1. After reading the report [email protected] , and under the influence of nostalgia for Colombia and this phrase:

    Well, here our opinion with my husband does not coincide with the opinion of many travelers. I have repeatedly read laudatory reviews of this city in the reports. But to us he somehow does not ...

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    I decided to write a small guide to Medellin, and specifically to the places of one guy, whose name was Pablo Escobar and his team.

    Once, in the shaggy 91st year, I came across an issue of the journal "Foreign Literature", in which I read an essay entitled " cocaine kings". It was then that I heard these names for the first time, and since then, I wanted to go to Colombia, to Medellin ...

    Colombia, interesting country and there are plenty of places for tourists to visit. But the main thing is to correctly prioritize, so as not to be disappointed later. If you are not a fan of Pablo Escobar, or at worst Fernando Botero, then IMHO you have nothing to do in Medellin. No, there is still an option with chicas columbianos, but again, those who said that Medellin girls are the best, to put it mildly, got excited.

    Coming to Colombia, I set myself two main goals:
    - get to know the girls of Colombia better and visit all the most significant places Colombian criminal history. Everything else was secondary. And the criminal history of this country is, first of all, and secondly, and thirdly, too - Pablo Escobar and his team.
    It so happened that starting with the first point (meeting girls), one of the representatives of this community helped me in the implementation of the second. The girl Dayana from Baranquilla, having agreed to travel with me a little around the country, helped me find a taxi driver in Medellin, who gave me a tour of the main places of Pasha's life.

    So, for those who want to visit places related to the life of Escobar, it is necessary to read, the rest can not even bother.

    Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria (Spanish: Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria), born December 1, 1949, in the town of Envigado

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    this town is located near Medellin, you can get there by metro, built by the same Pablo. It was interesting for me to wander the streets of the city, plunging into its atmosphere and imagining it in those days.

    When Pablo got up, he moved to Medellin, of course. Here in this edificio, the office (or headquarters) of his campaign was located

    30-year-old Pablo Escobar became one of the richest people in the world, whose personal fortune amounted to billions of dollars. At times it seemed that the cocaine drug lord simply did not know what to do with money. Escobar's estate was dug 20 artificial lakes, six pools and even built a small airport with a runway. Pablo Escobar ordered the construction of a safari zoo, in which the most exotic animals were brought from all over the world. The zoo had 120 antelopes, 30 buffaloes, 6 hippos, 3 elephants and 2 rhinos. With such colossal funds, in a part of his estate hidden from prying eyes, Pablo Escobar set up a harem in which he got himself more than 400 mistresses, who could actually be considered concubines. For them, Escobar built a real closed small town. Each mistress, among whom were local winners of beauty contests, and fashion models, and actresses, had her own cottage with a swimming pool, all kinds of gazebos, fountains and other delights, design and decoration that did not resemble any other. In the town itself, real parks were laid out with artificial lakes, beaches, porticos, in the shade of which Escobar liked to indulge in love pleasures. The eye was pleased with white and black swans floating on the lake, naked dancers, who, as it were, constituted a separate caste in this paradise, entertaining the owner with their incendiary gestures. The girls lived in the harem no worse than the eastern houris. Each had a lot of gold jewelry, a chic wardrobe from the most fashionable couturiers. For favorite favorites, the godfather ordered beauticians, masseurs and hairdressers from Paris and Milan.

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    This is the Napoli hacienda, which has now been turned into a national park by the government. They say that there is nothing to do there for more than half a day. I disagree. Even if you don’t care about Pasha, then just live there for a couple of days, walking around the estate, lying by the pool and swimming in it, seeing the remains of the harem, a butterfly farm, a bullfighting stadium and much more. You can get there in a couple of hours from the station by bus.

    By the way, if you don't go out main exit, and on the secondary one, go near the newly built prison, which, by the time I visited there, was still unfinished

    old oriental wisdom

  2. The prison was called “La Catedral” and was built in the Envigado mountain range. "La Catedral" looked more like an expensive, prestigious country club than an ordinary prison. There was a disco, a swimming pool, a jacuzzi and a sauna, and in the courtyard there was a large football field. Friends, women, came to him there. Escobar's family could visit him at any time. Colonel Martinez's "Special Search Party" had no right to approach La Catedral closer than 20 kilometers. Escobar came and went when he wanted to. He attended football matches and nightclubs in Medellin.

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    This prison no longer exists. A monastery is being built in its place. You can get to those places only by taxi, the place is located in the mountains, above Envigado. from there very beautiful views. IN Lately virtually no trace of this establishment remains. She had been taken apart brick by brick before, either in search of Pablo's treasures, or for souvenirs. And all the builders-monks completed it, who, by the way, are not very willing to let tourists go there.
    if you saw this, then you are at the entrance:

    This is how she looked then:

    And this is what the place looks like now:

    And this was Pasha's camera:

    "No one returns from a journey the same" ( old oriental wisdom

  3. In the fall of 1993, the Medellin cocaine cartel collapsed. But Pablo Escobar himself was more worried about his family. For more than a year he had not seen his wife or children. For more than a year he did not see his loved ones and was very bored. For Escobar, it was unbearable. On December 1, 1993, Pablo Escobar turned 44 years old. He knew that he was under constant surveillance, so he tried to speak on the phone as briefly as possible so that NSA agents would not spot him. However, this time he finally lost his nerve. The day after his birthday, December 2, 1993, he called his family. NSA agents have been waiting for this call for 24 hours. This time, while talking to his son Juan, he stayed on the line for about 5 minutes. After that, Escobar was spotted in the Medellin quarter of Los Olibos. Soon the house in which Pablo Escobar was hiding was surrounded on all sides by special agents. The commandos broke down the door and rushed in. At that moment, Escobar's bodyguard, El Limon, opened fire on the police who were trying to storm the house. He was injured and fell to the ground. Immediately after that, with a pistol in his hands, Pablo Escobar himself leaned out the same window. He opened fire indiscriminately in all directions. He then climbed out the window and tried to escape his pursuers through the roof. There, a bullet fired by a sniper hit Escobar in the head and killed him on the spot.

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    We have been looking for this house for a long time, but in the end we found:

    The taxi driver, at my request, knocked on the door, talked with the owner, clarified whether this was the house. Yes, that's right, they answered us. The truth is, let the gringo into the house and let him walk around it, and also go up to the roof where Pablo was shot, the owner refused. Take a picture, please!!!

    Well, this is how it was then:

    "No one returns from a journey the same" ( old oriental wisdom

  4. On December 3, 1993, thousands of Colombians filled the streets of Medellin, some came to mourn him, others to rejoice. Escobar's funeral was attended by over 20,000 Colombians. When the coffin with the drug lord was carried through the streets of Medellin, the real Colombian Khodynka began - coffin-bearers the comrades-in-arms were swept away by the crowd, the lid of the coffin was thrown off, and thousands of hands reached out to the already stiff face of Pablo with the sole purpose of touching the recently living legend for the last time.

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    it looked something like this:

    And this is how his grave looked at the beginning:

    And now it looks like this:

    Or a video like this:

    In addition to people like me, there are such young ladies on the grave:

    The cemetery is located in Envigado, looks and is called like this:

    The grave is located at the entrance to the right on a hillock.

    "No one returns from a journey the same" ( old oriental wisdom

  5. Well, in principle, these are all more or less well-known and significant places in his biography. It makes sense to visit the Police Museum in Bogota, where 50% of the museum's exhibits are reserved for Pablo. His belongings, weapons, Harley, whose equipment was tapped, a lot of things. The entrance is free.
    The story would not be complete if not to talk about his closest associates, all of them it was a cartel. So, Pasha's team:

    In the month of May (the exact date is unknown) of 1947, in the town of Pacho, Cundinamarca Department (Colombia), in the family of a poor farmer, a boy was born, who was named Jose Gonzalo Rodrigues Gacha, who was later given the nickname Mexican (El Mexicano) and whom Forbes magazine, in 1988, will include in its list of the world's billionaires.

    In his youth, Gacha worked hired killer from a big gangster who was trying to gain control of one of the lucrative emerald mines. With his bloodlust and lack of brakes, Gacha earned himself a reputation as a complete scumbag and fame, along with fear, ran ahead of him. That's right, first you work for the image, and then the image works for you.
    In the early 70s, José Gonzalo moved to Bogota, where he met Veronica Rivera de Vargas, the Colombian Madame Wong, who, with the help of Gacha, became the first cocaine queen, killing the entire family of her main competitor.
    In 1976, his life path intersects with the growing Pablo Emilio Escobar. To some extent, he becomes the godfather of the young and promising Pasha. Teaming up with him, and with the Ochoa brothers, taking a couple more "gringos" - Carlos Leder and George Jung, they unite in what would later be called the Medellin cartel.
    José Gonzalo, being a purebred Colombian, just drives on Mexican culture, he calls his ranches Cuernavaca, Chihuahua, Sonora, being the owner of the football club of Bogotá "Millonarios", he made a Mexican song the anthem of the club and hired a group of mariachis (Mexican musicians) who before each match performed it in the stadium. All this, combined with his fondness for swearing, led him to be nicknamed El Mexicano (Mexican).
    The Mexican also holds the palm for creating the largest drug laboratory in the Colombian selva, where more than two thousand people simultaneously worked in production. By the way, many of the activities attributed to Pablo Escobar were actually organized by José Rodriguez Gacha.
    In 1989, Rodriguez Gacha, remembering his youth, became involved in a bloody struggle for control of Colombia's emerald mines, which are considered among the richest in the world. On February 27, 1989, a Mexican sent a group of 25 gunmen to assassinate emerald tycoon Gilberto Molina. The instruction was carried out with the cruelty inherent in Gacha's guys, the magnate was shot dead at his house, at a party, along with sixteen guests who were there. In addition, from the main "exploits", the Mexican is credited with organizing the assassination of the president of the Left Patriotic Union, Jaime Padro Leal, who was killed on October 12, 1988, in response to guerrilla attacks on drug traffickers in the eastern part of the country, and both of them (Pablo Escobar and Rodríguez Gacha), were involved in the assassination of popular presidential candidate Luis Carlos Galan, on August 18, 1989, who was considered the most likely candidate for the presidency of Colombia, as well as in organizing the assassination of the Minister of Justice, Lara Bonilla.
    When a serious hunt for the cartel began, the son of a Mexican, Fredy Rodriguez Celades, fell into the hands of the police, against whom they made several light charges and tried to persuade him to cooperate, and when nothing came of this venture, they developed a cunning operation - when the Mexican, who was hiding, began through the lured officials to seek the release of their son, they released him, organizing surveillance in the hope that the son would bring him to his father. And so it happened, having dangled for decency in Cartagena, Fredi went to a small ranch near the town of Tolu to meet with his father. At that moment, they were surrounded by Colombian special forces.
    True to his oath (it is better to lie in Colombian soil than sit in a Pendos prison), the Mexican with his son and bodyguard fired back to the last bullet, and was killed while trying to escape from the encirclement (along with his son and bodyguard).
    On December 17, 1989, thousands of Pachos filled the streets of the city. They said goodbye to the man who was their favorite, Rodriguez Gonzalo Gacha, nicknamed the Mexican. And although the number of people at the funeral was limited to 3,000, journalists estimate that the number of mourners exceeded the figure of 15,000 people. This is how the Mexican ended his life, who by the way had one more son - Daniel Rey Rodriguez Gacha.

    "No one returns from a journey the same" ( old oriental wisdom

  6. Unlike Pablo Escobar and Rodriguez Gacha, the Ochoa brothers were never gangsters in classical meaning this word. Growing up in the family of an influential and wealthy farmer-landowner Fabio Ochoa Restrepo, they never knew what poverty and want were, but being enterprising guys, they could not get past such a business as sipping cocaine for pendo gringos. The key to their rise to the narco-Olympus was that they were with Envigado, hometown future Don Pablo and knew him since childhood, well, plus family connections in the Colombian establishment.

    Chief and oldest among them was Jorge Luis Ochoa Vasquez. The brothers were not particularly bloodthirsty, and due to their marital status, they mainly solved issues related to reaching the right people in the highest echelons of power. There was one interesting moment when, in 1981, the M-19 guerrilla group kidnapped the sister of the Ochoa brothers, Marta Nieves Ochoa Vazquez. In response, the brothers formed the organization MAS Muerte Secuestradores (Death to the Kidnappers), which aimed to eliminate the top of this radical left movement, in response to the kidnapping of their sister, and as a result, Martha was released alive and unharmed a few months after the kidnapping.
    During the war of the cartel with the government in 1984-86, they dumped in Panama, where they holed up, organizing negotiations with mediators for reconciliation (from the government), such as negotiations with former president Colombia Alfonso Lopez Michelson. The elder was also a co-owner of Ganadero Bank (Ganadero Bank) and a number of other large companies.

    On November 15, 1984, the elder Ochoa - Jorge, was arrested by the Spanish police in Madrid, and the question arose of his extradition to the United States through Colombia. Then the family said that they would kill ten Colombian judges in the event of such a step by the government.
    On July 18, 1986, a Spanish court ordered that Ochoa be extradited to Colombia to stand trial. By this point, a Miami grand jury had charged Jorge in absentia with collaborating with Federico Vaughan to smuggle cocaine into the United States, assisting Sandinista Interior Minister Thomas Borja, and taking part in the elimination of an FBI informant embedded in the cartel, pilot Barry.
    On August 17, 1986, despite requests for extradition from the United States, Ochoa disappeared after receiving a suspended sentence on charges of falsifying documents to import fighting bulls from Spain. Already on November 21, 1987, Jorge Ochoa was again arrested and imprisoned on charges of smuggling fighting bulls from Spain, and twenty-four hours later, a gang of thugs arrived at the house of the editor of the Medellin daily newspaper "Colombian" Juan Gomez Martinez, and presented a communiqué signed by "Extraditables" threatening to execute Colombian political leaders if Jorge Ochoa is extradited to the US, and on December 30, 1987, Ochoa was released from prison on bail.
    In 1987, he was included in the list of the twenty richest people in the world according to Forbes magazine with a fortune of about $ 3 billion.
    In September 1990, Colombian President Cesar Gaviria Trujillo invited cartel leaders to surrender to the police on condition that they serve time in Colombia. Less intransigent and more thoughtful, Jorge Ochoa and his two brothers surrendered to Colombian police in January 1991. And by July 1996, Jorge Ochoa and Juan David Ochoa are released after serving a five-year prison sentence for drug trafficking. By that time, both Escobar and Gacha were dead, they strained to sleep and they calmly healed themselves in their beloved Envigado. Even now, if you try, you can see them there, they own many enterprises and campaigns of various kinds, are considered respectable businessmen and say that they are done with cocaine.)))
    But Fabio Ochoa Vazquez was less fortunate, extradited to the US in September 2001 and given a 30-year sentence for smuggling about 30 tons of cocaine into the United States between 1997 and 1999.

    "No one returns from a journey the same" ( old oriental wisdom

  7. The second part of the life of a guy named Carlos Leder was also unhappy. September 7, 1949, in the family of a German engineer and a Colombian teacher (oh, these Colombian teachers), in the town of Armenia, a boy was born, who was named Carlos Enrique, and who was later given the nickname El Aleman (German).

    The boy began his criminal career by stealing cars, smuggling them from the US to Canada and selling weed, for which he received a term, which he went to serve in the federal prison of Danbury, Connecticut. There he met a guy named George Jung. Jung already had extensive experience smuggling marijuana from Mexico to the United States using single-engine aircraft flying below radar control and landing in dry riverbeds in the border states.
    Inspired by the stories and being a Colombian, Carlos decided to use this experience to smuggle cocaine from Colombia to the States. According to eyewitnesses, he could talk for hours with various highly intelligent prisoners, writing down in a notebook information about money laundering methods and the government's methods of dealing with it. As a result, his bright head came up with the idea of ​​​​smuggling large quantities of cocaine on small aircraft from Colombia to the United States. Prior to this, all smugglers used one method - human containers, who delivered small quantities of drugs in themselves or in personal luggage on scheduled planes. The problem with small aircraft was that single-engine aircraft could not fly from Colombia to the United States without refueling. And Carlos solved this problem by buying the island of Cay Norman, located 340 km from Florida.
    To begin with, Jung and Carlos, both released early from prison for good behavior, put together the necessary initial capital in the traditional way - after meeting a pair of brainless and beautiful dolls from the United States, they offer them a joint paid vacation in Antigua, where they load their luggage with coke before leaving. ))) Having performed this a couple of times, they earn on their own plane. Then they negotiate with Colombian suppliers about the goods, and with the Bahamian officials about the roof and put the matter on broad rails. Their unconventional way, very quickly brings them fame and authority in certain circles. Here, they converge with the famous Colombian guys Pablo and the Mexican. The latter have power and authority in Colombia, the former have the brains and supply chain to the United States, and the Ochoa family has connections in the highest echelons of power. This is how the Medellin cartel is born.
    In the late 70s, on the wave of megalomania, the paths of friends (Jung and Leder) diverge. Leder remains in sole control of the channel. It was just at this time that the island of Norman Cay was bought. A mini-state is being created there, Carlos is building a kilometer-long runway there, setting up a radar, a group of commandos trained by Yair Klein and a whole flock of trained Dobermans. In the best, peak months, 300 kg of coke passed through the island!!! Daily!!! And Leder, in 1978, offered the then President of Colombia, Alfonso Lopez Michesen, to pay external debt Colombia, in exchange for the official permission of the cocaine trade.
    The beginning of the end for the cartel was the assassination of Justice Minister Lara Bonilla. From repression, the entire elite flees to Panama to Noriega, and when he, pressed by the pendos, thinks about extraditing them, they agree with Daniel Ortega for asylum on the territory of Nicaragua.
    In 1982, after a report by Brian Ross on corruption and the situation in the Bahamas, the shop closes and Carlos begins to get into trouble. The island is stormed by the police, and Carlos' accounts are frozen. Being at that time the richest man in the world, with a capital of 987 million dollars, he becomes practically a beggar. Running from the police through the selva of Colombia, he caught yellow fever and only thanks to Pablo Escobar, who sent a helicopter for him and urgently brought him to the Medellin hospital, he was saved. After that, Pasha helped him by adjusting the work in his business, but in 1987, he fell into the hands of the police and was extradited to the USA.
    He was tried and sentenced to life without parole plus another 135 years. On his example, everyone understood what would happen to them if they got to the States. That's when the motto was born: Better a grave in Colombia than a cell in a Pendo jail.
    In 1992, Carlos, in exchange for the removal of 55 years, testified against Noriega, and then sent a complaint to the judge, demanding that he be transferred to a German prison (as a German citizen). This complaint was interpreted as a threat to the judge and in 1995, he was taken out of prison in an unknown direction, which was interpreted by journalists as his release.
    But according to journalist S. Insko-Johnson, who dug closely into this topic, Carlos was transferred from a special prison where those who were recognized as witnesses in need of a protection program are kept. Rumor has it that he took part in the CIA consultations on the organization of the Iran-Contra program.
    He was last seen on July 22, 2005, when he was taken to the Court of Appeal and he tried to challenge his sentence. Then in 2007, he asked the Colombian Supreme Court to request his extradition as a citizen of that country. And in 2008, there was the latest news when he, through his lawyers, filed a complaint about the violation of the cooperation agreement between him and the federal government.

    "No one returns from a journey the same" ( old oriental wisdom

  8. "No one returns from a journey the same" ( old oriental wisdom

  9. By the way, Botero dedicated a picture to his countryman:

    And on YouTube there was a song with a video about Pablo. But it was removed and only the text remained. for Spanish learners:

    era una muerte anunciada
    desde que gano la cima,
    puso el mundo de cabeza
    en sar de la cocaina
    pero cayo en Medellin,
    don Pablo Escobar Gaviria...
    valor dinero y astucia lo sacaron de envigado,
    en 5 y 10 mil millones su fortuna calcularon
    como es que tanto dinero
    los gringos no lo notaron.
    5 mil vidas tenia
    el ya no puede negarlo...
    ya mataron a papa
    decia la gente llorando
    cerca de 100 mil personas
    al pantion la acompañaron...
    fueron 3 mil efficient
    los que lograron cazarle
    16 meses
    era imposible escape
    que puede deber el hombre...
    que con la vida no pague,
    las gentes buenas del mundo
    su familia rechazaron,
    es un epilogo triste
    perdon si los he ofendido
    por que el hombre siempre busca...
    lo que jamas ha perdido,
    la tierra no hace reproches
    dijo su madre en un rezo
    por que del polvo saliste
    tendra que cubrir tu cuerpo
    que dios perdone tus actos...
    despues rezo un Padre Nuestro.

In the late seventies, in the town of Medellin, located in Colombia, a cocaine cartel arose and formed. The founders of this crime syndicate were several Colombian drug lords. It existed until 1993, when the government of the South American country liquidated and arrested most of its members.

Rise of the cartel

What is the Medellin cartel, Colombians know firsthand. The date of creation of the drug cartel is the summer of 1977, when a number of small groups of criminals united into one. The Ochoa brothers, Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha and Pablo Escobar were the main creators and persons to whom the entire Medellin cartel was subordinate. Klaus Barbier, a famous Nazi, according to some claims, also contributed to the formation of this criminal organization.

Crime organization strategy

Unlike others, the Medellin cartel, whose leader's photo was known to a few then, specialized in the supply of narcotic drugs in smaller quantities. The destinations of these shipments were countries North America and Europe. The head of the cartel, Pablo Escobar, provided his customers with guarantees that they would receive an order in any case, and if the party was stopped law enforcement will compensate them for their losses. The criminal syndicate had everything necessary for the delivery of drugs: auto and air transport, ships, submarines.

Income and structure

The Medellin cartel can be ranked among the most powerful and strongest drug organizations in the world. In its best days, this community generated an income that could be up to $60,000,000 a day. In the 1980s, the Medellin cartel controlled almost 80 percent of the world's cocaine trafficking. During its existence, the organization has received a profit, which, according to various experts, ranges from tens to hundreds of billions of US dollars.

The structure of the drug cartel was very extensive. It consisted of many groups, each of which had a specific task. But main goal each group was the delivery of drugs to their destination. These groups mainly consisted of Americans, Canadians, Europeans, so there were a lot of undercover US informants and agents among them.

Pablo Escobar

In his thirties, the leader of the criminal community, Escobar, has become a billionaire, according to some, the richest man on earth, or at least one of the richest. Pablo Escobar's fortune was so huge that he could afford to have more than thirty estates, forty rare cars, his own airport, two dozen artificial reservoirs dug in the territory of his villa.


Less powerful, but still causing trouble for the Medellin cartel, was another Colombian syndicate, the Cali cartel. The confrontation between these organizations then faded, then again gained strength. It was this cartel that made efforts to disintegrate and destroy Pablo Escobar's organization.

The government's fight against the criminal community Medellin

After Colombian law enforcement agencies became aware of the existence of the Medellin cartel and its activities, its members were taken under close surveillance. After collecting sufficient evidence to accuse the police, the participants were arrested, after which the trials were held, the convicts went to jail. But among these, there were mostly foreigners, one way or another connected with drug trafficking, while there were very few Colombians themselves, and even more so cartel leaders among the convicts.

Treaty between Colombia and the United States

The second half of the eighties for the Colombian cartel was successful in terms of control over the entire society of the country. The branches of the criminal organization covered almost all areas of his life.

However, at the same time, the struggle of the US leadership against drug trafficking intensified, the administration of then-incumbent President R. Reagan, one might say, declared war on the drug lords. One of the steps for this was the following. The United States and the leadership of Colombia have concluded an agreement between themselves. Under its terms, the Colombians were obliged to extradite to the United States the leaders of criminal organizations involved in the sale and transportation of drugs to the United States.

Such an agreement was not at all in the hands of the Colombian barons. If the law enforcement officers had detained them and placed them in a Colombian prison, then this would not have been a problem for them, since they would feel at home there and could quite calmly manage their business further, and after a short time they would be completely released . If they were sent to an American prison, the drug lords would not be able to do anything like that. Therefore, Pablo Escobar and other leaders were very unhappy with such an agreement with the American government and tried by all means to have the government of Colombia cancel it. One of the crime syndicate's mottos was: "It is better to lie in a grave in Colombia than to be in a US prison."

Some of the supporters of this agreement with the United States were such Colombian figures as Minister of Justice Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, presidential candidate Luis Carlos Galan, many judges from Supreme Court countries.

Terror and violence

In order to strengthen their positions, the leaders of the drug cartel began to use such methods as bribes, intimidation, and terror against the supporters of the treaty. However, none of this helped, and with endless raids by law enforcement agencies, the Medellin cartel lost many of its people. Many leaders of the drug cartel groups were forced to go underground or leave the country altogether, instructing their people to eliminate all supporters of the agreement with the United States before that. Since that time, a war began between the criminal syndicate and the governments of the two countries, from which mostly civilians died. civilian people. The criminals would stop at nothing. They planted explosive devices in places with the greatest concentration of people. Among these were shopping malls, other public places. As a result, the Medellin Cartel killed and maimed tens of thousands of ordinary Colombian citizens.

In August 1989, criminals killed Luis Carlos Galan, who was the most likely contender for the presidency in Colombia. This was the answer given by the Medellin cartel, Escobar in particular, to the statement of Galan, who promised to end the drug traffickers in Colombia. Terror organized by the leaders of the criminal community before presidential elections, increased several times, daily members of the drug cartel killed dozens of people, staged explosions in various crowded places, committed demonstrative murders of famous Colombian figures. All this was aimed only at stopping, stopping the extradition of criminals to the United States.

Striving for power

It is noteworthy that Pablo Escobar aspired to the power circles of Colombia. So, in 1982, he got into the Congress of the country, where he served as a substitute congressman, that is, he participated in meetings if the main congressman was absent. But such a position, of course, was not enough for an ambitious man who loves power. He wanted to become However, here he was somewhat surprised, because, contrary to his opinion, people from the districts located outside Medellin did not popularize him so much. On the contrary, Escobar in the same Bogota was considered a dubious person. True rumors circulated about him, revealing his shady business, and some politicians openly stated that Escobar was a cocaine baron. Among them was Luis Carlos Galan, and later Rodrigo Lara Bonilla took the necessary measures against the use of drug money in the election race. The result of this was the exclusion of the leader of the Medellin cartel from the highest authorities of the country. The further way here was booked for Escobar, his career as a politician was over.

"Los Pepes"

At first last decade last century, several Colombian civilians created an organization called "Los Pepes". It was an abbreviation for the people who suffered from Pablo Escobar. Relatives and relatives of people who died at the hands of the cartel became members of this organization. In addition, there were other people who hated the criminal activities carried out by the Medellin cartel. Los Pepes were engaged in tracking down and eliminating everyone who was in any way involved in the functioning of the drug cartel. In a fairly short time, the organization destroyed more than three hundred defendants of the criminal syndicate. This, so to speak, public organization has caused very significant damage to the activities of the Colombian drug cartel.

End of the cartel

Law enforcement agencies of the country and the United States also did not doze off, they carried out raids on the syndicate in all directions. Both small groups and larger ones with their leaders were liquidated. The destroyed laboratories for the production of cocaine fell under the destruction, as well as the sources of this potion themselves - coca plantations.

In December 1989, one of the key figures Medellin cartel. These are Gilberto Rendon and José Gonzalo Rodríguez Gacha, who committed suicide when attacked by the police.

A year later, the Ochoa brothers voluntarily surrendered into the hands of law enforcement officers. This was done in response to a promise not to transfer them to the United States.

By 1993, the main part of the leaders and members of the Medellin cartel was either destroyed or detained by law enforcement agencies, and on December 2, 1993, they went on the trail of the leader of the criminal community. The place where Pablo Escobar was located was surrounded by operational officers. During the firefight, Escobar tried to flee, but was shot dead by a sniper from the Los Pepes community.

Formally, from that moment on, the Medellin cocaine cartel ceased its activities, but even before the end of the millennium, law enforcement agencies detained and arrested its former members.

Orejuela Brothers

While flashy guns are a must in the movies, the Cali cartel preferred to keep a low profile, which helped them earn up to $7 billion a year at their peak. The Cali cartel, led by the Orejuela brothers, became the largest supplier of cocaine to the United States in the 90s. During its activity, members of the cartel managed to smuggle more than 200 tons of drugs.

Glorious days for them ended in 2006. Ironically, the brothers gave them up own boss guards when he got tired of the stress of protecting notorious drug lords. They were convicted on September 26, 2006 of conspiracy to commit money laundering and sentenced to 30 years in federal prison.

Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha

Despite being born in Colombia, José Gacha was known as "El Mexicano" due to his love of Mexican pop culture, not to mention the fact that he first established trade routes through Mexico to the southeastern United States. He also played a key role in setting up remote laboratories in the Colombian jungle, where thousands of workers lived and produced great amount cocaine. During one of the raids by the drug enforcement agency in 1984 on one of these laboratories, records were found showing that 15 tons of coca paste were delivered to the location within six weeks.

Just a year after he was named to Forbes magazine's annual billionaire list, Gacha's reign came to an end when he was shot dead by police in 1998. Although there are still rumors that he survived, this version is sharply contradicted by the fingerprints taken from the body. And the fact that the body was without a head.

Ochoa brothers

The Ochoa brothers (Jorge, Juan David and Fabio) played a key role in the Medellin organization from the very beginning, despite the fact that they came from an intelligent wealthy family. Having accumulated huge fortunes, comparable to their partners in the 80s - their personal fortune is estimated at $ 3 billion (Jorge was ahead of José Gacha in Forbes list for a year) - the brothers began to have problems in 1984 after the publication of an article in the Washington Post newspaper, which described in detail the activities of an undercover DEA agent, Barry Seal, who managed to infiltrate this organization. Four members of the cartel were indicted by a federal grand jury as early as the end of that month. They were based on these data.

All three brothers surrendered to the authorities by 1991, and all three were released by 1996. Almost nothing has been known about them since, with the exception of Fabio: Ochoa's youngest brother was re-arrested for drug smuggling in 1999 and was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison in 2003. He died in prison of a heart attack on July 25, 2013.

"Speedy" Rick Ross

"Speedy" Rick Ross was something of a celebrity. If you believe his official website, then that the CIA contributed to the epidemic crack in the 80s are completely true. He claimed that the American intelligence agencies provided him with "unlimited" material to sell, and he certainly sold it and sold a lot. Of course, if that were true, then Rick wouldn't have been talking about such things for a long time.

By the age of 19, Rick was already a professional cocaine dealer in Los Angeles, at the epicenter of the epidemic that took over the streets with inexpensive, quickly addictive crack. Indeed, he was one of the first to sell crystalline heroin that could be smoked and, at the height of his power, he had several crack factories that made enough of the drug to make $2-3 million a year. day.

Daoud Ibrahim Kaskar

Daoud Ibrahim Kaskar, an Indian crime boss with an estimated net worth of over $6 billion, is one of the world's most violent criminals. He was involved in the 1993 Mumbai bombings that killed over 250 people. She also had close ties to Osama bin Laden and ran a powerful organization called the Goldman Sachs of Organized Crime.

His organization, known as the D-Company, ran large-scale drug dealing operations and was involved in virtually every type of criminal activity from extortion, terrorism, to the film industry. She financed several popular Indian films and is believed to have received significant amount income from Bollywood.

The peak of Kaskar's power is probably behind him: he is currently the most wanted man in India and is believed to be hiding in Pakistan. For its part, Pakistan denies that it is on its territory, but it seems that everyone has heard something like this before.

Coca will make a lot of money on pasta, even if it inadvertently wipes tens of thousands of people off the face of the earth. Pablo Escobar, the Ochoa brothers, the Mexican and Carlos Leder all ran the Medellin Cartel, one of the biggest criminal organizations of the 20th century that built a cocaine empire in two countries and made billions of dollars.

The heroes of the project are looking for the dirty money of the Colombian drug mafia Millions of Pablo Escobar“ on the Discovery Channel, and we will tell you who is who in the Medellin cartel.

Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha: liar, talker and gull

His father was a simple pig farmer from the town of Pacho and could not imagine that his son, who had already left school in the third grade and started working to help his dad, would become brutal killer and one of the most famous drug lords in history.

Little Jose, a waiter and conductor, behaved quite decently until the mid-seventies, until he met with “ emerald king“ Gilberto Moreno, who took the quick-witted Gacha under his wing. Killing people turned out to be much more profitable than carrying trays, and soon José earned a reputation in the Moreno gang as a ruthless killer.

Gacha switched from emeralds to cocaine after meeting Victoria Vargas, a drug dealer from Bogota, who brought him together with Escobar.

Entering the ruling elite of the Medellin cartel, in the late 70s, Jose created one of the largest laboratories in the jungle and set up cocaine supplies to Texas and California through Mexico, for which he received the nickname Mexican - as well as for his love for sombreros, tequila, jewelry , noisy parties, expensive cars and virtuoso abuse.

For nine years, Gacha basked in luxury, and cocaine from his laboratory killed hundreds of people, but by the early nineties, the Bush Sr. administration declared war on the Medellin cartel, and the Mexican lost almost $ 62 million frozen in American accounts.

He fell into the hands of the authorities almost immediately, but after the death of almost a hundred people in a terrorist attack organized by Gacha and Escobar, they did not judge him. The Mexican was shot on the spot with a heavy machine gun, and what was left of Gacha most of all resembled his father's farm at the time of slaughter. However, Day's son and a lot of money still remained, but where he is and where these dollars are is unknown.

Source: wikipedia.org

Griselda Blanco: First of the Corleone Family

The life of a girl with the name of an evil sorceress from fairy tales, where they talk more with animals than with people like her, did not work out from the very beginning. Having changed the awl of the slums of Cartagena for the soap of the same poor quarters of Medellin, Griselda and her mother began to earn a living with what they could.

At the age of 11, the girl was already a thief, a prostitute and a murderer, so it is obvious that nothing good could come from her. And so it happened: until the age of twenty, Blanco worked in brothel and robbed everyone she had, and then she met drug dealer Carlos Trujillo and bore him three sons.

Later, Dixon, Uber and Osvaldo would die in shootouts with mommy competitors, but then the young family was just starting their business: the Trujillo couple went to the United States to establish cocaine sales there.

Things went well, but Griselda did not want to share with Carlos and killed him. The same fate awaited her second husband, drug dealer Alberto Bravo, who moved Blanco to Queens. With a shot at Alberto, Griselda killed two birds with one stone: both her annoying husband and her main competitor.

Having licked her wounds, Blanco returned to business and by the mid-70s turned Miami into a sorting yard for the Medellin cartel, and in the end she left it, starting her own business. On her account, according to various sources, from 40 to 240 murders, but the bullet did not pass Griselda herself - after prison term in the United States, deported to Colombia in 2004 and released on bail, the queen of cocaine was shot by a hitman on the threshold of a butcher shop.

Her fourth son became the heir: Griselda, a lover of crack, orgies and torture, named the child after the character of the most famous crime novel - Michael Corleone Blanco. It is not difficult to guess that the choice of a life path for a boy with that name was also small - like his mother.

Source: wikipedia.org

Ochoa clan: repentant farmers

Once upon a time there were three brothers named Ochoa Vazquez: poor sons of a horse rancher, unprincipled, but terribly enterprising and smart. Juan David, Jorge Luis and Fabio started off as petty street crimes, then made a small fortune selling marijuana to uncomplicated Miami hippies.

Deciding that this would not be enough for them, Juan and Jorge returned to Colombia to establish production on coca plantations, and Fabio was left in Florida as a logistician for the family firm. Things soon went uphill, and the brothers decided to team up with another major cocaine dealer, Pablo Escobar. And so the Medellin cartel was born, and the brothers became one of the most powerful businessmen in the world, billionaires - and definitely entered the list of the most disgusting people in history.

None of them had an affair with cocaine in vain: in 1993, the cartel was liquidated after an open war with the authorities of Colombia and the United States, and two years before that, Juan, Fabio and Jorge nevertheless realized that Escobar's bloody terror was too much, let's go back down and handcuffed voluntarily.

The brothers, in exchange for information, asked not to be sent to the United States, where they would receive life sentences. They were released from a Colombian prison after only 5.5 years, but remained persona non grata.

Juan returned to his father's ranch with Jorge and bred horses there, did charity work and in every way atoned for the sins of youth - until his death in 2013.

Jorge is still doing the same thing, and the police have not a single reason to find fault with him, so it is surprising but true that the older Ochoa realized everything they had done.

Alas, the younger Fabio was not so pious, and in 1999 he was again imprisoned for cocaine smuggling, but this time in the United States and for 30 years: the last of the Ochoa clan is still in federal prison in Georgia.

Source: www.vanguardia.com

Dolly Moncada: Black Widow Kiko

Fernando Galeano and Gerardo Moncada, nicknamed Kiko, could not know what role they would play in the fate of the Medellin cartel: mainly because both turned into piles of ashes. Buddies in the early nineties actually ran the Medellin cartel, while the head of the drug business was in solitary confinement " La Catedral“.

Having gained access to the huge money of the tops of the cocaine business, Moncada and Galeano could not resist, but their revelry did not last long: in the spring of 1992, they were both already in torture. Escobar, having learned that Fernando and Kiko were stealing money from him, tortured his henchmen to death.

Bodies with bullet holes in the knees and torn out nails were secretly taken out of the “ La Catedral“and burned, but the murder of the closest associates, especially such a cruel one, did not please many members of the cartel, and especially Dolly Moncada, Kiko's wife.

According to one version, it was Dolly who created “ Los Pepes“- a community affected by the actions of Pablo Escobar, which was headed by the personal bodyguard of the Black Widow, Don Berna. Formally, it was an organization for the relatives of those whom Escobar sent to the next world, but in reality it was another criminal group with appropriate methods: murders, arson, threats to the family, fierce battles of competitors.

Jorge Luis Ochoa Vasquez(Spanish Jorge Luis Ochoa Vásquez) - a former Colombian drug dealer, one of the founders and the second most important head of the once most powerful financial and cocaine organization - "", which at one time controlled up to 80% of the world's drug trafficking.

Is the middle of three brothers one of the most influential families 70-80s - the so-called clan Ochoa(Spanish El Clan Ochoa), which, in addition to Jorge Luis, included his siblings (Spanish Juan David Ochoa Vásquez) and (Spanish Fabio Ochoa Vásquez). According to experts, the Ochoa clan controlled about 30% of the cocaine exported by the Medellin Cartel.

In 1987, Forbes magazine listed Jorge Luis Ochoa as one of the 20 richest people on the planet, with a personal fortune of over $3 billion.

Early years and early criminal career

Jorge Ochoa was born on September 30, 1950 in (Spanish Medellin) in the family of a motorcyclist and owner of a ranch for breeding the elite breed of horses "Paso Fino" and domestic bulls - Fabio Ochoa Restrepo(Spanish Fabio Ochoa Restrepo). Already at an early age, he left school and began to help his father in horse breeding and livestock work. Also in his youth, he began to help his mother maintain a small family restaurant "Margarita", located on the outskirts of Medellin.

In the early 70s, Jorge Luis and his brothers went to Texas, USA, to trade horses. In 1978, they ended up in Miami, where, just at that time, the Hippie culture began to actively emerge in the United States. As you know, where there are hippies, there is marijuana. Realizing that the marijuana trade can get rich quickly, the Ochoa brothers were able to infiltrate this business, becoming one of the largest drug dealers on the coast.

Fabio, Jorge Luis and Juan David Ochoa

Later, enterprising young people switched to a harder drug - cocaine. It was Ochoa who was one of the first to develop new routes for the supply of Colombian cocaine to the United States. It is known that Jorge Luis and Juan David were in Colombia at that time and were engaged in setting up an uninterrupted production of cocaine. At the same time, the younger brother Fabio was responsible for his reception and distribution in Florida.

Rise of criminal activity

According to the report of the DEA (Eng. Drug Enforcement Administration - Office for Drug Enforcement, USA), it was Jorge Luis Ochoa in the mid-70s. came up with a "brilliant idea" to unite the largest drug dealers in Medellin in single organization, thus, teaming up with, and, in the summer of 1977, the Medellin cocaine cartel was created, which turned into one of the most powerful criminal syndicates in world history, like a state within a state: the cartel had its own clandestine laboratories hidden in the jungle, as well as a well-established drug delivery and distribution network, including aircraft, ships and even the latest submarines.

In December 1981, among other relatives of Colombian moneybags, was abducted Native sister Ochoa is 26-year-old Martha Nieves (Spanish: Martha Nieves Ochoa), whose kidnapping was organized by a guerrilla group whose leaders demanded $ 12 million from the Ochoa clan for her release.

In response, the brothers called an emergency meeting with 223 local drug dealers and large landowners. At this meeting, the question of creating an organization was raised, the purpose of which was to counter the antics of partisans and other subversive groups that carry out kidnappings and murders of people. Thus, a paramilitary organization called " Death to the kidnappers» (MAS, Muerte a Secuestradores).

According to some reports, each member of the newly formed organization contributed 2 million pesos and 10 the best people. Thus, the MAS own army immediately began to have a cash fund of 446 million pesos and 2230 armed fighters. After 92 days, after a series of brutal reprisals against the partisans and their loved ones, Martha Nieves was released.

July 17, 1984" The Washington The Times published an article that provided irrefutable evidence of the illegal activities of the cartel, documenting the illegal importation of 1,400 pounds of cocaine into the United States. The close connection of the cartel with the highest political leadership of Nicaragua, from where cocaine was transferred to the United States, was also exposed. Responsible for this leak was a former cartel pilot (born Barry Seal), who later became an anonymous DEA informant (February 19, 1986, Seal was killed in Button Rouge, Louisiana, USA).

Ten days later, Escobar, Leder, Jorge Luis Ochoa Vasquez and Rodriguez Gacha were formally charged in Florida Federal Court. The next day, all four were put on the international wanted list.

On November 15, 1984, Jorge Ochoa was arrested by the Spanish police in Madrid. American government insisted on his extradition to the United States, but Spain refused to extradite the criminal and for almost 2 years he remained in this country until July 14, 1986 he was extradited to. According to the idea, Jorge Ochoa was waiting for the same fate as Carlos Leder - he was supposed to be extradited to the United States, however, after members of the Medellin cartel raised a wave of unprecedented mass murders and publicly warned the Colombian authorities that they would kill ten judges for each Extradited to the United States Colombian, the court, of course, immediately did not find any serious charges against Jorge Luis - all that was brought against him was limited to the charge of illegally importing a batch of fighting bulls from Spain into Colombia. He was sentenced to the minimum term of imprisonment, later deadline and was completely replaced by a conditional one.

Leaving the cartel

By the end of the 80s. The Medellin cartel, led by Escobar, began to wage open war against the Colombian government. The country is mired in global terror. For 2 years, the number of victims at the hands of the sicario reached a thousand people, among whom were politicians, judges, journalists, policemen, etc. On the orders of the drug lord, an airliner performing Flight 203 was blown up, on board of which there were 107 passengers (approx. election campaign advocated the adoption of a law on the extradition of especially dangerous criminals to US prisons).

It is noteworthy that the Ochoa brothers never supported the bloody policies of Escobar and were not involved in the acts of bloody drug terror that swept the whole country.

In 1990, the Ochoa clan unanimously withdrew from the Medellin Cartel.

Voluntary surrender to the authorities

In September 1990, President Caesar Gaviria Trujillo offered drug traffickers a reduced prison sentence in Colombia in order to encourage them to surrender to the authorities. Unlike Pablo Escobar, the Ochoa brothers accepted this offer and began to negotiate with the government in writing. After receiving official guarantees from Caesar Gaviria to exclude the possibility of their extradition to the United States, they agreed to admit almost all the charges against them.

Jorge Luis was the first to surrender to the Colombian authorities in January 1991, followed by Fabio. Juan David was the last to surrender on February 16 of the same year.

On January 15, 1991, all three were sent to the armored prison in Medellin's industrial suburb of Itagüí to serve time on charges of drug trafficking. They were sentenced to 8 years and 4 months in prison. However, for exemplary behavior they were released after 5 years, 5 months and 21 days.

It is noteworthy that the brothers spent their entire term in the same cell, and their mother cooked food for them with her own hands, because she was worried that another cook might try to poison them.

Later years

After the release of Jorge Luis, unlike his younger brother Fabio, tied up with the underworld. Together with his older brother Juan David, he returned to breeding thoroughbred stallions.