Do you have few clients? Low sales? What are you doing to attract them?

If you decide to become an entrepreneur, you must understand that the amount of profit depends on the number of clients in your business. But people will not buy low quality goods and services. Therefore, before you think about attracting potential buyers, take care of the quality of your offer and improving your service system.

You've probably heard about the formula: no clients = no sales = no business = no client acquisition system = no clients. It's a vicious circle.

But let's figure out why it can happen that there are few or no clients at all:

  1. The offer is not relevant or of low quality.
  2. There is no understanding: how to attract, retain and how to work with them.
  3. Wrong target audience. The entrepreneur does not understand who his product/service is for and does not know the desires and needs of his clients.
  4. No control. The owner does not collect data about his advertising campaigns, marketing moves, the effectiveness of certain instruments.
  5. The offer is no different from the actions of competitors.

Many beginning entrepreneurs do not ask themselves the question “Where to get clients?” But this is their big problem. After all, it’s quite easy to figure out what to do. But first you need to figure out whether people need it. How can you develop your business if there is no stable high “flow” of customers? In order to find it, you should take care of the competent one. All entrepreneurs in relation to marketing are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Think that they don't need marketing at all. They are convinced that they can do just fine without it, and they don’t understand why they should spend money on it.
  2. Understand the importance of marketing and try to study its features. They try different possibilities, test them in their business, and this gives them a good flow of clients.

Often new entrepreneurs think: “I will create my own business, my own offer and clients will find themselves.” But time passes, and there are still no buyers. What's the matter? For that To quickly attract new clients, try these few proven strategies:

  • Increase confidence in your offer

Many people are prevented from taking this step by uncertainty: “What if no one needs this? What if your competitors have a better product/service? What place will I occupy in the market?

The truth is that there will always be people who do something better or worse than you. So believe in your idea and don’t be afraid to boldly express it.

  • Think strategically

Once you start a business, you will immediately need clients. So take care of this in advance. Talk to your friends and acquaintances - maybe they know who would benefit from your offer.

  • Make your social media work for you

Many clients find what they need by simply scrolling through the news feed in . Make sure your profile helps you promote your business and is attractive and credible.

  • Don't be afraid of cold calling

Some people want to gain loyal customers right away. But this is not always possible. Often you have to work first before people start talking about you and getting to know you. Many people are embarrassed to try cold calling. But if done correctly, it can be an excellent channel to attract new customers.

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These techniques will help you at the very beginning of your journey. But what if you have been working in the market for some time? If you have your own audience, but it’s small? You want to develop your business further and make more profit. Then these 7 ways to attract clients just for you:

1. Contextual advertising

The user will see you immediately on the first pages of the search. Where your ad appears does not depend on where you rank in the search results. A very common tool for such advertising is Google Adwords.

2. SMM

In the 21st century, social networks are expanding their range more and more. The daily number of registrations on various sites is simply staggering. Therefore, promoting the offer on these platforms is a good decision. You can do this through advertising, useful posts, interesting photos and competitions. You can sell your product/services directly from social networks, gathering an army of loyal fans of your business.

3. Email-newsletter

Almost every Internet user has email. That's why email newsletter is an effective channel for attracting customers. With its help, you can notify customers about innovations and various promotions. You can send them useful information and offer paid products. Properly constructed marketing makes sales more and more, and customers more and more loyal.

4. Viral marketing

This type of advertising works for you. All that is required is the creation of an original picture, video, audio recording, etc. that could hook the user. In turn, a person, becoming interested, will share this with his friends, and they will share it with theirs... and so on along the chain. This type of marketing works great on social media. Thus, successfully created content will allow you to introduce your offer to those people who have not heard anything about you before. Sometimes people don’t even realize that the material is advertising in nature and go to your website/blog/group.

5. Teaser advertising

Teaser is what it is small message, which is posted with the original picture. For example, if you want to advertise your new line of yogurts, place a teaser ad, say, on information portals.

For example, the message “Have you seen him yet?”, which comes along with an enticing picture, can attract the attention of many users. A simple feeling of interest is triggered, and the person clicks on the advertising link. It's pretty cheap and efficient look advertising.

6. Targeted advertising

For example, you are looking for boots. We went to where we found exactly what we wanted. We closed it and went on to explore the Internet. And then you see that your shoes are chasing you. They entice you to return to the site. Reminds you that you forgot to make a purchase. This is targeted advertising.

The goal of any company is to obtain consistently high income, which are simply not possible without clients. Therefore, you need to use all available methods and tools to achieve your goal. Next, we’ll take a closer look at the main ways to attract customers.

Navigator by methods

1. Website creation

Today in a world of constant development modern technologies Every company must have its own website. Clients need to communicate in any way in a convenient way, including via the Internet. Therefore, we make sure to create a website and fill it with useful information.

2. Contextual advertising

After creating a website, you need to actively promote it on the Internet. Ideal for this contextual advertising, which is characterized high level efficiency. You need to correctly set the key queries and formulate the advertising itself, which will give the first positive results within a few hours after implementation.

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3. Teaser advertising

Another great tool for attracting more potential clients. Teaser advertising pops up on Internet pages and forces users to pay attention to themselves. Such advertising can be ordered on various popular sites to attract attention to your company.

4. Banners on portals

To immediately go to target audience, it is recommended to place advertising banners on various portals. At the same time, you need to be responsible when choosing a site. It is best to choose portals that are visited by the desired category of potential clients.

5. CPA

This method involves payment for certain user actions. So, if a potential client visited the site and left a request, then it’s worth paying him for it. It is necessary to motivate clients to take certain actions using a monetary method.

These are 5 ways to attract clients that everyone should know to achieve their goal.

6. Group on social networks

Today almost everyone modern man has its own page in social network. Therefore, it is worth using such an accessible and popular method to attract the attention of potential customers. You just need to create a group on a social network and fill it with useful and interesting information for a certain category of users.

7. Advertising on social networks

8. Web developers

As you know, any website needs to be constantly promoted, updated and promoted on the Internet. This is what professionals do. You just need to contact a specialized company that will promote website pages.

Hello! In this article we will look at the main phrases for attracting customers that stimulate sales.

Today you will learn:

  1. Why is it so important to use Right words when talking with a client.
  2. Examples of catchy phrases that will attract the attention of buyers.
  3. How to conduct a dialogue correctly.

The importance of the words of the first dialogue

Every person who sells any product or offers services knows and understands the importance of the first dialogue. The level of sales and, accordingly, his salary depend on how quickly the seller earns the buyer’s trust, determines his needs and helps with choice.

In practice, it turns out that gaining a client's favor is not so easy. Surely everyone has found themselves in a situation where you go into a store, for example, to buy shoes. At the same time, you yourself don’t know what you want, and at this moment the seller comes up and says the hackneyed phrase “What are you interested in?” At this point, most shoppers immediately respond, “I’m just looking,” and leave the store.

In this case, the seller made several mistakes due to which he lost the client. But if he were not so intrusive, showed creativity and earned your trust, then perhaps you listened to him, and he helped with the choice, after which you would buy shoes from him.

There are situations when well-written phrases for a store help to increase the number of goods sold. In this case, you have to come up with slogans and interesting expressions, distribute . Their goal is to interest the client and force them to learn more about your offer.

The main task of phrases to attract customers is to capture attention, gain favor and gain trust.

The main mistake of many sales managers is that they immediately try to sell the product. This technique works quite rarely, so the sales level of such people is not very high.

How to use phrases correctly

Many managers mistakenly believe that sales employees should devote maximum time and attention to each customer. As a result, they get a result that they did not expect at all.

Example. The call center receives calls from clients and operators are required to communicate with clients as politely as possible, try in every possible way to increase the conversation time and offer maximum amount products.

The managers believed that thanks to this, the caller would like such attention and would purchase the maximum amount of products.

In practice, this backfired. A queue formed among callers, followed by complaints that it was very difficult to get in touch with the operator. In addition, during the “sweet” conversation, the client had a double impression of a company that wants to “sell” a lot of products “jumping on its hind legs to do this.”

In order to really, it is necessary to have the basics of correct and effective communication with clients. It doesn’t matter whether you sell a product over the phone or communicate in person with the buyer.

We have developed small instructions that will help you train your staff without any problems.

Step 1. Learn to classify people

You must explain to your employees that there are different types buyers. You can impose a product on some, but not on others. One category of people is led by certain phrases, and another by others. Therefore, it is very important to divide buyers into categories.

There should not be more than 5, otherwise it will cause confusion among the employees themselves.

We offer the following classification:

  1. Girls– these are people who were recommended one specific product. They don't want to listen to the advice the salesperson gives them. They came (called) to buy one specific product. There is simply no point in offering them something else; they will refuse.
  2. Guys is a category of people who do not fit into other categories.
  3. Engineer– buyers who know what exactly they want to buy. They name the main characteristics of the product or a specific model.
  4. Mister– a person who communicates with the seller in technical language, using numbers. He knows what brand or brand he needs, but cannot decide on the model.
  5. Mistress– people who speak the language of emotions. They want to buy something stylish, beautiful or exclusive. We decided on a brand, but didn’t choose a model.

It is important to understand that a “girl” can be either a representative of the stronger sex or a nice lady. Categories of clients are not tied to a person’s gender; social status or age.

Step 2. Before offering anything, let the client speak

Under no circumstances should you immediately “attack” the buyer with your offers. You must understand what exactly he needs. To do this, you need to give the client the opportunity to tell why he came or called.

It has been experimentally established that 72 seconds are enough for a person to voice his desire and speak out. This is an average, so keep in mind that some people may need more time and others less.

After you listen to the client, you can enter into dialogue. You must understand what exactly to say based on what category the buyer belongs to.

For example, the “guys”, after they speak out, need to be told: “I can offer an option that is a little more expensive, but it will be cooler.”

If the client is a “girl” or an “engineer,” then you are required to listen to them, accept the order and fulfill it. Any proposals you make will be rejected in any case.

For “Mrs” the following is suitable phrase: “I can offer a model that is a little more expensive, but it is more luxurious than the previous option”.

And “Mr.” will appreciate the remark: “ There is a little more expensive, but this is an excellent professional model».

The most promising clients are “Mr.” and “Mrs.” It is with them that managers need to work.

Once you implement such a customer classification system, you will quickly realize how effective it is.

Background phrases and common examples of words that are used when working with a client

Regardless of what exactly you are selling or what service you are offering, the client should feel your sincerity. At the same time, you need to behave unconventionally, creatively and start the conversation not with advertising the product, but with a simple conversation with the buyer.

It is important not to attack the client and try to provide as much information as possible in the shortest possible time.

First you need to ask interrogative questions, thereby identifying the client’s needs:

  • “Which shade of this model do you like best?”
  • “Very convenient and practical thing! Don’t you think so?”
  • “Why did you choose this particular model?”

After questioning behavior, you need to change tactics and clarify the situation using the following best phrases:

  • “It seems to me, or do you doubt that...”
  • “Tell me, do I understand you correctly...”

Very often the client needs advice from the seller. At this moment you provide support and assistance with the following words:

  • “If I were in your place, I would not hesitate for a minute”;
  • “I am 100% sure that you will not regret your choice”;
  • "You have very good taste."

If any difficulties arise, you must take an attitude of understanding. After the client voices his problem, you need to respond something like the following:

  • “I understand you very well, because my friend also faced a similar problem. But she found a way out...";

In their work, sellers, managers and all people who want to get a buyer must remember that they cannot use the phrase “Are you interested in something?” and use a pressing gaze. The buyer automatically responds negatively and leaves.

Bright phrases, as well as advertising cues that perfectly attract the attention of customers

Often it is non-standard phrases that help sales agents find new customers. Most often, such phrases are of an advertising nature. But you shouldn't be afraid of them. Here are some of the most successful expressions.

Phrase Her goal
“Have you already taken part in our promotion?” The client becomes interested, he begins to ask questions and a dialogue quickly begins
“If you recommend our store to your friends, you will receive bonuses that can be used on your next visit. What do you think of it?" This phrase encourages the client to advertise your business and make future purchases.
“If you need to consult with your significant other, then this can be done right now. What phone number should I dial? This statement will allow you to retain the client and will contribute to the fact that the purchase will be made from you, and not in a neighboring store, for example
“Can I consult with you?” Thanks to this question, you gain the client's favor, after which it is easy to establish an open dialogue
"Now I'll call total amount, which includes all discounts" Having heard the phrase, the client understands that haggling is pointless and the price is final, so he does not ask any more questions related to the price
“Do I understand you correctly, do you want to purchase a high-quality product at a minimum price?” By asking this question, you show that you are interested in the buyer's needs.
"Soon we will be holding interesting event. Can I reserve a seat for you?” Such advertising phrases are appropriate if you are offering an expensive product. At such events, buyers get to know brands and do not feel obligated to purchase anything


The secret of a professional salesman is that he knows how to choose the right moment when to approach the client and offer his help. At the same time he selects the right words who show his sincere interest.

Do not be afraid non-standard situations and improvise more often! We are sure you will succeed!

Every person, regardless of his desire, is influenced by advertising and marketing every day. Their action is based on the principle of classical instinct, based on which one glance is enough to connect two things together (for example, an attractive face and a product).

In fact, there are many large quantity methods of persuasion, seven of which we will consider in this article.

1. Altercasting

This method relies on a person's natural desire to meet other people's expectations.

For example, if you're trying to get donations for a children's hospital, you can create an emotional headline that encourages readers to step into a role. The headline could be: “Take care of children's health. Donate to our children's hospital today and save a child's life."

Using this technology, you are casting for a role (in this case, a caring Good Samaritan) among your audience.

Altercasting can be of two types:

  • Guiding: when a new or existing role is presented as outstanding and tailored to specific person. For example, expressions such as: “You, as a marketer, should...” or “You are just the person who values...”.
  • Tactful: A more passive way of getting people to play a role using subtle leverage. A good example This type of persuasion is advertising that portrays opposites: people who do not use our product/service, and then those who use our product/service.

Below is a picture illustrating the altercasting method:

The following demonstrates how altercasting can stimulate user behavior:

Disadvantage of alter casting: The "most attractive" role message can be ineffective if it is overdramatized.

2. AAV method

This method works by inducing a touch of irony in the reader. Essentially, you make a first sentence, then a second sentence that agrees with the first, and then you add a final sentence that contradicts the previous two sentences. For example: “I like “something.” This “something” is great. But I will never buy this “something” because it is expensive.”

The ABA method is illustrated below:

Disadvantage of the AAB method: the use of repetition can have Negative consequences due to confusion, information overload, or a vague call to action.

3. "Golden handcuffs"

If your client is still hesitant, make him an offer that is hard to refuse.

For example, on landing page The seller can tell visitors that if they sign up for the newsletter, they will receive a coupon for a 25% discount on their first order. This encourages them to take the next step and leave their address Email, even if they still doubt the need for the purchase.

The reason for the success of this method is that people find it difficult to refuse a bonus that they consider significant.

Here's how you can “chain” a client to you:

Disadvantages of Golden Handcuffs:

  • some people associate discounts with lower quality products;
  • By reducing the cost of our goods, we can significantly reduce our income if we do not limit the level and number of discounts/golden handcuffs offered.

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