Individual lessons with children preparatory group"Gifts of Autumn"

Ponomareva Maria Vladimirovna, teacher - psychologist of the municipal government preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 8 Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh region.
Description: The material is useful for preparatory group teachers kindergarten, teachers - psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists.
Target: develop logical thinking
- consolidate knowledge about autumn fruits and vegetables; seasons
- expand your horizons about the world around you.
- develop memory, attention, thinking, imagination;
- promote enrichment vocabulary, articulatory apparatus.
Preliminary work:
- acquaintance with changes in nature that occur in autumn, fruits and vegetables.
Equipment: didactic material“Seasons”, drawing of shaded objects, teaching material “Fruits, vegetables”, colored pencils,
Used Books:
1. Finger games and gymnastics for kids E. Novak
2. Complex relaxation activities for preschoolers

Progress of the lesson:

- Hello, do you know what time of year it is?
(Child answers)
- That's right, autumn. (The teacher-psychologist points to the game cubes, where the drawing is not assembled correctly, summer is confused with autumn). Help me put the cubes together correctly, I think I got something mixed up.

- Well done. Do you know that in autumn people collect the last vegetables and fruits before winter? Let's take a short walk through the garden and collect the remaining fruits. But for this we need to collect inventory. (The teacher-psychologist gives the child a drawing and colored pencils). Find all the items we need to take with us.
(The child completes the task)

You completed the task. Also, we have a lot of hard work ahead of us. Let's stretch our fingers and chop the cabbage.
Finger gymnastics “Cabbage”
What kind of bush is this? (We put our fingers in a lock)
What kind of crunch is this? (We knock with our palms in the lock)
How can I live without crunching (we spread our hands)
What if I'm a cabbage?
We chop the cabbage - chop it (we hit the table with the edges of our palms)
We mash and mash the cabbage. (Clench and unclench your fists)
We salt and salt the cabbage (sort it with our fingers - “salt”)
And three or three carrots. (Three fists touching each other)
We put it in the tubs (with outstretched arms, we press our palms onto the table)
And we'll take it to the basement. (fingering)
- They stretched their fingers. (The teacher-psychologist gives the child a bag of fruits and vegetables). This bag contains fruits and vegetables, take it out and see if everything is collected correctly. If not, tell me why.
(The child completes the task. Collected in a bag different fruits and summer vegetables and autumn period)

- Right. Today we worked well, we can rest.
Exercise "Fists".
Target: tension and relaxation of arm muscles.
Hands on your knees
Fists clenched
Firmly, with tension
Fingers pressed, (clench fingers)
We squeeze our fingers harder -
Let go, unclench... (unclench) (2 times).
Exercise "Springs".
Target: tension and relaxation of leg muscles.
Our hands try so hard, even if our legs relax.
We place our feet on imaginary springs. And we raise our toes and heels one by one. We press on the springs - lower our toes, raise our heels - bend over.
What kind of strange springs rest against the shoes?
Put your socks down
Press the springs...
No springs - rest!
Hands are not tense
Legs are not tense
And relaxed...
The lesson is over. Duration 20 minutes.

Lesson 12

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

2. Introductory conversation

Guys, why do you think autumn is sad and cries all the time? It's probably because winter is coming. It's time for her to leave. Maybe she doesn't want to part with us? Let's try to encourage her, What will we tell her?

Don't be sad, autumn. We'll see you again in a year! We will be waiting for you. Thank you for the beauty of golden forests and fields, for the harvest of vegetables and fruits!
Autumn is leaving, We say “Goodbye” to her. She will leave our yard, our streets, gardens and parks, fields and vegetable gardens.

3. General conversationAutumn period

Review conversation "Autumn".
Autumn months - September, October, November.

Early autumn called “golden” - grass, leaves on trees and shrubs turn golden. In clean blue sky The tops of birch, linden and aspen trees are golden.

The air is cool, transparent and silver threads of cobwebs fly in it. It's fine sunny days for the king " Indian summer».

But the sun no longer rises high, the days become shorter and the nights longer. There are light, cold rains and fog in the morning. Gusts of wind tear yellow, crimson and purple leaves from the trees, which cover the earth with a colorful carpet. It's time for leaf fall. The trees gradually lose their lush, bright decoration, their branches are exposed.
In mid-autumn, the sun rarely appears, the days become cloudy, and cold, lingering rains often occur. There are frosts at night.

Late autumn is called “silver”. The first thin ice covers the puddles, silver stars - snowflakes - fly to the frozen ground, icy tree branches ring in the wind, fallen leaves covered with frost glisten in the sun.

Insects are disappearing, migratory birds are flying south.

Animals are preparing for winter, stocking up, building and insulating nests and burrows, changing their summer coats to winter coats - fluffier and lighter in color, in order to become invisible in the white snow.

In the fall, people have a lot of work: they need to harvest vegetables and fruits, prepare arable land for spring, and sow winter crops.

We also need to take care of those birds that remain to spend the winter in our area, collect seeds and fruits for them, and prepare feeders.

Compiling a story about the time of year based on a plan.

1. Autumn months.
2. Signs of early and late autumn.
3. Animal world(preparing for winter).
4. Autumn works of people.

Game "Fourth Deprived"

Highlight the extra word. Explain your choice.
* September, October, November, March;
* potatoes, apples, beets, carrots;
* boletus, russula, rowan, milk mushroom;
* rook, swift, swallow, sparrow:
* fox, squirrel, ermine, hare (does not change color);
* squirrel, vole, hare, badger (does not store).

Task “Find a pattern”

Find the pattern and circle the correct images. Color the oak leaves green, maple - red, birch - yellow.

Reading a poem about autumn(optional).

4. Summing up

“Correctional and developmental activity of a teacher psychologist”
on the topic: “GIFTS OF AUTUMN”

Goal: Development of perception, operations logical thinking And
fine motor skills of hands.
To consolidate students’ knowledge on the topic “Autumn”.
Corrective and developmental:
Development of attention mental operations(comparisons, analysis,
synthesis, classification);
Development of tactile and auditory perception, expansion of volume,
development of accuracy and completeness of visual perception;
Correction of the emotional and volitional sphere;
Development motor activity and fine motor skills of the hands,
Cultivate interest in classes;
Cultivate discipline and accuracy;
Develop the ability to coordinate your actions with your comrades,
ability to work in a group.
Equipment and materials:

laptop, projector, presentation on the topic of the event;
handouts (apple templates, cards with vegetables and
fruits, cards with the image of the sun and a cloud,
baskets and cards for classification (vegetables, fruits, flowers);
a basket with real gifts of autumn;
magic bag with vegetables and fruits;
didactic game: “Guess and collect”;
drawn sun, apple trees;
a plate with pieces of vegetables and fruits;
lesson theme and poster with a picture of autumn;
the ball is a hedgehog according to the number of children.
Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.
I.1.Greeting from the teacher
The bell has rung for us.
Everyone calmly entered the classroom,
Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,
We greeted each other politely.
I.2.Creation Have a good mood

Let's all sigh with a smile and start the lesson.

Introduction to the topic of the lesson.
And now, my friends,
All eyes on me
I'll tell you a riddle:
The nights are darker, the days are colder,
The leaves turned yellow, the birds flew away,
The rain is pouring down,
When does this happen?
That's right, guys, this riddle is about autumn.
Now I suggest you watch a short story about autumn.
Guys, I ask you to watch carefully and try to guess
what we will talk about today in our lesson.
Well done! Right! We will talk about what autumn has brought us.
Let's read the topic of the lesson together.
Theme of the lesson: “Gifts of Autumn.”
Guys, autumn has come outside, the days have become shorter, we are sunny
we see less and less, and therefore the sun itself decided to come to
to visit us, but not just like that, but brought us tasks with which we
must definitely cope today.

So let's begin to complete the tasks that have been prepared for us

Main part.
1.Game to develop attention and perception:
“What shape are vegetables and fruits?”
Purpose of the game: development of perception of the shape of objects, consolidation

are round, and then name oval-shaped vegetables and fruits).

2. Game to develop attention and perception:
“What color are vegetables and fruits?”
Purpose of the game: development of perception of the color of objects, consolidation
names of vegetables and fruits, enrichment of the active vocabulary.
(children are asked to first list the vegetables and fruits that
come in green, yellow, red, orange, of blue color).
Children's oral answers are supported by a picture from the presentation.
3. Independent work children.
Individual work: Game: “What is in the basket?”

Goal: Development of attention, perception, consolidation of the names of vegetables
and fruits, development of generalization and classification operations.
The child is invited to sort out a basket with gifts of nature.
List what is in it, name the contents as one
(generalizing) word, determine what is superfluous in it and why.
A basket of vegetables is offered, with an extra fruit or apple.
Interactive work
The first microgroup is the game: “Collecting fruits.”
Goal: perception, attention, development of operations of analysis, synthesis,
Children are offered a drawn basket and cards with
depicting vegetables and fruits, the task is given to fill the basket
Second microgroup – game: “Crop Sorting”
Goal: development of perception, attention, classification.
Children are offered cards with images of vegetables, fruits,
flowers and three baskets with the name (fruits, flowers, vegetables), task
children to properly distribute the harvest.
4. Game: “Magic bag”.
Goal: creating interest in the activity, developing tactile

Children are offered a bag of vegetables and fruits. Every child
should take turns with eyes closed take an object, determine
touch it and name it.
5. Game: “Test the taste.”
Goal: development of sense of smell, taste buds, ability to
characteristic taste characteristics define an object.
Children are offered pieces of vegetables and fruits, which they must
to taste. Tasting takes place with eyes closed.
Children must name what taste and what they tried.
6. F I Z M I N U T K A
Finger gymnastics “We will cook compote”
We will cook compote (left palm with a ladle, index
finger right hand"interfering")
You need a lot of fruit (arms to the sides)
Here: (bend the fingers of the right and left hands in turn and
show what happened)
We will chop the apples (knock with the edge of the right hand on the left palm),
We will chop pears (we knock with the edge of our left hand on the right
Let's squeeze it out lemon juice(clench hands into fists)
And we will put sand (they collect their fingers into a pinch),
We cook, we cook compote (left palm with a ladle, index
“interfering” with the finger of the right hand),

Let's treat the honest people (arms to the sides).
7. Didactic game: “Guess and collect”
Goal: development of logical thinking operations (analysis, synthesis),
integrity of perception.
Children are asked to guess riddles about vegetables, and the answers are in the form
place the pictures in a certain sequence. If
the task is completed correctly, then by turning over the answers, the children will collect
1. Potatoes:
What they dug out of the ground,
Fried, boiled,
What we baked in the ashes
Did you eat and praise?
2. Bow:
The grandfather is sitting, wearing a hundred fur coats,
Who undresses him?
He sheds tears.
3. Tomato:
Like in our garden

Corrective and developmental lesson

Subject: " Seasons. Autumn".

Goals and objectives:

Learnspeak out on the topic of the lesson,build logical reasoning;

Development of worldview, education careful attitude to nature and living objects;

Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Autumn”; replenishment of passive vocabulary relative adjectives;

Development of fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, development of visual perception; prevention of written speech disorders;

Formation of goodwill, independence; nurturing love and respect for nature.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Greetings

Hello guys. Let's greet each other.

Participants stand in a circle. I throw the ball to the player and say his name, the child returns the ball and says his name.

And now I want to know in what mood did you come to class?(Children say in what mood they came to class).

2. The beginning.

In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, they fly.

Guys, tell me when does this happen?

That's right, in the fall.

Today in class we will talk to you about autumn and perform various tasks.

What time of year was it before autumn?(Summer)

How is summer different from autumn?(Children's answers)

By what signs can you tell that autumn has arrived?(Children's answers).

3. Main part.

Exercise 1. “Tale about Autumn.”

Let's look at the picture(pictures depicting autumn are shown).

Early autumn is called “golden” - grasses, leaves on trees and shrubs turn golden. The air is cool and silver threads of cobwebs fly in it. These are fine sunny days of the short Indian summer. But the sun no longer rises high, the days become shorter and the nights longer. There are light, cold rains and fog in the morning. Gusts of wind tear yellow, crimson and purple leaves from the trees, which cover the ground with a colorful carpet. The leaves are starting to fall.

Exercise 2. “Leaf fall.”

I suggest you guys also arrange a leaf fall.

Here is a picture with leaves (Appendix 1). You need to find identical leaves and color them.

4. Physical training

Finger exercise

Children imitate collecting leaves and pronounce them.

1,2,3,4,5 We will collect leaves.

We will collect a birch leaf, a rowan leaf, a poplar leaf, an aspen leaf, and oak leaves. We'll collect an autumn bouquet for mom.

5. Main part (continued).

Exercise 3. “Autumn Bouquet”

Here is a picture with an autumn bouquet (Appendix 2). You need to complete the dots and color them to get a real autumn bouquet for your mother.

Exercise 4. Autumn riddles.

1.The red maiden came

And sprinkles the leaves.

What's her name?

Who, children, can guess?(Autumn)

2.In the park, in the square and in the forest

In the waltz it's quiet in the wind

Yellow leaves are swirling.

What is this?(Leaf fall)

3. The field, forest and meadow wet,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know this is...(Rain).

4. The clouds are catching up,

Howls and blows.

Prowls the world

Sings and whistles(Wind).

5. Following August comes,

Dances with the falling leaves

And he is rich in harvest,

Of course we know him!(September)

6. Not snow, not ice,

And with silver he will remove the trees.(Frost)

7. Hanging on a branch

Gold coins(Autumn leaves)

Exercise 5. Graphic dictation.

Let's try to draw an autumn leaf ourselves.

Exercise 6. Rain.

6. Summing up

Annex 1.

Appendix 2.

Appendix 3.


Educational psychologist classes

MBOU TsO No. 27 of the city of Tula

Orekhova M.A.

Topic: “Autumn motives”

Purpose of the lesson:

Develop emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn.


Expand children's knowledge about the features of the autumn period in nature,

Develop observation skills

Develop memory,

Create a positive emotional state for children,

Develop an interest in nature.

Materials and equipment:

Sheets of paper, paints for each child, interactive whiteboard, laptop, presentation “Autumn”, ball.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory conversation.

Hello guys. You know that you and I are lucky to live on a very beautiful planet.

Each season decorates it with its colors and fills it with special sounds and smells.

Getting to know and admire nature is not an easy task. Therefore, today we will talk about one hall of nature - autumn.

2. Mysteries and characteristics of the autumn months.

Tell me which ones autumn months You know? To do this, listen to the poems and name the month discussed in this poem:

1. Empty in the swift’s house -

Flew away, poor thing,

And, like a hedgehog’s umbrella,

Yellow maple leaf. (V. Stepanov)


September combines summer and autumn. Blazing with a cold fire birch groves Rowan bonfires are burning and leaves are falling off. In ancient times, September was called Zhovten - for yellow foliage. Frowning - for frequent bad weather.

2. The spider knits webs,

The wind drives the clouds.

The chipmunk became sad

About last summer.


In October reigns cold wind It rains often. The days are shorter and the nights are longer. Crimson and gold foliage. The forest is already visible through. This month was called Mud.

3. There is a hollow in the frost,

Rowan in the lights.

The woodpecker beats with its beak -

Waiting for winter to visit.


November is a harsh and gloomy month. Short and dull days. There is not enough white light. First frost. Snow mixed with mud. It used to be called jelly.

Well done, they completed the task and named all the autumn months.

3. Characteristics of autumn.

Do you know that autumn has its own color?

Autumn color is the color autumn leaves, sky, harvest.

Autumn has its own smells. What do you think autumn smells like?

Now let's be silent and listen to autumn.

What sounds do you hear?

What is the autumn air filled with?

(Students name the sounds characteristic of autumn nature:

the rustle of falling leaves, the scream of flying cranes, the sound of rain)

4. Game “What Autumn”

Now let’s take a closer look at autumn and play a game called “What Autumn.” To do this, let's stand in a circle. I will throw you a ball with a question about autumn, and you remember and answer, throwing the ball back to me. Is everyone clear? Then they started:

How is it raining in autumn?

What is foliage like in autumn?

What is the sky like in autumn?

What's the weather like in autumn?

What's autumn like?

4. Reading the poem “Autumn Water”

Late fall

It's timid near the shore

Thin ice is forming.

sad gray cloud

Floats along the bottom of the pond.

Harsh breathes in autumn

Clear water.

The trees have dropped their leaves

Facing the cold.

Who can tell what the water in the river or lake is like in autumn?

Do you want to swim in it? What words can you use to describe autumn water? (Cold, gray, chilly)

In what form do we find water in the fall? What do we need if it rains?

5. Listening to the song “Autumn”

And now I invite you to listen and look at autumn in the song-clip “Golden Autumn”. You can stand near your chairs and slowly move and dance to the beat of the music.

(Children listen and watch the song and perform dance moves to it)

6. Drawing “Autumn leaf”

We talked a lot about Autumn and its colors.

Think about why very often poets and writers, together with the word autumn, say the words “fire fire leaves are burning”?

Yes, that's right, because the leaves have very bright colors in the fall, especially maple leaves. I suggest you now paint the maple leaves with paints.

(Children complete the task)

7. Completion of the lesson.

Well done, guys, you turned out beautiful and bright leaves. A leaf is like a piece of autumn in your hands, which will remind you of such a wonderful time of year as autumn.

Tell me, what did you like most from our conversation about autumn?

(Children's answers.)

Well done. Until next time.