Baptism is only the first step on the path of a Christian. The most important sacrament of the Orthodox Church is communion. How to give communion to children, and especially infants? What rules and concessions exist for this? How not to overdo it when introducing your child to the Church and its sacraments? Read about this in today's story from the mother of an already baptized child.

My husband and I are Orthodox parents, and therefore our decision to baptize our baby was mutual. They are responsible for the spiritual education of the child. God-parents. We understood this, so we paid special attention to the selection of future mother's godparents and dads for their child. And so, our baby is an Orthodox Christian.

As it turns out, the most important part of a child’s spiritual education is communion. It is necessary not only so that the child is closer to God, but also so that the Guardian Angel, in whose honor the baby is baptized, will guard and protect him from various troubles.

Father told us that we need to come to communion for the first time two weeks after the child’s baptism. And it doesn’t matter at all that we, parents, rarely receive communion ourselves or don’t receive communion at all. After all, a child can know much more in his soul than adults. Children under seven years old receive communion without confession, and after that, like adults: first they must confess, and only then go to communion.

Another important point is that communion usually takes place on an empty stomach. Of course, babies are allowed to have breakfast. Just feed the baby at least half an hour before communion so that he does not burp. After three years, you should try not to feed the child, but there are no strict limits as such until the age of seven. Father told me that children from the age of three can easily withstand without food in the evening. The main thing is to introduce this gradually and as a kind of sacrament - the sooner the child gets used to it, the easier it will be for him later. A little later, you can teach your children to fast, but not strictly. For example, give up games, cartoons, meat or something especially tasty.

To the question of how often a child should be given communion, everyone must answer for themselves. Infants can be taken every day, older children - once a week. We try to give the baby communion once every two weeks and on major holidays. Communion takes place at liturgies - it is better to find out in advance the start and end times of the service in the church. Children receive communion first, then women and men.

You are allowed to come directly to communion with your infant. With older children, you can arrive early, depending on how long the child can stand it. As a rule, children do not like to stay in church for a long time, I remember this from myself. It always seemed to me that it was very stuffy there; you had to stand for a very long time without moving. It should be understood that children have less patience, but on the contrary, more energy. Everything needs to be approached with understanding - if the baby cannot stand still for a long time, do not force him, instilling a dislike for this ritual from childhood.

And now, the time has come for the sacrament of communion. The priest takes the Chalice from the altar and reads a prayer, the words of which must be repeated and prayed for your child with all your heart. Since we go to communion exclusively with the baby’s godfather or mother, one of them is holding the baby at this time. They do not make the sign of the cross in front of the Chalice, older children fold their arms crosswise on their chest, and hold very young ones on their right hand. The priest approaches each child and says loudly: “The Servant of God is taking communion...”, after which his name is called. Ours is still small, and therefore his godparents say his name for him. When the child grows up, he will have to call himself by name. Then they give a little Cahors on a spoon, and holy water for small children. At the very end of the service the baby is placed on the cross.

According to the custom of the Church, after their baptism, infants up to the age of seven can receive communion very often, not only every week, but every day, moreover, without prior confession and fasting. Starting from 5-6 years, and if possible - from more early age, it is useful to teach children to take communion on an empty stomach.
You should come to church with babies not for the communion itself, but in advance, calculating the time so as not to be late for communion, but at the same time so that the child can attend the liturgy to the best of his ability and age. Of course, everyone has their own measure here, but children must be taught to pray in the Church. This should be done gradually so as not to tire the baby and not cause disturbance to those praying in the temple. Children 6–7 years old, if they have been properly accustomed to the service, can be present at almost the entire liturgy.

Until a child is seven years old, he can receive communion without confession or fasting. From the age of three to four, infants are usually given communion on an empty stomach. From about the age of three, children together with their parents on the eve of communion can read two or three prayers known to them.
Of course, a lot depends on what kind of life the parents themselves live, whether for them the temple is the home of a longed-for meeting with God, and whether prayer is a second wind. Many parents bring their children to the beginning of the service, pray with them, receive communion themselves and bring their children to the Cup of Life, and do not face the question of when to bring their child to communion. If the situation in the family is somewhat different, then you can bring small children to the beginning of the Eucharistic canon or directly to the very moment of communion.

But it is necessary to accustom your child to a gracious church atmosphere, then there will be fewer problems with the child’s behavior at the Holy Chalice. The decision on what to do if a child cries and does not want to receive communion should be made by the priest who at that moment himself sees the child’s behavior. The child must also be prepared for communion. Read a canon, an akathist, an excerpt from Holy Scripture. All this will contribute to the spiritual growth of your child.

When approaching the holy chalice, infants should be held horizontally, with their head on their right hand. The handles should be held so that the child does not accidentally push the bowl or grab the spoon. Infants should not be fed tightly before the liturgy, so that after communion they do not vomit.

Parents, when giving communion to their children, should also try to begin the holy mysteries, thereby setting an example for their children. A family is a small church where people go to God together, are saved together and partake of the same cup.

Young children are usually given communion under one form (only the blood of Christ). But if the baby receives communion often and behaves calmly at the chalice, the priest can give the child (not the infant) a small particle.

At the liturgy Presanctified Gifts infants who do not receive the particle are not given communion, because at this liturgy the body of Christ, watered with blood, is in the chalice, and wine is poured, which has not been transformed into the blood of the Savior.

Some parents, due to their foolishness and lack of faith, are afraid to give communion to their children, thereby depriving them of saving and strengthening grace. They explain this by saying that a child, taking communion from the same spoon and cup with everyone else, can become infected with some kind of disease.

This fear is a lack of faith in the saving power of the sacrament. As a rule, non-church people and people with little church, who know nothing about the life of the Church, reason this way. The Eucharist is the greatest miracle on earth, performed constantly, and another proof of the truth of this miracle is that the liturgy was not interrupted even during terrible epidemics of plague, cholera and other contagious fatal diseases.

In Kyiv in the XVIII – early XIX century, the very famous Archpriest John Levanda served in the city. He was famous for his gift as a preacher; people especially flocked to listen to his sermons. He served in an area called Podol. In 1770, a plague epidemic began in the city, which was especially rampant in Podol. The bodies of the dead were taken away in whole convoys. In two months, six thousand people died in the region. And this priest did not interrupt his service. He confessed, gave communion, nourished, consoled his parishioners, and illness did not touch him. And there are a lot of such cases. The clergy - deacons and priests - after communion with the faithful, consume the remaining holy gifts. They always did this, at all times, without fear of becoming infected during terrible epidemics.

Metropolitan Nestor (Anisimov; 1884–1962), a missionary, when he was Bishop of Kamchatka, built a leper colony for lepers and consecrated a temple there. After all the lepers had received communion, the clergy consumed the gifts, and none of them became infected.

One official submitted a report to Saint Philaret (Drozdov) of Moscow, where he spoke about the courageous act of one priest and asked to be nominated for a reward. This official witnessed how a priest came to one of his relatives, who was sick with cholera, to administer the holy mysteries. But the patient was so weak that he could not hold a piece of Christ’s body in his mouth and dropped it from his mouth onto the floor. And this clergyman, without hesitation, consumed the fallen particle himself.

Neither priests nor deacons, who consume the holy gifts and then wash the holy cup by drinking the water, get sick more often than any other people. Therefore, those who give communion to children and those who begin to receive communion themselves must abandon all disgust, fear and lack of faith.

O. Pavel Gumerov

Communion is a mystery. But without partaking of this mystery, we will not be able to be full members of the Church, grow spiritually, and, ultimately, without partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, we will not be able to become heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven (John). By receiving communion, a person receives the fullness of the grace of the Most Holy Spirit, i.e. all the best that he can only get on earth for his life, for his development.

The Lord showed that physical communication, physical closeness to Him is just as real as intellectual or spiritual communication, and that infants’ lack of understanding of the “truths about God” does not prevent real closeness with God.

When giving Communion to children, you need to take into account that for children from one to three years old there is no preparation before Communion; they can even be fed. It is also important to prepare the child for Communion. Say that we are going to church, that the priest will give you communion, that you will open your mouth.

Moreover, by about two years of age, a child, especially if he is not used to receiving communion, must be explained what Communion is and how to begin the Sacrament. There is no need to use blasphemous formulations like: “Father will give you a delicious compote” and the like. It’s better to say: “Father will give you Communion – holy, good...”. Or: “We will partake of the Body and Blood of the Lord.” So gradually, thanks to the attitude of adults towards the child-communicant - how they congratulate him, kiss him, try to dress him in a festive way on this day - he begins to understand that Communion is a joyful, solemn, holy event.

If the baby has never received communion, then when he is brought to the Chalice, he may be afraid. He does not understand what they are trying to do to him or, for example, he thinks that they want to give him medicine, or there may be another reason. In such cases, there is no need to force the child to receive communion. It’s better to let him watch how other children receive communion, give him a piece of prosphora, bring it to the priest for a blessing when they venerate the cross, and tell him that he will receive communion next time.

By the age of three or four, it is possible and necessary to explain to children the meaning of the Sacrament of Communion. You can tell children about Jesus Christ, about His Nativity, about how He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and caressed little children. And so, when He found out that he would soon die, He wanted to last time get together with your student friends and have dinner with them. And when they sat down at the table, He took the bread, broke it and gave it to them, saying: “This bread is I myself, and when you eat this bread, I will be with you.” Then He took the cup of wine and said to them: “In this cup I give myself to you, and when you drink from it, I will be with you.” This is how Jesus Christ gave communion to people for the first time and bequeathed that all who love Him should also receive communion.

Starting with simple explanation, growing children can be told about the Last Supper in more detail and more fully, following the Gospel text. During the liturgy they will hear the words: “Take, eat, this is My Body, which is broken for you for the remission of sins” and “Drink of it, all of you, this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins.” And they need to be prepared for this. But no matter how we simplify the Gospel stories, it is important that their meaning is not distorted.

A small child may cry during the service, which will disturb those praying, and it is not easy for parents and their child to endure the entire service. Therefore, it is better to come to the temple 10-15 minutes before Communion. This may also apply to some children over 3 years of age. Children should be accustomed to the Temple gradually, not forced to defend the entire service, since in the future this may have the opposite effect, and the child will not want to go to church at all.
Gradually, by the age of four, you need to teach your child to take communion on an empty stomach. This liturgical fast is an excellent preparation for receiving the Sacrament, and how earlier child gets used to it, the better, and the easier it becomes.

From the age of five, children can already fast the day before communion. Not strictly: abstain from meat, sweets, from watching cartoons, try to behave better, be more obedient, etc. It is good to read out loud one or more prayers for Holy Communion with them.

Parents are called to teach their children how to approach communion: fold their hands on their chest, and when approaching the Chalice, do not cross themselves, so as not to accidentally push the Chalice. You should tell the priest your name. After communion, we are given a piece of prosphora to eat and a little wine and water to drink - this is called “zapivoka.” All these are external rules, and they cannot be confused with the meaning and significance of the sacrament, but the behavior established by tradition in the temple is of considerable importance. It is important for children to feel in solemn moments that they know how to behave like adults.

Speaking about the frequency of Communion, we note that young children can receive Communion often, but starting from the age of six or seven, it would be more prudent to coordinate this issue with their confessor. Or with any priest who will be aware of your circumstances.

From the age of seven, a child must be brought to confession, for which he should also be prepared: tell that in this sacrament the Lord himself forgives sins. Of course, we teach children even earlier to analyze what is good and what is bad, so the age of confession can be reduced if the child understands what kind of Sacrament this is and is aware of his actions. It is important that the child is not afraid of this Sacrament, and therefore you should try to warn the priest that your child is having his first confession.

From the age of seven, the child must gradually be accustomed to the other requirements for Communion. But it is important to remember that this is external preparation for Communion, and internal preparation is also important. Parents themselves must strive to love the temple, love God and fulfill His holy commandments. Remember that in the Sacrament of Communion we meet Christ and we must strive for this meeting, rejoice in it, desire it (as we desire a meeting with a loved one). It is important to instill this love in a child. And therefore, here we need gradualism in everything and, most importantly, a personal example, otherwise we can only tear the child away from the Church and God. The Lord accepted children and rejoiced in them, did not burden them. So we must gradually and lovingly lead children to Christ. Striving ourselves to be an example of not just formal fulfillment of church instructions, but an example of love, understanding, moving away from rubbish, anger and malice. After all, a child judges faith by looking at us, and if we do not live Christianly, then the mechanical Communion of children is unlikely to bear fruit. Only with an understanding of the essence of the Sacrament, only with desire and love for it, and therefore for God, will Communion bring benefits to a person, will be a cure for both spiritual and physical ailments. And of course, a firm faith in God and faith in His love for Us is necessary. “I give myself to Christ, and Christ comes into my life.” His life in me is what the sacrament of Holy Communion consists of, and this is where the meaning and purpose of our life is revealed.

Girls, maybe someone will find it useful!!

I found a very useful article on the Internet)

Why do you take your children to Communion?

The most important thing is the child’s meeting with God. In addition, the child gradually learns to go to church. You will never hear from a grown-up child: “My mother didn’t teach me to go to church...”

And one more thing... Many times parents were convinced that after communion the child did not get sick, although according to tests or external signs illness seemed inevitable. Children with neurology also behave much calmer; children with any health problems eat and sleep better...

Faith - powerful source peace and confidence for a person. And during the Sign of the Cross, the heartbeat rhythm improves and breathing evens out.

Later, when the child begins to confess, communion and a conversation with the priest may save the matured child from the feeling of impunity and permissiveness, alas, characteristic of adolescence.

It is necessary to give communion to a child - this is important for his spiritual and mental development, health, so that the Heavenly Patron, in whose honor the child is baptized, is close to the child, protects and protects him from all the troubles that await the baby on his life's path.

When is the first time to give Communion to a child?

We allow children to receive communion from the moment of baptism, because in baptism they are, as it were, mysteriously immersed in Christ and begin to live His life. And our belonging to Christ does not depend on the amount of our knowledge. A child's soul may know more than his parents or adults. Therefore, the question is not that he does not know so much, does not understand, and therefore can he receive communion... His soul has been revived by the grace of Christ, and he communicates with Him.

During the service, a Chalice is brought out, into which special consecrated bread cut into small pieces was first placed and wine diluted with water was poured. Prayers are read over this cup, which you will naturally hear, the holy spirit of Jesus Christ is invoked, and thus the holy spirit descends into this cup and it is believed that the blood and flesh of Christ are invisible in it.

Let's calm everyone down right away. Not a single person got sick from this. Not a single baby suffered any deterioration. On the contrary, children need to receive communion as often as possible.

Turn your first visit to church into a real holiday! If the child is older, he will like to light candles and choose a commemorative icon. You can give an interesting Orthodox book, cassette; after church - somewhere to eat deliciously, and maybe take a walk in fun company children, of whom there are always a lot near the Temple.

How to explain the meaning of the Sacrament to a baby

It would be good to explain the meaning of the Sacrament in a form accessible to every child: explain to a two-year-old daughter or son that this is a meeting with God. There is no need to talk to kids about the Body and Blood of the Savior - children are not ready for this awareness due to their age and they will understand this over time, or over time you will be able to explain this to the child in an accessible form. Sunday school for children or a good conversation with Father when the child grows up a little and begins to understand more can help here. But you shouldn’t tell your child about “delicious food” if we're talking about about Communion. What to say? - This is Communion. So we say to our children: honey, look, this is bread. This is porridge. This is sugar. Let's try it. And the child assimilates the information received for the rest of his life.

Appearance, clothing of parents and children
For mom, it is advisable to wear it to church long skirt, scarf and jacket with long sleeves(in hot weather, a three-quarter sleeve is also suitable). For a monastery, these conditions are strictly mandatory. But clothes can be both beautiful and festive; according to the canons “in black”, only widows go to the Temple of God.

For children, the girl must wear a hat or scarf, and the son must not wear a headdress. By the way, you should turn it off in church cellular telephone. In winter, you need to take off your mittens in the temple. Outerwear can be removed or unfastened.

Is it possible to feed children before Communion?

Up to 3 years of age there are no food restrictions. Infants can be safely fed, but preferably a little in advance (at least 30 minutes, although, if possible, it is better 1.5 hours before Communion) so that the baby does not burp after Communion.

After three years, children receive communion on an empty stomach. You cannot even drink holy water (you can ask the Priest about taking medications).

But after the Sacrament, you don’t need to feed your children a lot, especially if you get home by car.

When to come to Communion with children

It is best, of course, to find out the service schedule in advance. Most often, the liturgy (Communion is given only at liturgies) begins on weekdays and on Saturdays at 8, and on Sundays and holidays at 7 and 9 or 10 in the morning.

However, in some temples it may be a little different: at 7, 7.30 or 6.30 in the morning...

When to bring children to Communion. Adults can look at the child’s condition; if he behaves calmly, he can stand at the Service. Usually small children are brought before Communion itself, which happens after the Lord’s Prayer, usually 50 minutes, an hour after the start of the service, but you need to be prepared that the service will be longer. The schedule is always posted in advance. Children under 7 years old can attend the Service with adults or walk near the Temple.


Before going to the Chalice (to Communion), take the Blessing from the priest who is confessing (no need to stand in line with children). If there is no priest, go to Communion and tell the Priest who administers Communion about it.

Communion is the greatest shrine, the Lord God Himself! By the way, this is why people don’t cross themselves before the Chalice.

Older children fold their arms crosswise on their chest (the right one is on top of the left one). Adults place babies on their right (!) hand, and babies are placed on right hand head. A pacifier is not given in front of the Cup. This is done so that not a single drop of Communion spills on the clothes.

During communion, altar servers hold a special red cloth - a cloth, and the baby's mouth will definitely get wet.

And be sure to explain to the baby that the Particle must be swallowed. Better yet, see for yourself, especially for the first time.

If a drop of Communion gets on clothes or the child burps after Communion, go to Father and tell him about it.

Children are given communion first. After the priest’s words: “The servant of God takes communion...” - you need to clearly name church name child (name with which the child was baptized). An adult names the babies' names, while older children name their names independently.

After Communion, without talking yourself or allowing the children to talk, take them to a special table to wash down the communion and take a piece of prosphora.

Then the baby can be attached to the Crucifix, or you can wait until the end of the Service and venerate the Cross, which the priest will take out at the very end of the Service.

It is not necessary to wait until the end of the Service - look at the child’s condition.

Until the age of seven, children do not confess.

The article was prepared by the editors of the site "Children's"

One of the main sacred rites of the Orthodox Church is the communion of the believer. The sacrament of the Eucharist, performed sincerely, at the call of the soul, has great importance for a Christian. Going through a sacred ceremony with an understanding of the essence and importance of the ritual leads to sincere repentance, receiving forgiveness, and spiritual cleansing.

What is communion

Belonging to a religious denomination implies adherence to traditions. What is the Eucharist? The most important religious rite involves receiving from the hands of a clergyman and then eating bread and wine, symbolizing the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ. The sacrament includes prayers, bows, chants, and preaching. Communion in church introduces a person to God, strengthens the spiritual connection with By higher powers. To conduct a ceremony in a church, the purity of the believer, both physical and mental, is required. Communion must be preceded by confession and preparation.

Sacrament of Communion

The ritual originates from the Last Supper, which preceded the crucifixion of Christ. Having gathered with his disciples at the table, the Savior took the bread, divided it into parts and distributed it with the words that it was His Flesh. Then Christ blessed the cup of wine, calling its contents his Blood. The Savior commanded his followers to always perform a ceremony in memory of Him. This custom is followed by Russian Orthodox Church, in which the rite of the Eucharist is celebrated daily. In pre-Petrine times, there was a decree according to which all laity were obliged to take communion in church at least once a year.

Why Holy Communion is Necessary

The sacrament of communion is of great importance for a believer. A layman who does not want to perform the rite of the Eucharist moves away from Jesus, who commanded to observe tradition. Disruption of communication with God leads to confusion and fear in the soul. A person who regularly receives communion in church, on the contrary, strengthens his religious faith, becomes more peaceful, and closer to the Lord.

How to take communion in church

The Eucharist is the first step taken by a person towards God. This act must be conscious and voluntary. To confirm the purity of his intention, a layman should prepare for communion in church. First you need to ask for forgiveness from those who may be offended by you. For several days before the ceremony, an adult needs:

  • Observe fasting by refusing to use meat dishes, eggs, dairy products. Dietary restrictions are imposed for a period of one to three days, depending on the physical condition.
  • Give up the habit of “eating” yourself and others. Internal aggression should be kept to a minimum. You need to behave kindly to others; selfless help to your neighbors is useful.
  • Eliminate foul language, tobacco, alcohol, and intimacy from everyday life.
  • Do not attend entertainment events or watch entertaining television programs.
  • Read evening morning prayers.
  • Attend Liturgies, listen to sermons. It is especially recommended to visit evening service on the eve of the day of communion, read the Consequence.
  • Study spiritual literature, read the Bible.
  • Confess on the eve of communion in church. This requires understanding life, events, and actions. Sincere confession is needed not only as preparation for communion. Repentance makes a believer purer, gives a feeling of lightness and freedom.

Rite of Communion

On the day of the ceremony, you need to skip breakfast and come to the temple early, feel the atmosphere of the place, get ready, and tune in to the right mood. What is communion in church? The sacrament begins during the service, closer to its end. The Royal Doors open, and a relic is brought out to visitors - a bowl with consecrated gifts - Cahors and bread. The dishes are symbols of the Flesh and Blood of the Savior. The bowl is placed on a special platform called the pulpit. The priest reads prayer of thanksgiving intended for communion.

How to take communion in church? The priest gives each parishioner who approaches the bowl a taste of the dish from a spoon. You need to get closer, cross your arms across your chest, say your name. Then you should kiss the base of the bowl. You can leave the temple after the end of the service. Before leaving you need to kiss the cross. A ritual performed sincerely and with all the heart brings the believer closer to Christ and gives the soul happiness and salvation. It is important to preserve holy grace in the heart after communion, and not to lose it outside the church.

How children receive communion

Communion of a child is important for his spiritual maturation. The ritual is necessary so that the baby is under the care of the guardian angel in whose honor he was baptized. The first communion in the church occurs after baptism. Children under seven years of age are not required to go to confession the day before. It doesn’t matter how often the baby’s parents take communion in church or whether they do it at all.

Important rule children's communion in church - carrying out the ceremony on an empty stomach. Allowed to have breakfast small child. It is better to feed the baby at least half an hour before the ceremony so that he does not burp. After three years, it is advisable to bring children to church on an empty stomach, but strict rules does not exist. It is important that the child gradually gets used to the restrictions during preparation. For example, you can remove games, cartoons, meat, something very tasty. Compliance prayer rules children are not required.

You can come to communion with babies. You are allowed to arrive early with older children, depending on how long the child can stand standing in the temple. Children often lack patience; on the contrary, they have a lot of energy. This needs to be understood and not force the child to stand in one place, instilling a dislike for the ritual. During communion the name for small child pronounced by an adult. When the baby grows up, he must identify himself.

How does communion occur for the sick?

If a person, for health reasons, is unable to listen to the liturgy or take communion within the walls of the church, this can easily be resolved by performing the ceremony at home. Seriously ill patients are allowed to undergo the procedure according to the canons of Orthodoxy. It is not necessary to read prayers and fast. However, confession and repentance for sins are necessary. Patients are allowed to receive communion after eating. Clergy often visit hospitals to give confession and communion to people.

How often can you take communion?

The ritual must be performed when the soul desires it, when there is an internal need. The number of sacraments is not regulated by representatives of the Patriarchate. Most believers receive communion once or twice a month. The ceremony is necessary for special occasions- at weddings, baptisms, name days, during great holidays. The only restriction is the ban on communion more than once a day. The holy gifts are served from two church vessels; you only need to try from one.
