There are a lot of psychological tests that help reveal new facets of their own individuality. Are you ready to pass one of them?

The image you will see below consists of several photos. You must concentrate and carefully consider it (just do not look into the answers ahead of time).

Answer the questions:

What animal did you see first?
How quickly did you define the rest?
How many animals did you find?
What are these animals?
Experts conducted research and proved that people depending on the nature prefer certain representatives of the animal world. Recall whom you saw the first and see the answer.


Birds are usually associated with the world and hope. If you saw the bird first, it means that you have a very clean soul. You are a person who tries to avoid conflicts at any cost, does not speak badly about others and does not splash its negative emotions on others. However, it can become a problem by making you vulnerable.


Practically in any of the crops, the butterfly was a universal symbol of transformation and evolution. This means that you are trying to enjoy small joys of life. You want to try a lot. Butterflies are creatures that fly around the world of living and the dead. In order not to get into serious trouble, you should not overpand the framework permissible for pleasures.


This is a lightweight bird, which is a symbol of perfection of a free soul. If the first one you saw was an eagle, this means the formulation of high goals. Sometimes around it seems that you will behave arrogant. High goals are good. But the higher you take off, the more painful to fall.


This is one of the animals beloved by most. Many dream of a dog. After all, these are friendly and dedicated creatures. The dog is ready for sacrifices for the sake of the host. Because of his gullibility, you may look naive and get into the unpleasant situation. Remember, the ancestor of the dog is a wolf. From time to time you need to be tougher and independent.


Although these animals love loneliness, it does not prevent them from being part of the flock. This means you need friends and in the family.

But that's not all. In difficult times, you can take responsibility and cope with problems alone. But the main thing for you is the well-being of your "flocks", that is. loved ones.


In many cultures, the mantis is a sacred insect. It is absolutely harmless to humans. Respect and communication is very important for you. On the other hand, you give the priority of personal life, not a public. You are very smart and careful in achieving goals.

Do you identify yourself with a certain animal? Or maybe you were in one of the incarnations of past lives!

"Our world is complicated and vulnerable as a web. Touch one paws, and get all the rest. And we are not just touching the web, - we leave the gaping holes in it, "the words of the great English scientist J. Darrell, who lived in the 20th century. In the 21st century, a person frankly leads a biological battle with the outside world.

Nature is unique. The disappeared species of animals are unique, and future generations will never see their sidelines. What will we leave to your descendants? Stuffed in museums and bones in the ground? It is not necessary to think that the animal world is exterminated only with the help of rifles and cappos. On our planet, various changes are constantly taking place, from the insignificant to global. The Soviet Union also made efforts in this black case: it is worth only to recall the loud calls: "Turn the Siberian Retail Rivers", which replenished the Red Book with several types of animals disappeared, and others were put on the edge of extinction. Forest cutting, clogging by waste, climate change as a result of the process of human life - all this is pernicably and destroyingly affects the animal world. A person involuntarily takes away from animals and birds of their natural habitats and feeding sites. And if you add an irrational hunting for animals and poaching, the situation is just a catastrophic. Some animals are on the verge of extinction. While we can still see them in zoos, reserves and national parks. I want to believe that the efforts of conscious, active participants in the struggle for the salvation of our planet, we will preserve a unique and kinda animal world.

1. Snow Bars or Irbis

Snow leopard, the inhabitant of the highlands, sometimes referred to as an icon of the wasteland or a mystical beast. Rarely who can observe Irbis in nature, only traces of vital activity speak of his invisible presence in the mountains. No one knows how much snow leafs really left on the planet. Figures range from 4 to 7 thousand, however, it is very approximate calculations. The global red book ranked Irbis to the endangered species. In Russia, Irbis has no more than a hundred individuals. Snow leopard is found at an altitude of 2000 to 4000 m above sea level. Several times they saw in the Himalayas, at an altitude of more than five and a half kilometers. Severe winters in the mountains, dangerous rocks and rocky placers are not terrible to animal - here Irbis feels like at home. Its body is well adapted for movement on mountain pace, and magnificent fur protects perfectly from frost. A wonderful animal fur caused increased attention to the poachers. Increased demand for skins and their high price led to a constant persecution by a person, which significantly reduced the population of the snow leopard.

2. Ussuriy Tiger

Representative of feline - Ussuriy Tiger, listed in the Red Book because of his small childhood. According to different data in Russia, there are from 450 to 500 individuals. Some Number of Ussuri Tiger, sometimes it is called Altai, Siberian, Amur, Norclety or Manchu, inhabites in China - no more than 40 - 50 individuals. Ussuri tiger is the only one of the subspecies of tigers who adapted to difficult living conditions in the conditions of the North. The weight of this large cat comes to 200 - 220 kg, and its length (together with the tail) reaches 3 - 3.8 m. Soft and wide pads on the paws do not give the beast to fall into the snow, and in the summer they help silently moving around the grass. The main wine for extincting the animal, as it often happens, lies on a person: Tiger skins have always been valued expensive, and the beast thoughtlessly destroyed because of beautiful fur. Considerable harm brought and cutting down the taiga, which deprived the animal of the usual habitat. Currently, the Ussuri Tiger is under guard. By the way, in Russia for his murder, a ridiculous finability is imposed, and in China, the murder of a tiger is punished with a death penalty.

3. Burmese Kurryna Monkey

Previously, this kind of monkeys had no law enforcement status, as it was opened quite recently - in 2010. The monkey received its name due to the unusual structure of the nose, the nostrils of which are turned upstairs. Sometimes the animal is called a sneezing monkey: during the rain, water falls into the nostrils, and the monkey constantly sneezes. In 2012, the Burmese currency monkey entered the list of disappearing mammals of the Red Book. The updated version of the publication immediately counted it to the category of type with the greatest threat of extinction, because the number of monkeys is only about 300 individuals. This few population risks disappear - a person actively destroys their habitat. Hunters are introduced and hunters - the monkeys meat are quite tasty, still a macaque can be sold for the needs of Chinese medicine. The next fact is encouraging: in those rare moments, when scientists managed to see the knotted monkeys, with the latter there were their numerous young. Thus, there is a possibility of playing a population.

4. Orangutan

Another representative of the monkeys - Orangutan, in the wild, is also under threat of disappearance. Incomprequent power, smartest eyes and outstanding abilities - in ancient times, people who inhabited Southeast Asia even considered them a kind of tribe - "forest people". Huge primates (the weight of the adult male often reaches 150 kg) inhabit the high trees in the rainforest Sumatra and Borneo. They are superbly closed by trees. Strong legs and hands are tenaciously grappling, helping easily move through the forest. The main reason for the extinction of man-like monkeys is continuing the disappearance of habitats and poaching. The creation of national parks to some extent helps to support the disappearing appearance.

5. Caspian Seal

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the population of the Caspian seal was numerous and numbered one million individuals. A little over a hundred years has passed, and the number of marine mammals has decreased 10 times - up to 100 thousand. Scientists predict further decline in populations due to a number of factors: environmental pollution, climate change, habitat destruction and illness. The most acute problem is the mortality of young people as a result of hunting fishery. Since the hunt for a stupid beast is a difficult lesson, poachers prefer to extract defenseless belt (cubs of seal). According to some reports, the shooting reaches 6 - 7 thousand individuals per year. This figure is comparable to a permitted shot. Thus, the population decline is guaranteed even at a low level of hunting fishery. Scientists believe - fishing seal must be banned for several years.

6. Sumatran Rhino

On the Peninsula, Indochina and Malacca, the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan, as well as on the territory of Assam and Burma lives the smallest of the entire rhinoceros family - Sumatran. Its length does not exceed 280 cm, and height in the withers is 100 - 150 cm. Sumatran rhino works are perfectly developed physically. They are excellent swimmers, and the running speed is not inferior to other representatives of rhinos families. Oriented rhinos by smell, as their vision is rather weak.

The number of individuals around the world has from 170 to 270 pieces. It is known that in captivity, only one female of this type of rhinos, which was caught in 1959, lives in Copenhagen Zoo. Since then, attempted to find her partner more than once, they did not bring success. The animal mercilessly shoot poachers - because only one kilogram of his horns give tens of thousands of dollars. Hunters do not stop even the hard-to-reach places in which rhinos live. Currently, the hunt for Sumatran rhinos is prohibited.

7. Bison

The last European representative of wild bulls is a bison is the largest and most terrestrial mammal in Europe. Its weight reaches 1000 kg, the length of the adult animal comes to 330 cm, and the height in the withers is equal to two meters. The reasons for reducing the bison population are all the same: intensive hunting, growing density of human settlements, cutting down forests. In the international red book, the bison fell under the category of vulnerable species, and the Russian Red Book will take him a place in the first category of species under threat of disappearance.

Fauna Planet Earth is not an accidental accumulation of all kinds of animal species, but a slim functioning system. The loss of any, at first glance, even the most insignificant link, necessarily leads to irreversible serious changes. The trouble is that it is unlikely that nature will be able to repeat again what was once created. It is very important to preserve and save every kind of animals, because any of them is unique, unique and need a person and nature.

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On the coat of arms of the Russian Federation, instead of a double-headed eagle could be dying

Most know the funny name of this animal. But few represent how it looks. Meanwhile, the exhaust is really the property of our country. This is the only mammal, in the official name of which there is the word "Russian". This is an endemic, that is, the animal is found only in Russia. So sympathets quite deserves images on the coat of arms. Although, of course, it looks not so holdable as a double-headed eagle.

* When there were no mammoths on the planet, exhausted already existed.

* This is a mammal, but lives in the floodplain reservoirs, where long standards is building.

* She is a relative of the CROT. Almost blind, but with a well-developed sense of smell.

* The animal fur kepts the air so well that the beetle-whalefish can live in it, who does not know how to breathe under water.

* Feels in insects, small mollusks and fish.

* Life expectancy on average 6 years.

* Accounting is practically not conducted. Therefore, the assessments are very different: from 6 to 35 thousand individuals.

The shepherds pay attention: in places where there are holes of the wneeves, cows are not solved to drink water.

* Shepherds pay attention: in places where there are holes of the wneeves, cows are not solved to drink water.

I go on the smell

* Outdated word "huhlah" means "smelly", "shut" - "stink". It's all about the sketching of the gland, which protects the fur animal from wetting.

* At first, the exhaust valued just for musk. Its dried tails shifted underwear. Then the secret of the glands began to use in perfumes to fasten the smell of perfume.

* Fur was rated later. Wearing and thick, he walked perfectly on fur coats. Back in the XIX century, skins traded themselves. According to the records, 60 thousand pieces delivered to the Nizhny Novgorod Fair in 1913.

* A ban on the extraction of the animal announced Soviet power in 1920. For 20 years, the number of worshipers has grown, and the hunt was allowed. In 1957, production again had to ban. And in 1975, the exhaust was made to the Red Book.

* There are various programs to preserve the animal population. But so far, scientists will not understand what conditions it is necessary to create exhaust for breeding in captivity, the grandiose results do not have to wait. And the animal in this plan is quite capricient.

Around the enemies

At the exhaust hunt pike and catfish in water, fox, ermine, otter and predatory birds on land. But they are not the main attack. The main trouble is an anthropogenic factor and climate. Construction of dams and reservoirs, construction along the shores of water bodies, draining floodplain, long-term winter floods and high flood or, on the contrary, dry periods, when reservoirs are melting, - all this leads to a reduction in the population. Plus poachers. They hunt for fish, but the exhaust is confused in their networks under water and quickly dies - it is necessary to breathe with air. At the same time, the defenders at the beast are not: the achievements are now forbidden to see the water. And the ribispectors for mammals do not respond.

Save and multiply

In Russia, a program has been successfully implemented to increase the livestock of the Amur Tiger and the 2008 Phase Caucasus Leopard. They are widely advertised, celebrity money invest in them. But there is no means for dumping money.

Our and yours

The word "sweeping" is the courtyard, that is, it can be inclined as a noun and female, and male genus.

Hole is a nora

An animal root holes up to ten meters long - tangled maze with complex bends and several inputs. If the water level falls, the exhaust will immediately go to the construction site to deepen underwater moves. There are still short minks with "rooms", where animals can replenish air reserves in winter.

Thoughtful parents

The young sweeps (up to five in the litter twice a year) are born weight of just two to three grams, blind and naked. Wool begins to grow in two weeks, and the teeth teck in a month. And then the kids begin to taste protein food, such as insect larvae. The offspring is raising both parents. If suddenly, mom and dad need to leave Nora, they cover off the "blanket" from plants.

Single and unique

The most beautiful and famous endemics of Russia

Baikal nerver

Lives only in Lake Baikal. Request. The only one of the seals who live in fresh water.

Kilda Crack

A rare fraction of cod (several dozen individuals), which is found exclusively in the grave lake on the Kola Peninsula. The lake itself is also unique: in it several layers of salinity, from above - almost fresh, at the bottom - the most salty.

Church of Kazarka

Entered in Russian and international red books. Located on the verge of extinction. It dwells on Taimyr, Yamal.


In the Yakut population of about three thousand individuals, in the West Siberian - only 20. The program for the restoration program works in the State Reserve.

Western Caucasian Tour

It dwells on a narrow strip in the mountains of the Caucasus. The number is estimated at 10 thousand individuals.

Amur Lemming

A rare species, but there is no danger of disappearance. It is found in the Taiga forests from the Arctic Ocean to the south-east of Kamchatka.

Useful advice

Pets not only contribute a special atmosphere in the family, but also help children who care for them, learn responsibility. If you do not want to start a cat or a dog, and if you do not have a lot of place in the apartment, then you should think about pets smaller.

There are many cute little animals in the world, which can become your pets. But before bringing such an animal home, it is worth carefully examining their character and habits. Not all of these creatures can be hugging and pressing towards themselves.

Choose a pet for your child follows, on the basis of how many years your offspring. Of course, children can learn responsibility through care and communicating with animalsHowever, experiments may result in scattering both for a pet and for your Chad.

That is why we offer you a list of ten fluffy and not very potential candidates for the role of a pet for your child. You can only get acquainted with the information outlined and choose that pet that will suit you the most.



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Hedgehogs - Milestly small animals, which, in fact, requires your minimum of attention. However, it is worth keeping in mind - if with such a pet rarely contact, then hedgehog is able to become rather aggressive, Bring a lot of problems.

Hedgehogs are created for you if you like independent animals. They are single by nature, and usually lead the appropriate lifestyle. The hedgehog is better to contain in the cage (as for rabbits), but do not forget - they know how to climb, and why close it with a lid so that his hedgehum eludes.

Hedgehogs are mainly feeding on food for cats or dogs, but it is necessary to periodically add to the ration of eggs, insects, vegetables and fruits, cooked meat. Moreover, hedgehogs must be regularly bathed, supporting them clean.

You should also know that the hedgehogs are very susceptible to various diseases (at least compared to many other animals), so it is worth exercising caution. Hedgehogs are excellent pets for older children. If hedgehogs pay more attention, they become quite obedient and sociable.

Guinea pigs

© Life on White

Guinea pigs are difficult to call unusual pets. These cute creatures that are quite often settled for their very friendly and sociable characterare at the same time one of the largest rodents.

Adult guinea pigs can reach a length of up to thirty centimeters. They are very miles and love to contact with their masters and other marine pigs. They live on average from five to ten years. These are the best animals from which you can start teaching children of any age to care and responsibility.

Guinea pigs are much less temperamental than, for example, hamsters, and much less chances that they bite you. However, they need constant care. The diet of pigs should consist of a special granular feed, hay, as well as vegetables and fruits.

In pet stores for sale portable cells for guinea pigs, in which you can add various accessories (houses) so that your pig has where to hide. However, the installation of the wheel is not recommended for guinea pigs, as your pet can easily injure foot and back.


© Deirdrerusk / Getty Images

Hamsters are extremely popular as pets, because of their cute appearance, fluffy fur and relatively small maintenance costs. They usually easily allow you to take yourselfAlthough some of their small sizes can be quite restless, especially females.

Larger species, such as Syrian hamster, peaceful and better fit for your children, who will surely want to donate with them. In addition, large types of hamsters are not so tender, rather obedient and, if you can put it, more educated.

On the other hand, hamsters are also quite self-sufficient single, so they need such adaptations in a cell as tunnels, transitions and wheel To maintain health. In addition, they do not necessarily need partners.

However, the disadvantage is a short lifestyle of hamsters - from two and a half to three years. It means that we must be morally ready To the experiences of your child because of the death of a pet. By the way, hamsters lead a predominantly nightlife, most of the day in hibernation.

Our smaller brothers


© Pakhnyushchyy / Getty Images

Perhaps the rat is not the first thing that will come to your mind when your child suddenly expresses a desire to receive a pet for a gift. In vain. Rat is to the highest degree sociable and intelligent animalthat needs minimal care.

In addition, they are very playful and love to mess around with all sorts of toys, balls, ropes and can even be enjoyed with a roll of toilet paper for a joy. It turns out that rats are the perfect little pets?

It turns out that so. In addition to friendliness, mind and sociability, they demonstrate large attachment to their owners. In other words, be prepared for the fact that your children also pave them with a response.

Rats have a wonderful memory for such small creatures. They are very unpretentious in food, although they can also be purchased as suitable food in the appropriate stores. However, like hamsters, rats have a very short life cycle - from two to three years.


© Svetlanistaya / Getty Images

Globlika - collective animals, which in the natural medium form colonies. That is why they are recommended to contain small groups - from two to four individuals. But do not be scared - they are very cheap to keep.

They prefer mixed food, very often making quite large food reserves (if such an opportunity appears). They can be taken in the hands and stroke, but it is worth doing this very carefully, since the gerbils are extremely delicate creatures, they are easy to bring harm.

There is a very large number of types of gerbils, but at home often contain so-called so-called mongolian sand. These animals are large clean and practically do not smell. Unlike hamsters, gerbils are not night animals.

They are quite independent creatures, so they may well entertain themselves over a long period of time. The lifespan of gerblock is quite small - from three to four years, which is worth to prepare morally in advance.


© Bilbot / Getty Images

Ferrees are extremely active, terribly curious and highly agreed animals. At the same time, they are very nice on and possess a fluffy coat, which is very pleasant to the touch. They live longer than many of their small fellow - From eight to ten years.

It is worth only to release a ferret from the cage, as he will immediately begin to wear around the house, studying every corner and crack, so they should not be left out of the cell unattended. If the ferret is outside, there must be someone to look after him, and otherwise you will suffer from it later.

They definitely need more attention than rats or hamsters, as they feel not particularly cozy if they are in the cage all day. It turns out a fairly paradoxical situation - ferrets should not be left unattended outside the cell, but also keep them in a cage all day is undesirableEven if you are not at home.

Ferreers willingly go to hands. They will not bite you if, of course, accidentally do not harm them. These animals can play with you or your children all day long. They acquire his cute special appeal somewhere closer to three years.


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Of all the fluffy pets that are offered in this list, chinchillas are the most fluffy. They have thick and silky fur. Thanks to this, Chinshill, probably, more pleasant to take all to hand, iron.

On the other hand, Chinchilla does not really like when it is squeezed. Better let her the opportunity to run on your dwelling. An adult sector of chinchilla reaches up to 30 centimeters and even more, moreover, the females are more males.

Chinchillas practically do not make an unpleasant smell. And even their allocation does not smell within a few days. These past animals live from 10 to 15 years. The colors of the fur of these creatures varies from the brightest tones to black, like soot.

Chinchillas do not require much attention. They feed on special feeds that can be freely purchased in pet stores. The males chinshill is better to start paired. But the female of these animals is loners, so they can be kept one by one.

Pet for your child

Cancer hermit

© David Clarke / Getty Images

Cancer-hermit is not the most common pet from this list of recommended pets. However, they are very educated and very inexpensive in contentTherefore, it is perfect for this role.

This is a very peaceful, calm animal, not at all similar to those pets that you want to take on your arms and stroke. Behind cancer is better to observe from afar as he slowly moving in his aquarium, burning in the sand to hide her sophisticated face there.