The legendary actor, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, 72-year-old Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov, again had an accident. This time as a passenger.

A traffic accident almost to the day with the same tragic event, because of which Karachentsov had to leave the stage. 12 years ago, in 2005, returning from his dacha at night, he had an accident, received a severe head injury, and was in intensive care.

He had to learn to walk, talk, write again... The stage was out of the question. But the actor not only survived - he began to appear in public. One can only guess what it cost him. He himself prefers to remain silent about this.

And now, 12 years later, almost to the day, there was another accident. It's like mysticism. The accident occurred in the Moscow region, near Losiny Ostrov, where the actor has a dacha. More precisely, in the village of Zagoryansky, at the intersection of Pushkin and Tennisnaya streets. A Toyota Highlander, driven by, as it later turned out, Karachentsov’s wife, artist Lyudmila Porgina, and a Gazelle truck collided. The actor was in a foreign car in the passenger seat. His nurse and relative were in the car with him. Both women suffered bruises. But they did not require hospitalization.

The date of the accident coincided with the day of the tragedy 12 years ago

And Nikolai Petrovich ended up in the hospital. Doctors diagnosed him with a concussion, closed head injury and numerous other injuries.

Dossier "RG"

Nikolai Karachentsov with his wife Lyudmila Porgina. Photo: AUTHOR

Nikolai Karachentsov was born on October 27, 1944 in Moscow. In 1963, Nikolai entered the Moscow Art Theater School (course of V.K. Monyukov), from which he graduated with honors in 1967. His roles in student performances "Blizzard" and "Ivan Vasilyevich" received high professional praise. Usually school graduates were automatically “assigned” to the Moscow Art Theater, but in 1967 at the Theater named after Lenin Komsomol(since 1991 - "Lenkom") due to the resignation of the chief director Anatoly Efros, a catastrophic situation arose of a shortage of actors, and Karachentsov, among the ten best students, was assigned to this theater.

The actor began actively acting in films only after the triumph of “Til”. Mark Zakharov did not involve him in his screen works, with the exception of small roles in the television films “12 Chairs” (1976) and “The House That Swift Built” (1982). Nevertheless, already at the beginning of his film career, Karachentsov played one of his best roles - Busygin in the film adaptation of Alexander Vampilov's play "The Eldest Son" (1975). This role brought him his first fame. Starting from the second half of the 1970s, Karachentsov became one of the most filmed actors; he always performed all the complex stunt tricks in films himself.

Nikolai Karachentsov starred in films of various genres with equal success - musical, children's, adventure, drama. His popularity was increased by his roles in such films as “Dog in the Manger”, “ Pious Martha", "Yaroslavna, Queen of France", "The Adventures of Electronics", "The Trust That Burst", "White Dews", "Battalions Ask for Fire", "The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins", "One, two - no trouble!", “Criminal Quartet”, “Bright Personality”, “Deja Vu”, “Trap for a Lonely Man”, “Crazy”, “St. Petersburg Mysteries”, “Queen Margot”, “Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky”, “Secrets palace coups", and many others. In total track record Nikolai Karachentsov has more than 100 film roles.

At the end of February 2005, the famous Russian actor Nikolai Karachentsov was involved in an accident, after which he was in a coma for almost a month and, as a result, actually ended his career. Last night, exactly 12 years later, the artist was involved in an accident again. “360” tells the main thing that is known about the incident.

The accident occurred on the evening of February 27 in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region. The Toyota Highlander car in which the 72-year-old artist was in collided with a Gazelle.

The accident happened not far from the actor’s dacha. He and his family were going to go to the cinema and then to Moscow, reported TASS citing a source at the Lenkom Theater.

The impact caused the jeep to overturn and stand on its wheels. The actor was in the front passenger seat and was hospitalized as a result of the accident. The actor has a concussion. The media also reported that in addition to him, his relative, a nurse and his wife Lyudmila Porgina were in the jeep.

Versions of what happened differ. IN law enforcement agencies According to preliminary data, the driver of the Gazelle was considered to be the culprit of the accident, reported, citing a source. According to the publication, the truck driver did not notice the Toyota driving into the intersection and hit it in the side.

At the same time, the Gazelle driver himself denies his guilt: REN TV channel that the Toyota in which the actor was driving overtook and hit the minibus. The driver admitted to journalists that he had never heard of Karachentsov.

Later, information appeared that the culprit of the accident could have been the actor’s wife Lyudmila Porgina, who was allegedly driving the Toyota. Interfax reported this with reference to a source. However, there is no official confirmation of this information.

Reports about Karachentsov’s condition also differ: on the morning of February 28 at help desk Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine told RIA Novosti that Nikolai Karachentsov remains in the hospital and is in neurosurgical intensive care. At the same time, earlier a REN TV source from the actor’s family circle reported that Porgina went to the hospital to take her husband home.

Photo: Ekaterina Chesnokova/RIA Novosti

12 years ago

Many media outlets drew attention to the fact that another accident, which actually put an end to Karachentsov’s career, occurred exactly 12 years ago. On the night of February 28, 2005, on the icy road of Michurinsky Prospekt in Moscow, a Volkswagen Passat B5, driven by Karachentsov, crashed into a pole. The actor hurried to Moscow from his dacha because of the news of the death of his mother-in-law. He was not wearing a seat belt and exceeded the speed limit.

As a result accident actor received a severe traumatic brain injury. Karachentsov underwent craniotomy and brain surgery, after which he was transported to the Sklifosovsky Institute. The actor was in a coma for 26 days.

The recovery process took a long time, only in May 2007 the actor was able to go on stage. Another time, the artist appeared in public at the presentation of a joint CD with composer Elena Surzhikova, but Karachentsov’s speech did not recover; he reacted sluggishly to the surrounding situation.

In March and April 2011, Nikolai Karachentsov underwent treatment in a clinic in Israel. It was reported that the artist's speech had improved.

Karachentsov is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

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The last few months have been very difficult for the theater and film star. For a long time, Nikolai Petrovich eliminated the consequences of the accident that occurred in February 2005, and then faced a serious illness - doctors diagnosed the actor with a malignant tumor in the lung. Relatives always tried to support the artist and do everything to ensure that his condition improved. But the miracle did not happen - on October 26, on the eve of his birthday, Karachentsov passed away.

“StarHit” remembered the most severe trials, which befell the movie star.


At the end of February 2005, 60-year-old Nikolai Karachentsov was involved in an accident. The actor, who learned the sad news about the death of his mother-in-law Nadezhda Stepanovna Porgina, was driving home from the dacha without wearing a seat belt and exceeding the speed limit. The movie star was in a hurry to return to support his wife. On an icy section of the Michurinsky Prospekt road, a Volkswagen Passat B5, driven by Karachentsov, crashed into a pole.

As a result of the accident, Nikolai Petrovich received a serious traumatic brain injury. The artist was urgently hospitalized. Doctors performed a craniotomy and brain surgery on him. Karachentsov spent 26 days in a coma. These weeks became the most difficult test for the actor’s family. Lyudmila Porgina admitted that she began to prepare for the saddest outcome - after the death of her mother, she acquired another place at the Danilovsky cemetery. However, then the woman realized that she did not want to lose another loved one.

“I lost the person closest to me. And also Kolya... Approaching one man’s coffin, I said: “No, he will continue to live. He will continue to live with me. We will see the birth of our granddaughter. We will walk through this life. The next morning I go to the intensive care unit, I rush to each corpse and understand that I have found myself in a world between heaven and earth... I approached Kolya and said: “So, I’m burying my mother, and you are waiting for me. And then we will fight together, and we will stand up, you have no other way!” – Lyudmila Andreevna recalled in the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live".

After Nikolai Karachentsov came to his senses, he wrote a message to his wife. The actor said that they urgently need to get married. The ceremony took place on the actors’ wedding anniversary – in August 2005. Only the closest couples were present.


The process of rehabilitation of Nikolai Petrovich after a terrible accident dragged on. For a long time, the actor could not go on stage again. Only in 2007 was Karachentsov able to appear to fans during the gala concert “The Stars Came Down from Heaven...”. The event was named after last song, recorded by the artist.

After some time, Nikolai Petrovich again pleased fans with a rare appearance at the presentation of the disc “I Won’t Lie!”, recorded together with composer Elena Surzhikova, and even tried rare varieties of cigars.

“They showed his clip. It was a holiday. When they accuse me: “Why do you take a sick person to social events?” - I answer: “How can you close it within four walls?! Is it possible to take his life away?” - Porgina recalled.

Fans noticed that Karachentsov’s speech had not recovered. The actor could no longer react vividly to the events taking place. It became clear that Nikolai Petrovich was no longer able to continue his career. The film and theater star was forced to suspend his creative activity.

After the fatal accident famous artist underwent treatment abroad - in Israel and China. Nikolai Petrovich was examined by some of the best doctors, who managed to slightly restore his speech. Journalists wrote that after the accident, the actor was forced to be under the constant supervision of medical specialists - he had to undergo operations and undergo other procedures. Lyudmila Porgina courageously supports her loved one and tries not to give up. The woman does not lose optimism and hopes for the best.

In 2014, Karachentsov celebrated his anniversary in his native Lenkom. Many cultural and artistic figures came to congratulate Nikolai Petrovich - Inna Churikova, Dmitry Kharatyan, Klara Novikova, Alena Khmelnitskaya, Olga Kabo. Vladimir Medinsky, Dmitry Medvedev and Sergei Sobyanin sent warm wishes and bouquets of flowers to the birthday boy. The central place in the evening's program was given to the grandchildren of Nikolai Petrovich - they presented their performances to the public.

“Kolenka, my young friend. I am happy that you are celebrating your birthday in your own walls, with your family. I love you, Kolenka. Millions love you. And we are grateful to Lyudmila for being with us today. And may God give you many more years of life,” said Joseph Kobzon.


In February 2017, 12 years after the fatal accident that changed the star’s life forever, he was involved in an accident again. The car in which the artist was with his wife, nurse Nadezhda Sergeeva and relative Elsa Ivleeva overturned. A tragic incident occurred in the village of Zagoryansky. Karachentsov's car collided with a Gazelle cargo truck. The driver of the car was a native of Tajikistan.

Karachentsov was hospitalized at the Sklifosovsky Institute. It was in the ward where he was after the first terrible accident. The car was driven by his wife Lyudmila Porgina. The woman was suspected of driving while intoxicated. Lyudmila Andreevna herself denies such speculation.

“Imagine, fighting for a person’s life for 12 years, getting drunk, sitting down and killing all four of them, and yourself too? And what is this for? I have a long day. In the morning, I filled the trunk with wine, vodka, champagne, whiskey to bring to the restaurant for the wake... Everything was broken, we don’t know how long we were lying there. The car turned over several times and lay on its side. The whole fur coat is covered in blood, vodka, wine, whiskey. We inhaled, we were all wet,” the woman shared with Andrei Malakhov.

// Photo: Still from the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live"

According to Lyudmila Porgina, she cannot forget the events of February 2005. In one of the interviews, the woman spoke about mystical coincidences in the life of her husband.

“I always have on the eve of this day Bad mood, always shakes. I'm afraid of this day. But I thought that once we went to the cinema, I would somehow unwind. Nadya, a nurse, by the way, didn’t want to go, as if she felt something. And I was shaking like never before. I was shaking precisely from the thought that 12 years was a cycle. And now - again an accident and again a blow from the right. It’s good that he was wearing a seat belt,” said the wife of the famous actor.

// Photo: Still from the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live"

Prepared based on materials from publications "Arguments and Facts" And "Moscow's comsomolets".

Nikolai Karachentsov is a Soviet and Russian actor. His name is associated with many unforgettable roles on which an entire generation of people grew up. But everyone knows what tragic events befell him and his family. After this, little is known about the fate of the actor and many fans do not know; they often ask: has Nikolai Karachentsov really passed away? Therefore, we decided to find out the fate of everyone’s favorite actor.

Biography and career

Nikolai Petrovich was born in 1947 (October 27) and became a pupil of a creative family. Mother, famous ballet director - Janina Brunak. Father, artist - Peter Karachentsov. Looking at his parents, after school, the boy goes to study at the Moscow Art Theater studio. His professional path and future life were generally predetermined by this:

  • 1967, by chance, directly from the Moscow Art Theater, ends up in the Lenkom Theater.
  • After 10 years, he moves to the Mark Zakharov Theater where he gets a role in the play “Til,” which is a huge success and he becomes the idol of the youth of that time.
  • After this, Karachentsov agrees to the role of Count Rezanov in the opera “Juno and Avos”. She is considered his most important and important acting work. The performance was so loved by the audience that it was broadcast in theaters and on television all over the world.

Karachentsov created many memorable characters for us in films. More than 150 roles in his track record.

  • "Sunday Dad"
  • “Good luck, gentlemen!”
  • "Adventures of Electronics".
  • “Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky.

These are just some examples of everything famous paintings. And how many films were dubbed and dubbing made. For example, in all feeds famous actor Jean-Paul Belmondo speaks for us only in his voice. In 1994, the actor himself became a teacher and, together with stuntman Nikolai Ostapov, opened his own art school for children.

Personal life of the actor

Nikolai Karachentsov was successful person in everything. His family life as successful as everything else he undertook. For more than 20 years he has been married to actress Lyudmila Andreevna Porgina. Nikolai became the actress’s third husband. And this marriage for both spouses is the most great luck in life.

In 1978, their son Andrei was born. Among close family friends you can see many famous personalities, with whom fate brought Karachentsov together:

  • Composer Maxim Dunaevsky.
  • Actress Inna Churikova.
  • Stuntman Nikolai Astapov.
  • Composer Vladimir Bystryakov.

The actor has always been an open, hospitable and sympathetic person. Therefore, cheerful, warm companies often gathered in his house.

Nikolai Karachentsov: accident in 2005

In 2005, tragedy befell the family of Nikolai Karachentsov. On February 27, the night of the 28th, having learned about the death of his mother-in-law, he got behind the wheel of a car and drove to Moscow. At that moment he himself was at his dacha. On a road covered with a crust of ice, Nikolai suddenly braked before crossing and at high speed his Volkswagen Passat crashed into a pole.

The right side of the car, where the actor’s relative Andrei Kuznetsov was in the passenger seat, received a strong blow. The airbags deployed and he was virtually unharmed. The actor himself was not wearing a seat belt. This played a decisive role. He was taken to intensive care with severe head injuries.

Karachentsov was in a coma for almost a month (26 days). Doctors performed two operations, after which they supported the basic vital functions of the body until the condition stabilized.

Recovery and rehabilitation

After treatment at the Research Institute named after. Sklifosovsky’s favorite actor began to come to his senses and gradually emerged from his coma. But such a severe injury left irreparable consequences associated with brain damage. He became disabled, having difficulty moving and speaking.

But she was always there caring wife And Strong woman, who did not give up at such a difficult moment. After all, she practically lost two loved ones at the same time.

She transferred her husband to Neurorehabilitation Center. And only 2 years after the accident the actor was able to go public. A concert was organized in support of Karachentsov, to which his friends were invited. At the same time, Lyudmila Porgina released a collection of discs (12 pieces) of his songs.

Another appearance took place in 2009 at the Lotte Plaza club. The actor’s health condition at that time remained unchanged, he still moved and spoke poorly.

After another stage of treatment in Israel, and then in Beijing, Nikolai Petrovich appears in a cameo role in the continuation of the film “White Dew”. But, due to the fact that he still practically cannot speak, there are practically no words in it.

This video shows Current state actor's health:

Did Karachentsev die?

Today, alarming reports appear on news sites that Nikolai was taken to a clinic, where he died after being injured in a fall at home. But this is wrong. The actor was indeed in the hospital; it was a planned hospitalization at a rehabilitation center.

After several procedures, he and his wife went to the dacha, where they remain to this day. Therefore, fans of Nikolai Petrovich’s talent can calm down. All disturbing news regarding the death of the actor nothing more than deception or confusion.

Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov is an actor, singer who made an invaluable contribution to Russian art on the theater stage and in cinema. Performances with his participation were watched and loved all over the world. And in New Zealand they issued 1 local dollar with his image.

After reading this article, worried fans will stop worrying about the health of their favorite actor. After all, we reassured all concerned people who thought that Nikolai Karachentsov had passed away and denied rumors about his death.

Update dated February 27, 2017: Road accident in the Moscow region

The great actor had another accident; on February 27, 2017, he was driving to the cinema with his wife. In the village of Zagoryansky, Moscow region, his Toyota Rav-4 crashed into enormous speed gazelle driver. According to the van driver himself, he was standing with his turn signal on to the left, about to turn off the highway. When he began the maneuver, a foreign car flew into him, trying to overtake at high speed.

There were 4 people in Toyota at that moment: Karachentsov himself, his wife Lyudmila Porgina, his attending physician and relative, Eliza Ileva.

The actor received a concussion and was immediately taken to the Sklifosovsky Institute; the other participants in the accident were not injured. On this moment Karachentsov’s life is not in danger, he received minor head injuries. His wife took him home on the morning of February 28.

There is something mystical in this story: this event happened exactly 12 years later (02/27/2005), after which Karachentsov was in a coma for a month.

Addition: death of Karachentsov October 26, 2019

On the morning of Friday, October 26, sad news came - in the hospital from cardiac arrest died theater and film artist Nikolai Karachentsov. This happened in the intensive care unit of the 62nd hospital in Moscow, at ten minutes to nine in the morning.

Before his death, Nikolai Karachentsov underwent several chemotherapy sessions and a course of radiation therapy in Israel. However, his health continued to deteriorate, and in the fall of 2018, the actor was hospitalized due to bilateral pneumonia. Nikolai spent several days in intensive care, but after that his condition allegedly stabilized

Tomorrow, October 27, the actor was supposed to celebrate his 74th birthday. He didn't live until his birthday just one day. The artist’s death has already been confirmed by his son and wife, Lyudmila Porgina.

“At about 8:50 my dad passed away. He was transferred to intensive care yesterday morning and stayed there all the time until this morning. He for a long time suffered from oncology,” said the actor’s son Andrei Karachentsov.

As it became known, the great actor’s heart stopped at about nine in the morning on October 26. The issue of organizing a farewell to the artist is currently being decided - information about when Karachentsov will be sent to last way, will appear later.

The farewell will most likely take place at the Lenkom Theater, to which the actor dedicated most own life.

This report will provide additional details about the death of the artist:

Karachentsov played more than 100 roles in films. The most famous films with his participation - “Dog in the Manger”, “Pious Martha”, “Yaroslavna, Queen of France”, “The Adventures of Electronics”, “The Trust That Burst”, “White Dews”, “The Battalions Ask for Fire”, “The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins” ", "One, two - grief is not a problem!", "Criminal Quartet", "Bright Personality", "Deja Vu", "Trap for a Lonely Man", "Crazy", "St. Petersburg Mysteries", "Queen Margot", " The file of detective Dubrovsky", "Secrets of palace coups".

He not only acted in films, but also performed songs himself. He first sang in the film “Dog in the Manger” thanks to composer Gennady Gladkov. Over the 40 years of his acting and musical activity, Karachentsov performed more than two hundred songs.

Nikolai was very talented person, an artist born for the work in which he was engaged, his memory will pass from generation to generation. Karachentsov will remain in our hearts as the “Russian Belmondo” - the inimitable and charismatic cowboy from “The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines”...

Video about Nikolai Karachentsov

In this video you can see Nikolai Karachentsov’s condition in 2016:

The actor died at the age of 74... The editors of the site bring sincere condolences family and friends of the artist

On Friday, October 26, it became known. 27th October People's Artist was supposed to turn 74 years old, but he didn’t live until his birthday just one day...

For the last 13 years, fate seemed to be testing the actor: he had two terrible accidents, and then fought a cancerous tumor.?

Death of the mother-in-law, breakneck speed, craniotomy...

February 28, 2005. This night forever divided Nikolai Petrovich’s life into “before” and “after.” Overnight he lost his stage and his health.

Karachentsov was at the dacha when he was informed of the death of his 83-year-old mother-in-law. The actor got behind the wheel of his Volkswagen Passat B5 and hurried to Moscow.

Nikolai Petrovich was in a hurry and pressed the gas pedal harder and harder. The car skidded on a slippery road after sleet and rain. Karachentsov lost control of the car and crashed into a pole.

The actor was not wearing a seat belt and received very serious injuries. Doctors at the capital's hospital fought for the life of the people's favorite. He urgently underwent a difficult operation - craniotomy.

For another 26 days the artist’s life hung in the balance. All this time he was in a coma...

Nikolai Karachentsov in the film "The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins"

Two years of rehabilitation and the inability to return to the stage

Lenkom spectators waited until the last moment for Count Rezanov to return to the stage. They couldn't imagine another artist in leading role rock opera “Juno and Avos”... but the miracle did not happen.

Karachentsov's recovery took a long time. Two years after the accident in 2007, he was able to go on stage, but not return to work. Nikolai Petrovich spoke poorly and did not react to practically anything.

In 2011, his wife Lyudmila Porgina took Karachentsov to Israel. There he underwent a rehabilitation course, which helped to significantly improve his speech, but he never managed to reach the level before the accident.

Nikolay Karachentsov in the film "Adventures of Electronics"

The second accident finished off the artist

12 years after the terrible accident, which Karachentsov never managed to forget, he again got into an accident. If the first time the incident happened on the night of February 27-28, then the second time - on the evening of February 27.

Lyudmila Porgina was driving the Toyota Highlander. In the village of Zagoryansky Shchelkovsky district Her car crashed into a Gazelle near Moscow. The impact caused the Toyota to roll over.

The accident immediately began to become overgrown with mystical rumors: they say that it is the mother-in-law who is trying to take Karachentsov to the next world. But the police did not consider such versions. During the check, it turned out that Porgina got behind the wheel while intoxicated, for which she was deprived of her driver's license.

Nikolai Petrovich's wife denied the accusations. She claimed that as a result of the accident she accidentally doused herself with alcohol: in the trunk of the car there was a lot of alcohol purchased for her mother’s wake, some bottles were broken.

After the second accident, Karachentsov spent a week in the hospital. He was diagnosed with a concussion.

Nikolai Karachentsov with his wife Lyudmila Porgina

Fight for life and death

In September 2017, Russian doctors discovered the actor had cancer. The malignant tumor in the left lung was impossible to remove surgically - Karachentsov did not survive the operation. A course of chemotherapy would also have undermined the artist’s already poor health.

It turned out that the artist’s wife suspected cancer even before the second accident. She even took her husband to Germany, where he had a full examination of his body and no tumors were detected.

When it became clear that it was cancer, it was already too late. The actor could no longer win the decisive battle with death...