Term « Recycling» It implies garbage processing in order to obtain secondary raw materials for subsequent use as the starting material for the production of new types of products, or energy. In accordance with the Law "On Waste", disposal is defined as: "The use of waste as secondary material or energy resources."

Term « household utility waste» It implies waste generated in the process of human life and non-production facilities such as catering, public use and others.

Term « MBO (solid household waste)» Differs from the term « Zbo (liquid household waste) "Already at least because it implies utilities that do not have anything in common with the concept of solid. Separately, it should be noted that in most cases the export and much more complicated than the waste industry, the reason why the absence of the need for separation or, speaking is simpler, the separation of garbage in fractions in most industries. As well as a high level of concentration or density of industrial waste.

With solid household waste, everything is much more complicated, since, despite less modest volumes than in industrial, the diverse composition of MSW eliminates direct disposal without preliminary separation. Currently, there are 4 main methods of disposal of TWW:

  1. The burial of garbage on special TBB polygons;
  2. Separation, providing for a separate collection or separation of garbage from fractions directly on utilization industries;
  3. Combustion seemed by the most inefficient way;
  4. Pyrolysis providing for high temperature decomposition of waste.

Consider these methods of utilization of MSW, their pros and cons.

1. The burial on the TWW polygons

The removal and utilization of MSW on special burial polygons provides for the presence of a specially equipped polygon, in which each layer of garbage is covered with soil on the principle of puff cake. This method of disposal of waste, which is essentially not available, has positive parties, and in particular the relatively low level of energy intensity of the process, as well as the minimum labor and funds for the equipment of the grave polygon.

Despite this, this method of recycling is characterized by many environmental and economic deficiencies, and in particular, the fact that the TWB polygons occupy significant territories, while making them unsuitable for more rational use over a long time or, speaking easier, do the soil of non-rotating for a term Not less than 50 years old. In addition, by wind, the dust and garbage from the landfill is dealt with many kilometers around, thereby polluting the environment and harm human health and to a more aesthetic appearance of the city. Also, often occurring on the burial polygons of MSW of self-burning, resulting from a violation of the technology of exploitation of the landfill, do not contribute to improving the level of ecology and also pose a complexity to extinguish.

This is explained by the fact that the result of the violation of the rules of operation is to increase the temperature and, as a result, the allocation of methane in the process of microbiological and chemical reactions occurring in the garbage with the subsequent fire, which is almost impossible to put out. As a result of prolonged garbage burning at the site of the atmosphere as bonuses receive emissions of such harmful substances as:

  • Sulfur;
  • Amorphous carbon;
  • Nitrogen oxides;
  • Benzpins;
  • And other fresheners, the most active of which are dibenzofurans and polychlorinated dioxins.

In addition, the liquid filtrate contained in the soil of the polygon is replete with a huge amount of soluble organic and heavy metals, in particular mercury, which, in the event of the destruction of a fender or long torrential rain, can get into groundwater and, accordingly, to poison everything to which they could get. As the main lack of utilization of MSW on special disposal polygons, it can be mentioned that even after the elimination, it continues to poison everything around for many decades, thereby presenting a real threat to the environment and human health, which is more than relevant to the younger generation. The export and disposal of MSW in this plan is considered by anyone.

2. Separation

Separation provides for the subsequent recycling of valuable fractions of garbage as a starting material for the processing process in order to obtain a secondary material for the production of new types of products or as fuel to obtain various types of energy.

3. Burning

The removal and utilization of the TWW method of incineration occurring on specialized incinerate enterprises at a temperature of no more than +800 0 C is also not only irrational from an economic point of view, but also an environmentally hazardous disposal method. This is explained by the fact that, despite the use of innovative technologies, in the process of burning garbage in the atmosphere, a huge amount of harmful substances are discarded in the process of joint combustion of various fractions of garbage, in particular paper, metals, plastic, food waste and other things.

As a result, the soot containing almost all elements of the Mendeleev table through the wind is transferred to huge distances and, accordingly, pollutes the environment. It is almost impossible to clean it, since, for example, the half-life of such substances generated during the combustion process at low temperatures of substances as benzapine, dioxins and similar substances are at least 30 years. In addition, obtained by burning garbage, the slag is a substance containing in its concentrated form major substances, heavy metals, volatile dioxins and other aromatic additives that make it dangerous to the environment and as a result of human health. This slag is not suitable for further use, and moreover requires special polygons for the burial of slag.

4. Pyrolysis - high temperature decomposition

This method of utilization is suitable for processing almost all types of solid household waste, as it provides for their temperature decomposition without access of oxygen at a temperature of +1200 0 s to +1600 0 C. Thus, all the components of the garbage are transformed into the simplest chemical compounds in the form of hydrogen, nitrogen , carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, methane, sulfurous anhydride and oxygen, as well as in the form of liquid-shaped compounds in the form of sulfuric acid, chlorine and some lower carbon.

As a result, it can be concluded that the pyrolysis method is the most efficient and rational among all existing ones. However, this method has its drawbacks and, in particular, is characterized by a large number of emissions into the atmosphere of harmful substances, a high level of energy intensity and requires the presence of special polygons for the burial of the slag, unsuitable for subsequent processing and use.

Due to the fact that the population is growing in the country, the demand for consumer resources increases. And as a result, the increase in resource consumption, also increases the number of household waste materials.

The garbage dumps are expanding annually and occupy an increasing area, the reservoirs are polluted due to wastewater, which carry many infections and dangerous items. Therefore, the disposal of household waste, in our time there should be a developed at least industry so that the formed MBOs (waste) can accumulate and pollute the soil, the atmosphere and water.

It is quite a logical fact, it is that without the timely introduction of innovative technologies, the processing of garbage, the planet will soon turn into a huge dump and will become unsuitable for existence not only people, but also of all living beings.

In order to avoid such a result, scientists of many countries have long been looking for optimal ways to combat waste, thanks to which it could be destroyed or recycled for the environment without harm to the environment, as well as to relieve the territorial space from huge garbage volumes.

To date, the utilization of solid household waste is carried out by the following, well-known methods, allowing to get rid of garbage:

  • Burial or temporary storage of waste on special polygons. Here are sorting and unsuitable materials, fall asleep.
  • Composting. Natural decomposition of biological substances, their processing on mineral fertilizers for soil and planting crops.
  • Thermal processing of MSW. This method allows you to burn almost any kind of garbage, which minimizes them as much as possible, and also gives economic benefits, in the form of thermal energy.
  • Low-temperature and high temperature pyrolysis.

Methods of utilization of TBBS

The burial of Tbo

Disposal of solid waste by their burial, one of the most common ways today to get rid of garbage. But this method is distributed only among non-aggravated waste, as well as among such substances that can allocate toxic elements in the combustion process.

Polygon for the disposal of MSW, this is an unusual landfill, it is equipped with all modern engineering structures that allow systems to combat and groundwater to isolate all harmful substances. It also applies to the atmosphere, that is, leakage of any chemical and toxic elements, practically no, which is the main goal, to ensure the safety of the country's ecology.

But there are also disadvantages in such methods, for example, gas formation in the process of garbage rotting. Some are equipped with special equipment for gas pumping, which is planned to be noted, in the future it is used to produce electricity. And allows practically autonomously to work equipment, which is accommodated on the polygons. But unfortunately, so far, in Russia, only a small part of all such polygons is equipped with such equipment, while all other waste platforms are not able to fight gas emissions.

But even taking into account the availability of such installations, the ecology remains not protected from the effect of debris in the soil, and all discharge in the process of rotting and fermentation. Since the buried material will completely disappear only after dozens, and even hundreds of years. Therefore, despite the relative cheapness of this method of fighting the subsidy, for the ecology, the best option is to be fully delivered from the garbage, by refining and the application to the manufacture of any products. In the event of the risk of environmental pollution, it will be reduced to a minimum.

Composting TBBS

The disposal of household waste by composting is a technology that allows us to also be a natural biological decomposition. The main source of composting is organic substances and materials, this method is used very actively. Composting gives not only the opportunity to get rid of the volume substance polluting the environment, but also supplies agricultural farms for soil fertilizers, allowing to normalize the balance of minerals in the ground and grow various vegetables and cultures.

But since this method does not allow processing most types of width, requires a thorough process of sorting and takes quite a long time, it has not been popular in the country and undeveloped at the proper level. There is no industrial enterprise in Russia, which carried out composting in such volumes and made it possible to clean at least one city from organic waste.

This method is often used only for individual purposes:
  • in small farms;
  • in garden sites;
  • in private houses;
  • in agricultural organizations;
  • on animal farms, etc.

However, this method does not require high costs even though it does not cover all types and classes of the waste material, but it allows you to fully get rid of the huge part of the walled country produced, which takes a third of all country waste. To establish a centralized process and composting on special sites equipped with all the necessary buildings and structures. Build peculiar factories, for starters in large cities of the country, for the processing of MSW and other, organic garbage. The final product, compost, will be very useful in many rural farms, and, most importantly, its cost will reduce the costs of growing many cultures and will give funds to work such factories.

Thermal processing of Tboy

Using heat treatment, disposal of household waste allows you to get rid of organic fractions, such a method is often used in large-scale scammets of the science of scrap. Thermal, represents several processes, together allowing to get rid of any non-toxic type of waste material or minimize them as much as possible in volume and mass. Also, thermal treatment is carried out for neutralizing infectious or epidemiological bacteria devices, equipment and other things that may have the following origin:

  • medical institutions;
  • laboratory;
  • veterinary clinics;
  • chemical enterprises;
  • oil refining industry;

which in the future, obtained, inert state can be buried on special polygons or are posted for temporary storage, for further processing and recycling, as raw material.

Important advantages of thermal processing or processing are modern methods to obtain:

  • effective disinfection or neutralization of any waste material;
  • the complete destruction of any microflora and even pathogen;
  • reduction of scrap in volume up to 10 times;
  • use the energy potential of organic waste.
From all the diverse methods of disposal or destruction of MSW, the method of burning can be considered the most waste-free. Since it destroys materials and substances of any volume and turns them into ashes, which is hundreds of times, it takes less space and does not have the ability to rot and allocate gases harmful to the atmosphere. Also, the ash cannot be toxic, it is not afraid of temperature differences, it does not require specially equipped polygons for burial.

The burning has many advantages over other methods, it is worth highlighting the main of them, it is:

  • high level of testing technologies;
  • stably manufactured equipment and long service life;
  • the high-tech process is automated;

but, the main thing is that recently, plants or organizations involved in the burning of waste receive heat energy or electricity that can be used for the autonomous work of the enterprise. In some cases, the surplus of such energy is redirected to urban stations, which ultimately allows us to provide whole areas of electricity or to give them.

Plasma processing of TBBS

Not so developed as above, the listed methods and methods of getting rid of the scrap, but a very promising technological process, which allows to solve all environmental problems, dispose of and as a result to provide the useful and necessary energy for society.

The process of plasma recycling, applies the melting point, is much higher than any furnace for melting slag. Thus, a glazed product is obtained at the exit, absolutely harmless and, most importantly, which does not require further costs of neutralization or special burial.

Plasma recycling is a gasification technology of garbage, the scheme of this method allows to obtain gas from the biological components of the wound. The resulting gas is subsequently used to obtain electricity or steam. The main material for plasma processing is MBO in the form of slag or neutralized residues.

The main advantage of high-temperature pyrolysis is the ability to environmentally purely get rid of waste, without excess costs:

  • for preliminary training;
  • on sorting;
  • on drying, etc.

These qualities allow thermal processing to be rightfully considered the most environmentally and cost-effective technology, on the disposal of MSW.

All these ways are intended to solve.

Also watch videos - How the garbage processing plant works

Any city in our time creates a huge amount of waste, especially this refers to megalopolis. For example, only 9,000 tons of garbage are exported from Moscow. Specifically, solid waste (MSW) include color and black metal, paper, cardboard, plastic, glass and garbage of biological origin, such as leather goods, food residues, vegetable waste.

Disport, processing, burial and other manipulations with garbage have long been "put on the conveyor." This niche share businessmen, special organizations and utilities. And for the most part, the whole garbage is sent to a polygon of solid household waste (TBI polygon) or by a simple language - to the landfill.

How is a polygon of solid household waste?

These polygons have certain rules in the device and organization. First, the service life of the landfill is from 15 to 20 years, and it should be located at a minimum of 1 km from the nearest residential building. Groundwater should lay the deeper than two meters, and a protective forest belt is created around the landfill.

A trash can can not be located in the territory with a reservoir. Interestingly, under the reservoir in this rule, not only rivers and lakes are meant, but also Springs. Moreover, there are small wells in landfills to verify the degree of pollution of groundwater.

A good asphalt road is also laid to the polygon. The landfill area is different, but in any case, it is divided into several sectors, which are used in turn, each such a plot is designed for duration from three to five years of use depending on the number of incoming garbage. The first of the sectors use only a couple of years.

Another interesting topic of the device of the TBB polygon is the features of the methods of disposal and waste isolation. In addition to protective forest belts, there are special grids and screens with which biogas is prevented. Biogas is the result of methane and hydrogen fermentation, significantly contaminating the atmosphere.

The burial of garbage is happening. First, it is pulled out the pit, which is coated from the inside with materials that prevent the penetration of toxic substances into the ground. In winter, for example, for this, construction waste is sometimes used: concrete, brick and the like. After that, the compressed blocks or simply waste from the garbage trucks are pulled out into the pit, achieving an approximately two-meter layer, and spend the earth every day. In addition, the garbage is treated with seal machines to achieve the highest possible efficiency from the volume of the pit. There is also a layout option, in which the wells are not broken, and trenches, it provides the convenience of movement of garbage trucks in a landfill, although it is possible solely on a fairly smooth surface.

On the content of a polygon solid waste can make money. And more than good. The garbage removal itself, not to mention the processing or resale of colorwork, costs money. This money is paid by all who uses the services of the destruction of garbage, services and entrepreneurs who own a landfill. Where the money rotates, there will definitely have anyone who receives this money bypassing the law. And landfills - never exception.

Most often suffer monitoring systems or environmental protection. They may simply not deploy, for example, do not use against countermeasor biogas, do not install devices for measuring pollution. Or place a landfill in the wrong place if it is cheaper, closer to the residential item.

A huge hole in legislation for fraud is the fact that we have no system for measuring the volume of garbage. Because of this, the situation is often the situation "three write, five in the mind", and use this moment as entrepreneurs, twisting invoices and housing services, which underestimate the order on the order, and excess money from taxpayers goes on pockets. In this yet, there are still many ways of scam, and people, unfortunately, remains only to hope for someone else's conscience and responsibility.

The invention is intended to dispose of organic waste at the places of direct formation or collection, in particular on polygons of solid household waste. The polygon for the burial of solid household waste contains the base and the embankment of waste from waste, the forest-protection band located around the landfill at a distance of no more than 50 m and having a width of at least 10 m, and also has a natural or artificial waterproof base connected to the drainage pipe system Related by a collector from which drainage drains come to the apparatus for their processing of both harmful and hazardous waste. On the waterproof base of the polygon, the pyramidal form is erected by an artificial waste of waste with edges, covering it with an outer vegetable layer of bulk soil. The mound is reinforced by horizontal intermediate insulating layers and inclined made, for example, from recycled waste scrap metal in the form of grids or lattices. On the upper layers of embankment, the insulating layers are made cross-oblique to keep on top of the embankment of the garbageling and servicing machine technique. The implementation of this invention allows to increase the productivity of disposal and disposal of organic waste at their direct location or collection. 1 il.

The invention is intended to dispose of organic waste at the places of direct formation or collection, in particular on polygons of solid household waste.

Currently, it is necessary to dispose of these waste in field conditions, on polygons for their collection, in the places of their temporary storage. For example, to disinfect the terrain in the event of a case of livestock from the epidemic. This requires significant financial costs and more time to neutralize the area and increases the risk of spreading infection. Similar problems arise if the need to neutralize medical waste.

The closest technical solution to the claimed object is to install according to Patent No. 2198024, containing a sump and system of containers and filters (prototype).

The disadvantage of the well-known device is the impossibility of using in the field, the complexity of the process and the need to bring waste to the processing site. The experience of using stationary furnaces for the disposal of organic waste by burning them, revealed their disadvantages that limit their operational reliability. The use of stationary furnaces in rural areas is inappropriate due to their unprofitability. Since reliability requirement is one of the main, consider the disadvantage, the elimination of which must be performed first.

The technical result is an increase in the productivity of neutralization and disposal of organic waste at their direct location or collection.

This is achieved due to the fact that the polygon for the burial of solid household waste containing the base and embankment of waste from waste on it further comprises a forest-protection band located around the landfill at a distance of no more than 50 m and has a width of at least 10 m, and also has a natural or an artificial waterproof base, connected to a system of drainage pipes connected by a collector, from which the drainage drains go to the apparatus for their processing of both harmful and hazardous waste, and on the waterproof base of the landfill, the pyramidal shape is built artificial embankment of waste with edges that cover its outer vegetation layer from Funny soil, and the mound is reinforced with horizontal intermediate insulating layers and inclined, for example, for example, from recycled metal waste in the form of grids or gratings, and on the upper layers of embankment, insulating layers are made cross-oblique to keep the garbageling and serving polyg on top of the embankment He is a technique.

The drawing shows a polygon scheme for the burial of solid household waste.

The polygon for the burial of solid household waste contains a forest-protection band (green area) located around the polygon at a distance of no more than 50 m and having a width of at least 10 m. The polygon has a natural or artificial waterproof base 5, connected to the drainage pipe system 10 connected by the collector 11, from which drainage drains come to the apparatus 12 for their processing of both harmful and hazardous waste. On the waterproof base of 5 polygon, the pyramid shape is erected by an artificial embankment of waste 3 with edges 4 and 6, covering it with an outer vegetable layer of bulk soil. The mound is reinforced with horizontal 2 intermediate insulating layers and inclined 7, for example, made of recycled waste scrap metal in the form of meshes or gratings. Moreover, on the upper layers of embankment, the insulating layers 8 must be made cross-oblique to keep on top of the embankment of the garbageling and serving polygon 9.

Polygon for the burial of solid household waste works as follows.

Place for the landfill is desirable to choose in clay soil, which in capacity can ensure the warehouse of waste for 20 ÷ 25 years and more. Considering that in the middle lane of Russia for the year, approximately 600 mm of precipitation falls, the base of the site is performed in the form of a huge trough of a depth of 1.5 m. At the same time, the filtrate accumulating in the trough will remain within the landfill and can not pollute the reservoirs and groundwater . The destruction and pollution of the lithosphere occurs as a result of the functioning of enterprises of various sectors of the economy: agriculture, mining, transport, black and non-ferrous metallurgy, etc. In the process of transformation of the lithosphere person (according to the data at the beginning of the 90s), 125 billion tons of coal extracted, 32 billion tons of oil, 100 billion tons of other minerals; Overpen more than 1500 million hectares of lands.

As a result: more than 20 million hectares of land are swamped and salted; Erosion over the past 100 years, 2 million hectares were destroyed; The area of \u200b\u200bravines exceeded 25 million hectares; Height of hotcocks reaches 300 m, mountain dumps - 150 m; The depth of mines passed for gold mining exceeds 4 km (South Africa), oil wells - 6 km. The vital function of the lithosphere is expressed in the fact that it is a base subsystem of the biosphere, since all the biota relies on the earth's bark. One of the effective solutions to the task of transition to low-waste technologies may be the introduction of a strategy of cleaner production at each industrial enterprise. However, in Russia, this strategy is not yet an integral part of the state policy in the field of environmental protection. Therefore, the introduction of cleaner production can occur only as a result of the initiative activity of the industrial enterprise. To manifest such an initiative, the management and team of the enterprise should understand the goals pursued by the strategy of cleaner production. One of the characteristic peculiarities of the strategy of cleaner production is its integrated approach, in which the prevention of environmental pollution is carried out by developing technical measures (projects) interconnected with their environmental and economic assessments, the establishment of the procedure for their implementation in order to reduce waste generation and savings resources.

For production processes, cleaner production means more efficient use of raw materials, water and energy resources, an exception to the use of toxic and hazardous materials and preventing waste and emissions in the place of their possible appearance. For finished products and services, the strategy of cleaner production is aimed at reducing their environmental impact during the entire life cycle of the product and / or services - from the extraction of raw materials necessary for the manufacture of the product and providing services, to wear and final liquidation of the product and services.

It should be noted that the disposal of waste outside the enterprise to obtain secondary raw materials, for example, in the form of waste paper, scrap metal, broken glass and other materials that can be used in the technological processes of other enterprises, has even less importance for this enterprise compared to other events on more Clean production. This is due to the fact that in this case there is no economy of the manufacturing process of materials for this enterprise.

When using "end" technologies, a significant role in the pollution and destruction of the lithosphere belongs to waste production and consumption.

Removal of solid waste, the number of which is constantly growing is one of the important and difficult tasks of environmental protection. On average, Europe per capita accounts for 350 kg of urban waste per year. In Moscow, for example, more than 2.5 million tons of household waste are formed annually, of which more than 90% are reformed on the landfills.

The use for the burial of solid waste of highly loaded hygienic polygons, which provide for the daily shelter of bridal new portions of waste soil, prevents air pollution and aquatic environment.

In Russia, it is solved by the device of waste-sorting stations, in which paper, cardboard, black and non-ferrous metals, glass, polymeric materials, textiles and food waste are extracted from the stream of solid household waste. The degree of utilization is about 30% of the mass of MSW. Perspectively, although more expensive, recycle garbage on compost or burn it using the resulting heat for heat supply or generating electrical energy.

Polygon for the burial of solid household waste, containing the base and embankment on it from waste, characterized in that it further comprises a forest-protection band located around the landfill at a distance of not more than 50 m and having a width of at least 10 m, and also has a natural or artificial waterproof The base connected to the drainage tube-related system, from which the drainage drains go to the apparatus for their processing as harmful and hazardous waste, and on the waterproof base of the polygon, the pyramidal shape of the artificial embankment of waste with edges, covering it with an outdoor plant from bulk soil, Moreover, the mound is reinforced with horizontal intermediate insulating layers and inclined, made, for example, from recycled waste scrap metal in the form of grids or gratings, and on the upper layers of embankment, insulating layers are made cross-oblique to keep the garbageling and serving polygon on top of the embankment .

Similar patents:

The invention relates to a method for preventing fire on peatlands, in the dumps of woody technogenic waste and garbage, as well as the preservation of hydrocarbon raw materials.

The invention relates to the construction and operation of landfills and polygons and can be used to safely storing waste and reduce their negative impact on the components of the natural environment due to the reconstruction of existing landfills and transfer them to a number of engineering facilities.

The invention relates to the oil industry and can be used on an oil field to dispose and utilize the products of acid processing of the bottomhole zone of the well.

The burial of garbage is, unfortunately, one of the most common ways. It is performed on specially intended for this areas, polygons, and by a certain technology.

Separate polygons for MSW - solid household waste and individual polygons for industrial and construction trash.

The standard polygon is a dilated pit, but can also be used for these purposes and natural lowlands, ravines and careers.

Located in relative proximity to settlements, but away from residential areas and water bodies.

Their area may vary from several tens to hundreds of hectares. The selected area should not be exposed to flooding or be wetched.

On the bottom of the boiler as a substrate, special materials and films are styled, which will prevent the penetration of harmful substances into the soil layers and groundwater. In addition, similar methods help prevent the excessive spread of rodents and insects on the territory. A layer of sand is poured onto the substrate, and only after that it follows the garbage.

Reselling garbage is distributed evenly throughout the area with the help of other equipment. When the waste layer reaches several meters, it is falling asleep by approximately the half-meter layer of soil, usually any composition, easily accessible in close proximity. Next, the layer of the soil alternates the layer of waste, and until such a similarity of a puff pastry will rise to 40 meters (in accordance with European standards).

For a higher degree of garbage seal, besides bulldozers and.

When operating the sealer on the territory of the polygon, it is possible to place 2-4 times more waste than when using a conventional bulldozer on a tracked go. Seals are often supplied with spiked rollers that provide crushing of garbage.

After reaching the above threshold of height, the landfill is closed for further use, and recalcity. The burial is covered with ground, sand, over the meter layer of the soil, the resulting hill gradually overcomes grass and shrub.

Often, whole mountains are obtained from garbage, they compact specials. Technique, fall asleep as shrinkage (garbage rotes, inside such formations is high temperature), then the territory is sometimes equipped with even ski resorts.

The main lack of burial is that unsorted garbage falls on the dump. Along with household waste, which freely decompose naturally, there are still plastic, polyethylene and other achievements of the chemical industry, which are in the common heap. However, the period of their decomposition can occupy dozens and hundreds of years. Moreover, hazardous waste falls into the dump, and for them there are completely different disposal methods.

The burial does not allow reuse the materials, just excludes their processing. In the ideal state of affairs - the burial should only be used for rapidly prescribed food waste, everything else is in recycling or reuse.

Opinion: Minus is insufficient control of landfills and a widespread violation of the rules of garbage disposal. Business is very profitable and often owners and managers of such polygons bypass sanitary and other norms. Even on a closed landfill, trucks are not rarely skipped, of course, for a fee.