The summer solstice is without a doubt a very important day from an astrological point of view. But in some cases, despite the positive energy of our star, the solstice can promise problems and even troubles.

Astrologers' concerns about the summer solstice in 2016 are not surprising: during a leap year, even the most positive omens do not always pay off. The reason for this is unstable energy. And this year this problem may also affect the summer solstice.

Energy of the summer solstice in 2016

The summer solstice is the time when the Sun remains in the sky longer than any other day of the year. Daylight reaches its maximum, and the energy of creation and warmth intensifies many times over. It would seem that nothing terrible or unpleasant can happen at such a time. However, astrology can sometimes be unpredictable, just like the whole world around us.
In 2016, the summer solstice is June 21. The danger of the longest day is that the energy of other heavenly bodies will also be much stronger. This means that those things that are usually patronized by the Sun will work out - you can create, help others, create something new - but also others celestial bodies can make their own adjustments to your usual daily routine.

Summer solstice - astrologers' fears

The longest day of 2016 will be on Tuesday. Tuesday is ruled by Mars, the warlike red planet. Under the control of Mars, people have a desire to conquer heights and conquer new peaks, but negativity also spills out more often. Therefore, on Tuesday, June 21, from an astrological point of view, there may be a strong dissonance between creative and destructive energy.
This can manifest itself both at the everyday level and at a more global level. An attempt to conclude a contract beneficial for both parties can fail due to someone's stubbornness. A planned promising date also risks going according to an unpredictable scenario.
Finally, the Full Moon on June 20th also does not contribute to the decline in energy in the world, which means that the third force, emotional and susceptible to subconscious fears, will affect us at the end of June. Therefore, the longest day is after the night under Full Moon may become not a gift from the Universe, but its test. Which, however, everyone is able to withstand. How to improve energy on the day of the summer solstice
In order not to encounter a problem on the longest day of the leap year, it is better to acquire a talisman as early as possible. You can do this even from the evening of the previous day, meeting the first summer Full Moon.
You should not choose a talisman at random, but based on your plans and desires. For example, if you creative person, and you cannot lose inspiration in your search, but there is not enough support under your feet, the Sun will help you. Wear gold jewelry, use things yellow color, put a positive sun on your computer or phone screen.
And if you have an appointment for this day serious step, an important exam, a meeting on which the future depends - Mars will help with this, even when the Sun increases its influence. Help them come to an agreement, add a touch of red to your image.
Finally, the Moon can help make dreams come true, and the Full Moon is a very good time for money rituals. It is unlikely that Mars, who is not indifferent to benefits, or the generous Sun will be against the fact that you decide to increase your finances with the help of the Full Moon.

Devote three days before the solstice to cleansing. Your home, your workplace, your body, your environment, your thoughts. Throw away old things that clutter up space and hold old energy, preventing the New from entering your life. When cleaning your house, imagine how you are cleaning your entire life.

I also like to sprinkle salt in every corner of the house before cleaning, this salt will collect all the negative energy, accumulated in the house. After this you can wash the floor. I also cleanse the house with fire (light candles) and incense. It is important to do all this consciously, talking with your home, with fire, salt, as with living beings, setting tasks for them. And thank fire, salt, water for cleansing.

Another ritual I love is to go out into the yard and light a fire out of old things. If you have children, take them with you. And talk to the fire, watching all these things burn. Ask the fire to turn into light everything that interferes with your happiness and abundance.

You can give each item you burn a special meaning and, as you throw it into the fire, gratefully imagine certain aspects of your life turning into light. This way you can burn thoughts, emotions, relationships that have ended, unhealthy habits.

Besides the fact that this is a very unusual ritual that can take you back to childhood and bring you (and your children) a lot of joy. It really powerfully cleanses the space of your life and transforms old energies.

Spend the day eating light food, vegetable juices, or fasting. And in the evening, take a bath with salt. And imagine dark smoke coming out of every pore of your body. These are toxins and energy dregs that filled your cells.

While lying in the bathroom, mentally walk through your entire body, pay attention to each organ, thank your body for its love and good service. And imagine how every cell of your body is cleansed. And then stand in the shower for a minute so that not a drop of “old” water remains on you.

Think about what people fill your life with despondency, interfere with your development, and with whom it’s time to stop communicating. Remember all the unfinished connections that are long overdue for completion.

Write a letter to these people (no need to send), and in this letter be sure to tell them about your feelings, grievances, claims, if any. After that, write: “Thanks to you, I realized that... Thanks to you, it appeared in my life...”

Thank them for the role they played in your life. End your letter with the words: “I release you to your happy life" Reread this letter 3 times and burn it.

If you have debts - financial or intangible, pay them back. And if you feel that you cannot (or do not want) to fulfill the promise you made earlier, call the person and tell him about it: “I’m sorry, but I cannot fulfill the promise I made to you.” This is very important to do. Yes, a person may become upset or offended. But he would be more offended if he continued to expect you to fulfill what you promised, and did not wait.

And if they owe you, either do everything to get the debt returned to you, or give it to the debtor as a gift. Believe me, this way you will only do better for yourself, you will unblock energy. And if you do this with all your heart, with gratitude to the debtor for the lesson, the world will find a way for you to repay the gifted debt.

IN new life It's better to go in light. With gratitude to God, with pure thoughts, pure intentions and wishes for happiness.

Summer Solstice 2016

The summer solstice in 2016 falls on June 21, 2016 at 1 o'clock. 34 pm Moscow time.

Summer Solstice Day - special time in astronomy, astrology and magic.

In astronomy, this is the beginning of astronomical summer; the longest daylight hours and the longest short night per year.

Summer Solstice Day is celebrated on different countries and cultures; In many ways, the traditions of celebrating the summer solstice are similar and differ only in the name itself. For example, in Norway the day of the summer solstice is named in honor of John the Baptist - "Ivanovo Night". Among the Celtic peoples - Lita, in the Old Slavic traditions - Ivan Kupala, Yarilin's Day, Sontsekres.

There are many beliefs associated with the summer solstice that are still rightfully worthy of our attention, because on the day of the summer solstice there is a powerful surge of energies of goodness, love and prosperity. It is believed that on the day of the summer solstice all magical rituals, rites and conspiracies have special power, and indeed it is. Therefore, it is very important to tune in to a positive wave on this day - than more love and the good you radiate, the more prosperity you attract into your life.

The summer solstice is the time when all thought forms are able to be realized in the material world; on the day of the summer solstice, you cannot think about bad things, experience feelings of anger, resentment, fear, hatred, otherwise you can bring great trouble to yourself and your loved ones.

Summer solstice in astrology

On the day of the summer solstice, the Sun moves from Gemini to the sign of Cancer. From this moment on, the emotional and intuitive sensitivity of many people is activated. The summer solstice is a time when emotions can reach their peak if you do not put things in order in your soul in time. Therefore, astrologers recommend preparing for this period in advance - you need to rest more, spend time with close relatives and children. Cancer is the zodiac sign for which home and family are very important. The Sun in Cancer on the day of the summer solstice calls us to return to the traditions of our family, to look for the roots of problems in the past.

Summer Solstice and

Summer Solstice Day - perfect time to improve your lifestyle. During this period it is very good to carry out various procedures that improve performance. digestive system. These may be special diets, but in no case starvation. Food should be supplied in sufficient quantities, but it should be predominantly liquid. Pure water plays important role; especially useful on the summer solstice water treatments. You can, and even need to, swim on the day of the summer solstice - in rivers, lakes, and ponds. This will help you recharge your batteries for the whole year and even get rid of health problems.

Ivan Kupala and the day of John the Baptist are not random names for the summer solstice. The thing is that water on the day of the summer solstice really has a powerful healing energy, is able to cleanse both soul and body.

On the day of the summer solstice, it is very useful to collect herbs from which you can prepare healing decoctions for all occasions. Herbs collected on the day of the summer solstice (on Ivan Kupala, John the Baptist) have a special magical power, can significantly improve health and eliminate diseases.

Summer solstice in

Many magical rites and rituals are associated with the summer solstice.

The summer solstice is a time when the forces of nature unite to help a person achieve harmony and well-being. At this time, the elements of water, fire and earth are equally strong, which is favorable for performing magical rituals using these elements. The magic of the summer solstice is especially effective, so if you have any unresolved problems, use this period for magical rites, rituals, spells and spells. Have special power magical rituals using herbs and flowers, for example, can be used for these purposes .

You can make amulets that will have special powers, for example - .

Summer Solstice and

On the day of the summer solstice, you can tell fortunes about love, family, health, future and destiny. Fortune telling on the night before the summer solstice is considered the most accurate; at this time it is very good to guess the future - this way you can get enough accurate prediction for any specified period (usually they guess for a year).

Our website presents a special layout for fortune telling on summer solstice - .

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In 2016, the winter solstice falls on December 21, 10:44 minutes Universal Time, reports

Winter solstice in Slavic tradition- one of the main holidays, which is called Solntsvort or Kolyada. The solstice is celebrated to this day from December 21 to 25.

The astronomical meaning of the Solstice

There are only two equinoxes in a year - autumn and spring. There are also two Solstices - winter and summer. In our northern hemisphere, the Winter Solstice falls almost every time on December 21, but due to the fact that the calendar has leap year, this date sometimes shifts by one day. In 2015, for example, the Solstice was exactly on December 22.

December 21, 2016 the earth will pass a special point in the orbit when the southern hemisphere will be exposed to the Sun, and the northern hemisphere will be increasingly deprived of solar “attention”. This point is called the beginning of astronomical winter. In fact, winter is coming to its climax on December 21, it’s just that the higher we are towards the North Pole, the more pronounced and prolonged winter is. In theory, from December 21 it should be warmer and warmer, but in reality it will be cold for at least another two or one and a half months.

Winter solstice is the beginning of astronomical winter. With day winter solstice There are many signs and beliefs associated with this day; this day is considered special in astrology and magic. In the cultures and traditions of many peoples of the world, rituals associated with the Sun were performed on the winter solstice.

The winter solstice in the Slavic tradition is one of the main holidays, which is called Solstice or Kolyada. The solstice is celebrated to this day from December 21 to 25.

The Slavs considered this holiday a time renewal and birth of the Sun, and with it all living things, a time of spiritual transformation, a time that promotes both good material and spiritual changes. The night that precedes the winter solstice is considered the patroness of all nights, because it is on this night that the Goddess gives birth to a young solar baby - Dazhdbog, symbolizing the birth of life from death, order from chaos.

During the winter solstice, the Slavs celebrated pagan New Year, who was personified with the deity Kolyada. The main object of the celebration was a large bonfire, invoking and depicting the Sun, which, after one of the longest nights of the year, was supposed to rise higher and higher into the heavenly heights. They also made sure to bake ritual New Year's pies of a round shape, reminiscent of celestial body.

On the day of the winter solstice, various magical rituals are performed, conspiracies are read aimed at attracting love, wealth, and health. To carry out magical rituals for the winter solstice, the energies of the four main elements are used - Fire, Air, Water and Earth.

Winter Solstice Day is magical time, which you need to use to attract positive energies into your life.

To do this, it is enough to think about good things, dream, fantasize even about what, in your opinion, cannot be realized in reality - all thoughts will materialize on the day of the winter solstice. However, on this day you cannot think about bad things - under no circumstances enter into an argument with anyone, do not conflict, and if this happens for some reason, immediately ask for forgiveness. The fact is that on the winter solstice, which among the ancient Slavs was equated with our New Year, we lay the foundation for the whole next year; If on this day you rejoice and enjoy communicating with your loved ones, rest assured that a year of joy and fun awaits you. However, if you harbor anger, resentment in your heart, think about unresolved problems, stress at work, etc., then you risk spending the entire next year in a state of tension and stress.

On December 21, 2016, the Sun leaves the sign of Sagittarius and enters the sign of Capricorn. The Sun in Capricorn is a symbol of practicality, discipline, self-control and caution.

The winter solstice is the beginning of a new life cycle for all life on Earth. This is the time when there is a need to rethink your actions and actions over the past year, take stock and draw the right conclusions.

The winter solstice in 2016 falls on December 21st. In 2016, the winter solstice begins on December 21 at 13.45 Moscow time.

Solstice is one of two days a year when the height of the sun above the horizon at noon is minimum or maximum. There are two solstices in the year - winter and summer.

On the day of the winter solstice, the sun rises to its lowest height above the horizon.

In the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22, when the shortest day and longest night occur. The moment of the solstice shifts every year, as the duration solar year does not coincide with calendar time.

The Sun, moving along the ecliptic, at this moment will reach the most distant position from the celestial equator to the side South Pole peace. Astronomical winter will begin in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet, and in Southern Hemisphere- summer.

The Winter Solstice marks the longest night of the year. The sun occupies the lowest point above the horizon and illuminates the sky minimal amount hours. This is the turning point of winter: after the Solstice, daylight hours begin to increase, and the dark hours gradually begin to wane.

Almost all peoples believed in the mystical power of this time. It was believed that the Solstice marks rebirth and renewal, and the subsequent addition of daylight hours marks the victory of light over darkness.

Various folk holidays were timed to coincide with the longest night of the year.

On the day of the Solstice, the Slavs revered Karachun - the lord of winter, the deity of darkness and cold. According to Slavic beliefs, at this time darkness overcomes light, but with the onset of morning everything ends well: the temporary “defeat” of the Sun is followed by the victory of light and the renewal of the world. The day begins to increase, the night begins to decrease, and good triumphs over evil.

The ancient Slavs celebrated the pagan New Year on the day of the winter solstice; it was associated with the deity Kolyada. The main attribute of the festival was a bonfire, depicting and invoking the light of the sun, which, after the longest night of the year, was supposed to rise higher and higher. The ritual New Year's pie - loaf - was also shaped like the sun.

In all cultures, the time of the winter solstice was considered the most favorable for conducting various rites and rituals.

Ritual to get rid of problems

The ritual should be performed in solitude, after sunset. Light a candle and, looking at it, think about the problems that you would like to get rid of.

Say these words:

“I drive away the darkness with fire, I deliver myself from oppression. The night will pass and it will take my problems with it. As the day increases, so will my life be filled with happiness. To be this."

After this, place the candle in a safe place. Let it burn for a while longer. Before going to bed, extinguish the flame and complete the ritual with the words: “Everything that you wish will come true.”

Ritual for good luck on Solstice Day

For the ritual for good luck you will need a glass of drinking water. Prepare it before sunset and place it near the window. After evening comes, speak the water as follows:

“Water has absorbed the power of the Sun and will give it to me. The sun will begin to shine more - my luck will increase. Night on the decline - failures away."
The charmed water should be drunk immediately after the ritual.

Ritual to attract financial well-being

Attract financial flows and material well-being A simple ritual on Solstice Day will help. To do this, you will need several coins or bills (the denomination is unimportant) and a mirror. After the Sun disappears below the horizon, place the money in front of the mirror and, peering into its reflection, say the following spell:

“Just as a mirror increases money, I will have more of it. As the day continues to increase, so will the profit. The sun will rise - it will fulfill my request. Key - lock - tongue. Amen".

After such a ritual financial position will begin to gradually change in better side, and the work will be more productive and easier.

Rituals are especially effective at such an energetically saturated time as the day of the Solstice. So don't miss the chance to try them out. beneficial influence on yourself - after all, such a period occurs only twice a year.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources