Is swimming in a dream a sign of joy or misfortune? A person lives approximately a third of his life sleeping. No wonder that mysterious world dreams are of great interest to scientists, doctors, and soothsayers. It is believed that color and black and white pictures that can be seen while relaxing tell about the future. Details help to unravel the meaning of such a vision.

Swimming in a dream: general information

Water has long evoked positive associations in people. It is called the source of life, youth, purity. Does this mean that swimming in a dream is good?

After reading the opinions of Vanga, Miller, Hasse and other famous predictors, you can get chaotic, often contradictory information. To understand what events a dream is preparing a person for, you need to remember as many details as possible. The state of the water, its temperature, the mood of the swimmer, the location, and others will tell you whether joyful events or failures are coming. important factors. So, what does it mean to swim in a dream?

Cold or hot water

Water temperature is an important detail that should be remembered first when waking up.

A negative omen is to bathe in ice water in a dream. Ice has symbolized cold for many centuries. Such a dream should be regarded as a warning to the sleeping person. It is possible that he is going to act rashly, take risks where there is no need for it. Safety is much more important than fleeting profits.

Cold (not icy) water in which a person bathes in a dream tells about his emotional state. It is possible that the sleeper is immersed in deep depression, the result of emotional shock. The dream also speaks of excessive passivity where active action is needed.

Seeing yourself floundering in warm water is, on the contrary, good. A lover can have no doubt that his feelings will be answered. A person starting a new business will soon receive evidence of its profitability.

Is the water clean?

Not only the temperature, but also the state of the water in which the owner of the dream bathes plays a role important role. The interpretation of the resulting dream changes depending on whether it is clean or dirty.

Swimming in clean water in a dream is wonderful, especially if it is also transparent. A healthy person will remain so; a sick person has already taken a step towards a cure. You can safely count on positive changes that will soon happen in your life. At the very least, good news is expected.

A vision in which dirty water appears has the exact opposite interpretation. A bathing person risks ruining his relationship with his family because of a stupid quarrel, or parting with someone important for a long time. It is also worth remembering whether there was mud floating in the water. If yes, then you should pay maximum attention to the professional sphere, since a slowdown in career growth is possible. If the person is in a romantic relationship, it may break up. If there is a lot of mud, this sometimes indicates the appearance of envious people who can do harm.

Times of Day

When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account the time of day. Swimming in daylight does not carry any additional semantic load; in this case, other factors will help explain the resulting dream: the temperature and cleanliness of the reservoir, the place in which the sleeper is swimming. Diving into water at night is a different matter.

Night swimming is deciphered by the vast majority of dream books as a negative omen. The combination of darkness and water can indicate the threat of serious illness. It is possible that ill-wishers spread gossip behind your back; this can result in a quarrel with relatives and friends, or problems at work.

Also, at night, swimming in clean or dirty water in a dream means experiencing doubts and worries. It may turn out that the owner of the dream is haunted by remorse and is unable to forget about this or that unseemly act.

Swimming place - river

Swimming in a river is a positive sign in most cases. A sleeping person is in a state of harmony, nothing bothers him. Seeing yourself entering a body of water, you should assume the beginning of changes that will turn out to be good. The exception is contaminated water, indicating conflicts and troubles that have already happened or are only expected.

Swimming in a river in a dream with someone is a great sign. People who see such pictures will soon receive a higher position, recognition in the team, unexpected profits, and resolution of financial difficulties.

Swimming in sea water

What does it mean to swim in? When you wake up, you need to remember how the waves behaved. Negative omen - sailing in a storm. The owner of the dream has either already lost the ability to suppress negative emotions, or is about to face this. A strong shock and loss is also likely. It’s also bad to get tangled in algae while swimming. This picture speaks of a loss of inner freedom and depression resulting from painful experiences.

Swimming in the sea in a dream is a good sign if the water behaves calmly. This may indicate a quick resolution of serious problems and elimination of the consequences of old mistakes. Warm water promises a sudden resolution of financial problems and quick enrichment.

All of the above is also relevant for swimming in the ocean in dreams.

Bathing place - pool

In their dreams, people swim not only in natural bodies of water. Is swimming in a pool in a dream good or bad? To answer this question correctly, you first need to evaluate its size. Swimming in a small pool can be deciphered as a warning that a person has doubts about his own abilities, does not dare to start a serious business, and is postponing the transition to active action.

The situation is different with a large pool. Having immersed yourself in one in a dream, you can hope for a quick promotion in your career. There is also an improvement in the financial situation, it is possible that it will be significant.

What does swimming in a pool mean in a dream for a young girl. If she doesn't wear a swimsuit, she needs to get her priorities straight. It is possible that the mistress of the dream is overly focused on her personal life, neglecting building a career.

Bath, shower

Heart troubles caused by the behavior of the object of love are promised to young people by swimming in the bathtub. Those who are married and suspect their partner of adultery should pay special attention to such a dream. It is possible that suspicions will soon turn into confidence.

Bathing in clean water in the bathroom in a dream is still half the problem; it is much worse if it is dirty and opaque. A person who wakes up with memories of such a picture should take a closer look at his own surroundings; among his relatives and friends, there may be people who treat him poorly and who can create trouble. Also, such a dream is a warning about danger to pregnant women; expectant mothers need to beware of an accident and monitor their well-being.

Bathing in the shower, on the contrary, promises the person who saw the dream immediate positive changes. Man in soon feels or already feels a surge of energy, he will be able to handle any achievements, even the most incredible ones. Such a dream may also portend pleasant events on the love front. The exception is cool water flowing from a hot tap. This promises disappointment in the romantic sphere.

Swimming in the lake

If swimming in a river in a dream is more good than bad, then the lake promises all sorts of benefits. This natural body of water has long been associated by the inhabitants of our planet with calm and wisdom. It’s just great if the lake, in which a person is picturesque and beautiful, envelops you with clear water.

The positive changes that such a dream brings can happen in any area. Most often it indicates upcoming start Serious relationships, promises a strong marriage.


What does it mean to bathe in water in a dream, depending on what the sleeping people are wearing? If the dive occurs without first undressing, a person swims in clothes, this is a positive vision. He will receive unexpected profits and inheritance.

If you dreamed of swimming naked, you should remember the mood with which it happened. When a bather feels pleasure from the touch of water on the body, this promises him pleasure and recovery from illness. Another thing is the feeling of shame due to the fact that someone watches swimming without clothes. In real life, the owner of the dream may be going through an awkward situation or is already suffering from memories of it.

What else do you need to know

A person who sees himself in an ice hole should rejoice. This picture promises him improved health, and possible reconciliation with loved ones, which happens after a long conflict. Nothing like bathing in warm milk. Such a vision indicates upcoming physical pleasures and pleasant communication.

When interpreting a dream associated with swimming in any body of water, it is first of all worth remembering your own feelings. The more pleasure a person experienced while floundering in the water, the more positive the events that such a vision warns will be.

(see Water) For joy, to pay debts, to be a guest, or even to get drunk; in clean water - luck, joy, health, success, happiness; V muddy water– failure, sadness, death of relatives, troubles, illness, dirty deeds; in the cold - health.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

What does it mean to swim in a dream?

In a clean river: a sign of everyday joys and pleasures.

Swimming in the pool with clean water: a harbinger that the result of your affairs will please you.

If you are bathing in a bath: such a dream, on the contrary, foreshadows troubles and problems.

Swimming in the sea: warns that strong emotions and deep feelings threaten to carry you away.

If the atmosphere of such a dream is negative, muddy water when swimming is a harbinger of trouble. Often such dreams indicate the onset of a disease.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Meaning of dreams Swimming

For joy or for a visit.

Swimming in a marble bath is a joyful surprise.

Taking a shower in a zinc bath - you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances.

Swimming in clean water means a carefree life.

Swimming in a pond means trouble.

To see children swimming in dirty, muddy water means to the joy of parents, to dive.

Interpretation of dreams from

Bathing in night dreams symbolizes cleansing, getting rid of all problems. But you can find out exactly what it means to swim in a dream only after the entire scenario you saw is reproduced in your memory. Depending on what exactly you dreamed about, the meaning can change dramatically.

Bathing in night dreams symbolizes cleansing, getting rid of all problems

Each of the famous dream books indicates its meaning of such dreams. The most accurate of them are the following:

  1. Miller's Interpreter. If you happen to swim in warm water, then financial well-being will soon await the sleeper. In the same case, if the water turns out to be cloudy, then the person is in danger of losing an item that he greatly values.
  2. Vanga's Dream Book. Your reputation will soon be restored, you will be able to cleanse yourself and get rid of unfounded slander.
  3. Esoteric dream book. Getting rid of responsibilities that burden the dreamer.
  4. English dream book. Clean water portends positive changes, and dirty - troubles and misfortunes.
  5. Women's dream book. All endeavors will be a great success.
  6. Modern interpreter. Bathing in the bathroom promises disappointment, but a calm bath promises success in business.

Swimming in a dream book (video)

Swim in a dream in clear or muddy water

Naturally, in the process of interpretation, one should take into account not only the very fact of the water procedures seen, but also the water and its quality:

  • pure - no obstacles interfere with the achievement of your goals, everything planned will soon be accomplished and will be a success;
  • muddy, dirty - the enemies will soon take active action, and many problems will arise in this regard. Spreading rumors will harm not only professional activities, but also personal life;
  • a girl in a clear lake - romantic relationships and a lot of positive emotions, the fulfillment of cherished desires.

An unmarried woman had a dream about swimming in a clean pond - she will soon meet her life partner

An unmarried woman had a dream about swimming in a clean pond - she will soon meet her life partner.

Why do you dream about swimming in an ice hole?

In most dream books, such a night vision foreshadows imminent trouble, serious illness or grief. Often such night visions are dreamed of by those who in real life have recently experienced severe stress. To this day he is in a far from pleasant position. The dream indicates that he does not need to sit idle. It is recommended to take active action as quickly as possible and radically change the way of your life.

In most dream books, such a night vision foreshadows imminent trouble, serious illness or grief

If such water treatments were not accompanied by negative emotions, then such a dream could mean a meeting with an old enemy. It will not be possible to avoid it, no matter how much you want to. In this case, the long-standing conflict will be resolved.

Swimming in a dream naked or with clothes on: why do you dream about this?

Skinny dipping in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. First of all, you need to take into account your own feelings:

  • merge with the reservoir into a single whole - and in real life the dreamer is in harmony with himself, soon he will be able to get rid of all problems and bad thoughts. There will be an opportunity to realize your deepest desires;
  • to feel embarrassed - in reality a person takes the opinions of others too seriously. It is for this reason that he cannot cultivate himself;
  • disgust, due to the fact that the water is dirty, will arise serious problems with health.

If bathing was carried out in clothes, then such a dream directly indicates that the dreamer feels unprotected, he has hidden secrets and is afraid to reveal them to his soulmate. Serious conflicts and lengthy showdowns cannot be ruled out. It is necessary to prepare properly, otherwise there is every chance of being humiliated and insulted.

Seeing people swimming in a dream

Watching a child frolic in a pond in a dream - good sign. Such a dream promises a carefree and happy life filled with fun. If the baby is sitting on the shore, but is afraid to take a plunge, then we can safely say that in real life the dreamer is tormented by doubts, he is worried about something.

Watching one swimmer in a dream is a quick loss, but a large number of swimmers indicates that in real life it will be possible to establish relationships with people

Bathing children symbolize forgiveness, cleansing from memories that oppress the dreamer. If the child is bathing in the bathtub, then it is worth taking the time to carry out everything free time to the family and closest people.

Watching one swimmer in a dream is a quick loss, but a large number of swimmers indicates that in real life it will be possible to establish relationships with people with whom conflicts arose not so long ago.

Swimming in a dream with a man in a pond: what does it mean?

There are several definitions of what a woman might dream of swimming in a pond with a man:

  • an unmarried girl had a chance to swim with stranger– a fateful meeting awaits her very soon. It’s worth remembering what a man looked like in his dreams, it’s quite possible that he can be recognized in real life, you shouldn’t miss given by fate chance;
  • the man is familiar - and in reality a romantic relationship with him is not excluded, but the final result of this relationship can be judged solely by taking into account additional details;
  • drowning, trying to hide or swim away altogether - a relationship with this man in reality will not be successful, many unpleasant surprises are possible on his part;
  • enjoy swimming - the relationship will be filled with positive emotions and bright feelings;
  • with her lover - hope for the further development of this relationship lies in the dreamer’s soul. You should be wary of such bold desires. There is a risk of losing inner freedom and completely surrendering to feelings;
  • the reservoir is very shallow - the woman is afraid that her relationship with this man will become known to others. Chances are high that her secret will soon be revealed;
  • with a lover - a quick quarrel with him and serious conflict with your legal spouse.

To an unmarried girl happened to swim with a stranger - a fateful meeting awaits her very soon

If in a dream you have to swim in a pond

The dream books say that to accurately decipher such night visions, it is necessary to take into account all the details of what was seen, and only after reproducing the entire scenario in memory, begin analysis:

  • clear pond - good luck will accompany the dreamer, mutual love and financial well-being await him;
  • swimming naked - you should think about your own behavior. It is possible that in real life a person is too frank;
  • falling into a transparent pond and joyfully swimming - a large monetary replenishment or finding love is expected;
  • swim and feel confident - regardless of the circumstances, a person is always confident in his own abilities;
  • suddenly start drowning - there is a serious danger; you should be very careful and take action to improve your health.

The dream books also say that swimming in a pond can mean that in real life a person is blatantly interfering in someone else’s life. It’s worth recalling all the recent events in your memory; perhaps you had a meeting with an old friend, or you just happened to discuss someone’s life with others.

Why do you dream about the sea (video)

Dreams in which you had to swim or watch this process from the side can be interpreted in different ways. Such a night vision can mean something good, or it can portend trouble. Only after a complete analysis of your sleep should you begin to take active action so as not to miss the chance that has appeared in life or to prevent the development of undesirable events.

Attention, TODAY only!

Most often, water seen in a dream foreshadows some events that will quickly enter the dreamer’s life. And if you dreamed of cold water, then you should think about whether everything in life is happening as you would like. Not a single dream book can give a definite answer to why you dream of ice water, since it’s all about the details.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

There are many interpretations of dreams in which cold water is present in Miller’s dream book. To understand why she is dreaming, it is necessary to consider each plot separately.

  • Walking barefoot on ice means you will lose peace due to fleeting joys.
  • Dousing yourself with ice water means spiritual cleansing, and you will probably get rid of something that oppresses you.
  • Sailing on a boat on a lake and seeing ice floes around you - someone from your environment is only pretending to like you.
  • You were doused with ice water in a dream - you will hear unpleasant news.
  • Drowning in an ice hole means illness.

Hardening as a symbol of fearlessness

Did you dream that you were swimming in an icy lake? This means that nothing can scare you. Swimming in ice-filled water and feeling cheerful at the same time means you won’t get confused in difficult times and will be able to accept correct solution. But if you swam in a dream and felt wild cold, it is better to refrain from making any decisions.

Diving into the sea in winter in a dream means you will conquer someone with your determination. But jumping into an ice pool means that you will not hesitate to defend your friends in controversial issue, predicts the Eastern Dream Book.

Cold test, or Don't give in to provocations

Are you wondering why you dream of putting your feet into ice water for a bet? It's simple: someone decides to test your determination and willpower. If it was easy for you to get your feet into the ice in a dream, you will be able to win this confrontation; couldn’t resist and stretched out your legs - in reality, try to avoid a situation in which you have to prove something.

Did you dream that your friends persuaded you to plunge into wormwood? This is exactly the case when your loss in an argument can play into your hands, pushing you to take decisive action, says Pastor Loff’s dream book.

Captured by the cold, or unexpected difficulties await you

Falling into a winter pond in a dream and swimming among ice floes while waiting for help is a sign of unexpected problems that will fall on you one after another, the Lunar Dream Book prophesies. If you can swim in a dream, then you will be able to deal with your troubles. It’s worse if you dreamed that you were so numb that you couldn’t swim. This dream promises quite big troubles.

If you fall into an ice hole and drown, be very attentive to your health; injuries and accidents are possible, suggests the Gypsy Dream Book.

Watching a winter pond means hesitation and indecision

Many people are interested in knowing why a person dreams of watching cold water in a river. If the water in the river was dark or muddy, then this promises fluctuations, taking some kind of important decision. Moreover, this indecision is not unfounded. To dream that the water in the river is clean and transparent - don’t doubt that everything will work out as it should.

Seeing that the water in the lake is so clean that you can see the bottom is a sign of victory over your own fears and complexes.

Cold water in everyday life is a symbol of coldness in relationships...

Anyone who dreamed that he was taking a shower with cold water flowing from it should think about his behavior with loved ones. The dreamer is too harsh and cold with his family, and their relationship may suffer as a result. But washing your hair with cold water means that the person who dreamed about this is too calculating.

Miss Hasse’s dream book gives a good interpretation, explaining why you dream that you are forced to drink cold water. The dreamer will be surrounded by honest people. But if you had to drink cold milk, beware of gossip.

Washing your face with cool water is a symbol of insight. Anyone who sees this in a dream can be sure that no one will deceive him. And washing in cold water is a sign of one’s own openness and honesty, predicts the Slavic Dream Book.

Swim in the river according to the dream book

River bathing can be interpreted in dream books in different ways - depending on the temperature and transparency of the water, as well as who was your companion in performing ablution. In order to avoid misunderstandings of interpretations of why you dream about a vision in which you happened to swim in a river, do not be lazy to remember the details you saw in the dream, interpreters advise.

What does Miller's dream book prophesy?

Having seen in a dream that you are swimming in a river, especially if you were not alone, but with other people, Miller’s dream book strongly recommends “studying” the condition of the reservoir. So, for example, if you dreamed that you were splashing with other people in clean and clear water, then this means that either wealth or wealth awaits you. great luck. But swimming in a muddy river symbolizes the collapse of hopes.

In a dream, did you fall and slip in muddy mud? Such a dream means mistakes that you can avoid if you pay attention to detail. Swimming in a swamp with people who cannot swim is a sign of stagnation in business.

The company will tell you what to expect...

Why you dream of swimming in a river can be interpreted in any way. Here, for example, is how water activities partners influence the events of the following days.

  • Seeing a friend next to you is a sign of fun.
  • Bathing a child in a dream means small, but still joys.
  • A woman dreamed of swimming with a man - a love affair.
  • A representative of the same sex swam with a man in a dream - to the presence of a rival.
  • Swimming in the river with a stranger means making new connections.
  • Swimming along the surface of the water next to a relative - for the arrival of guests.

Water purity: from success to trouble

Did you dream that you were diving in a clear river? The dream book of Nostradamus promises success in completing the work started. But the Islamic dream book “says” that swimming in a clean body of water symbolizes the purity of the dreamer’s thoughts and intentions. Drowning in a clear river in a dream is a sign that you will be “overwhelmed” with new responsibilities or projects that will appeal to you.

Be sure to find out why you dream of splashing in dirty water, advises the Lunar Dream Book, this will help you avoid trouble. Did you dream that you were swimming in a dirty river? There will be no problems, says the interpreter. And if, while swimming in a dirty pond, you feel algae entwining your legs, then beware of obstacles, they can completely ruin your plans.

Temperature of the water surface - Will there be any luck?

Why do you dream of swimming in a cold river, Tsvetkov’s dream book will tell you - you are too cold with others, this way you can earn the glory of being an individual farmer and a loner. Seeing yourself swimming in cold water with someone you know means a cooling of your relationship with him.

But the interpretation of the dream in which you swam in a warm river will please you: the fulfillment of your desire will please you with its timeliness.

Both in the mountains and in the valley, or career “vicissitudes”

Did you see yourself in a dream, bathing in a mountain stream? Such stories require clarification. Splashed in a mountain river at night in the light of the moon - expect to be promoted, but with probationary period. And if you swam in the river during the day, the new position has already been “waiting for you,” says Pastor Loff’s dream book.

But if you decide to find out why you dream of swimming in a river flowing in a valley, then you will find the answer in Vanga’s interpreter: you don’t expect any changes at work. But only if you swam in clothes. Did you dream that you dived into the water naked? To get a promotion, you need to be completely transparent.


Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Swim in a clean river- a sign of everyday joys and pleasures.

Swimming in a pool with clean water- a harbinger that the result of your affairs will please you.

If you are taking a bath- such a dream, on the contrary, foreshadows troubles and problems.

Swimming in the sea- warns that strong emotions and deep feelings threaten to carry you away. If the atmosphere of such a dream is negative- this is a clear call not to lose your head from the surging feelings, otherwise everything could end sadly.

Cloudy water when swimming- a harbinger of trouble. Often such dreams indicate the onset of a disease.

Women's dream book

A dream in which you are swimming in a lake with your friend, who is superior to you in her skill- means that your image and undoubted charm will be appreciated by others, but simply no one will notice your sins.

Dream book for a bitch

Swim in clean water- good health, successful business.

Cloudy, opaque water- if you feel unwell, consult a doctor so as not to make the disease worse.

Swim in a warm pleasant water - a sign of well-being, prosperity in the house; in hot water- to illness.

Swimming in the cold- water means victory over enemies.

Swimming in clear, clean water- promises you happiness, deliverance from old sorrows, problems and worries.

If you have swum in muddy water- such a dream foreshadows the loss of something valuable to you.

Swim in clean water- health and luck; in muddy water- illness and failure.

Eastern women's dream book

Pleasant swimming in calm waters- dreams of success in all endeavors.

Swim in the bath- to disappointment.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Swim in the bath- relief from illness and anxiety; see in the room- take a good one, rich wife(husband); in a river- strength and endurance; in muddy water- slight change in position; warm- benefits; swim in clothes- types of inheritance; wash your feet- have a good economy.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you are swimming in a pool- in reality this foreshadows deliverance from illness and anxiety. Swim in the sea- rejoice at your husband’s success, and for a young girl- such a dream foreshadows a wealthy groom. Swimming in the river- you will experience strong pressure from your superiors, show courage and restraint, and do not change your principles and interests. Swim in a lake- portends minor changes in financial situation and in relations with the chosen one.

If in a dream you are swimming in ice water in winter- in real life you will experience incomparable pleasure, which will be unexpectedly interrupted at the very peak moment. Swim in warm summer water- promises material benefits and a cordial attitude from a lover.

Bathing in milk in a dream- means wealth and success that await you ahead. If you are swimming naked in your dream- this means that you will surrender with all your passion to a person much older than you in age. Seeing naked men bathing- means that you will have a lot of fans and admirers; if you see naked women swimming- ill-wishers will try to drag you into a scandal or some unseemly deeds.

Dreaming about bathing a newborn- portends a happy solution to their difficult situation.

Dream book of the 21st century

Swimming in a dream- to joy or to visit.

Swim in a dream in a marble bath- to a joyful surprise, in zinc- means that it is difficult for you to understand your feelings, in cast iron enameled- to progress in business.

Taking a shower in a dream- means that you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances.

Swim in clean water- to a carefree life, in a pond to troubles, in dirty muddy water- to the accusation.

See children bathing- to the joy of the parents, dive- unfortunately, dangerous self-knowledge.

English dream book

A dream in which you had a chance to swim in clean and clear water- promises you a lot of good things. Success in work and love victories are guaranteed to you.

But if the water you swim in is dirty and cloudy- it means you have nothing to expect from life except sorrows and misfortunes, poverty and illness.

Islamic dream book

Anyone who sees in a dream that he is bathing and putting on new clothes - means that if he was removed from power, he will return to his previous post.

It is known that Ayub (Nov) (peace be upon him) after bathing was dressed in new clothes. Allah returned him to his people and made him an example to follow. His worries disappeared, his body was cleansed, and he became healthy again.

If someone sees in a dream that they have bathed and put on various clothes- his worries will disappear, but some kind of need will appear.

One who performed ablution in a dream, but did not complete it- he will not be able to complete his affairs and will not get what he wanted to get.

If someone sees a dream that he is performing ablution or bathing not alone- will find the thing that was previously stolen from him.

The one who performed ablution and began to perform prayer in a dream- expects relief from worries. He will thank the Almighty for the help provided.

Whoever sees a dream that he is performing ablution, although he is not allowed to do so?- he, experiencing anxiety, hopes for his liberation from this feeling. However, he cannot achieve his desire.

Lunar dream book

Bathe- troubles.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Bathing- moral purification.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Swim in clean water- means success in enterprise and health, and in muddy it marks the death of one of the relatives and friends.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Bathe- pleasure (if the water is clean).

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Bathe- for joy, to pay debts, to be a guest, or even to get drunk; in clean water- luck, joy, health, success, happiness; in muddy water- failure, sadness, death of relatives, troubles, illness, dirty deeds; in the cold- health.

Esoteric dream book

Bathe- to be cleansed. If you are tormented by remorse, they will let you go.

Bathing someone- to forgiveness.

Bathing a child- you are forgiven.

Bathing the elderly- I'm sorry.

Bathing peers- There is no need to be offended by others, it’s your own fault.

Ukrainian dream book

Swim in clean water- happiness; cold- health; warm- a loved one will recover; take a bath- disease; in muddy water- troubles; see someone bathing- a loss; swim in dirty water- dirty deeds; if you dream that you are bathing in hot water- you will endure the operation.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Swim in the bath- disappointment.

Collection of dream books

Bathe- carefree life.

Swimming in clean water- to health, to joy; in dirty or cloudy water- to illness and failure.

Swim yourself- you need physical and spiritual cleansing; see a person of the opposite sex bathing- to sexual dissatisfaction.


Miller's Dream Book

Ice in a dream- portends many disasters. Evil people will look for an opportunity to harm you in the matter that is most dear to you.

It means that your happiness has come to an end, which will be to blame for the envy of others.

See you walking on the ice- means that you risk your peace of mind and the respect of others because of fleeting joys.

For a young woman to dream of walking on ice- means that only a thin veil hides her from shame.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream of ice in a stream of clear water- this promises the end of marital happiness due to the envy and intrigues of rivals.

Girl walking on ice- in real life he will experience shame and betrayal.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Ice in a dream- is a reflection of your restraint and coldness.

If the ice looks beautiful, shimmering in the sun- the dream means that by showing restraint in some matter, you have every chance of achieving success.

Mountains of plain, nondescript ice- often foreshadow a decline in interest in some business or a cooling of relations with someone close to you. The dream suggests that the reason for this most likely lies in you.

Melting ice in a dream- a very good sign. In the near future, your affairs or relationships with others may begin to improve noticeably.

Dream book for a bitch

Ice- sadness, sadness.

Walk on ice- you should not risk your well-being and respect from the people around you because of a dubious and fleeting hobby.

New family dream book

Ice- dreams of disasters. For example, ill-wishers will harm you in a matter that is important to you.

Ice floating in a stream of clear water- says that other people's envy will put an end to your happiness.

Walked on the ice in a dream- you will have to risk your peace of mind and the respect of others because of fleeting joys.

I dreamed that you were making ice- pacify your egoism, otherwise you cannot avoid failure in business.

Swimming in ice water- promises pleasure that will be interrupted by some event.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing ice in a dream- a harbinger of great misfortune, and evil people will strive to strike you where it hurts most.

If you dream of ice floes in a stream of clear water- in real life, your happiness will be overshadowed by envious friends.

Walking on ice in a dream- a sign that in reality you will risk a comfortable life and universal respect for fleeting pleasures

If a young woman dreams that she is walking on ice- the dream warns her that only a thin veil hides her from shame.

Icicles on the eaves of houses- dream of poverty and lack of comfort. Health deterioration is also possible.

Seeing icicles on the fence- a sign of suffering of flesh and spirit.

Seeing icicles on trees- means that your prospects will become even gloomier.

Icicles on coniferous trees- foretell that a brilliant future will be hidden under the shadow of doubt.

If in a dream you make ice- in real life you will fail because of your selfishness and arrogance.

Suck ice- to illness.

Drinking ice water in a dream- warning: beware of losing your health in real life due to a frivolous lifestyle.

Seeing yourself swimming in icy water- an omen that the anticipated pleasures will be interrupted by unexpected events.

Ice- means that information about what kind of world this is is still “frozen” for you.

Eastern women's dream book

I dreamed about ice- be prepared for adversity and beware of being hit right in the middle vulnerable spot.

A dream in which you see ice floes in a stream of clear water- means: your serene existence can be overshadowed by envious friends.

If you're walking on ice- it is possible that you will part with your usual comfortable life of your own free will.

A young woman has a dream in which she walks on ice- warns: she should be more careful in her actions, because with her behavior she can attract too much attention from others.

A dream in which you make ice- warns: you risk failure because of your selfishness and arrogance.

Suck ice- to illness.

A dream in which you drink ice water- warns: your frivolity can lead to serious consequences and illnesses.

If you are swimming in ice water- you shouldn’t count too much on your planned vacation; it may be interrupted by unforeseen circumstances.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Ice- you will be adamant while declaring your love.

Drift on an ice floe- you will find yourself isolated; to a serious disagreement with the people you were relying on.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Ice- a reflection of some “slippery” circumstances..

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Making ice- portends failure in business due to excessive stubbornness and selfishness.

Seeing ice in a dream- foreshadows material damage, loss of a friend, failure in love.

Ice on the river- means a delay in business due to the machinations of enemies seeking to harm you in any way.

Walk on snowy ice- start an enterprise that will bring the desired income.

Ice skating- means that you are in danger of losing your job or any valuables that you value very much.

Fall into an icy hole- you risk the well-being of loved ones out of selfishness and thirst for profit.

Seeing a hole in the ice- means vain efforts to realize illusory hopes.

Making a hole in the ice- in reality you will experience severe fear.

Ice fishing in a dream- danger is approaching, which you can notice in time.

See the spring ice drift- means that your luck is coming to an end and a streak of bad luck begins.

Move from shore to shore, jumping from ice floe to ice floe- in reality, commit a crazy act that will bring you bad fame.

Ice melting in a dream- means that a business that gives you a lot of trouble will soon bring you joy and wealth.

Icy branches and wires studded with huge icicles- portend temporary difficulties and illness that you will endure on your feet.

Sucking or chewing ice or drinking ice water- to bad news from distant relatives.

Find yourself in icy water in a dream- you will experience frustration in a conversation with a person who is not able to listen to you and interrupts the interlocutor at every word.

Ice falling from the freezer compartment of a refrigerator during defrosting- this is a sign of your failure due to your impatient desire to get ahead of events.

Suffer from ice in a dream- this means you will meet a misogynist whose heart will melt when he meets you.

Car slipping on ice- portends hardships and hardships, after overcoming which the annoying little things in life will no longer drive you crazy, you will simply stop taking them seriously.

Add ice to alcoholic drinks- marks a turning point in a crucial trial for you.

Iceberg seen in a dream- to changes that don’t mean anything in life.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Ice- damage, loss.

See ice and snow- obstacles of various kinds; walk on them- successful obstacle; crash- you will learn a lot of fear; see in the forest- wasted efforts, illusory hopes.

Women's dream book

Ice in a dream- portends many disasters due to ill-wishers.

Seeing ice floating in a stream of clear water- means the end peaceful life, the reason for which will be the envy of others.

Walking on ice in a dream- means that you risk losing the respect of other people because of fleeting joys.

Gnawing or sucking ice in a dream, drinking ice water- may portend illness.

General dream book

If you dreamed of ice- soon you will have to thoroughly help one of your relatives or friends.

You dreamed that you were crushing ice- in the near future you will have to solve some important family problem by force.

A dream in which you watched someone break ice- means that one of your relatives will solve an important problem for your family.

If you dreamed that you were melting ice- soon you will have troubles, and from them you will derive significant profit.

You watched someone melt ice- one of your friends will have to work hard, and you will make a significant profit from this.

If you dreamed that you sucked ice- you will be deceived.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Ice- can be a symbol of frozen emotions. Express yourself and all your emotions. Speak from your heart openly and freely.

walk along thin ice - means to take risks or be in questionable circumstances. Examine your life to see if there is an area in it that only seems reliable, but is actually doubtful.

Slide on the ice

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing ice in a dream and crossing it- a sign that everything will be fine, what if it breaks- to trouble. This dream primarily indicates a state of health.

If you're walking on thin ice- this is a harbinger that you may find yourself in a dangerous situation, causing trouble with a rash act.

Walking in a dream slippery ice, afraid to stumble- means in reality to be surrounded by people who do not inspire confidence. Such a dream can be a warning: if you don’t take care of your reputation, you can lose much more than it seems at first glance.

If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by huge ice floes- this means you will encounter obstacles that require vigorous measures.

Seeing ice in the house- to trouble.

See the ice hole- to danger.

Fall into the hole- means that your life is in danger, your outburst of feelings will be incomprehensible and you will encounter deception and resentment.

If you dream that you are walking on ice, but it’s summer- there will be a change in life.

A dream in which you see spring ice drifting on a river- marks a successful enterprise related to fishing or trading fish.

Seeing an iceberg in a dream- a sign of a sudden, albeit minor, digestive upset that may happen to you in the coming days.

Seeing permafrost in a dream- an omen that you are wasting your strength and energy in vain, now you are stagnating.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Get out on the ice- to improve things.

Catching fish in an ice hole- engage in a risky but profitable business.

English dream book

Seeing ice in a dream- always bad. It foretells a decline in trade, an unsuccessful game on the stock exchange, and failure in entrepreneurship. It also indicates that your current passionate lover will soon grow cold towards you and leave you. Sailors have this dream- threatens misfortune at sea. This dream is bad for the farmer too- who will have to endure a terrible lean year.

Italian dream book

Ice- rigidity, sexual frigidity is a symbol of death. The greatest burden is the role of this image in a dream and the action that unfolds around it.

Dream book of lovers

If you see in a dream ice block - this means that your sexual relations They are literally on their last legs. You've tried everything, but nothing can bring back interest in each other. The only thing I can advise you to do is break up to test the strength of the relationship.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Chop ice, melt and drink water- this is a symbol of the beginning of a way out of a psychological impasse: the manifestation of internal forces, restoration of the balance between heat and cold, the resumption of proper blood circulation in the channels of the heart (warmth) and kidneys (cold).

Water from melted snow and ice- considered the most beneficial for health ( living water), therefore, in illness, sleep foreshadows recovery. The dream is favorable and, even after a difficult winter, promises a good spring for the dreamer.

Suck ice and snow to satisfy the need for water- a weakened body does not have enough strength to break the pathological physically and psychologically running in a circle. The body tries to get an influx of fresh energy at any cost and loses its last warmth. The dream foreshadows failure or illness and advises that to prevent this from happening, rest, gain strength and check the choice of goal and means of achieving it.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Ice- misfortune.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Ice- a symbol of oblivion, rigidity and frigidity.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Ice- in winter it means nothing, but at unusual times it marks a change in the weather.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Ice- coldness in relationships; inaccessibility of a loved one.

Dream book of a gypsy

Ice- symbolizes unjustified trust. The secrets you shared with someone no longer exist.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Ice see- worries about the family / trouble in business / bad adviser.

Have it in the house- trouble.

Walk the thin line and be afraid- life, fate or soul is on the verge of something dark and unclear.

The ice cracked under you, but you jumped out- the trouble will pass by.

It's slippery to walk- you will have to balance between people who have difficult relationships with each other / false tone in relationships / the wrong path has been chosen / risk.

Walk along the melting- untimely warming in relations with people who offended you.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Ice- for good / failure, loss, death, troubles, difficulties; ahead of time- loss, change in weather or in life; in the house- misfortune; walk on ice- to homeland / to death; fall on ice- devoted love / danger; ice go- everything will be fine, good health; will break off under you- bad, to failure; smash- benefit; melts- you will die soon; clean- health; filthy- disease; ice floe- danger, hard work.

Ice in the house- misfortune.

Esoteric dream book

Ice- cooling.

Eat- cool down. You will stop worrying; hatred and jealousy will let you go.

Ice field- peace of mind, peace of mind.

Broken ice, ice drift- your peace has come to an end, you will be overwhelmed by emotions.

Someone is holding, someone is eating- someone you are interested in will cool down towards you and become indifferent.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Ice- trouble; a lot of difficulties.

Collection of dream books

Walking on thin ice- means to take risks or be in a suspicious situation.

Slide on the ice- means not to be self-confident, not to feel solid ground under your feet.

Ice- trouble, a lot of difficulties.

Ice- failures, frozen situation, insoluble problems.

Ice- portends disaster: evil people will look for an opportunity to harm you; if you walk on ice in a dream- this means that you risk losing peace of mind and respect from others because of fleeting joys.

Ice- a symbol of coldness, lack of feelings or the end of a relationship. But the greatest meaning is not this image itself, but the action that is associated with it or unfolds around it.

Ice- empty hopes.

Seeing ice in a dream- a good sign promising a happy meeting.

Felomena’s dream book interprets the dream of bathing as a sign of the end of a bad streak in your life. Everything is gradually getting better, problems and difficulties are receding, prosperity and good luck await ahead.

Where did you swim in your dream? What did you swim in in your dream? What kind of water did you swim in in your dream? How did you bathe in your dream?

Where did you swim in your dream?

Swimming in the bathhouse Swimming in the lake Swimming in the bathtub Swimming in the shower Swimming in the ocean Swimming in the sea Swimming in the pool Swimming in the river Swimming in the ice hole Swimming in the pond

Dream about bathing in a font

If you dreamed that you were bathing in a font, you are ready to take a big step forward in your relationship with a loved one or switch to new level understanding of reality.

What did you swim in in your dream?

Swim in the water

Dreaming about bathing in the snow

If in a dream you saw yourself swimming in the snow, but enjoyed it, in the real world you will be able to eradicate any problems. Try to concentrate on solving them, think through the action plan in detail - and then nothing can stop you.

Bathing in milk in a dream

If you dreamed that you were bathing in milk, expect an increase in your financial wealth. It is possible to receive a bonus, inheritance or win the lottery. If you took a bath in fresh fresh milk, you are completely satisfied with the way you look, you don’t want to change anything about yourself.

What kind of water did you swim in in your dream?

Swim in clean water Swim in dirty water

If you dream that you are swimming in muddy water

The dream book interprets a dream about you swimming in muddy water as a symbol of the loss of something dear and beloved. Be attentive to your property, do not leave things unattended.

Swimming in cold water according to the dream book

Swimmed in cold water? Such a dream comes to people with a strong will and strong spirit. It is these qualities that will help you overcome all difficulties and troubles and win over your competitors.

Dreaming of swimming in clear water

Why dream of swimming in clear water? Such dreams are seen by extraordinary people who strive for knowledge and want to gain new experiences. Be calm about the strength of your body, you are full of energy and feel great.

Why dream of swimming in warm water?

If in a dream you bathed in warm water, expect good luck in all areas of life. Harmony and understanding will reign in personal relationships, support, mutual assistance and financial well-being will reign at work.

Swimming in dark water according to the dream book

Bathe dark water, says the dream book, a negative sign, a symbol of destruction and loss. Try to take a closer look at your health. In your relationships with others, carefully choose your tactics.

Dreaming about bathing in salt water

If in a dream you happened to swim in salty sea water, be prepared for drastic changes in life. You may have to change your job or place of residence.

How did you bathe in your dream?

Swim naked

Swimming with a man in a dream

If in a dream you swam with a man close to you, your lover, then there is no place for lies and falsehood in your relationship. Rest assured, this person will never let you down.

According to the dream book, to see Ice - Ice symbolizes cooling. The expression “walking on thin ice” speaks of an insidious danger. All this is reflected in our dreams with the presence of ice as a dream symbol. If you saw blocks of ice or ice sculptures in a dream, then this is a sign of cooling towards you on the part of those around you or a slowdown in the progress of things. In some cases, this dream tells you: you need to hurry slowly; if you hurry, you will make people laugh. If you see ice on a river or any other body of water, then this dream indicates the danger of your situation and that you are playing too risky a game. Walking on ice suggests that you are risking your peace of mind and the respect of others for fleeting joys. If you dreamed of icicles hanging from the roof, this is a sign of a change in your life for the worse, a decrease in comfort, both moral and physical. Gnawing on ice in any form in a dream can be a warning of an impending illness, but swimming in water in which ice floats, but not experiencing cold, indicates that you will be revered, respected and may even gain fame .

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Ice in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Ice - cooled feelings or relationships; inability to feel and love; insensitivity to truth and law; cold areas of consciousness. It may be associated with fear, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Ice in a dream?

Seeing Ice in a dream means - Ice - disasters, damage, failures, losses, anger. Ice floating on clear water (ice drift) is a threat to lose happiness because of someone's envy. Walking on ice is a risky business, a danger of tarnishing your reputation; for a young woman - a risky love adventure. Icicles - to troubles, suffering, melting - to inaction, cooling of relations with a loved one. Eating, gnawing ice, sucking an icicle - means illness (the same if you drink ice water). Swimming in ice water is a sign of pleasure that will be suddenly interrupted; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

An ice hole means danger associated with water, for example, swimming in a lake or river.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does ice mean in a dream:

According to the dream book Ice, to see what it means - Ice - portends material damage, loss of a friend, failure in love. Ice on the river means a delay in business due to the machinations of enemies seeking to harm you in any way. Walking on snow-covered ice means you will start an enterprise that will bring the desired income. Skating on ice - you are in danger of losing your job or any valuables that you value very much. If you fall through the ice, you risk the well-being of your loved ones. Spring ice drift - your luck comes to an end and a streak of bad luck sets in

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Ice according to the dream book?

See Ice in a dream - If you see a block of ice in a dream, this means that your sexual relationship is literally dying. You've tried everything, but nothing can bring back interest in each other. The only thing that can be advised to you is to break up in order to test the strength of the relationship, as the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Ice in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Ice - If you dreamed about ice, be prepared for adversity and beware of being hit in the most vulnerable place. A dream in which you see ice floes in a stream of clear water means: your serene existence may be overshadowed by envious friends. If you walk on ice, it is possible that you will part with your usual comfortable life of your own free will. A dream in which she walks on ice warns a young woman: she should be more careful in her actions, because with her behavior she can attract too much attention from others. Icicles on houses dream of poverty and lack of comfort. Health deterioration is also possible. Icicles on the fence foreshadow possible suffering of soul and body. Icicles on trees mean your prospects will become even bleaker. Icicles on coniferous trees cast doubt on your bright future. A dream in which you make ice warns: you risk failure due to your selfishness and arrogance. Sucking ice means illness. A dream in which you drink water with ice warns: your frivolity can lead to serious consequences and illnesses. If you swim in icy water, you shouldn’t count too much on your planned vacation; it may be interrupted by unforeseen circumstances

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Ice, what does sleep mean:

Seeing Ice in a dream - Dreaming of Ice foretells disasters. For example, ill-wishers will harm you in a matter that is important to you. Ice floating in a stream of clear water says that someone else's envy will put an end to your happiness. Walking on ice in a dream means you will have to risk your peace of mind and the respect of others for fleeting joys. If you dreamed that you were making ice, then pacify your egoism, otherwise you cannot avoid failure in business. Swimming in icy water promises pleasure that will be interrupted by some event.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Ice in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Glacier is a large accumulation of “frozen” (“frozen”) areas of consciousness or feelings that cannot be “melted” or “dissolved” (see the “Ice” symbol),

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Ice in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Ice drift - If you experience joyful feelings while watching the ice drift, it means that the long-awaited period of joy and good luck is finally coming in your life. I dreamed that during an ice drift someone was carried away on an ice floe - exercise extreme caution so as not to fall into a trap set by insidious ill-wishers

Summer dream book

Why see Ice in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Glacier - To see a glacier coming down from the mountains in a dream is a sign of a natural disaster.

Ice floe - Seeing an ice floe with people floating on the water means disaster.

Autumn dream book

Why see Ice in a dream?

Why do you dream of a Glacier - To see a glacier coming down from the mountains - love is waning.

Ice floe - Seeing an ice floe floating on the water means loneliness.

Spring dream book

Why see Ice in a dream?

According to the dream book Ice, what does it mean in a dream - Glacier - to be in a glacier (in a cellar) - for burial.

An ice floe and a person on it - to the bankruptcy of your ally and troubles in his affairs.

Falling through the ice means contracting an incurably serious illness.

Dream Interpretation “swimming in clear water” in a dream

Why do you dream of “swimming in clear water?” Dream interpretation

A dream in which you swam in clear water promises you a life without problems and worries. Your life will flow moderately and happily. The most ambitious plans conceived will be able to come true. This requires effort, but it will not be excessive. The dream also promises health and material well-being. If in a dream you felt that swimming gives you pleasure, then in reality you will experience a surge of energy and elation. This dream is a harbinger vitality and success in business. But if it’s difficult for you to swim, then in reality you will be tormented by doubts and uncertainty. You should not take on things in which you have little experience.

In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreams about “swimming in clear water” mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to swim in clear water in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Swimming in cold water in a dream.



Success awaits you in any of your endeavors!! !
Even the most risky and unexpected!!!


In a dream, swimming in a river or lake symbolizes a new mutually beneficial friendship.

Beloved Witch

Good dream. To prosperity and good health.

Cold water to swim

Dream Interpretation - Water

Clean water in a dream means joy, a successful outcome, happiness. Any vessel or reservoir with clean water promises prosperity and wealth in the near future. Clean water in the river is a favorable sign that promises success and joy. A clear river flowing into your bedroom foreshadows the imminent arrival of a rich overseas guest who will do a lot for your well-being; if the water is agitated, then your guest may come with bad intentions and disturb the peace in your home. See interpretation: dishes, drinks, drunk.

A stream of clean water flowing near your home means that your financial situation will soon become stronger and you will receive a good position that will give you the opportunity to help people in need. If in a dream you were given a glass of clean water, then you will have success in business or marriage, which will turn out to be happy. If the glass is cracked and no water spills, then your wife may die during childbirth, but the child will remain alive. For women, such a dream predicts the untimely death of a spouse. For a priest to dream that he is distributing clean water to people is a sign that he is honestly fulfilling his duty and bringing goodness and comfort to people. Muddy water in such a dream is a warning that the priest is overly keen on doctrines and heretical teachings. If a young man dreams that he is drawing clean and clear water from a well, then he will soon marry a lovely girl; if the water is cloudy or cloudy, then his happiness will be short-lived and many disappointments await him. Drawing clean water from a well and treating someone with it is a sign that with your help the people whom you treated with water will become rich. If the water is cloudy, then you will bring misfortune to this person. Drawing water from a well portends success in business or purchase. Muddy water always portends confusion of feelings. Carrying water in clothes, a broken vessel, or in something else that is not entirely suitable for this means that you will face losses or deception of people to whom you have entrusted your fortune. If no water spills, then you will miraculously avoid large losses and save your fortune. Burying such water in the ground is a harbinger of big troubles, loss of a good name and a shameful death. Seeing a pond with calm water is a sign that your life will be calm and happy. A pond with clean water in a dream, if it is located in the middle of a field, promises you that soon you will be able to save enough money so that you can afford to have a family and children. If the water in the pond floods the shore, then you may lose your wife, children or money. If your wife also had such a dream, then she may lose her money or something awaits her. imminent death. For a man to see a small picturesque pond in a dream - a harbinger of the romantic love of a beautiful woman. A seething stream is a harbinger of fire, litigation and the revenge of enemies. Water flowing over stones means that your enemies or bosses will be unforgiving, and you will lose the lawsuit. Standing in the water among the waves and not being able to get out of there means that soon you will need all the courage and fortitude to survive the impending misfortune. Seeing in a dream how someone is drowning in a seething and dirty stream means that a scandal, separation from your lover, melancholy, hopelessness and failure in business await you. See interpretation: drown.

Troubled water in the river is a harbinger of a threat looming over you emanating from an imperious and powerful enemy. Sailing along a river with clear water in a boat is a harbinger of all the best - success, wealth, fulfillment of desire. See interpretation: boat, oars.

Swim by big river- a warning about the danger hanging over you. To be in a fast flowing river in a dream and not be able to get out of it is a sign dangerous disease, danger, lengthy trial. A waving stream means the danger of fire, litigation and the machinations of enemies. Sailing a boat on a body of water with clean and clear water means a good name, wealth and happiness. But swimming in the dark means that you will be tormented by doubts. Seeing streams and fountains with calmly flowing water in a dream foretells good news; such a dream predicts recovery for the sick. Seeing your reflection in water means death for the sleeping person or one of his close relatives. A dried up or dried up source of water in a dream does not bode well. Your life may be in danger; one of your close relatives or friends may die. The dream also predicts great financial difficulties. If water in your dream flows from a place where it should not flow, then a lot of grief and problems await you. Scooping up this water in a dream is a bad omen. The more water you scoop up, the worse the meaning this dream will have and the longer your misfortunes will last. It’s good to see in such a dream that the water suddenly disappeared or dried up, because then the unfavorable period will quickly end and everything will be fine. See interpretation: trumpet.

If in a dream you hear the sound of water or a stream of water, then soon a person whom you have not seen for a long time and no longer thought of seeing will return to you. Drinking water in a dream means troubles, failures, betrayal in love, divorce. Drinking warm water is a harbinger of the fact that a certain person, offended by you, will want to take revenge on you. Drinking dirty water is a sign of great worries or illness. Spilling water at home means worries and troubles. How much water you spill, you will drink so much grief. It's even worse if it damages furniture or carpets. Throwing yourself into water in a dream is a sign of danger; diving into water means trouble. Seeing yourself in water is a sign of ill health, colds, tumors, melancholy. See interpretation: flood, wet.

Swimming in the water means that you will be able to justify yourself and remove all suspicions. Seeing others bathing portends reconciliation with enemies. Drowning in water is a sign of obstacles, failures, disappointments in love. Being wet is a sign of troubles, worries, domestic squabbles, and frustration. Getting your feet wet in a dream means losses, illness and obstacles. Cold and icy water in your dream is a sign of health; hot water means illness, muddy water means sadness and gossip, clean water promises prosperity and success in business, and dark water means insults, grievances, quarrels, failures. Having fun with games on the water is a sign of an innocent and pleasant pastime. See interpretation: play, ball.

Washing your hands in water in a dream is bad for the sick. For the rest, the dream foretells that they will refuse to participate in some business. Washing someone's feet with water is a sign of consoling loved ones in grief. Washing with water is good news. Seeing bubbles on the water is a sign of good news and health. See interpretation: bubbles.

Seeing splashes means news. Spraying someone with water means an unexpected turn in business. If water splashes on your head in a dream, then unexpected passion awaits you. If the splashes do not hit you, but somewhere nearby, then an unexpected encounter or an unexpected turn of events awaits you. See interpretation: splashes.

Seeing a splash of water in a dream means increasing your chances of success.

Pouring water is a harbinger of empty talk, a sign that your hopes will not come true. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you talk more than you do. Watering something with water means losses. If the water is dirty, then a shameful trial awaits you. To plunge into water up to your neck in a dream will mean that you will be fed up with what is happening and you will become disgusted with your life. Carrying water is useless work. Walking on water without getting your feet wet means overcoming obstacles and good luck in a difficult task. Hearing the sound of water in a dream is a sign that gossip is being spread about you. Being scalded by boiling water in a dream is a sign that you will lose money due to your own carelessness. Looking at water in a dream means that your bad premonitions will come true. If in a dream you are afraid of water, then shame, loss or illness awaits you, which you feared. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you may become a victim of robbers if you do not take care to properly hide your valuables in time. To dream that a water carrier is moving towards you is a harbinger of soon receiving wealth or an inheritance. Such a dream also predicts good luck in enterprises and big profits. A whirlpool in a dream symbolizes problems and difficulties. Getting into it is a sign that you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation and will not know how to get out of it. Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving an inheritance, which will cause you a lot of trouble. See interpretation: also chapters: ford, river, fountain, sea, ocean, source, drinks, thirst, well, waterfall, water mill, swim, boiling water, water supply.

Dream Interpretation - Cold, warm

sensations as a reflection of the psychology of the children's game "cold-hot": "cold" distance from the desired event, goal (or relationship).

"warm" approach. Idioms: “cold, cool relationship”, “hot friendship” or “hot passionate love”, “warm relationship”.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Boundless streams of water - marriage.

A large river with clean and clear water is a harbinger of great happiness.

The water in the well is about to dry up - the family will soon fall apart, the clan will perish, fade away.

A bucket without water portends misfortune.

A bucket full of water portends great happiness.

Seeing a coffin floating on water promises great wealth.

Water in the house means the death of a loved one.

The water in the well gushes like a fountain, overflowing - portends material profit and wealth.

The water in the well is about to dry up - the family will soon fall apart, the clan will fade away.

The water in the well dries up to the last drop - there will be no material wealth in the family, poverty.

Water in a boat, in a vessel - portends the acquisition of wealth.

The water is cloudy - unfortunately.

The wife gives her husband water - happiness.

The snake moves under water, enters the water - relocation to a new home or promotion.

Walking on water portends great happiness.

The sword falls into the water - the death of the wife.

Fire appears on the surface of the water - great happiness.

If you collect water from a well, but all you get out is silt or dirt, this portends an improvement in your material well-being.

Continuous streams of water surround the body - an official matter.

Knives or a sword falling into the water - foretells the death of the spouse.

Fire appears on the surface of water - great happiness.

Drinking water portends great benefits.

Drinking water continuously is a great wealth.

A school of fish swims on the water - portends wealth and profit.

Dive into the water while sitting on a dragon - take high position, you will become famous.

If you sweep the house, splashing water at the same time, a person will come from afar.

Water flows under the hearth, a stream flows - speaks of wealth that was acquired dishonestly.

Frolicking in the water is happiness and benefit.

If you dig a well and see water, there will be a letter from afar.

A fish flies over the water - all matters will be resolved.

Catching fish with a fishing rod in the water is great happiness and good luck, benefit.

If you fall into the water yourself, no harm will happen.

Sitting on a dragon, you plunge into the water - you will occupy a high position, you will become noble.

Sleeping dragon in the water - you will achieve what you strive for.

Standing on the surface of the water portends trouble.

Dry fish is immersed in water - there will be luck again.

A man gives you a big bucket - a benefit.

You draw water from a well - If the water is clean, fortunately.

Drawing clean water from a well is fortunate, but cloudy water is unlucky.

Dream Interpretation - Water

According to Indians, people who often dream that they are in water are mostly phlegmatic, susceptible to colds and catarrhs.

Seeing river water in a dream that is clean and calm is a good sign.

Especially for travelers, judges and people involved in litigation.

Seeing rippling water in a dream means fearing the anger of some important person or the disfavor of your boss.

If a person is on trial at this time, this dream promises an unfair trial and a bad ending to the case.

If someone dreams that he is swimming in a rapid river current and cannot get out of it, he is in danger, illness or long duration trial.

Sailing down a large river in a dream predicts upcoming danger.

A person who dreams that a calm, bright river flows through his room should expect some important and generous guest.

His visit will be of great benefit.

If you dream that the river is agitated and spoils the room furniture, this means a quarrel and troubles from ill-wishers for those living in the house.

When a rich man sees in a dream that a bright stream flows near his house, this dream promises him a profitable, prominent position, in which he will become a support for the unfortunate.

A troubled stream means loss and harm from fire, legal costs or enemies.

If you dream of a well in a field with clean, clear water, then this is a good sign.

Anyone who has such a dream will make a useful acquisition.

If he is single, he will soon marry and have kind and obedient children.

Seeing water coming out of a well in a dream foreshadows the loss of property or a great misfortune for someone close.

Such a dream threatens a woman with the loss of a significant part of her fortune.

A young man who dreamed of a small pond will be loved by a beauty.

If a woman saw such a dream, then he promises her the fulfillment of her desires.

Riding a boat on a river, pond or lake in a dream, where the water is clear and calm, means joy, prosperity and good luck in business.

When a patient sees streams and fountains with clean and quietly flowing water in a dream, this portends his recovery.

If the water is dirty and overflowing, this is a sign that recovery will be slow.

If a young man dreams that he is drawing light water from a well, this promises him that he will soon marry a pretty girl who will bring him happiness.

When the water he draws is restless and splashes, this means that his love will be troubled.

If he dreamed that he was giving others clean well water, then in reality he would enrich these people.

When the water is cloudy, this does not mean wealth, but troubles that the dreamer will cause to the people who gave him such water to drink.

A person who sees in a dream that his stream or fountain has dried up will soon face loss, failure or some kind of grief.

To see in a dream that water flows from a place where it was impossible for it to come from means care, worry, unpleasantness, grief.

If you dream that you are scooping up this water, the grief will be long-lasting, depending on the amount of water scooped up.

When you see that the water has dried up and stopped flowing, the troubles will stop.

Drinking hot water in a dream foretells misfortune or some kind of grief, depending on the temperature of the water.

Cold water promises happiness, while hot and boiling water promise the opposite.

A bathhouse in a dream means trouble and suffering.

If someone dreams that, upon entering the bathhouse, he found it too hot, he will expect displeasure and grief from his family (depending on the degree of heat).

If a person dreamed that he undressed but did not enter the bathhouse, this predicts that someone will make him angry, but not for long.

A dream in which the water will seem very cold to the person who steps into it has the same meaning as all dreams about hot water.

Moderate temperature water is a good sign.

To dream that you are carrying water in a cracked or broken container, from which water can easily spill, means loss and trouble.

Anyone who has such a dream will be robbed by someone or deceived by a person to whom he entrusted his entire rich fortune.

If the poured water does not spill, then this predicts that the sleeper will save his wealth with great difficulty.

When some of the water splashes, he will lose some of his condition.

Hiding a vessel of water in the ground in a dream threatens the sleeper with some sensitive loss.

When someone sees in a dream that he is served a full glass of water, it foretells that he will soon get married and have children with his wife.

All glass refers to a woman, and water is a symbol of abundance.

If a full glass turns out to be broken, then this dream means the loss of many friends.

Spilling water in your home in a dream foretells losses and grief depending on the amount of water spilled.

A man who had a dream in which he was very thirsty, and he quenched his thirst with clean, fresh and tasty water, a fun life and wealth awaits.

When the dreamed water was cloudy, warm, unclean and had a bad smell, this dream foreshadows that the dreamer will end his days in illness and grief.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Water is one of the main symbols, as it is associated with conception and birth of children and orgasm, both male and female.

A stream or stream of water symbolizes ejaculation.

Pouring water means striving for sexual contact, wanting to meet someone.

To save a woman from the water is to strive for sexual contact with her.

To save a man from the water is to want a child from him.

Looking into the water means paying too much attention to your appearance and your health; manifestation of narcissism.

If you swim in water, then you experience pleasant, sweet sensations from caresses loved one(This also happens to people who suffered from enuresis in childhood; in this case, such dreams are not related to sex).

For women, swimming in water also portends an imminent pregnancy.

Splashing water - sexual fantasies that are unclear to you; desire for ejaculation.

Drinking water means problems in the activity of the genital organs.

Jumping or entering the water - you want to have a child or become a mother.

Getting out of the water is the same.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep fresh lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If the dream contains this significant symbol in whatever form, it is vital to understand its role.

Water in dreams is a powerful symbol because very often its appearance coincides with highest point feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a babbling stream flowing through the meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols create a feeling of fear or ANXIETY, then the stormy ocean intensifies it. Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. This is a reflection of the human experience with water.

At the dawn of humanity, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was a central component of life. (They die from thirst much faster than from hunger.) Even more important was to know where the water was, because it made it clear where the FOOD was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, fraught with unknown dangers. TRAVELING by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas took the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease.

Emphasizing the positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a controlled environment almost always causes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to solving problems.

If there is a lake in the dream, is the entire shoreline within sight and probable reach?

If you dream of a river or stream, have they overflowed their banks, and in your opinion, can they be overcome by ordinary means? These are all examples of managed water.

Water represented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a tired traveler, dreaming, suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey is close, at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a BOAT, slowly gliding along the surface of the water. The sleeper must be anticipating a time of respite from everyday worries or trying to specially create such an opportunity.

Uncontrolled water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer finds himself. Quiet, deep water that seems refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the potential danger lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what lies in the depths.

The exception to the general statements above are water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the tap is controlled by the dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer is ineffective at operating the tap, then it can be assumed that he feels that he is out of control and unable to cope with simple circumstances (or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the tap). If the tap is controlled by another person, then we can conclude that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of another. This whim can cause one to feel significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss , lover or other persons significant to you.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Water - water - trouble. -dirty, muddy water - weakness, clean - health. If you dream of water, this is a bad omen - there will be some kind of failure, or maybe illness. Clean water, bijucha - good; joy, profit; muddy - trouble, quarrel. If you dream of big water, there will be some kind of adventure. Flood - clear water - temporary obstacles; cloudy - a miracle; you are surrounded by water - you will be in luxury. Clean water is life; water with scale is a nuisance, and if you fall into this scale, it means death. As the water flows clean, something good will come, but as the water flows muddy, something bad will come. Swimming is good. Drops of water are for money. Spilled water is a disaster; pouring water - shame, mistake; pouring water on something means loss. How to drink cold water - for health, clean - fortunately, cloudy - for illness. Boiling water - quarrel, enmity; dreaming that water rushed out from under the floor - heavy secret enemies, unexpected obstacles; from the walls - defenselessness, someone is encroaching on you. If the water is clear and the bottom is visible, sand is a problem. Dark, black water is death. Diving into the water means getting into trouble, engaging in a tempting but risky activity; drowning is a complication in life. As you dream that water is rising, someone will arrive at the house. Drinking spring water is good for your health. Pumping water from a well - before a misfortune. Standing in water means death. Falling into the water - beware of prison or other trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Trouble, illness, failure, misfortune, funeral, tears; pure - to goodness, prosperity, laughter, happiness, family joy, enjoy good luck, new acquaintances, health; dirty, muddy - for the worse, trouble, they will scold, sadness, resentment, gossip, illness, death, quarrel, trouble; washing with clean water, swimming, wading, drowning and choking - to goodness, health; drowning in muddy water, swimming, crossing bridges - taking part in the misfortunes of loved ones, protecting them from failures; drown someone - make that person cry; to drink - to be among people; drink cold spring water - health, good // cry; cross the water - they talk about you, if there is a shallow ford - they don’t say anything bad, but if there is a deep ford - they scold you; if you cross the water, it’s good, but if you don’t, it’s bad, you won’t have bread; clean water in a cup means the husband will beat his wife, and dirty water means the husband will drive his wife away; fall into water, mud, swamp - trouble will certainly happen; if you walk on water and don’t drown, you will be healthy and joyful; flows quickly - fun, profit; warm drink - one in sadness, danger; cold - goodness, friends, health; scoop - acquisition; murmurs - rumor about you; a waterfall, marveling at it is a terrible encounter; hear the sound of a waterfall - news; washing - joy, liberation; drops of water - money; swimming is good; pouring water is a shame, a mistake; watering something - loss, loss; spill - trouble; standing by the water means death; water arrives - guests; jump into the water - get into trouble; boiling - quarrel; water flows quickly - a welcome guest; running water is the road // tears.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Water is one of the most complex dream symbols. The subconscious can send you this image, associating it with the expression: “How much water has flown under the bridge since then!”, which denotes nostalgia for the past.

This symbol can also be associated with the phrase: “Pound water in a mortar,” that is, engage in unnecessary matter, making empty promises and not keeping them.

It is likely that the image of water materialized from the expression: “Carrying water in a sieve,” that is, doing stupid work that does not bring results.

There are also expressions: “As if he sank into the water,” that is, disappeared without a trace; “As he looked into the water,” that is, he predicted so that everything came true, as he said; “Get out of the water unscathed” - to avoid punishment or censure for misbehavior or to get out of some troubles without losses, the same thing is meant by the expression: “Water off a duck’s back”, but: “Muddy the waters” means to mislead, tell a lie; “Pour grist into someone else’s mill” - slander someone, discuss or condemn a person.

If you dreamed that you were drinking water, it means that something unexpected will happen to you, a sudden event will occur.

Seeing some kind of container with water - you will communicate with a person whom you cannot figure out, with some secretive and mysterious person.

Getting caught in the rain or doused with water is a lucky omen that promises success and prosperity. Such a dream can also predict profit or an unexpected gift.

If you dreamed that you were riding on the water on some kind of ship, then this dream warns you that you should not commit rash acts, rely on chance and avoid risky situations, otherwise bragging, recklessness and frivolity will lead to big troubles.

Watering flowers or trees - such a dream suggests that thanks to your care and attention you will gain many reliable friends, respect among colleagues and the love of children.

Wash your face, wash your hands, bathe in water - in reality you will happily avoid troubles, thanks to your inner sense, intuition and intelligence.

If you dreamed that you were knocked off your feet by a stream of water, then this dream predicts a stunning event that will leave a deep mark on your soul, from which you are quite for a long time you won't be able to get rid of it.

Drowning in a dream is a sign that you cannot demonstrate all your abilities in life, realize your plans, and this depresses you, forces you to be more active, work feverishly, and leaves no time for rest.

To dream that you are leading several thirsty people through muddy water and promising to give them crystal clear water to drink is a sign of long and fruitful work, which will bring satisfaction only in cooperation with reliable partners who deny everything illegal and deceitful.

If you dream of a glass with water bubbling in it, you will experience an emotionally intense period that will end in a harmonious ending if you are restrained.

Seeing in a dream how water is poured on a dead person and he comes to life - foretells a trip to a resort; to recovery; to the news of a serious illness; You will encounter supernatural phenomena, something amazing.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Seeing water in a dream generally means abundance and wealth.

If the water is clean and not clouded, this portends a joyful outlook, full of pleasures, and prosperity.

Dirty water - you are in danger, and joy will be replaced by despondency. Seeing tap water flooding your apartment in a dream foretells that you will struggle, resisting unfavorable circumstances.

Walking through dew in a dream and getting your feet wet is a harbinger of illness and financial ruin, which you can only prevent if you are careful and prudent.

Falling into dirty water means that in reality you will make many mistakes that will bring grief not only to you, but also to your loved ones. Drinking muddy water in a dream means illness, warm water means danger from a serious enemy, boiling water - fortunately, clean and fresh - is a sign of the safe return of a loved one.

Cold water – peace of mind, loyal friends. Blessed water - to quick success. Seeing water drying up means a change in weather for the better. Drawing water is a long task and a lot of trouble. Spilling water in your room means trouble and trouble.

Cold water from a well or spring is good for health. To throw yourself into the water means to be pursued. Being submerged in water is a difficult situation. Wash your hands - refuse the proposed business. Drowning in water means encountering obstacles. Fording a pond or river means freeing yourself from danger. Swimming in the water - those who suspected you of something will be convinced that their suspicions are unfounded.

Seeing people swimming or washing in the water means finding a common language with the enemy.

To be scalded with boiling water is to suffer losses due to your own sluggishness.

Walking on water in a dream means you will overcome all obstacles in your path. Hear the sound of water - you will suddenly be condemned. Jumping over water is a sign of completing some difficult task. Watering something with water means sadness.

Seeing a waterfall means receiving important news.

Seeing a diver means setting off; seeing a water carrier means useless work. The whirlpool in which you are spinning is to find yourself in a large and too noisy society. Engaging in water sports means an unexpected awakening of love and passion.

If you dream of water splashing on your head, it means hard work, failure, sadness and anxiety.

Seeing railway tracks flooded with water in a dream means misfortune will soon overshadow the joy of life, but not for long.

Seeing or drinking in a dream mineral water– take care of your health. Seeing others drinking it is a harbinger of good fortune that will favor your efforts, and you will soon enjoy the opportunities presented to you to satisfy your long-standing passionate desires.

Seeing a water pump in a dream or pumping out water with it means avoiding danger. If you drop something into well water, you will not be able to endure the unfavorable situation that has arisen due to your abuse of your power. Falling into well water is a harbinger of despair that will overwhelm you with false news.

What does it mean if you swim in icy water in a dream?


KIRA Lvovna

Health problems are temporary but fixable.

I am Luna

Water - conversations, gossip. Clean are good, dirty are bad. Cold - I assume that there will be official conversations

Oleg Laurus

This is your overcoming difficulties.

Galina Pachkolina

good conversations

Olga Vdovina

If you dream of clean and clear water, then such a dream promises you joy and prosperity.

Alexander Trofimov

I need to wake up and throw a blanket over myself


Health is a reflection of this problem.

Inna Nikishova

So this is a sign of a cold, however!!!

Miss Bond))

no real friends

Anton Dubinin

to bad weather

Valentin Sholokhov

Ice floating in a stream of clean water means that someone else's envy will put an end to your happiness. Walking on ice in a dream - you will have to... Swimming in icy water promises pleasure, which will be interrupted by some event. Modern combined dream book.
Dream Interpretation Ice - disasters, damage, failures, losses, anger. Ice floating on clear water (ice drift) is a threat to lose happiness because of someone's envy. ... Why do you dream about Ice? - If you see a block of ice in a dream, this means that your sexual relationship is literally on its last legs.



Hello, I had a dream about how I was walking through the steppe and came across a lowland and there were rocks and next to a small pond with a clear second. I swam there with pleasure in the pleasant water. Then I went out and there was a spring nearby, I also swam in it, but the water there seemed to be filled with clay. I don’t remember further. Help me understand why I dreamed about this, oh yes, in the dream I was not alone, but with my red one she bathed and walked together sleepy


I dreamed that I and my boyfriend, with whom I had recently broken up, swam in the river at night, we entered the water at night and came out only in the morning when it was already dawn, the sandy shore was clean, warm, the water in the river was warm, but opaque since it was not clear at night you can see the purity of the water.


I had a dream that I was walking along the seashore and I saw my ex-husband swimming, the water was clean and transparent. I took off my pareo and swam to him and we swam in the water together (we separated for half a year but are not divorced yet)


I dream about how I bathe a baby in a pool with bubbling water and there are dead cockroaches floating in the corner, but there was no feeling of dirty water. Then we get out of the water and I cover the child with a white towel


I dreamed that I was bathing in clean water, as if I was taking a bath, I plunged three times and crossed myself, and when I came out, I dried myself a little with a towel, but at the same time I was partially dressed)


I dreamed that a colleague invited me to the bathhouse. But I didn’t bathe in the bathhouse, but in my grandfather’s yard and supposedly she lives there. The water was warm, clean, but with some kind of black scum from the bucket where the water was heated. There was water. It’s not enough to buy and I took it for myself


I played in the theater. She offered the director the option of decorating the stage in yellow and gold. Then I saw white snowdrifts and heard the crunch of snow. I came with some girl to a frozen pond. And we began to dive into the ice hole. I felt that the water was cold, but this coolness was so pleasant to me. I was under the ice, but I crawled out without fear or difficulty.


Hello! I dreamed that I was swimming naked in cold water in winter, but I wasn’t cold. And then, proving that I’m not cold, I crawl from the water into the wet snow. And why would this be??))


I dreamed that I was running down a mountain, then the guys I knew and I walked along different hills and swam, the water was cold, I had to jump in the last reservoir, it was high there, I walked around the reservoir and entered it on a more level area. Time of year - either winter or early spring, but there was no snow. Everyone was surprised that I was running across these mountains and ponds.


Hello. I had a dream in which my friend and I and a couple of women were swimming naked in an ice-hole in a lake, but I only saw women from the back, and we were talking to a friend, and then one woman took me by the arm, she was afraid of drowning, the water was cold (but it was getting a little warmer) and I let her down to the shore when my friend and I were about to go out, we were naked, I was a little embarrassed to go out, and there were women there


I walked on some rocks. And inside the rocks there was a small lake or a small pond, the water was transparent. nice and I swam


swam in a river, quite deep, the water was clear, but there was some garbage.
I felt fear and wanted to swim out faster...


Good afternoon. I dreamed that we were going to the river. And here younger son disappeared somewhere. In a dream, I don’t see him yet, but I just understand it. I’ve been looking for him for a very long time. I’m afraid that he himself went to the river and drowned. And I find him and my eldest son at the river. He’s bathing in the water. He looks 2 years, although now it’s 6 months. The river is mountainous, fast. The water is clean. He laughs


the field is rapidly filling with water clean, shiny, and I need to go to the other bank, and I swim naked to the other bank, and the water is so cold as ice and transparent that I can see the bottom of the river made of green grass


When I entered the water, the water was clear, I could see the bottom, sand, earth at the bottom, I swam and was surprised how clear the water was, but cold, when I came out I felt that my mother was sick and said that it was because of the cold water.


I am a man, 51, divorced, - I found myself in a room where there was a puddle of warm water in the middle, then I completely jumped into this pool with warm water, it was pleasant


I was very, very beautifully thin, I really liked it and I remember that I was standing in the water, it was so warm and I was rinsing felting oilcloth or something big. Then I dreamed of a sharply winter road and I was driving a car and driving it very confidently and well.


I swam in the water with my husband, the water was clear but with waves, we rushed into the water with our clothes on. There was sand in the water near the shore, but we walked around it.


I dream that my husband and I went south in May. At first I was afraid to swim in the sea, thinking that the water was cold. But I saw that people were swimming and went into the water. The water was clear and warm. I called my husband. And we swam.


Hello, in a dream I was swimming in the sea or ocean (there were a lot of people there), at first it was quiet, and then a storm started and everything became muddy, then I suddenly found myself on some narrow river, shallow, but also muddy.


I’m on vacation...abroad...and I’m swimming in the river..but it’s very looks like it’s filled with sand...brown...and the river is shallow...then I see that we’re walking with someone female through some kind of underground temple and somehow we’re being separated ..either transitions...or something else...but it seems that later we get out of this place...


I was swimming in a river in clear water, then a red cat (a real cat) jumped towards me, then I got out of the water, took out the cat and wrapped it in a white duvet cover brought by my daughter. The cat gently laid his head on my lap and obediently allowed himself to be wrapped. In real life, the cat is not mine, not my loved one... And the cat turned out to have a lot of fleas, I crush them and throw them away. At the same time, I’m afraid that the cat’s owners won’t see the whole picture.


I saw a lot of live fish in a dream and swam in the river. I often have dreams in which I buy new things, but sometimes I can’t buy them.


I dreamed that I was on vacation at the sea, but we were about to leave and I thought why had I never swam, and I went for a swim, the sea was cold but very clean and transparent, and at the bottom you could see stones with salt, someone was me asked how the water was, I answered cold but clean and tasty, salty...


I swam in the lake with a girl I knew, we swam with her almost until the middle, then we stopped, I was joyful, then I lay in the water on the shore and then left


swam in some northern sea in bluish-transparent, clean, cold water (and as if I had opened the swimming season)


I was bathing in a dream with the wife of my ex-husband’s brother, it seemed like it wasn’t a lake or a bathroom, but running water, but in the room I wanted to soap myself, but suddenly my ex-husband jumped up and began rubbing his back with a washcloth, then I put on a shirt


Hello) I dreamed that I was swimming in our lake. I'm swimming with friends and everything is fine. Out of habit, I start diving (I really like diving). The first time I dived and hit my head on the bottom, the second time it was the same. Tell me why you dream about this.


I dreamed that I filled the bathtub with water, closed the plug, and the water filled up and became cloudy, some small fish were swimming, then mud came straight from the bottom like mucus, I checked the plug, it was closed, I washed off the water again and filled it again, but it was still there. dirty, and it’s as if I take my son and put him in the bath, I think it’s too early to wash him, and there are just little fish swimming in the bath


I had a dream at sea. I’m not alone, with two friends and we have children the same age (boys). my friends went swimming, and I was afraid to leave the children alone. I was not calm. for some reason the sea is getting bigger. I leave my children away from the sea. I'm going for a swim, but I see strong waves. Sensing something was wrong, I turn my back to the sea, take the children and leave, there are a lot of people on the shore and various entertainments. I show them to the children. there were people like dolls, and one of the dolls was my sister, dressed in black dress. I go up to one of the doll houses, but there are no children nearby, I see what kind of house is going on on the shore. huge waves in which there were huge fish, sharks, etc. washed the entire shore, predatory fish carried people out to sea. I want to save my children and my sister. not finding my sister, I look with my eyes for at least someone, I find my sister’s son who was bitten by a fish and won’t let go, I take him and give him to people who are going to the hospital. I continue to search for my sister... this is where the dream ends


My wife and I are standing near the river, the colors are gloomy all around, it’s autumn, it’s cold, we’re wearing jackets, and our little son is swimming in shallow water in a white T-shirt and boots, it’s snowing, and I’m asking my wife: do we have replacement boots? Otherwise, how can a child go home with wet feet?


I dreamed that I was sailing to a boy I knew who was nearby on an island. The water was neither cloudy nor clean. Having sailed to that boy, we talked. There are two boys in my life now, and I don’t quite clearly remember who I came to. at this stage of my life a difficult situation, everything that is in your thoughts is what you dream about, complete confusion ((((


I swam in muddy water - it was the sea. The weather was rainy and cold and I was afraid - but after plunging into the water I realized that it was wonderful - very warm and I felt good


Good evening, Tatyana.
I dreamed that a friend invited me to swim in icy water. I took a dip and began to swim and began to feel tingling sensations, a friend said that if you don’t stick parts of your body out of the water in the cold air, then the icy water will seem warm. And we swam like that, but we had to get out, but at the same time we had to go through an obstacle in the form of icy frosty air. Because the very second we pulled out a part of the body from the water, this part of the body became covered with a crust of ice. And a friend somehow came to an agreement and literally quickly carried me out into the warm room that had appeared so that I was not covered in ice. But at the same time I was naked and I urgently needed to put something on myself!! And with these thoughts I woke up. And now I realize how my friend treats me in life.


Swimmed in beautiful lake azure color. And she accidentally fell into the water and was completely submerged, but then she was able to pull herself out


In a dream, I was in a fortune teller’s apartment, a child was bathing in the bathtub, then fell into the bathtub, but got up. The bathtub was tall and large and filled to the brim. Afterwards, a fortune teller stood at the door and I asked what awaited me next with my husband and she said that you would get divorced soon, I asked if I could get back together with my ex-boyfriend, she said no. and left


I swam in clear, clean water, realizing that it was sea water. There was a man nearby who was very pleasant to me in a dream, we kissed and enjoyed swimming in this endless water


At first it was something like a river, clean and I swam there, and then I went to the pool where there were a lot of people, the water itself was clean, but the edges of the pool were a little dirty, I started jumping into the water with my friends... I laughed, and then I woke up .


I dreamed of a quiet evening by the river, I was swimming in it with my friend who was looking at me intently, I smiled at him, realizing at the same time how divine and warm the water was this evening... warmth emanated from him too...


I saw people swimming. a lot of people. then I wanted to swim, but the boy started throwing dirt at me, but he didn’t hit me and I changed my mind about getting into the water. then my sister arrived with the husband of a man who is dear to me, and we wanted to swim together, but we didn’t, but her husband started swimming, then she said that she would call her brother, whose name is Seryozha. she called him, he came and picked us up. the water in the river was clean and the bridge was strong and long


swam in the river, the water was clean, swam and didn’t want to get out, swimming was relaxed, enjoyed swimming


Well, at first I was just walking along the street, then suddenly I found myself on the lake with my friend, he called me into the lake, but I didn’t want to because I couldn’t swim, then I still entered the water, but for some reason I was wearing clothes and a moment later I found myself at the school where I studied, it was night and it was dark there where my classmates were and they were afraid of something, I went up to them and asked what it was, they answered that it was the spirit of the watchman’s daughter wandering around here. Well, my two friends and I went with flashlights and climbed the stairs with fire, I shouted, show yourself, suddenly behind my back I saw a shadow from the so-called spirit, a screeching cry, a bright light, and then I found myself behind the school on the street nearby, my friends were lying nearby, we got up, stood up and went again to school when I opened the door I woke up)


the car rolls into a pond and turns into a moose, and the moose, diving under the ice, turns into a girl with luxurious hair


I dreamed that I was swimming in a river, the river was clean and not muddy. At the same time, I had a baby in my arms, a small one, I bathed him, rolled him around, he dived


they swim in the pond and they call me, but I don’t want to flatter them to swim there, I say that the water is dirty, but they tell me that for this reservoir the water is clean, where I saw a pond without mules and the water is so yellow green


in a dream I saw two people diving into cold water with practically pieces of ice, they were swimming next to their friends, and I seemed to dive after them, but I wasn’t sure about it, the water was clear, but very dark.


I dreamed that I was swimming and there were people I knew and didn’t know, children I didn’t know, everyone ate in the water at the table, I swam and jumped very high on the balloon


I swam in the river, the waves were strong, I swam either with the current or against it, then I tried to swim to the shore with a little boy


the deceased mother took a dip in the holy spring. The water would not be completely clear. Even a little cloudy. I stood next to her and handed her a shirt after bathing.


I dreamed that I was swimming in the river with my friends and it happened again, as if deja vu, then the picture suddenly changes and I’m driving a car with my friend very quickly, then we crash again, the picture changes and it’s as if I’m working at a boat rental near this river, that’s it


I dreamed that there was a large puddle above my yard, there was a coma in it, dirty water was pouring into the puddle, I was swimming in it.


There is yellow sand all around, clay. Many women, it seems relatives. The pond is muddy. The same color as the sand. The daughter is in a black swimsuit. Many are swimming. An unpleasant aftertaste.


my boyfriend came for me in a car with friends, in a suit, I was in a wedding dress, we went to the registry office, they signed there and the groom’s friend got drunk in the Soviet Union and started dancing in the fountain with him, the groom pulled me out of there, I was in a wet wedding dress dress


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that I was bathing in the bathtub, naked. The water is warm and foamy. And I want to attract the attention of a young man. Then I get up and go wash off the foam in the shower.


I’m sitting on the birch of the sea with a guy, then we’ll go swimming, I’ll swim and go into the water, if I’ve drunk, then I’ll be in a car with my girlfriend, and it looks like I’ll hurt my spine if I’m swimming, and they’ll take him here... .


I dreamed that I went into the pool, it was like flour, but when I got out of it the water was clean, there were pieces of dirt in my hair


I had two dreams, the first was that I saw an accident, a car crashed in the window of the apartment, I watched it, it was raining outside, then a friend came to me, we were going to a disco, then a lot of men came, I still didn’t understand why, then we my friend and I went for a swim, and the water was dirty like asphalt, we got out of the water and returned home and I saw the front door open and my friend immediately came in, then she came in, and I saw things scattered, video, my surveillance camera was turned off and I woke up..


I swam at night in my clothes in the lake with my lover, there was another unknown young girl who drowned and I saw her face under the water,


First, swimming in the clear sea, then my friends scare me with a snake, throwing it at me, I tell my friend. And then I tell the neighbor’s witch that I would like the sea closer to home, huge foamy waves rise and pour closer to the house, and my father doesn’t believe that this is the work of a neighbor. Plus there is some kind of spirit in the house, and we have to run towards the white church


I dreamed of a geographical map. I point my finger at a place on the map and go there. I come to the shore, and there is a seashore. I think the water is probably icy. I go into the water, the water is warm, like fresh milk.


Hello! I dreamed that I was swimming in a river that was frozen. I swim deeper and break the ice with my hands, it floats around me, I’m cold but not too much. Then, after swimming, I go ashore and the river in which I swam turned into snow, but in which there were dents where I was..


I dreamed that I was walking on top of the river closer to the shore where there were black driftwood as if across a shallow puddle and I Beautiful legs and around the raging river the water is very dirty after passing the path I look cleanest river flows in a perpendicular direction and everything around is bright and beautiful, I stopped and admired


I had a dream about how I was bathing in the bathtub and clean, clear water was running, it quickly filled up and in my hands I had a baby boy, such a fair one, that was sparkling.


I’m walking in winter with some girls I know, there’s a lot of freshly fallen snow. We approached some large puddle and the water in it was not frozen, and then we decided to swim in it in this icy water, I was hesitant, but then I finally decided to undress and swim in this icy water, I felt a strong cold but there were no negative emotions.


I dreamed that I was swimming in a pond with a child, the water was clean but not transparent, it was hard for me to hold, so I handed the child to my husband. He starts diving with her. I swear at him because the child is small and he dives for a long time. But he continues to do this on purpose...then I woke up


I dreamed that I was jumping from a pier into the water, into the sea, it was evening, but the water was not cold, my friend and my boyfriend were also there


I saw how people took turns bathing in the bath without changing the water, I did not bathe in this bath, I just watched and was horrified!


I bathed in a holy spring, the water was warm. In a dream I lay down on the water, the water held me. While bathing I prayed.


While relaxing on the bridges with friends, we dived and swam, the water was clean and transparent, and we swam further on even clearer.


I dreamed that I was swimming in a cold sea, but I was not cold. And in a dream I am surprised by this.


hello! today I had a dream, I really remember it poorly, in this dream there were someone’s parents whom I saw in first, and a woman was pregnant after which something happened to her and the children stayed with the man, oddly enough, I was there too and this man sent me to call the children home, in fact, I went to call them and at that moment they were swimming in the river and the water was very muddy and they We dived over the bridge. I don’t remember further. Do you know what this could mean?


I dreamed of swimming in a pond with a woman who was naked and she and I had sexual relations in the same pond.


I was walking along the river of a friend (whose son-in-law travels to earn money every hour of the day), who was proudly sitting on a chair in a cap and eyepieces, and my son-in-law was standing. I could swim by the water and you could see it , then crossed the river Viyshov from her and then my daughter (son-in-law’s friend) appeared, washing her clothes in her hands, and they held hands and walked.


I just saw my other relatives swimming in lakes, rivers, ponds, and most importantly, the bottom was visible everywhere, on one of them I actually saw a stroller and large crayfish and scorpions... then I dreamed that something appeared out of nowhere infant boy, I held him in my hands and fed him, then I dreamed that I was walking past my ex-boyfriend with this child and thinking: “I wish you didn’t stop, this is not my child,” and he said to me, “Oh, I’ve had a lot of fun,” but I didn't even turn around. Then I also dreamed that I was holding onto the branches of a tree (nut), flying, and then getting off the tree itself.


I dreamed that my dad and I were in Spain, on some kind of excursion. And first we swam along the river, and then there was a stop, supposedly for swimming. But almost no one swam. We crossed this river through some kind of black, inconvenient pipe. And they saw fish (salmon and some small ones), fed it and tried to catch it with their hands. Then we plopped into the water and swam a little because the water was invigorating! Here. My dad and I didn't catch any salmon. But they did not collect some pebbles and shells and small fish in the bag. I remember that the stones were of amazing colors (bright colors), I tried to photograph them, but it turned out badly and I was upset. that's all I remember. If you explain, I will be grateful. This is the first time I’ve turned to the interpretation of dreams, but lately I’ve been dreaming about swimming in water often, and in warm, clean water, I feel great pleasure! Thank you in advance)


I walked along the bridge over the canal. I saw that a lot of people were swimming and went for a swim too. I took off my robe (I was in a robe) and, left in only my shorts, went into the water and swam... then I came out and put my robe back on and went into the house... as if it were my house and I ate pies there, with sorrel and cabbage...


Hello! Today I dreamed about how I was swimming in the river and the water was warm, pleasant, clean. I was very pleased to be there.


I saw the river. a lot of water. deep places. but the water is clean. then I went into TV water with a man in good location, not very deep, waist-deep. we swam and rejoiced




My friend and I were in some kind of pasture and when I opened the last compartment, I saw that there was water and my things were scattered at the bottom. I asked my friend to dive with my wills, she dived and said that the water was very cold and then I dived and picked up some kind of syringe and some other tools. The water was clean and transparent


Hello! I had a dream. It was as if I had come to the sea with my family but without my husband, the water was clear but cold, I swam across the sea to the other shore and there I sat down on white horse. I feel like the horse and I understand each other without words. The dream left a very pleasant feeling


Hello. I dreamed that my sister and friend and I were standing by a pond in the area where I used to live with my parents, in the place where new tall houses are now being built for rent, and we swam and walked along the road to our 10th house. I was without clothes and stopped at an intersection and I asked the girls to go with me to the store to buy something for work tomorrow (to eat). I gave the bag to my friend and started changing at the crossroads. on the road as we were coming from swimming)




I saw Mom bathing in clayey water in a dream, she felt good, but my sister and I were very afraid that Mom wouldn’t drown... well, she then came out so happy, that’s how it was


Hello, I dreamed of very muddy water, a swamp, and my child swam in it, although not for long when I jumped into this water after her, she swam to the shore and the current began to carry me away, in a split second a man emerged from under the water and began to drown me, what is this explain? please, I feel a bit uneasy, thank you


Hello! I dreamed that a couple of times it came from the bridge at the entrance, it was a swamp color... and I saw the same fish several times... and the river was located instead of a road along some street


I swam in a very clean warm sea, the sea was very calm, there was bright sun and very salty water. A shark swam up to me, but we drove it away before it even had time to open its mouth.


rested in the forest. let's go swimming. At first the river was shallow. then wider and deeper. and I rolled into a big river. warm water. but muddy and it was fun and joyful. I wanted to swim. I wasn't alone
. there were a lot of people, but I don’t know who was with me. and woke up.


Hello Tatiana. I dreamed of my late mother, who passed away 1.2 years ago. She appeared in our village house, where dad now lives. I saw that she had prepared some kind of pond with water and forced my late grandmother (dad’s mother), my father and my husband to swim there (my husband recently swallowed pills - they saved him). As if in a dream, I reasoned: “Grandma is deceased... does that mean dad will die soon? Why is my husband?” I wanted to call him, tell him not to swim... and then for some reason I didn’t say so. It seems my mother distracted me, she appeared in front of me. I look at her and see that she is sobbing bitterly, saying: “Poor Olya, poor Olya!” At first I started sobbing with her, feeling something warm and familiar inside me... then she said: “Well, come to me, at least touch my hands.” I walked up, extended my hands to hers, and I myself thought: “Probably cold”... but the hands turned out to be normal, I was surprised, took them more tightly, and said: “Not cold.” And she: “Well, hug me.” I came closer and touched her shoulders - they weren’t cold. And then such tenderness came over me, I wanted to hug her all, to cuddle. Then the thought occurred to me that it seemed bad to hug a dead person, and at the same time I heard her ominous laugh. I pushed her away and she fell silent. I woke up.


I dreamed that I was swimming on the ocean and would soon drown because of fatigue, but then I survived the island, swam there and fell unconscious there. That island belongs to a rich man who wants to marry me, but I fall in love with the ocean, and he pulls me along with him. I marry a man and swim in the ocean.
After this experience, I feel like I’m drawn to water in my sleep, I want to pour a cup of water over myself...


I dreamed that I was swimming in a cold river with my father, and when I came out of the water there was a man with a bag of small fish.


I swam in the lake for a long time at night with a friend, I don’t remember his face, but I know that he is a friend. it was cold, but I didn't feel cold. the lake was large, I tried to swim to the other side (considering the fact that I can’t swim at all and am afraid of water), but halfway there I turned around. I felt pain from the rings on my hands. there were gold rings on all the fingers. they began to sting me very painfully... one ring was very beautiful. in the dream I really liked it... I only wear one ring, but in the dream there were many of them. and they all stung except my real one. all golden and massive, without stones, with one inscription (I don’t know what it was written, the letters are on a white background) and I especially liked it. When I took off all the rings, I saw that they were too big for me. big size. then I found myself on the street during the day, a girl was trying on some clothes on the street and wondering if it suited her. her face is familiar. then suddenly I found myself in my school. in my old class, but the teacher was a woman from the academy, she gave me gloves and a T-shirt, black. then everyone left and I packed my things. There turned out to be a lot of them... a lot of rubbish... paper, some rags... a pack of socks (20 pieces)... then I found myself in a shop. there I took myself a gold pendant. very beautiful..and the dream was interrupted..


I dived into a large bath with clean warm water and it was very good, the room was all very clean and bright, everything was very beautiful


I dreamed that somehow I was on the Black Sea in Anapa! I’m standing on the shore and I really wanted to swim! I go into the water, and it is warm and simply crystal clear, and it surprised me so much! When I entered the entrance, I saw that a work colleague was standing nearby and was also entering the water! We swam a little and I went ashore! I was wearing some colored chiffon clothes!


I came to a fortune teller (in fact, I know her) and asked her to help me pay off my debts. And she told me to take a bath of warm water and put a few drops of perfume in it. Then I plunged clockwise inside the bath That's all


In the dream, friends swam in the lake, dived, jumped, rolled, but I most I stood near the water, I wanted to jump, but something wouldn’t let me, so I can’t get into the water and that’s it!


I was traveling with a guy, we wanted to fight over my wife, then I seemed to be in a large room, for some reason it seemed like it was a women’s toilet, I was swimming there


I was on a hike with a group of people, took a lot of pictures, night came, I went to swim in the river and it was scary because it was very dark, then I swam back, when I swam out I stood and looked from the mountain at the river and saw a large snake in the river.


I dreamed that I was swimming in water, and I dreamed about shit. And yesterday I dreamed that I gave birth to a girl and I saw her in person


There were still strangers swimming nearby, everyone said that the water was cold, but it didn’t seem to me that it was cold and that time was evening or night, and then when I was swimming, what insect bit me on the hand, I got rid of it


I dreamed about how my friend and I went swimming in the river. blocks of ice floated in the water, but the water did not seem icy


Hello Tatiana! I had a dream that I was bathing in a bathtub that is located near a supermarket in the backyard. My ex-husband is sitting next to me and we are having a nice conversation. Then I get dressed and he takes my bag and looks at it and says that I need to buy a new one, although when we lived together , he constantly scolded me, why do I buy so many bags. Why this dream? Today I have to meet with b. husband, but I’m very afraid and don’t know how our meeting will end after such a dream.


mi s jnoy poexali na more otdixat patom ya zametil chto u menya nogi nemnoshko gryaznie i mil nog ,after etova pashli na morye i ya kupalsya v more


hello, in my dream my son and I were swimming in a clean and warm pool, despite the fact that the plot before was as follows: the street was cold and damp in winter, a lot of fish looked like they were being sold or given away, butchered and cut into pieces. And then the pool story


Hello, In a dream I saw two large elephants to the side, who were just standing and just looking at me, I didn’t feel any fear towards them. Then I went to swim, either a river or a lake, teenagers were swimming there next to me, the water was was somewhat cloudy. At this time, a slight ebb began, which, I know in a dream, should always come when the moon wanes. The teenagers began to dive, not heeding my advice that the water had become less and it was no longer possible to dive, as it was becoming shallow and I myself began to feel the sand in the water and see. The water began to rise and fall, as it does at low tide. I had a dream in the evening, I just lay down for a little nap. Thank you for your attention.


I swam in the black sea, it was calm and very warm. The water was crystal clear and transparent. I swam and saw fish


I had a dream that I was swimming in the sea and taking pictures against the backdrop of the sea, when we looked at the photos in the background, 2 or 3 sharks were clearly visible. and with such appetite she ate the fish in her dream and it seemed lightly salted, she dipped it in salt and ate it.


I dreamed that I was swimming in a small river, the water seemed to be clean (I don’t really remember) but I wasn’t swimming there alone, there were some other girls, then I seemed to be apart from them and my husband told me to get out of the water already, suddenly I saw, not far from me, a whirlpool that was spinning and the water was dirty, I got out of the water, my husband helped.


Hello! I dreamed that my ex was swimming with his wife in icy water, the pond was large and there was ice all around. They swam with such pleasure and squealing, he was half naked, and she was in a shirt.


This is the third night I've been swimming in my sleep. I wake up with a pleasant feeling. The first time I swam in the sea was with my father. I felt depth and a little fear. It was sunny and wonderful.
Second time swimming in the sea with my mother. Mom was not particularly pleased with some of my actions. While swimming, we suddenly discovered that the sea was very small and more like a lake. Having climbed the mountain, we discovered that we had come to the wrong beach. We still saw palm trees, sand, and salt.
Today I swam in the pool. I was who I am. Pregnant with her third child. The water was clean. I came to the first lesson with one trainer, and during the course I met another group. And at the end of the classes, finding out the price, the coach said that it would be better for me to go to another group, where the classes are more gentle. The mood is good from these dreams, from the feeling of water, (fish according to the horoscope)
Once I resolved the issue of unfinished business, thanks to repeated typical dreams for two weeks.
I think that these dreams also tell me something.


I dreamed about my sister and mother, but they were no longer there, they had died but were alive in the dream, one sister reassured me that everything would be fine, and I saved the second sister, who was sleeping, from the water and the water was cloudy, and I don’t remember my mother, but I know that she was in dream. tell me what this is for?


I ended up in the water with someone and stayed together. The water was dark, but not dirty, deep, huge crocodiles were swimming around us. It seemed like they were hunting us and were very close, I clearly saw their long, closed mouths, but they didn’t touched us, swam around, several of them


I supposedly swam in a holy spring, the water was clean, cold, but not icy. I dipped my head in and washed my face several times.


I saw myself naked in a dream. he ran through the shopping center, but was not shy. Then he ran to the beach and plunged into the river, but the water there did not flow as before in the river, but stood like in a lake, very muddy and dirty, I saw my mother nearby in a dream. After this, I dream about my wife confessing to treason. I think I forgave her. something like that.


I dreamed that some friend of mine and I (I knew her in a dream, but we don’t know each other in real life) were at some kind of holiday, we got bored and she suggested we go swimming. First we came to the beach, everything was bright, juicy, sunny. We entered the river and there we had to dive and swim underwater to get into the sea. She was the first to swim, I watched it as if from above. Then I did it and we found ourselves on another sea beach and swam there.


there is sand all around, clear, very warm water in the form of a lake, one of my work colleagues, as well as relatives, swam in it


there was a clean pond in which fish and turtles swam, then I saw a gold bracelet (in the water), took it out and put it on my hand


I dreamed that my husband and I arrived in the forest and saw large wild strawberries, and we were picking them. We didn’t collect much, although there were a lot of berries, all large, red, some were green. Then we noticed a pond in the forest with clean, calm, greenish water, almost transparent, and immediately ran to swim in it. The water was warm and pleasant, I don’t remember whether we undressed or not. Moreover, I went far, although in reality I don’t know how to swim. But there was no danger or fear. Then we went home, and again later it was as if we had come for the berries and picked them.


I swam in a fast-flowing river, the transparent mirror water was afraid that the current would carry me far from the shore, but I was able to swim against the current and return to the shore


My brother and I were sailing along the river in warm water were happy, they swam from the river to the sea. There was clean water in the sea, the sand under our feet was like disgusting mud from the beginning, and then we came out onto pleasant soft sand. Then we returned to where we started our voyage, in a dream we sailed across the entire globe and as if we returned home as winners. (As a child, in the summer we often floated with the flow in a friendly group, played around, we had a lot of fun.) In the dream we had the same sensations.


Tatyana, good afternoon. Today I dreamed that I was taking a bath, but the water in it was not hot, but even a little cool, but I seemed comfortable. and then my sister throws my two cats into the bathtub, I immediately kick her out, and I begin to either drown the felting felts or something else, but in short, immerse them in water and runs away, and for some reason my sister climbed into my bathtub. but I immediately left there. and I’m already walking with my husband and he asks, what’s on your leg? and then I just see a scratch on my leg, the cat scratched me in the bathroom, but it didn’t hurt me and I didn’t even notice it. and I woke up. is this a bad or a good dream?


Hello! I would be very grateful for the interpretation of my dream. In a dream, I plunged headlong into an organized holy indoor pool, the water was warm, I plunged three times and was baptized, for some reason I could not emerge for a long time after the third dive, emerging was not bad, but a lot of water came out of my mouth. Thank you in advance.


I dreamed about how I was bathing... and not in the shower, but in some kind of basin, I didn’t see water, I saw only foam, and I strongly smelled soap, I wanted to drain the water on myself all the time... to wash off the foam... but it didn’t work, I don’t know why... I had this dream before.


I jumped into the river in which pieces of ice were floating, I was expecting a shock, but the water was very pleasant, along the tributary of the river steamboats rose sharply up and to the left, their speed and power amazed me. But they stirred up the water with their blades and it became red from clay, I took a long time I swam before noticing it. And when I realized that the river was bright red and thick with clay, it turned out that the bottom was completely concreted. I thought, where does the clay come from? and stood up. It turned out to be shallow. But I liked swimming, I swam some more. When I came out of the river, I thought about washing myself off, but it turned out I didn’t bother


My friend had a dream about me jumping from a bridge into the water and calling him to me, he jumped, he came out dry and I was wet


swam in the mountain, cold, fast, transparent river. Dive, swam underwater with with open eyes. Crossed the river. I enjoyed it. But he swam with his late father. Then I stayed in the river, told my father that I still needed to go somewhere, and sent my father over the mountain pass until it got dark.


I swam in a mountain, fast, cold, transparent river. He swam and crossed the river, diving with his eyes open. I had great pleasure. But he swam with his late father. Next, I sent my father over the mountain pass, telling him that I still had time to go somewhere, that it would soon get dark. I stayed in the river myself.


I'm swimming in the sea, the water is dirty, I swim a few meters and the water is clean, transparent and I don't want to go anywhere, although I know that I need to go somewhere, I stay swimming further.


I swam in the water with my loved one. a place between two mountains. I expected cold water, but when diving I didn’t feel the cold. I plunged headlong several times, but swam up. then my family showed up and we left


I dreamed yesterday that I was walking back and forth near the church, my body was calm, my soul was in panic, I spoke to the priest several times, I went into the church, some woman came and said that it would cost a lot, I still didn’t understand why I should stand. then she was reading some kind of prayer or something, and suddenly I got on my knees and bent over, just like how services are held in churches. I clearly remember how she said GO OUT several times, the last one loudly, and some huge shapeless black cloud came out of me from behind with a roar that was somehow incomprehensible. It hung over me for a couple of seconds and then entered me back with such force that I woke up and my whole back, especially my shoulder blade, hurt in reality... I couldn’t sleep for a long time after that...


Hello, I had a dream about a girl I know, whom I love, bathing in a bathhouse with her friends and boyfriends, those who were in the dream, I know them all.


I swam in the water with a friend (and there were other acquaintances), the descent to the water was from a high staircase, some kind of water transport was floating on the water (I don’t remember what exactly). The water is like a river, not clean, I climbed into the water from this ladder, and then found myself near the shore with mud (green), there were also dead aquatic animals there (near the shore): fish, crocodiles and someone else, and my friend I was just walking nearby in the shallow water. When I saw dead animals and green, muddy water with mud and algae, I swam away from the shore, where the water was cleaner.


I swam in the river with my son, with a friend and her children, everyone was happy, the weather was sunny, it was warm, it was half a familiar place, when we swam across, it seemed to be something familiar, in the place where we swam, the river had a slight bend , the opposite bank was steep, partially overgrown with willow bushes, a path climbed up the steep bank, it went along the very top. There was a tree growing on the cliff, my friend Lyuba was waiting for us there


I swam late in the evening, the water was not dirty, but greenish, at first I was without clothes, then, when I entered the water, I found myself in clothes


I swam in the bathtub in a swimsuit in clear blue water. Also swimming in this bath with me was my cousin and the director of the company where I work. The bathtub was larger than usual in size.


An unfamiliar woman, whom I asked for directions, led me to the river in which I once swam as a child. I saw a river that had become shallow and silted up. Tears flowed and even sobs escaped me, I was so sorry for the river that was full of water 50 years ago. But having walked further, I saw a large, full-flowing river, where people were swimming, quite a lot of men, women, and children. I entered the water and swam. The water was not cloudy, but not transparent either, just as it happens in nature, not very warm, but not cold either. I experienced a pleasant feeling, great pleasure, freshness. Was very good. After swimming a little, I came ashore (not the beach, just the shore), because I had to hurry somewhere.


I was bathing in the house, my hair was falling out, they poured water on me from above to rinse myself off. I walked through this water and looked at my fallen hair.


I swam with my child in clear, clean, rancid water, laughed and rejoiced... when we were getting ready to go home, I lost my phone, first I found someone else’s broken phone and then my own


I dreamed that I went with my friends to swim in the river.
There was a wooden path above the river, along which I began to walk, and suddenly it collapsed and began to “sink.”
my friends shouted to me, “get out, the water is dirty”
Besides, I fell into the river with my clothes on.
I was able to get out, stood on the ground and saw that my friends ran closer to the river and started shouting, “let’s jump to 3.”
They counted and jumped, at first I didn’t understand anything, but then I undressed and jumped too.


I was on the river, near his house. there was a girl and a guy with me, I don’t know them, but the girl’s voice seemed familiar. They went somewhere and came back with my ex-husband. The feeling of seeing him was unpleasant, there was even a fear that he might do something to me .the husband and the girl dived into the river, the water was dirty, the girl dived normally, but the husband hit his head on the bottom and then when he got up he hit the barge. He got out. I was half-sitting with my back to him, he came up and poured it on my head red wine, I understood this by the fact that it floated down my face. When the girl asked why you were doing this, my husband sat down, began to get dressed and, with tears in his eyes, calmly but with hatred and anger said that I would still regret that It was that they got divorced and in general that we were once together. Then I woke up.


We went camping as a group and there was a girl I met at the camp at the beginning of summer. The point is that we swam as a group, and then sat by the fire and I hugged her. All.


I had a dream about how I came to some man. In his backyard there were large piles of garbage, between which there were passages like paths. I also saw dilapidated trucks standing in a row, from which I realized that he was also a driver. Then I realized, that he came to him to offer him to buy his half-disassembled KRAZ truck. He refused, but said that he seemed to have some kind of buyer in mind who could offer my car. Then it turned out that I had taken an air rifle (an air rifle) from home with me. And although in reality it was working and almost new, in the dream it turned out that it was leaking water. The man willingly offered a rubber ring, a can and bullets for the air gun. Then he invited me to swim in shower, because I'm dirty. And I went to the shower. It turned out to be across the street from his neighbors. And two days ago I dreamed of my late grandparents and uncle for two days in a row. True, on the second day I dreamed of my grandmother and uncle without my grandfather.


the city was filled with water, I swam there and found myself near the church, some woman said that there was only 1 way to get around the church, swim under it, I followed her and saw people under the tunnel, just sitting, the water was light, blue, the weather was sunny, I thought it was souls of the dead people and got scared and swam back, but decided to swim in the other direction, but there were dogs there, then I don’t remember anything


I dreamed of a mother who died 1 year ago, with an unfamiliar girl about 12-13 years old, both in a beautiful dress, and then the mother began to swim in the pool. With clean and clear water, and I wanted to help her, but I didn’t have time, she kept crying in the pool .


I saw a log house, but the logs outside were rotten. The inside of the house was beautiful, but it was not my home. The wooden fence is new, but in some places there was no picket fence. Fruit trees grew around the house. I also swam in muddy water. I wanted to wash something off myself and I came to the lake; there was wind, waves and the water was cloudy. But I still went swimming in my clothes


I swam in the sea in a dream, a horse swam nearby. I swam away from her to the shore


I bathed in the bath and ate nuts and peanuts from China. and then I saw a cockroach, and there was a second and third one and they began to crowd towards me. I pulled the plug out of the bathtub and began to wash them off. and there are more and more of them, the bathtub is covered in cockroaches and I. I look and it turns out they are going for peanuts. the peanuts started to wash into the water and they woke me up


At first I swam in the clear water with my mother, then a sandstorm began, the sand came down from the mountains like an avalanche, we ran away and ran into the apartment...


I dreamed that my friend was calling me to swim in a river whose banks I couldn’t see, an endless river, that is, I plopped into the water with my back, it was cold and I went out, then I climbed a sandy mountain and went somewhere


I saw myself bathing naked in a bathtub with soap... and then some people came.


It was evening, a small pond, grass around. I had a child with me, but not mine. he wanted to swim and I carried him into the water, but I don’t remember exactly what the water was like, since it was dark.


First, I skied down from a high hill with a man to the lake, then I swam with a friend and her daughter in icy clear water in swimsuits, then we were sucked into a tunnel by a whirlpool, where we rolled down for a long time and ended up in the underground sea, it was light there, It’s warm and the water is very clear, but no one knew how to get out of there. And I woke up


I was bathing in the bathroom, in clean, clear water. But a cat of such red-peach color jumped up to me. For some reason I was afraid of him, I called for help. My husband came to get the cat, but he jumped up again. What does this mean for a pregnant woman?


I dreamed that there was a font, there were people. First, a woman in whose hand a small dog and then I took a dip, but behind me there was a man whose hands I was holding! Why such a dream?


I dreamed that my brother and I were going down the river on an inflatable mattress, first he entered the water to check if the water was shallow, and then we both entered and went down in rather stormy water, while he dived, but was afraid of choking.


I saw a transparent lake, went into the water, but since it was cold, I didn’t swim, after me a girl came in and took a dip, came out of the water, her whole body was red and I pressed her to warm her up.


The child jumped into the deep end of the pool and walked underwater to the other end of the pool. The pool water was clean


It’s winter outside, and I’m swimming in a pond that didn’t freeze and the water was so warm that I didn’t even want to get out of it


I dreamed that I was swimming in a river with my ex-boyfriend, he invited me. The water was clean. This all happened near my house, although in fact I don’t have a river near my house.


I dreamed that I was in a dirty sea where there was a war and everything was destroyed. And when I dived, everything disappeared.


I dreamed that I was in the water with a guy. We swam, laughed, but it was not my boyfriend, but just a roommate. But I hugged him.


I dreamed of a flood... my sister and I had to somehow get out of this area, at the beginning we saw a wooden structure, having overcome difficulties, my sister found herself inside and began to cry, I waited for her outside for a long time, then she returned in a good mood. It turned out that in this building, in a hidden place, there was a font, into which, after crying, you get what you want. I also decided to cry, getting to the font is not easy, you have to jump over ditches dug inside the room, but I got there just the same. However, I did not cry, but plunged into this font... I didn’t even notice that there was food nearby (even though I was hungry). I got out of the building and after a while we were already sailing through the floods on a boat (I don’t remember where it came from). We got out of the flood area.


I dreamed that my friend and I were bathing while sitting in the bathtub and my employee was pouring water on my head, while telling me to rinse off the shampoo well


I swam in the river and swam with pleasure, the water was not clear, I was not swimming alone in a group


I was sitting in the bathtub with a friend. The water was a little cloudy and cool, my friend and I were naked. She got out. And I still stayed and my husband was sitting on a chair next to me.


In a dream, I was swimming in water, the water was ice-cold, but when I started swimming, the water suddenly became warm and this water was supposedly holy. Besides me, a lot of people whom I don’t know at all swam, and they said that this water was holy.


I dreamed that I was swimming in the sea, the water was clear, warm colors, golden, the bottom was deep, the sensations were pleasant, then a man appeared in the dream, there was pleasant communication with him, not sexual, we just swam together and talked


I entered a river with yellow-dirty water, then floated along the river on a boat and there were bare dark trees around and I could not get out


I am on the bank of a river in winter. I saw that on the opposite bank someone had fallen into water, and those around they don’t jump after him. He swam, but they had already pulled out the drowning man. I thought about hypothermia, but still swam back, although there was some kind of alternative. I didn’t feel the cold. I even floated the bridge. To make it easier to get out. I don’t remember dressing. On the way home walked past containers with garbage, where many crows were sitting on the ground. And from where a girl ran away screaming. He walked up and found the body of a child about 5 years old, covered with something. I thought about the safety of the find, but was forced to go home to inform the police. .


I swam in a building in warm, opaque water with a co-worker and kissed


Good afternoon. Today I dreamed that I was walking along the bank of a river, there was a lot of water, but it was clean and warm. I swim in this water, meet my work colleagues, talk with them. I feel very calm in my sleep.

A sign of repentance for one’s sins and fulfilling one’s duty to Allah. If he redeems in winter time cold water, then this is a sign of worries and misfortunes, and if one bathes in hot water in winter, then this is a sign of profits, benefits and healing from illnesses.

If he takes a ritual bath to perform Hajj (ihram) or enter Mecca, then this indicates joy, jubilation, meeting with those who have been absent for a long time, and payment of debt.

If the sick person bathes and puts on new clothes, then Allah will heal him, if he is a debtor, then Allah will help him pay his debt, if he is in prison, then He will free him from it, if he is worried and alarmed, then Allah will deliver him from worries and worries, if he has not yet performed Hajj, he will perform it, and if he is poor, then the Almighty will enrich him.

And if after bathing he puts on old clothes, then his anxiety and sadness will disappear, but he will become poorer. To wash among people means first to achieve good and success, and then to be robbed. To start and not finish swimming in a dream means that you will not achieve your goal in life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation - Water

Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep fresh lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If a dream contains this significant symbol in any form, it is extremely important to understand its role.

Water in dreams is a powerful symbol because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a babbling stream flowing through the meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols create a feeling of fear or ANXIETY, then the stormy ocean intensifies it. Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. This is a reflection of the human experience with water.

At the dawn of humanity, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was a central component of life. (They die from thirst much faster than from hunger.) Even more important was to know where the water was, because it made it clear where the FOOD was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, fraught with unknown dangers. TRAVELING by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas took the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease.

Emphasizing the positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a controlled environment almost always causes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to solving problems.

If there is a lake in the dream, is the entire shoreline within sight and probable reach?

If you dream of a river or stream, have they overflowed their banks, and in your opinion, can they be overcome by ordinary means? These are all examples of managed water.

Water represented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a tired traveler, dreaming, suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey is close, at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a BOAT, slowly gliding along the surface of the water. The sleeper must be anticipating a time of respite from everyday worries or trying to specially create such an opportunity.

Uncontrolled water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer finds himself. Quiet, deep water that seems refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the potential danger lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what lies in the depths.

The exception to the general statements above are water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the tap is controlled by the dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer is ineffective at operating the tap, then it can be assumed that he feels that he is out of control and unable to cope with simple circumstances (or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the tap). If the tap is controlled by another person, then we can conclude that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of another. This whim can cause one to feel significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss , lover or other persons significant to you.

Interpretation of dreams from