Someone will say that simple people should pray in front of icons that help in solving simple everyday problems, and the “Sovereign” icon Mother of God Few people know what it helps with. It is believed that this image is intended for those vested with state power; they say that you can only turn to this icon when asking for support for the rulers of the country. However, this is not quite true.

Painful questions

In the light of modern events, when the world seems so fragile, when state borders do not protect the rich Russian lands from the greedy eyes of foreigners, when hundreds of thousands of people are destroyed to satisfy the geopolitical demands of the ruling world elite, when inside own country People who are indifferent to the fate of the people who feed them have seized power; I want to exclaim: “Is this really fair, is this really how it should be, is there really no force capable of resisting evil and injustice?!” Maybe God has turned his back on Russia? Is there an answer to this question?

Just a coincidence or a sign?

In 1917, on March 2, in the village of Kolomenskoye, which is now part of city ​​limits Moscow, an icon of the Mother of God was miraculously found, in which the Most Pure Virgin holds symbols in her hands state power. It is interesting that on the same day another event occurred that turned the fate of our country upside down - Emperor Nicholas II renounced the mission entrusted to him to rule the country, as befits a person anointed for such service by the Lord God Himself. However, the Heavenly Father did not abandon the country and its disadvantaged people to the mercy of fate. A miracle happened that gave all of Russia hope for salvation. At the moment of renunciation, God stood invisibly near Nicholas and took the scepter and orb from him in order to hand them over to She who would never renounce them, but in due time would hand them over to a worthy one. How else can one explain the miracle of the appearance of the icon of the Queen of Heaven in the garb of an earthly queen, sitting on a throne with symbols of supreme power over the country in her hands and with the Child of God on her knees, blessing everyone who falls before Him?

The Lord communicated his opinion regarding the supreme power through a simple peasant woman

It is interesting that the woman who told about the place where the icon lies had dreams in which the Heavenly Powers pointed it out to her. It turns out that the Lord foresaw the upcoming renunciation. Or maybe the Council Oath, given by representatives of all lands and classes in 1613 to the Romanov family, was canceled in 1917? We can only guess and look for the hidden meaning of the event. The “sovereign” icon of the Mother of God does not answer who is to blame for the misfortunes of the people and the seizure of power by atheists. This means that we don’t need to know the answer. After all, by looking for him, we are looking for the culprit. And we are commanded: “Do not judge, and you will not be judged.” Blessings and congregational prayer Patriarch Alexy II, Orthodox citizens of Russia repented for not preserving the monarchy, for allowing the violation and non-compliance of the Council Oath, pronounced and signed before the first Romanov - sixteen-year-old Romanov-Yuryev - 300 years ago.

Coincidence or new sign?

In the city of Yekaterinburg, where she was shot royal family, in memory of this event, the Monastery of Saints was founded. At the beginning of the 2000s, a temple of the Virgin Mary was erected on the territory of the monastery. The throne icon, in whose honor it was illuminated, is, as you understand, the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God. The meaning of the event is difficult to interpret in two ways. No one disputed symbolism then and no one disputes it now. The Tsar-Martyr, who abdicated the throne, and the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God, which accepted from him the attributes of power. The significance of what happened after has yet to be comprehended: in 2010, without standing idle and four years, the church burned down.

God bless Russia

There is an opinion that the last Romanovs no longer had Russian blood, and their close relations with the monarchies of other countries, which always had claims to Russia, threatened our country with the loss of independence, which the previous tsars had achieved by expanding the borders and providing trade by sea communications. We were threatened with the fate of a cash cow that would feed Europe. The long-suffering and merciful Lord did not allow this to happen. The “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God became the guarantee of His care and favor towards Russia. It’s not hard to guess how the image helps. They pray to him to preserve the integrity of the state during the dangers associated with the risk of territorial disintegration of the country. When leaving to serve in the army, you need to come to the temple and ask for a blessing from the holy image. If a mother gives her son, who is going to guard the border, a camp bag with this icon, then Holy Virgin grants him victory in battle if such a thing happens, and he returns home safe and sound.

It would be nice if the “Sovereign” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos hung in the offices of government officials. And before making decisions, they would overshadow themselves by turning their gaze and thoughts to the Holy Face.

When will Russia begin to flourish again?

On the eve of nationwide orphanhood, the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God was revealed to us. What do orphans pray to God for? They turn to Him in all their needs and sorrows.

The legend claims that prosperity in Russia will come when the miraculous “Sovereign” icon that we read in front of this image returns to its place, even if it contains this request. What is considered the place where the icon should return and why is it still not there? To understand this, you need to take a closer look at its history.

The Miracle of Finding an Icon

On February 13, 1917, a certain woman (even her name was preserved - Evdokia Andrianova) had a dream. And it must be said that the day before, on the 12th, there was a big holiday in honor of the deeply revered image of the Virgin Mary, called “Iversky”. The eschatological meaning, mysteriously connected with the final destinies of the world, is known to clergy. So, on the night after the holiday, Evdokia dreamed that she was required to find a black icon in the village of Kolomenskoye, paint it red and pray in front of the found image. The devout woman fervently prayed to God, asking to guide her on the true path and teach her to fulfill His Holy will, as well as to deliver her from the wiles of the devil, if it was from him that she received the vision.

She dreamed of February 26 new dream, where the Majestic Woman appeared before her and with her heart Evdokia felt the Most Pure Virgin Herself in Her. Unable to suffer any more guesswork and keep her dreams secret, Evdokia Andrianova went to Kolomenskoye, fortunately it was not too far away. She found the Church of the Ascension there and approached the rector with her worries and doubts. The kind priest listened to her and showed her the iconostasis, but none of the icons resembled the one the woman saw in her dream. Then it was decided to look in the utility rooms. And in the basement they found what they were looking for. The image was covered with dust and cobwebs, but it was exactly the icon that the woman saw in her dream.

This is how the intercessor of the Russian land was found for the first time - the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God. The prayer of a simple village woman for guidance on the true path was realized in this way. Truly, the ways of the Lord are mysterious.

What needs does Our Lady of Sovereign help with?

The news about the icon of the Mother of God, who took royal power over the country into her own hands, quickly spread throughout the surrounding area and reached both capitals. The image began to be taken to different parishes, people lined up just to see what the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God looked like. Prayer before Her helped many to heal illnesses, arrange their personal lives, and help with financial difficulties. Queen of Heaven, like birth mother, helps in all troubles. You just need to approach her and tell her about yourself. With providence, wisdom and power, everything will be arranged and everyone will be comforted by the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God. How does this Image help people baptized in the Name of Her Divine Son? Judge for yourself. Orphaned after the loss of the king, the people clung to the Heavenly Mother. Her face is stern and powerful. She sits on the earthly throne, which confirms Her assumption of earthly, worldly power over the country. Worldly power is worldly affairs, worldly concerns and worldly problems.

Disappearance of an icon

Soon after its discovery, the icon was restored, with the participation of Patriarch Tikhon, an akathist was composed in its honor, a service and a canon were compiled. In subsequent years, when persecution of believers began, and churches began to be emptied and desecrated, the icon disappeared. But she was not lost without a trace. The first icon “Sovereign Mother of God”, a photograph of which is placed at the beginning of the article, long years secretly kept in the storerooms of the State Historical Museum.

Second Finding

The second time it was found immediately after the first Liturgy according to royal martyrs, that is, 72 years after the Yekaterinburg massacre. Employees Historical Museum handed it over to the Orthodox Church.

You don’t have to understand politics, don’t know history deeply, but only love and respect your homeland, honor God, His Most Pure Mother and the saints, and then your heart itself will tell whom the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God helps with what.

According to legend, prosperity will begin in Russia after the icon returns to the place of its discovery, that is, to the Ascension Church of Kolomensky. Now it is located in the Church of the Kazan Mother of God, also located in Kolomenskoye, and the Ascension Church is still closed. At least this was the case in 2012.

The Icon of the Sovereign Mother of God appeared to the Russian people in March 1917 in the village of Kolomenskoye, which is located near Moscow. What’s interesting is that this event coincided with a significant historical event– abdication of the power of Tsar Nicholas II. A resident of this village had a vision in a dream in which the Mother of God addressed her and said that she needed to find a black icon and raise it before her. The peasant woman followed the instructions Higher powers and found an image in the basement of the Ascension Church that was in very poor condition. After all the impurities were removed, the woman recognized the icon presented in her dream. From that time on, the icon of the Sovereign Mother of God began to work miracles, and this led to the fact that pilgrims from all over the country came to the temple. During the reign of Soviet power, there was persecution of Orthodox Christians, so people who revered this image were arrested and punished.

Before we find out what they pray for in front of the icon of the Sovereign Mother of God, we will find out what exactly is depicted on it. In this image, the Mother of God is represented sitting on a throne in a red robe. She has a crown on her head and a scepter and orb in her hands. Placed in her arms God's Son, who sends a blessing gesture with one hand. With their faces, the Mother of God and the Infant God are turned to the praying people. At the top of the icon, God is depicted in the image of an old man, who also sends a blessing gesture.

How does the icon of the Sovereign Mother of God help?

Since the image was found and cleansed, it began to work miracles. The icon was taken to different parishes, where people lined up, wanting to touch the shrine. Today it is known great amount testimonies of how prayers near this face helped cope with different problems. It is worth noting that not only the original, but also copies of the icon are known for miraculous manifestations.

Prayer before the icon of the Sovereign Mother of God helps a person get rid of heartache and various physical and mental traumas. Appeals offered in front of the icon make it possible to cope with various diseases and recover from them. Another meaning of the Sovereign Mother of God is that she helps lonely people in search of a soul mate. You can turn to the shrine during the period of occurrence serious problems with finances. The priests claim that the Mother of God can help in absolutely any situation, the main thing is to turn to her with a pure soul and heart.

The sovereign icon of the Mother of God is iconographic image Our Lady of amazing story. We will tell you everything about the creation of the icon, where its original is kept and where you can venerate the revered lists of the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God.

Sovereign icon of the Mother of God. Original

The veneration of the image depicted on the icon of the Mother of God Sovereign is associated with modern period Russian history. The legend about the icon is well known: a resident of the settlement of Pererva, Bronnitsky district, Evdokia Adrianova, saw a white church several times in her dreams and heard a demand to find a black icon and make it red. On March 2 (15 BC), 1917, in the basement of the Church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye, a large icon of the Mother of God, blackened by time, was found: the Child Christ sits on Her knees, in the hands of the Most Pure One - royal regalia, scepter and orb. On the same day, Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich, Emperor Russian Empire, signed an abdication of the throne for himself and his son Tsarevich Alexei in favor of his brother, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich (later shot by the Bolsheviks).

The residents of Kolomenskoye and the surrounding area immediately began to venerate the Icon of the Mother of God Sovereign. To this day, according to many Orthodox Christians, after the abdication of the monarch, the Mother of God herself keeps the symbols royal power, and with them Russia itself. The holy Patriarch Tikhon took part in compiling the service and akathist for the icon.

The image on the icon of the Mother of God Sovereign belongs to the canon of “Constantinople” icons, painted, apparently, at the end of the 18th century. The icon was updated in the workshops of the Moscow Alekseevsky Monastery - the vestments of the Virgin Mary are written in red.

IN Soviet time The Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God was kept in the storerooms of the Historical Museum, and in 1990 it was returned to the Church - now the original image is in the Kazan Church in Kolomenskoye. But it’s not only there that you can venerate the revered lists.

In the Church of the Ascension of the Lord on the Pea Field (Radio Street, building 2), in addition to many other shrines, there is a list of the icon of the Sovereign Mother of God. The image of the holy passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas, which flowed myrrh abundantly in the late 90s, also resides here.

In the main church of the Assumption Deanery of the city of Moscow, the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God in Trinity-Lykovo, there are several revered images of the Most Holy Theotokos, and among them is the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God.

The Assumption Church itself, damaged in the 30s, was restored the second time - back in 1935, the church was included by the League of Nations in the list of outstanding monuments of world architecture. In 1970, the building began to be restored, but funding was suspended, and restoration of the temple was resumed only in the early 2000s.

At the Moscow courtyard of the Solovetsky Monastery, in the Church of the Great Martyr George the Victorious (Nativity of the Virgin Mary) in Endov, the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God is especially revered - after all, Solovki became the Russian Golgotha, the path to which began on March 2 (15) with the abdication of the Emperor - the fall of the traditional Russian statehood.

Church of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious in Endov

Since 1995, there has been a temple-chapel of the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God in Moscow. It was from him that the restoration of the main cathedral of the country began - the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, next to which this small wooden church stands. In front of the revered list of “Derzhavnaya” located in it, an akathist is read twice a week: on Wednesdays at 17.00 and on Sundays at 14.00.

In the Church of Elijah the Prophet, adjacent to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, on 2nd Obydensky Lane, there is a revered copy of the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God, painted in the early 1920s by the artist Nikolai Chernyshev. Soon after this, Nikolai Chernyshev was arrested and died for his faith in December 1924.

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Video about the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God:

About the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God for children:

On March 15, 1917, two events occurred most important events in the life of Russia. The first is known to everyone - from the throne of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II. But another event, of invaluable importance for the spiritual life of the people, was erased from their memory. On this day, the Most Holy Theotokos revealed to the Russians her miraculous image, called “Sovereign”.

Prophetic dream of Evdokia Andreanova

The Mother of God showed her icon to people in a miraculous way. In one of the villages of Bronnitsky district there lived a peasant woman whose name was Evdokia Andreanova. She was a pious and pious woman. And then one day she had a dream in which a mysterious female voice commanded her to go to the village of Kolomenskoye and find there ancient icon, clean it from dust and soot and give it to people for prayers and church services, because they are waiting for Russia severe trials and wars.

Evdokia took what she heard seriously, but not knowing where exactly to look for the icon, since it was a large village, she asked in prayers to indicate the exact location. The request was fulfilled, and two weeks later the Most Holy Theotokos herself appeared to her in a dream and pointed to the village church. The Mother of God added that the icon will not save the people from suffering, but those who pray in front of it in difficult years will find salvation of their souls.

Evdokia set off on a journey and, arriving in Kolomenskoye, saw that the local Ascension Church was exactly like the one shown to her in the dream.

The miraculous discovery of an icon

The rector of the church, Father Nikolai (Likhachev), listened to her with distrust, but did not dare to object and, together with Evdokia, walked around the entire interior of the church. None of the icons could be the one that the Mother of God pointed to. The search continued in all the utility rooms and, finally, in the basement, among boards, rags and all sorts of junk, they suddenly discovered a large icon, darkened by time and soot. When it was washed, an image of the Most Pure Mother of God was revealed.

She was represented as a queen seated on a throne with the Baby Jesus in her arms blessing her. The regal appearance was complemented by red porphyry and a crown. Her face was filled with sorrow and severity. This image, revealed on a tragic day for Russia, was called the “Sovereign” icon.

Pilgrimage to the found icon

With amazing speed, news of what had happened spread throughout the surrounding villages, reached Moscow and finally spread throughout the whole country. Pilgrims began to come to the village of Kolomenskoye from everywhere. And they started immediately miraculous healings suffering and fulfillment of prayer requests. The Ascension Church is small in size, and in order to larger number people could venerate the holy image; the icon was taken to nearby towns and villages.

She also visited the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent in Zamoskvorechye, where the future martyr was the abbess, Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna. His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon personally took an active part in compiling the service in honor of the newly acquired icon. A special akathist was written for her. It included excerpts from other akathists written in honor of the Mother of God. He was named

The icon leaves the village of Kolomenskoye

Soon the “Sovereign” icon left the church in the village of Kolomenskoye and was solemnly transferred to Moscow to Voskresensky. It turned out that in the archives of the monastery there are documents indicating that the icon was originally located there, but in 1812, during the war with Napoleon, it was sent to the village of Kolomenskoye and forgotten there.

Even in difficult years for the church, miracles revealed by the holy icon continued to occur. It is known that after the believers prayed in front of her, one of the clergy of the region was unexpectedly released from prison.

Later, the “Sovereign” icon was in the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent for some time, and after its closure it was transferred to the museum collections.

The miraculous image returns to believers

The icon returned to believers in the early 90s. During this period, the state transferred the property taken from it to the church. The “sovereign” icon was placed on the altar of one of the churches in the capital. She stayed there for several years. On July 17, 1990, the sovereign and his family were commemorated for the first time during the liturgy. In connection with this event, His Holiness II blessed the icon to be transferred to Kolomenskoye, to the Kazan Church. That's where she currently resides. A tradition has developed on Sundays to read “Akathist of Akathists” in front of this icon, the same one in the creation of which Patriarch Tikhon took part. The holiday of the Sovereign Icon is celebrated on the day of its discovery - March 15.

There are many lists with icons. Many were made specifically for the temples built and consecrated in her honor. The Temple of the Sovereign Icon exists in Moscow on Chertanovskaya Street and in St. Petersburg on Kultury Avenue. The restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in the capital began with the construction of a temple-chapel next to it in honor of the "Sovereign"

The meaning of the icon for Russians

For Orthodox Russians to the Sovereign Icon special treatment. In the fateful year for our country, 1917, its appearance was seen as a symbol of the continuity of power. From earthly kings, power passed to the Queen of Heaven. In addition, it is also a promise of forgiveness and salvation for the people walking the hard and bloody path to repentance. Throughout the history of Russia, during periods of the most difficult trials, Russian people saw hope and support in the Most Pure Mother of God.

The way the figure of Christ is depicted on the icon contains a symbolic meaning that few understand. It is directly connected with those tragic times for the Russian people when the miraculous discovery of the icon took place.

Blessing, the Eternal Child points to left side, where by Holy Scripture on Last Judgment sinners will stand. This gives the gesture the meaning of forgiveness for the fallen. In addition, on the orb in the hand of the Virgin Mary there is no cross. This is a clear prophecy about the destruction of churches and temples in Russia.

What is the meaning of icons? How does a sacred image help? The icon is not a deity, but for everyone who seeks God.

In Russia, along with cultural mass creativity, a special place in the world of Orthodox art is occupied by artistic images main mythical heroes holy bible. Among the legendary graphic works, created by great icon painters in different historical times, important for all religiously believing Christians there is a “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God.

History of the icon

Her appearance on the territory Russian state due to a long-standing legend, the plot of which is based on one day in the life of an ordinary peasant woman. Her name was Evdokia. She lived in the village of Kolomenskoye, located in the Moscow region. And then one day, right in a dream, the image of the Mother of God appeared to her. With her voice, she called on the young peasant woman to find the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Sovereign” and install it in a nearby church church so that people could constantly pray, asking for help. Before fulfilling the required conditions, Evdokia, the next morning after her night vision, immediately turned to the Ascension clergyman.
Believing in the words of the Russian peasant woman, he decided to provide his maximum help so that the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God could be found as quickly as possible, and so that subsequently other citizens could see it.

The search for the sacred antique canvas continued for a long time, until one fine moment an ancient, dusty relic was found in a church basement.

Another interesting fact is that the icon of the All-Powerful Queen was found just during the abdication of Nicholas 2 from his reign, that is, in 1917

At that point in time, Russian citizens were going through difficult and very tough times, which were associated with complete liquidation imperious autocracy. And the appearance of the “Sovereign” icon in Kolomenskoye was for people a sign of God’s choice, symbolizing the submission of temporarily without control citizens to the power of the Heavenly Kingdom.

It must be said that the image of the found shrine, with its majestic appearance, clearly makes people understand that only God will always rule in the world, and his influence over human destinies will remain unchanged.

What does the “Sovereign” icon look like?

The “sovereign” icon of the Mother of God looks like this: right in the middle of the paper canvas, a royal throne is hand-made, on which the Mother of God sits, holding the newborn Jesus Christ on her lap. In both hands she holds two main elements confirming the right to rule: the orb and the scepter. On the head, as befits an autocratic ruler, a bright golden crown sparkles, on top of which a holy halo rises in a semicircle.

Soon, after the nationwide veneration and appeal to the “Sovereign” icon, people began to notice how grace appeared in their lives. And the main significant event was the formation of the holy spring.

Thus, having appreciated its true power, Orthodox believers quickly realized the unique miraculous properties underlying this icon. As a result, the birth of the Most Holy All-Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God inspired subsequent icon painters to create accurate lists.

How does the “Sovereign” Icon of the Mother of God help?

Over the entire history of the existence of the shrine, people have been able to record many cases in which people managed to be completely cured after repeated prayerful appeals to the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God. After all, its significance is extremely great.

It helps people cope with mental and psychological troubles by adjusting their behavior to further conscious and purposeful actions.

In addition, it can be used to speed up the recovery process after various injuries, illnesses or surgical operations.

Separate mention should be made of those people who, after reading the prayer in front of the icon Holy Mother of God"Derzhavnaya" managed to build strong serious relationship, which were ultimately forever sealed by the unbreakable bonds of marriage.

Celebration of the icon

Besides significant event, in the Kolomna Kazan Church on July 27, her return of this shrine, which was lost for some time, is celebrated.

Prayer before the icon

While reading the prayer, people need to take care of their inner thoughts and intentions. They must be true and purposeful.

The text of the prayer is as follows:

O Sovereign Lady, Most Holy Theotokos, holding in Her arms the Heavenly King who contains the entire universe! We thank Thee for Thy ineffable mercy, for Thou hast deigned to show us, sinners, this holy miraculous icon Yours in these days. We thank Thee, for Thou hast looked down from Thy holy height upon the children of the Orthodox, and, like the bright sun, Thou hast gladdened our eyes, now exhausted from sorrow, with the sweet sight of Thy sovereign image! O Most Blessed Mother of God, Sovereign Helper, Strong Intercessor, thank You, with fear and trembling, as slaves of indecency, we fall, with tenderness, with heartfelt contrition, with tears we pray to You: root in the hearts of all of us truth, peace and joy about Dus Holy ones, bring peace, prosperity, serenity, and unfeigned love for each other to our country! With Your omnipotent power, support us, the weak, the cowardly, the feeble, the sad, strengthen us, uplift us! As we always keep under Your power, we sing, magnify and glorify You, the Sovereign Intercessor of the Christian race forever and ever. Amen.