, and transferred these feelings to life behind the scenes. Since then, Miley and Liam have already managed to break up and reunite. Rumor has it that the wedding is not far off.

Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson

The science fiction film "Teleport" became Starting point in the relationship of these guys. The couple have been together for 9 years and have a daughter, Briar Rose. However, the former “Darth Vader” is in no hurry to propose to Rachel, leaving her as his beloved. If only the story of Depp and Paradis would not repeat itself.

Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz

The hot relationship of this couple in the melodrama “Vicky, Christina, Barcelona” could not just end. Today, the family of these fiery Spaniards is one of the most exemplary in Hollywood. Penelope enjoys the joys of motherhood, and Javier says that thanks to her, he has found peace in his soul.

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson

These actors knew each other for a long time, but romantic feelings flared up between them only during collaboration in the film "Volunteers". For the sake of love, Rita left her fiancé and waited three years for Tom to divorce his wife. For 28 years family life they were together in sorrow and in joy: Tom helped his wife survive the illness, supporting and protecting her. This is true Love.

Kit Harington and Rose Leslie

Over the course of two and a half seasons of Game of Thrones, everyone was tormented by the question: who will conquer the impregnable Jon Snow? This girl was the red-haired wildling Ygritte. Fans immediately suspected that the series would not end with the series. And they were right: Rose and Keith had long been spotted on walks and in cafes, and on April 4, 2016, the young actors attended the Olivier Awards as a couple, tenderly holding hands. Together they seem to glow with love. We can only hope that the story of this charming couple will be much happier than the fate of their serial characters.