At school, everyone was forced to read certain literature, motivating it by the fact that reading is useful for forming a personality, increasing intelligence, and enriching vocabulary. Many with a shudder recall the books that they had to read and retell, write texts on them and philosophize on the topic: "What did the author want to tell us using red in his novel?"

Adults and teachers are 100% right. Reading develops thinking, helps train the brain, and improves intellectual abilities. Reading, we not only replenish our own vocabulary, but also develop imagination, creativity, draw new information. We absorb the wisdom of words, we try to understand the meaning inherent in the text.

Today, a huge amount of literature is freely available. We, unlike our ancestors, were lucky, because we don’t need to go to the library and choose the best option from the meager assortment. We have a huge selection of books for every taste. But not all of them are useful. Reading love-lyric novels, mediocre fantasy and detective stories, cheap pseudoscientific brochures can hardly fill our head with anything useful.

Why is it so important to read

Reading involves the active work of the brain, which is associated with the interpretation of symbols and the creation of images. There are several types of reading, depending on the ultimate goal, the complexity of the information presented and the understanding of the reader. People read for new information (knowledge) or for entertainment.

Sometimes the complexity of the text is higher than the reading and intelligence of a person, and he has to make an effort to understand the meanings that the author laid down in the work. Such literature requires more active mental activity from a person. Not everyone can read and understand, because you need not only to remember information, but also to pass it through yourself, correlate with your experience, mentally draw a picture.

There are two types of readers: those who find it easy to learn and enjoy the process, and those who must go to great lengths to complete at least one chapter. But, everyone can form the reading skill, you should try a little and find the "first" book that interests you, will become the lever that will make you love reading.

All "great books" were written for beginners. It is worth learning from those who surpass the majority in their intellectual development, have extensive experience and transfer their knowledge in an accessible form. The only way that will help you master and understand a "difficult" book is to read a lot, using your intellectual potential, moving from simple to complex.

Reading something simple all the time is not an option for a person who wants to improve. You can learn on your own or with the help of a mentor who will help you understand, push you to understand and explain what we are not yet able to comprehend. The teacher only facilitates the process of understanding, presents knowledge in a simpler, revised form.

Books for the development of the mind are of two types:

  1. Various anthologies, textbooks - retellings of other people's thoughts and ideas. This is a passive consumption of information, which is not able to truly teach one to think independently.
  2. Classic - contains a raw original idea that fills the brain with new information, shares experience and knowledge. These are not always old works, there is such literature at all times. Reading such books makes a person think for themselves, be able to evaluate and isolate what is useful. She disciplines, raises self-esteem, activates thinking.

Literature for the development of intellectual abilities

You need to be able to choose those books that will help increase and develop intelligence. It is very easy to escape from reality with the help of fiction, but you also need to read those works that can give something useful, teach something new.

Books that will help you improve yourself come in different genres:

  • scientific and popular science books;
  • philosophical literature;
  • poetry;
  • fiction;
  • historical works.

In each of these genres there are both useful, "smart" books, and pseudo-useful, the reading of which will not enrich us in fact with anything, although you can learn something from any literature. If a volume has a beautiful cover and a clever thought is quoted, that does not make it extremely useful. So what books should you read to develop your intelligence?

Scientific and popular science works

It is not necessary to assume that these can only be reference books and boring works that are filled with incomprehensible complex terms, formulas, where there are a huge number of numbers. Correct works will be able to explain to us the nature of certain phenomena in a fairly simple and understandable form. They will help you understand the world around you, human nature, plunge into the world of another culture, learn art or learn interesting facts from the biographies of prominent personalities.

Reading such books can develop the mind, imagination, and educate thinking. List of the best representatives:

  • Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time, The World in a Nutshell;
  • Michio Kaku "Hyperspace" and "Physics of the Impossible";
  • Nick Lane “Oxygen. The Molecule That Changed the World ”;
  • Frank Wilczek “The beauty of physics. Comprehending the structure of nature ";
  • Karl Zimmer "Microcosm";
  • Stephen Fry's The Book of Common Misconceptions;
  • Yuval Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humanity;
  • Frans de Waal "Are we smart enough to judge the intelligence of animals?"

Stephen Hawking is an outstanding scientist and physicist. His books are the clearest example of the fact that science can be simple and understandable. He explains and teaches the history of our Universe in an accessible language, tells how it was formed, how stars are born and die. In his books you can find answers to all questions about the Cosmos, the secrets of the planets, the origin of mankind.

Philosophical literature

In ancient times, philosophy was a fundamental science that taught to understand human nature. Philosophers were considered the most intelligent and enlightened respected people.

Today philosophy has lost its leadership position, because technology is coming to the fore. But the world is not inhabited by robots, so such books are still relevant and in demand. They help us understand the needs and desires of other people, teach us to direct our energy in the right direction. With their help, you can understand how to promote your idea, manage your time correctly, learn to understand and predict people's behavior.

The best books on the development of intelligence are:

  • Elizabeth Gilbert "Big Magic";
  • Zen in Writing by Ray Bradbury;
  • John Milton, Paradise Lost;
  • Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged;
  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich;
  • Brian Tracy "Peak Out";
  • Franz Kafka "The Trial";
  • Friedrich Nietzsche Thus Spoke Zarathustra;
  • Aldous Huxley “Doors of Perception. Heaven and Hell";
  • VP of the USSR "Foundations of Sociology";
  • Elias Canetti "Mass and Power".

In addition to classical philosophy, religious works also live here. These include the Bible, the Koran, which can teach a lot, be the reader attentive and thinking.


Many people cannot understand the value of poetry, because they consider it literature for relaxation, a frivolous genre that cannot give something useful. Reading poetry gives a feeling of reverence, reverence for someone else's work, which evokes admiration for the power of the word.

Poetry develops eloquence, teaches to feel the rhythm of words. It helps to open up the senses, to feel the beauty of nature or man. Such books help develop intelligence and vocabulary.

List of the best books:

  • everything that came out of the pen of Alexander Pushkin, and it is better in the original, and not censored versions;
  • Basho Matsuo "Hokku";
  • Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy;
  • Akhmatova Anna “I have learned to live simply and wisely”;
  • Mikhail Lermontov "Prayer";
  • Vladimir Mayakovsky "I Love";
  • Omar Khayyam "Garden of Love";
  • Friedrich Nietzsche "Songs of Zarathustra";
  • Edgar Allan Poe "The Raven";
  • Arthur Rimbaud "The Drunken Ship";
  • William Wordsworth The Magic House.


You should not neglect such works, considering what is written as a fairy tale and fiction. These are the words of a narrow-minded person who is completely devoid of imagination. Great novels sometimes contain more truth than historical works. With their help, the reader can get acquainted with a new reality, discover another world, and improve himself. Such literature helps to broaden horizons, enrich vocabulary, because most often such works contain a lot of philosophical thoughts, based on real events.

"Quality" books are written in "tasty" language, they are pleasant to read. They help to enrich vocabulary, teach how to correctly formulate thoughts, improve speech and imagination. Foreign fiction books help to develop intelligence if you read them in the original. This makes it possible to quickly memorize unfamiliar words, to increase the level of language proficiency. Domestic classics should not be ignored either.

Fiction books for the development of intelligence and vocabulary:

  • Gabriel García Márquez One Hundred Years of Solitude;
  • Nora Gal “The Word Alive and the Dead”;
  • Herman Melville "Moby Dick, or the White Whale";
  • Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck;
  • Mariam Petrosyan "The House In Which ...";
  • The Catcher in the Rye, Jerome D. Salinger;
  • Jane Austen "Emma";
  • Harper Lee "To Kill a Mockingbird";
  • Thomas Mann "Magic Mountain".

There is a huge amount of fiction that will help make the mind more flexible and receptive, and also help to spiritually enrich. If you do not like the classics who were forced to read at school and university, you can pay attention to the new authors: Judith McNaught, Tom McCarthy, Laura Hillenbrand, Sebastian Barry.

Historical works

These are not just boring books with a bunch of dates that you got so tired of back in school. Historical books can be incredibly interesting and informative. They help us understand the past, tell incredible stories from people's lives, help us understand why it happened this way and not otherwise. You need to know history in order to better understand our present and predict the future. Such books promote awareness of life, help to reveal the past, evaluate the perfect and never repeat other people's mistakes.

Since ancient times, books have meant a lot to every person, whole literary evenings have gathered to plunge into the atmosphere of unusual works and prose. Now books are not only fascinating stories, but also helpers for improving brain activity. This article has collected the best books for increasing the intelligence of adults.

What are books for intellect for?

In order to pump your brain, you do not need to visit doctors and psychologists; scientific and psychological literature will help in this matter. In order not to waste time and energy reading ordinary, mediocre books, it is better to buy a complex, meaningful manual.

“Artificial memory, the anonymous author continues, has two basic components: images and places. Images represent the content of what a person wants to remember. The places - or loci, 30 as they are named in the Latin original - are where these images are stored. The idea is to first mentally recreate a space that you know well and can easily imagine, and then fill that imaginary space with images of what you want to remember. The Romans called this method the method of places. Later they began to call it the palace of memory. " (Einstein walks on the moon. Science and art of memorization)

“The brain is able to store only connections, objects of the surrounding world and products of brain activity - they contain connections. There are connections in the apple. The links are in the telephone number and the historical date. What is primary: an object or connections in it? This is a difficult philosophical question. So let's skip it. The main thing for us is that the brain records only connections. The rest is irrelevant for memorization. " (Mnemonic Tutorial)

These quotes from various books reflect the essence of the problem. This literature develops thinking, promotes active brain function, and also improves memory. Consider what books for the development of intelligence and vocabulary can help you.

Best books on emotional intelligence

There are a lot of books for development. But in order to be beneficial for the brain, a special list of books was compiled, which presents exercises for improving memory, thinking and just for.

This serious book tells that in addition to the standard intelligence, there is also another - emotional, which in some situations plays a critical role in many social situations.

It tells how to be able to cope with your feelings and manage emotions in the most decisive and tense situations. Therefore, if you do not know what to read for the development of intelligence, then this manual will be what you need.

Here are the basic concepts that prove the fact that people with emotional intelligence become more developed, intelligent and successful than those who are simply erudite.

This is a kind of psychological trainer that will allow you to know yourself and your abilities from a completely different side.

Daniel Goleman Prices Emotional Intelligence


This is a continuation of the previous part of the tutorial. Here are the aspects that will help to correctly direct a person to a successful business. It is useful to read it not only for people who have their own business, but also for those who only dream of opening their own business. It will improve the development of mindfulness, the amount of vocabulary, and also give useful tips for training memory.

Prices for Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence in Business


Ardent businessmen always think that business is a cold calculation, where there is no place for emotionality. But in fact, this is a deep misconception. In this manual, the authors not only refute this version, but also show theoretically and practically how to improve the thought process, exercises for the development of thinking, as well as improving all departments of the mind.

It has been proven that controlling emotions allows you to reach high peaks, as well as control the thoughts and feelings of other people. For those who have read a lot of scientific literature, the books that increase the intelligence of this series will be an excellent desk guide.

Prices for Sergey Shabanov, Alena Aleshina Emotional intelligence Russian practice


Many people believe that one cannot react emotionally at work. But the authors believe exactly the opposite. With the help of the book, they prove that laughter, tears, anger, and restraint are a completely adequate and important state of a person.

Only a person reading this book will be able to understand how easy it is to develop intellectually, as well as better understand people. This will help organization leaders not only get useful advice, but also suggest what to do to improve intelligence.

Prices for David Caruso, Peter Salovey Emotional Intelligence of a Leader


Developing children is one of the most important components. To find books for the development of memory and intelligence, you need to seriously think about it. But I would like to say that this manual is one of the best among all.

Quote:“Good parenting begins in your heart and continues when your children are experiencing strong emotions — upset, angry, or fear. It is about providing support when it really matters. This book will show you the right path. "

Prices for John Gottman Child Emotional Intelligence

Best books on developing thinking

Here we included the following works:

This literature is worth buying if you want to change your life for the better. Billions of your thoughts sent into the universe come true. Therefore, it is important that thoughts are as positive as possible.

This book will make a woman not only smart, but also throw in more good thoughts for the development of her life. With the help of thoughts, you can become rich and healthy. Interesting? Then read on.

Prices for Louise L. Hay Positive Thinking How to Be Happy Every Day

Joseph O'Connor, Ian McDermott “The Art of Systems Thinking” ()

This book is a bright path to the world of systems thinking. It tells about the techniques and rules of the concept of complex systems, and also provides exercises that train mental activity. The manual is easy to write, so you don't have to make a lot of effort while reading it to understand it.


When this manual was just created, the main task was to correctly, clearly and easily present the material for people who want to fulfill themselves in life. Already millions of people have been able to achieve their goals with the help of this book. After reading, there will be an understanding of the functioning of the economy.

Paul Heine Prices Economic Way of Thinking


The book details methods for changing negative thoughts to positive ones. She suggests where you need to take the potential to change your life using real examples.

Norman Vincent Peel Prices The Power of Positive Thinking

The best books for the development of the brain, intelligence, memory

This literature is aimed at developing attention. So, what books to read for the development of intelligence:

A modern, useful book that, in theory and practice, allows you to show how to learn quickly, read, act quickly and react to situations that arise. All techniques and exercises are written in an accessible language, so only the person who does not exercise will not work.


This book will be an excellent trainer for increasing brain and intellectual activity. This simulator has collected everything you need so compactly that it has no analogues.

Prices for Anton the Mighty Trainer Book for Your Brain


Sometimes it happens that your thought breaks down in mid-sentence, and you forget what you were talking about. This book is a great way to deal with these issues. After reading, you will no longer forget the most obvious things.

Prices for Charles Phillips Super Brain Trainer

Our brain is one large system that allows and analyzes the events that take place in our life. However, he needs help from time to time. For these purposes, you can read the book by Joe Dispenza.

Prices for Joe Dispenza The power of the subconscious. Develop your brain


How do you discover your opportunities? What powers do we have? What incredible things can a person do? This literature will help answer all these questions.

Prices for Andrey Rodionov Intellect training


Children are very interested in everything around them. But often, due to the large flow of information, it is difficult for them to perceive anything. Brain gymnastics is not just a book, it is a real textbook on the development of attention and thinking.

Prices for Paul Dennison, Gail Dennison Brain Gym. A book for teachers and parents


This guide proves that you need not only to improve your body, but you must definitely take care of your intellect and soul. The brain is also a muscle that requires long exercise.

Lovers of useful literature have higher intelligence and richer communication skills. Here is a review of books for the unlimited expansion of vocabulary and speech development in adults.

Radislav Gandapas "Kamasutra for an orator"

The ingenious business coach has created a laconic, provocative and very useful guide for those who wish to successfully speak in public and build self-confidence. The great orator Radislav Gandapas calls for working with the public on a wave of pleasure and moving swiftly towards goals. The book is easy to read and will be of interest to managers, as well as to those who are just starting their way up the career ladder.

The trainer explains in detail and simply the reasons and signs of unsuccessful public speeches, teaches you to quickly overcome anxiety, reveals the deepest secrets of capturing the audience's attention. The book pays attention to the speech aspects and structure of the speech, eye contact with the listener, the movements and mood of the speaker. After reading the book, you should practice more. For example, this is personal communication, holding a seminar or presentation, speaking at a conference.

reading smart books helps expand vocabulary

Maxim Krongauz "Russian language on the verge of a nervous breakdown"

A competent analyst-linguist explores all the subtleties of the Russian language and shares his many discoveries and conclusions. He discusses correct speech and compares it with the manner of communication on the Internet. The author has created an eternally relevant work for those who want to expand their vocabulary.

The publication reveals interesting facets of obvious changes in our native language, points to common speech shortcomings. The book touches on the topic of changes in the language spoken by the media. Most modern speakers strive to quickly and easily throw up information. The most important thing to learn from this book is that in an age of all kinds of distortions of speech, we should not be content in communication with a poor vocabulary.

Emile Zola "The Womb of Paris"

An incredibly rich and memorable description of Parisian life, seen through the eyes of the author, unfolds before the reader's eyes. The book speaks in some special language about human vices, difficult fates. The text is full of vivid adjectives, unexpected synonyms and detailed descriptions of interesting everyday circumstances, from which it is impossible to tear yourself away. The reader is transported into the atmosphere created by the author as a true master of the word.

books develop the brain

Lev Uspensky "The Word about Words"

The author is known for his books on the subject of linguistics, intended for a growing audience. Ouspensky writes in such a way that the information is equally good for children and adults. The book about words will be of interest to all Russian-speaking people, it carries valuable information, unites different questions about the language. This edition is not the only one of its kind. The author has many interesting creations.

After reading this book, fans are eager to study other useful works on this topic. To develop your speech and expand your vocabulary, pay attention to the books by this author. He has done a tremendous job of studying the origins of the names of nations and settlements. And also he talks interestingly about Russian names and surnames.

Nora Gal "The Word Alive and the Dead"

This famous book is over four decades old. Its author is a professional translator, which means an expert in our language. Today, the book is still relevant for study, so it should definitely get on your shelf.

The author of the book is a professor, European specialist in management. This edition successfully reveals the topic of leadership, and also describes the mechanisms of the formation of the leader's personality. Such information is useful to any person who wants to build a career, as it helps to become more successful in all areas of life. Thanks to such literature, you can develop the thinking of a leader. The text outlines how you can become a talented manager and skillfully manage staff. Attention is paid to the issue of motivation, leadership styles, stages of development of the leader's personality and the natural tendency of a person to reject changes. All this will help expand your vocabulary, become a more relaxed and confident interlocutor.

Nigel Brown "The Oddities of Our Language"

The title of the book says that there are many controversial and entertaining aspects in the language in which people have been communicating for centuries. The native language of the author is English. The publication is dedicated to non-English and non-Russian languages. The book reveals borrowed words, that is, those names and concepts that have migrated from one language to another.

English and Russian have a lot in common. The author speaks of the strangeness of the language throughout the world, and not within one nationality. After reading this book, you will learn the origin and different meanings of many words.

Natalya Rom “I want to speak beautifully. Speech techniques "

You may be familiar with this author from a book on NLP. The publication tells about how to learn how to communicate correctly. Your speech can be more literate, understandable and filled with emotion. A person who possesses the skill of effective communication has the gift of persuasion, his statements are logical and inspire confidence. Therefore, he can persuade people to his point of view, has many friends.

The ability to communicate is not a gift from nature, but a special quality that can, if desired, be trained in almost any person. With the inability to conduct a dialogue and speak in public, speech is slurred, meager and boring. Together with Natalia Rom, you can improve your voice, learn how to get the maximum attention of the listener. If you cannot connect two words or have communication problems only in certain situations, then work on your speech and voice with the help of this book.

books train oratory skills

Vadim Khrappa "From Adam's apple to the apple of discord"

Every educated person should know the meaning of complex words and sayings of the Russian language. Classic explanatory dictionaries are not as interesting to read as similar books. The author explored the most interesting areas in the Russian language and created this kind of collection of notes. You will learn about phraseological units and various incomprehensible expressions. There is information on common speech errors and how to work around them.

Korney Chukovsky "Alive as life"

Young and adult readers know the author from popular poetry. The book was born at a time of intensive saturation of our native language with borrowed words and expressions, the displacement of Russian analogous concepts. In principle, this process is also taking place today. Chukovsky's book is worthy of attention.

Edward De Bono "Teach Yourself to Think"

Be sure to read this book if you have a goal to develop your intelligence and improve your speaking skills. The human brain is fraught with tremendous opportunities for memorization. This ability can be acquired through training the mind. The new five-stage system of thinking, proposed by the author, teaches the correct concentration of attention and rational distribution of efforts. Information from the author is the result of his fruitful work. If you learn to think, then at the same time, you will improve communication, as you will become clear and clearly express your thoughts.

Maria Aksenova "Do we know Russian"

The author offers a collection of 3 editions on a language theme. When the reader gets acquainted with one of them, he is sure to become interested in the other two parts as well. An expert in the field of the Russian language collects fascinating linguistic, journalistic, spelling, philological facts from all over the world. It's very good to learn about language mistakes from this emotional author.

Larry King "How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere"

A worthy literary work does not speak of oratory, does not teach to hone speech technique, does not tell about speech patterns and linguistics. The book is not like other books in this niche. The publication, where the author shares his personal experience, teaches people the skill of free communication without embarrassment.

Thanks to the book, you can learn the skill of having an intelligent, pleasant and well-structured conversation with different people. Perhaps the publication is a little saturated with American flavor. Regardless, it has tons of useful tips for productive communication.

Roger Sipe "Brain Development"

The relationship between brain development and speech richness is clear. The book talks about how to improve brain function. And this will certainly lead to positive changes in many directions. The author argues that we can use our intelligence more effectively. And our brains are capable of changing. For the development of the brain and all the positive changes that result from this, it is necessary to stop worrying about insignificant trifles, get rid of the activity leading to degradation and killing time, do not sleep too much and do gymnastics for the eyes.

Strenuous work on oneself according to the instructions of the author kicks a person out of the comfort zone, helps to set and achieve goals, memorize much more information, and learn to read faster. A developed brain better implements various tasks, is a generator of intelligent and logical speech.

Irina Levontina "Russian with a dictionary"

The book is a collection of useful articles by the author. The writer very easily and positively plays up the issue of the dynamism of the Russian language. Such a narrative is fundamentally different from the presentation of material offered by traditional linguists. This difference lies in the fact that most experienced linguists trumpet about the impoverishment of the Russian language, while Levontina, on the contrary, says that it is expanding and filling. The author advocates the need to introduce new words and expressions, this helps to diversify our language.

Elena Lapteva “Textbook for the development of speech. 1000 Russian tongue twisters for the development of speech "

One of the most useful books for the development of speech contains phonetic exercises, a list of rare words, the most interesting tongue twisters, a technique for pronouncing difficult words. It is necessary to study the manual for speech therapists, teachers, schoolchildren and students, as well as those who want to improve their speech and learn better Russian.

Carsten Bredemeier Black Rhetoric. Power and magic of the word "

The writer became famous as a specialist in the field of relationships. He has a lot of fans. His books change thinking, advice bring tangible benefits in personal development. The textbook does not provide one hundred percent guarantee that all readers will become great orators after reading the text. But if you practice a lot at the same time, then success is guaranteed.

Develop your intelligence constantly. Reading books will help you with this. Improve your memory. Practice speed reading and public speaking. Learn figurative flexible thinking. Improve your speech and vocabulary in every way. Historical books, collections of poetry, fiction, scientific and philosophical works should also be in your arsenal of books, since they all develop intelligence, which means they help to improve communication.

Many people have at least once in their lives faced an awkward situation when they could not express their own thoughts. Some attribute this to insufficient vocabulary. However, the problem usually goes much deeper. Books that develop speech are what an educated person needs, who wants to make the right impression on the audience.

Of course, to be a well-developed interlocutor you need to be well-read, literate. But it is also worth paying attention to the fact that people try to replace words with gestures, interjections. All of this is due to a lack of communication. Society has forgotten how to express thoughts and feelings.

It's time to fight this. After all, starting hard work today, the first results will appear tomorrow. And in order to achieve this, everyone must know which books to read in order to develop speech. With this literature, everyone's life can change beyond recognition. Because people who know how to communicate correctly always attract those around them. Books that develop speech are an affordable source to get the necessary knowledge. also help develop entrepreneurial skills.

“I want to speak beautifully! Speech Techniques "from Rom Natalia

Excellent literature for those who are thinking about which book to read in order to develop speech. The basic principles of building correct pronunciation are detailed here. Books that develop speech are not boring volumes of endless rules. After all, the authors are anxiously approaching their creations. It is important for them to convey the necessary information to the reader. So, Natalia Rom helps not only to speak well, but also teaches to keep the interlocutor's attention.

The manual can be a good helper for people in various fields of activity. Because today many specialties imply live communication. And what could be better than an experienced employee who knows how to establish contacts. Learn to speak clearly, and books that develop speech and vocabulary will help you do it efficiently and quickly.

"Kamasutra for an orator", Gandapas R.

The author was able to convey the meaning of his creation already in the title. He convinces readers that everything of quality is enjoyable, and speech should not be an exception. The speaker is obliged to find a special, intimate connection with his interlocutors. In the literature, many questions have been created, with detailed answers.

Books that develop speech and vocabulary are a real find for people who conduct various trainings or conferences. Public interest is half the success of any business.

If you are thinking about your own business, then it will not be superfluous.

"Textbook for the development of speech. 1000 Russian tongue twisters for the development of speech ", Lapteva E.

Books that develop speech and vocabulary are presented in a wide range. This literature belongs to one of them. Collected here are tongue twisters to help you improve your pronunciation.

And a modest explanatory dictionary explains unfamiliar terms that everyone should know. This is a great guide for people of all ages.

“How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere,” King Larry

Everyone, probably, at least once, but thought about how wonderful it is to be able to find a common language with strangers. But in life, not everyone succeeds in doing this. Shyness, awkwardness, makes a person constrained.

However, Larry, the host of a famous American show, decided to help solve this problem. In his creation, the man shared professional advice on how to get rid of stiffness, overcome fear in front of the stage, and get a stranger talking. The knowledge gained will definitely come in handy in life.

"Secrets of Good Speech", I.B. Golub, D.E. Rosenthal

These books developing speech have become a real lifeline for many famous journalists and editors. The authors have created such a brainchild that several generations have already learned.

Here are collected the main subtleties on the correct formulation of the conversation. The book is written in an accessible language. The book is easy to understand, for citizens of any age and social status. Now all the secrets of public speaking will be revealed. After reading this book, you can.

Books for developing speech for children and smart parents

Books developing speech should be offered from an early age. Moms and dads are required to find time for a child and develop communication skills, replenishing vocabulary from an early age. Only then can one expect that in the future the child will be an excellent announcer and manager.

"Album for the development of speech" by Victoria Volodina

The correct manner of communication must be developed from childhood. And thanks to this guide, it will not be difficult to do this. The manual is designed for kids from 3 to 6 years old. At this age, kids are drawn to knowledge, they easily grasp information. Therefore, parents must seriously prepare them, lay a solid foundation.

It is worth noting that everything is thought out for children's education - this is not boring literature with a solid text. The pages contain colorful illustrations, which means that young geniuses will be engaged with great pleasure.

"Development of a child's vocabulary: a textbook", Svetlana Plotnikova

The manual contains the main problems associated with the incorrect pronunciation of words in children. Each parent should know what features the vocabulary has at different ages. This is described in detail here. Therefore, mom and dad will be able to control the process.

Literature is great for students' pedagogical challenge, and will also be a good helper for many parents.

“Expanding the vocabulary of children 2-4 years old”, T. Kulikovskaya

Excellent literature for families with children, written by a speech therapist, taking into account the basic requirements. Here are the main basics of correct speech. Starting from the very basics, and ending with more difficult tasks.

Such training should take place in every family, because they do not take about 15 minutes, but they have a serious impact. With her, children learn elementary phrases. Such reading material can be placed in libraries, institutions of this level are now in the price. It will be interesting for parents to familiarize themselves with clever literature while the children frolic.

“The kid starts talking. The development of a child's speech from birth to four years of age ", L. Smirnova, S. Ovchinnikov, I. Pisareva

A book that should be in every home with little crumbs. Thanks to her, moms and dads will be able to give their baby the necessary knowledge. And thanks to the form of play, learning will be pure pleasure. Well suited for home reading, as well as for educators and speech therapists.

Interestingly, everyone admits that moms and dads in the past have devoted a lot of time to their education. Therefore, there is nothing funny in the fact that you need to motivate and develop a child's speech from an early age.

"There is no Bibika", O. Gromova

Special literature for teaching the youngest children. With the help of it, the baby will learn to pronounce elementary words, make sounds, learn the names of objects. Beautiful and bright illustrations will surely attract the attention of children. There is also a parenting guide that details how best to teach.

Feel like your memory is playing against you? Are you forgetting the right word? Can't remember the information you need? This is fine. The functions of the human brain, like the body, decline with age, but do not despair. In the same way that exercise keeps the body in good shape, specially designed programs help preserve the brain and boost memory. According to modern science, age has nothing to do with it. What to do? There is an answer to this question in many books on self-development.

What is intelligence?

The ability of the brain to mobilize reserves and use the accumulated information with maximum efficiency is intelligence. The search for solutions occurs on an intuitive level and does not lend itself to volitional control. Its level is influenced by various factors, including socio-cultural conditions and physical and chemical influences.

The development of intelligence is also determined by heredity. But this does not mean that the ability to think cannot be developed. The brain, like any organ, develops and trains. So he needs stimuli: internal - thinking, external - information. There are a number of books for intellectual development, helping to understand what the brain is, how it works, how to protect it and keep it working.

What to read?

"Rules of the Brain". The author of the book, D. Medina, is a biologist, and he knows for sure that to improve the intellect it is not necessary to perform only complex exercises. To grasp the essence of the processes occurring in the brain is sometimes enough. The author managed to derive twelve fundamental rules, with which he shares with the readers. They will learn a lot of new and interesting things. For example, How to Use Sleep for The book clearly explains how sleep and stress affect the brain, how to protect yourself with exercise, how to better remember information and be more productive.

"Teach the brain to work" - M. MacDonald's creation is written in simple and accessible language, and is intended for a wide range of readers. The author tells why a person experiences emotions, wakes up in the morning or falls in love. Everyone knows that the brain does it. But how? This book is a guide that contains the most modern achievements of psychology and neurobiology. In addition, the author talks about nutrition. Suddenly? In this, in fact, scientific work, readers will learn how to think faster, improve memory, eat right and behave.

How to train your brain?

"Super Trainer for the Brain" by Charles Phillips is a collection of intellectual tasks that develop the abilities of the brain. The author of the book is known as a master of puzzles, and in his work everything is arranged accordingly: at the beginning of the book there are simple puzzles, then more complex ones. The tasks located in the last chapters of this book to increase intelligence are within the power of only geniuses. Who, in principle, the reader can become if he listens to all the author's advice and solves all the problems.

S. Wootton and T. Horn, authors of the book "Supertraining for the Brain", have collected in their creation useful little things that will help you become more educated and smarter. The reader will find not only interesting tests, exercises and puzzles, but also tips on how to eat right and arrange your life. Following the recommendations of the authors of this entertaining book, you can achieve obvious changes for the better: develop thinking (logical, visual, figurative, numerical, applied) and improve memory.

After reading these books, the reader will learn to make the most of the abilities and will be able to carry out simple manipulations in the mind. The authors recommend the books to everyone, including those people who are not accustomed to "wiggle their convolutions." Of all the skills that the human brain is capable of, memory is the most mysterious and important. How does it work? Can you remember everything? Authors of books on memory will answer these and other questions, as well as suggest exercises for its development.

How do I restore memory?

The authors of SuperMemory, Marylou and Lauryn Henner, offer a unique program to improve memory. Meryl is one of the twelve people in the world with supernatural memories. She remembers everything to the smallest detail, up to the events that happened in early childhood. If you follow the advice of the authors and perform all the exercises suggested by them, you can not only significantly improve memory, but also increase the performance of the brain.

Psychologist A. Navarro in his book "Memory Doesn't Change" talks about the properties of the human brain, how to develop memory and preserve intelligence until old age. Entertaining puzzles, games and tasks proposed by the author are suitable for readers of any age. This is one of the best books for the development of intelligence, it is very convenient because the exercises are divided into levels, and everyone can choose the optimal training plan for themselves. After them, not only concentration and attention will improve, but age-related memory disorders will be restored.

Is memory a gift or a skill?

Intelligence and memory go hand in hand. A person with a phenomenal memory becomes not just a "piggy bank" of facts, but also acquires the ability to use all the accumulated information. Memory is a skill that can be developed regardless of natural ability. This is a workout. An expert in memory development, Artur Dumichev, offers practical techniques in his book "Remember everything".

The author cites the results of various studies, explains the algorithm of human memory and suggests specific techniques for its development. Arthur himself remembers more than 22 thousand digits of the number "pi", and explains in a language accessible to the reader how to memorize a large amount of information and long rows of numbers, as well as quickly solve complex problems. After reading this book, what seemed impossible will become habitual for self-development.

And also everyday affairs will not seem tedious, the saved mental energy can be used for new achievements and communication. And here it would not hurt to learn how to speak beautifully and competently.

How to develop your own speech?

To become an interesting conversationalist, you don't have to be a philologist or linguist; it is enough to read fiction. It in itself enriches our speech. But it is not always possible to read a lot, so specialized work will help you quickly "pump" your speech skills.

Faithful helpers here will be, like the classics, books to improve the vocabulary of K. Chukovsky "Alive as Life" and "The Word Alive and Dead" by N. Gal, as well as the works of the authors telling about changes in the modern language:

  • I. Levontin "Russian with a dictionary";
  • M. Krongauz "Russian language on the verge of a nervous breakdown";
  • M. Aksenova "Do we know the Russian language?";
  • N. Rom "I want to speak beautifully";
  • V. Hrapp "From Adam's apple to the apple of discord."

How to speak persuasively?

Communication is an integral part of life. This is the ability not only to speak, hear and understand the interlocutor, but, at times, to convince. How to learn to put accurate and correct meaning in your speech? To be able to maintain a conversation with a serious interlocutor? To be able to retain attention and captivate the listener? Books that are definitely on the list of the best books for intellectual development will help:

  • K. Bredemeier "Black Rhetoric";
  • R. Gandapas "Kamasutra for an orator";
  • G. Kennedy "Agree on Everything";
  • L. King "How to Talk".

Finally ...

It is impossible to make a universal list of books for intellectual development, so improve your intelligence consistently. Make it a habit:

  • Read more books - this is a source of knowledge and useful information.
  • Use dictionaries and encyclopedias - this is a treasure trove of new words and facts.
  • Communicate - everyone is an expert in some area: financial, spiritual, or intellectual.
  • Get interested - in everything, anytime, anywhere. In proportion to new knowledge, intelligence and vocabulary will increase.

You can be a specialist in any one area, but it is always useful to know a little about everything, to be able to record what you have read and build relationships with the available information.