Target: promote the development of thinking and cognitive activity, creative and communication abilities.


1) introducing children to collective play activities;
2) developing in children the skill of working in groups, the ability to make collective decisions in the process of discussing tips;
3) identification of leaders.

Form: a game.

Methods : joint creative activity.

Equipment : creative tasks and questions for each station, visual aids, details, route sheets for each team, GPS navigators, diplomas.

How to play the game:

    introduction presenter

    Competition tasks.

    Summing up and rewarding.

Progress of the event

Teacher: Guys, today we have a very unusual activity. You and I will go to interesting trip– a journey of erudites. But before we start the game, we need to divide into 3 teams. Now choose the captain and name of your team. We will travel through stations. The captains will begin the movement. Please come to me. Take 10 big steps forward, turn right, go to the classroom library, find 6 envelopes, select 1. (the envelopes contain directions to a particular station and symbols, where to find this station). Now each team will receive a route sheet. There will be 6 stations on your way. So you hit the road. At each station you will be given hints to complete the next stage. The team that completes all stages first wins. This team will be given the final clue where to look for the treasure. At the end of the journey, the teams must make a report on the route traveled: tell which tasks seemed simple, which caused difficulties, and which they liked best.Are you ready to travel? Wish you luck!

Team route sheet

The envelopes contain riddles, encrypted station names and symbols that show the way to the desired station. There are two copies of these envelopes at each station.Letters in envelopes. ***

The school has the following subject:

They divide and multiply there,

Add, subtract,

Everything is solved there,

The equations are made up. (Station “Mathematical”)

We learned parts of speech

We studied cases.

The composition of the word was analyzed,

And then they wrote a dictation. (Station “Russian Language Lovers”)

I have no time to be sick, friends, I play football and hockey. And I am very proud of myself, What gives me health... (Sportivnaya station)

Using the Russian alphabet, decipher the name of the station

(Station “Igrovoy”) (Station “Literary”) (Station “Khudozhestvennaya”)

Competition tasks

Station "Mathematical" 1 Math riddles » . 1 point for correct answer* The blacksmith shoed three horses. How many horseshoes did he have to make? (12)* Grandfather, woman, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse pulled and pulled the turnip and finally pulled it out. How many eyes were looking at the turnip? (12)* Near the dining room, where skiers who had come from a hike were having lunch, there were 20 skis, and 20 poles were stuck in the snow. How many skiers went on the trip? (10)* In the Russian folk tale “The Crystal Mountain,” Ivan Tsarevich fought three snakes in turn. The first of them had 2 times fewer goals than the second, and the second had 2 times fewer goals than the third. Total number The snakes have 21 heads. How many heads did each snake have before meeting Ivan Tsarevich? (3, 6, 12)

2. “Mathematical fantasies” . 3 points

The figures are cut out in advance, the children are given a white sheet of paper and glue

additional education children

"Center children's creativity»

Teen club at your place of residence


Terrain game

"Treasure Hunters"

Compiled by:

Selivanova Irina Fedorovna –

teacher-organizer of a teenage club
"Sun »

Nizhnevartovsk city

"Treasure Hunters"

Type: Terrain game.

Form: Competition.

The game is held on the territory of school No. 29 (p/k "Sun"), includes V its program of sports competitions, competitions, intellectual tasks.

The game requires a lot of preparation. Particular attention must be paid to preparing a map of the area where the research will be carried out. a game. ParticipantsIt is prohibited to go through the course route before the start of the game.

Teaching opportunities: A game "Treasure Hunters" promotes the development in children sense of collectivism, responsibility to comrades on command develops physical qualities such as: strength, agility, endurance, test yourself on intelligence, gain new knowledge.

Age: Anyone can take part in this game. But you should pay attention so that the command forces were equal.

Set of roles: At the stages there are judges - 7 people, a jury, fans.


    Rope - 1.5 m, 5 pcs.;

    5 sheets of paper, calculator;

    Simple pencil 5 pcs.;

    Target and darts;

    Hoop 1 pc.;

    Skittles 6 pcs.;

    Cards with riddles;


    Basketball 1;

    Small ball 2;

    Route sheet 5;

    Plates with the names of the stages;

Step by step description:

1. Station: “Getting ready for the road”;

2. Station: “Difficulties of treasure hunters”;

3. Station: “Don’t yawn, answer the questions”;

4. Station: “Pokhodnaya”;

5. Station: “Musical”;

6. Station: “Legends” pirate treasures";

7. Station: “Deciphering the map”;

8. Station: “Treasure Search.”

Preparatory stage. The better you are draw a map, the easier it will be to find treasure Post signs at stages With title. Indicate the time it takes to complete each stage.

Game by stations "Treasure Hunters".

The game starts with the general club lineup, on which teams are announced, and route sheets are issued.

Leading: Dear Guys! You all probably love adventure and follow with interest adventures of heroes of books and films. Today I I suggest you go in search of the treasure yourself. Who knows what the people who go in search of treasure are called?Children: Treasure hunters.

Leading: Right. Now each of you will try yourself in the role of a treasure hunter, but in It is difficult to find the treasure alone, so we will travel in teams. I want the teams to come out And introduced themselves. Each team presents its name, emblem, motto.

Leading: Now the teams will go to the stations. Stations are listed on route sheets. Commanders for them will lead your treasure hunters. On Each station you must earn a piece of the map. But I want to warn you that the seventh stage is the last one, only after you have completed all 6 stages. The stages may not be completed in order. A scattered But stage 7 is the last, and I will help you glue the map and indicate the place, Where treasure Only one team will win, the one that finds the treasure first.

Station: “Getting ready for the road”

1 Competition "Rope". Teams are invited With Using one string, pull it through the elements of your clothing. Everyone should be in this connection. Pull the rope out without breaking it And give to the card keeper.

2 Competition. Make up as many words as possible (noun, in units case.) from the letters found in the word TREASURE DIGGERS.

Station: “Legends of Pirate Treasures.”

1 Contest. "Broadcast round lasso." Everyone stands in a circle, holds hands and does not open hands, They pass the lasso and place it on everyone's head.

2 Competition. "Snake". All players stand one after another and grab the player in front by the belt. There are pins placed along the distance, which you need to run around alternately from the right, from the left (snake) to the flag and back again.

Station: Pokhodnaya.

1 Competition. "Penguins". At the leader’s signal, the participants must alternately carry the ball to the pin and back, holding it between their legs.

2 Competition. Game with small ball. Team members become in one line and pass the ball to each other with their chins, from first to last and back, without helping with their hands.

Station: “Difficulties of treasure hunters.”

1 Competition. The team must shoot darts at the target to score 200 points.

2 Competition. "Crossing in a hoop." The first participant runs in the hoop to the pin, returns, takes the second one in the hoop, the two of them run to the pin, return for the third, and so on until the last. Everyone returns to the start wearing a hoop.

Station: “Don’t yawn, answer the questions.”

1 Competition. Puzzles.

There is a sparkle on the table,

Plays in the rays of the sun,

And how will he get water?

Flowers will bloom brightly. (Vase).

A hundred naked brothers

Gathered in one bundle,

They ride on a stick

They throw garbage. (Broom).

The silver horn turned into a pie,

Looked down at the ground -

Hovered like a ruddy little ball. (Month).

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a person, but a storyteller. (Book)

No windows, no doors -

The room is full of people. (Cucumber).

2 Competition. Anagrams. RODOAKP - a gift. VBAUSOT - bus. MOSOX - space.

Station: "Musical".

1 Competition. The team stands in a circle tightly behind each other and squats smoothly. In this position, moving in a circle, you need to remember and perform three songs, 1 verse or chorus each, on the themes: “Love”, “Childhood”, “Spring”.

2 Competition. Arrange according to eye color from dark to light.

Station: “Deciphering the map.”

Glue the map. Turn over and shade with a simple pencil. Find an unshaded place in the form of a cross- Place of the treasure.

Station: “Treasure Search.”

Run in search of treasure.

Brief tips for conducting. In order not to mark the location of the treasure on the map, you can draw a cross in wax on the back in the right place. It will not be visible until you shade it with a simple pencil. The area marked with wax will not be painted over.

Class hour

Treasure Hunters Island

    Diversify children's leisure time during school holidays



    Development of skills to work individually and in a group;

    development logical thinking and introspection.


    Develop tolerance, the ability to work in a team, and listen to the opinions of others.


Pirate's letter, notes, quiz questions, certificates and diplomas

1. Organizational moment.

1. Letter from a pirate.

Hello dear treasure hunters!!!

What gifts, treasures did you want???

Then the first note is in the possession of the person who came up with all this, but he won’t just give it to you!!!

Answer his questions first!!!

And so, dear lovers of treasures and adventures, of course you want to receive the first note - the key to the treasure, but first answer 3 very simple questions, and if you can’t answer, you will have to endure tests for each wrong answer.

    A ninth grader leaves a big house. Carrying an object in his hand. A neighbor meets him. Asks: “Six?”, “No, seven!”, “What are we talking about?” (Guitar)– 15 squats.

    He walked, but did not wear his shoes. I decided to help him, but I only made it worse, now he can’t walk even with my help. What are we talking about? (Alarm clock) – 20 jumps in place.

    The girl who jumped. Who is this (Snow Maiden) – 25 forward bends.

Start note. Note No. 1 is located where the most sits main man for every student, but this is not the school principal.

Always watches the educational process,
She is the director's right hand,
Discipline at school is great
She is fair and strict.

Note No. 1.

The second note is on the way to the place we go to all the time in the summer,

But now we can go, if only we put on our jackets and hats.

Note No. 2

Note number three is located in a place, thanks to which the school is always warm, but in the summer everything is fine there, but for some reason it does not work.

Note No. 3

To get to note number four you need to solve the riddle.

When they point together
Order and comfort
Everything that is not needed at all
People give it to me.

Note No. 4

You, of course, really want to receive the next note, then go to where biology lessons are held, but only in the spring.

Note No. 5

Of course, you have not lost hope of finding the treasure and then hurry to find the next note in a place where ice and a game from the riddle will soon appear.

They are racing the puck here with all their might.
And they throw everything at the gate.
Here on the field there is ice everywhere,
We are glad to have such a game!

Note No. 6

For note number 7, run to where it’s unpleasant to go, but you always ask for time off from classes and go.

Note No. 7

Note No. 8 be where you are every break, showing each other unusual body movements in order to surprise and please your classmates.

Note No. 8

Note No. 9 is with the one who came up with all this, but she won’t just give it away, but will ask riddles, but if you don’t answer, then accept the test.

    What do a fireman and a father of a family have in common? (Both guard the family hearth) – 15 squats.

    Tell me, children, why don’t mother kangaroos like rainy days? (Because then the children sit at home all day) – 20 jumping jacks.

    Which chain cannot be lifted? (Mountain) – 25 slopes in different directions.

Note No. 9

In order to receive note No. 10, you need to go there, I don’t know where, and bring something I don’t know what! JOKE! Hurry to where you rush every morning, except Sunday and June, July, August! The note is for OVI.

Note No. 10

The next note is a hint to be where it all began!

Note No. 11

Hurry to the repository of human knowledge and find the final note!


Of course, you won, we had no doubt about it! The most active, dexterous, and skillful of you will receive diplomas and certificates for your portfolio!

But the one who started all this has a separate prize, but only the best can get it!

To guess what kind of prize it is and get it, ask the presenter questions, but only those to which she can answer “yes” or “no”!

Summarizing. Rewarding.

Summer leisure event - quest. Scenario "Treasure Hunt"

The event is held in the summer, on the site of the kindergarten. The guys use the map to explore the areas and find clues. After completing all the tasks, the guys find the treasure.
Target: creating conditions for establishing friendly, friendly relationships among children, developing cultural recreation skills.
- promote the development of logical thinking in children;
- form motor activity children;
- learn to navigate the terrain.
Participants: children aged 4-5 years.
Materials and equipment: treasure box, candy, balls, letter, treasure map, shovel, sheets of cardboard, bench, hoops, toys: cow, hare, pig.
This scenario is suitable for kindergarten teachers and physical education instructors.

Progress of the event:

Leading: Hello guys! Today my old friend the pirate sent me a letter, and what he wrote to me, I’ll read to you now:
Dear friend! Recently my ship was attacked by the evil pirates Hook and Brick. They stole my treasure map. But I have a copy of this map and the area indicated on it reminds me of your site in kindergarten! I'm sending you this card! But it does not indicate the location of the treasure itself; to find out where it is buried, you need to go through the easy way. You can't do this alone. I know that you have many brave, smart kids, I hope they will help you solve the mystery of the treasure and find the treasure! But hurry up, since the pirates Hook and Brick will also be looking for treasure, you need to find the treasure before them! Your friend the pirate Jack!
Leading: Do you guys like to play?
Children: YES!
Leading: What about solving riddles?
Children: YES!
Leading: Are you brave and strong?
Children: YES!
Leading: Then will you help me find the treasure before the evil pirates find it?
Children: YES!
Leading: But before we go looking for treasure, you and I must take a young pirate course. I will speak and show, and you will repeat after me! Are you ready, children?
Children: YES!
Children: I swear to help my team! I swear!
Children: I swear to be a real pirate! I swear!
Leading: Hands forward
Children: Hands forward
WE ARE PIRATES - BRAVE PIRATES (while swaying your hips and shoulders)
Leading: Elbows bent
Children: Elbows bent

Leading: My back was bent
Children: My back was bent
Leading: Feet positioned like this (feet shoulder-width apart, toes together, heels apart)
Children: The legs are placed like this
Leading: their bellies were inflated
Children: their bellies were inflated
Leading: eyes bulging
Children: eyes bulging
Leading: Now we can go on a treasure hunt! (Look at the map Figure 1) The numbers 1,2,3 are placed on the map, perhaps this is a hint?! Let's start with the area marked number one! Well, go ahead my brave pirates!

1 section “Riddles”

Leading: Guys, I think it's here! What do we have here? (Multi-colored envelopes with riddles inside hang on the tree branches)
Leading: There’s something else written here (Text on the tree trunk: Having guessed all the riddles, assemble a puzzle from them (Figure 2) and you will find out what you need to look for in the next area) Hmm, what could this mean? (Thinks) Well, okay, let's solve the riddles and find out what this could mean?!
1. He is the storm of the seas,
Schooners and ships.
Not a fisherman and not a soldier,
And the most merciless... (Pirate.)

2. This bird warm countries
The captain loves him very much.
Don't trust him with a secret
Everything will blab... (Parrot.)

3. Brigs, schooners and frigates -
This is the property of pirates.
Sail away from the ground
Straight into the sea... (Ships.)

4. A pirate dreams every day
Find a chest in which... (Treasury)

Leading: Well done guys, I always knew you were smart, now let's try to put the puzzle together and find out what we need to look for in the next area! This is a shovel, there must be treasure buried deep! Let's not wait a minute, the evil pirates can catch up with us and even overtake us! We go to the area number 2.

2 Section "River"

Leading: Wow, guys, how do we get to the other side across such a big river?
Children's answers.
Leading: Look, children, how many stones there are, maybe you and I can use them to get across to the other side?

Game "Cross the River"

Purpose of the game: development and subsequent improvement of motor skills, dexterity, flexibility and coordination of movements.
Equipment: river made of blue fabric, 2 sheets of cardboard for each player.
Progress of the game.
The fabric symbolizes the river through which the participating travelers need to get from one bank to the other. In this case, each player is required to use 2 pieces of paper, which represent improvised stones. The game begins with the guys standing on the edge of the playing field, after which, at the command of the leader, perhaps to the accompaniment of music, they begin to cross the river. Children make their way with stones, stepping on one sheet with both feet, then bending down, taking the second sheet back into their hands, and using them again lay out a path for themselves.
Host: Guys, we crossed the river, look, what’s that in the bushes? (There is a shovel in the bushes). We take it and move on.

3 Site "Sports complex"

There are 4 balls hanging on the sports complex, each of them has the numbers 1,2,3,4.
Leading: I wonder whose balls these are?! There's something inside, let's burst the number one balloon.
Ball 1: It stands around the house,
How a dog guards.
So that thieves don't get through,
They fence the house... (with a fence)
Ball 2: To find the treasure faster, walk along the log (bench).
Ball 3: Jump over the stones (hoops).
Ball 4: What kind of forest animal is
Stood up like a post under a pine tree,
And stands among the grass,
Are your ears bigger than your head? (Hare)
Leading: Look, I seem to have found this place, here is a fence, a log, stones and toys, let's go through the obstacles and finally get to the treasure.
Children go through an obstacle course (walk along a bench, jump through hoops, dig up a treasure under a hare).
Leading: look, it's him, what's inside? (Inside the candy treasure) Let's divide them equally!
Leading: Well guys, it’s time for us to say goodbye, but I think we will still gather our pirate crew and go together to search for other treasures!
Picture 1

Figure 2

Scenario of the quest game “In Search of Treasures”

Leading: Guys, today an unusual letter arrived at our school, which interested me very much... Let me read it to you:

“Yo-ho-ho! I famous pirate Jack Sparrow, thunderstorm of the seas and oceans, I greet you! I walked the seas and oceans for a long time and, having come to land, I hid a treasure - a treasure chest - in your school. The one who passes all the tests, does not leave a friend in trouble and successfully completes all the tasks of the quest, is resourceful, dexterous, and friendly, he will definitely find my treasures!

R.S. The task of the quest: pass all the tests and then you can find the treasure. Go from note to note and guess what item they will lead you to. The last note will indicate the place where my treasures are hidden. A reward for your efforts awaits you there. You will find the first note by solving the puzzle.

Good luck! Jack Sparrow"

Leading: Well, do you want to find the treasure of the pirate Jack Sparrow?

Children: Yes!

Host: Then go ahead!

Solve the puzzle.

On back side the answer is written (the word treasure).

As soon as the children have guessed, they are given note No. 1 with the task:

"Well done boys! You have successfully completed the first task. And here's a hint where you will find the next note. Guess the rebus and you will find out the name of the next station where you will receive the task.

We decided on the station. Now we need to find out where to go. Solve the example and find out the room number where the next task awaits you.


Answer: room 110"

The children go to room 110. Where the next task awaits them.

Leading: Well done boys. You have successfully completed the task. Now, to get the second note with a hint, you need to complete the task.

You need to solve the pirate crossword puzzle. The main rule: write words spelling correctly.

Crossword (Appendix 1)

The presenter reads the riddles, the children write down the answers in the crossword puzzle.

I'm sailing on a ship
Sometimes I lie at the bottom
I keep the ship on a chain,
I guard the ship at sea,
So that the wind doesn't blow away,
I just rocked on the waves.

I'm puffed up by the wind,
But I'm not offended at all
Let him fool me
The yacht speeds up.

Storm on the sea or fog,
But where is the edge of the earth?
Every captain knows.
What is burning in the distance for them?

If ships enter.
In the port waters,
They need to be carried out
Water area.
How to approach the pier?
After all, the fairway is under water.
Who can tell me how to get there?
Guess who he is?

He's standing on the bridge.
And he looks through the sea's binoculars,
The ninth wave is not scary -
He holds the helm tightly.
He is on the ship - king and master.
Who is this? ...

Who cooks everything naval style:
Pasta, borscht and dumplings,
Porridge, pancakes, compote,
Call the kitchen a galley?

You are like a private in the infantry,
You serve as a private in the Navy.
The boatswain ordered? Quicker,
Climb the ladder onto the yardarm.
And don’t be a coward, don’t hang your nose!
You're wearing a vest! You - …

Leading: Well done! Receive a hint note.

Note No. 2.

" Well done boys! Jack Sparrow believes in you. Get the next hint. Decipher the code and you will find out where you need to move next.

We have decided on the station, now we need to find out the office number. Solve the example and find out the room number.


Children guess the name of the station (“ Skillful hands") and the room number where they are moving next (room 311)

Leading: We go to room 311.

Cabinet of skilled hands

Task: in order to get the next clue you need to make a chest. (Appendix No. 2)

Children make a chest. After completing the task, the presenter gives the following hint note.

The note is a hint. “To find out where to move next you need to solve the code (Appendix 3)

Guess: gym

The children go to the gym. Gym tasks:Children take turns climbing onto the gymnastics wall and taking out one balloon at a time, descending with it, and then suddenly sitting on the balloon and popping it. There is a hint note in one of the balls.

A hint note in the balloon: “Jack Sparrow rejoices at your success. But let's see if you can cope with one more task. Guess the riddle and find out where to move next.

There is bossa nova, there is cotillion,
There is Casanova and there is Charleston.
Lady, tango, sirtaki, cancan,
And Duncan performed something of her own.
Rumba and samba, Boston, Krakowiak,
Somewhere there is a lambada, czardash, hopak.
Can you describe everything in one word? How?”

Guess: dancing

Leading: What are the dance classes called? (Dancing)

Children move to the dance hall.Dance class assignment:

repeat the movements and dance the pirate dance.

After completing the task, children receive the following hint note.

Hint note: “Well done guys. You cope with tasks better and better. Where do we go next? Guess

"Thief, robber and pickpocket,

Beware! I -…."

The answer is a guard

Let's go to the security post. They give you a task there. Put together a picture from the puzzle. The result is Jack Sparrow. (Appendix 4)

After completing the task, they give you the last hint note.

Hint note: « Well done! You're almost there. All you have to do is guess the password phrase and then you will find out where the treasure is buried.

Children guess, say a password phrase and then the guard gives away a chest with chocolate gold coins.

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Children learn the legend about the old Duke's treasure and go in search of the map. After completing all the tasks, the children receive the treasured map and go in search of the treasure. The ghost guarding the treasure holds games and competitions to see if the kids are worthy. At the end, the guys will have a small surprise - greetings from the Duke.

Target: development of terrain orientation skills and team cohesion.

To play you need to design 3 locations:

  1. Meeting place for participants: a clearing where there are logs or benches on which you can sit.
  2. Place where players will complete tasks: at large quantities players, this territory must be large enough.
  3. Location of the treasure: here it is Ghost.

Required attributes:

  • Hat with multi-colored ribbons for dividing into teams;
  • Area plan indicating the route and stopping places for each team;
  • Stop signs;
  • Notes– tasks for finding the necessary numbers;
  • Meter, leaf, pen;
  • A piece of paper with a code;
  • Treasure map;
  • A ball of thread;
  • Twigs, sheet and pencil;
  • A note from the Duke;
  • Treasure- sweets.


  • Leading
  • Ghost

Progress of the event

All children, led by the Leader, gather in the clearing.


Guys, many, many centuries ago there was an ancient castle in this very place. A very rich duke lived in it, whose possessions stretched for tens of kilometers around. He had a beautiful wife and three children. The children grew up and left, leaving their parents alone in a huge castle. His wife died soon after this, and the Duke did not want to leave the place where he was happy, although the children did everything they could to bring him to their place.

There is a version that this Duke still passes here at night, but no longer as a person, but as a ghost. Lives in the past, remembers his own happy Days. So, he was left alone and fired almost all the servants who could not please him. He left only a cook, a gardener and a maid, so as not to completely disappear.

And then one day they wanted evil people rob a lonely old man. Only he found out about this and hid all his precious things in advance. The thieves came but found nothing. They tortured the Duke, but he did not say a word to them. They left him alone, left, but the old man did not live long after that - he died without waiting for his sons. Since then, no one has tried to find the treasure, but no one has succeeded. Legend has it that the treasure can only be found one day a year. Today is just such a day. Let's look for the treasure buried by the old Duke!

But first, let's divide into teams. Each team will have its own distinctive sign - a ribbon of a certain color.

Children come up to the hat, take a ribbon and are divided into groups depending on the color of the ribbon.

Leading: The teams are ready. Now you need to choose a captain who will lead the rest of the group.

A captain is selected for each group.

Leading: Your task is to find the treasure of the old Duke. The place where the treasure is located is marked with a cross on the main map of the area. And to find a card, you first need to find all the numbers, and then using a special code you will make a word from them. It will be the key that will help lift the veil of secrecy and find the map. To complete the tasks, you will need a map of the area.

Each captain is given a plan of the area, on which the route of each team is indicated with arrows and circles - stopping places where it will be possible to find out any number.

Leading: Let's see which team will complete the task faster and be able to find the ducal treasure.

The teams hit the road. Team paths may intersect, but should not follow the same trajectory. It is important that teams do not interfere with each other while completing tasks. Each stopping place must be marked with special signs - signs, under which there is a sheet with a detailed task.

Examples of tasks:

  • Count all trees and bushes at the bus stop, from more take away the smaller the resulting number will be the desired one.
  • Find the lowest tree and count the number of leaves on the lower branch.
  • Count the number of flowers on the lawn.
  • Define tree species, count the number of letters in their names and add up the results.
  • Measure using a meter the approximate distance between two birch trees marked with red ribbons, and round it to the nearest metre.
  • Measure the girth width the thickest tree and round it up to decimeters.
  • How many petals does a chamomile have? growing 2 meters from this tree?

The teams complete tasks, find the required numbers, and then return to the presenter and take the decryption from him. Each letter in the cipher is assigned a specific number (for example, a - 22, b - 45). Children find required values and from the resulting letters they form the word “glade”.

Leading: So the location of the treasure map has been determined. I suggest everyone team up and find the map.

All groups work together to search for the hidden map in the specified location. It can be anywhere: in a crack in a tree, under a stone, under a pile of grass. The map marks the place where the treasure is hidden. Several paths lead to it, bounded on both sides by multi-colored ribbons. The children are again divided into teams: now the group must get to the place as quickly as possible along “their” path. At the indicated place, the team is met by the ghost of the Duke.

Ghost: Hello guys. Why did you come?

Leading: We want to find hidden treasures!

Ghost: Do you think you can?

Leading: We have already found a treasure map, it indicates this exact place - which means the treasure is located here.

Ghost: Maybe this is where he is. But I won't let you find it. I will confuse my tracks and hide signs!

Leading: We have already spent so much effort on finding the treasures that we simply will not turn back. You don't need the treasure anyway, so please don't interfere!

Ghost: Whether it is needed or not, I must guard it! Treasures should go only to those who have a pure soul and a kind heart.

Leading: We are ready to pass the test.

Ghost: Is everyone ready? But keep in mind that if you fail the tests, you will have to turn back.

Leading: Agreed. Really, guys?

Ghost: An important point is to support each other difficult situation. Let's see if you can do this.

Conducts the game “Unification”. Participants are divided into two groups. Each group stands in a semicircle. The first participants are given a ball of thread. They must connect all the participants as quickly as possible with a thread, wrapping it around all the players in turn. After the last participant joins, the task changes - you need to wind the thread into a ball as quickly as possible. It is important not to tear it.

Ghost: The next test is to test your fortitude. This is a very difficult test! It is important to be united with the whole team in order to win.

Conducts the game "Pulling". The teams line up opposite each other in a column, the first being the captain. Each participant grabs the person in front by the waist. The captains of the opposing teams grab each other's hands and pull with all their might. The players' task is to help their captains win the opposing team over to their side.

Ghost: Well, you have fortitude - don’t be discouraged if you lose. But that is not all. Now let's check if you can understand each other.

Conducts the game “Spoiled Telegraph”. Participants stand in a column. Each player is given a twig. The last participant “draws” with a twig on the back of the person in front the figure that the leader named him (for example, a square). The one who had the figure “drawn” on his back “transmits” the image further as he understood it. The team captain, having received the “telegram,” draws it on a piece of paper. Then the original and what happened as a result of the “journey” of the drawing are compared.

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kachkina (Kovalenko)
Entertainment script “Everyone on a treasure hunt!”

Entertainment script

for children of senior preschool age

"Everything is on treasure hunt


To develop in preschoolers the ability to use basic types of movement in play situations;

To cultivate in children a sense of curiosity, courage, camaraderie, justice, and organization;

Bring joy to the kids.

Equipment: pirate costume, attributes for decorating an impromptu ship (shells, pebbles, souvenirs, swimming ring, life jackets, audio recording "Tidal bore", balls according to the number of children, hoops, basin, ball, candy according to the number of children, cardboard pennies (diameter 5 cm, Balloons according to the number of children, a chest with chocolate coins, 10 keys with tasks, a mysterious message, a pirate flag.

To turn the hall into a real pirate ship, fly a pirate flag, geographic Maps, globes, binoculars, shells, pebbles, souvenirs, swimming circle, life jackets, etc. Simulate a sail.

In advance, ask parents to dress their children in a pirate style, for which vests, vests, bandanas, wide belts are suitable, draw tattoos, etc.

Prepare "treasure" (a chest with chocolate coins for each child).

Sign the keys:

Key No. 1 - You will find the second key by guessing the riddle (You will definitely lock me from the outside, from the inside. You can’t live without me, believe me. I’m the entrance to the apartment)

"Cargo to the ship").

Key No. 3 - You will find the fourth key by answering the question. (Cook's place of work)

"Sweet Tree").

Key No. 5 - Get the sixth key, guess the riddle


Key No. 7 You will find the eighth key where dreams occur.

Key No. 8 It's time to "Field of Dreams"(contest "Field of Dreams").

Key No. 9 The last key! (It has four legs)

Key No. 10 You will find the path to the treasure by folding the picture (competition "Puzzle").

Hide clues in the kindergarten for games:

Key No. 2 - in the hallway,

Key No. 4 - in the kitchen (dining room,

Key No. 6 - in the bathroom,

Key No. 8 - in the bedroom,

Key No. 10 - under the teacher's table,

"Treasure"- in the closet.

The captain of the pirate ship, Jack, sends an invitation to the children.

Pirates senior group "Traffic light"! You are sentenced to unbridled fun, as well as to gain skills in the pirate business. Come, I'll be waiting!

When everyone arrives on the ship, Jack hands over a bottle with a message.

Mysterious message

Dear friends!

Today, when you have become real pirates, I can tell you my secret.

A long time ago I hid a chest with treasures on a distant island.

The path to them is not easy, and only a real pirate can get to this island.

Only the most faithful comrades can go on a journey.

Be careful and attentive and follow directions carefully.

I will leave ten keys for you.

By collecting them all, you can find hidden treasures!

Pirate Black Corsair.

P.S. Just keep your mouth shut.

Jack. The recruitment of a crew of pirates begins. In order to join the crew, you must take the pirate oath!

You end each of my sentences with the phrase "Because we are pirates!".

Pirate's Oath.

Jack. Raising anchor, we set off to the seas!

We are fearless guys...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. There is a menacing wave at sea, hurricanes and storms, but we are sailing somewhere...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. We love the inhabitants of all the animals seas: octopus, dolphins, stingrays...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. We sharpened our knives; whoever didn’t hide, tremble! Only we are not to blame...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. We sail straight to the island, there we'll find treasures! Let's live richly, friends...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. Caramba! All hands on deck! Our ship sets off on a long voyage to looking for adventure.

In order to find the treasure. You must find 10 clue keys, I hand you Key No. 1 - You will find the second key by solving the riddle (You will definitely lock me up from the outside, from the inside. You can’t live without me, believe me. I’m the entrance to the apartment.)

Key No. 2 - You will receive the third key when you deliver the cargo to the ship (competition "Cargo to the ship").

Contest "Cargo to the ship"

Pirates must "load the cargo onto the ship". Children carry cargo onto the ship along an improvised gangway.

Carry the ball on your palm so that it does not fall.

Carry the ball while jumping on one leg.

Carry three balls together with each other's backs turned friend: one ball in each hand, and the third is sandwiched between the backs. You need to move forward with an extra step.

Carry the ball without using your hands. (Pressing between legs, kicking, rolling.)

In gratitude for the loading, Jack gives Key No. 3. You will find the fourth key by answering the question (Cook's place of work)

Key No. 4 - Pirates love to eat, it’s time for you to harvest too (competition "Sweet Tree").

The pirates got hungry and decided to eat. They saw interesting fruits on the tree branches.

There are candies hanging on a tree in the area.

Task: Jumping up, pick the candy and put it in a container.

Jack hands over Key No. 5 - Get the sixth key, guess the riddle (This is not a kitchen or a bedroom, but a bathhouse for everyone, friends.)

Key #6 - To get the seventh key, feed the predators. (Jumping "Predators")

Contest "Predators"

It's time to feed the animals with the harvest.

An empty container with a picture pre-pasted on it is placed on the floor. wild beast. Children move a few steps away from the container and try to throw in candy.

Task: get the candy into the container.

Jack hands over Key No. 7. You will find the eighth key where dreams are seen.

Key No. 8 It's time to "Field of Dreams"(contest "Field of Dreams").

Contest "Field of Dreams".

At night, the pirates entered the clearing. And we saw gold coins! The pirates rushed to collect them.

IN different parts coins are scattered around the hall. (Cut from 5 cm cardboard.) One by one, the pirates are blindfolded and each must find one coin.

Task: Find a coin while blindfolded. The rest of the players must call the shots "seeker" where should he go go: to the right, to the left, forward, backward, sit down. Key number 9. Look for the last key! (It has four legs)

Key No. 10. Find the path to the treasure by putting together a picture (competition "Puzzle").

(contest "Puzzle").

The guys collect puzzles with the last message on them.

The chest is not buried in the ground,

And it lies behind the door.

There are hangers and shelves here,

It's like there are floors in a house.

Pants, blouses, T-shirts -

Everything is in order.

("treasure" hidden in a closet or in a cubicle)

The children find the treasure, but the cunning Jack snatches the chest and runs away to his ship. The children run after him and beg him magic words give away the treasure. Jack gives up the treasure and sends the children home in boats.

A game "Boat"

We tie 6 on the hoop balloons, each boat is designed for 4 people.

Task: do not let the balloons on your boat burst, but sink yours

Publications on the topic:

Synopsis of the physical education lesson “Searching for Pinocchio” Summary of the subject physical education lesson “Searching for Pinocchio” Goals: - To consolidate the ability to walk on toes, jumping, and in a half-squat. -Improve.

Summary of GCD for FEMP “In Search of Vasilisa the Beautiful” Goal: to consolidate ordinal and quantitative counting within eight, knowledge of numbers within eight, consolidation of knowledge about geometric shapes.

Abstract of GCD in mathematics “Treasure Search” Topic: mathematics lesson "Treasure Hunt." Objectives: educational - strengthen counting skills within 20; learn to compose and solve.

Summary of OD in the middle group “Search for the Golden Key” Objectives: - to develop children’s ability to classify figures according to 2 properties (color, shape) - to practice ordinal counting up to 5 - to consolidate knowledge.

Summary of the art lesson “In search of a wonderful adventure” Goal: To teach children to distinguish and name a person’s emotional state: joy, surprise, sadness, anger. Objectives: 1) Educational: -Display.