This prayer rule was compiled by Elder Pansophius of Athos in 1848 in order to restrain the devil in his actions by the power of God.

Also, these prayers are read to get rid of all human anger, envy and meanness. This prayer book is recommended for devotees of piety for daily reading. No special blessing is required for this.

Theological Reasons for Detention Prayers

Detention prayers are based on Holy Scripture. In other cases, prayers are addressed to the experience of the saints, which is narrated by the Holy Tradition of the Church. Reading these prayers not only enlightens the mind, but also the heart, instilling in it sincere faith that God is able to stop any evil and protect those who trust in Him in any situation, no matter how hopeless it may seem to a person. However, when reading these prayers, one must certainly have a humble heart and not an evil mind, for God turns away from an evil and unhumble prayer book. It is also impossible to read these prayers, relying only on the power of their words, for it is not words that work miracles and not words that help in need, but only God, who listens to our prayer words.

Believe in God and through prayers speak to Him as loving Father, whose mercy and help you really need and your faith will not be put to shame.

The power of these prayers lies in their concealment from human hearing and sight, in their secret action.

Like a barren fig tree, do not sow me, O Savior, a sinner, but grant me hope for many years, watering my soul with tears of repentance, so that I may bring fruit to You, O Many-merciful One.

Merciful Lord! You once, through the mouth of the servant of Moses, Joshua the son of Nun, delayed the movement of the sun and moon for a whole day, until the people of Israel took revenge on their enemies.

You once told the prophet Isaiah: behold, I will return you ten steps back. sun shadow which walked along the steps of Ahaz, and the sun returned ten steps along the steps along which it had descended.

You once, through the mouth of the prophet Ezekiel, closed the abysses, stopped the rivers, and held back the waters.

And You once stopped the mouths of the lions in the den through the fasting and prayer of Your prophet Daniel.

And now delay and slow down until the right time all the plans around those standing around me about my displacement, dismissal, removal, expulsion.

So now, destroy the evil desires and demands of all those who condemn me, block the lips and hearts of all those who slander, are angry and growl at me and all who blaspheme and humiliate me.

So now bring spiritual blindness into the eyes of all those who rise up against me and against my enemies.

Didn't you tell the Apostle Paul: Speak and do not be silent, for I am with you, and no one will harm you.

Soften the hearts of all those who oppose the good and dignity of the Church of Christ.

Therefore let my mouth not be silent to reprove the wicked and glorify the righteous and all your wondrous works. And may all our good undertakings and desires be fulfilled.

To you, righteous women and prayer books of God, our daring representatives, who once with the power of their prayers restrained the invasions of foreigners, the approach of haters, who destroyed the evil plans of people, who stopped the mouths of lions, now I turn with my prayer, with my petition.

And You, the venerable great Elius of Egypt, who once fenced the place of your disciple’s settlement in a circle with the sign of the cross, commanded him to arm himself with the name of the Lord and from now on not to be afraid of demonic temptations. Protect my house, in which I live, in the circle of your prayers and save it from fiery ignition, thieves’ attacks and all evil and insurance.

And You, Reverend Father Poplie of Syria, who once with your unceasing prayer kept the demon motionless for ten days and unable to walk either day or night; Now, around my cell and this house (my) keep behind its fence all the opposing forces and all those who blaspheme the name of God and despise me.

And You, reverend virgin Piama, who once with the power of prayer stopped the movement of those who were going to destroy the inhabitants of the village where she lived, now stop all the plans of my enemies who want to expel me from this city and destroy me: do not allow them to approach this house, stop them with the power of prayer his: “Lord, Judge of the Universe, You, who are displeased with all unrighteousness, when this prayer comes to You, may the Holy Power stop them at the place where it overtakes them.”

And You, blessed Lawrence of Kaluga, pray to God for me, as having the boldness to intercede before the Lord for those suffering from the wiles of the devil. Pray to God for me, may He protect me from the wiles of Satan.

And You, Reverend Vasily of Pechersk, perform your prayers of prohibition over those who attack me and drive away all the machinations of the devil from me.

And you, all the saints of the Russian land, with the power of your prayers for me, dispel all the demonic spells, all the devil’s plans and intrigues - to annoy me and destroy me and my property.

(And You, great and formidable guardian, Archangel Michael, cut off with a fiery sword all the desires of the human race and all its henchmen who want to destroy me. Stand indestructibly on guard over this house, all those living in it and all its property.)

And You, Lady, not in vain called the Indestructible Wall, be for all those who are hostile against me and plotting to do dirty things to me, truly a kind of barrier and an indestructible wall, protecting me from all evil and difficult circumstances.

Prayer St. Macarius, Abbas of Egypt

Lord, as You want and as You know, have mercy. But let there be tacos! Let there be tacos! Let there be tacos!

Let us sing to the Virgin Mary the universal glory that has vegetated from man and given birth to the Lord, the heavenly door, the disembodied song and the fertilizer of the faithful; This is why heaven and the temple of the Divine have appeared; Having destroyed this barrier of enmity, peace was introduced and the Kingdom was opened. This is the affirmation of faith, the Champion of the Imam of the Lord born from Her. Dare, dare, people of God, for He will conquer the enemies, for He is Omnipotent.

Heavenly armies of the Archangels, we always pray to you, unworthy, and with your prayers protect us with the shelter of the krill of your immaterial Glory, preserving us, falling diligently and crying: deliver us from troubles, like the rulers of the Highest Powers.

Archangels of God, servants of the Divine glory, guiding angels and human mentors, ask for what is useful to us, and great mercy, like the Bodiless Archangels.

We magnify you, Archangels and Angels, and all the armies, Cherubim and Seraphim, glorifying the Lord!





You can turn to the Almighty in your requests using the prayer of detention in the morning or in the evening. However, some devotees of piety say that this prayer does not require any blessing, but during 9 days of reading it is necessary to: - exercise control over your mental and emotional state, avoid nervous breakdowns and similar manifestations. And yet, it is better to follow the words of Elder Pansophius himself and take the blessing.

The elder left the world an unusual text, where he fervently asks the Heavenly Father and the Saints to protect them from the devil’s attack. This is the essence of the prayer of detention, which can also be used in the most difficult life situations. This is truly a prayer from enemies and evil people.


  • Icons: “Holy Trinity”, “Michael the Archangel”, “Saints”.
  • Large holiday candles - 3 pcs.
  • Candle for home.
  • Incense and incense spoon.

3. Place a dish in the center of the triangle in which you need to put all the ritual objects.

Prayer of Elder Pansophius of Athos from evil spirits

A modern person can be surrounded by troubles, dangers, enemy intrigues, and bad gossip at every step.

The prayer of Elder Pansophius of Athos, written in ancient times, can become a reliable shield from the machinations of enemies. She has great power against ill-wishers, resists any atrocities and manifestations of negativity.

For people who are not churchgoers earthly world full of mysticism. When they come to the temple, they assume that there is both faith and magic. But the Church initially did not recognize witchcraft and sorcery - and these interventions in human souls included in the list of mortal sins.

Some people who previously believed in God began to deny Him. It is easier for them to believe in Satan and the devil; they believe that black magic, and not the Almighty Christ, can help in any problem. Of course, prayer does not help instantly, not at the “snap of a finger.” She is not a lifeline or a ritual. Prayer is help and support from Heaven, and a person who sincerely believes in Christ can do the rest himself.

Attention! Detention prayer is considered scary and dangerous and violates some of the Bible rules. Therefore, one should resort to reading it only in the most extreme cases.

In what cases does prayer detention help?

  • During a serious illness, there is no stronger prayer. You can pray both for yourself and for a sick relative or close friend.
  • If it is known that family line a curse has been imposed, which is accompanied by frequent deaths, illnesses, scandals, and divorces.
  • If you can’t find a soul mate and find family happiness, relationships with the opposite sex don’t work out - perhaps a woman (man) has been crowned with celibacy. This action is actively used by black magicians.
  • If there are drummers and others in the house otherworldly forces, incomprehensible sounds are heard - there is no equal to the request for detention, the elder will save health, nerves and life.
  • In the absence of finances, even if the family has no money for bread, after prayerful work those in need soon find a good job, get out of the debt hole and live with dignity.
  • To protect against the evil eye, cunning thoughts and meanness from others.

Features and rules of reading

Before starting prayer, you should think about: is it necessary to read this text or can you do without it? This prayer can radically change the life of a praying person.

It is important that the person reading the prayer of detention be baptized in the Orthodox faith. A prayer book who is far from Orthodoxy is prohibited from reading it. In addition, he does not have a guardian angel, which is given to everyone who is baptized during the celebration of the Sacrament. And in prayer it is meant to address him.

Preparing for prayer reading

You need to install it for yourself the exact date the beginning of prayer, and 7 days before that, begin preparation:

  • observe strict fasting with the exclusion of meat and dairy products from the diet, only plant foods are allowed;
  • stop drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco;
  • it is prohibited to attend entertainment events;
  • It is recommended to attend at least 4 Liturgies in a row in Orthodox church;

How to read a prayer correctly

You should pray in a calm and peaceful state of mind, freed from negative emotions, for 9 days, 2 times a day (morning and evening). It is necessary to avoid quarrels and conflicts, exclude nervous breakdowns. Each word of the prayer should be comprehended and the meaning of each phrase should be understood.

Advice! You should not tell anyone about your prayer work; you need to hide it from others.

Regarding the gender of the person praying, there is also a requirement: men begin reading on the men's day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), and women on the women's day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). It is advisable to memorize the text and read it from memory. On Sunday, reading the prayer of detention, as well as memorizing it, is prohibited.

Prohibitions and other nuances when using prayer

A person who uses the prayer of detention to protect himself and his loved ones should know some features:

  • It is forbidden during prayer to ask for the punishment of the offender and his imminent death, this is contrary to the laws of God, only He knows what to do with a person and when to take his soul to a heavenly village or a hellish dwelling;
  • During prayer, you should not name the names of your supposed enemies, because perhaps the prayer book is deeply mistaken and considers his offender not to be the one who has bad deeds;
  • during the preparatory seven days and after the cycle of prayer ritual, you should visit the temple of God and ask the Almighty for forgiveness for your sins and the sins of ill-wishers;
  • when praying, it is necessary to light candles, a lamp and incense in front of the icon of detention, and these attributes must be purchased in an Orthodox church and consecrated.

Prayer for protection from evil spirits

Merciful Lord, You once, through the mouth of the servant of Moses, Joshua, delayed the movement of the Sun and Moon all day long, until the people of Israel took revenge on their enemies.

With the prayer of Elisha the prophet, he once struck the Syrians, delaying them, and healed them again.

You once told the prophet Isaiah: behold, I will return back ten steps the shadow of the sun that passed along the steps of Ahaz, and the sun returned ten steps along the steps on which it descended. (1)

You once, through the mouth of the prophet Ezekiel, closed the abysses, stopped the rivers, and held back the waters. (2)

And You once stopped the mouths of the lions in the den through the fasting and prayer of Your prophet Daniel. (3)

And now delay and slow down until the right time all the plans around those standing by me about my displacement, dismissal, removal, expulsion.

So now, destroy the evil desires and demands of all those who condemn me, block the lips and hearts of all those who slander, are angry and growl at me, and all who blaspheme and humiliate me.

So now, bring spiritual blindness into the eyes of all those who rise up against me and against my enemies.

Didn't you tell the Apostle Paul: Speak and do not be silent, for I am with you, and no one will harm you. (4)

Soften the hearts of all those who oppose the good and dignity of the Church of Christ. Therefore, let not My mouth be silent to reprove the wicked and glorify the righteous and all Your wondrous works. And may all our good undertakings and desires be fulfilled.

To you, righteous women and prayer books of God, our daring intercessors, who once with the power of their prayers restrained the invasion of foreigners, the approach of haters, who destroyed the evil plans of people, who stopped the mouths of lions, now I turn with my prayer, with my petition.

And You, the venerable great Elius of Egypt, who once fenced the place of your disciple’s settlement in a circle with the sign of the cross, commanded him to arm himself with the name of the Lord and from now on not to be afraid of demonic temptations. (5) Protect my house, in which I live, in the circle of your prayers and save it from fiery ignition, thieves’ attacks and all evil and insurance.

And you, Reverend Father Poplie of Syria, once with your unceasing prayer for ten days you kept the demon motionless and unable to walk either day or night (6); Now, around my cell and this house (my) keep behind its fence all the opposing forces and all those who blaspheme the name of God and despise me.

And You, reverend virgin Piama, who once with the power of prayer stopped the movement of those who were going to destroy the inhabitants of the village where she lived, now stop all the plans of my enemies who want to expel me from this city and destroy me: do not allow them to approach this house, stop them with the power of prayer his: “Lord, Judge of the Universe, You, who are displeased with all unrighteousness, when this prayer comes to You, may the Holy Power stop them at the place where it overtakes them.” (7)

And You, blessed Lawrence of Kaluga, pray to God for me, as having the boldness to intercede before the Lord for those suffering from the wiles of the devil. Pray to God for me, may He protect me from the wiles of Satan.

And You, Reverend Vasily of Pechersk, perform your prayers of prohibition over those who attack me and drive away all the machinations of the devil from me. (8)

And you, all the saints of the Russian land, with the power of your prayers for me, dispel all the demonic spells, all the devil’s plans and intrigues - to annoy me and destroy me and my property.

And You, great and formidable guardian, Archangel Michael, cut off with a fiery sword all the desires of the enemy of the human race and all his minions who want to destroy me. Stand inviolably on guard over this house, all those living in it and all its property.

And You, Lady, not in vain called the “Indestructible Wall”, be for all those who are hostile against me and plotting dirty tricks on me, truly a kind of barrier and an indestructible wall, protecting me from all evil and difficult circumstances.

Prayers for detention and protection from evil spirits (full version).

Prayers of Detention and prayer from evil spirits ( full version).

2. Dogmatist voice 1st.

3. Troparion to the Ethereal Forces

5. Troparion to the Guardian Angel

7. Prayer for protection from evil spirits.

From the collection of prayers of Elder Pansophius of Athos (1848), is the most powerful weapon against evil spirits. Therefore, it is necessary to use prayer extremely carefully and carefully. It is not without reason that in the prayer books where the Prayer of Detention is placed there is a significant warning - “Read the prayer only with the blessing of the Spiritual Father.”

Attention! In order to achieve results, you must follow the following recommendations:

1. Remember the order of Pansophius of Athos - “The power of these prayers lies in concealment from the ears and eyes of men, in its secret action.”

2. Stand in prayer attentively, as if immersing your consciousness in the meaning of each word.

3. The Prayer of Detention is read nine times in a row. Once you start reading or listening to this prayer, do not get distracted or interrupted. If you interrupt, you repeat everything again.

4. Work like this with prayer for 9 days, without missing a single day. If you miss a day, start again. The condition “9 days 9 times” must be met.

All this is not that difficult to accomplish. The main thing here is your intention and concentration. The Detention Prayer blocks and removes induced influences and breakdowns (damage, slander, envy, love spells, suckers of lack of money, etc.), and also helps restore health, increase love and rejuvenation. After correct application This prayer solves the most serious problems. Moreover, in some incomprehensible way, a person receives something that he did not even expect.

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Detention Prayer

Prayer for the detention of Elder Pansophius of Athos - a forty-strong amulet

The Prayer of Detention is special kind prayer service, which is aimed at combating evil spirits. The prayer text appeared relatively recently - it began to be used since 1848. The prayer itself is in the collection of prayers of Elder Pansophius of Athos.

This prayer is a very powerful tool that can be used to fight evil spirits, so you need to use it with prayer very carefully. First of all, you need to know that before reading this prayer you should definitely receive a blessing spiritual mentor. This is due to the fact that the text of the prayer contains phrases that in their meaning are close to the ruthlessness of the Old Testament.

It is very important to remember that the prayer of detention is a special sacrament. No one should be privy to the fact that you plan to use it. Of course, any of the Orthodox prayers is a personal matter, but the church never requires increased secrecy. But the excessive mystery of the prayer of abstinence brings it closer to a pagan ritual, which already carries with it some danger to the true faith.

The prayer of detention can be used:

  • To protect evil influences emanating from both people and otherworldly beings;
  • To protect against envy and the evil eye;
  • To protect against the actions of selfish and evil people;
  • To protect against meanness and cunning.

The history of prayer

The prayer of detention was written by the elder in 1848 Pansophius of Athos. It is quite natural to ask what enemies threatened the believers on Mount Athos. After all, monks and prayer books settled there with sincere faith in their souls. What could prompt the Elder to pray with all his might to God and all the saints, asking him to hold back time and forbid his enemies to commit evil?

The fact is that it was in those days that there were predictions about the end of the world in this period. And this greatly worried not only ordinary people, but also adherents of the faith who dedicated their lives to serving God.

In addition to predictions about the end of the world, there were other real dangers that worried the souls of people. So in 1846-1849 in Europe, a cholera epidemic raged in many cities, which claimed a large number of human lives. Russia also suffered from the epidemic. The first cases were recorded in 1846 in Transcaucasia, where the infection came from Persia. Within a year, the disease had spread throughout Russia, and its severe consequences were aggravated by famine.

In addition, in the period 1845-1849. There was a great famine in Ireland, which was caused by Great Britain supplying potatoes contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms. The entire harvest in the country suffered from this.

Around this time, the great migration to America began. The path across the ocean was very difficult, so many of the migrants died, unable to withstand the hardships. In those days, ships heading to Canada and America were often called “floating coffins.” Europe at that time was engulfed in a revolutionary movement. This gave rise to enmity between peoples, which led to great casualties.

All such events could not leave the monks indifferent, who served the Lord God in solitude on Athos. It was on the basis of indifference to everything that was happening in the world that the prayer of detention was written by Elder Pansophius of Athos.

How to read this prayer correctly (read 40 times)

There are several mandatory rules, which should be taken into account when reciting the prayer of detention. First of all, you need to remember that you cannot offer prayer in a temple. This secret ritual Therefore, you need to pray in absolute solitude and should not let anyone in on your plans.

This is evidenced by the order of Elder Pansofia, which sounds as follows:

For prayer, it is necessary to organize a special place in which icons should be installed and candles should be lit. It is important to ensure absolute silence in the room. You can read the prayer in the evening and morning hours. It is important to pronounce every word of the prayer text clearly and distinctly. This means that you first need to learn the prayer by heart. It is important to be aware of every phrase spoken.

Another mandatory requirement is to be in a balanced and calm state. Under no circumstances should you throw out negative emotions during the prayer process.

The prayer for the detention of Elder Pansofia is read every day for nine days, and the text is repeated nine times. It is prohibited to be distracted by extraneous thoughts or actions or pause. It is believed that in this case the praying person wastes energy, and, consequently, the effectiveness of prayer is reduced. If for any reason a mistake was made while reading the prayer, then the prayer must be read again.

It is important to understand that in order for prayer to have maximum impact, it is recommended that before reading the prayer text, turn to God in any form and ask him for protection and help. Such a prayer request to the Almighty will help create an aura of love and well-being and will become a real amulet for the praying person, eliminating any unpleasant consequences when reading the prayer of detention. No other special preparation is required for the protective prayer.

Orthodox prayer book - prayer of detention from all evil

Text in Russian – full version of the prayer

Interpretation of prayer words

The prayer of detention from Elder Pansophius is quite difficult to interpret, because its meaning after reading becomes self-explanatory. The prayer text was written on behalf of a person who considers himself surrounded on all sides by enemies. Moreover, the prayer contains the statement that they can be both visible and invisible. This means that prayer can become protective agent, both from the actions of evil people and from the machinations of otherworldly evil forces.

The actions of real forces in prayer are scrupulously listed. The text indicates that enemies can do harm by condemning, slandering, being angry, roaring, blaspheming, humiliating and despising a person. Enemies standing around are harboring evil plans for relocation, dismissal, displacement. Enemies also seek to expel him and destroy him.

It becomes clear that by sincerely offering such a prayer one can successfully resist real evil. As a rule, such a prayer is read when a person subconsciously feels a threat emanating from people around him.

The effectiveness of prayer is enhanced already at the beginning of the prayer text when turning to the Merciful God. Here we remember the action from old testament, when God stopped the movement of the Sun and Moon for a whole day to give the people of Israel the opportunity to take revenge on their enemies. Various actions that he performed through the mouth of the prophets are also listed. After such a listing, there is a request to delay and slow down all the actions of the enemies of the praying person.

Contained in prayer and appeal to the Saints:

  • Venerable Great Elius of Egypt, who lived in the 4th century. He had the gift of clairvoyance and could control animals. Once he was able to protect the place where his disciple was settling with the sign of the cross, after which he commanded, with the name of the Lord on his lips, not to be afraid of demonic temptations.
  • The Monk Poplia of Syria, who, being a Syrian ascetic, was able to keep the demon motionless for ten days with his unceasing prayer.
  • To the venerable virgin Piama, living in the 4th century. She was able, through the power of prayer, to stop the enemies who were heading to destroy the inhabitants of her village.
  • Blessed Lawrence of Kaluga, who lived in the 16th century, who with the power of his words was able to encourage the soldiers who defended Kaluga from the invasion of the Tatars and give them the strength to win.
  • Reverend Vasily of Pechersk, who lived in the 9th century in the Near Caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. His prayers had enormous power.

A slightly pagan slant has an appeal to everyone Russian lands, which should help dispel the demonic spell around a praying person. But after this there is an appeal to the Archangel Michael, who leads the army of the Lord. The prayer text contains a request to cut with a fiery sword everyone who wants harm to the human race, those who direct evil against the praying person.

At the end of the detention prayer there is an appeal to the Mother of God depicted in the “Unbreakable Wall” icon. This image of the Most Pure Mother of God is one greatest shrines Orthodoxy. It is believed that Prayer before the “Unbreakable Wall” icon of the Mother of God grants reliable protection and the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary. If you hang an icon opposite front door, then a person with evil intentions will not be able to enter the house.

The Prayer of Detention was written by the Athonite elder Pansofius more than 1.5 thousand years ago, but it appeared in prayer services only in the middle of the 19th century. In the year 1848 the end of our world was predicted, it was in this year that the prayer was written, and there were reasons for this. Since 1845, a series of terrible events have covered the world. Cholera epidemic, economic and political crises, revolutions and droughts leading to famine. Faith, that’s what people had left.

On the icon there are 14 saints depicted in full height. At the bottom are the icons of Saint Hellius of Egypt, Saint Poplius of Syria, Saint Piama of Alexandria, Saint Lawrence of Kaluga, Saint Basil of Pechersk. In the center on the throne is Jesus Christ, left hand from him is St. Archangel Michael, standing on the right Holy Mother of God. The hands of all are extended to the Almighty in a pleading gesture.

There is nothing to tell about the icon of Detention itself, its appearance is not shrouded in mystery, its history does not go back a thousand years. This icon is rarely seen in church. This is due to the fact that most clergy do not approve of prayer. This prayer is close to the cruelty of the Old Testament.

Help Icons Detention

They pray in front of the icon, asking for protection, both for themselves and for loved ones. The Icon of Detention helps in many matters, but everything is somehow connected with protection. Often they ask God for help in resolving conflicts, when serious illnesses. There is a lot of mystical, even pagan, associated with this prayer, so the church does not recommend using it. Orthodoxy does not recognize magic. The prayer is read when they want to protect themselves from evil spirits, for example, brownies, or to remove damage from an individual or an entire family, which can be expressed in frequent illnesses or deaths, or failures in marriages. The icon also helps to ward off evil people and avoid meanness and betrayal.

Prayer to the icon of Detention

Prayer to the icon of Detention is a rite, the requirements for which must be strictly fulfilled. First, you need to receive a blessing from the priest. This point is very important; it is not recommended to start prayer if the temple advised you to do another one. You should not start praying if you are in a conflict situation or are busy solving some other problems.

Prayer must be taken very seriously. The first preparations begin seven days before the start of the ceremony. During this time, you need to observe a strict fast - only consume plant foods, give up alcohol. Before the beginning and at the end of the ceremony, you should visit the temple and confess and ask the Lord for forgiveness for your sins.

It is advisable to memorize it and read it from memory. Reading prayers on Sunday is prohibited. You need to approach prayer very carefully; you cannot be distracted by extraneous thoughts. You cannot be interrupted while reading a prayer. Any prayer is a personal appeal to Jesus, which should never be displayed in public, but the prayer of Detention requires special mystery; the reading takes place alone with the icon, while the person praying must kneel.

Reading the prayer should be conscious and thoughtful. You cannot wish harm on anyone through prayer, even enemies and traitors. During the entire period of reading the prayer, one must not enter into conflicts or disputes; any troubles and insults must be responded to with kindness. If someone close to you finds out that you are reading a prayer or just planning it, and dissuades you, you do not need to pay attention to this. The ritual requires perseverance, endurance of spirit and body, so it is necessary to enlist the support of a spiritual mentor. Because of the power of the prayer, it is forbidden to be read by unbelievers and the unbaptized, since they do not have a guardian angel.

Prayer to the icon of Detention:

Merciful Lord, You once, through the mouth of the servant of Moses, Joshua, delayed the movement of the Sun and Moon all day long, until the people of Israel took revenge on their enemies.

With the prayer of Elisha the prophet, he once struck the Syrians, delaying them, and healed them again.

You once told the prophet Isaiah: behold, I will return back ten steps the shadow of the sun that passed along the steps of Ahaz, and the sun returned ten steps along the steps on which it descended. (1)
You once, through the mouth of the prophet Ezekiel, closed the abysses, stopped the rivers, and held back the waters. (2)

And You once stopped the mouths of the lions in the den through the fasting and prayer of Your prophet Daniel. (3)

And now delay and slow down until the right time all the plans around those standing by me about my displacement, dismissal, removal, expulsion.

So now, destroy the evil desires and demands of all those who condemn me, block the lips and hearts of all those who slander, are angry and growl at me, and all who blaspheme and humiliate me.

So now, bring spiritual blindness into the eyes of all those who rise up against me and against my enemies.

Didn't you tell the Apostle Paul: Speak and do not be silent, for I am with you, and no one will harm you. (4)

Soften the hearts of all those who oppose the good and dignity of the Church of Christ. Therefore, let not My mouth be silent to reprove the wicked and glorify the righteous and all Your wondrous works. And may all our good undertakings and desires be fulfilled.

To you, righteous women and prayer books of God, our daring intercessors, who once with the power of their prayers restrained the invasion of foreigners, the approach of haters, who destroyed the evil plans of people, who stopped the mouths of lions, now I turn with my prayer, with my petition.

And You, the venerable great Elius of Egypt, who once fenced the place of your disciple’s settlement in a circle with the sign of the cross, commanded him to arm himself with the name of the Lord and from now on not to be afraid of demonic temptations. (5) Protect my house, in which I live, in the circle of your prayers and save it from fiery ignition, thieves’ attacks and all evil and insurance.

And you, Reverend Father Poplie of Syria, once with your unceasing prayer for ten days you kept the demon motionless and unable to walk either day or night (6); Now, around my cell and this house (my) keep behind its fence all the opposing forces and all those who blaspheme the name of God and despise me.

And You, reverend virgin Piama, who once with the power of prayer stopped the movement of those who were going to destroy the inhabitants of the village where she lived, now stop all the plans of my enemies who want to expel me from this city and destroy me: do not allow them to approach this house, stop them with the power of prayer his: “Lord, Judge of the Universe, You, who are displeased with all unrighteousness, when this prayer comes to You, may the Holy Power stop them at the place where it overtakes them.” (7)

And You, blessed Lawrence of Kaluga, pray to God for me, as having the boldness to intercede before the Lord for those suffering from the wiles of the devil. Pray to God for me, may He protect me from the wiles of Satan.

And You, Reverend Vasily of Pechersk, perform your prayers of prohibition over those who attack me and drive away all the machinations of the devil from me. (8)

And you, all the saints of the Russian land, with the power of your prayers for me, dispel all the demonic spells, all the devil’s plans and intrigues - to annoy me and destroy me and my property.

Merciful Lord, You once, through the mouth of the servant of Moses, Joshua, delayed the movement of the Sun and Moon all day long, until the people of Israel took revenge on their enemies.

With the prayer of Elisha the prophet, he once struck the Syrians, delaying them, and healed them again.

You once told the prophet Isaiah: behold, I will return back ten steps the shadow of the sun that passed along the steps of Ahaz, and the sun returned ten steps along the steps on which it descended. (1)

You once, through the mouth of the prophet Ezekiel, closed the abysses, stopped the rivers, and held back the waters. (2)

And You once stopped the mouths of the lions in the den through the fasting and prayer of Your prophet Daniel. (3)

And now delay and slow down until the right time all the plans around those standing by me about my displacement, dismissal, removal, expulsion.

So now, destroy the evil desires and demands of all those who condemn me, block the lips and hearts of all those who slander, are angry and growl at me, and all who blaspheme and humiliate me.

So now, bring spiritual blindness into the eyes of all those who rise up against me and against my enemies.

Didn't you tell the Apostle Paul: Speak and do not be silent, for I am with you, and no one will harm you. (4)

Soften the hearts of all those who oppose the good and dignity of the Church of Christ. Therefore, let not My mouth be silent to reprove the wicked and glorify the righteous and all Your wondrous works. And may all our good undertakings and desires be fulfilled.

To you, righteous women and prayer books of God, our daring intercessors, who once with the power of their prayers restrained the invasion of foreigners, the approach of haters, who destroyed the evil plans of people, who stopped the mouths of lions, now I turn with my prayer, with my petition.

And You, the venerable great Elius of Egypt, who once fenced the place of your disciple’s settlement in a circle with the sign of the cross, commanded him to arm himself with the name of the Lord and from now on not to be afraid of demonic temptations. (5) Protect my house, in which I live, in the circle of your prayers and save it from fiery ignition, thieves’ attacks and all evil and insurance.

And you, Reverend Father Poplie of Syria, once with your unceasing prayer for ten days you kept the demon motionless and unable to walk either day or night (6); Now, around my cell and this house (my) keep behind its fence all the opposing forces and all those who blaspheme the name of God and despise me.

And You, reverend virgin Piama, who once with the power of prayer stopped the movement of those who were going to destroy the inhabitants of the village where she lived, now stop all the plans of my enemies who want to expel me from this city and destroy me: do not allow them to approach this house, stop them with the power of prayer his: “Lord, Judge of the Universe, You, who are displeased with all unrighteousness, when this prayer comes to You, may the Holy Power stop them at the place where it overtakes them.” (7)

And You, blessed Lawrence of Kaluga, pray to God for me, as having the boldness to intercede before the Lord for those suffering from the wiles of the devil. Pray to God for me, may He protect me from the wiles of Satan.

And You, Reverend Vasily of Pechersk, perform your prayers of prohibition over those who attack me and drive away all the machinations of the devil from me. (8)

And you, all the saints of the Russian land, with the power of your prayers for me, dispel all the demonic spells, all the devil’s plans and intrigues - to annoy me and destroy me and my property.

And You, great and formidable guardian, Archangel Michael, cut off with a fiery sword all the desires of the enemy of the human race and all his minions who want to destroy me. Stand inviolably on guard over this house, all those living in it and all its property.

And You, Lady, not in vain called the “Indestructible Wall”, be for all those who are hostile against me and plotting dirty tricks on me, truly a kind of barrier and an indestructible wall, protecting me from all evil and difficult circumstances.

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The Detention Prayer is very “strong”, but...

Texts of this kind, like the prayer of Detention, appeal not only to believers (newcomers), but also to people far from religion. Prayer is often found on Internet resources that are of an occult nature. It is unknown how it got into Orthodox publications (most likely due to the oversight of the responsible editors), but the essence contained in the words is far from our religion.

What is the meaning of the Detention Prayer?

A person turns to God with a request to bring spiritual blindness to everyone who wishes him harm. That is, everyone around is bad, only I am good. Punish the scoundrels, Lord. This not only has nothing to do with Orthodox teaching, but is the opposite text in meaning. This is how a person who is far from faith, who does not understand what he is doing, or who is in a spiritual (if not mental) disorder, can pray.

Nowhere, never did the Lord teach to take judgment on anyone. I am a judge, and it is My business to judge people, He said. God does not listen to those who judge others. Or again: as you judge others, so I will judge you, that is, without mercy. What you sow is what you reap. What the Gospel teaches:

  1. Pray for others, and not punish them (Christ wanted to have mercy on the crucifiers).
  2. In order for the request to be heard, one must forgive everyone, including ill-wishers.
  3. A Christian hates sin, but must pray for the person who commits it, for this is the work (influence) of demons.

Of course you can be upset and suffer because bad people causing pain, causing harm. This is a natural reaction to slander, attacks and other nasty things. But a spiritually healthy Christian must understand: the evil that is being done comes from the devil and his minions.

A person commits abominations when he finds himself under the control of evil spirits. The Lord taught to overcome evil with good. Demons are afraid only of humility (as a spiritual virtue). Then they are powerless and cannot do anything wrong. Beware of resorting to such prayers, because:

  • suspicion is a sin;
  • to be offended is a sin;
  • revenge is a sin;
  • asking for what is said in the text of the Detention is beyond spiritual prudence.

By praying for our enemies, we free ourselves from the actions they can cause. By doing what is said in prayer, we multiply evil. We strengthen the power of sin over a person, and we ourselves fall under the influence of evil spirits, which joyfully enters a person who is committing judgment on another. The worst thing is that the opposite can happen. If you don't get what you ask for, it will get even worse. He who condemns subsequently falls into the same sin.

What to do if you are surrounded by evil people?

For example, there is a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos “For softening evil hearts" By the way, contacting her gives quick results. If you pray, but nothing helps, then you are doing it wrong, mistakenly thinking that you just have to wish, say “magic” words, and everything will happen.

Maybe you treat God like a goldfish? Do you want to control the Heavenly Forces, tell them what and how to do? If so, then such prayers are far from Orthodoxy. You do not know how Grace acts in a person:

  1. Firstly, whoever completely trusts in God and His help, nothing will happen to him. And if something bad happens, it will later turn out good. It’s just not immediately visible (for example, like being late for the Titanic).
  2. Secondly, there are other prayers that were written by spirit-bearing people and are recognized as true Orthodox prayers. Time-tested, which will not let down a sincerely praying and believing person.
  3. Thirdly, if you are tired of problems, most likely you have not been to confession for a long time, you have serious unrepentant sins.

If there are any objections to the above

Many who read the prayer of Detention may have objections that it only asks for the protection of oneself and one’s home. Believe me, only those who do not understand the essence of the action of prayers and the Power of God in man see this way.

Read the Lord's Prayer. Remember the words: “And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors.” In other words, we ask that our sins be forgiven, just as we forgive others. But in Detention they ask for something completely different. For example, it is strange to hear from an Athonite monk (to whom the prayer is attributed):

  • To ask, so as not to be fired, not removed... Where to fire him, from the mountain?
  • Beautiful text, imitates Old Church Slavonic. But why is it not the mouths of lions that are stopped, but the mouths?
  • The expression: “who has fenced off a place in a circle with the sign of the cross...” - excuse me, this is some kind of nonsense.
  • Also: “in the circle of your prayers...” - what is this about?
  • About contempt for a monk: he should humble himself and not be arrogant. For a monk, this is a virtue, but the text asks to get rid of it? And so on.
  • About the mystery and strict reading of the text - this is pure magic or demonic charm.

Note: When there are passages in the psalms that cause confusion, for example: “Blessed is the man who dashes the heads of babes against a stone.” If you know that we're talking about about evil (inspired by demons) thoughts, which must be cut off while they are “babies”, and not savored, everything will fall into place.

  • Psalm 3 - so that evil people do not offend, but also do not upset anyone;
  • Psalm 6 – helps in getting rid of spells and witchcraft;
  • Psalm 7 is about those who threaten, cause harm, wish evil;
  • Psalm 10 – if one of the spouses is cruel;
  • Psalm 11 is about madmen who do all sorts of nasty things to people;
  • Psalm 16 – about slander, etc.

Note: You can make a small Rule of 3 - 4 prayers (there are a lot of them), suitable for the situation, and read it, if possible, in the morning and evening. You can do it more often, but don’t wish harm on anyone, trying not to judge people. It is best to understand why prayer is not magic, and who the Lord helps.

One of effective prayers, which serves to protect against evil that comes from people, is "Prayer of Detention".

Its name speaks for itself - to delay evil. What kind of evil? Wishes, envy, aggression, hatred, bad plans and thoughts, unpleasant encounters, and also specific practical actions - the evil eye, damage, curses.

Naturally, every sane person will understand that prayer alone cannot do it. For comprehensive protection from all kinds of evil, an integrated approach is needed. And this prayer should become one of the COMPONENT parts in this comprehensive approach.

But by resorting to this prayer, you can get rid of slight negativity and weaken the evil messages that come from other people.

And in order to get a greater effect from working with prayer, I will advise strengthening this prayer by using (together with the “Prayer of Detention”) two other things to choose from. This is an akathist in front of the Seven Arrows icon of the Mother of God. Or - an akathist in front of the icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall”. Or, in a short version - prayers in front of these icons.

Combining the main prayer - “Prayer of Detention” with an akathist (prayer) in front of one of these icons will allow you to obtain an enhanced protective effect.

So, there are three options for working with prayer.

The first, simplest one is to read only the “Prayer of Detention”

The second, of medium strength, is the reading of the “Prayer of Detention” and a prayer to one of the icons of the Mother of God.

The third, of great power, is the reading of the “Prayer of Detention” and an akathist to one of the icons of the Mother of God.

Important! When choosing any of the options, you should first read the “Our Father” prayer once.

Detention Prayer

Merciful Lord, You once, through the mouth of the servant of Moses, Joshua, delayed the movement of the Sun and Moon all day long, until the people of Israel took revenge on their enemies.

With the prayer of Elisha the prophet, he once struck the Syrians, delaying them, and healed them again.

You once told the prophet Isaiah: behold, I will return back ten steps the shadow of the sun that passed along the steps of Ahaz, and the sun returned ten steps along the steps on which it descended.

You once, through the mouth of the prophet Ezekiel, closed the abysses, stopped the rivers, and held back the waters.

And You once stopped the mouths of the lions in the den through the fasting and prayer of Your prophet Daniel.

And now delay and slow down until the right time all the plans around those standing by me about my displacement, dismissal, removal, expulsion.

So now, destroy the evil desires and demands of all those who condemn me, block the lips and hearts of all those who slander, are angry and growl at me, and all who blaspheme and humiliate me.

So now, bring spiritual blindness into the eyes of all those who rise up against me and against my enemies.

Didn't you tell the Apostle Paul: Speak and do not be silent, for I am with you, and no one will harm you.

Soften the hearts of all those who oppose the good and dignity of the Church of Christ. Therefore, let not My mouth be silent to reprove the wicked and glorify the righteous and all Your wondrous works. And may all our good undertakings and desires be fulfilled.

To you, righteous women and prayer books of God, our daring intercessors, who once with the power of their prayers restrained the invasion of foreigners, the approach of haters, who destroyed the evil plans of people, who stopped the mouths of lions, now I turn with my prayer, with my petition.

And You, the venerable great Elius of Egypt, who once fenced the place of your disciple’s settlement in a circle with the sign of the cross, commanded him to arm himself with the name of the Lord and from now on not to be afraid of demonic temptations. Protect my house, in which I live, in the circle of your prayers and save it from fiery ignition, thieves’ attacks and all evil and insurance.

And you, Reverend Father Poplie of Syria, who once with your unceasing prayer for ten days kept the demon motionless and unable to walk either day or night; Now, around my cell and this house (my) keep behind its fence all the opposing forces and all those who blaspheme the name of God and despise me.

And You, reverend virgin Piama, who once with the power of prayer stopped the movement of those who were going to destroy the inhabitants of the village where she lived, now stop all the plans of my enemies who want to expel me from this city and destroy me: do not allow them to approach this house, stop them with the power of prayer his: “Lord, Judge of the Universe, You, who are displeased with all unrighteousness, when this prayer comes to You, may the Holy Power stop them at the place where it overtakes them.”

And You, blessed Lawrence of Kaluga, pray to God for me, as having the boldness to intercede before the Lord for those suffering from the wiles of the devil. Pray to God for me, may He protect me from the wiles of Satan.

And You, Reverend Vasily of Pechersk, perform your prayers of prohibition over those who attack me and drive away all the machinations of the devil from me.

And you, all the saints of the Russian land, with the power of your prayers for me, dispel all the demonic spells, all the devil’s plans and intrigues - to annoy me and destroy me and my property.

And You, great and formidable guardian, Archangel Michael, cut off with a fiery sword all the desires of the enemy of the human race and all his minions who want to destroy me. Stand inviolably on guard over this house, all those living in it and all its property.

And You, Lady, not in vain called the “Unbreakable Wall”, be for all those who are hostile against me and plotting to do dirty things to me, truly a kind of barrier and an indestructible wall, protecting me from all evil and difficult circumstances.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”

O who will not please Thee, O Blessed Virgin, who will not sing of Thy mercy to the human race. We pray to you, we ask you, do not leave us perishing in evil, dissolve our hearts with love and send your arrow to our enemies, may our hearts be wounded by peace against those who persecute us. If the world hates us - You extend Your love to us, if the world persecutes us - You accept us, give us the grace-filled strength of patience - to endure the trials that happen in this world without grumbling. Oh, Lady! Soften the hearts of evil people who rise up against us, so that their hearts do not perish in evil - but pray, O Blessed One, Thy Son and our God, may he pacify their hearts with peace, but let the devil - the father of evil - be put to shame! We, singing Thy mercy towards us, the evil, the indecent, will sing to Thee, O Most Wonderful Lady of the Blessed Virgin, hear us at this hour, those who have contrite hearts, protect us with peace and love for each other and for our enemies, eradicate from us all malice and enmity, let us sing to You and Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: Alleluia! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall”

Oh, our gracious Lady Theotokos, Ever-Virgin, accept from us this song of gratitude and offer up to our Creator and Creator your warm prayers for us unworthy, may He, the Merciful, forgive us all our sins, evil and unclean thoughts, nasty deeds. Oh, Most Holy Lady, have mercy and send down a gift according to each need: heal the sick, comfort the sorrowing, bring the lost to reason, protect the infants, raise and teach the young, encourage and instruct men and wives, support and warm the old, be with us both here and in life eternal Wall, Indestructible, deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes and from eternal torment, and always singing Your Motherly love, we praise with all our hearts Your Son, with His Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Akathist before the icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”

Kontakion 1

To the chosen Virgin Mary, who is higher than all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, who gave Him the salvation of the world, we cry with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses that you endured, like our earthly-born, and do with us according to Your mercy call T:

Ikos 1

The angel who announced the Nativity of the Savior of the world to the shepherd of Bethlehem, and with him many heavenly powers praising God, singing: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” But you, Mother of God, who had no place to lay your head, no place in the monasteries, gave birth to Your Firstborn Son in a den and, having wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, laid Him in a manger; thereby recognizing the sorrow of Your heart, crying out to You:

Rejoice, You who warmed Your beloved Son with Your breath

Rejoice, thou who hast wrapped the Eternal Child in swaddling clothes.

Rejoice, Thou who nourished the Bearer of the universe with Thy milk;

Rejoice, you who turned the den into the sky.

Rejoice, thou who hast become the throne of a cherub;

Rejoice, thou who remained the Virgin at the Nativity and after the Nativity.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Eternal Child, the midwife lying in the manger, the shepherds of Bethlehem came and bowed to Him and spoke about the verb spoken to them by the Angel about the Childhood, and Mariam kept all these verbs in Her heart; and after seven days Jesus was circumcised according to the law of Israel, as a man of eight days; Glorifying Your humility and patience, O Mother of God, we sing to the eternal God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having a mind established in God and observing the law of the Lord, on the fortieth day, when the days of purification were fulfilled, His parents ascended Jesus to Jerusalem to set Him before the Lord and give a sacrifice for Him according to what was spoken in the Law of the Lord; We cry out to You:

Rejoice, you who brought the Creator of the universe to the temple of Jerusalem to fulfill the law;

Rejoice, you were joyfully welcomed there by Elder Simeon.

Rejoice, One Pure and Most Blessed among women;

Rejoice, O Thy Cross, adorned with sorrows, and carried in humility.

Rejoice, you who disobeyed the will of God in no way;

Rejoice, you who have shown the image of patience and humility.

Rejoice, vessel filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 3

You were strengthened by the power from above, Mother of God, when you heard the words of Elder Simeon saying: “Behold, this One is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and is a sign that can be contradicted, and a weapon will pierce your very soul, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” "; and great sorrow pierce the heart of the Mother of God, and cry out in sorrow to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having the desire to destroy the Child, the ambassador Herod killed all the children who were in Bethlehem and its borders from two years ago and below, according to the time of the hedgehog's experience from the wise men and behold, according to the command of God given through an Angel in a dream to the elder Joseph, fleeing the entire holy family to Egypt and remained there seven years until the death of Herod. With the same emotion we cry out to Ti:

Rejoice, you who bore all the hardships of the journey;

Rejoice, for all the idols fell in the land of Egypt and were unable to endure the strength of Your Son.

Rejoice, you who remained with the wicked pagans for seven years;

Rejoice, you who came to Nazareth with the Eternal Child-Youth and with Your Betrothed.

Rejoice, you who lived in poverty with Elder Joseph the treemaker;

Rejoice, you who spent all your time in labor.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 4

The storm of sorrow overcame the Most Pure Mother, but those returning from Jerusalem did not find the Child Jesus on the way. For this reason, she returned seeking Him, and after three days found Him in the church, sitting among the teachers and listening to them and asking them questions. And his Mother spoke to Him: “Child, what have you done to us? Behold Your Father and I have sorely sought You?” And he said to him: “What is the source of Me, don’t you know that in those who are My Father’s essence is worthy of being Me”; and His Mother kept all these words in her heart, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard the Mother of God, as Jesus passed through all of Galilee, teaching in their congregations, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and healing every ailment and every ulcer among the people, and the rumor went out throughout all Syria and brought to Him those who were sick with various illnesses and passions, possessed and demons, and paralyzed and healing them. But You, Mother of God, leading the prophecies, grieved in your heart, knowing that the hour would soon come when Your Son would sacrifice Himself for the sins of the world. We also please You, long-suffering Mother of God, crying out:

Rejoice, you who gave your Son to serve the Jewish people;

Rejoice, sorrowful at heart, but submissive to the will of God.

Rejoice, you who saved the world from the flood of sin;

Rejoice, you who have erased the head of the ancient serpent.

Rejoice, you who offered yourself a living sacrifice to God;

Rejoice, the Lord is with you, O Blessed One.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 5

Preaching the Kingdom of God on earth, Jesus denounced the pride of the Pharisees, who imagined themselves to be righteous. Tis, listening to His parables, understood what He was saying about them, and sought His yat, but was afraid of the people, because they had His prophet; Knowing all this, the Mother of God grieved for her beloved Son, fearing lest they kill Him, crying out in grief: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen from the Jews the resurrection of Lazarus, he went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done, and Caiaphas, the bishop, spoke this year: “We have no choice but to let one man die for the people, and not the whole tongue perish”; from that day they took counsel, that they might kill Him; We cry out to You, Most Pure One:

Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Savior of the world;

Rejoice, our salvation is the main thing.

Rejoice, pre-chosen from birth as the Mother of our Savior;

Rejoice, Mother of God, doomed to suffering.

Rejoice, Blessed One, who has become the Queen of Heaven;

Rejoice, I will take you out to pray for us.

Rejoice, Much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 6

First a preacher of the word of God, later a traitor - Judas Iscariot, one of the two ten Apostles, went to the bishop to betray his Teacher; When they heard it, they were very happy and promised to give him pieces of silver; But you, Mother of God, grieving for your beloved Son, cried out to the mountain God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The last supper was celebrated by the disciples of Christ, and at it the Teacher bore his mind, thus showing an image of humility, and saying to them: “Only from you will betray Me, the one who eats with Me.” We, with compassionate grief for the Mother of God, cry out to Her:

Rejoice, Mother of God, weary of heartache;

Rejoice, all who endured much sorrow in this vale.

Rejoice, you who found peace in prayer;

Rejoice, joy to all who mourn.

Rejoice, quenching our sorrows;

Rejoice, you who save us from the mire of sin.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 7

Although the Lord Jesus Christ wanted to show His love for the human race at the Last Supper, blessing and breaking bread, He gave His disciple and apostle the words: “Take, eat, this is My Body”; and having received the cup and given praise, he gave it to them, saying: “Drink of it, all of you, this is My Blood of the New Testament, which was shed for many for the remission of sins.” Giving thanks to the merciful God for His ineffable mercy towards us, we sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Lord showed a new sign of His mercy to His disciples, when He promised to send them the Comforter of the Spirit of Truth, Who comes from the Father and will testify about Him. To you, the Mother of God, twice sanctified by the Holy Spirit, we cry:

Rejoice, dwelling place of the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, all-bright devil.

Rejoice, vast village of God the Word;

Rejoice, you who produced Divine beads.

Rejoice, through Thy Nativity, who opens the doors of heaven to us;

Rejoice, you who have shown us a sign of God’s mercy.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 8

It is strange and regrettable for us to hear that Judas Iscariot betrayed his Teacher and Lord with a kiss, and Spira and the captain and the servants of the Jews brought Jesus and bound Him, and led Him to the high priest Annas first, then to Caiaphas the bishop. The Mother of God, awaiting the mortal counsel of Her beloved Son, cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the Jews took Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetor to Pilate, saying that He was a villain. Pilate, having questioned Him, told them that not a single person found guilt in Him; we cry out to Ti:

Rejoice, heart tormented by grief, who had;

Rejoice, you who shed tears for your Son.

Rejoice, you who endured everything without complaining, as a servant of the Lord;

Rejoice, you who groan and weep.

Rejoice, Queen of Heaven and earth, who accepts the prayers of Her servants.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 9

All generations bless Thee, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, the Lady and Mother of our Savior, who brought joy to the whole world with her Christmas, who later had great sorrow, seeing the Son Our beloved is betrayed to be mocked and beaten and killed, but we bring tender singing to Thee, Most Pure One, singing to Almighty God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The branches of many things will not be able to utter all the suffering You have endured, our Savior, when the warriors wove a crown of thorns on Your head and put on a scarlet robe, saying: “Hail, King of the Jews”; and Biyahu Ty on the cheeks. We, Mother of God, recognizing Your suffering, cry out to You:

Rejoice, You nourished Him with Your milk, having seen Him tormented;

Rejoice, thou who hast ripened with crimson and a crown of thorns.

Rejoice, you who suffered through His suffering;

Rejoice, having seen Him abandoned by all His disciples.

Rejoice, having been condemned by His unrighteous judges.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 10

To save Jesus, Pilate spoke to the Jews: “It is a custom for us that I will release one to you, so do you want to release the King of the Jews to you?” They all cried out, saying: “Not Him, but Barrabas!” Singing the mercy of God, who gave His only begotten Son to death on the cross May he redeem us from eternal death, we cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Be a wall and fence for us, Lady, who are exhausted from sorrow and illness. You yourself suffered, hearing the Jews crying: “Crucify Him!” Now hear us crying to You:

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, who takes away every tear from the fiercely suffering;

Rejoice, you who give us tears of tenderness.

Rejoice, you who save perishing sinners;

Rejoice, shameless intercession of Christians.

Rejoice, thou who deliverest us from passions;

Rejoice, you who give joy to the broken heart.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 11

We offer all-congratulatory singing to the Savior of the world, I went to His free suffering and carried my Cross to Calvary upon Him; standing at the Cross of Jesus His Mother, Mary of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene. Jesus, seeing the Mother and the disciple standing, loving him, said to His Mother: “Woman, behold Your Son!” Then the verb to the student: “Behold Thy Mother!” And from that hour the disciple went home. You, Mother of God, seeing your Son and Your Lord tormented on the Cross, cried out to the Highlander God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

“My Light, Eternal God and Creator of all creatures, Lord, how did you endure the passions on the Cross?” - The Pure Virgin weepingly said about Your strange Christmas: “My son, I was exalted above all mothers, but, alas for Me, now seeing You crucified, my womb is on fire”; We shed tears, we cry out to You attentively:

Rejoice, deprived of joy and joy;

Rejoice, you who freely saw the suffering of Your Son on the Cross.

Rejoice, Thy beloved child who matured in the wounded;

Rejoice, O Lamb, see Thy Child as a Lamb to be led to the slaughter.

Rejoice, you who saw the Savior of mental and physical ulcers covered with ulcers.

Rejoice, Thou who hast ripened Thy Son risen from the dead.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 12

Grant us grace, O All-Merciful Savior, who gave up Your Spirit on the Cross and accepted the handwriting of our sins. “Behold, My good Light, My God was extinguished on the Cross,” the Virgin lamented. - “Try, Joseph, to approach Pilate and ask to remove Your Teacher from the tree. Having seen You wounded without glory, naked on the tree, My Child, a weapon passed through My soul, according to the prophecy of the righteous Simeon,” - see the Mother of God, crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, we bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Lord. “Though You saved Thy creation, Thou didst lift up death,” said the Most Pure One, but by Thy resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all, but we call upon Thy Most Pure Mother with tenderness:

Rejoice, dead, visibly lifeless, of the most blessed Lord;

Rejoice, thou who kissed the body of Thy beloved Son.

Rejoice, Thou didst bear forth the naked and wounded dead of Thy Light;

Rejoice, Thou who betrayed Thy Light to the grave.

Rejoice, thou who hast wrapped the new shroud around His Body;

Rejoice, you who saw Him risen.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 13

O All-Singing Mother, exhausted from sorrow at the Cross of Your Son and God, listen to our sighs and tears and deliver from sorrow, illness and eternal death all who trust in Your ineffable mercy and cry out to God: Alleluia.

Akathist before the icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall”

Kontakion 1

The chosen one from all generations Mother of God and to the Queen, before Her most pure image, the Indestructible Wall called, we offer thanksgiving songs of praise to You, O Blessed One. You, who have incomprehensible power and unspeakable love, save us from all our troubles and sorrows, and let us call to You:

Ikos 1

A representative angel was quickly sent from God to You, Most Pure One, to bring You worldwide joy, as You conceived God the Word, the Savior of the world, from the Holy Spirit in Your womb. We, leading the fulfillment of this annunciation, believe that the Lord, Most Blessed One, has shown You with an Indestructible Wall and protected us from all sin, troubles and misfortunes. For this sake, let us please Thee, Mother of God, and joyfully cry out:

Rejoice, for the Lord is with You and You with us;

Rejoice, for in Cana of Galilee you appeared as a representative to Your Son for the people.

Rejoice, as Thy omophorion wider than the clouds you cover the faithful;

Rejoice, for with Your grace you wipe away the tears of the suffering.

Rejoice, for You lift up Your hands to protect us from all defilement;

Rejoice, for according to Your word you are now and ever blessed.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 2

The visionary prophets, with their clever minds, combed through Your grace-filled appearance, proclaimed the Nativity in the flesh from You of the Son of God, and having known all the fulfillment of the prophetic prophecies, they reverently cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having a blessed mind, Jacob, Moses, David and many others depicted Your wonderful Nativity and the mystery of Your Ever-Virginity in words, visions, and dreams. We, unable to comprehend the full power of prophetic broadcasts, from the depths of our believing hearts sing to You with love:

Rejoice, high Ladder, uniting earth with Heaven;

Rejoice, O God, who appeared on earth, who bore in Your womb and who Burning bush abiding incorruptible.

Rejoice, luminous Cloud, from Him the Lord of all, like rain on the fleece, descending to the earth;

Rejoice, as the Life-Giving Source, who kindles the hunger and thirst for eternal truth in people.

Rejoice, Christ, who has contained the manna of life in His womb and saturates our souls with the bread of immortality;

Rejoice, wonderful Rod, adorning the flowers of the virtues of the faithful.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High autumn of Thee, the Most Pure One, having made Thee the Mother of the Lord, and after Thy Nativity abides abundantly in Thee, Mother of God. Rejoicing at such God's good will towards You, all, praising the Savior of the world, cry out to Him joyfully: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having in Yourself abundantly the grace of God, You, Most Immaculate One, have given Your entire life to good cares for Your Son and the Lord, keeping all His words in Your heart. We, sinners, remembering Your sorrowful life on earth, give You the following praises:

Rejoice, thou who gave birth to the Lord of the universe in a wretched den;

Rejoice, you who fled to Egypt from the lawless Herod with Your Son.

Rejoice, you who sought Your Son with great sorrow in Jerusalem during the days of Easter;

Rejoice, you who have contemplated hatred and envy of Your Son from His enemies with a sorrowful heart.

Rejoice, you who crucified Him with your Mother’s heart, when you contemplated His suffering and death on the Cross;

Rejoice, having found your son in John the Theologian, according to the word Jesus.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 4

Our Russian country has been repeatedly tested by the storm of invasion of foreigners, and in severe trials our fathers cried out for help to the Blessed Virgin Mary. That, like the Indestructible Wall, by His intercession at the Throne of His Son and God, graciously sends down His power, and with the hope of the Mother of God’s help, the people of Russia drive out the hordes of the enemy from the Russian borders. For this reason, praising the Mother of God, we joyfully sing to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

The whole world hears and knows how the Most Holy Theotokos kindles courage in the hearts of the Russian people, and gives strength for exploits and defense of the fatherland, fights against foreigners, and sends Her gracious help to the entire Russian army. Confessing our faith and the miraculous intercession of the Queen of Heaven in the days of the war invasions on our land, we thus sing to the Most Gracious One:

Rejoice, help to the Russian people against their enemies;

Rejoice, blessed reinforcement from our land for the expulsion of foreigners.

Rejoice, secret admonition and wisdom for the leaders of the Russian army;

Rejoice, shame on the haters of the human race.

Rejoice, terrible Punisher who kindled the flame of enmity;

Rejoice, invincible Helper of all who care for the peace of the whole world.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 5

Thou art the God-bearing star, O Ever-Blessed One, who has appeared to all those wandering in the darkness of passions and vices, for through Thy admonition many grave sinners turn away from lawless deeds and resort to God with repentance, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the death of many souls into the power of sin and defilement by Satan, the Most Merciful Lady, out of indescribable love for the human race, advances them to help, turns them away from the disastrous path and instructs them on the path of salvation. Rejoicing at the wondrous mercy of the Queen of Heaven, all the faithful say this:

Rejoice, you who show us all the path of salvation;

Rejoice, forbidding pride and anger to rule our hearts.

Rejoice, strict admonition to gluttons and drunkards;

Rejoice, strong motivation for the lazy and weak-willed.

Rejoice, you who lead those who live in fornication to repentance;

Rejoice, sinners who come running to You with faith, speedy correction.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 6

Preachers of miracles revealed by Your icons, our pious fathers, saved by You, Mother of God, and delivered from troubles and misfortunes. In the same way, thanking God, who has bestowed such a good Intercessor on the human race, all silent lips sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The light of Your ineffable goodness, O Blessed One, shines forth to all those who grieve, weep, to all of us in temptation, for through our tearful prayers You, the Mother of God, grant us miraculous deliverance from troubles. Although we have no words worthy of praising Thee for Thy mercy towards all, with sinful lips we exclaim to Thee in tenderness:

Rejoice, you who transform our sorrows and tears into joy;

Rejoice, O Merciful Helper to those who suffer from temptation.

Rejoice, saving our houses from fire and other destruction;

Rejoice, you who protect the faithful from thieves and evil people.

Rejoice, destroyer of the slander and intrigues of our enemies;

Rejoice, conquering the fear of death and sudden death in our souls.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 7

Although the All-Merciful Lord showed His Divine love for us unworthy, giving us Your Mother of God icon, called the Indestructible Wall, and seeing miracles from the holy icon, all people with faith and hope for Your miraculous help with tenderness cry out to the Source of miracles, the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new testimony that is always inherent in You, Most Pure One, of the grace and miraculous powers the Creator showed to us, always Your wondrous image, depicted on the altar wall of the ancient St. Sophia Cathedral in the city of Kiev, was preserved intact for nine centuries, for the hordes of filthy enemies of the Orthodox faith did not dare to damage this gracious image, protected by Your power. Truly, for us, sinners and mourners, this holy icon appears as an unbreakable wall, inspiring all the faithful to cry out to you:

Rejoice, clothed in a tunic shining with heavenly light;

Rejoice, thou who by the lifting of Thy most pure hands manifests unceasing prayer for the whole world.

Rejoice, for you have not damaged Your honorable image and the length of centuries;

Rejoice, for this image remains in all its glory even after the invasion of the power of the enemy.

Rejoice, for in this way the hearts of those praying are reverently touched;

Rejoice, for the grace-filled power inherent in this image of Yours frightens the demons.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 8

It is strange for non-believers to hear that You, Mother of God, have special care for babies. We, remembering the words of our Lord, said: leave the children to come to Me, for such is the Kingdom of God, we confess with firm faith that You, Most Holy Virgin, protect babies and their mothers with Your love, and we cry to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

With all your heart, Queen of the world, offer up prayers for all of God’s creatures to Your Son, as the Mother according to the flesh of the Son of God, You comfortably accommodate in Your soul the sorrows and labors of mothers. For this reason, as the Mother of the Infant Jesus, we sing to You:

Rejoice, faithful Helper and refuge of childbearing mothers;

Rejoice, protection and strength of infants.

Rejoice, quenching maternal sorrows;

Rejoice, preserving every age of infancy.

Rejoice, good Teacher of pious mothers in raising children;

Rejoice, O children helpless in illness to the Healer.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic and human nature sings of Your ever-virgin purity, Most Immaculate, for this sake we honor You, as the vigilant Guardian of the purity of virgins, the purity of widows, the chastity of young men; and we entrust every age of people to You, that You may preserve them in holiness, singing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Superstitious spirits cannot contain in their hearts the truth of Your, Mother of God, Ever-Virginity. We, who believe in the power of the incomprehensible mystery, reverently praise Thee:

Rejoice, for the Bridegroom, redder than all the sons of men, desired Your red and bright kindness;

Rejoice, for this Bridegroom has united virginity and Christmas in You.

Rejoice, all-wise Teacher of immaculate virginity;

Rejoice, thou who preservest pious widows in celibacy.

Rejoice, teaching pure virgins and widows to work for the glory of Christ for the good of their neighbors;

Rejoice, thou who hast helped all who are able to embrace the path of chastity.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 10

Wanting to save Your people from the falls of sin, You, Lady, vigilantly guard the holiness of an honest marriage and command those who are in marriage to keep the commandments of the Lord: to raise their children according to God and to accustom them to acts of mercy. Thanking God Who has given us such a wise Teacher, we sing to Him with all our hearts: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You are the Wall and Guardian of pious Christian families, the Most Holy Virgin, who wisely instruct believers in marriage, how to accept the good yoke and preserve fidelity to each other until death. For this reason, we, rejoicing in Your care for a good Christian marriage, say with tenderness to You:

Rejoice, blessing of honest marriage;

Rejoice, you who teach spouses how to live according to the teachings of Christ and the apostles.

Rejoice, you who bring love and like-mindedness into the hearts of those living in marriage;

Rejoice, protector of family ties.

Rejoice, good Guardian of the domestic Church;

Rejoice, formidable accuser of violators of adultery.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 11

All-contrite singing is brought to Ti, Most Blessed One, by the entire Christian race, seeing Thee as the all-powerful Prayer Book for the whole world. You, Mother of God, accept the prayers of the young, and do not despise the prayers of the weak elders and old women, instruct the young in good deeds for salvation, and remind the elders of their imminent transition to the afterlife. For this reason, praying to the Lord to grant us all the memory of death, we cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The teaching of Christ the Savior about the life of the future century is an edifying and luminous luminary in our sinful life. But You, All-Merciful One, kindle in our hearts the gracious desire to be cleansed from sins by repentance and good deeds decorate your life. Rejoicing in Your care for us, so that we may receive eternal salvation, we cry out to You with tears of tenderness:

Rejoice, you who show great love for the infirm elders;

Rejoice, faithful people who want to end their lives in piety, O All-Good Helper.

Rejoice, elderly parents, abandoned by their children, receiving under Your honest roof;

Rejoice, O terrible Punisher, such cruel children who neglect their elders.

Rejoice, reminding us all of the terrible Second Coming of Christ;

Rejoice, warm prayer book for the souls of the departed faithful servants of God.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 12

Divine grace clearly abides in Your miraculous icon, worthily and righteously for our consolation called the Indestructible Wall. Pouring out our joys and sorrows before this icon, we pray to You, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, do not forsake us with Your intercession, but we cry out to the Lord with gratitude for You: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your powerful intercession for the whole world, remembering the miracles You showed through Your holy icon, the Indestructible Wall, we pray to You, the zealous Intercessor: be our country's unceasing Helper, beseech Your Son, who fulfills Your prayers, to establish throughout the world the peace desired by the peoples, and all They will gratefully praise Tysitsa:

Rejoice, gladdened by the appearance of Your Son and His Resurrection;

Rejoice, in Your immortal Dormition You joyfully betrayed Your soul into His hands.

Rejoice, strengthening good shepherds on their way of the cross;

Rejoice, invisible help to those who lead the monastic life.

Rejoice, protecting this temple and those who pray in it with Your grace;

Rejoice, unchanging Protection and Indestructible Wall for our Fatherland.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 13

O All-Singing Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, accept now this small prayer, protect us from sins and all kinds of defilement, deliver us from the troubles and needs that befall us, save us from despondency and despair, human slander, unbearable diseases, and through Your prayers we may take the path of salvation Eternal, let us sing with gratitude to Your Son: Alleluia.

Turning to God, the Mother of God, saints and guardian angels, Christian believers ask for protection and protection from all evil. The prayer of detention helps to resist any atrocities and manifestations of negativity on the part of ill-wishers.

General Information and the Power of Prayer

Life is incredibly amazing and unpredictable: often joyful and happy moments are replaced by a series of failures and troubles. A reliable shield that acts as a counterbalance to life’s troubles, dangers and difficulties is a prayer-amulet.

Prayers-amulets, including the prayer of detaining Elder Pansophius of Athos from all evil, have incredible power aimed at resisting any evil and negativity. They absorb negative energy and give the person asking faith, hope and protection.

The forty-strong amulet against all evil of the elder Pansofia of Athos combines elements of the Orthodox faith and pagan magic word. The first mention of a special prayer aimed at blocking influence negative energy on the human body and soul, appeared relatively recently - in 1848.

  • protect from negative influence both human and incorporeal forces;
  • protect from the thoughts and actions of evil, selfish and envious people;
  • protect from envy, meanness and cunning on the part of your close circle (close relatives, acquaintances and friends) and strangers;
  • protect from the evil eye and damage.

The forty-strong amulet against all evil is read before the icon of Detention. In the central part of the icon is the face of the Savior, on both sides of Him are Holy Virgin Mary and Archangel Michael. At the bottom and on the sides of the image, the icon painters depicted eleven holy saints.

The prayer of apprehension from all evil is not read in churches during services. In Orthodoxy, this prayer service is equated to the level of some kind of magic and paganism, so you need to read the sacred text at home, distancing yourself from worldly affairs.

There is an opinion that the prayer of detention can radically change a person’s life, so you need to approach it consciously and with extreme caution. It is not recommended to pronounce a forty-strong amulet against evil to people who have not converted to the Orthodox faith. An unbaptized person does not have a guardian angel who will protect and protect.

The ritual of reading the forty-strong amulet of Pansophius of Athos consists of a preparatory stage and the prayer service itself.

Preparation for reading the prayer of detention lasts 7 days. During this period, you need to give up bad habits and entertainment, adhere to strict fasting and visit the temple.

You need to read the prayer of detention from all evil of Elder Pansophius of Athos for 9 days, without gaps or breaks. Morning or evening reading is allowed; if desired, the worshiper can perform this ritual of turning to the Savior twice a day. With each reading of the forty-strong amulet, the sacred text is repeated 9 times in a row.

Orthodox Christians know that prayer will be heard only when it comes from the heart. Therefore, the sacred text should be read in a calm, peaceful state and freed from negative emotions.

It is not recommended to tell others about reading the amulet prayer. Athonite elders became famous for their spell prayers, but not all of them are allowed in Orthodoxy. Before you begin to read the prayer of detention, you should ask a clergyman for advice.

Video “Prayer for the apprehension of Elder Pansophius of Athos from all evil”

In this video you can listen to an audio recording of the prayer of detention from all evil by Elder Pansophius of Athos.

Text of the prayer for protection from evil spirits

Merciful Lord, You once, through the mouth of the servant of Moses, Joshua, delayed the movement of the Sun and Moon all day long, until the people of Israel took revenge on their enemies.

With the prayer of Elisha the prophet, he once struck the Syrians, delaying them, and healed them again.

You once told the prophet Isaiah: behold, I will return back ten steps the shadow of the sun that passed along the steps of Ahaz, and the sun returned ten steps along the steps on which it descended. (1)

You once, through the mouth of the prophet Ezekiel, closed the abysses, stopped the rivers, and held back the waters. (2)

And You once stopped the mouths of the lions in the den through the fasting and prayer of Your prophet Daniel. (3)

And now delay and slow down until the right time all the plans around those standing by me about my displacement, dismissal, removal, expulsion.

So now, destroy the evil desires and demands of all those who condemn me, block the lips and hearts of all those who slander, are angry and growl at me, and all who blaspheme and humiliate me.

So now, bring spiritual blindness into the eyes of all those who rise up against me and against my enemies.

Didn't you tell the Apostle Paul: Speak and do not be silent, for I am with you, and no one will harm you. (4)

Soften the hearts of all those who oppose the good and dignity of the Church of Christ. Therefore, let not My mouth be silent to reprove the wicked and glorify the righteous and all Your wondrous works. And may all our good undertakings and desires be fulfilled.

To you, righteous women and prayer books of God, our daring intercessors, who once with the power of their prayers restrained the invasion of foreigners, the approach of haters, who destroyed the evil plans of people, who stopped the mouths of lions, now I turn with my prayer, with my petition.

And You, the venerable great Elius of Egypt, who once fenced the place of your disciple’s settlement in a circle with the sign of the cross, commanded him to arm himself with the name of the Lord and from now on not to be afraid of demonic temptations. (5) Protect my house, in which I live, in the circle of your prayers and save it from fiery ignition, thieves’ attacks and all evil and insurance.

And you, Reverend Father Poplie of Syria, once with your unceasing prayer for ten days you kept the demon motionless and unable to walk either day or night (6); Now, around my cell and this house (my) keep behind its fence all the opposing forces and all those who blaspheme the name of God and despise me.

And You, reverend virgin Piama, who once with the power of prayer stopped the movement of those who were going to destroy the inhabitants of the village where she lived, now stop all the plans of my enemies who want to expel me from this city and destroy me: do not allow them to approach this house, stop them with the power of prayer his: “Lord, Judge of the Universe, You, who are displeased with all unrighteousness, when this prayer comes to You, may the Holy Power stop them at the place where it overtakes them.” (7)

And You, blessed Lawrence of Kaluga, pray to God for me, as having the boldness to intercede before the Lord for those suffering from the wiles of the devil. Pray to God for me, may He protect me from the wiles of Satan.

And You, Reverend Vasily of Pechersk, perform your prayers of prohibition over those who attack me and drive away all the machinations of the devil from me. (8)

And you, all the saints of the Russian land, with the power of your prayers for me, dispel all the demonic spells, all the devil’s plans and intrigues - to annoy me and destroy me and my property.

And You, great and formidable guardian, Archangel Michael, cut off with a fiery sword all the desires of the enemy of the human race and all his minions who want to destroy me. Stand inviolably on guard over this house, all those living in it and all its property.

And You, Lady, not in vain called the “Indestructible Wall”, be for all those who are hostile against me and plotting dirty tricks on me, truly a kind of barrier and an indestructible wall, protecting me from all evil and difficult circumstances.