Indian summer: why was it so called? So it has long been referred to as a period of dry and warm weather in front of the fall. And it begins with a sustainable anticyclone. Such a piece of summer is usually occurring at the end of August or during September - after a tangible cooling. Often, during this period, the plants are beginning to bloom, which they usually make it only once a year. This is amazingly beautiful, when it seems more and summer, but already autumn spread your magnificent carpet. Flush leaves, bright petals, like burning gems. All this creates positive emotions, increases the mood, people become softer, because the nature itself is so calm, sets up to kindness and peace.

Other names

The early summer of the early period of autumn is called Western or Eastern Slavs. In the southern it is called Gypsy, in Serbia - Mikhailov. In Croatia, there is a third name - Martin Summer. In German-speaking - old women, in Netherlands - Elert, in North America - Indie, in Italy - St. Martin, in France - Holy Denis. In Portuguese-speaking - Verannik (fly), in Hispanic - a few names that depend on the month. For example, in August-September - St. Miguel, and in October or November - St. Juan.

History of Baby Summer

Why is poor summer so called: the very first mentions were associated with time when older women in front of the cold for the last time this year could have grieved in the sun. It was then that all work in the field ended, and the village peasants were accepted for other things: uringed, trepalized and failed flashes.

Why is India Summer so called: in the old days, the cucumbers were spilled in the old days, and the old conflicts were struggling and resolved. This period of time was considered a rural holiday. Babia Summer, why was it so called: these days the women often sat down, sang, they were rushed, and when the cold came, they began to needle how to handle and fed with the cancis. Often, the name of this period of time was associated with a common expression: "When almost everything is lost, only a woman can warm very much."


Sometimes, after the onset of cold, people think about the question of whether the Indian summer will be this year? Of course, yes, it happens annually. The number is impossible to determine exactly, as it can "come" at different times and the duration of it may differ. Most often, it lasts one or two weeks, which fall in mid-September, and sometimes can capture and begin October. In Russia, the approximate start of the Babi Summer is September 14th. In other countries, months and dates may be different. It all depends on climate.

If we consider a modern scientific explanation, then the question is, "why the poor summer is so called", you can get the following answer: this is the time when the resistant anticyclone is installed, affecting the warming of the weather. At such a period of soil and air at night are not very cool, and during the day it is well heated. But still the heat has already been in the past. Forms an anticyclone is formed? With the beginning of the cold foliage, it begins to fade dramatically, a large amount of heat is distinguished during the process. It rises up, fully contributes to an increase in atmospheric pressure. Thus, the anticyclone appears.

Customs and signs

The people have developed their own signs that concern this time interval. When the Indian summer comes, the peasants on it determine the weather, which will be autumn and winter. Several people will take and believes:

What is the natural essence of this period?

When the Indian summer comes, at this time all nature is prepared for the upcoming winter. In the leaves there is a process of destruction of green chlorophyll, and orange and yellow, red and purple colors - carotene, xanthill and anthocian begin to appear. It is these changes that affect the wilt and are the cause of autumn leaves. They contribute to the allocation of a large amount of heat.

Because of one sheet or several blades, there would be no such effect. It is millions of tons of vegetation that cause a significant increase in temperature - at once a few degrees. This is the reason for such a sudden warming after the cooling started. Why is India Summer at different times? It always depends on the weather, which was the past summer, and from the state of shrubs, herbs and trees.

Reduce or make a loyal summer longer capable southern and northern winds, as well as meteorological conditions. But the heat that stands out, accelerates all the clouds, and, consequently, precipitation falls very little. And here it turns out that it is not an anticyclone causes the "gold order", but on the contrary. Therefore, the period when the leaves have not yet begun to fall, and at the same time they cannot be called green in the summer.

Folk calendar

For such a calendar in Russia, "Golden Champion" was divided into several titles. Young sanitary summer "stood" in the interval from August 28 to September 11. And the old one - from September 14 to 24. Initially, for this period, they simply defined what autumn will be. There were our signs. But then the Indian summer began to communicate with the warm and dry period, when nature makes it possible to enjoy the last sunny vests in front of the cold.

Can the Indian summer be twice a year?

This is a rather controversial question, as it is generally believed that it can only come once. But if Augustus was warm, and the cold weather was not observed, then sometimes people think that the Indian summer has already passed. And when in September it begins, it is believed that this is the second time. However, no, it means that the Indian summer this year is "old". It usually starts about September 14. This is the day of the memory of the wiring - Simeon of the Stattle.

Periodically allocate two periods of its arrival. Starting from August and ending with September. According to the Orthodox calendar, it begins from the date of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin and lasts exactly until the day of John the Forerunner (of the day of care). The second period is considered more mature, and it has to be completely for September, starting from the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin and ending with the Exaltation.

But in the modern world, meteorologists still insist that the Indian summer can be only once a year, and can not repeat. Just the boundaries of his offensive and end are blurred, which leads people to confusion and to controversial issues.

What happens during the past summer

At this time, it is no longer worth swimming, as the water does not have time to warm up and much cool down at night. But here's the general mood of peace, clear warm sunny days set people on positive emotions. Previously, it was the period of the end of field and agricultural work, reconciliation, forgiveness. No wonder it coincides with church holidays.

Why is poor summer so called: it is primarily connected with women, and the elderly, which in the villages loved to sit on Zavalinka during this period and "to warm their bones". For folk tradition, it is at this time a lot of wedding celebrations and various holidays. Nature has reflections, comprehension and even the beginning of the new period in life. It was in India who was trying to build plans for the future in Starin, believing that they would definitely come true.

Mushroom period

People, especially rustic, always looked at the weather, and attached great importance to the signs associated with it. If it rains on September 14, it meant that mushrooms would be quite a lot. When the trees begin to dump the foliage, dense fogs appear, and this precedes the wave of them. The period is short - only about ten days. He is just preceded by woven the summer. Then the warm weather is installed, which is so pleased with the mushrooms, and they are enthusiastically begin their "quiet hunting", looking for white hats under fallen colorful foliage. You can find them not only directly in the forest, but also on the edges. In general, Indian Summer is a great time to collect boomes and other mushrooms for insulting. And during this period, thanks to heat that comes from fallen leaves, there are quite a lot of them.

The period of the first autumn cooling was passed, we managed to forget about hot days, got the autumn things and shoes.

As usual, in the second half of September, the weather has improved, forcing us to get into shorts and summer t-shirts. Since childhood, this period is familiar with us called "Indian Summer".

And you did not think about why the autumn warming is called this way?

Why is this happening every year

The period of autumn warming after a short cooling is almost every year. This is noticed in Russia, and in Europe, and even in North America.

Meteorologists believe that this weather phenomenon is associated with a steady anticyclone, which affects the weather in most of the northern hemisphere.

Warming usually occurs in the second half of September, less often in early October. It holds dry and warm weather from one to three weeks, after which it comes a typical autumn with rain, wind and cold weather.

What science says

Like many chemical processes, this occurs with the release of thermal energy. Billions of leaves and blades in the amount allocate a large amount of heat capable of influence the weather.

Warm air rises up from the earth accelerating the clouds and causing an increase in atmospheric pressure. This leads to the formation of anticyclone, fixed by meteorologists every year at the same time.

The longer the process of massive fading of plants lasts, the longer the autumn pleases us with warm weather.

Who and how does it call this period

In ancient times, our ancestors called autumn warming "Marfino Summer" And they tied him with the holidays. The beginning of the period coincided with the Day of Simeon-annoncement (September 14), and the end of the day of the upstream (September 27).

The emergence of the term "Indian Summer" is associated with the working cycle of the peasants. Autumn warming coincides with the end of the field work, at that time women were usually taken for their homework, they were preparing for winter.

Southern Slavs (Bulgarians and Serbs) name warming "Gypsy summer". In Austria and Germany, it is customary to speak "Summer of older women", in the Czech Republic - "Bow Summer", and in Holland - "Eleterate". Italians call the warm autumn period "Summer of St. Martin", and the French - "Summer of St. Denis".

In North America, this period is called called indian summer Due to the motley color of the leaves, similar to the clothes and the combat coloring Indians.

So, now you know that the Indian Summer is not a period after the presentation of the new iPhone, when many fine-floor representatives begin to spare a fresh smartphone.

From year to year, India Summer is different, both by the date of the beginning and the duration of the period of warm and dry weather. According to weather forecasters in Europe, in 2018, India Summer will begin on September 14 and will last 2 weeks, until September 27. In Siberia and in the Far East, warm dry weather will be established at the end of September and will last until October 14.

The head of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Wilfand said that residents of the Moscow region are most likely to wait for "Indian Summer" in September. Reports about it "Interfax". "Exactly, there is no direct connection between the very hot fourth fifth five-day August and the period of warm weather in September.

But, on ensemble forecasts, it should not say goodbye since in the summer. And next month, heat surges are possible, which we associate with the so-called "Babi Summer," - said Wilfand. According to him, all the conditions for "Baby Summer" in the metropolitan region are, on the basis of what can be declared that "it will". However, to name the exact dates of forecasters are not yet ready.

"The exact forecast will be in a few days, then we can call specific dates. With pleasure they will declare them, "said the head of the Hydrometeorological Center.

Story of the holiday of Indian summer

Why is poor summer so called: the very first mentions were associated with time when older women in front of the cold for the last time this year could have grieved in the sun. It was then that all work in the field ended, and the village peasants were accepted for other things: uringed, trepalized and failed flashes.

Why is India Summer so called: in the old days, the cucumbers were spilled in the old days, and the old conflicts were struggling and resolved. This period of time was considered a rural holiday. Babia Summer, why was it so called: these days the women often sat down, sang, they were rushed, and when the cold came, they began to needle how to handle and fed with the cancis. Often, the name of this period of time was associated with a common expression: "When almost everything is lost, only a woman can warm very much."

When the Indian summer comes, at this time all nature is prepared for the upcoming winter. In the leaves there is a process of destruction of green chlorophyll, and orange and yellow, red and purple colors - carotene, xanthill and anthocian begin to appear. It is these changes that affect the wilt and are the cause of autumn leaves. They contribute to the allocation of a large amount of heat.

Because of one sheet or several blades, there would be no such effect. It is millions of tons of vegetation that cause a significant increase in temperature - at once a few degrees. This is the reason for such a sudden warming after the cooling started. Why is India Summer at different times? It always depends on the weather, which was the past summer, and from the state of shrubs, herbs and trees.

On India Summer on September 14, 2018 there are traditions and signs

Having managed with the summer suffer, still century ago in the villages, accomplishing the returned summer, met autumn. Baby Pozhe's holiday summer, which begins on September 14 and continues until September 27, heard among the village "Babi Holidays".

Women, completing summer suffering, proceeded to easier economic activities. Everywhere they started to wet, might, tremble, to sharpen for drying Len, weave. The unmarried girl was noted: if the thread falls exactly - the husband will be stopped if unevenly inhabited.

Mother meanwhile thought about the brides for their sons. In the evenings, they baked cakes and covered the tables to which girls were invited. For such maiden feasts, the guys looked at their future wives.

Babia Summer has discovered the coupling of vegetables and fruits for the winter. On his first day, as a rule, the hostess was solired cucumbers. Men helped dig potatoes, female half the family engaged in his bulkhead.

For the elderly women, India Summer was considered the last opportunity to warm up on the spying sun, now until next spring. At the same time, they called to themselves, in order to fix health before the approaching cold.

They associated the Babye summer and with the age of a woman when her beauty flourishes in full force before the upcoming, as if autumn fading. Flying cage, silver in the sun rays of Babiy summer, compared with the first gray hair of a relatively young woman. In Starina, believed that women could affect the weather. On this basis, it was believed that the return of summer among the autumn is the effect of their char.

When is it coming - India Summer? ... I tested here here that the Indian summer begins on September 14 !!! And then the weather is not summer? or to

"Indian summer" is a warm and dry weather in September - early October. Located with a steady anticyclone above this territory. "Indian summer" comes after a significant cooling, and may be accompanied by the secondary blooming of some plants, usually blooming only once a year.

According to the dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, "Indian Summer" is dry, clear autumn at the end of August and in early September, when a web flies in the air (spider-glass).

From the point of view of meteorology, "India Summer" is a period of sustainable anticyclonal weather observed at the beginning of autumn, when the night intake of soil and air is not yet too strong, but day warm-up, although it is significant, but does not reach the limit that would be perceived as heat.

"Indian summer" is called "Babii" in the Eastern and Western Slavs, as well as in German-speaking countries (Altweibersommer). In Bulgaria and Serbia, he is called "Gypsy Summer", in the Netherlands "post" (Nazomer), in North America, this period of autumn is called "Indian Summer", in Italy - "In the summer of St. Martin", in France, this time of year was traditionally called "Summer Holy Denis, but in the last decades, due to the wide popularity of the song of Joe Dassin's song of the same name, the literal translation of the North American name is more common - Été Indien.

The duration of the duration of the "Baby Summer" days is different, as well as his time. Usually it is one or two weeks (two or three natural synoptic periods), coming in mid-September until the beginning of October. In Central Russia, the beginning of "Babiy Summer" - September 14. In Europe and North America, this period comes later, only at the end of September or in the 1st half of October. In the south of the Far East, Indian Summer comes in early October. In the south of Siberia, sharp warming often comes in late September - early October. In the European part of Russia, as well as in Belarus and in the north of Ukraine in mid-October, warming often occurs (for 3-7 days). This period is often mistakenly called Babi in summer.

According to the sensible Dala dictionary, "India Summer" (Marphino Summer) begins in the seed-day, or the day of Simeon-annoncement (September 14), and ends in Aspos Day (September 21); or on the day of the upstream (September 28). Here, Dahl, there is a young "Indian summer", which has a place since August 28 (holiday of Assumption) on September 11.

According to the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, the initial value of the phrase "Indian summer" - "It's time when old women can still warm up on the autumn sun." Also, the expression is associated with the period in the life of the peasants, when field work ended and women were taken for home affairs: they were drooling, trees trembled, clips. In the old days of young "Baby Summer", the cucumbers began to pickle and followed the custom with the beginning of young "Baby Summer" to put up and settle all conflicts. In Russia, these days were celebrated as rural holidays. In the evenings, they rushed, sang, arranged gatherings. After "Babiy Summer", women hung up with the canvas, were taken for spindlers, needlework.

According to another version, the combination of "India Summer", "Baby Days", "Baba Cold" in the old days had a meaning based on superstition: women possess the power to return the seasons of the year and in general to influence the weather.

The people say that "Only a woman can warm it, when almost everything is lost."

Babi in summer is called several days thaw after the first autumn cold. Meteorologically, this period, of course, is not constant, and the date of its present arrival changes the year from year to year. However, the calendar day of the offensive of the Baby Summer is considered to be September 14 (day of the Simeon-annepage), and the end of September 21 (aspos day). I wonder what the autumn itself can be thanked for these affectionses. Active fading of foliage is associated with the release of a large amount of heat, which then rises up, and this affects atmospheric pressure, increasing it.

There is a lot of people who are associated with the Babi summer. If the rainbow appears these days - the autumn will be warm if it is raining - it will be dry, and if there is no rainy and rainy. He became in the people traditional and custom with the arrival of these days warmth to put up and settle conflicts.

In September, the summer came to us,
His Babi is all name.
In the leaves of yellow dressed
Love everything and wait for it!

How nice to plunge
Again in summer warm
Sun, sky, smile.
Fitting easily, light!

Congratulations on Babi in the summer.
In the heart let the fire burns.
Good summer, I know
And you will give you happiness!

Pozhe summer comes,
As the eighth miracle of the world
As the latest leads,
Warm autumn signs.
I congratulate everyone with Babi in the summer,
I wish everyone to see it -
Couple - Poet sadness
And the works of human plots.
Lost time somewhere
We returned to Indian summer!

So the Indian summer came, I congratulate this wonderful and beautiful sometimes. Let this season be a small holiday of the soul, let the sun rays warm the soul, filling with a feeling of joy, inspiration and love. Silver cobweb, first autumn breathing, farewell with summer and incomprehensible feeling of happiness and delight. Let all this remain warm memories in the heart.

Indian summer came,
And we want to wish
To bright and freely
You could always dream.

So that all the desires come true,
And the dream was ahead.
So that in life there was more
And miracles, and kindness.

And let the queen autumn
To us on the road, in a hurry,
Rest in Indian summer,
And walk from the soul.

Babye summer comes -
In the cape dressed everything.
Rushes leaves, the sun shines.
How to live perfectly in the world!

Congratulations on the Babi summer,
Let him fly to you with greetings
On the wings on their luck.
Let all the tasks decide!

Sun, Sea, Warm Beach -
Everything remains somewhere.
Sail Last kiss
We are great summer.

Let the last days
What the soul is warm
Warm, sunny mood
We will save us.

Let him saturate positive
This wonderful time.
I wish you faith in a miracle,
Understanding, good.

Still dressed in the foliage
Although autumn, only summer,
Amazingly beautiful
Indian summer gives happiness,
Happiness that is still a little bit
The sun shines on the track,
The sun shines heated,
The season warm extended.

Indian summer is a chance
Light and warmth will last
Well, the sun turn
It will be useful for us in winter.
My friend, use the moment
In nature, rest
Do not take off on compliments
Indian summer you meet.
Let heat be pretty
Also in your fate,
Let people ever meet
Only good!

Indian summer came to us,
The sun has gotten
So that you are in the shower
Everything bloomed and sang.

To the beach you yourself
The place was stamped
Well, who does not like him,
To love.

Like summer days
We note again
No sadness and longing
We always wish to live.

Autumn - not a reason to climb into the berry
After all, the summer returned weeks for two.
And the sun again illuminates the road
Towards a happy, successful fate.

Let the sunny ray of heat warms
And soul, and heart, and the whole secret world,
And the grandmother summer rain is washes,
To later arrange you a festive feast!

Indian summer - time golden,
Warm gift in front of the winds of the winds,
Soon the autumn, the anthem will play
And the trees will throw off cover.

My friends and I walk through the Skater,
Finally, trying to warm up
Keep naive faith,
As if you can go from autumn.

Smiling sun, says goodbye,
Pulls the golden rays to us,
And nature slightly apologizes
What the races fly to the south.

Congratulations: 32 in verse, 4 In prose.