Who is this witch? Since ancient times, a witch was considered a woman who had magical knowledge and used this knowledge for various purposes, including harming people. In pre-Christian Rus', the witch was more of a positive character than a negative one. After all, the very word “witch” among the ancient Slavs meant “knowing mother.” In those distant times, witches treated people from various diseases and wounds, protected magic spells crops from insect invasion, could divert enemies from their village.

But witches could also do evil by causing damage, darkness, diseases on animals and people, taking milk from cows, causing discord in the family and much more. Even then, there was protection from witches for people important matter, and they attached great importance to this.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', witches became completely negative characters; it was believed that their power and magical knowledge came from demons, and they were the demons’ helpers in all their machinations against people.

To successfully defend against a witch, it is important to know who exactly the witch is. After all, knowing a person who practices witchcraft and tries to harm you with it, you can resist this.

Also, for example, a witch is very well recognized by animals, cats, dogs, especially cats. These animals are very sensitive to dark energy. The dog barks loudly in the presence of the witch, the cat's hair stands on end and hisses at the witch. In a word, in the presence of a witch, animals, as a rule, behave inappropriately.

IN modern world With the development of civilization, our instincts have become significantly duller, but have not disappeared. It is with their help that you can recognize a witch if you wish. Listen to your inner voice. If there is a witch next to you, you may experience a completely incomprehensible excitement associated with the energy emanating from the witch. As a rule, witches have different energy from ordinary people. It is denser, more powerful and brighter and evokes the feeling of an intruder (gaze) following you. This is true, and by looking around carefully, you will be able to identify the person who constantly accompanies you with his gaze. Concerning different descriptions external signs witches that the Internet is replete with, then this is complete nonsense; both a glamorous beauty and a city madwoman can fit them. Anyone can be a witch: a respectable lady, a shy-looking girl, a successful businesswoman, an old lady “God’s dandelion”, etc.

How to protect yourself from witches

Protection from a witch should begin already outside the threshold of your home, which is our “fortress.” U front door you need to hang a bunch of wormwood or a bunch of juniper branches. They have a peculiar energy that causes a witch’s skin to burn, and she is unlikely to cross the threshold of your home if these plants are present there.

There are also many prayers, conspiracies and church rituals for protection from witches. Even if you memorize two or three spells or prayers, this will already be an effective defense against witches if you understand or feel that there is a threat from them. The dark energy of the witch accumulates the garbage and dirt in your home and begins to clean your home.

You can protect yourself from negative energy with the following spell:

Satan is our enemy, and all his army is evil spirits
Take it from our doorstep
What dashing people brought to our scrap
Night demons and midday demons
Dirt, water, sand, all sorts of dark slander
Our enemy Satan, the unclean, take him from our paths

Then collect the garbage clockwise and take it to the crossroads at midnight.

This conspiracy is a very effective protection against witches and sorcerers:

May the Lord bless the servant of God to follow. I do not walk, I do not fly, and the Most Holy Mother of God, lead to the Sinai mountains, gather all sinners with sorcerers and wells, lock their teeth and lips with a lock of gold, throw the castle to the bottom of the sea, and the key to the castle into the high heavens. Whoever finds this key will defeat the servant of God.

This conspiracy from a witch, sorcerer, damage and other black witchcraft:

In the morning I’ll get up, wash myself with spring water and dry myself with a white sheet. I will pray to you, our Lord. The Lord will go with you from gate to gate, from under the bridge to the bridge. There is a stone to the side, and the cathedral stands on the stone. Behind the white cathedral is our Lord Christ. Behind Christ is the Holy Mother of God, swaddling her son Jesus. Mother of God, I came (came) to you, neither in silver nor in gold. I came (came) to pray to you. Ask for the mercy of the Lord, to remove from the slave (name) all sorrows and illnesses, from the heart and from fear. Like a sorcerer-witch, like a whisperer, a whisperer. Like a bare-haired woman. For a fair-haired girl. Seven Hundred by seven hundred, Seven Hundred by seven hundred, Seven Hundred by seven hundred. God save me from all witches and sorcerers. Amen!

An effective way to protect against the machinations of a witch is to draw a cross on the door on St. George’s Day and scatter poppy seeds in front of the threshold.

There is a belief that witches love poppy very much, but they can only collect it one grain at a time, and while they are collecting the scattered poppy, the sun rises and they can no longer use their magic to harm people.

Also, to protect yourself from witches, you can use various herbs, nettle, weeping grass, Chernobyl grass and many others. Herbs must be collected in the morning dew, then dried, and then ground into powder. Then all rooms in the house should be fumigated with this powder, and the traces of a woman suspected of witchcraft should be sprinkled with this powder.

But of course, the most effective defense against witches is your own energy and the ability to use it. By concentrating your own energy, you can place a mirror wall between yourself and the witch, which will reflect what is directed at you. negative energy. And it will not only reflect it, but will strengthen it even more and amaze the witch herself. This action is best performed if you are in crowded places, and it is also an excellent protection against a witch at work. After all, it is at work, in the work team, that damage is often caused.

You can surround yourself with a protective cocoon, through which no dark energy directed at you by a witch will break through. You can also cover the witch with your energy cap, thus neutralizing her biofield.

And lastly, you can work proactively and attack the witch yourself through directed impulses of your energy, presenting them in the form of arrows that you send at her. Of course, not every person is capable of using such methods of protection from a witch on an energetic level.

In order to successfully resist the witch with the help of energy protection, you need strong natural energy, constant training to concentrate energy, and most importantly, pure thoughts.

With us you can get qualified advice, undergo diagnostics, receive protection from damage and remove damage, including with the help of magic keys.

With hope and Faith in the Best,
Your Elena Svetlaya

"Witch" comes from the Old Russian words “Ved-Vedat” - knowledge and “mother”. Which most likely meant that the witches possessed sacred knowledge, which they received from Mother Earth. Probably, witches were originally her priestesses. However, subsequent layers of beliefs and ideas under the influence of Christian existence greatly changed the idea of ​​witches, but could not expel them from the popular consciousness.

Witches are one of the main characters in the demonology of all nations. According to popular beliefs, witches carried two essences, sometimes completely independent of each other - human and demonic.

Witch appearanceThere were different ideas about the appearance of witches. In the north of Russia, for example, it was believed that a witch was an old, ugly woman who, if desired, could turn into a young beauty. And among the southern Slavs, in Ukraine, for example, it was believed that the witch was in the guise of a young beauty - a maiden or a young woman, but her inner essence was a harmful, creepy old woman, into which she turned when she had already managed to lure the soul of a man into her net. This is exactly how the most charming witch in Russian is described. classical literature- Gogol's Pannochka from the story “Viy”. However, it should be noted that despite the difference in the sequence of reincarnations, both peoples noted this ageless status of a witch.

How to become a witch
A woman could become a witch in several ways:

1) Vedovskaya Magic force could be inherited from mother to daughter, sometimes from grandmother. Such witches were hereditary and had an innate gift.

2) In addition, an ordinary woman could well become a witch if she was possessed by an evil spirit or the devil, or the restless soul of a deceased or unrepentant sinner who had not received absolution. Such entry could occur by consent or against the will of the woman. Such women were also called possessed.

3) One became a witch through cohabitation with the devil (option, with a snake). 4) Or, if a woman made a deal with the devil for the sake of enrichment.

5) There was another option - to receive witchcraft power from a dying witch who has no heirs.

6) Some peoples also had beliefs that girls whose parents behaved incorrectly during her infancy could become a witch. For example, if the mother breastfed the girl for more than two years (three Good Fridays) or her mother or the girl herself was born out of wedlock.

The witch was credited with the ability to cast spells on people, pets, plant products, etc., as a result of which people and animals get sick, die, newborns do not sleep at night, cry, households quarrel, weddings are upset, food spoils, threads break, work fails. In Ukraine and the Carpathians they believed that Witches could send hail, hurricane winds, floods, fires, and kidnap celestial bodies, cause drought and other disasters. The most active and dangerous witches were on full or new moons, on the night of Ivan Kupala and on St. George's Day, as well as in the weeks preceding the Annunciation, Easter, Trinity and Christmas. On such days, witches could turn into cats, dogs, toads, owls or other animals or even objects (wheels, branches, balls of thread, needles) - they scared people, sent damage and behaved as they wanted.

Identify and neutralize
Considering the strength and abilities of the Witches, it is clear that their actions posed a direct danger to the villagers and their households. Therefore, great importance was attached to the method of identifying and neutralizing witches.

Basic ways to recognize a witch

1) Lure the witch closer to the Kupala bonfire. The proximity of the fire causes physical suffering to the witch and she is tormented by cramps, and in order to get rid of them she must come very close to the fire. The main methods of luring were considered to be: boiling a piece of damp linen with needles or aspen pegs stuck into it, and you could also pour the milk of a cow spoiled by a witch into the fire or onto a hot sickle.

2) To watch for the witch in the barn, where, as a rule, she entered in the form of a toad or other witch animal, and black out her eye or paw. And the next day, track down a woman with a damaged part of her body. It was possible to kill the animal or throw it into the water. It was believed that a woman who was a witch for a year would either die or drown herself.

3) It was possible to recognize during church service, especially Easter or Christmas. During the service, the witch tries to stand with her back to the altar and does not walk with everyone else. procession around the church, during the service he tries to touch the icon, banner or priest’s cassock.

4) In Ukraine, it was believed that if you walk past a group of talking women, while twisting a cookie under your armpit, the witch will immediately begin to swear and scold the person passing by.

5) The witch could be seen through a log or through a board that was placed on the coffin from which a twig fell out.

6) The witch could also be seen through a harrow, which was made from aspen wood for one day.

7) Put the milk in the oven in a frying pan, throwing in nine needles three times in advance.

8) Milk the cow for live trout.

9) B Easter Sunday light a fire in the stove from the logs that were set aside every Monday during Lent from the wood that was brought into the house for lighting.

10) The most cruel way was to throw a woman suspected of witchcraft tied into a pond. It was believed that witches did not drown under any circumstances. In Ukrainian ship acts acts of the XVIII Art. There are indications of trials of witches by water, which is called there the “Judgment of God.” As an example, we can cite the case when in 1709 one villager and nobleman tested the noblewoman Yavorskaya with water in the following way: they stripped her to the naked body, tied her crosswise, as was usually done in such cases - her thumb right hand tied to thumb left foot, and the big toe of the left hand to the big toe right leg, then they pulled the cord and lowered it into the pond. If the unfortunate woman drowned, she was considered innocent. Often such executions ended in the death of an innocent woman. In the story of the famous Ukrainian writer Grigory Kvitka-Osnovyanenko’s “The Witch of Konotop” describes precisely such a plot, which at first glance may seem incredible, but is in fact based on real events and very truthfully describes the life of the Cossack elders in the 18th century.

Charms against witches
An effective way to protect yourself from witches’ tricks was to draw a cross on the door with tar on St. George’s Day. Scattered poppy seeds also helped a lot. Since it was believed that witches loved poppy, but could only collect it grain by grain, while they were doing this, morning came and they had no time left for harmful actions.

Death of a WitchIt was believed that for its connection with evil spirits The witch is punished with a difficult death: she cannot die until she conveys her knowledge; during the agony of the Witch, a storm arises or a huge black dog appears, which does not disappear until the funeral. In Polesie they said that the Witch could not die until the ceiling of the house was dismantled or until she was covered with calf skin. They believed that after death the Witch visited her home at night; to prevent such a posthumous “walk,” the Witch is buried face down or her coffin is pierced with an aspen peg.

In contact with


11 Signs that you have a strong Witch in front of you. We often hear that someone has been hexed, and some may even cite the example of someone they know who suddenly suddenly lost their luck in life. The ability to recognize a witch among the people around you will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

Witches have long been considered the friends of the devil himself and the receptacle of evil otherworldly forces. People have always been sure that witches could cause damage or the evil eye; they were feared, hated and at the same time respected. Nowadays, half of the people are skeptical about the existence of witchcraft, and most of I am sure that witches, psychics and sorcerers exist and live among us.

How to recognize a modern witch by appearance
Appearance is the most striking indicator of a witch's nature. Many people endowed psychic abilities, have a noticeable flaw or a bright, catchy appearance.

Hair color and length are the most striking feature. Witches often have fiery red or blue-black long hair that seems to be filled with power.

If a woman carefully braids her hair in public or, on the contrary, she constantly wears them loose, strictly makes sure that her hair is not touched by strangers and scrupulously destroys hair removed from the comb, then you can take a closer look: it is possible that this woman knows the secrets of nature and is familiar with the concepts of energy exchange.

External flaw is the second extremely important indicator.

Strabismus, lameness, or noticeable birthmark is considered a mark indicating the otherworldly power of the owner of the imperfection.

However, the absolute, striking, perfect beauty of the face and figure is also a clear sign of this woman’s abilities.
Rare eye color is another sign of witches, which are often owners of green, black or blue eyes. Also, women with a penchant for extrasensory perception and witchcraft often have the ability to put a person in their place with one glance or to win them over.

If a woman from your not-so-close circle causes you irrational fear or, on the contrary, you cannot resist her silent participation and tell her all your secrets, and she sits silently and does not take her eyes off you, then you are almost certainly a witch.

The wardrobe of women with witchcraft abilities is often characterized by a predominance of dark and natural colors, natural fabrics and loose fit.

But if, naturally, on certain days, your colleague or friend, who constantly wears elegant, discreet and modest clothes, suddenly puts on a bright, flashy dress and drives the entire male half of the team crazy, then most likely this is not without reason: witches, due to the attention of others, can raise and feed your energy.

Jewelry and accessories of unusual girls are often incomprehensible to many people: for example, witches rarely wear a combination of silver and gold; they may wear an incomprehensible symbol on their necks and not allow anyone to touch their jewelry, much less try it on.

What does her behavior say about a witch?

The behavior of a witch in almost any life situation will be different from the behavior of an ordinary woman. There are several of the most obvious signs of a person’s unusualness and the presence of certain abilities.

The ability to predict the future is perhaps, the fundamental sign of a witch. Many women, who do not want to be suspected of having abilities, deliberately hide them, but spontaneous predictions can be impossible to hide.

For example, if your colleague always guesses what mood your boss is in and never gets into trouble, talks about some matter and subsequently always turns out to be right, or in a bad mood gloomily wishes “good” to a colleague who irritates her, and she words come true after a while - then in front of you is probably a witch who has the power of words and the gift of fulfilling her plans.

Love for animals is another sign modern witch , by which it can be recognized. A witch will never throw a kitten into the street and will not be afraid of a street dog. She will talk to the dog as if it were her own, and she will take the cat off the street, wash it, and in some incredible way place it in good hands in a couple of days.

A woman with abilities is very rarely afraid of spiders, snakes or mice, almost certainly gets a black or red cat - the color of her hair, and is able to “agree” with an evil yard dog so that it will sincerely rejoice at every meeting with the witch, hating all other neighbors.

Witches have knowledge of edible and medicinal herbs and roots, adding them to almost any dish and constantly experimenting with spices.

And this does not spoil the food, but on the contrary, makes it more tasty.
The witch loves unusual teas, is often scrupulous about the use of utensils, and in response to a complaint about a headache, she can offer a herbal mixture that will help.

Speech and manner of speaking will help to recognize a witch: these women carefully monitor their speech, as if weighing every word, especially when they are angry or upset.

Even at the peak of emotions, you won’t hear useless curses or screams from a witch: she knows that her words can come true, and if she wishes evil, then it is measured, thoughtfully, and in such a tone as if she is saying goodbye forever.

How to identify a witch by date of birth

It is no secret that witches often have esoteric abilities from the day they are born. Most often, people with abilities are born into numerologically strong numbers, and the types of abilities are inherent in the essence of different Zodiac Signs and their elements.

Eg, fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are often presented as psychics who see the future, are skilled in handling fire and have a good understanding of animals.

Representatives of earthly zodiac signs such as Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn are most often born with the ability to predict the future using tarot cards, runes or the book of destinies.

Air Signs - Aquarius, Libra and Gemini- often seen prophetic dreams, easily master the technique lucid dreams and cannot imagine their life without meditation.

In Russia, you most often encounter witches and sorcerers (men have long entered the arena) in churches - on major church holidays.

Not all believers know what dark deeds are going on in churches during services.

Someone will be surprised: “ But how so? Why in churches?».

Energy! They need strength. The temple is the easiest place to get them. So.

How to recognize unclean people in church:
When witches kneel in church, they try to cross their legs behind them in this position.
Witches very quickly cross themselves with their left hand, that is, they make a cross, first cross the stomach, then the left shoulder, the right and the forehead.
They leave the temples with their backs and as if backing away. This is due to the fact that there are many nerve endings on the spinal cord, and the rays from the icons and the altar strongly burn the backs of witches and sorcerers.
In church they can walk around you counterclockwise and point their hand at you, then stand behind you and suck the energy out of you. If this happens, then immediately, without hesitation, hit the witch or sorcerer with your left hand so that the damage comes back. The second time a witch or sorcerer will not do anything like that to you.

Please note if you lit a candle, stood in some place in the church, and the candle suddenly became smokey. Don't be lazy and look at your feet. There might be a needle there. Ordinary damage in order to feed on your powers.
Do not allow strangers to move your candle, make sure that it burns to the end. Make sure that your candle is not extinguished, that another candle is not placed on it, and that your burning candle is not stuck in a candlestick. After all, in this way they damage you and take away your strength.
Many beginners do not know where to put the lit candle. A witch or sorcerer will definitely try to approach such a person with advice. A person is told: “Light the candle and leave the church backwards.” If a person does this, he will damage himself.

This situation also happens. You have a lit candle in your hands, and they ask you to light their candle from yours. It is better to politely refuse, let them light their candle from the burning candles standing on the candlestick.
If a man or woman stands with a burning candle, and holds the candle horizontally rather than vertically, they are causing damage.

Don't believe me? Go to the temple for a big holiday and watch.

But it’s not only in churches that you can meet witches. We all know about the “evil eye” of gypsies. To protect yourself from them, try to silently pass by and under no circumstances look into their eyes. This will make it much more difficult for the gypsy to do something bad to you.

Refrain from picking up small change on the street - it is most often the source of warts, diseases and damage. Do not touch lying crutches, sticks, canes, gloves, etc. lost items.

If you suspect that you are talking to an unkind person who may say or wish bad things, hold on to something metal during the conversation.

You should also be careful about food that you are persistently treated to. Using food and drinks to make a person sick is not difficult.

Be wary of accepting items made of wool as gifts. The easiest way to damage wool is to damage it, which will then be passed on to the owner of the item. Do not give or accept as gifts without a symbolic “payoff”: scarves and gloves (towards separation), watches (towards melancholy), or sharp objects (towards a quarrel).

Have you suddenly found a pin in your or your husband’s clothes? It's better not to unfasten it. Because one of the most common ways to ruin your marriage is to attach a charmed pin to your clothes. The spell begins the moment you unfasten the pin. And believe me, it really works... It's better to get rid of the thing where the pin was found. In villages, such things are burned to this day, but in the city... at least just throw them in the trash.

Imagine, sorceresses can live with you in the same house, and you don’t even suspect why one of your loved ones suddenly got sick, why things aren’t going well. And why did one continuous black streak in life begin? Pay attention if a neighbor often comes to you asking for some salt or eggs. It’s better not to give anything at all and ward off the annoying lady. And certainly nothing should be taken from her hands. And if you took it, sprinkle the item with holy water. In your home, hang a bag of wormwood or a clove of garlic above the door. Since ancient times, wormwood and garlic have been reputed to be the most reliable protection from evil spirits.

Stones such as tiger eye, agate and amethyst are considered good protectors from the evil eye and damage.

If you suddenly find yourself at sea, bring with you a small flat pebble that you take out of the water. There is no magic here. It’s just that the energy of the sea is very strong and will be able to protect you from the evil eye.

Try to have less black and dark things in your wardrobe. It is much more difficult to cause trouble for a person dressed in light clothes.

If there are serious suspicions of damage: children get sick inexplicably, dishes break on their own and objects fall, other strange phenomena occur and bad dreams occur, carry out a general cleaning.

Inspect the door jambs and door frames to see if there are any stuck needles (just don’t touch them with your hands), throw out any misplaced paper clips, coins lying around, other small metal items. Wash everything, wash it, rinse it.
And if you decide to turn to psychics and magicians, be extremely careful. Many people don’t even realize how much worse they are making themselves and their loved ones with such appeals. Yes, there are people who really help.

But remember that such people never set rates for their services. They serve God, and therefore help, regardless of whether the person turning to them has money or not. If they demand fabulous sums from you supposedly “for candles”, run away from such magicians without looking back.

Anyone who has never encountered all this will be very surprised - what a topic, and what advice. And some will think - I’m so good, why should anyone harm me.

Believe me, the victim of a witch is often completely innocent.

Most witches do not set out to do harm to others. They do well for themselves. They cannot live without it. And God forbid you from meeting people who, by their actions, distort the true meaning of the word “witch.”

« There is no sin in man - only illness, impenetrable ignorance and false use of strengths and abilities "Sri Aurobindo.

A technique on how to fight a witch.

To cope with a witch, you need to see, “be clairvoyant.”

And if you have this clairvoyance, you definitely need to see her “dead” relatives. It has always been a mystery to me how people without clairvoyance remove damage. This is the same as how a blind person would work as a bus driver.

It is necessary to properly isolate the physically living witch, whom you know, from her physically dead relatives in the astral plane and in the ether, as if dead witches who died physically, but are not in the astral plane and ether.

As soon as you interrupt the energetic connection between them, the physically living witch instantly becomes weak and loses the ability of her clairvoyance in the astral plane and in the ether.

But I wrote this as a humane “half measure”. Because there is pity. But pity for witches will still not save them from the High Court. If we feel sorry for the witch, we still won’t do them any good.

Becoming and being a witch is a voluntary choice. And being a witch is very bad for a monad, which is in the Outer Space of matter.

If the witch is not properly cut off from the ancestral witch energy, this energetic connection between them will be restored again. And everything will start again.

The task at the first stage of the fight against a witch is to isolate her from the energy from which she feeds.It's like pulling the plug out of the socket and the light bulb goes off. And then it’s up to you to decide what you will do with the witch. Because when a witch is cut off from a source of power and clairvoyance, weak witches become like ordinary women, and what exactly is wrong for her to do? Here are strong seasoned witches, we need to “strangle” them harder, this requires Strength.

How much effort and time it will take you to “de-energize” a witch depends on what kind of dedication you have and on how you can see the ether and astral plane, and on what level the witch has. Because an independent struggle with a seasoned witch, for a person who does not have initiation into the White hierarchy, may not end in “victory over the witch.”

With the help of prayers, rolling eggs, casting wax, and so on, “incomprehensible” psychics or healers will not be able to remove the effects of the witch. Therefore, when people take on such a thing as “fighting a witch on an energetic level” without dedication, it ends in nonsense.

Many people practice the technique of “de-energizing” by isolating from energy; success depends not only on who does it, but also on who they do it against.

I always told the people who studied with me that it is necessary, before performing any actions in the astral plane or in the ether, to carefully examine, see and scan everything. "Better a hundred measure once, and cut once."

1. The first step is that you see a witch in the astral plane.

2. The second step - you see in the astral plane a witch relative who is not physically alive. Usually, previous witches are visible behind her. Like, “the witch chick.”

3. The third step is you “destroy” them (already dead, who are in the astral plane). And if it works, then your witch will have no energy left.

4. The fourth step, you remove the impact that was made on you or your “ward”.

5. The fifth step is up to you, I don't know what you want to do with the witch.

If you took a good look at everything at the beginning, and it turned out that the witch does not have dead relatives in the astral plane, it means that she performed a ritual to initiate herself into a witch. In this case, you find intermediaries in this ritual and deal with them as in the first “generic” version. And also find again the source of “devilish” energy and try to cut it off. In principle, such cases when women become witches not through genus are extremely rare. But if you do come across such a case, then there will be more “fuss” with such a witch.

In principle, such methods of fighting witches are no worse than the Inquisition.

Maya (Petenkova O.V.)

Witches are most afraid of FUTURE TIME. With time you can defeat the witch. Believe in yourself and in God. I wrote about the time on other pages of the site. If you need further advice. Please don’t hesitate to call about how to free yourself from the witch.

And also write about your experiences and stories on the forum. You can also ask questions on the forum.

10.07.2018Maya (Petenkova O.V.)

great God

Gentlemen! Do not copy my texts and do not post them without my permission and a backlink on your websites and blogs, because before posting them on the Internet, I take into account and protect my copyrights, I know how to do this. In addition, many texts are taken from my book. If you do not respect my copyright, I can sue you at any time. Maya (Petenkova O.V.)

The greatest evil that the enemy can do to us is to accustom our hearts to hatred. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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