Who played the main role in it, I got the impression of a loving wife and mother. She fit into this role very organically. The audience didn’t even think that at the time of filming the first seasons of the series, the girl was not married at all.

This talented actress was able to show all the subtleties in the frame family life, and a little later she already demonstrated this in real life.

Dance lesson

The story of Catherine’s acquaintance with her future husband was not original. She introduced the actress to Andrei Karpov. A casual introduction, a few traditional phrases. But the girl fell into Karpov’s soul, and he decided to continue their acquaintance.

Since the guy was a professional dancer, he decided to take an unconventional approach to continuing the relationship. Andrey invited Ekaterina to a personal dance lesson. This lesson became decisive in Volkova’s life. After him, the young people never parted, and after a short period of time they became husband and wife.

Diverse personality

Fans know Ekaterina Volkova not only as wonderful actress theater and cinema, and also as a presenter, producer and singer. Her husband is in no way inferior to his talented wife. Ever since childhood, a creative streak was evident in him. Therefore, after graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Art Theater School. For himself, he chose to study at the production department.

Having received his diploma, Andrey decided not to stop there. He is also a professional choreographer and architectural engineer. Despite being very busy in various dance projects, the young man also works as an architect.

All this knowledge of architecture helped Volkova’s husband become the host of the “New Life” program. The essence of this project is that its participants are invited to update not only the interior of their home, but also their appearance. Not only builders and architects are working on this project, but also a team plastic surgeons, designers and cosmetologists.

Also, Ekaterina Volkova’s husband tried his hand at cinema. Andrey had a small role as a doctor in the TV series “Voronin”.

Family life

Relations with Ekaterina Volkova developed quite quickly. A few meetings were enough to understand that Andrei wanted to spend his life with this woman. The guy was not embarrassed by the age difference: he was five years younger than his chosen one. But the young people were so compatible that they could complement each other in almost everything.

Andrey decided not to delay proposing marriage to his beloved girl. He did it very romantically. He arranged for Catherine to travel to Paris and during a concert at the opera he got down on one knee and proposed to her.

Upon returning from France, the couple began planning the wedding, which took place without unnecessary pathos. Only the closest people were present, and the young people enjoyed each other’s company.

Soon after the wedding, fans learned the good news that the couple was expecting a new baby. In 2011, Ekaterina Volkova and her husband Andrei had a daughter, Lisa. Despite her pregnancy, Volkova continued to work almost until her eighth month.

In an interview, the actress recalls that her birth was very difficult. She was unable to give birth for 9 hours. And all this time her husband was next to her, who, despite the fear, did not leave her side and supported her all the time.

Problems and jealousy

As in any family, after some time Andrei and Ekaterina began to have problems in their family life. Some of them were related to the spouses’ employment. Each of them participated in various projects and they devoted less and less time to each other.

Interesting notes:

Besides, the problem arose when Andrey accidentally met his first love. His feelings for this girl flared up again. And only Catherine’s wisdom and the support of her mother-in-law helped the couple overcome this problem.

But jealousy did not leave the couple alone. Adding to the problems were journalists who colorfully described the relationship that Andrei allegedly had with his partner on the show “Dancing with the Stars.” It was rumored that she almost took the man away from the family.

To stop all this talk after the end of the show, Ekaterina Volkova’s husband broke off all relations with Podkaminskaya. At this time, Catherine did not start scandals, but waited until the end of the show to see if the story would continue.

But not only Andrei’s relationships with his dance partners were a reason for jealousy. One day, Ekaterina Volkova’s husband became jealous of her on-screen husband in the TV series “Voronin”. But everything was resolved peacefully and divorce was avoided.

Now Ekaterina and Andrey are trying not to let journalists into their personal lives, but because of this, more and more speculation is appearing in the press. However, the couple, having gone through so many tests of jealousy, learned to ignore them.

For young people, the most important thing now is raising their adored daughter. The couple does not hide that they are not against having another child. And it is not ruled out that this could happen soon.

Andrei and Ekaterina serve as support and support for each other. They often consult about certain projects; it is important for everyone to know the opinion of their other half and feel their support. If in the future they do not change their principles, then they can easily claim the title of an ideal couple.

The leading lady of Vera Voronina, actress Ekaterina Volkova, spoke about how to maintain a balance between personal life and work.

Ekaterina Volkova came to Volgograd to present new season STS. Coincidentally, on the eve of the actress’s arrival, the beloved series “Voronin”, to the delight of all fans, was included in the Guinness Book of Records. After all, this is the longest adapted series, 455 episodes have already been released.

Woman’s Day congratulated the leading actress Vera Voronina, actress Ekaterina Volkova, on this event, and talked with her about filming, family and how to maintain a balance between personal life and work.

- How many hours a day do you spend filming the series “Voronin”?

Now we have a lot of touring and traveling, so our schedules have changed a little. But when we filmed in a tighter mode, with live broadcasts, we spent six days a week filming, and sometimes we worked without days off at all.

- It turns out that your family only sees you at night?

It happens that they don’t even see at night! If I'm not on set, I'm going on tour, constantly flying in and out, packing my bags. It even happens that there is no time to go home. Then I call my husband straight from the airport and ask him to bring me my things.

Ekaterina with her TV husband

- Is your husband jealous of your colleagues?

This stage has already passed. But at first he was wildly jealous of Dronov (Georgy Dronov, who plays Kostya Voronin, Catherine’s serial “husband” - editor’s note)! We were not married at that time. And Andrei was very “lucky”: no matter how he arrived on the set, we were lying in bed with Dronov. Now we are all friends and communicate as families. But it’s good that my husband was jealous. It's good for relationships.

With husband Andrei Karpov

Photo: Press service of Ekaterina Volkova

- Does being jealous mean loving?

I think yes. He doesn’t hit, but he’s jealous! This means she is not indifferent. I’m jealous of him too and I think that’s right. If you treat a person with disregard, indifference, you don’t care where he is or with whom, the relationship is over. This means that people simply exist together. And if something hurts, that’s good.

- How do you manage to combine work and a happy family life?

We must remember that we are all different people. My husband and I (Andrey Karpov, architect and professional dancer, married since 2010 - editor's note) are both creative people and devote a lot of energy to our work. When our schedules coincide and we are together at home for two or three days, this is happiness. But then we realize that we interfere with each other, and everyone needs some kind of personal space. It seems to me that our marriage rests on the fact that we love spending time together at home, but at any moment we can go on tour and have time to get bored. And when we come home, we simply don’t have time for quarrels and resentments. I want to be in comfort and warmth, and not waste time sorting things out. Although they do exist.

- I thought you had an ideal family...

What do you! We ordinary people and we also quarrel over trifles. But these moments when we can be alone after long separation- they are priceless.

With daughter Lisa

- Do you manage to plan weekends with your family?

I look at my parents: my mother is a housewife, and my father worked from Monday to Friday all his life. They always spent Saturday and Sunday together. It would be hard for me. Although now I look at couples who have this stability, who know that they devote their weekends to their family. With us everything is different. Lisa (daughter of Ekaterina and Andrei - editor's note) says: “Mom, I want to go to the theater!” OK, when? On Saturday? So, I have filming on Saturday. Come on, you and daddy go. And immediately in response: “Mom, I want to be with you.” And I’m faced with the fact that I need to be on set in the morning, then I need to go to the theater for a play with Lisa, and in the evening there’s the premiere of the musical “Ghost,” which I’m going to with my husband. How can you plan anything with such a schedule?

- Aren’t you tormented by remorse that you don’t “add” something to your family?

Happens. Of course, I try to somehow compensate for this time. I take my daughter with me to performances. Someone will say that this is wrong, that such behavior violates the child’s routine. But she's so happy! And that makes me happy. Lisa helps me. She also really loves coming to the set, because she grew up watching the series “Voronin”. Everyone knows her, and she knows everyone. Sometimes we can act out and not go to class. We prepare breakfast together: cheesecakes, omelettes, and set the table. Of course, like many working mothers, I buy her toys. Although she is already quite old, she herself understands that she has a lot of toys. Now we take puzzles and books.

- Does your daughter like to read?

Lisa already reads herself and loves this activity very much. Recently she read Mary Poppins aloud to me while I was cooking dinner. She herself chose such a serious book. First I watched our film, found the book, and started reading. True, the chapters in the books confused her, because in the movies there is no division. But I explained everything to her, and everything fell into place.

- Who takes care of the child when you are on the road?

We entrust this important task to our grandparents. But now, since we have moved and live far from them, we are looking for a good nanny. School is ahead, and it is important that a professional takes care of Lisa. We are looking for a woman with teacher education. How to choose? My friends, of course, advise. But this is a difficult decision for me.

- It is known that you have three dogs in your house. How did you decide to do this?

It wasn't really our choice. At first we only had a cat, he has been with us since 2007. But Lisa really wanted a puppy! We chose a Spitz - he is small, cute and domestic. Then my husband got the idea to get another dog. And so luckily I saw an ad on Facebook for the sale of an Akita Inu dog. Andrey was delighted with her! Then Lizochka and I gave dad a gift. And the third puppy appeared recently, when we had already moved into the house. Bo (an Akita Inu dog) found him and took “patronage” over him. The foundling was named Ru, full name– Runet, because the whole world chose its name.

- By the way, about the house. All the fans on your Instagram are following the renovation. How is it going?

We already live in the house, but renovations are still in progress. Small touches are being completed. I want to do everything as well as possible. This is our first home together, we have been looking for it for a very long time. In the beginning there was only a box, which we transform at our discretion. There is a school nearby, it’s not a long drive to the city, we are very lucky with our neighbors. And most importantly, how everything coincided in one place, although we dreamed of our own vein for a very long time. But it’s not for nothing that they say: everything has its time.

- Did you and your husband argue during the renovation?

We're still fighting! We are an ordinary family. We argue about wallpaper, about furniture, where things should stand. Although my husband controls the entire process, I only make minor changes. However, Andrei cannot always be there; he has many other projects (Ekaterina’s husband is also an architect - editor’s note). Therefore, I have to manage the workers. And they keep dragging on. Sometimes it seems to me that I live with them different worlds. I want all this to end as soon as possible.

- Do you have matriarchy, patriarchy or democracy in your family?

What matriarchy or patriarchy, what are you talking about? It won’t work with me, and even more so with Andrey. We try to find compromises. It won’t work with your husband to act directly, head-on. His great-grandmother was a gypsy. Can you imagine the blood in it? So I do what most women do: I said yes and did it my way.

Ekaterina Volkova is an actress and model, but who is better known as ex-wife writer and politician Eduard Limonov. In addition, she is often confused with her namesake Ekaterina Volkova, who played Vera in the TV series “Voronin”.

Childhood of Ekaterina Volkova

Ekaterina was born in mid-March in 1974 in the city of Tomsk. The actress’s mother is a doctor by training, her father is an engineer. Then the family moved, and Katya spent her childhood in Togliatti.

There she graduated from an art school, where she studied piano, after which she entered a music school to major in choral conducting.

Career at the Ekaterina Volkova Theater

Ekaterina Volkova began building her acting career in a theater studio that worked at the Wheel Theater in 1994. A year later, the girl entered the Yaroslavl Theater Institute, where she studied in the workshop of V. Shalimov. By the way, the actress played Nastenka in the first Russian theater named after F. Volkov in the production of “The Village of Stepachinkovo” based on Dostoevsky.

Ekaterina arrived in Moscow in 1997. The girl entered the RATI (GITIS) on the course of Mark Zakharov and immediately became a third-year student.

Just at this time, her classmate Sergei Aldonin was staging the play “The Master and Margarita” on the stage of the Russian Academic Youth Theater. The main female role was already taken, so Katya had to just sit at rehearsals and embroider a hat for the Master. For needlework young actress I thought about how I could play Margarita myself. Many thought that Katya had a quiet form of insanity, however, Aldonin had a different opinion. He looked at the Master’s finished cap and gave the role to Margarita Volkova.

“It so happened that, before I had read the novel “The Master and Margarita,” I met a man on the street who told me: “Margarita is you!” It was so convincing, I believed him, and immediately took up the book. I realized that with the main character we are very similar. When I read the novel for the first time, I skipped all the biblical and historical plots. I was so captivated by the love story between the Master and Margarita, I only saw their images. When I studied at the theater in Yaroslavl, I learned that famous Mark Zakharov is looking for an actress who can embody the image of Margarita. I managed to transfer to the third year of GITIS from the third year of a provincial university. I got the role and started rehearsing my dream. Then she played Margarita for ten years in a row at the Stanislavsky Moscow Drama Theater,” recalls Ekaterina.

The actress assures that she was not afraid of the mystical background of the role of Margarita. She does not believe in devilry and signs associated with the name of Mikhail Bulgakov and her heroes.

In 1999, Ekaterina Volkova graduated from GITIS. She immediately went to work in entrepreneurial projects. For example, on the stage of the Stanislavsky Theater she played the main role in the production of “Orpheus and Eurydice”. In addition, director Vladimir Klimenko gave her the role of Cessile in Alceste, which he directed together with theater group"Practice".

Next, Ekaterina Volkova, together with Anna Afanasyeva, staged a touching and cruel play“My Blue Friend” as part of the decade of New Drama. This is a production by one of the prisoners, Ekaterina Kovaleva. The topic came to light after several trips to maximum security colony number 6 in the Oryol region.

Ekaterina Volkova in the cinema

Ekaterina Volkova first appeared on screen in 1992 in the film “Oriental Romance”, where she played Nikolai’s daughter. Well, the viewer learned about the actress after the release of the film “The Collector” by Yuri Grymov, the melodrama “About Love” by Sergei Solovyov based on the stories of Anton Chekhov and the TV series “Next”.

In 2006, Ekaterina Volkova received the main role in the film “Inhale-Exhale” by Ivan Dykhovichny. The director, a bold experimenter by nature, created a film-dialogue between a prostitute and a rich man.

Sergey Mazaev and Ekaterina Volkova - Inhale-exhale

Among notable works Volkova: Valentina Maltseva in the television series “KGB in a Tuxedo”, Nina in the television series “Captain’s Children”, as well as Slavik’s wife in the film “Alive” and Anna Pogodina in the melodrama “Clinch”.

Personal life of Ekaterina Volkova

Ekaterina Volkova is divorced. She managed to be married several times. Her first chosen one was a man from Togliatti named Alexey. He was seven years older than Katya. The actress gave birth to his daughter Valeria.

Alexey turned out to be a man from criminal world. However, he was engaged in a completely peaceful, but illegal occupation: he assembled and dismantled stolen cars.

The couple broke up because Katya wanted to develop as a person and enter the theater school, but her husband was against it. He believed that only women lung behavior that is beyond the control of everyday life and home. Now Volkova does not communicate with her first husband.

The second, albeit unofficial, spouse was the theater director, producer and theater director Eduard Boyakov. There was no legal relationship with him, since the man was married. However, it was with Boyakov that Ekaterina dated longer than with other men - four years. Now the actress calls the director her greatest love.

And here's the second one legal marriage followed in 2003. Ekaterina became the wife of director and producer Sergei Chliyants. The actress met him in 2002 at the film festival in Khanty-Mansiysk, where Volkova presented the film “About Love” by Sergei Solovyov. Chliyants immediately fell in love and proposed marriage.

The couple got married a year later, but later it turned out that the spouses had polar views on life. Chliyants said that Catherine was only fit to be a mistress, not a wife. Katya stopped controlling her emotions and said that we had to live apart.

The greatest public outcry was caused by the marriage of Ekaterina Volkova with the notorious politician, leader of the NBP Eduard Limonov. By the way, he is 31 years older than the actress. Everyone asked the question: what could such different spouses have in common? It turned out to be love. And she was passionate and bright.

Edward and Katya met at an art exhibition. The actress noticed that Limonov was looking at her with stunned eyes and asked in passing: “Hello, I’m Katya Volkova. Have I impressed you that much? At that time, the series “KGB in a Tuxedo” was on the screens. Limonov replied: “Who are you?” To which Katya retorted: “Aren’t you watching KGB in a Tuxedo?” After the KGB’s words, Eduard perked up and began to show interest in the actress.

“Eduard Limonov and I had a period during which we were simply crazy about each other. One day I asked myself to shave. He agreed easily and did it. And when my hair grew back, it became clear to me: it’s good to be bald. And many people said that I felt so good and became a beauty. However, a beauty should be with curls and glamorous. But after shaving, I didn’t stop being beautiful. She became brutal,” recalls Ekaterina Volkova.

Ekaterina lived with Eduard Limonov for three years. Life has replaced passion. The actress gave birth to her son Bogdan in 2006. And she realized that her husband was not ready for fatherhood. Ekaterina Volkova has an ideal weight Paulina Andreeva.

The actress increasingly began to appear on screen, participating in the filming of TV series and films. So, in 2015, she starred in the series “Farza”, which was released on Channel One, and “Spider”.

Ekaterina Volkova admitted that she almost lost her husband because of Elena Podkaminskaya and her daughter because of peritonitis.

Popular actress Ekaterina Volkova spoke about her personal life. The star of the series “Voronins” reported how she suggested her husband to divorce and explained why their daughter ended up in intensive care.

In 2013, Ekaterina Volkova’s husband, dancer and architect Andrei Karpov took part in the show “Dancing with the Stars.” His partner was famous actress, star of the series “Kitchen” Elena Podkaminskaya. According to Catherine, this time was difficult for her - she was terribly jealous of her husband, suspecting him of being infatuated with the miniature artist.

“My husband just said: “Lena and I, Lena and I...” He was simply fixated on winning. Even in Paris, the city of our love, where Karpov once proposed to me, he, forgetting about me, flew to Lena for rehearsals. Her husband celebrated his birthday there with her. And he didn’t even talk to me properly on the phone. I was jealous. Then I saw a million photos of Lena on his tablet...” Volkova complained.

The actress, who saw Andrei and Elena flirting, was so worried that she began to feel as if she was losing her husband. “One day I told him: “Let's get a divorce!” The husband calmly replied: “Go ahead.” And he left to rehearse with Lena. And I... In desperation I almost did something terrible,” Ekaterina Volkova is quoted as saying by “7Days.”

Suffering pushed the actress to take a radical step, which her daughter Lisa did not allow her to take. “It was so painful that I began to think about taking a pack of pills and ending everything once and for all. There was some kind of eclipse. Scary night. And in the morning, such a warm and gentle Gusena came up to me and hugged me. She was then only two and a half years old. And I thought: “This is the meaning of my life. What nonsense – all these bad thoughts of mine!” said the artist.

As a result, Catherine reconsidered her views on the situation. “Andrey is trying, he wants to win, he and Lena are a team. And Gusena and I began to come to competitions and root for him. And they were probably the most happy when he and Lena won. But still, I was even more happy when the project ended. Liberation has arrived! Fortunately, everything is in the past. On this moment Lena and I, when we meet at events, say hello and communicate, but she and Andrey do not. They went in different directions,” Volkova stated.

After a while, a misfortune happened in the actress’s life. The daughter was admitted to intensive care. She was diagnosed with peritonitis. “It turned out that children now have a common mutation - the appendix is ​​curved incorrectly, towards the back. Lisa was operated on, then there was intensive care. At first, Gusena slept all the time, this is called medicated sleep. Then, when she came to her senses a little, I began to take her for walks around the intensive care unit, because even through the pain she had to walk with her legs and not linger,” said Ekaterina. Fortunately, the girl was soon transferred to a regular ward, and then discharged altogether.