
Ibrahim Petrovich Gannibal ("Arap Peter the Great") is the Russian military and statesman, the great-grandfather (by the mother) of the poet of Alexander Pushkin.


In the biography of Hannibal still still inexplicated. The son of the Vlaborny Prince ("Negro" of noble origin, on the memorization of his younger son Peter) Ibrahim (Abram) was born, probably in 1688 (or) in Africa. The traditional version (running from the familiar Pushkin of the German biography of Hannibal, compiled by his son-in-law Rotkinh) tied the homeland of Petrovsky Arap with the north of Ethiopia, probably from the ethnolinguistic group of Ethiopian Jews or Amhara, however, the studies of the graduate of the Sorbonne Benin Slavist Didonne Gnammanku (author of the author of the Book "Abram Hannibal", Nabokov developed by the idea) Identify his homeland as a line of modern Cameroon and Chad, where the Sultanat of the Logon of the People of Kotoko was located, which is a descendant of CAO civilization. On the eighth year of life, he was abducted with his brother and brought to Constantinople, from where in Sava Raguzinsky brought brothers as a gift to Peter I, who loved all sorts of rarity and curios, holding and before "Arapov". According to an alternative version (good, Tumyyyynce, etc.) Abram Petrovich was bought by Peter Great around 1698 in Europe and delivered to Russia.

The contribution of Hannibal to the development of potatoes in Russia is known. The first bed with potatoes appeared in Russia, in Peter Great. The first Russian emperor grown potatoes in Strelna, hoping to use as a medicinal plant. In the 1760s, Catherine II decided that the "Earth Apple" could be used in hungry years, and instructed Abrama Hannibalu, who was familiar with this culture, to do in Himself in the manor of potato breeding.

Thus, the Hannibal Manor "Sujida" became the first place in Russia, where small, and then extensive potato fields, which soon moved to the territory of neighboring places.

The peasants first treated the "Earth Apple" very wary, but in some years the potatoes saved from hunger, and the mistrust of it was gradually lost.

The ratio of Hannibal to the fortress was unusual for that time. In 1743, passing part of the village of Ragol to rent a Joachim von Tirena, it includes items to the contract, prohibiting corporal punishment of serfs and an increase in the established norms of the Barechina; When the background Tired violates these items, Hannibal terminates the contract for the court.

Hannibal possessed a natural mind and showed non-serve abilities as an engineer. He led memoirs in French, but destroyed them. According to legend, the possibility of choosing a military career Suvorov was obliged to Hannibalu, convicted his father to give way to the inclination of the Son.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.


  • Personalia alphabetic
  • Born in Africa
  • Dead 14 May
  • Dead in 1781
  • Dead in St. Petersburg province
  • Dead in the Leningrad Region
  • Cavalers of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky
  • Chawns of the Order of St. Anne
  • Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: Personalia
  • Generals of the Russian Empire
  • Peter I. Supporters
  • Nickname
  • Salad to Novosleginsk

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "Hannibal, Abram Petrovich" in other dictionaries:

    Hannibal (Abram Petrovich) Arap Peter the Great, Blood Negro, Praded (Mother) Pushkin's poet. In the biography of Hannibal still still inexplicated. The son of the Vlaborny Prince, Hannibal was born, probably in 1696; Eighth year kidnapped ... ... Biographical Dictionary

    - (OK. 1697 1781) Russian military engineer, General Annef (1759). Son of the Ethiopian Prince. Camnediner and secretary of Peter I. Praded A. S. Pushkin, who perpetuated Hannibal in the story of Arap Peter the Great ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Ibrahim) (about 1697 1781), Russian Military Engineer, General Annef (1759). Son of the Ethiopian Prince; from 1705 in Russia. Camderner and secretary of Peter I, accompanied him in campaigns. Participated in the construction of a number of fortresses; From 1756 General Engineer, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    General Ansef, "Arap Peter the Great", the great-grandfather Pushkin's poet, was the son of the ruled Abyssinian prince, Turkish Vassal, and was born in the mountains. Langla (Northern Abyssion). The year of birth is not exactly known: in Pushkin it turns out that ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Hannibal Abram (Ibrahim) Petrovich [about 1697, Laggon, Northern Ethiopia, 14.5.1781, Syuda, now Leningar. region], Russian Military Engineer, General Annef (1759), great-grandfather (by Mother) A. S. Pushkin. The son of the Ethiopian Prince, is taken by the Turks hostage and in 1706 ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - [This article is printed instead of an article about the same subject, insufficiently fully and incorrectly called Hannibal Annibal] Arap Peter the Great, Negro Blood, Praded (by Mother) Pushkin's poet. In the biography, there are still many more ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Peter I held it for 11 years with himself as a championer and secretary, and in 1717 he sent to learn the military-Ing. Business to France. Being abroad, G. participated in the war with Spain and was injured. Returning in 1723 to Russia, Engaged in Ing. Works in Kronstadt, Rogervik (now Paldiski), in the Ladoga Canal, when building the fortress Selenginsk in the East, taught Mathematics and Ing. a business. In 1726 he wrote a book about military-Ing. art. After the death of Peter I was in the opal. He put forward at Elizabeth, during the reign of K-Roy made a lot to improve military-Ing. Cases in Russia. In 1762 he retired.

G. Praded A. S. Pushkin, who perpetuated his image in the story of "Arap Peter the Great".

Used materials of the Soviet military encyclopedia in 8 volumes, volume 2.

Hannibal Abram (Ibrahim) Petrovich [about 1697, Laggon, Northern Ethiopia - 14 (25) .5.1781, Sude, the Leningrad Region], Military Engineer of the Russian Army, General-Annef (1759). Praded (on the maternal line) A. S. Pushkin. The son of the Ethiopian Prince, seven years have been taken by the Turks hostage and sent to Constantinople, from where in 1706 the Russian ambassador S. L. Raguzsky was exported to Moscow and donated by Peter I. When baptized (1707), he received the name Peter (according to the Cross Father Peter I), but in Documents until 1737 was called Abram Petrov, then the name Hannibal was entrenched behind him. For 11 years, Camnediner and the secretary of the king, in 1717 sent to France to study the Military Engineering. Returning in 1723 to Russia, engaged in engineering works in Kronstadt, Rogervik (Paldiski), in the Ladoga Channel, when building the Fortress, SELEGINSK, taught Mathematics and engineering in military schools. In 1726 he wrote a book about military engineering art. Hannibal after Peter I's death in opal (link to Siberia 1727-1731). During the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, held large posts in the Military Engineering department, made a lot to improve military engineering in Russia. From 1762 retired.

Materials are used: Military Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1986.

Hannibal Abram Petrovich (before Baptism Ibrahim) (1697 or 1698-1781), an outstanding figure of Petrovskaya and Elizavtian epoch, Praded Pushkin. By origin - Ethiop, the son of the Split Prince from Northern Abyssinia. Brought to Russia, he was in childhood at the famous king. Peter favored to him, he took with him everywhere, he taught him literacy and different sciences, and then put the best teachers for him. In 1709, the young Abram Petrov (Hannibal he began to be called later) participated in Poltava battle. In 1717, Peter sent him to France. For six years, Hannibal studied military art (participated in the war with Spain), artillery and engineering business, Latin and French. Upon his return, he was appointed by the caretaker "His Majesty Cabinet, in which all drawings, projects and the library had", as well as the chief translator of foreign books at the court; By order, the king began to train young engineers and mathematical science officers.

With the death of Peter, the long Opal Hannibal began, which ended only with the advent of Elizabeth Petrovna (years of reign 1741-1761): In memory of the father, she generously awarded him, complained to the estates.

From this time, the new flourishing of its diverse activities begins, which left a noticeable trace. The educated person of his time, he was a builder of fortresses, led the holding of the Ladoga Canal, was the director of the Kronstadt fortress, Ober-Comedanant Revel, Vyborg Governor, Head of the Russian Artillery; Reach himself to General Annef. In recent years, Abram Petrovich spent in the estate of Syuda near St. Petersburg, where he died.

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How King Peter Arap did not marry
Ibrahim Hannibal. "Arap" Peter the Great. This was actually.
Historic mini-essay of Alexander Morozova ©

Everyone knows that King Peter - I was "Arap".
Well, if only because we all studied at school, and there in the textbooks of literature black on white it is written that our great poet Alexander Pushkin took place along the line of this "Arape". He also perpetuated the name of his outstanding ancestor in the story of "Arap Peter the Great". His name was Ibrahim Hannibal. Or fully: Ibrahim Petrovich Hannibal.
Where did he come from, this mysterious person, so unexpectedly arising in Russian history? What was his life, what was he himself? Immediately it can be said that it was not like that as we introduced it to us once the director Alexander Mitta in the famous film "Tale on how Tsar Peter Arape married." To start at least with the fact that King Peter did not marry his "Arape." Could not. The great Russian emperor-reformer was no longer alive when Ibrahim Hannibal dressed the Golden Ring on the elegant finger of his first wife. And there was also the second. That, from which the famous genus Pushkin went.
When in 1697, Abyssinian prince was born a nineteenth son, no one assumed what an amazing fate awaits.
Another boy had to give to Constantinople, to the courtyard of the Turkish Sultan - as hostage the loyalty of all his tribe. There he served in Seraral.
Although it is only the most common version. There are still historians and ethnographers about the accurate origin of Petrovsky "Arape". Even famous to write Vladimir Nabokov and he was looking for the true homeland of Praded Pushkin, suggesting that the early biography of Ibrahim Hannibal was just a legend that he himself came up when he achieved ranks in Russia in society in Russia. So he came up with a "noble" genealogical tree. In fact, his, the most ordinary and rootless, stolen in Cameroon and brought the slave traders to Turkey, who sold it to Serala.
This portrait, which is located at the National Museum in Paris, is often attributed to the young Ibrahim Hannibalu. In fact, of course, he could look like in his time, but the portrait author was born 17 years after the death of "Arape Peter Great" and could not see the original.
But be that as it may, it was at that time in the distant Russia king Peter, who, as we know, was a big amateur of wonders, I decided to replenish them in the original way. At that time, in Europe there was a fashion for "Arappchonkov". Beautiful black boys in richly embroidered costumes were served on the balas and pyrants of the sires and even kings. So Peter also demanded that they find "Arape." The task had to be addressed to the Russian Messenger in Constantinople.
He put his ties in the Turkish yard and bought Ibrahim.
The journey of a small black skeleton in the distant and cold St. Petersburg began. Ibrahim's tsar liked his lively mind, distillation and "a tendency to sciences different." Gradually, an adult, Ibrahim served as a servant, a championer and even secretary of the Russian emperor. Until 1716, he was undeveloped at the king, becoming his favorite, although there were other black servants with the court.
But Peter-I was not in vain was great. He was great in everything, even in his eccentrics. Noticing in the "Arapchonka" a lot of adjudication and mind, he directs the reflection of Ibrahim to Paris - to study a military business.
At that time, in Europe, a lot of boyars and noble "adolescent" were acquired in Europe, which, often, did not want to learn anything, except for "politets" and increments. Ibrahim's sending there, Peter as if in a mockery above noble lobotryas wanted to prove that the diligence, adjacent to the sciences, even from the African savage, can make an educated person, officer, state husband.
And young Ibrahim met the hopes of his kid. Now he called Ibrahim Petrovich, according to Peter -i, who was baptized. "Arapchonok" at the Russian court accepted the Christian faith, the biblical name Abram, patronymic - from his great scene - Peter, and the last name - from the famous Carthaginsky commander, the winner of the Romans. This manifested in this another Petrovsky Emirates (or wisdom?), He wanted his young favorite to achieve great things. From Russia, Ibrahim left the recommendation letter of Peter-I personally, Duke de Menu, a relative of Louis - XV, who commanded the royal artillery.
The king was not mistaken. The young Ibrahim stubbornly studied mathematics, engineering, ballistics, fortification, finishing his military education in the rank of artillery captain. "Practice" he passed, taking part in the Spanish war, where she showed courage and was injured.
This beginning of the career was exactly the fact that the king wanted to see in his pets. He requested his favorite back to Russia, but Ibrahim unexpectedly stuck in Paris. The city of love, erotica, intimate jellies knead him into their networks. Someone already elder
(and married) Countess put an eye on a state black young man. The novel, surprised many in the Paris, and almost ending with a scandal. Countess pregnant and gave birth, as expected, a black child.
Scandal hardly managed to lean. A real husband, a graph, who did not suspect a bit, did the way away, and the Black Baby was replaced by white, taken from some poor family. The black kid was transferred to the upbringing "in reliable hands."
No one knows what happened to Ibrahim's first pen, and was he?
After all, the story of Pushkin "Arap Peter the Great", which describes this alkali plot - a free literary work, and not a biography, besides - not finished. Although Alexander Sergeevich and thoroughly, with great passion collected information about his exotic ancestor, he did not find him in his lifetime and he recorded everything from words of birth. So if the French novel Ibrahim had the place with the Countess "D" in fact, or this is the romantic fiction of Pushkin - it remains only to guess.
One thing is clear that Casanova Ibrahim Petrovich was not, it was not particularly chasing for skirts. He was more careful career and the ministry of the throne. Returning to Russia and the cluster Peter, Hannibal is completely given to the service. He continues her and after the death of his powerful godfather, with Catherine-I, Anna Ioannovna, Elizabeth - all he experienced seven emperors and empress!
The only (and then discussed) the portrait of General-Annef I.P. Hannibala - picture of an unknown artist
Peerrovich did not have to fight more Ibrahim. He built all her further life: fortresses, docks, arsenals.
Fortification works in such famous structures of the Petrovskaya and the postpept era, like Kronstadt and Petropavlovsk fortress.
Happened in the life of Ibrahim Petrovich and opal, and a short link to Siberia,
But there he continued to build, but, returning, gained rank, honor and wealth.
Under Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, he reached his career peak: In 1759, he receives the highest military rank (above only - Marshal) - "General-Annef", Alexandrovskaya tape on the chest and heads the imperial engineering building.
By that time he was a major landowner: he owned several villages and 1400 serfs. Such was the assessment of the Empress of the Merit of the Chief Russian Military Engineer.
The personal life of Ibrahim Petrovich was not smooth and not even, like his career. Alien to frivolous novels, he approached marriage as practical need to continue the genus. When Ibrahim Hannibal in 1731 in St. Petersburg was combined with the first marriage, the King Peter was no longer alive, so he could not arrange a wedding of his black pupil. All this is only a free fantasy director, and the Roman Pushkin, as already mentioned, is not a real biography of "Arape Peter the Great".
In fact, the history of the first marriage Ibrahim was not at all romantic, as in the film, but very dramatic for both sides. Beauty-Grekhana Evdokia Diepier, the daughter of the Captain Gallery Fleet Andrei Dioper, became the first chief of Hannibal. Actually, her father himself also sucks Evdokia for Arape. Although it is black, yes rich in ranks.
But the happiness of the "young" lasted for a long time. Evdokia married against the will. She had another bridegroom, the young fleet, Alexander Kaisarovich, whom she loved and literally before the wedding with Ibrahim, deliberately gave him, about which later became known. And in marriage she revenge her black husband, as she could. The family had to leave in Pernov, where Hannibal received a new "highest" appointment. Meetings with Evdokia with Kaisarovich Willy-Neils ceased, but in a married bed, a new lover was quickly - a young conductor (the lowest fleet officer chin) Yakov Shishkov.
Soon Evdokia got pregnant. Ibrahim looked forward to the firstborn.
But a girl appeared on the world. White. Although, this happens at the "black and white" marriages, Hannibal came to indescribable rage. He gave the will to Kulac and a stick, the wrong wife has learned the severity of cruel beatings.
But this insulted cuckold did not limit himself. Using his position, he made the imprisonment of Evdokia in the dungeon, under the pretext, that she, in collusion with a young lover, tried to poison him. However, with the circumstances that are described herein, this cannot be excluded. Ahead of the events, we note that she graduated from his life loving Greek in the monastery.
"Beautiful Creolek" - Nadezhda Pushkin - Hannibal, Mother Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
Ibrahim, disappointed in marriage, however, did not remain alone. He quickly presented a new candidacy for the bride. This time it turned out to be a downtry and faithful Christian Regina von Shaberg, the daughter of the Officer of the Perrov Regiment, German. Germans then had a lot in Russian military service. She will be the great-grandmother Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, in which African, German and Russian blood mixed.
In 1736, Ibrahim Petrovich legalized relations with Christ, officially married her. But at the same time, it was still formally consistent in the first marriage, he has not soon managed to arrange a divorce. So, for several years Ibrahim Petrovich walked in doubles. It should be thought, only his high position allowed to avoid scandal and trouble, with it related. Although the punishment was still followed, but rather mild - on the church line it was put on it, and in civil - a fine. The divorce with Evdokia finally managed to issue only in 1753.
Marriage of Ibrahim with Christina was extremely durable and fruit: five sons and four daughters! All black or very dark. But the second generation of "Hannibalov" began to acquire European features and skin color. A mixture of burning African and cold German blood gave amazing fruits. There were among numerous "Hannibals" and blue-eyed, and blond, and black and dark-skinned - different.
One of the sons of Ibrahim Petrovich - Osip Abramovich served on the fleet and married Marya Alekseevna, daughters of Tambov governor. They had a charming daughter Hope. The hope of Osipovna in the world was called "Beautiful Creolen". She had dark hair, dark eyes and "yellow" palms - signs of African genes.
In 1796, "Beautiful Creolek" gave his hand and heart with a modest guarantor of Izmailovsky regiment Sergey Lvovich Pushkin, and on May 26, 1799, they had a son Alexander - our great poet.
Most of the "Hannibals" of the first and second generations were long-livers. The Himself, the hedge of the loud last name died at the age of 85, in two months, after he left, leaving the world of another, his faithful Christian. He resigned in 1761 and long, at the age of twenty, spent the rest of his life in solitude in one of his many numerous estates ...

"Where, forgetting Elizabeth
And courtyard, and lush vows,
Under the shadow of lime alley
He thought in the cooled years
About long africa for his "

So, I wrote about his last days Alexander Sergeevich, always proud of the ancestor, who, as we see, was really an outstanding person.

Alexander Morozov. 2010

Military Historical Archive Website

About the author:
Morozov Alexander Valentinovich, born in 1957
He graduated from the faculty of journalism MSU. Worked in various Moscow media, for a long time headed the international department of the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper (MK
). Writer.
Founder and website editor website

History of the essay:
Published in 2010 in the magazine "Vim - Magazine" -
the magazine distributed on airlines.

© Alexander Morozov. The use of material is possible only at no commercial purposes with a mandatory condition for placing a clicable reference to the source. Link should not contain tags noindexand Nofollow.

Hannibal Abram Petrovich

Hannibal (Abram Petrovich) - "Arap Petra Great", Blood Negro, great-grandfather (according to Mother) Pushkin's poet. In the biography of Hannibal still still inexplicated. The son of the Vlaborny Prince, Hannibal was born, probably in 1696; On the eighth year, kidnapped and brought to Constantinople, from where in 1705 or 1706. Savva Raguzinsky brought him as a gift to Peter I, who loved all sorts of rarity and curiosities that kept and before the "Arapov". Having received a nickname in memory of the glorious Carthageanin, Hannibal accepted Orthodoxy; He was a king (who gave him and patronymic) and the Queen of Polish. Since then, Hannibal "nestically" was near the king, slept in his room, accompanied in all campaigns. In 1716 he went with the state truck abroad. Perhaps he occupied the position of the tweer in the king, although in the documents he is mentioned three times along with the journey of Laco. At this time, Hannibal received a salary of 100 rubles a year. In France, Hannibal remained to learn; Having spent the 11/27 year in the engineering school, he entered the French army, participated in the Spanish War, was injured in his head and reached the rank of Captain. Returning to Russia in 1723, it was determined to the Preobrazhensky regiment by the guarantry engineer of the Bombarer company, the captain of which was the king himself. After Peter's death, Peter Hannibal stuck to the party of displeased raising Menshikov, for which he was sent to Siberia (1727) to transfer the city of Selinginsk to a new place. In 1729, it was ordered to take away the paper from Hannibal and contain under arrest in Tomsk, issuing 10 rubles each month. In January 1730, Hannibal Major was appointed to Tobolsky garrison, and in September - Translation by Captain to the Engineering Corps, where Hannibal was resigned to resign in 1733. At the beginning of 1731, Hannibal married St. Petersburg to Grechanka Evdokia Andreevna Diopier and soon He was sent to Perron to teach the conductor of mathematics and drawing. He left against Will, Evdokia Andreevna changed her husband, which caused persecution and tortured by the deceived. It came to court; She was arrested and kept in conclusion for 11 years, under terrible conditions. Meanwhile, Hannibal came out in Perneu with Christian Sheberg, she came across children with her and married her in 1736, with a living wife, a litigation with which he ended only in 1753; The spouses were divorced, his wife was referred to the Stoladozhsky monastery, and the Hannibal was put on an epitimony and a cash fine, acknowledged, however, the second marriage is legal. Enrolled in 1740 again to the service, Hannibal went to the mountain with the acceleration of Elizabeth. In 1742, he was appointed Revetsky Comfit and awarded the estates; was listed by the "valid chamber". Translated in 1752 again to the engineering corps, Hannibal was appointed to establish cases on the delimitation of land with Sweden. Having heard to the rank of General-Annef and the Alexander tape, Hannibal resigned (1762) and died in 1781 Gunnibal possessed a natural mind and showed non-serve abilities as an engineer. He led the memoirs in French, but destroyed them. According to legend, the possibility of choosing a military career Suvorov was obliged to Hannibalu, convicted his father to give way to the inclination of the Son. Hannibal children in 1749 were six; From them, Ivan participated in the seasons of the expedition, took the Navarin, distinguished himself under scanish, founded Kherson (1779), He died by General-Annef in 1801, the daughter of another son Hannibal, Osipa, was Mother A.S. Pushkin, mentioning his origin from Hannibal in poems: "To Yuryev", "To Languages" and "My Pedigree". See Helbig, "Russische Gunstlinge" (Translation in "Russian Starina", 1886, 4); "Hannibal's biography in German in papers A.S. Pushkin"; "Autobiographical testimony of Hannibal" ("Russian Archive", 1891, 5); Pushkin, "Pushkin and Hannibalov", Note 13th to the I Chapter "Eugene Onegin", and "Arap Peter the Great"; Longinov, "Abram Petrovich Hannibal" ("Russian Archive", 1864); Opatovich, "Evdokia Andreevna Hannibal" ("Russian Starina", 1877); "Archive Vorontsova", II, 169, 177; VI, 321; VII, 319, 322; "Letter A. Burlin" ("Russian Archive", 1869); "Camening of Hannibal Ekaterina II" ("Collection of Historical Society" X, 41); "Notes of the Notable Lady" ("Russian Archive", 1882, I); Khmyrov, "A.P. Hannibal, Arap Peter the Great" ("World Labor", 1872, | 1); Bartenev, "Rod and Childhood Pushkin" ("Domestic Notes", 1853, | 11). Cf. Instructions from Longinova, Opatovich and in the "Russian Starny" 1886, | 4, p. 106. E. Shmurlo.

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, the meanings of the word and what is Hannibal Abram Petrovich in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • Hannibal Abram Petrovich
    Abram (Ibragim) Petrovich [about 1697, Laggon, Northern Ethiopia, - 14.5.1781, Suid, now Leningar. region], Russian Military Engineer, General-Annef (1759), great-grandfather ...
  • Hannibal Abram Petrovich
    \\ [This article is printed instead of an article about the same subject, not fully and incorrectly called Hannibal - Annibal \\] - "Arap Peter ...
  • Hannibal, Abram Petrovich
    [This article is printed instead of an article about the same subject, not fully and incorrectly called Hannibal? Annibal (see).]? "Arap ...
  • Hannibal Abram Petrovich
    (OK 1697-1781) Russian Military Engineer, General-Annef (1759). Son of the Ethiopian Prince. Campner and secretary Peter I. Praded A. S. Pushkin, who ...
  • Hannibal in the dictionary of Russian railway slang:
    floor locomotive 2TE10L (TC curve ...
  • Hannibal in a brief dictionary of mythology and antiquities:
    or Annibat. (Hannibal, ???????). The great leader of Carthaginian in the second Punic war. He was the eldest son of Hamilkar Barka, Rod. in …
  • Hannibal
    Hannibal (247/246-183 BC) - Carthaginsky commander. Son Hamilkar Barka. Under the head of his father and his Shurin Gasdrubala studied the military ...
  • Hannibal in the Handbook of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    (247-183 BC) Hannibal - the son of Hamilkar Barka, the Carthaginian commander of the 1st Punic war between Rome and Carthage, participated in ...
  • Hannibal in the dictionary of the commander:
    (Annibal Barka) (Hannibal Barca) (247/6-183 BC), Carthage. commander. Son Hamilkar and Barki. Winted in battles at r. ...
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    (247-183 BC) Hannibal - the son of Hamilkar Barka, the Carthaginian commander of the first Punic war between Rome and Carthage - participated ...
  • Petrovich in the literary encyclopedia:
    Velko - prominent modern Serbian novelist and poet. He took an active part in the national movement in the Hungarian Serbia, edited a number ...
  • Petrovich in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Petrovici) Emil (1899-1968) Romanian Language. Proceedings of dialectology, linguistic geography, history, onomastics, phonetics and phonology of the Romanian language and Slavic ...
  • Hannibal in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (247 BC. E. North Africa - about 183-181 BC, Libisso, Viphinia), one of the greatest warlords of antiquity, commander, ...
  • Petrovich in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Petrovics) - the present name of the Hungarian (Magyarsky) Pethi poet ...
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    (Hannibal) (247/246 - 183 BC), Carthaginsky commander. During the 2nd Punic war, the transition through the Alps was won ...
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  • Hannibal in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Hannibal ADB. (Ibrahim) Peter. (OK. 1697-1781), Ros. military. Engineer, Gen.-Annef (1759). Son of Ethiop. Prince; from 1705 in Russia. Camnediner ...
  • Hannibal in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Hannibal (Hannibal) (247 or 246-183 BC), Carthaginsky commander. Son Hamilkar Barka. During the 2nd pin. Wars (218-201) made the transition ...
  • Petrovich in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (Petrovics)? Real Name of the Hungarian (Magyarsky) Poet Pethei Poet ...
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    (247 - OK 182 BC), Carthaginsky military leader and statesman, commander-in-chief of the Carthaginian army in the 2nd Punic War (218-201 to ...
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    Hannibal, Ioffe, ...
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    Male ...
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    hannib`a, ...
  • Petrovich
    (Petrovici) Emil (1899-1968), Romanian Language. Proceedings of dialectology, linguistic geography, history, onomastics, phonetics and phonology of the Romanian language and Slavic ...
  • Hannibal in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE:
    (Hannibal) (247 or 246 - 183 BC. E.), Carthaginsky commander. Son Hamilkar Barka. In the course of the 2nd Punic War (218-201) ...
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    Tannbaum (Abram Sevastyanovich) - Engineer of the communication, was born in 1858. He graduated from the course at the Institute of Engineers of the Communications in 1884 ...
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    Melnikov Abram Ivanovich - Architect (1784 - 1854). He studied at the Academy of Arts. In Rome, he studied the ancient monuments and for the excellent ...
  • Gordon Abram Osipovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia:
    Gordon, Abram Osipovich - a lawyer (born in 1840). At the end of the course of legal sciences at Moscow University for several years ...
  • Arkhipov Abram Efimovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia:
    Arkhipov Abram Efimovich - see the article Arkhipov (A.E., A.N., P.P.) ...
  • Alexey Petrovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia:
    Alexey Petrovich, Tsarevich, the eldest son of Peter the Great, from his marriage with Evdokia Fedorovna Lopukhina. Born February 18, 1690 ...
  • Alexey Petrovich in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (1690-1718) Russian Tsarevich, son of Peter I. Bezless and indecisive, he became a member of the opposition to the reforms of Peter I. Fight abroad, was ...
  • Yampolsky Abram Ilyich in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    Abram Ilyich, Soviet violinist-teacher, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1937), Doctor of Art History (1940). IN …
  • Efros Abram Markovich in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    Abram Markovich, Russian Soviet art historian, literary critic, Teatrovad, translator. Studied …
  • Cherkasy Abram Markovich in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    Abram Markovich, Soviet painter, People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1963). He studied at the Kiev Art School ...
  • Rubin Abram Israelich in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    Abram Israelich (Abraham Azarievich) (1883 - 21.10.1918, Pyatigorsk), participant of the October Revolution of 1917 and Civil War 1918-20 in Kuban, Chernomore, North ...
  • Room Abram Matveyevich in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    Abram Matveyevich [r. 16 (28) .6.1894, Vilnius], Soviet film director, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1965), Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1950). Member of the CPSU since 1949. ...
  • Ranovich Abram Borisovich in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    (pseudonym; real name Rabinovich) Abram Borisovich, Soviet historian of antiquity, Doctor of Historical Sciences (1937). Professor MSU ...
  • Pavlov Ivan Petrovich in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    Ivan Petrovich, Soviet physiologist, creator of materialistic teaching about the highest nervous activity and modern ...
  • Milekovsky Abram Gerasimovich in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    Abram Gerasimovich (r. 15.1.1911, Minsk), Soviet economist, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1966). Member of the CPSU since 1940. In 1932 he graduated from LSU, in ...

Abram Petrovich Gannibal

Praded Alexander Sergeevich - the famous "Arap" Ibrahim (Abram) Hannibal,
Sitter Peter the Great.

Hannibal Abram Petrovich (approx. 1697-1781) - Russian military engineer, General-Annef (1759). Son of the Ethiopian Prince, Camperner and Secretary

Peter I. Praded A. S. Pushkin, who perpetuated him in the story of "Arap Peter the Great".

Orlov A.S., Georgiev N.G., Georgiev V.A. Historical dictionary. 2nd ed. M., 2012, p. 112-113.

Hannibal Abram (Ibrahim) Petrovich (approx. 1697, Laggon, North. Ethiopia, -14.5.1781, Sude, now Leningr. Reg.), Russian Military Engineer, Gen.-Annef (1759). Rod. in Ethiopian princess. family; Seven years have been taken by the Turks hostage and sent to Constantinople, from where in 1706 Rus. Ambassador S. Raguzsky was exported to Moscow and donated to the king. Peter I held it for 11 years with himself as a championer and secretary, and in 1717 he sent to learn the military-Ing. Business to France. Being abroad, G. participated in the war with Spain and was injured. Returning in 1723 to Russia, Engaged in Ing. Works in Kronstadt, Rogervik (now Paldiski), in the Ladoga Canal, when building the fortress Selenginsk in the East, taught Mathematics and Ing. a business. In 1726 he wrote a book about military-Ing. art. After the death of Peter I was in the opal. He put forward at Elizabeth, during the reign of K-Roy made a lot to improve military-Ing. Cases in Russia. In 1762 he retired.

Hannibal - Praded A. S. Pushkin, who perpetuated his image in the story of "Arap Peter the Great".

Used materials of the Soviet military encyclopedia in 8 volumes, volume 2.

Hannibal Abram (Ibrahim) Petrovich [about 1697, Laggon, Northern Ethiopia - 14 (25) .5.1781, Sude, the Leningrad Region], Military Engineer of the Russian Army, General-Annef (1759). Praded (on the maternal line) A. S. Pushkin. The son of the Ethiopian Prince, seven years have been taken by the Turks hostage and sent to Constantinople, from where in 1706 the Russian ambassador S. L. Raguzsky was exported to Moscow and donated by Peter I. When baptized (1707), he received the name Peter (according to the Cross Father Peter I), but in Documents until 1737 was called Abram Petrov, then the name Hannibal was entrenched behind him. For 11 years, Camnediner and the secretary of the king, in 1717 sent to France to study the Military Engineering. Returning in 1723 to Russia, engaged in engineering works in Kronstadt, Rogervik (Paldiski), in the Ladoga Channel, when building the Fortress, SELEGINSK, taught Mathematics and engineering in military schools. In 1726 he wrote a book about military engineering art. Hannibal after Peter I's death in opal (link to Siberia 1727-1731). During the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, held large posts in the Military Engineering department, made a lot to improve military engineering in Russia. From 1762 retired.

Materials are used: Military Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1986.

Hannibal Abram (Ibrahim) Petrovich (OK. 1697-1781) - General-Annef (from 1759), military engineer, great-grandfather (according to Mother) A. S. Pushkin. Son of the Ethiopian Prince. The boy was taken by the Turks hostage to Constantinople, the Russian ambassador was brought to Moscow around 1706. When baptized in 1707, he received the name of his godfather Peter I, but until 1733-1737 was called in the documents by Abram Petrov. In 1705-1717 - Camnediner and secretary of Peter I. In 1717-1723, he studied the military-engineering business in France and on returning engineering structures in Kronstadt, Rogervik (now Paldiski), in Ladoga Canal, and others, taught in military schools Mathematics and engineering. In 1726 he wrote a book about engineering art. In the middle of the 18th century, played a big role in improving military engineering in Russia. From 1762 - retired. From the second marriage with H. R. Sheberg was born Grad A. S. Pushkin Osip Abramovich Hannibal. A. S. Pushkin depicted Hannibal in the novel "Arap Peter Great" and compiled a detailed biography.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. In 16 volumes. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1973-1982. Volume 4. Hague - Dvin. 1963.

Hannibal Abram Petrovich (before Baptism Ibrahim) (1697 or 1698-1781), an outstanding figure of Petrovskaya and Elizavtian epoch, Praded Pushkin. By origin - Ethiop, the son of the Split Prince from Northern Abyssinia. Brought to Russia, he was in childhood at the famous king. Peter favored to him, he took with him everywhere, he taught him literacy and different sciences, and then put the best teachers for him. In 1709, the young Abram Petrov (Hannibal he began to be called later) participated in Poltava battle. In 1717, Peter sent him to France. For six years, Hannibal studied military art (participated in the war with Spain), artillery and engineering business, Latin and French. Upon his return, he was appointed by the caretaker "His Majesty Cabinet, in which all drawings, projects and the library had", as well as the chief translator of foreign books at the court; By order, the king began to train young engineers and mathematical science officers.

With the death of Peter, the long Opal Hannibal began, which ended only with the advent of Elizabeth Petrovna (years of reign 1741-1761): In memory of the father, she generously awarded him, complained to the estates.

From this time, the new flourishing of its diverse activities begins, which left a noticeable trace. The educated person of his time, he was a builder of fortresses, led the holding of the Ladoga Canal, was the director of the Kronstadt fortress, Ober-Comedanant Revel, Vyborg Governor, Head of the Russian Artillery; Reach himself to General Annef. In recent years, Abram Petrovich spent in the estate of Syuda near St. Petersburg, where he died.
Pushkin showed a great interest in the "strange life of Annibal," was proud of his wonderful ancestor - "diligent" and "incorruptible", "as a handman, and not a slave" king; Pictured him in the novel "Arap Peter Great".

Used materials: Pushkin A.S. Works in 5 tons. M., Eid Synergy, 1999.


Hannibal Ivan Abramovich (1737-1801), Son Abraha Petrovich.

Pushkin Nadezhda Osipovna (1775-1836). Granddaughter of Ibrahim Hannibal, mother A.S. Pushkin.


Pushkin A. S., Op. in 10 tt., 2 ed., Vol. 5, M., 1957, p. 512-17;

Pushkin A. S., Op. in 10 tt., 2 ed., Vol. 8, M., 1958, p. 78-80;

Modzalevsky B. L., Pedigree Hannibalov, in the book: Chronicle of the historical and pedigree OB-WA in Moscow, c. 2, M., 1907;

Khmyrov M. D., Historic. Art., SPb, 1873; Autobiographies. Indications ... A. P. Hannibal ..., "Ra", 1891, KN. 2 (5), p. 101-04;

Longinov M., A. P. Hannibal, in Sat: Rus. Archive, M., 1864, p. 218-32.