How to create an atmosphere of warmth in your home? How to attract prosperity and money? How to strengthen family relationships? Feng Shui at home can handle all these issues. To ensure that good luck never leaves your home, feng shui experts recommend having 12 strong talismans that will help you create a favorable environment in your home and solve personal problems.

Chinese red lanterns is a talisman that helps you find love and strengthen relationships. They must be kept in the feng shui love zone - in the southwestern part of the house.

dream Catcher- this is a powerful protection against negativity in the house during the period when we sleep. The dream catcher is a talisman of the North American Indians, and it has nothing to do with feng shui, but it is still necessary to keep it in your home in order to ward off evil spirits during sleep. This talisman is best hung in the bedroom above the bed.

Horse figurine- a talisman for those who strive for successful life and wants it as soon as possible career growth. The most important thing is that the horse figurine is directed upward, thereby your career will strive to the top.

Fan is not only an elegant accessory, but also a powerful talisman. It is especially needed by those who have many sharp corners in their home. As you know, sharp corners are sources of accumulation of negative energy in the house. If you have a lot of angular furniture and sharp objects, then the fan will diffuse negative energy and transforms it into a positive one.

Eagle- a talisman for those who set high goals for themselves. This is a talisman for ambitious people who crave fame, money and influence. If you place it in the feng shui glory zone, that is, on the south side of the house, then it will contribute to your personal growth and success.

Fish is a talisman for attracting money. It is best to place the fish figurine in the wealth zone - in southeastern part Houses. This talisman promotes wealth, attracts money to the house and protects savings from theft and loss.

Lotus- a talisman of wisdom and health. This amulet is best kept in the center of the house so that its effect spreads evenly to all household members.

Ship, perhaps the most powerful talisman for attracting life success and profit. A figurine in the shape of a sailboat will help you find what you want most. It is best to store this talisman next to the front door or next to a window. To fully activate it, you should put coins, bills, jewelry and jewelry in it and place its nose in the center of the house, thereby creating the appearance that the ship is arriving at your house and bringing profit.

The Dragon- a strong talisman that can bring both good luck in work and money, and improve the atmosphere in the house. It is a symbol of wisdom, success, life, development and prosperity. It will work best in the eastern part of your home, which represents development and financial success.

Fountain- a symbol of inexhaustible energy. This talisman helps restore strength, relieves fatigue and gives a boost of energy for the whole day. In addition, it attracts well cash flows into the house, as it is also a symbol of abundance.

Elephant- a good luck talisman according to Feng Shui. In order for it to attract success and luck, it must be placed next to the front door or at the window with its trunk looking into the center of the house, so that it seems to bring good luck into the house from the street.

Three-legged toad- this is not only the most popular symbol in Feng Shui, but also the most effective. This talisman can be placed at front door or place it in the southeast, in the wealth zone. You should not store it on high cabinets and shelves, as it is believed that toads are afraid of heights.

These talismans can help you achieve success in all areas of life: love, career and money. They will attract good luck and create an atmosphere of lightness, warmth and love in your home! Useful article? Then be sure to put

06.10.2013 12:00

In feng shui apartments important has not only the furnishings, but also the view from the window. Counts, ...

Talismans in Feng Shui play the role of activators of good luck and attract positive energy. They have different purposes. Some help in love and strengthening marriage, others promote prosperity and wealth, others are aimed at health, etc.
They help to establish a person’s harmony with the world around him.

Symbols according to Feng Shui are divided into two main types: talismans in the form of figures and amulets.

Both talismans and amulets each have their own purpose.

Each Bagua zone should contain four magic items. These are magical images of gods, animals, and elements, operating strictly according to the rules of Feng Shui. The symbols have a powerful energy potential that can easily activate any zone.

In order for good luck to accompany you all the time, you need to divide your home into nine Bagua sectors. Each of them is responsible for a certain type of luck: in love, family life, money, work, creativity, etc. It is very important to believe that your wishes will come true. And start placing talismans.

First of all, you need to select several symbols, determine the corresponding sectors and begin stimulating the energy that is relevant in this period. First, you need to define one symbol for each sector.

Star elders bring great luck, prosperity and longevity to the house. In your office, place an elder behind your back or at your workplace at home, and you will be supported in everything. New sources of income will be attracted to you by a bunch of Chinese coins connected by a knot of “endless luck”.

The god of happiness, the smiling Hotei symbolizes well-being in the family, monetary luck, and helps to fulfill desires.

A rare symbol of good luck is a toad with three legs holding a coin in its mouth. Such a gill is simply a queen in the Wealth sector.

The meaning of talismans according to feng shui

Before you acquire talismans, you need to throw out old trash from your house so that positive energy can spread through it unhindered. After this preparation, you can begin to activate your well-being. Traditional symbols and special elements based on knowledge of the five elements are suitable here. Strong feelings, prosperity, and long life are personified by figurines of deities, animals and birds, crystal vases, lamps, candles, and bells.
Another type of amulets symbolizes the coordination of the five elements.

You need to choose only those that evoke positive emotions in you. They will be more effective the more powerful the energy with which you feed them.

The love zone is located in the dwelling in the southwest. Symbols of strong feelings should be placed in the bedroom, and it’s great if the room and the sector coincide. Images of butterflies will help revive former passion, add variety to sex, and ensure long-term family happiness. A pair of dolphins symbolizes equality in partnership and attracts love and the strength of the family. Any paired items symbolize the union of masculine and feminine principles.

It is good to separately identify bright paired talismans - candles, dolphins, vases, doves, mandarin ducks, frolicking fish, footprints of Buddha.

A bright painting with peonies on the bedroom wall will help a single girl get married. Crystals help to successfully fall in love and find harmony in relationships.

In the southeast is the wealth sector, responsible for material well-being. Activate it with symbols made of wood and water. Hotei, which attracts money luck, is also suitable here. The main great deity Daikoku personifies happiness and prosperity. Daikoku and the god Ebisu, who holds a magical fish symbolizing success, will be able to balance the material and spiritual. The “Nine Carps” wealth talisman is popular. You can put goldfish in the aquarium or buy fish made from precious stones.

The three-legged toad coin represents wealth. The Rat embodies wealth and well-being. The duet of a rat and a turtle is a talisman of wisdom. The money tree promises you a sea of ​​coins pouring into your wallet. A beautiful talisman in the form of a vase with citrus fruits - it can be placed in the southeast of the kitchen.

How to make a feng shui talisman with your own hands

If you make talismans yourself, they will be much more active. Your energy spent on making them is transformed into the energy of luck, abundance and happiness. If you make a sailboat or a boat, good luck will come to you.

A special talisman called wind chime is often used. It is decorative, original, and designed to transform complex negative energy flows into positive ones. It is easy to make by stringing it on a thread various items. Choose only natural materials for making talismans.

What does Feng Shui talisman mean? This concept hides a magical object (symbol) that attracts daily life some type of energy. For example, one talisman attracts success, the second improves health, the third helps to gain financial wealth, the fourth provides assistance in love affairs. A feng shui talisman is a kind of magnet that activates positive energy and directing it to fulfill the desires of its owner.

Feng Shui talismans can take the form of sacred animals, mystical figurines, and also hieroglyphs. Feng Shui hieroglyphs have an artistic and philosophical origin. Even number The strokes in the image are in accordance with the Yin energy, and the odd number is in accordance with the Yang energy. With the help of inscriptions, you can attract any blessings of life into your home: success, health, harmonious relationships, luck, material well-being.

Feng Shui hieroglyphs can be embroidered on clothes, depicted on household items, and painted on the body of a car. The location and method of depicting the symbols does not matter; it is much more important to use them correctly and combine them with each other.

According to Feng Shui, the rooster guards love relationships

The Rooster is a reliable activator of success in the Glory sector. For those who need not only a good reputation, but also great fame in certain circles, this symbol is simply necessary. In addition, according to Feng Shui, a rooster is an excellent amulet against infidelity. The figurine of this bird suppresses the desire to cheat, promiscuity and the desire for a depraved lifestyle.

If you are afraid of marital or partner infidelity, place the figurine above or opposite the entrance to the bedroom. If your significant other is prone to cheating, the rooster should be hidden in her (his) closet or chest of drawers. Best result can be achieved by using a pair of figurines located on the right and left sides of the room. These Feng Shui talismans, guarding love, have never let anyone down!

The cockerel can be made from any material, clay, glass, porcelain, precious stones and metals. The most effective amulet will be made from onyx or amber.

Feng Shui elephant - where to place the talisman and what it means

The Chinese believe that the elephant is a symbol of constancy and has a strong ability to attract good luck. A figurine of this animal is usually located on the windowsill. According to Feng Shui, the trunk of an elephant should “look” towards the window to attract good luck from outside into your home.

If the elephant's trunk is raised up, then the talisman is considered a symbol of prosperity. In this case, place the figurine in the southeastern part of the house - the zone of well-being, or in the northwestern part, the zone of patrons. According to Feng Shui, an elephant reduces all unreasonable material expenses, moderating its owners’ thirst for waste.

If an elephant's trunk is down, then such an animal protects a woman, it gives her the happiness of motherhood. Every woman who has difficulty with this should have such a figurine. In Feng Shui, such elephants are often depicted together with their offspring.

Feng Shui turtle, where to put it and the meaning of the amulet

The turtle is a well-known symbol of wisdom, longevity, heavenly protection and constant movement forward. In the teachings of Feng Shui, the turtle symbolizes high level life, ensures stable income growth, brings its owner success in all matters and endeavors. For the breadwinner of a large family and the owner of a spacious house, her help is extremely important. If a turtle is standing behind you (or is located on a shelf), you can be sure that your rear is reliably protected. This animal symbolizes hard work that expects a worthy reward.

A symbol of the successful life of three generations are three turtles that stand on top of each other. For families living with their children and parents in the same house, such Feng Shui souvenirs are especially effective and relevant. Most the best choice The talisman is a metal turtle or a souvenir of a metallic shade, for example, silver, gold, silver or bronze tone.

Having considered the topic of Feng Shui talismans and their meaning, you will understand what symbols to acquire to attract the necessary energies. A symbol is an object that carries energy that is important to you.

There are 2 types of talismans in Feng Shui:

  • traditional (bells, figurines, images);
  • elemental talismans (symbols personifying one of the 5 elements).

It’s easy to overdo it with symbols - place several figures in each sector, and you will feel the energy confusion. Start with one small but extremely important one and move on.

Energy saturation with symbols is justified only in the living room - a room for everyone and performs several functions. The use of strictly Chinese (oriental symbols) is optional. When the interior is in English style, Chinese hotei and three-toed toads will look ridiculous. Look for analogues or adapt the design of individual zones.

A foreign culture does not always resonate well with an individual's experience. The symbol must be important specifically to you.

Do you want success in your career? Hang a landscape painting in the northern part of the living room. If it inspires you, the effect will be stronger than a whole bag of Chinese coins. Do you dream of fixing your marriage? Then decorate the table in the northwestern part of the room with a beautiful table with fresh flowers. Just don't forget to change them on time.

Chinese symbols, if you decide to use them, are placed in strict accordance with the activation zone.

The meaning of feng shui mascot figures

For convenience, alphabetical order.

Orange – abundance, happiness, focus on a successful marriage. These citrus fruits are associated with gold and optimism. Use if you need to achieve prosperity.

Asters – tenderness, romance. A symbol that activates the love sector. You can use both fresh and painted flowers.

Butterflies - attracting love. Use in pairs or multiple pairs.

Bamboo – strength, endurance. Protection from evil spirits. Bamboo conducts favorable energy.

Ox – calm, stability, stability. Suitable for wealth zone. Gives perseverance in achieving goals, ensures stable income.

Two ceramic vases are a single paired symbol. Accumulates wealth and positive energy in the home. Vases should have narrow necks and wide bases. In this form, they bring peace to the family.

The fan is symbolic protection. If the talisman is gilded, it provides high status in their circles.

A waterfall is good luck for the whole family.

Ganesha is support and protection in business and endeavors.

The globe is a favorable symbol for successful studies.

Doves are a symbol for couples to attract romantic relationships.

Mountain – protection and stability, support, support. .

A pot of gold (coins, treasures) is a talisman for attracting abundance.

Pomegranate is a symbol of offspring for family and work. Can be used when opening company branches or for a favorable replenishment of the family.

Dolphins - mutual assistance, support.

Money tree – growing and increasing abundance.

The dragon is a multi-tasking symbol. Protects against failure, poverty, gives a sense of security, provokes positive changes. The symbol is not placed above the head, otherwise the dragon will absorb the owner’s powers. If a dragon has a pearl, then it is a talisman of wisdom and harmony.

Unicorn – generosity, great wisdom. Used when children need help achieving their goals or when opening branches.

The three-legged toad is a personification. They put it only in the living room, and nowhere else. The toad itself should not be looking directly at you, but its position should indicate that it has just jumped into the room.

The pearl is the concentration of knowledge to achieve goals.

The crane is a talisman of longevity. The paired symbol attracts family luck.

The hare is a symbol of long life. Seeing an image with a red hare is a sign of great luck.

Snake – renewal, knowledge.

An umbrella is protection from ill-wishers.

Iris – faith, hope.

The fireplace is a symbol placed in the glory zone. Its regular cleaning and action will maintain your greatness in your circles.

Stones – stability and security. If you manage to find pebbles with stripes, then clean the stones in salted water for a week and fumigate. They will make the house stronger.

Crystal – strengthening positive energy in the Wisdom zone. Works when exposed to light.

Leo – valor, energy, protection at the entrance from evil spirits.

Lily – calm, purity, peace.

Horse – perseverance, nobility, endurance. If the horse is pointing upward, then it is a symbol of success. Gold on the back - fame and money.

Bear – protection at the entrance.

Mystical knot - endless luck.

The coin of happiness is a symbol of money, wealth, but not only material things.

Monkey – protection from failures.

Eagle - success. 9 eagles soaring above the sun are a blessing for great goals.

Peacock – luck and nobility. Achieving high positions or recognition.

Sailboat - good luck in business. Place the nose inside the house - bringing treasures home. Gold on the deck will strengthen the talisman.

Peach is a symbol of marriage and long-term relationships.

Crystal pyramid - achievements and career ambitions.

Horseshoe - promotion and career ladder.

Sunflowers are a symbol of health and optimism.

Goldfish in an aquarium are money luck. There should always be Pisces odd number. One is black. The aquarium is placed in the southeast.

Pink quartz hearts - attracting love.

The elephant is a symbol of indestructibility. According to Indian legends, women come to elephants asking the wise animal for success in conception.

Fu dogs are guardians of well-being at the entrance to the house. A common symbol of a dog is protection of family stability.

The tiger is a powerful symbol against evil spirits. Chinese Feng Shui masters do not recommend throwing away such a talisman. If you were born in the year of the wild boar, rooster or rabbit (tiger food), then you cannot keep such a symbol in the house. At one time, the belief about this was so strong that mothers did not want to marry their sons to girls born in the year of the Tiger, since the marriage could promise imminent death spouse. But more strong amulet from evil forces Feng Shui doesn't know.

– attracting long-awaited marriage and romantic relationships.

Phoenix is ​​an amulet of prosperity.

Fountain - abundance.

Hotei is a popular patron in business. To make your wish come true, stroke your belly 300 times.

Heron - loyalty.

Turtle - long life and endurance.

Meaning of bells

Bells transform subtle energies, purifying them. A prerequisite is hollow tubes, it is in them that the energy is transformed. Without them, bells are just decoration. Best materials– metal (for the east and southeast), bamboo (for the northeast and southwest), porcelain (for the north). Number of tubes – 5.

Bell pendant – 1 bell and 1 thin plate. These are only hung in monasteries; they are not recommended in the home.

The pagoda pendant is a talisman for all residents in the house.

Round pendant – harmony, abundance. Hang in the living room or hallway.

Fish pendant – prosperity, good luck.

Phoenix bell - happiness.

Any moving objects (windmills, flags, clocks) – additional circulation of Qi. Adds mobility and prevents stagnation.

Bamboo flutes – security, professional growth, insight.


Plants as symbols are good because they bring living energy, but they are bad because without care they can harm residents. Just like bells, they make Qi circulate better. Flowering plants also additionally activate the required sector.

Flower pots are placed where you need to disguise a sharp corner or remove negativity from open bookshelves.

Sharp leaves carry Yang (male) energy, round leaves carry Yin (female).

The ideal place for placement is the dining room, living room. Yang energy is not allowed in the bedroom.

It is better to avoid artificial and dry plants. For offices, you can still use artificial ones, but moist care is required, and artificial flowers drain energy.

To always remember about talismans and their meaning, bookmark this article and use it when you make changes to the interior.

According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the peach symbolizes longevity and marital happiness. Those for whom this is important should pay attention to this talisman and be sure to use it in the decoration of their house or apartment. A painting or panel with a soft pink branch of a blooming peach tree, dishes or souvenirs depicting delicate fruits or flowers, planted in a floor tub or directly in the garden under the window living plant or an element of interior decor in the shape of a peach carved from suitable stone, will give you and your household decades of healthy life in a strong family.

Three star elder- guides of the three facets of human happiness. The first of them - Fuk (Fu-sin) - is responsible for financial well-being, his brother Luke (Lu-sin) with papyrus and a scepter in his hands symbolizes the age-old power of the family clan, and the third elder named Sau (Shau-sin) holds in his hand peach fruit - after all, this Feng Shui talisman is a symbol of health and long life.

The most successful place for Three star elders will become your office or home living room. At the same time, do not forget to give them due respect: the dais on which the figurines will be installed must be taller than their height standing people. And then the popular Feng Shui symbols will fully reward you with everything you expect from them - stable prosperity, health and family happiness.

Do you want to protect your abode from negative energy flows, evil thoughts and undercover actions of ill-wishers? A pair of Fu dogs, which Feng Shui defines as symbols of courage, devotion and selfless service, will help you with this. Why a couple? Because when paired, the energies of Yin and Yang are harmonized, which means the talisman will work for you as efficiently as possible.

Fu dogs are real guards: loyal, brave and responsible. Place them on both sides of the front door on any elevation (small tables, counters, stands, cabinets): not a single enemy, even pretending to be a friend and entering the house, will be able to harm you and your loved ones.

In the practice of Feng Shui, bamboo stems symbolize loyalty and good luck, peace and hope, health and longevity. The Bamboo talisman can be used in the interior in different ways: in the form of bouquets and compositions, tying the stems in pairs with a red ribbon to attract Yang energy, or by planting them in a pot and caring for living plants. Besides, good luck inner peace And excellent health will bring wicker furniture made from bamboo, textiles made from fibers of this exotic grass, bamboo curtains and blinds, as well as other furnishings.

One of the most powerful and effective symbols of energy, vitality and good luck in Feng Shui is the Dragon. It is better to place it in places of active action - living room, kitchen, office. But in a room for sleeping and resting, the Dragon is not at all appropriate. This talisman has a very favorable attitude towards water - next to the indoor fountain, the Dragon becomes stronger and more active, and is more willing to help you in any endeavor. Figurines made of glass, crystal, clay or porcelain feel most comfortable in the eastern zone of the room, and the place for figurines made of ordinary or precious metals is best determined in the western part of the room.

Advice: for a house or apartment, choose dragons that are small in size and have a pleasant appearance - the symbol should evoke sympathy, not fear or shock.

According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the crystal egg is a symbol of wisdom, tranquility and eternal life. Its very form is associated with infinity, as well as with the birth of a new life, renewal and purification of the mental essence of every living being.

When choosing a suitable place for the Crystal Egg, focus on the northeastern zone of the room. Install it next to a place for relaxation or meditation - contemplation of the beginning-and-end smooth lines and crystal tints of the eastern talisman will help you tune in to the right mood.

Having studied several areas of Feng Shui, you can come across a lot of meanings that are attributed to the Pearl. It can symbolize knowledge and concentration, kindness and innocence, justice and loyalty. However, as practice shows, first of all, pearls help to concentrate attention, increase the productivity of study or work, liberate the mind and allow you to break away from stereotyped thinking. This is especially important for scientists, researchers and representatives of creative professions.

It is also believed that by wearing pearl jewelry or installing a figurine with a pearl in a room, a person discovers the gift of foresight. Try it - maybe you will succeed!

The Turtle installed in the northern part of the room will help you significantly advance up the career ladder, and as a bonus, you will gain peace of mind, health and longevity. According to Feng Shui, this particular animal is a symbol of the universe - immortal, endless, containing the highest wisdom and knowledge inaccessible to the average person.

Turtle figurines are appropriate in the living room and study, hallway and kitchen. They should not be placed except in the bedroom - these creatures are not very romantic and sensual. And there is no place for thoughts about a career in the rest room.

How more Turtles find shelter in your home - the greater the likelihood that financial and career success, support influential people And wise calm will become your constant companions. Get started with the first one today!

Water is one of the five significant elements of Feng Shui. It allows you to unlock your mental potential and gain wisdom, promotes self-immersion and helps you achieve success in almost any area of ​​life. It is not difficult to implement the presence of this element in a house, apartment or office - just place small fountains in the water zone in the north and the luck zone in the eastern part of the room.

A miniature babbling Fountain as a symbol of Feng Shui will not only allow you to change in a positive direction everything that is not satisfactory in your current existence, but will also help you achieve inner balance and ideal tranquility.

Symbol financial well-being And money luck in Feng Shui - Goldfish in the water. An aquarium with such “inhabitants,” preferably round in shape, without corners or straight lines, should be located in the northern sector of the room. Take care of your aquarium regularly, change the water, feed the fish, do not overload the tank big amount shells, algae and decorative elements- and then, in gratitude for your good attitude, the golden guides of material success will give you an impeccable business reputation and stable prosperity.

Glass goldfish is one of the most popular and effective money symbols Feng Shui. It can be large or small, elaborate or laconic, made in the form of a figurine on a stand or a hanging figurine - the shape and size do not change the essence of the matter. The main thing is to choose an appropriate place for it in the northern part of the room, which is considered a zone of well-being, success and prosperity, which is important to keep clean. Subject to these simple conditions gold fish made of transparent or colored glass will become a talisman that will bring good luck and wealth to your home.

Does your current environment leave much to be desired? Feng Shui suggests entrusting the Dolphins to correct the situation. These kind, reasonable, nice and positive symbols will bring the same people into your life, protect you from the evil eye and deliberate evil slander, and help you regain lost trust in others.

Dolphin figures should be installed in the northwestern corner of the room. And if you go on a trip, do not consider it difficult to take with you figurines of these strong, intelligent and friendly animals: they will become the guardians of your peace both on the road and in unfamiliar places.

Kuan Kun (Kuan Kung, Kuan Ti, Kuan Di) is a Feng Shui symbol, the prototype of which was a real person, a powerful military hero who lived during the time of the Three Kingdoms. He is an ardent defender of all the oppressed, embodying a symbiosis of concepts of truth and strength, honesty and honor.

Located in the northwestern part of the house facing the main entrance, Kuan Kun will bring peace and internal harmony, self-confidence, prosperity and protection from bad influences to the household, and will also ensure success in business for the head of the family, endowing him with energy and vitality.

Ganesha is the god of wisdom and a symbol of good luck in business. The teachings of Feng Shui suggest that you definitely find a place for this talisman on your desk in the office or home office, preferably from the northwest. Ganesha made of stone, wood or even plastic will help you in professional growth and achieve financial success, but in return it will require special treatment.

Like any god, Ganesha loves offerings, so do not forget to leave coins or sweet treats next to the figurine. And as a god, in earthly life former human, although not quite ordinary, is partial to affection. Scratch Ganesha's belly periodically - and he will thank you with what you expect from him.

Mountain is one of the most favorable, powerful and significant characters Feng Shui. Rising above the earth's surface, it “looks” at the four cardinal directions at once, personifying four sacred animals: the Dragon in the east, the Tiger in the west, the Turtle in the north and the Phoenix in the south.

A painting depicting one or several mountains, which you hang on the wall behind you, preferably in the north-west of the room, will reliably protect you from the evil glances of envious people, intrigue, hatred, troubles at work and in the family. It is important that there is no water in the picture - it weakens the energy of the mountain.

One of the Feng Shui symbols of wealth and success is a large, slow and kind elephant. It brings good luck to all family members - from gray-haired old men to small children. It also stimulates creative thinking, revealing possibilities and potentials that you yourself did not suspect.

If there is a window in the western zone of your living room, nursery or office - best place I can't find one for a figurine in the shape of an elephant. It needs to be placed on the windowsill and turned with its trunk towards the window. Then the energy of happiness, prosperity and stability, soaring from outside, will certainly fall straight into your home.

Paired ceramic vases of a round shape with a wide base and a narrowed neck will definitely bring joy, luck, happiness and financial well-being to the house - because positive qi energy accumulates and gains strength in them. At least that's what the teachings of Feng Shui say. These can be both floor and table vases - the main thing is that they are exactly a pair, identical in size and shape, similar in decor.

Such vessels are not intended for bouquets - after all, fresh flowers need water, which prevents the accumulation the required energy, and dry ones completely symbolize non-existence. It is better to cover the bottoms of the vases with coins or a scattering of semi-precious stones, symbolizing wealth.

The Queen of Flowers Rose is considered a symbol in Feng Shui love harmony. It can bring good luck and revive fading relationships, protect against envy and get rid of jealousy, become a talisman that protects from troubles and troubles, and help find a soul mate. Of course, all this applies to fresh flowers. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to arrange a full-fledged rose garden under your window, grow roses in flowerpots.

The best placement for roses will be the love sector, which means that this flower will be most appropriate in the marital bedroom. And remember - the rose does not like rivals: do not plant other flowers in close proximity to it.

According to Feng Shui, the crane is a universal talisman. He is a symbol good health and longevity, good luck and perseverance, and a pair of cranes - also strong family and marital fidelity. In ancient Chinese practice, the most different symbols with this proud bird - with a pine, cypress or chrysanthemum, turtle or stone, snake or peach. You can see a crane and a female crane performing a mating dance, as well as a crane in a nest.

Since the symbol is multifaceted and diverse, you can place a figurine or an artistic depiction of a crane in almost any place - a living room or a matrimonial bedroom, a nursery or a study. It all depends on what kind of help you expect from him.

Sages believe that peony is a flower that collects and transmits active energy. It represents sensual love and passion. Red peony in a flowerpot or as an image in a painting in the southwestern sector matrimonial bedroom will help the couple maintain mutual interest in each other. This is precisely its symbolism according to the teachings of Feng Shui. At the same time, in families with impressive experience, he magically turns into a symbol adultery, therefore, over time, it is better to replace the regal peony with more restrained and modest flowers.

A pair of red or pink hearts symbolizes love in almost all teachings and practices. Feng Shui is no exception. Hearts will help you activate the love zone in the southwestern part of your house or apartment better than any other talismans. In what form you will use this symbol is up to you. A panel or painting depicting hearts, items made of glass, wood, plastic or even cardboard will give you and your significant other the pure emotion of sincere feelings and the positive energy of reciprocity. However, the most successful solution is considered to be paired hearts of soft pink color, made of quartz. Try to find them and “settle” them in your home - and then love luck will smile on you in the near future!

Chinese coins in Feng Shui are powerful symbols of wealth. They are different from the regular coins you find in your wallet - ancient Chinese coins have square-shaped slots in the center. With their help, it is convenient to make bundles from individual elements, connecting them together in several pieces using red, yellow or golden thread.

Coins are most often connected in 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 or 9 pieces. In such “clusters” they are practically omnipotent - they will help you save up money for a necessary purchase, get lucky in trade or commerce, win a cash prize or get a profitable job. The larger the coin, the more pronounced its impact on your life will be. It is preferable to use bronze or brass products.

The golden fan in Feng Shui is considered a symbol of immortality and eternal life. In addition, it also symbolizes self-confidence, a worthy position in society and the respect of others. If this is exactly what you are trying to achieve, the Golden Fan will definitely not hurt you. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to use it as an element of the image - it is not always and not always appropriate, it is enough to choose it right place in the interior. Placed in the glory zone in the southern sector of your home, the fan will effectively support your ambitions. And located in the eastern part of the room, it will also help improve your health and attract financial luck.

The amazing properties of the pyramid, due to its shape, were noticed by our ancient ancestors. According to Feng Shui, a pyramid, especially one made of pure rock crystal, is able to attract positive energy, accumulate and give wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, in ancient Chinese teaching, it became a symbol of the desire to reach the top in various areas of life - career, financial situation, family happiness.

It is recommended to place the Crystal Pyramid in the southern sector of the house - in the zone of Glory and Reputation. In this case, it will help you move up your career ladder and gain respectable patrons. Installed on desk The pyramid will allow you to achieve success in your studies, and placed on the bedside table in the bedroom will improve the relationship between spouses.

One of the most striking symbols of Feng Shui is a horse standing on its hind legs and rushing upward with its front legs. She is a talisman of fame and success, perseverance and “positive” stubbornness, optimism and good attitude those around you. And if you fasten a yellow metal coin on its back, symbolizing gold, the Rising Horse will also help you achieve financial well-being.

Figurines or paintings depicting a horse are most often placed in southern zone Fame and Reputation. This is where the symbol can work for your well-being most effectively and efficiently.

An eagle flying over the sun is one of the symbols that should definitely be used to activate the southern sector, because it is here, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, that luck, success, fame and an impeccable reputation are accumulated. A painted picture, photo wallpaper or embroidered panel depicting this graceful bird flying above the solar disk, which you place on the wall next to the southern window opening, will bring you recognition, trust and respect from others, and will help you learn to easily find mutual language with people and will provide great opportunities for personal and career growth and development.

Laughing Hotei (Buddha) in Feng Shui is associated with joy, laughter and fun. It also helps to negotiate and conclude successful deals, increase wealth and approach life with ease and positivity. All you need to do is remember to rub the god’s tummy at least three hundred times.

Traditionally, the figurine of the Laughing Hotei is placed in the southeastern sector of the room - this is where the wealth zone is located. However, Feng Shui does not prohibit choosing a place for the Buddha in another zone: thus, in the health sector, you can place a smiling Hotei with a pumpkin or bamboo in his hands. And installed in the hallway facing the door or in the Glory zone in the southern sector of the living room, it will bring you recognition and an impeccable reputation.

Fuk (Fu-hsing) is one of the three star elders, in Feng Shui symbolizing happiness, luck and material well-being. As a rule, in talismans he is placed in the center, between two other elders. Sometimes Phuc is depicted as taller than his fellows.

This old man can also be used as a separate attribute, supplemented with gold coins or objects symbolizing gold bars. In such a “company”, he will bring you and your household financial stability and sustainable well-being. And, of course, the Fu-sing figurine should be placed in the Wealth zone in the southeast of the house or apartment.

Hotei is one of the most famous and popular Feng Shui symbols. Sometimes he is also called the Buddha of Happiness: a funny, smiling fat man is ready to collect all your troubles in his bag, leaving only positive things and good luck.

Depending on which sector Hotei is located, it can act in different ways: in the east it can bring health to all household members and harmony in the family, in the southeast it can help improve well-being, and in the north it can help move up the career ladder. In order for Hotei to become a faithful companion in work or study, place a figurine of this cheerful god on your desk or computer desk. And for those who seek to protect their love from envious people and ill-wishers, we recommend placing it in the marital bedroom.

A three-legged toad sitting on a scattering of coins and holding one of them in its mouth is a symbol most readily used in Feng Shui to attract wealth, abundance and financial well-being. In order for such a frog to work as efficiently as possible, it must be located in the wealth zone in the southeast of the room in a house, apartment or office. You can install several three-legged toads in different rooms - then any activity that you do in these rooms will bring you success, expressed in monetary terms.

It is important to choose a frog figurine taking into account the material. It is better if it is metal - the eternal attribute of wealth and security.

You can often hear recommendations regarding the Money Tree from adherents of the teachings of Feng Shui. It is believed that by placing it in the southeastern sector, which is responsible for material well-being, one can achieve wealth and financial prosperity. This is true - Money Tree is one of the most powerful talismans security and even abundance.

What does this symbol represent and where can you find it? There are two options: lovers of indoor crops can be offered to purchase Crassula. The round, dense leaves of this plant really resemble coins, and people often call it a money tree. All others can limit themselves to souvenir stylization - an artificial composition in the form of a tree, on which the leaves are replaced by Chinese coins.