An event with a variety of topics and forms of work.

Brain attack (brainstorming)

An intellectual game that requires participants to offer ideas (options) for solving a certain problem in a minimum amount of time. It is carried out through the free expression of the opinions of the participants. Structure: defining the problem, expressing ideas, selecting ideas, developing solutions. Such games are an effective method of collective discussion.

Knowledge Auction

A creative event, a type of quiz, that helps to instill interest in knowledge, broaden horizons, increase the creative activity of participants, and acquire knowledge by all participants. Intellectual entertainment. At an auction, a question or prize is “sold” and can be “purchased”: the “purchase” is made by presenting some knowledge requested by the “seller”. Essentially, this is an open competition for the best knowledge of a topic - the last one to answer gets a prize. The auction paraphernalia is preserved: lectern, gavel, bell.

Intellectual auction

An intellectual competition where you can “sell” and “buy” the spiritual value materialized in a book, reproduction, record, photograph, slide. The “purchase” is made by presenting any knowledge requested by the “seller”. Goal: strengthening authority. Knowledge, stimulation of interest in intellectual and artistic values, sources of information.

Specially organized entertainment, in which the central place is occupied by a dance program. A literary and musical composition with increased solemnity, stricter etiquette and a classic set of themes, following in a predetermined order.

Masquerade ball

Costume ball.


A small, cheerful, clownish action, a phenomenon similar to a farce performance, in spirit conveys the atmosphere of a national holiday.


A complex event that combines various forms and methods. IN " Great Encyclopedia Cyril and Methodius" the concept of "benefit performance" is defined as "a theatrical performance in honor of one of the actors." The collection from such benefits went to the benefit of the beneficiary. It was a big event with widespread advertising, with the invitation of famous people. In library practice, a benefit performance is a performance in honor of an interesting person (reader, writer, librarian, etc.).


A dialogue form of a mass event, which begins with a message from the speaker and continues with a conversation with the audience.


A conversation in the form of a dialogue between two presenters.


Conversation with elements of dispute (dispute).

Conversation - Game

Conversation with game elements.


Conversation with elements of discussion.

Workshop conversation

Conversation with practical exercises.

Exchange trading

Days of information can be dedicated to the region, folklore, branches of science, etc. Exhibitions include literature on the profile of “brokerage houses”. Librarians, teachers or senior readers preside at the auction.

“Tendering” is a competition of oral reviews of what has been read. The head of the “brokerage office” opens the auction with a story about the nature of the “product”, then some of the “brokers” come forward with their proposals. With a special broker signal - a raised hand - you can give a sign: “I take information” or “I refuse information.” Behind best advertising books are awarded a “share” during the auction. The right to evaluate information is granted to all bidders.


Any event, very quick, carried out in a short time or containing a list of questions that can be answered in a very short time

Blitz survey

Very fast survey, completed in a short time

Blitz tournament

A competition held in a short period of time

Competition between groups using, for example, knowledge sharing.

Fight intellectual

A competition of experts on something, intellectuals.

Speakers' fight

Speakers' competition.


A question-and-answer game between two (or more) teams. Their advantages are that they involve an element of competition, take place in an informal setting, and provide an opportunity to express yourself and your knowledge. They contribute to the acquisition of collective thinking experience, develop reaction speed, and allow you to test the knowledge and erudition of an entire team.

Blitz game

An express quiz on various topics, where participants are not given time to think. Questions are prepared in advance. They are set by the event host. A striking example of a blitz game is the TV show “The Smartest”.


Meeting of officials with representatives of funds mass media


an event dedicated to artistic creativity, held in a solemn atmosphere, attended by specially invited persons.


Evening meeting, friendly meeting for the purpose of entertainment. Can be literary, musical, song, dance, poetic, etc.

Questions and Answers Evening

Complex event on current topics (public - political events, achievements of science, literature and art, medicine, ethical problems, etc.). The choice of topic is determined by local conditions and the need to attract the attention of readers to certain issues. During the preparation period, the librarian composes questions and introduces them to readers (posts them at book exhibitions, posters, announces orally), organizes book exhibitions, conducts reviews, conversations (individual and group). The evening is opened by the host. He briefly talks about the topic, the nature of the questions, informs about the order of answers, introduces consultants, asks questions, first systematizing them in a certain order. He also summarizes the statements on each issue, makes corrections if necessary and recommends literature that will help understand the topic. When the questions are exhausted, the results are summed up.


Entertainment specially organized on one site, simulating a feast. Varieties: party, gatherings, salon, club, reception, assembly. This form assumes such attributes of a cafe as tables, dim lighting, refreshments, etc.

Evening portrait

A complex event dedicated to a specific person - an outstanding figure in literature, art, and science.

Poetry evening

A mass event dedicated to poetry can be dedicated to the work of one poet or a separate topic.

Evening of poetic mood

A mass event dedicated to poetry is accompanied by the reading of poetry by all those present or the majority.

Evening auction

An evening with elements of an auction.

Dedication evening

An evening dedicated to someone or something. Requiem evening is an evening of remembrance dedicated to sad or tragic dates in history.

Art reading evening

A specially organized program of performances in an informal chamber setting. Readers face-to-face with the audience, without makeup, decorations, props, or lighting effects, perform compositions based on well-known works, read poems or stories.


A musical or lyrical evening dedicated to poetic or musical works imbued with a melancholic, sad mood.

Come il faut evening (evening good manners)

An evening dedicated to etiquette.

Literary party

A meeting of friends and acquaintances (usually in the evening) to discuss literary works, dedicated to literary topics, held in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.

Social party

A meeting of friends and acquaintances (usually in the evening) to spend time together, relax, and have fun in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.

Video composition

Video event or its part associated with recording and playback of video information, carrying information about the image and demonstrating it.

Video quiz

Showing fragments from cartoons and film adaptations of works of art, as well as quizzes from illustrations for children's books.

Video cruise

Travel event (cruise) using video materials.

Video lecture

Lecture hall using video fragments.

Video salon

A series of events where video materials (films, clips, etc.) are shown.

Video lesson

Lesson built with the help of video material Video excursion - an excursion recorded and played back using video equipment Video encyclopedia - an event built like an encyclopedia, using video material Visit - an official visit, for business purposes Literary business cards - an event consisting of brief characteristics of any works, books, authors presented in an interesting (can be theatrical) form.


Quizzes – entertaining questions based on content and topic.

Quiz search

An event with elements of searching for answers to entertaining questions about the content of a work of art, facts about the writer’s biography, events in literary life, the history of books and literature.

Quiz test

An intellectual game consisting of questions and several answer options to choose from.

Story Quiz

An intellectual game based on an entertaining plot, into which questions are woven. The plot can be anything: space travel, sea regatta, fairy tale, construction, fantasy, etc.

Chance Quiz

A quiz in which the participant is given possible answers.

Express quiz

A quick (in a short time) quiz.

Electronic quiz

Quiz using computer technology.

Stained glass

Literary event about works of decorative art of a fine or ornamental nature.

Literary showcase

An event prepared to demonstrate the proposed books, works, a means of advertising these books, works.


A meeting organized for the purpose of meeting someone, talking, discussing, celebrating the arrival of someone.

Meeting at the samovar

Meeting in a chamber setting with refreshments. As a rule, on a folklore theme.


A meeting prepared and conducted in the form of an interview.


Official presentation, opening of something created, organized (eg, presentation of a new magazine, book, organization and so on.).

Meeting with an interesting person

A specially organized dialogue between readers and an extraordinary personality (writer, public figure, representative of a profession, travel, hero, etc.), during which the host leads the exchange of opinions on any issue (problem).

Exhibition - question

The title of the exhibition contains a question that is answered using the literature presented in the exhibition. For example, "Do you want to live?" - an exhibition dedicated to the problems of drug addiction; "Is there life on Mars?" - an exhibition dedicated to the problems of the planets of the solar system, etc.

Exhibition - question

To design such an exhibition, you need to select interesting questions on a specific topic. The exhibition contains texts of questions and books, periodicals where you can find answers to these questions. For example: “We have a guest today” (about etiquette). This form of exhibition is suitable for primary schoolchildren and teenagers.

Exhibition - decoration

It is the basis and natural decoration of a mass event in the library. Against their background, the event is held, books and objects are taken from them during the action, they are addressed; they can live on after the mass event as an independent exhibition.

Exhibition dossier:

Creating an exhibition involves collecting factual data about something. For example: “Pedigree of the flag, coat of arms, anthem of the Russian Federation.” This form of exhibition is suitable for teenagers.

Exhibition - game

Play is the leading activity in preschool age. But everyone loves to play: both kids and middle and high school students. Unless games change, their intellectual side intensifies. Thus, the exhibition game can be created for all ages. This exhibition includes elements of a game, thematically determined by the recommended literature. The level of complexity of the game materials of the exhibition is determined by its purpose and readership. For preschoolers, a game with literary fairy-tale characters “Guess which books we are from” is suitable; for younger schoolchildren, the topics can be very different: the basics of life safety, school, our planet, etc. For example: “Let's help Masha collect mushrooms in a basket.” For teenagers, knightly tournaments or the “sea voyage” “Full sail into the summer” are suitable.

Exhibition - calendar

You can create a calendar of folk omens, a calendar of professional holidays, a calendar of literary dates, children's holidays around the world, etc.

Exhibition - crossword puzzle

"Quiet" exhibition, for silent people. It is of a leisure and educational nature. It is based on a crossword puzzle (enlarged), the answers to which can be found in the literature presented at the exhibition. For the convenience of participants, photocopies of the crossword puzzle can be made. The first, having guessed the presence of a crossword puzzle on the theme of the exhibition, its design close-up and a presentation of the literature where the answers can be found. You can photocopy the crossword puzzle and distribute these pieces of paper to children. It is better to organize such an exhibition for primary schoolchildren and teenagers, the best one gets a souvenir.


It seems that this is another variety of “psychological exhibitions”. Assisting the student in resolving something conflict situation, helps to search for possible ways out of it.

Exhibition of book illustrations

The exhibition displays open illustrated books on some topic, but the emphasis is on the illustrations. For younger schoolchildren and teenagers, exhibitions of illustrations by the same artist, for books of the same genre, on the same topic, for example: “Frost and Sun” (winter landscapes), will be of interest. The exhibition develops in children the idea of ​​a book as an artistic value, where the synthesis of text and illustrations gives each a unique look.

Exhibition "Literary Hero":

The exhibition will attract the attention of preschoolers, primary schoolchildren, and teenagers. Exhibition themes can be: “Matroskin the Cat”, “Kuzka the Little Brownie”, “Sherlock Holmes”, “Harry Potter”. Nowadays it’s easy to organize an exhibition “Harry Potter”, since along with J. Rolling’s books, toys-figurines of heroes, notebooks, and calendars are published. The exhibition provides for the activation of children's creativity, letters to heroes, continuation of the story about the hero, games with the hero and much more.

Exhibition - mood

Teenage readers are invited to put books on display themselves and give feedback on them: “I read this book when I’m happy...”, “I read this book when I’m sad...”, etc. Will attract children’s attention and the theme: “As correctly said...not by me...about me”, this exhibition can be organized by a librarian on the works of Russian classics. Sections of the exhibition: “Heroes are sad”, “Heroes are happy”, etc.

Exhibition - search

For teenagers and high school students: the creation of an exhibition involves preliminary local history and scientific research with subsequent design of materials. For example: " Interesting people our village”, “Our fellow villagers are participants in the Great Patriotic War”.


An exhibition with elements of mail that helps establish feedback with the child based on recommended literature. For example, children can be asked to write letters to literary characters or book authors. The letters will become exhibits along with books. Such an exhibition will have a positive response from younger schoolchildren.

This could be a presentation of a new book, magazine, newspaper, or an unusual disclosure of their content using advertising technology, for example, through the command heading “Girls, a new book for you: read it!” I believe that such an exhibition will attract the attention of teenagers and high school students.


Accompanied by a poster with the rebus "Try, guess...". It may be of interest not only to primary school students, but also to older ones.

Exhibition - a fairy tale

The exhibition is being prepared together with readers - junior schoolchildren. Children illustrate the plot of a fairy tale, sculpt from plasticine fairy-tale heroes, they are building a fairy-tale city. All this, together with the text of the fairy tale, is compiled into a single compositional series of the exhibition.

Exhibition - dictionary

Organized for primary schoolchildren and teenagers to explain new terms and concepts.

Exhibition - hobby

Next to the recommended books are exhibited objects made according to advice, recipes, drawings, patterns from these books, as well as the objects of labor with which these products were made. For example; “Macrame is simple...”, “Our hands are not for boredom,” etc. I think it can be created for children of different age groups, but it will be most interesting for younger teenagers. The main thing is that everything is done by the hands of the readers.

Live Exhibition

Not only books, articles from magazines and newspapers, and illustrative materials are exhibited here, but the presence of living creatures is also assumed - these could be fish in an aquarium, guinea pig, hamster, etc. According to my observations, this exhibition arouses sincere interest among preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

Newspaper alive

The performance is in the form of a newspaper, the script of which is written, invented and staged in compliance with the genres of journalism; editorial, feuilleton, report, essay, interview questionnaire, cartoon, literary parody, funny mixture, information, announcements, advertising, etc. A newspaper can be political, satirical, critical, environmental, funny, mischievous. A newspaper may have regular columns. You can use the traditions of radio and television, genres of the living word - fairy tale, fable, riddle, epic, ditty, couplets. Participants of the newspaper (7-10 readers) first discuss the program of the issue, come up with its composition, their own costumes (newspaper hats; attributes; cut out letters that make up the name of the newspaper, etc.). Musical accompaniment is appropriate.

Poetic upper room

A complex event, designed as a poetic meeting in a folk setting. It is appropriate here to talk about folk poetry, jokes, ditties, epics, lullabies. The hostess of the evening can be a folk storyteller or button accordion, Arina Rodionovna, etc. Heroes of the folk epic - heroes, merchants, etc. - come to visit them. The interior decoration corresponds to the folklore character of the meeting.

talking wall

An exhibition of posters, slogans, quotes on a specific topic.

Literary horoscope

An event built like a horoscope, where literature (books, authors) are selected according to the signs of a particular horoscope.

Literary and musical living room

A complex event, designed as a thematic meeting in an intimate setting. There are poetic musical and theatrical living rooms. The gathering of guests is accompanied by music, quite quiet, melodic, and soft rhythms. The owners of the living room help everyone to make themselves comfortable and greet everyone with a smile. The presentation of guests can be witty, playful, serious, and cheerful.
The theme of the living room also determines the topics of conversations, musical or poetic fragments, slides or advice. There are always jokes in the living room - witty short stories. The theater living room can be costumed, scenes from plays, elements of a theatrical skit are appropriate. m. also Salon.

Gourmet evening for lovers... genre

An evening dedicated to a specific genre of literature, prepared taking into account ("savoring") the best aspects of this genre.

Profession Day

This is a comprehensive event to widely inform users about any profession. Includes exhibitions, open literature screenings; bibliographic reviews; consultations with specialists in specific professions; wide discussion professional problems, disputes; excursions; film screenings.

Themed day

A specially organized set of events on a specific topic lasting one day. Dialogue with a Century is an educational game during which children conduct an impromptu dialogue with representatives of different Centuries. The image of the last century is presented by a work of art of any type and genre, most often a pictorial portrait (reproduction, slides, photograph). The portrait is exhibited on the screen, or installed in the center of the hall. Dialogue with the great is based on facts provided to readers in the story about personality traits, views, and achievements. Children are asked to ask the person a question. You can make it easier to start a conversation by offering a common starting phrase to all participants: “If I met... I would tell him...” “I would like to ask...”, “I would talk to... about...” ", "We and.. probably would.". And then - look closely at the hero’s face and hear the answer. Of course, in response to the answer, throw a remark from our century and again wait for the subsequent answer. The psychological conditions for “dialogue with the century” are trusting relationships created due to the musical background.


A form of organizing leisure time for children and youth associated with the use of audio recordings. Varieties: lecture (disco lecture), dance, theatrical and journalistic.


A specially organized exchange of views on any issue (problem) to obtain an information product in the form of a solution. Types: round table, expert group meeting, forum, symposium, debate, court hearing.


Public dispute. Typically, a debate is devoted to discussing political or moral issues. The main thing when preparing a debate is to take into account the interests and characteristics of a specific audience; choose the right topic and clearly formulate the main questions; organize an event to promote relevant literature.


Gatherings on folk themes.

Zavalinka musical

Gatherings on folklore themes, with musical accompaniment.

Literary riddles

Finest hour

The event is in the form of a game, held on a specific topic. Consists of 3 rounds, 1st and 2nd round players receive questions on the topic, the player who answers the question the fastest receives a star, the players who received the most stars go to the next round, 2 participants go to the 3rd round, they are given the task of making up as many words as possible from words corresponding to the stated topic. The one who composes the most words wins.

Poetic starfall

An event celebrating masterpieces of poetry or popular poets and requiring poetry readings.

Project protection

A performance during which participants or groups demonstrate projects. As a variety - protection fantastic projects. Roles of interaction participants: presenter, viewer-communicator, demonstrator. The defense of projects is necessarily preceded by preparation for presentation - the invention, development and design of the project.

A game

Competition, competition according to pre-agreed and defined rules. A democratic activity that imitates real life with clear rules and limited duration. The form of organizing games is varied: didactic, role-playing, business, simulation and modeling, intellectual, entertaining, etc.

Business game

A means of forming an integral system of organizational, social knowledge, skills and abilities based on modeling. It is based on a model of socially beneficial organizational activity.

Intellectual game

A game where success is achieved through a person’s thinking abilities, his mind.

Themed game

A mass event, rich in gaming elements and dedicated to a specific topic. For example, historical, environmental, economic, career guidance, mystery game, fantasy game.

Literary game

A mass event rich in gaming elements and dedicated to literature. Literary games include: quizzes, literary travels, competitions for attentive and well-read people, literary auctions, literary riddles and charades, etc. Literary games are divided into “role-playing” (reincarnation as a literary hero) and “intellectual” (they are based on the process of “solving” a book, its author, and characters).

The game is educational

A game aimed at the cognitive activity of its participants.

Role-playing game

A tool for modeling relationships and situations. Through its participants, cases become heroes of the situation (by choice), model it, bringing it to the collective’s judgment.

Family game

A game between two or more family teams.

Competition game

An event that combines gaming moments with competitive tasks.

Performance game

A complex event that combines a game and a theatrical performance.

Travel games

Activities in the form of a game. When preparing a trip, it is necessary to stylize the road or journey with obligatory stops - stations, forest edges, islands, paths, houses.

Game library

An event with a set of games on one or different topics.


Entertainment news program.

Information dossier

An event held in the form of a collection of materials about someone or something.

Information release

“Release”, public demonstration, publication, message, perhaps the demonstrated object itself. Typically used in music (album release, song release). Also in the media (press release, online release - a message about any news, point of view).

Information minute

A short informational message on a topic.

Interactive Evening - Portrait

Value-oriented activity, the essence of which is to put the teenager in front of himself, providing the opportunity to look at himself as something unique, different from everyone else, as a bearer of human properties and qualities, the owner of an independent inner world. Groups sit at the mirror (around the mirror), or each group member sits in front of a separate mirror. In front of each participant is a fan of colored cards with unfinished phrases written on the back. Alternately turning over the cards, the participants, looking at their image in the mirror, complete the phrase to themselves, mentally, or out loud. Examples of card text: “I see in front of me...”, “I discover in myself...”, “I am interested in this person because...”

Information Cocktail

A complex event, a variation of a birthday, when the birthday person is congratulated - children, parents, children's writers, etc. On this day, entertainment and games are organized. Gifts can be in the form of musical and poetic greetings, small concert numbers. The logical conclusion of the name day is a tea party with a sweet treat.


An event built with a quick change of small forms of mass work (for example, a quiz, an informinutka, a blitz, a mini-scene, a mini-review, etc.).


An event with repeated sequential changes in themes and images.

Caravan of impressions

An event on a specific topic with an emphasis on changing experiences.

Caravan of stories

An event consisting of the most interesting stories associated with famous people, historical places, traditions and events.


A holiday with processions, street masquerade, theatrical games, a costume party based on a literary script. Such holidays imply mass participation. In the library version there may be fewer participants, but everyone should have a place in the script. Important condition; all participants must wear costumes, otherwise the holiday loses its meaning.

Round table

A form of collective discussion that allows maximum opportunity to conduct fruitful discussions, comprehensively consider various issues and develop joint solutions. Authoritative experts, theorists and practitioners, researchers, representatives of authorities, public organizations and other interested parties may be invited to participate in the discussion.


Event, search game with complex, confusing moves and tasks.

Lecture hall

A series of lectures united by one topic, held regularly over a period of time.


Cycle mass events, united by a common theme. The sports name justifies the covering of a certain route from start to finish, the presence of obstacles, and the competitive nature. Intellectual questions and creative tasks, various competitions make up the program of the library marathon, which can last several days. A large number of readers take part in the marathon. See also: Travel game.

Workshop of Joy

A practical lesson where participants are engaged in some kind of creativity (drawing, singing, dancing, music, handicrafts, writing fairy tales, etc.), allowing them to enjoy the creative process itself.

Master Class

One of the forms of effective teaching is the transfer of experience, skill, and art to students in the exact sense, most often through direct and commented demonstration of work techniques.


A complex event made up of a number of small events of an entertaining nature, varied in form and theme.

Brain attack

A form of group organization when, in the shortest possible time, each participant verbally makes his proposal to the common treasury of possible forms and methods of conducting the case, on the basis of which its final form arises.


Effective method collective discussion, a creative search for a solution to a problem, which is carried out through the free expression of the opinions of the participants and allows the use of their intellectual abilities. Structure: defining the problem, expressing ideas, selecting ideas, developing solutions.


An event that broadly and comprehensively covers a topic.


An event on any topic, held outdoors in a limited area.

Duel of Dreamers

Competition between participants and teams for the best fantasy on any or a specific topic.

Talk show

A philosophical question is brought up for discussion (for example: what is love?). Participants are invited to discuss several life situations played out by actors.


A competition, a competition on different topics between 2 or more participants (teams), which is held in the form of a series of battles. Nr, literary tournament.

Oral journal

An active form of promoting new print products. The content and structure are similar to a printed magazine. It consists of a number of sections - “pages”. Each page contains literature information on a specific topic and ends with a recommendation of printed sources. traditional method of operation. A distinctive feature is the reflection of current issues that concern many. Has periodicity. The design of the magazine is important: cover, title page, section headings, symbols and attributes. Computer presentations can be used to create an oral journal.


A fairy-tale performance featuring lavish staging and stage effects. A magical, fabulous spectacle.


Broad representative assembly, congress.

Hobby club

A club that brings together people with a certain hobby (a type of entertainment, a certain activity, a hobby that does not provide any particular material benefit).

Round dance

An event consisting of successive small comic questions, tasks (for example, a round dance of questions) or telling about small folklore genres (for example, a round dance of fairy tales, a round dance of riddles).


The event is a year-by-year story about some historical events, built like a chronicle.


Conversations about beauty, about art, literature, painting, about a tea cup, etc., are accompanied by a story about traditions, a solemn performance of something, a ritual established rules. For example, a tea ceremony.

An event that informs participants on any topic.

Question and answer hour

An event that takes place in the form of a dialogue and allows you to ask questions of interest and receive answers to them.

Social hour

An event dedicated to developing communication skills and treating each other correctly.


(under New Year) - New Year's performance (evening), used to create an atmosphere of miracle and magic.


A series of training events according to a pre-developed program.

A bright performance designed for a noisy external effect, an entertainment program with spectacular musical and visual accompaniment.

The show is intellectual

Bright intellectual entertainment program.

Show program

A program consisting of several spectacular, bright numbers.

Just a minute joke

A small event of an entertaining and humorous nature.


An outing, a trip, a collective visit to places of interest, usually of a cultural, educational or educational demonstration nature. The topics are varied. Preliminary preparation is required on the part of the organizer and participants, as well as instructions on safety precautions and etiquette.

Virtual tour

A virtual tour introduces remote users to a particular place.

Scrabble show

A game organized in the form of a quiz (competition of experts) on various subjects.


Several small productions united into one event by a common idea or theme.

Relay race

The joint activity of a group of participants, carried out in a sequence determined by the plot, script, and rules.

Esthete show

A vibrant performance, an entertainment program dedicated to art, grace and beauty.

Etiquette class

An event dedicated to teaching and reinforcing the rules of etiquette.


Festival of Humor and Satire; an event dedicated to humorous or satirical literature.


An event dedicated to folk customs, holidays with games, fun, and songs. It must be accompanied by an exhibition where the products on display are sold.

Fair of creative ideas

The campaign is aimed at identifying projects that can contribute to cultural life institutions, novelty, creativity, capable of increasing the interest of various segments of the population and public groups in cultural forms of leisure and independent creativity, is carried out in the form of oral speeches or media presentations telling about projects and ideas.

Analyzing the work of libraries and directly attending events, you notice a certain fixation on the same forms of work.

Today, few people use such, albeit not new, but good and, unfortunately, forgotten forms as panoramas, kaleidoscopes, and oral journals.

Events are held successfully, based on

which ideas lie, for example, suchtelevision projects such as: “Brain Ring”, “Two Grand Pianos”, “Finest Hour”, “Field of Miracles”, “Own Game”.

We offer you unusual interesting shapes holding events inintersettlement libraries.

Dialogue- exchange of opinions of two or more interlocutors with different points of view, usually on the same problem. This is a conversation taking place in a friendly, friendly atmosphere. The purpose of communication is

clarify the idea, develop a coordinated position.

Discussion –a form of research into a problem or controversial issue. Participants are divided in advance into groups that have different or opposing opinions. The purpose of the discussion is to establish a system or at least get as close to it as possible. The discussion is characterized by thorough theoretical preparation of the participants and a thorough analysis of the arguments of opposing concepts.

"Information +" -This is a living story that helps deepen students' knowledge about politics, economics, ecology, and culture. “+” in this publication indicates that in addition to information about a particular event, comments, interviews, and journalistic sketches are possible. The main goal is comprehensive

to acquaint readers with events in various areas of human life and activity, to contribute to the formation of an active life position in them.

"Inform-digest" - short, vivid messages on various topics. A small group of readers (4-5 people) prepares information about one event that interests him.

"How it was"- one significant topic is covered following the example of the TV show of the same name. A big role from

said to the presenter. The host provides basic historical and political information, introduces guests and organizes dialogue. Speeches should be short (3-5 minutes) and

are dedicated to a specific fact that allows you to deepen and diversify the knowledge of listeners. The use of film and video materials, photographs, etc. can be an advantage.

"Years and People"- dedicated to professional biographiesachievements of cultural, political, and economic figures in our country and abroad.

“We asked - we answer” - information is collected in advance from a certain group of readers about what events of modern life interested themmost of all; questions received; the questions received are distributed among the readers, then selectedmaterial and performances are being prepared.

"Press conference" - includes elements of gaming, artistic, and creative activities.

The participants of the “press conference” act in a certain role: politicians, scientists, journalists, activists.

artists, photojournalists, etc.

« Club of Young Experts"- An educational game, the main goal of which is to broaden one’s horizons, develop cognitive activity and creative thinking in readers. Two or more teams participate, usually performing the same tasks simultaneously.The speed, accuracy, and originality of their implementation are taken into account. As part of the competition you can

conduct a quiz, the questions of which are asked to the teams one by one.

Oral journal –a form of expanding and deepening schoolchildren’s knowledge about the culture, life and work of people.He introduces listeners to information devoted to a particular topic and presented on the pages of the magazine. The number of pages is determined. Literary and musical settings and visual aids are discussed. There are two types of oral journals: thematic and multi-topic.

Round table -a form of free exchange of opinions on any issue.The moderators of the round table develop a plan to discuss the problem on specific issues. The purpose of the round table is to attract the attention of participants to the discussion of current aspects of the selected topic

Talent Auction – n and auctions usually sell useful or valuable things. The person who offers the highest price for it will be able to purchase this item. Our auction includes both things for sale and “unusual money.” The item being sold can be either a real, valuable prize (cake, book, etc.), or a comic prize, but something memorable for everyone present: a button from the director’s suit or class teacher etc. Ras-

You will have to pay for the right to receive this prize with your talents: reading poetry, a story about your favorite book, etc.

carrying out familiar forms of events:


A game in response to questions, usually united by some theme. Requirements for the quiz:

Common topic;

Questions must be specific;

Select a certain number of questions;

Think about the form of the event – ​​“What? Where? When?”, “Field of Miracles”, “Brain - Ring”, “Happy Accident”.

The quiz can have various tasks:

If you can, explain;

Which statement is true, etc.

Living room (poetic, musical)

It is decorated with music that is quite quiet, melodic, and soft rhythms. The hostess of the living room helps everyone to sit comfortably, gives everyone a smile, greets them, and performs “psychological stroking.”

The first point is introducing the guests. If a new person appears, then first of all, they introduce him to the arriving guests. Then anyone can say a few words about someone as additional information that deepens knowledge about that person. These words can be witty, playful, cheerful - the main thing here is a good disposition towards each other, the psychological climate of the living room. Living room themedetermines the theme of the memories: in the music room they remember episodes of their life related to music; on the poetic side - what determined today's interest in poetry. There are always jokes in the living room - witty short stories. It is necessary to take care of a beautiful, comfortable interior, free movement of guests, beauty of decoration, costumes of the “hostess” or “host,” colorful treats or hygiene of tea drinking.

To emphasize the elasticity of this form, let us point out examples of unusual living rooms: canine living room - gathers guests, loving dogs; astrological lounge – guests are interested in astrology; psychological living room - guests interested in psychological problems gather.

Dispute -a form of collective discussion, a clash of many views, opinions, opposing and mutually exclusive judgments, positions regarding one or anotherProblems. The purpose of the debate is to expand ideas about the phenomenon, achieve clarity, and clarify one’s views and positions.

A debate is an oral scientific argument taking place in front of an audience between persons with different points of view on an issue or problem.

1. It is necessary to choose a topic in advance with teenagers

simulate questions.

2. Questions must be specific and related.with people's lives, their activities or life experiences.

3. Topics should be interesting and should excite teenagers.

4. At the debate, you can discuss literary articles, television shows, and films.

5. Preparatory work - selection of literature, exhibition, viewing, reading.

6. The atmosphere at the debate should be relaxed.

7. Psychological mood of the audience: be able to listen, not be offended, be able to prove your opinion, boldly express your thoughts.

8. The presenter must quickly navigate, select the main thing from the statements, and draw a conclusion.

Topics: What are courage and heroism? There is always room for exploits in life. Is it always? I have such a character. Is it true that a dream is the sail of life? Know how to cherish love. About human beauty.

List of forms of library work.




Evening – meeting

Evening - a memory

Evening - celebration

Evening - reflection

Meeting with …

Meeting of two generations

Meeting with Cossack dynasties

Meeting of brothers in arms

Meeting with new recruits

Video lecture

Memory watch


Living room

Military Glory Day

Day of Remembrance

Information Day




Entertaining program


Reading competition

Competitive and game program


Literary and musical lounge

Literary and musical composition

Minutes of trust



Book presentation

Political debate

Educational program

Crossroads of opinions

Poetic composition



Holiday game

Knight Tournament

Communication salon

Thematic program

Tribune of bold hypotheses

Theatrical children's party

Theatrical competition

Creative evening

Theme evening

Creative meeting

Theatrical play program

A lesson in courage

Health Lesson

Ethics lesson

Artistic and journalistic composition

Cycle of programs, conversations

An hour of personal opinion

Hour of problematic questions

Hour of trust

Show program

Relay of generations

Dear Colleagues! We hope this material will help improve the quality of public events held in libraries

Compiled by: I.M. Rabota, chief bibliographer of OIRIT

Experts analyzing the activities of libraries note a negative trend of using the same forms of work in them. Nowadays, exciting programs for readers are rarely developed. As a rule, the organization of long-known events is restructured without introducing any new elements into them. This significantly reduces interest in visiting institutions. As a result, libraries are gradually beginning to turn into archives. Meanwhile, one of priority tasks The cultural and educational sphere is the development of love and respect for books. Let us next consider some types and forms of library events.

Information Day

During it, various forms of library activities for children and adults can be used. Organizing an information day involves developing an exciting program. Its main goal is to inform readers about new arrivals. The frequency of the survey will depend on the volume of incoming literature. If it is small, then it is advisable to organize an information day once a month. The institution notifies readers about the date using posters, advertisements, in the local press or special letters. The messages provide specific names and forms of library events that will be carried out as part of the information day. The program may include familiarization with art publications and critical notes. During the information day, the authors themselves can speak, presenting their works. This form of holding library events has many advantages. First of all, readers are among the first to become acquainted with the works. If the authors themselves are present at the presentation, you can take their autograph and ask questions.

Specialist Day

It acts as a special form of library methodological activities. Organizing a specialist’s day also involves drawing up a comprehensive program. It includes direct demonstration of primary and secondary documentation, familiarization with advanced scientific achievements in the cultural and educational sphere. By its nature, a specialist’s day acts as an intermediate form of work. There can be many library events. However, the specialist’s day has a special practical significance among them. During it, the employees of the institution themselves receive methodological information and explanations of certain instructions. As part of the specialist’s day, it is advisable to organize seminars and discussions. Innovative forms of library activities can be discussed at them.


This form of library activities has a number of features. The review involves familiarization with the documents and a summary of their contents. It can be thematic. For example, forms of library activities on ecology involve familiarizing readers with the latest scientific articles on issues of environmental protection, a visual demonstration of publications dedicated to natural environment a habitat. Specialists and experts may speak during the review day. They provide comments on articles, notes, and explain the significance of certain discoveries. Such forms of library activities on ecology instill a thirst for knowledge, an understanding of the importance of the topic being addressed and the role of each person in protecting nature.

Book discussion

This form of library activities for children and adults explores different points of view regarding a particular publication. Its content and artistic advantages and disadvantages are discussed. In the conversation, attention is focused on the relevance of the problems raised in the book, topics, method of presenting the material, and so on. This form of library activities is characterized by a phased organization. At the first stage, preparation is carried out. In particular, the work and topic of discussion are selected in accordance with the interests of the audience. After this, information is collected and processed - the opinions of critics, literary scholars, reader ratings. After this, abstracts are prepared and a discussion plan is drawn up: an introduction to the problem, posing questions. During the conversation, it is important to organize a dialogue, exchange opinions and conclusions, summarize everything that was said and evaluate the result. Any work of art, including those studied at school, can be brought up for discussion. Such forms of library activities on Lermontov, Tolstoy, Pushkin and other classics will be very educational.

Reader's benefit

As part of this form of library events for young people, they get to know the best visitors to the institution. The benefit is intended to strengthen the authority of readers and increase their social status. During the course, other visitors get acquainted with the biography of the person and some aspects of his life. The best readers, in turn, can show their favorite books, introduce them to their content and their opinion about them. During the benefit performance, musical compositions can also be listened to. The main objective of this form of library activities is to illustrate the role of books in the formation of a person’s personality, his destiny, and the acquisition of knowledge.

Bookcrossing and flashbook

Recently, completely new forms of library activities have begun to be used in practice. The list of them today is still small, but among them we can note those that have already become popular. First of all, it’s worth talking about bookcrossing. It is, simply put, the process of releasing various books. A person, having read some work, leaves it in a public place. This could be a metro station, a cafe, a park, and so on. Another person can take this book and, after reading it, also leaves it in some place. In this case, the publication receives its own unique number, by which it can be tracked on special websites.

The second popular form of library events today is a flashbook. This term is used to describe a book flash mob on the Internet. Those wishing to participate in the action create a page on social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, etc.) in the name of the work. After this, the initiators begin to invite users to their community. You can post on the page bright quotes from the work, illustrations, biographical information, excerpts from the author’s correspondence, etc. Modern forms of library activities require, as a rule, a PC and the Internet. Moreover, people who are members of one group or another often meet in real life.

Literary karaoke

New forms of library events must first and foremost be fun. It is important to provide an atmosphere in which readers can express their opinions and demonstrate their abilities and talents without embarrassment. New forms of library events include various competitions and promotions. Literary karaoke, for example, can be very exciting. It is a competition of reciters to music. The melody is selected to match the rhythm, meter or mood of the poem. The reader does not know which work he will get. The challenge is to capture the rhythm of the music and the verse and connect them.

Literary vernissage

Many poets and writers, as part of their creativity, dedicate works to outstanding figures of art and culture. Literary opening day is a game in which two teams participate. The first represents such “portraits”. For example, a short annotation on the biography is given, poetry or prose is read. The second team's task is to guess the person in question.

Shock lesson

This form of events is prepared on a specific topical topic. For example, a shock lesson can be dedicated to drug addiction, smoking, or AIDS. The basis can be letters from people who are addicted or have illnesses, and their revelations. In this case, the source material is not edited, but is presented in its original form, preserving the vocabulary and content. As part of such classes, it is advisable to show video recordings. During the lesson, statistical data is presented.

Evening divertissement

It is a small concert. As part of the evening, poetry and prose are read, music is played, including live music. The program may include works of completely different genres. These can be popular songs, classical melodies, comic skits, serious monologues. Communication takes place in such a relaxed atmosphere.

Question and answer evening

During the event, readers are involved in increased interest in industry and fiction. Questions can be devoted to a specific topic or several subjects. The choice will depend on the interests of the readers. Readers first prepare lists of questions from which a certain number are selected. The evening can, for example, be spent on the topic of local history. Specialists, historians, and museum workers are invited to the institution. As part of the library's local history events, readers will learn many interesting facts about their region from experts.


These forms of library activities have become very popular recently. To introduce readers to the culture, history of the region, and traditions, travel games are organized. Activities are held in imaginary conditions. All participants receive specific roles. They can write letters, diaries from the scene of events. Such activities activate the imagination. Before the game, participants prepare, collect and study information on the topic, maps, reference books, etc.


The name of this event comes from a Japanese word meaning "chatter". "Pecha-kucha" involves the presentation of short reports, limited in content and form. As a rule, this form of events is used at informal conferences. The speaker makes a report-presentation consisting of, for example, 20 slides. Each of them is shown for 20 seconds. After the last frame, the next participant's report starts automatically. The number of such presentations can vary from 8 to 12.

"5 minutes with art"

This event is a flexible and easy way to experience beauty. It implements the “small dosage” principle. Such events are designed for people who are not accustomed to artistic thinking. In this regard, communication with art is small and short-lived. Over the course of several minutes, one or more works are perceived. In this case, no analysis or evaluation is performed. The essence of the event is to express your own impression of the work shown. In this case, there should be no imposition of anyone's opinion.

Organizing and holding such an event requires careful preparation. In this case, take into account different aspects. Attention is drawn to the arrangement of chairs, the interior, and the display space. A short introduction is required. It will provide the necessary psychological mood. The final point regarding direct communication between participants is also important.

Experts recommend periodically holding such events. For example, you can make a series of displays of the works of a certain author, timed to coincide with the anniversary. It is very effective to use a double artistic row. Different types of works can be displayed, with one serving as the background. For example, when a picture is shown, Vivaldi's music is turned on. In this case, two psychological channels will be activated: auditory and visual. Some impressions will enhance others.

Particular attention should be paid to the content of the material. It should be understandable and educational. The positive emotions caused by such five-minute sessions help to awaken interest in art.


Literally it means “healing with books.” The official definition of bibliotherapy was given by the Association of Hospital Libraries. Such treatment involves the use of specially selected works as therapeutic agents in psychiatry and general medicine. With the help of guided reading, various personal problems are solved. Initially, a therapist was a sage, a thinker, an impeccable ascetic who devoted his life to studying the spiritual side of the world. In the modern understanding, he can be considered an “information worker who heals with words.”

The essence of therapy

It has been scientifically proven that reading books can have beneficial influence per person. Certain works promote recovery and maintain psychological balance. The art of a smart, beautiful, kind word can cause a revolution in consciousness, change a person’s views on certain phenomena. The power of artistic works is very great.

The origins of book therapy

For the first time, treatment with works began to be used in monasteries. As a rule, these were church publications. The shepherd read prayers before the people and explained the Law of God. Currently, bibliotherapy is used in the treatment of people suffering from neuroses. In this case, the impact is carried out not only by words, but also by music. The latter acts as a background, shading the tonality of the reader. The truth that the word has medicinal properties, knew in ancient times. Along with music, it had a beneficial effect on all living things, on the mood and feelings of people. The well-known Hippocrates specifically prescribed courses of such treatment for patients. Pythagoras once said that music can save people from madness. During a period of illness, a person’s artistic perception changes. So, some begin to be attracted to works filled with despair and pessimism. In such books a person tries to draw parallels with his life. It happens differently. A person, on the contrary, is attracted to works that are full of optimism and end well.


Bibliotherapy can be performed in different ways. The cycle of “therapeutic” hours is considered the most effective. Within each of them, a literary and musical composition with a certain psychological mood is presented. Poems, prose, and melody are specially selected. Literary and musical compositions should awaken good, bright feelings in listeners, help them gain confidence, a point of support in a stressful situation. Book therapy is aimed at correcting the psychological perception of the world around us.

The fundamental difference between bibliotherapy hours and traditional events is that exclusively music and words are used for influence. In such cases, the usual promotion of the book is absent - elements of conversation, review, etc. The key task of the librarian is to act as a skilled performer, reader. The correspondence of the content of the book to the selected melody is also important. You can start the composition with slow, calm music, gradually moving it into more lively music. You can end the event with a melody that conveys the sounds of nature. The themes of the watch can be very different. For example, works are read about happiness, family, love, friendship, communication with nature, and art.

Additional Information

It is worth saying that today there are debates about the benefits and harms of certain literary works. A book written by a spiritually healthy author undoubtedly has a therapeutic effect. The mechanism of therapy consists in a person recognizing himself in the hero of the work, trying on the lessons that he learns from the events described. It is known that optimistic people recover faster. According to representatives of oriental medicine, treatment will not bring any results if a person is depressed and devastated. Accordingly, you should not give Anna Karenina to a patient experiencing family discord. As observations show, reading Brodsky, Shakespeare, Bunin helps to get rid of gloomy thoughts that oppress a person. Dostoevsky's works are distinguished by their mystery. They awaken previously unknown experiences and sensations in some readers. Some people are tired of Tolstoy's works. The books of Gogol and Chekhov are distinguished by their unusualness and diversity of moods. Among them there are both funny and deeply philosophical works.


Recently, reader activity in libraries has decreased significantly. This is, of course, connected with the introduction of computer technology into life. All more people prefer electronic rather than paper books. Nevertheless, libraries continue to operate and attract people, conduct various events aimed at instilling a love of literature and enhancing cognitive interest. To increase attendance, it is necessary to develop exciting programs. In this case, it is necessary to base it on the interests of the readers.

The main visitors to libraries are children. It can be quite difficult to get a child to persevere and show interest in a book. To attract children to reading, playful forms of library activities are used. Studying literature, both classical and written in recent years, allows you to broaden your horizons and learn many previously unknown facts from people’s lives.

Organization and holding of public events in the library

Basic requirements for the event and stages of its preparation

Public events are certainly effective forms of library work. It is thanks to them that the librarian often shows himself as a creative person, a professional in his field and influences the reader, attracting him to the book and reading. Experience in holding public events allows the librarian to develop communication and constructive skills, hones skills, increases creativity and professional self-awareness.

Mass events can be classified according to a variety of positions:

Oral and visual. Monologue and dialogue. Designed for a homogeneous or different age (multi-ethnic, etc.) audience. Single and complex. Unique and repeatable. Author's and ready-made scripts. Conducted by a librarian and with the invitation of other librarians or specialists in other fields (actors, journalists, etc.).

Of no small importance are components Events: methods and techniques of preparation, forms of delivery, thematic focus, age range, scale.

You need to know and follow certain requirements for the event:

Understand and clearly articulate the purpose of the library event. Plan the stages of the event. Organize training in accordance with the goal. Select the optimal material taking into account the main goals, methods and techniques at each stage of the event. Think through everything that can ensure the smooth running of the event. Choose the optimal rhythm and tempo to suit your mood. Provide elements of surprise, “zest”. Ensure a variety of forms and creativity in the activities of participants. Build the relationship between the stages, the connection of this event with previous and subsequent ones (if any).

A mass event will be successful if you carefully plan its organization and preparation at three main stages.

1. Preparatory stage

    Defining the topic, setting goals, clarifying the audience. Planning. Determining the course and content of the event. Analysis and selection of literature, acquisition, if necessary, or search in other libraries. Compiling a recommendation list. Definition of methods and techniques. Scenario development. Preparation of didactic and handout material, attributes, props. Making visual material, posters, etc. Conducting conversations, reviews, lectures on the topic. Determination of participants (actors, presenters, judges, etc.). Drawing up and designing a script Preparing and distributing tasks, explaining conditions, rules or assigning roles. Purchasing prizes and certificates. Determining the place, time, date of the event. Coordination with the administration. Solving organizational issues.

2. Corrective stage

    Organization of a book exhibition. Preparation of registration. Preparing and checking equipment and technical means. Rehearsal, script adjustments, dress rehearsal. Announcement. Inviting spectators and guests.

3. Main stage

    Decoration of the office, hall. Installation of equipment and technical means. Holding an event. Summing up (announcement) of the result. Analysis of the event (self-analysis). Possible discussion with colleagues and guests. Description of experience or development of methodological recommendations. Dissemination of work experience (holding an open event or seminar). Generalization of experience in the media.

The event will be successful if you follow primary requirements to him:

    Relevance of the topic. Adequacy of content ( relevance to the topic). realistic and doable). Targeting the appropriate audience ( topics, content, manner of presentation). Evidence of position ( confirmation with figures, facts, examples). Conciseness, clarity, accessibility, clarity. Careful preparation. Desirable system of activities ( by topic, contingent).

Success also depends on the leader himself. Components of success are:

    Ability to get in touch with participants. Accounting for age and individual characteristics audience. Knowledge of the topic and erudition. Culture of speech and culture of behavior. Pedagogical tact. Ability to creatively resolve non-standard situations.

The following can be considered the most acceptable for achieving the goal of a mass event: methods:

    Inducement ( joint creativity; preparation of the event by the creative team). Appeal to personal experience ( discussion of a topic, problem, situation, article, exhibition; fulfillment of tasks, social roles; independent work with a source or library apparatus; testing; analysis of life situations based on personal experience). Belief ( providing meaningful and objective information).

Exists many forms work during the event: practical, monologue, dialogical, visual, verbal, explanatory and illustrative, reproductive and others. The main thing is to take into account that the selected forms must comply with the following points:

    Educational and educational principles, goals and objectives. Age characteristics listeners. The level of preparedness of the audience. Specific conditions. Allotted time. Leader's capabilities. The possibilities of the book collection, library apparatus, technical equipment, etc.

Drawing up and designing the script

It is important for every library worker to master script writing technology.

Why is there such a need?

Despite the abundance of materials published today in periodicals and specialized literature on a variety of topics, the creation of original, exclusive scripts necessary for the work of a particular library remains relevant.

Possession of design and script writing skills is a universal ability that will help in drafting various forms creative activities: abstracts, reports and other analytical materials.

Without exaggeration, we can say that writing a script is not an easy task and requires both natural abilities and knowledge of certain rules.

Registration requirements

Title page

1. “Novozybkovsk City Centralized Library System” (name)

2. Library logo (upper left corner).

3. Theme of the script (center of the sheet, large font), form applicable to this script: evening, oral journal etc. (below the topic), imprint of the script author: full name, position (right).

4. Year of release of the script (bottom of sheet).

When developing and writing a script, we recommend using the following diagram:

Name. Epigraph. Form. Subject. Contingent (to whom it is addressed). Participants (who is conducting). Goals. Design and visibility. Equipment and technical means. Didactic, handout material. Scenery. Props. Attributes. Progress (structure) of the event.

Preliminary work

A very important aspect of script development is preparatory work with the material. There are a number of requirements that must be followed.

Working with material

1. When preparing a script, if possible, do not use one source, because in this case, superficiality and subjectivity cannot be avoided.

2. At least 5 sources used (including periodicals).

3. When working with sources, you need to be able to choose what is necessary, what corresponds to the goal, the idea of ​​the event, and the author’s view of the problem.

4. To effectively familiarize yourself with sources, you need to be able to make notes in pencil, use bookmarks, and make preliminary notes.

When working with sources, you need to skillfully handle sources that are outdated in time (publications before 1985), since they can be ideologized


After processing the material, you should proceed to the actual creative part, the first stage of which can be called the birth of a concept.

What is a concept? This is the core of the future text, its idea. The concept can be compared to a skeleton, around which “flesh” will subsequently grow from facts, arguments, and illustrations.

After defining the concept, you should begin to draw up a work plan.

Event program.

Main content part.

List of used literature.

Work on With meaningful structure of the script

The structure of each scenario, as well as any report, analytical material and, perhaps, any text, is a universal model: introduction, main part, conclusion(classical correspondence to the Hegelian triad: thesis-proof - synthesis). When working on a script, it is important to remember that the volume of the introduction in relation to the main part is approximately 5%, the conclusion is 10-15%. It is also important to remember the “law of topic disclosure”: the topic is announced in the introduction and receives evidentiary disclosure. Example:

“Architecture of Novozybkov” (informina).

Introduction: Even an inexperienced observer notices how different the buildings of our city are from each other. What is the architectural appearance of Novozybkov?

Main part: narration about the main architectural styles, reflected in the architecture of Novozybkov.

Conclusion: Baroque, classicism, modernist styles, etc. determine the architectural identity of the city.

IN main part the thesis stated in the introduction is convincingly developed. According to the laws of logic and stylistics, the main part should be a chain of arguments. This set of arguments in linguistics is called microthemes(i.e. subsections of the main part). Each micro-theme reveals a thesis and is closely connected in semantic terms with another micro-theme (such a relationship is called in some sources a “semantic bridge”, more on that below).

“Singer of the Don Steppes” (evening dedicated to the 100th anniversary).

Thesis ( concept of the event): Sholokhov is great, first of all, as a writer who managed to brilliantly represent the soul of the Don Cossacks through literary words.

Microthemes the main part reveals and affirms this idea. In this case, the following list of micro-topics is possible: “The color of the Cossack life and language in Sholokhov’s work,” “The Cossack soul in Don folklore,” “The moral foundations of the Cossacks and their expression in the conditions of historical cataclysms.”

Stylistic requirements for text composition

The main requirement for the style of the compiled text is neutrality (in vocabulary, syntax), with the exception of theatrical scenarios. However, when composing the text, in order to avoid clichéd expressions, we must not forget about literary emotionality; it is possible to appropriately use bright phraseological units, catchphrases, stylistic ornamentation (poetic comparisons, inversion, unusual epithets, metaphors). A sign of any stylistically competent text is the presence of transitions or "semantic bridges", which are necessary for the logical construction of the text, creating the impression of a movement of thought.

How to make the transition? The most common way is to use introductory words, sentences, expressions (which means, therefore, in the end, firstly, on the one hand). But often, when you need to connect two seemingly not very related theses or thoughts, it is necessary to use a transitional sentence. This sentence is usually the first in a new paragraph and logically connects the previous thought with the next one. The mechanism for constructing such a sentence is simple: it needs to talk about the previous thought and address the new one.

Let's return to the scenario according to Sholokhov, to its main part, where we outlined 3 micro-topics. So, let’s assume that we have revealed the first of them, “The Color of Cossack Life and Language in Sholokhov’s Work,” and we need to laconically, in one phrase, move on to the next one – “The Cossack Soul in Don Folklore.” What could this proposal be? “The color of the Cossack kuren is unique, the Don dialect is melodious and expressive, and it is precisely this brightness folk life reflected in Cossack songs, proverbs and sayings.”

Now let's look at some substantive requirements to compose the text.

- Laconism, time regulation. When writing a script, you need to remember that it is impossible to embrace the immensity. The time of each event is fixed. Even interesting and relevant facts, if there are too many of them, overload perception and create an emotionally negative environment in the audience.

- Logicality and analyticalism. You can't go off topic. Lyrical digressions are appropriate only sometimes. Facts need to be proven, not just listed. Even in an entertainment event, there must be analysis (explanation of facts, drawing a line under the above).

- Paraphrasing should be avoided. This applies not only to events dedicated to artistic works, but also to cases when the author of the script relies on some key article or book. You should always strive not for retelling, but for analysis.

- Objectivity. Personal point of view should be present, but not dominant.

So, today we stopped at the basic rules of writing a script. However, there are still many nuances and details that arise in the process of working on the material. And the resolution of these problems sometimes occurs not only thanks to some knowledge and skills, but exclusively intuitively. In general, a creative person interested in creating his own creation (in this case a text) will always find a worthy way out of a difficult stylistic situation. I would like to believe that any librarian is, to slightly paraphrase the outstanding prose writer of our time M. Kunder, a writer at heart, because he strives to capture and perpetuate the information available to him in a unique form of mass event.

Analysis of a mass event

An important condition for honing professional skills is analysis(or self-analysis), which is preferably carried out after each event. His target: contribute to increasing the effectiveness of educational activities and the educational process as a whole.

Event Analysis (with detailed explanations) we propose to carry out according to the following scheme:

Topic, title.

Goals (educational, educational, developmental).

Systematicity. The place of this event in the system of educational activities: disposable system; spontaneous, planned; introductory generalizing, final.


Participants (number, composition - schoolchildren (their age), teachers, parents, etc.).

Who conducts (librarian, teacher, other specialist).

Form (quiz, competition, game, conversation, etc.).

Type(obtaining new information, generalization and systematization, testing knowledge, creative application of knowledge, combined, etc.).

Methods (ways to achieve the goal): visual, reproductive, explanatory-illustrative, dialogical, monological, verbal, demonstrative, partially exploratory, heuristic, etc.

Quality of preparation and implementation:

    Availability of a plan, theses, script. Use of didactic and handout materials, manuals. Effective use library apparatus. The use of active and playful forms, the originality of tasks. Creative pedagogical discoveries. Knowledge of materials and methods of conducting the event. The professionalism and erudition of the librarian, the accessibility of the presentation of the material. Pedagogical tact and communication skills in communicating with participants, emotional atmosphere. The degree of activity of participants when completing tasks and answering questions. Compliance of the content, information content and volume of material with the educational program, age, and level of preparedness of the participants.

Design, visibility: posters, tables, illustrations, children's drawings, portraits, photographs, scoreboards, maps.

Equipment, technical means: book exhibition or creative works, stand, screen, furniture items; audio, video, computer, projector, camera, microphone.

Organization of assimilation of received information: working with a book, listening and memorizing using technical means; individual, pair, group, frontal work.

Relationship goals, content, form, methods, techniques and results.

Results. Has the result (goal) been achieved?

Introspection. Determining the effectiveness of the event (identifying successful and unsuccessful moments). Its purpose is to facilitate the effectiveness of follow-up activities. Self-analysis can be done according to the event analysis scheme, but in a very abbreviated form.


1. Eleseeva I. How to weave a canvas of spectacle: [method of work when preparing mass. events] / Eleseeva I. // Library.-2009.-№11.-P.75

2.Saprunova analysis of extracurricular activities. /Saprunova E. //Class teacher.-2010.-No.5.-P.68-69

3. Sedykh T, Maksimova G. Technology of mass events / Sedykh. T, Maksimova G. // Methodological day. Issue 3. Tab in “BS” No. 2 March

(SLIDE 1) The trend towards introducing creative forms into the work of libraries has been observed for many years. This is primarily due to the fact that library staff are trying to organize interesting leisure to your reader and attract as many people as possible to the library.

In library practice, countless forms of working with readers have been developed. However, libraries need creative forms of work. First of all, in order to surprise the reader with an unconventional approach to revealing the topic, the scale of the event, the design of the premises involved, etc.

In order to understand the essence of a creative approach to work, you need to know what is meant by creativity. The word creativity translated from English means to create, create. (SLIDE 2) Today, creativity is understood as the creative ability of an individual, which is characterized by a readiness to accept and create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking, and is a sign of giftedness. Sometimes creativity manifests itself as ingenuity - the ability to achieve a goal, find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation, using the environment, objects and circumstances in an unusual way.

Let's consider the most striking creative forms of work of Russian libraries, which without a doubt can be called effective.

(SLIDE 3) LIBRARY NIGHT. This is the most famous creative form of library work on a nationwide scale. Received a lot of publicity in the media. It was accepted with great interest by society. Developed and implemented in libraries since 2012. Library Night is a social and cultural event of a new format. It is carried out on the basis of libraries with active cooperation with bookstores, museums, art galleries and other cultural organizations. The key direction of the action is the popularization of books and reading, the search for new forms of their promotion. The day of the promotion is determined for all of Russia. The day of its holding is reported in the media.

In December, on the shortest day of the month, some libraries hold LIBRARY TWILIGHT. (SLIDE 4) This form is implemented during closing hours of the library, in twilight. The purpose of the action repeats the purpose of Library Night. The difference lies in creating the atmosphere at the event. Library Twilights are held in an intimate setting and involve a smaller number of participants.

(SLIDE 5) BOOKCROSING. Translated from English it means “moving a book.” The principle of bookcrossing is known to everyone - “read it - give it to someone else.” This form has taken root very well in the cities of our country. Covers all age groups. Actively supported by the administration.

(SLIDE 6) LIBMOB is a fun promotional game. The purpose of this form is to enhance the image of the library. The basis of Libmob is a blitz survey of city residents about the way to the library. Anyone who knows the way to the library receives something nice, for example, a smiley face. Anyone who does not know where the library is located receives a calendar with the library address and contact information.

(SLIDE 7) HANGING BOOK. This form of work is aimed at a specific reader, that is, it provides an individual approach. Allows the reader to publicly demonstrate his reading taste. The essence of the action is to popularize reading. The duration of the promotion is three months. At the beginning of the action, any reader hangs a book; during the action, only those readers who are the most active are allowed to hang books. A sticker mark “Hanging Book” is placed on the book itself. A hanging book weighs for a week, then it is replaced by another. Based on the results of the campaign, personalized recommendation lists of favorite books of active participants are compiled, a rating of the most popular books in a particular library is created, and the demand for suspended books is additionally monitored.

(SLIDE 8) FLASHMOB translated means “instant crowd.” The form is known all over the world. It is used to ensure that the attention of random passers-by is directed to what the Flash Mob participants want to convey to the crowd. The flash mob is held for several minutes, during which the flash mob participants perform pre-agreed actions. Once completed, the participants disappear into the crowd.

(SLIDE 9) BOOK Blind Man's Bluff. Library staff select books. These books are wrapped in thick paper. And they invite their readers to choose a book to read. They receive a prize for their courage. This form of work allows us to revive readers’ interest in good, but undeservedly forgotten books.

(SLIDE 10) QUEST translated from English means “search, subject of search.” This is an interactive adventure game in which participants navigate through points, find and complete tasks within the framework of an overall scenario. Is a game route. Each route point contains a mystery or obstacle that players need to solve or overcome. Those who reach the finish line will be able to find out the main secret and receive a super prize for it! Quests have become very popular as a paid service. Therefore, libraries should take this form of work into their collection. The topics of quests can be varied.

As a shining example quest can be performed by a quest developed and conducted in the Lipetsk regional scientific library. The quest was called “The Hunger Games”. The plot was as follows: in the distant future, humanity has learned to eat with the help of information, giving up regular food. People obtain the “substances” necessary for nutrition and life from the Internet, electronic media, e-books. But as a result of the largest man-made disaster humanity was left without electricity. Having lost access to the usual means of obtaining information, people began to die of hunger. All attempts to obtain “food” in the usual way were unsuccessful. And then one of the oldest inhabitants of the planet offered a life-saving solution: he reminded people of the ancient repositories of information - libraries. Abandoned libraries covered with centuries-old dust were found. Equipped in storage special squad, whose mission is to obtain information that can “feed” all the inhabitants of the planet. During the game, participants had to complete tasks related to information search: look for answers to questions in catalogues, reference books, magazines and books from the library collection. All tasks were somehow related to the dystopian genre. To be among the brave men who wanted to save humanity from starvation, it was necessary to register on the library website. The winner of the quest was awarded an e-book.

(SLIDE 12) SCREEN OF BOOKS READ. This form allows you to demonstrate the dynamics of book reading by library readers. On the screen, along with images of recommended books, are photographs of readers who have read them. This form allows you to reflect the reader's picture of a particular library. Readers can see their loved ones and friends on the screen, thereby they will become interested in the book, which will be depicted with their photograph, and perhaps this will be a reason to take it to read and future topic conversations with a person on the screen.

(SLIDE 13) SELF-GOVERNMENT DAY IN THE LIBRARY “LIBRARY MEANS CREATIVE.” The purpose of this event is to popularize the library profession. This form is proposed to be carried out on May 27, the day of the professional holiday. During the working day, volunteer participants (usually schoolchildren) completely replace librarians. Under the supervision of library staff, they fill out forms independently; find a book according to the readers' requirements; serve readers, learn the rules for arranging books, express their opinion in a note in the “Notebook of Reviews” or in the media. They can also take part in organizing some kind of promotion. In conclusion, volunteer participants receive letters of gratitude for their active participation in the preparation and holding of Reader Self-Government Day.

(SLIDE 14) VIP GUIDE GAME. Participants in the game are invited to try themselves as a tour guide. His task is to develop his own itinerary for the important guest. Their routes can be designed in the form of guides, booklets, slides, video presentations, etc. These works can form the local history collection of the library.

(SLIDE 15) LITERARY KARAOKE. This is a reading competition held with musical accompaniment. Just like in karaoke, a melody sounds and we sing a song, so in literary karaoke, music sounds and we read poetry. The musical accompaniment is matched to the rhythm, meter of the poem, and even to the mood that it carries. The reader does not know in advance what kind of poem he will read and to what melody. He must intuitively grasp the rhythm of poetry and music, and then the result will be an excellent literary and musical performance of poetry.

(SLIDE 16) PHOTO CROSS. This is a photography competition in the form of a race with thematic and time limits. The most talented and active participants receive prizes at the award ceremony, which takes place after each photocross. To determine the winners, artistry is taken into account; originality; speed; compliance with the task. The topics of such races can be varied, for example, the photo-cross “The City is Reading” - within a certain time, take photographs of people reading in the city.

(SLIDE 17) THE CITY IN THE LENS. The idea of ​​the project is to create photo studios based on libraries. The idea was developed in the municipal libraries of the city of Omsk. Library readers and citizens from socially vulnerable categories of the population can study in the created photo studios. With this project, in 2013, Omsk Municipal Libraries were among the winners of the competition “The New Role of Libraries in Education” of the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation with the project “Omsk in the Lens: Creation of Family Photo Studios on the Basis of Libraries.”

(SLIDE 18) GEOCACHING IN THE LIBRARY. Geocaching is modern treasure hunting. The main idea is that some players hide caches, use GPS to determine their geographic coordinates and report them. Other players use these coordinates and their GPS devices (handheld navigators, Cell phones with built-in GPS and other mobile devices) to search for caches. To more accurately search for caches, hints are used. Geocaching appeared in the year 2000 with the advent of GPS navigation devices. The first cache contained food, disks, clothes and even money. The coordinates of the cache were published on the Internet. Within a week, several dozen similar caches were scattered around the world. Geocaching reached Russia in 2002 and from “orienteering” turned into the exchange of local history information. Because, according to the rules of the Russian game, it is recommended to create a cache in a place that is of natural, historical, cultural or geographical interest. In this regard, geocaching began to be used in education and even in libraries on various topics, for example, games were held based on the poems of A.S. Pushkin, " Patriotic War 1812 in the memory of posterity!” In the city of Stakhanov, library tours are conducted in this format.

(SLIDE 19) WI-FI IN PROMOTION OF CLASSICS. This form is a promotion. WI-FI password may become the dates of the lives of the great Russian writers-anniversaries...". A search exhibition dedicated to anniversaries is being organized in the library. A search exhibition is an exhibition for which tasks have been developed - to find this or that information. This game was invented to make the reader better got acquainted with the books and documents presented at the exhibition. And the information found during the search is the password for WI-FI. How interesting the game will be to readers depends on the talent of the librarian.

(SLIDE 20) LUCKY NUMBER. This is a promotion based on a lottery. During January, after re-registration, each reader was given a personal number, which then participated in the final lottery. A day for summing up is set. On this day, readers are invited to draw 25 “lucky” numbers from a glass ball. Their owners receive useful prizes: stationery, bookmarks, books, etc. Thanks to this promotion, the process of re-registration of readers is accelerated, and the library gets new readers and assistants.

(SLIDE 21) TOY LIBRARIES. The first toy library opened in Los Angeles in 1935. The baton was picked up by other American cities, and then the whole world, and now even the International Toy Library Association has been formed. There are three formats of toy libraries: a toy library (toys are loaned to your home), a toy library (a play space where parents and children come to play) and a mobile toy library. 75 percent of the world's game libraries are supported by volunteers, usually parents. The range of game libraries varies: from 100 to 1000 toys. Toys are issued for a two-week period, and a small fine will be charged for overdue or lost toys or parts. When signing up for a toy library, everyone pays a membership fee and pays a certain amount as a deposit. Toy libraries not only save money on purchasing toys, they have more ambitious goals: to stimulate children's development, support parents, and promote joint play between parents and children.

(SLIDE 22) Bright, beloved creative forms also include: bibliofresh, library café, flashbook, reader benefit, book dress code, book auction, bibliomarathon, library therapy hours, library boulevard, library performance, library zhurfix, tasting of literary novelties, discussion swings, literary fair, talk show, etc.

(SLIDE 23) Finding and developing a creative form is not an easy creative process. In terms of labor costs, it is equivalent to heavy physical labor. It is impossible to successfully hold an event using only its form. Any form requires filling. Such content that will be met with great interest by a certain audience. On creative library event the need is not to fill the participants with information, but to light them like a torch! So that later they would again want to spend their leisure time within the walls of the library.

(SLIDE 24) Thank you for your attention! Successful work to you!

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