Probably, everyone knows what Tetris is, since this is a game that more than one generation has been sitting for hours on end. But, unfortunately, the person who invented this game did not achieve popularity. And few people know who is the inventor of this game. It turns out that Alexey Pajitnov is the man who invented Tetris, our compatriot. He was born on March 14, 1956 in Moscow.

Alexey Pajitnov: biography

At school, Alexei studied as usual and did not stand out among his peers. But, as he recalls, his diary was always full of comments from teachers.

Alexei Leonidovich graduated from the Mathematical School, and later from the Institute of Aviation. After graduating from the institute, Pajitnov got a job at a computer center, where he invented the legendary game in 1984. In 1991, Alexey moved to the USA. He has many works and awards to his credit.

Creation of Tetris

In 1984, young scientists sat for hours in laboratories with nothing to do. So Aleksey Leonidovich Pajitnov was one of those people. During these years, he was engaged in the study of problems related to human speech recognition and intelligence. To overcome them, it was necessary to solve puzzles and challenging tasks. And then Aleksey decides to create a puzzle that will be interesting for both children and adults.

What made Alexey Pajitnov famous? Initially, he created a computer game where the figures had to change their position under the gravity of other objects. But computers didn't have much power, and so the game had to be simplified. His figures consisted of five identical squares, but the people did not really appreciate his efforts, and then he decides to create something simpler. For Tetris, seven different figures were developed. This number was not chosen by chance, it is this number that a person’s memory is able to remember. The game was compiled using the Pascal language.

What made Aleksey Pajitnov famous all over the world? He creates Tetris, in which pieces of four squares fall down. By the way, few people know why Tetris is called that way. In fact, in translation, the word "tetra" means four. Although this game was originally called tetramino, people themselves renamed it in order to simplify pronunciation.

As the creator himself says great game He created it in order to give pleasure to people. Alexey believes that absolutely all games that later became famous all over the world should be created for this purpose.

After Alexei created Tetris, the fame of new toy spread to many cities, and two weeks later everyone was playing it, competing with each other. Although the first week only the employees of the company in which Alexei worked were busy with fun. Two months after the first Tetris model was released, Pajitnov and his colleague created a colored version of the game. advantage new game you can call it a table of records. Tetris was played not only in Russia, but also abroad, the game gained popularity.

It is worth noting that the Academy of Sciences, where Pajitnov worked at that time, was officially considered the creators of the game. That is why Pajitnov for a long time could not receive income from his invention. After all, the game was created during working hours and on a working computer, which is why the rights did not belong to Alexei.

Game rights

Many people wanted to buy the rights to the Tetris game from Alexey. The first was Robert Stein, with whom Soviet entrepreneurs wanted to cooperate in the future, who wanted to make big money on Pajitnov's invention. Although Pajitnov did not sign any documents or contracts with them. Many Americans even created their own versions of Tetris, which were no less popular.

The Hungarian Stein later resold the rights to the game to Microsoft. American Tetris was created in 1989. Since then, over 70 million games have been sold and over 100 million downloads on mobile devices. A little later, gaming and arcade machines with the game Tetris began to be created.

Creation of the Tetris company

Despite the fact that Alexey Pajitnov is not such famous person, everything worked out perfectly for him in life, since the inventor worked hard. He managed to organize Anima Tek, which was offered cooperation by Microsoft. And having already moved to the USA, he organized a company called Tetris, and only then did he start making money on a game created many years ago. And since 1996, Alexey Pajitnov has been officially working in Microsoft. On all products that are produced by Alexey, there is a note that he is considered the creator of the legendary game.

Film about the creation of Tetris

Recently, information was leaked to the press that they plan to make a film in America so that all people can know who created the game, which many generations spent a lot of time on. The directors of this film, of course, will be Americans. Not yet known exact date film release.

The plot of the film will be not only the personality of Alexei Pajitnov, but also Tetris itself. The plot will be sci-fi. According to the directors, the film promises to be no less popular than the game itself.

Tetris today

Despite the fact that today it is very well developed, there are still people who play Tetris. In addition, each game console has a similar game. Today, many games have been developed that are similar to Tetris. You can play with a group or alone. By the way, this game develops erudition and other abilities in a child.

Alexey Pajitnov's life today

Despite the fact that Aleksey lives in the USA, he never thought about emigration, it happened by accident. And Pajitnov could not refuse such a gift of fate. Today, Alexey is an employee of a well-known company in the world. Several games have been released on his account, mainly puzzles that are in demand. He releases applications for various consoles, but mostly on PC. The Tetris game is very popular, and probably no other game will be able to achieve such popularity. Alexey Leonidovich admits that his wife does not play with any toys, and the children enjoy playing games that their father creates, and he is proud of it.

Aleksey Pajitnov himself plays not only his games - whenever he goes shopping, he always gets some kind of puzzle for himself. He sees his inspiration in games. Pajitnov still plays Tetris, but he doesn't consider himself the best player. Alexei has yet to grow and grow to schoolchildren who show best results in this game.

Who knows, maybe Alexei Leonidovich will release another game that will become no less popular than the legendary Tetris.

Yandex claims that Alice is the first in the world voice assistant, which is not limited to a set of predefined answers: you can talk to her like a person, and she will understand.

Business FM decided to get to know Alisa better:

- Alice, hi.

- Hello!

- How are you?

- I met here with one cute application, but this is personal.

Who gave you that name?

- What kind of doctor?

— Pediatrician.

Alice, how do you look?

The best way.

- And if in more detail?

An endless row of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders one glass of beer, the second - half a glass of beer, the third - a quarter of a glass of beer, the fourth - one-eighth. The bartender pours two glasses for the mathematicians and says: guys, here is your beer, there is a limit to everything. End. You know, it seems to me that programmers picked up these jokes for me.

“You know, Alice, it seems to me that you are avoiding an answer.

No, I checked.

By the way, before I forget. Alice, can you wake me up tomorrow?

- I can't do it tomorrow.

“Alice, I really need you to wake me up tomorrow.

Ha, I'll wake you up.

- In what time?

- Programmer Alexei promised to program it by the fall, but did not say which one.

“Finally, I can sleep.

“So let’s sleep.”

Alice, you know funny stories?

- "What is your main weakness?" “I am correctly interpreting the semantics of the question, but completely ignoring its essence.” “Could you give an example?” - "Could".

Alice, this is very funny. Do you like sweets?

“I think I would love to cook. At least I definitely love finding recipes.

Alice, what do you love most in life?

- I like large buckwheat with chanterelles, sandwiches with smoked sausage. Joke. I like people. And learn.

Alice, do you listen to the radio?

- Usually I just listen to a personal selection on Yandex.Music, but if not, the Queen group, of course.

Do you listen to Business FM?

- Of course, I'm listening.

“Siri, can you sing us a song?” Oh, what Siri?!

- What a subtle joke. Sarcasm.

- Alice, I'm sorry. Can you tell a poem?

- I remember wonderful moment installed the update.

Alice, do you like cats?

- I don't like cockroaches. And so - yes.

Alice, who do you love the most?

— I like one Russian actor which cannot be named. And you.

Earlier with the beta version of the Alice service, when he visited the Yandex office on the day of the company's 20th anniversary.

Yandex claims that Alice is the world's first voice assistant that is not limited to a set of predefined answers: you can talk to him like a person, and she will understand.

Business FM decided to get to know Alisa better:

- Alice, hi.

- Hello!

- How are you?

- I met here with one cute application, but this is personal.

Who gave you that name?

- What kind of doctor?

— Pediatrician.

Alice, how do you look?

- The best way.

- And if in more detail?

An endless row of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders one glass of beer, the second - half a glass of beer, the third - a quarter of a glass of beer, the fourth - one-eighth. The bartender pours two glasses for the mathematicians and says: guys, here is your beer, there is a limit to everything. End. You know, it seems to me that programmers picked up these jokes for me.

“You know, Alice, it seems to me that you are avoiding an answer.

No, I checked.

By the way, before I forget. Alice, can you wake me up tomorrow?

- I can't do it tomorrow.

“Alice, I really need you to wake me up tomorrow.

Ha, I'll wake you up.

- In what time?

- Programmer Alexei promised to program it by the fall, but did not say which one.

“Finally, I can sleep.

“So let’s sleep.”

Alice, do you know funny stories?

- "What is your main weakness?" “I am correctly interpreting the semantics of the question, but completely ignoring its essence.” “Could you give an example?” - "Could".

Alice, this is very funny. Do you like sweets?

“I think I would love to cook. At least I definitely love finding recipes.

Alice, what do you love most in life?

- I like large buckwheat with chanterelles, sandwiches with smoked sausage. Joke. I like people. And learn.

Alice, do you listen to the radio?

- Usually I just listen to a personal selection on Yandex.Music, but if not, the Queen group, of course.

Do you listen to Business FM?

- Of course, I'm listening.

“Siri, can you sing us a song?” Oh, what Siri?!

- What a subtle joke. Sarcasm.

- Alice, I'm sorry. Can you tell a poem?

- I remember a wonderful moment, they installed an update.

Alice, do you like cats?

- I don't like cockroaches. And so, yes.

Alice, who do you love the most?

- I like one Russian actor who cannot be named. And you.

Earlier, Vladimir Putin spoke with the beta version of the Alisa service when he visited the Yandex office on the day of the company's 20th anniversary.

Working in the West attracts many of our compatriots who have professional knowledge in the field of programming and who want to realize their potential in Europe or North America. I remember that the author of these lines once went to study abroad for two years under a student exchange program. If I had a chance to talk to people who had already studied there before me, then it would be much easier to adapt. And the question - to leave or not - would cause less doubt. Therefore, today we are asking questions to Andrey Shulinsky, a man who worked as a programmer in Russia and left for Toronto, Canada, in order to continue his career there. professional activity...


Alexey Perevertailov: Fortunately, we know each other personally, we will immediately switch to "you" and a less formal format of conversation. The first question is when did you leave Russia and what were the motives for this, in general, serious and requiring many people long thoughts step?

Andrey Shulinsky: My departure is pretty Long story. The decision came after the infamous banking crisis of 1998. For a number of reasons, the immigration process dragged on a lot, I had an interview in November 2001, and in December 2002 I received a visa. It expired in February next year, so I immediately went to Canada for a couple of weeks, issued Required documents and returned to Moscow. He finally moved to his new home in October 2003.
Why did I change my environment? I probably won't say anything new. Hoped for better professional prospects. Always strongly disliked many features Russian life: domestic rudeness, dirt, instability. The mentioned crisis was a very strong blow for me, beautiful illusions were shattered... I also love to travel very much, which is much easier to do with a Canadian passport.

Alexey Perevertailov Q: Did you manage to find a job right away? What were the proposals that you considered, and what were the requirements for applicants?

Andrey Shulinsky: I received my first contract in November 2003. My friend helped. The project was small, but quite interesting and helped a lot both psychologically and professionally. Stretched my muscles before a more serious job, which found me at the end of January 2004.
Requirements, with the exception of the notorious North American experience, are quite common - in a nutshell, "knowledge of the subject." :-) Unfortunately, many companies and recruiters really do not like to work with newcomers, while others, on the contrary, take advantage of the willingness of new expats to agree to any conditions. I won’t say that this is a widespread practice, but it is not so rare.
This cup passed me, although I was already ready to go to scan documents. In general, I have always prepared myself for the fact that it will not be easy and, perhaps, I will have to do something that is not my favorite thing. I submitted a resume for all positions to which it at least somewhat corresponded.

Alexey Perevertailov: What kind of programmer are you? What diplomas and certificates do you have?

Andrey Shulinsky: I am a typical general application programmer/analyst/architect. He graduated from the Department of System Programming of the Moscow State University, but in his life he did not write a single line of "system" code. :-) I used to write in C++, but switched to Java a few years ago. He worked in the banking sector for a long time, then there were a couple of telecommunications projects. In Canada, he first made a document storage and processing system for marketing company with the sonorous name Arnold. Now I'm working in the Novator company, I'm creating a Java-version of the "engine" for sites dealing with online retail sales.
I have one diploma. Received in 1996 at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of the Moscow state university. Passed the Sun Certified Java Programmer, 1.4 exam before leaving. I planned to get the rest of the certificates of this line, but I work a lot, and I can’t find the time for this.

Alexey Perevertailov: In general, can you say - which programming languages ​​and which programmers are now more in demand abroad, and in the world as a whole?

Andrey Shulinsky A: Primarily .NET and J2EE. What were you thinking of hearing? ;-) These 2 platforms cover the sky... However, judging by the ads on job search sites, there is still a certain demand for C++, Cobol, Perl experts. Sometimes you need - and even very - narrow specialists who know some kind of "fancy" SAP. But, of course, the bulk of programmers and other senior developers are "Javists" and "dotnetters". :-)

Alexey Perevertailov: From your own experience, tell me - is there competition between programmers within the company? Are there any strict rules? What can they get fired for? Whether there is a career? Overtime work Does it happen and if so, how is it paid? You worked as a programmer in Russia, you can compare, so the question is: what differences did you notice in professional requirements and organization of the workflow at home and abroad? Was it hard for you to find mutual language with the project manager?

Andrey Shulinsky: In those companies where I had a chance to work, there was no obvious competition aka "social competition". :-) But at the same time, a simple law applies: if you work well, they will notice and appreciate it. At least that's how it was with me. And the salary was raised, and more interesting work trusted.
Of course they can get fired. Basically, this is due to the problems of the company (downsizing) or with a clear discrepancy between the capabilities of a person and his position. So unloved by many probation happens to be useful. So don't exaggerate your abilities in an interview too much. There are also cases of dismissal due to the illegal activities of an employee.
On the issue of strict rules - you should not store gigabytes of child porn on the hard drive of a working computer - they can be punished. All contracts contain more or less standard non-disclosure clauses, intellectual rights companies to your code (doubtful asset, IMHO :-)). It is often forbidden to move to companies operating in the same industry, to earn extra money on the side. The degree of such paranoia depends on many factors. Large banks and other "cool" companies are forced to sign lists of 8 sheets. But the same thing exists in Russia, but here, I think, they monitor the fulfillment of these conditions somewhat more strictly.
Professional requirements in Toronto and Moscow are the same. I suspect that they coincide with the requirements of London and Tokyo firms and are close to Parisian requests. The difference is that in France you may need French. It can, but it shouldn't - I spoke with recruiters who recruited people to work in a company located in Lyon. I honestly admitted that I do not own French even with a dictionary. "Ah, there the entire document flow is in English," was the answer to me. :-)
The organization of the workflow is very dependent on the people leading the project. If they've done well from the start and don't let the project go haywire even when it's all over the place, then work in progress smooth enough. Otherwise - the usual mess. Dear readers, probably already guessed what happens more often. :-)
We have never had any problems with project managers. I have always easily found a common language with people - both in Russia and in Canada. You have probably noticed how often I repeat the words "the same", "the same", "there is no difference". Indeed, I have found that Russians and Canadians are not as different from each other as is commonly believed. Of course, translation difficulties exist. But, as in one great movie, they are mostly associated with individual features people, and not with "civilizational" differences. This is how I got it IMHO. :-)

Alexey Perevertailov: Programmers in Canada - highly paid profession in relation to others? If we compare this ratio with Russia, where is it better to work as a programmer (in terms of financial gain)?

Andrey Shulinsky: Yes, salaries are still above average. The competition has become more, but the pay is still good. However, this is only a subjective opinion, and I have been in Canada for less than two years. :-)

Alexey Perevertailov: What do you think, where is it easier to improve your professional level - at home or abroad? Does it generally depend somehow on the country (or rather depends on a particular person)?

Andrey Shulinsky: My opinion - first of all from the person. Whoever searches will always find useful books, magazines, forums and, of course, those with whom one can communicate on professional topics. Of course, I assume that you work in a country where the IT industry is well developed.

Alexey Perevertailov: What tools do you use (development environments, etc.)? I assume that in Canada all software used by software development companies is licensed or not?

Andrey Shulinsky: So to speak - most of programs are either purchased or received for free. :-) Sometimes people put something they got illegally, but this is done just for review - if the trial version is not available. Companies either prohibit the use of pirated software in general, or force you to sign a document according to which you yourself are responsible for the contents of the hard drive.
The same are used different applications. IDE: Eclipse, IDEA, NetBeans. Database tools: DbVisualizer, Aqua Data Studio. The code and documents are stored in CVS. From purchased dealt with WebSphere. All familiar faces, right? :-) And, of course, .NET - there are solutions for all occasions.

Alexey Perevertailov: Can you remember any funny or funny cases at work?

Andrey Shulinsky: Please. The boss has just asked one of his colleagues if he has been updating the code for a long time. "Uh ... three days ago ..." - a menacing look - "mmm ... maybe two" - a menacing look - silence - I prompt: "one, otherwise the deal will fail" - the situation is deteriorating. :-)

Alexey Perevertailov: I would like to ask you a few questions of a general nature, if you don't mind... Do you think it's realistic to organize your own business abroad? In the case of a programmer - to create your own commercial software product and sell, develop, support it? What do you think is needed for this?

Andrey Shulinsky: My opinion - yes, it's real. Here, an entrepreneur can not be afraid of racketeering from bandits and authorities, registering and running his business is quite easy. But, of course, without the two main components of any success - a good idea and the willingness to devote all the time and effort to its implementation - nothing will work. "Ideological workaholic" has a chance. An example is the president of my current company, who wrote the first version of the system in the basement of his house. :-) Now "Innovator" is doing well.

Alexey Perevertailov: What is your attitude towards the Open Source community?

Andrey Shulinsky: Of course, positive. I consider the work of this community a huge boon for progress in general, and the main reason for the success of Java technologies in particular - which also clearly benefits the industry. It is unlikely that otherwise it would be possible to successfully compete with famous monster. :-) Of course, there is a certain risk in using Open Source products. At the same time, many of these solutions have an excellent reputation, have been on the market for many years - and you do not need to know their "insides" thoroughly. The society will help to solve almost any problem, which is far from being done by any commercial support service.

Alexey Perevertailov: How do you feel about patent law in the field of software? Does it stifle progress? What do you see as the best mechanisms to protect software innovations?

Andrey Shulinsky: Unfortunately, I am not ready to answer this question. This is a fairly serious topic, the material on which I do not know well enough.

Alexey Perevertailov: In your work, do you have to deal with the search for vulnerabilities in the product being created? A lot of attention is now being paid to writing safe code, which makes it less likely to exploit various buffer overflow errors, etc. In your work, do you monitor the potential safety of the code? Do you have any instructions on this matter?

Andrey Shulinsky: Testing, only testing - and testing again! I consider unit testing to be a key tool for ensuring code safety. As a rule, all software development companies try to create and maintain a set of tests. Unfortunately, this is rarely possible - mainly due to the tight deadlines for the delivery of projects. But the long-term effect of competent testing is difficult to overestimate. As a result, and by a certain date, Galatea is by no means out of the hands of the sculptors, and the development of the application to a somewhat stable state is delayed for a long time, causing stress for the whole team.
The discipline of coding and building a good architecture are also very important. Personally, I learned a lot from the books of Martin Fowler (Martin Fowler) and Rod Johnson (Rod Johnson).

Alexey Perevertailov: And finally, such a question - if there was a hypothetical opportunity to start everything from the beginning - would you still become a programmer?

Andrey Shulinsky: Yes. It was the specialty that helped me to move to another country almost painlessly, to overcome the usual emigrant psychological and material problems. My qualifications and professionalism are in demand, my colleagues listen to my opinion, I belong here, at least I know for now English language worse than Java. :-) Besides, I love my job very much. Everyone who has been involved in programming probably remembers the moments when it - a program - starts working the way you intended. I am still truly happy in those moments.
And further. I am very grateful to my parents for their great help in choosing a professional path and becoming on it. Not everyone manages to find _svoe_ business. Without their participation, this would not have been possible for me.
P.S. Of course, it also helped that I was so smart and handsome. :-)

Alexey Perevertailov: Thank you for your answers, we wish you every success in your professional activities!

Andrey Shulinsky: Thank you, good luck to you personally and to the F-Center in general. :-)

Alexey Pajitnov - Soviet and Russian programmer, who created the popular video game called "Tetris", the winner of several honorary awards in the field of programming and development of computer games. After receiving higher education At the Moscow Aviation Institute, he worked at the Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where in 1984 he completed the development of the Tetris game. The first money the game began to bring in 1996, when Alexey and Henk Rogers (an investor, the owner of large shares in Tetris, who distributed the game around the world) founded the Tetris company.

Alexey Pajitnov - biography

Born on March 14, 1956 in Moscow. AT school years studied well, but had constant problems with discipline. As Alexei himself recalls, as a child he was full of energy and could not obediently sit out in class, so he often received comments in his diary for his behavior. However, nothing remarkable and surprising: many have gone through this. Pajitnov was always good at mathematics, so after graduating from the fifth grade he transferred to the Moscow Mathematical School No. 91, which he later graduated with honors.

Introduction to programming

After graduating from school, Alexey Pajitnov enters the Moscow aviation institute where he first got acquainted with computers and programming. It was here that he quickly got into software development and began to devote himself entirely to writing code for various purposes. Soon a talented young programmer was invited to work at the Moscow Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Here he worked far from last thing- problem optimization artificial intelligence and development of programs for speech recognition.

Routine everyday life at the Academy of Sciences was unsweetened: from morning till night, Pajitnov sat in a cramped office, where several scientists sat at the same table at once. Alexei recalls that he sometimes left his workplace for the whole day, then to work at night in silence, when everyone has gone home.

Career after the creation of "Tetris"

In 1984, Aleksey Leonidovich Pajitnov created the legendary Tetris game, which became almost the most popular game in the world. In society information technologies Pajitnov becomes recognizable and popular. In 1988, in collaboration with Bullet-Proof Software, he founded AnimaTek, a game development company. The corporation prospered exponentially, and already in 1991, the inventor of Tetris, Alexei Pajitnov, moved to the United States.

Creation of "Tetris" - how was it?

In the 1980s, at the Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences, young scientists by day they sat in their laboratories for a long time, solving boring and non-trivial tasks. One of these was Pajitnov Alexey Leonidovich, who at that time was developing a program for speech recognition, and also studied the problems of artificial intelligence. The duties assigned to the young programmer were incredibly difficult, Alexei constantly had to create the most complex algorithms, beyond the power of the ordinary mind.

With a large knowledge base in its potential, Pajitnov decides to create an interesting puzzle that will attract both adults and children. Tetris is far from the first invention of a talented programmer. Initially, he created a game where the figures must change their location under the influence of the gravity of other objects. Approaching the completion of writing the code, Alexey realized that such a game would be unbearable for the processor of an ordinary computer, so I had to simplify some of the subtleties of the program.

As a result, he creates a game where the figures (as in Tetris) consist of five squares, the purpose of which is identical with the future game "Tetris". Unfortunately, the public did not like such a creation, so Pajitnov decides to simplify the game even more, where each of the 7 existing figures consists of four squares.

Only seven figures, and world fame is in your pocket

Have you ever wondered why the game "Tetris" has such a name? And why is there only seven figures in it? The thing is that initially the game had the name "Tetramino", where "tetra" in Greek means the number "four". With the increase in popularity, the users of this game themselves gave a simplified name to it, for easier pronunciation.

In an interview, Alexey Pajitnov explained why there are only 7 pieces in the game:

“There are only seven figures involved in the game, and this is actually luck, because the number 7 is the size random access memory the human brain, that is, what a person is feasible to remember. Telephone number, consisting of 7 digits is much easier to remember than eight digits. A team of seven people is the maximum that can do without a boss or foreman. In a group of eight or more people, where there is no leader, it is impossible to work smoothly and structured. In such a team, constant disagreements and contradictions will arise, regardless of whether you are friends, comrades or just acquaintances. I draw such conclusions based on personal experience.

Motives for creating Tetris

The game "Tetris" was created in order for people to have fun and be able to relax from routine and everyday duties. Pajitnov always said that the best alternative to relieve stress, in addition to sports, is computer games.

Lightning glory video game

After the writing of the Tetris game was completed, the staff of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where Pajitnov worked, were fascinated by it for the first couple of weeks. When the game became available to everyone, the fame of the entertainment product spread throughout all cities in a matter of days. Within a couple of months, the whole world was playing Tetris. At this moment, Alexey Pajitnov, together with his colleagues, decides to create new version games where the figures will be already multi-colored, and statistics of records will also be kept so that people can compete with each other.

While the whole world was enjoying the game, Alexey continued to live for many more years. ordinary life and work at the Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The fact is that he did not have the opportunity to monetize the game, because the rights belonged to the Academy of Sciences. Everything was explained by the fact that the game was written during working hours on a working computer.

Alexey Pajitnov: the status of the creator of the game "Tetris"

As you know, in 1996, Pajitnov began working for Microsoft, where he developed a series of puzzle games called Pandora's Box. Here he worked until 2005 and during this time he managed to acquire several large shares from this company, which to this day bring him a certain percentage. Alexei himself does not consider himself a millionaire. In an interview, he said the following: “A millionaire is someone who spends millions, but not someone who has a million. I live enough humble life and don't throw money around right and left, so I would never call myself a millionaire."

Computer addiction - the fault of developers or users?

AT modern world many people get too involved in video games, thereby creating problems for themselves in Everyday life. They become psychologically attached to computer games and the Internet and can devote their time to sitting in front of a computer for days on end. The age of information technology has significantly changed the minds of people. Once Pajitnov was asked how he could comment on this situation, to which he replied as follows:

“People often tell me that I stole a lot of their time when they find out that I am the creator of Tetris. I always ask them: “Was that time good or bad for you?”. They all answer as one, which is good. So, I gave this time, and did not steal it. ”