The wild boar is a representative of the artiodactyl order. This animal is also called a boar. Tamed by distant ancestors, he became the progenitor of domestic pig breeds. In areas where there are a lot of wild boars, the animals can harm the forest. Wild boars destroy bird nests and feed in fields and vegetable gardens. Boars can attack hunters and represent serious danger. To learn about safety when meeting a wild boar, you should study its habits.

Appearance, character and habits

The sight of a boar speaks of strength and ferocity. The shape of the body and strong legs help to get through bushes, and sharp fangs protect against enemies.

The wild pig has:

  • elongated head;
  • long legs;
  • erect ears;
  • large fangs;
  • hard fur.

The muzzle, tail and body are black, dark brown, black-brown. Small individuals weigh 45 kg, large ones - up to 300 kg. Animals reach up to 2 meters in length and 110 cm in height. Males have long fangs, females short. The offspring have stripes on the body, which allows them to camouflage themselves from enemies. Females live in groups of up to 50 individuals, in which an experienced female is the leader. Males lead a solitary existence and visit the herd only during the mating season. At night and during the day, wild boars like to rest. They go out to feed at dusk or early in the morning.

Many people are interested in knowing what the wild boar eats in the forest. These animals have excellent hearing and sense of smell, but poor vision. With their fangs, animals pull rhizomes and tubers from the ground, which are their main food.

Their diet includes:

  • acorns;
  • berries;
  • nuts;
  • leaves:
  • grass;
  • worms;
  • fish;
  • frogs, snakes;
  • bird eggs.

Boars excellent swimmers and easily swim across the river. Animals run fast. During the mating season, males fight for the female. She brings from 2 to 12 piglets. Boars can resist wolves, leopards and even bears. Wild boar is often hunted, usually to show off hunting skill. Believe is the most noble trophy for a hunter. These animals can be found in many areas.


Interested to know where the wild boar lives? The most favorite habitat is swampy and woodland. Representatives of the genus live in Europe, Asia, India, Africa, and the Middle East. England, Sweden, North America. Animals live in the middle zone, in the Moscow region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk region, Siberia. Animals climb into high-mountain meadows, although not very high; they are not found in the mountains and steppes. They live on average 10-12 years. Many people wonder whether the wild boar poses a threat to people.

Is a wild boar dangerous for humans?

If the animal is not disturbed, then the wild boar in the forest under normal conditions does not show aggression. A female with offspring can attack, deciding that the brood is in danger. However, when meeting a wild boar, especially if it is wounded, a person is exposed to mortal danger. An angry boar quickly rushes into battle, and often the attack ends in death or serious injury for a person. Often an attack is provoked by a person. Many people think that the boar is a good-natured animal. But this animal is by no means a domestic pig. Therefore, when you see a wild boar, you need to try to hide from the beast. Its vision and hearing are worse than those of humans, so the animal may not notice the presence of people.

A tourist should not welcome or feed a brood if the wild boars are rummaging through backpacks in search of food. In such a situation, you can scare them with something, for example, knocking with dishes so that they run away.

They might be scared by the call. mobile phone, signal flare shot. But at the same time you need to shoot upward, but under no circumstances at the boar. Such a shot will not harm a powerful animal, but it can seriously anger him. And then the angry boar can start an attack.

What to do when meeting a wild boar in the forest

If a person encounters an animal unexpectedly, he needs to know how to escape from a wild boar in the forest. Knowing the behavior of the animal, you can save a life in the event of imminent danger. What to do if the roads do cross? Don't expect aggression from the animal, climb a tree. Boars cannot jump or climb trees. 1 meter above the ground will be enough. If there are no trees with low branches, try to climb up the trunk. When the boar leaves, you can go down to the ground.

An animal can watch a person for hours, so you should not shout at the animal and throw pine cones at it, this will only anger it even more.

You should not run away from the beast, it runs very fast. An angry animal may chase a cyclist. Means of self-defense: batons, shockers, pneumatics, bladed weapons are ineffective. The boar can only be stopped by shooting from firearms. If you don't have a gun, don't waste time trying to defend yourself, save yourself in a tree.

When meeting little pigs, you should not pick them up and flirt with them, no matter how cute and funny they may seem to you. Close to the babies there is usually their stern mother boar, who, noticing that someone is touching her cubs, will begin to fiercely protect them. Therefore, it is best to stay away from minke whales. If they approach your camp on their own, you should scare them away with noise.

Usually, wild boars, when they see a person, hide in the thicket. Boars do not like screaming, whistling, or noise. You can knock and shout for them to run away.

When meeting a wild boar, you must do the following:

  1. Having noticed a wild boar, try to slowly leave and avoid it.
  2. If he is close, climb the tree.
  3. Make noise, rattle, whistle when animals appear in a tourist camp.
  4. If you have a rocket launcher, shoot in the air.

What not to do:

  1. Approaching with the aim of petting the animal, feeding it, etc.
  2. Pick up the offspring of a wild boar.
  3. If he is already close, you can’t run, it’s better to climb a tree.
  4. Try not to waste seconds for self-defense, but try to hide from the beast.

You should try to avoid unexpected collisions with a wild boar.

How to avoid encountering a wild boar

The population of nearby villages, hunters, and foresters may know about the existence of boars in the forest.

In the forest you need to sing loudly and move as noisily as possible. Hearing footsteps and unusual sounds, the animal leaves, this way it will be possible to avoid an encounter. If you can see a lot of traces, you can hear noise and grunting, it is better to quickly move away from this place yourself.

When going into the forest to pick mushrooms or for a walk, remember that you need to be prepared to meet an animal. It should be remembered that wild animals do not attack just like that. A person either provokes an animal, or it is a mother with a litter or a wounded animal. In any case, remember the rules of conduct and safety.


In our video, an experienced hunter answers the question of what to do when meeting a wild animal in the forest.

> survival in the wild > met a wild boar in the forest, what to do

It is most likely to meet a wild boar in swampy, water-rich areas (both wooded and overgrown with other plants). In such places you can stumble upon a young individual, a mother with cubs, and old males. They are all dangerous in their own way.

Meeting with a wild boar

Old individuals live alone. They can be identified by the stuck together “tangles” on the sides, made from a mixture of resin and wool. Such boars are considered the most dangerous of all.

Females carefully protect their offspring and fiercely protect them from enemies. In addition to size, boar cubs differ from adults in color - white with yellowish-brown stripes. Boars become mature by the age of 5 years.

Female wild boars form herds of 10–30 individuals. They have smaller fangs than males. But at the same time, they can still be very dangerous for humans. When attacking, they usually knock a person or potential enemy down and begin to trample him. Males inflict lacerations powerful fangs.

Boars grow up to impressive size. Knock down a grown man
The boar is not a problem, but it is very difficult to resist its tusks, incredibly strong skull and thick skin.

You can often see wild boars in the evening, when these animals go out to swim and look for food. Boars are cautious, but not cowardly. When irritated or wounded, they are very brave and dangerous. Vision is poorly developed, but smell and hearing are excellent. Also, boars cannot jump and tilt their heads high up, but they run very fast, and it is almost impossible to escape from a boar.

Rules of conduct if you meet a wild boar

To protect yourself in wild boar habitats, move loudly, sing or talk. Thus, the animal will hear and hide from you at a great distance.

If your paths do cross, under no circumstances run from the wild boar. Immediately climb a tree, about a meter above the ground, a boar is not a wolf to jump up and not a bear to climb after you. But an overly offended animal can wait for you downstairs for several hours, so don’t shout at it or throw anything at it; it won’t scare it.

If a wild boar is running towards you head-on, and there are no trees nearby, you can try to jerk sharply to the side. The animal will run past and there is a chance that it will not come back. And having received a second head start, while the boar comes to its senses and turns around to look for you, run away to shelter or trees.
If the boar rushes at you again, repeat these maneuvers, dodging and gradually approaching the shelter. Most likely, sooner or later the boar will get tired of it and run away. If you come across someone who is seasoned and persistent and angry, you are in serious danger.

Resorting to defense with a club is a bad option; it will not have any effect on the boar. A knife is only for luck and only if you know how to handle it well. Well sharpened machetes, kukri, the ax will only work with an accurate and strong blow to the head or spine. Even a shot from a large-caliber gun at a wild boar must be made very accurately. Otherwise, you will only hurt him and make him even more angry.
A stun gun will not work on a wild boar, a gas canister is ineffective, and a smoke bomb, which can scare away a wolf and even deprive a bear of the desire to attack, will also have a bad effect on a wild boar.

Generally best option it's climbing a tree and waiting for the boar to leave.

The wild boar (also known by its party names boar, boar and cleaver) is ubiquitous in forests middle zone, Siberia and forest-steppe. And according to hunters, this herbivorous creature in certain situations is much more more dangerous than predators, because in a rage he knows no fear and completely loses his sense of self-preservation. Wild boar attacks on humans in most cases result in the death or severe injuries of the latter. This topic is quite serious - and therefore it is better for everyone who often visits the forest to know in advance how to behave when meeting a wild boar. Informed means armed.

How to determine if there are wild boars in the forest?

In addition, residents of surrounding villages, summer residents, hunters, and foresters most likely know whether there are wild boars in the forest or not. Ask the first person you meet at the nearest railway station - perhaps he will give an answer.

Are wild boars dangerous? Do wild boars attack people?

Often, a wild boar attack on a person is provoked by the person himself. In the minds of many, a pig is a good-natured animal with a pink patch that should not be feared. However, a boar is not a domestic sow, but 300 kilos of meat with fangs, so if you see it in the forest, try to leave the meeting place unnoticed, be it a piglet or an adult animal. Boars see and hear worse than a man, so it’s quite possible that you notice him, but he doesn’t notice you.

Wild boars, like any other forest animals, themselves try to avoid meeting people - therefore, if a boar does notice you first, there is a good chance that it will also hasten to hide. But here, too, a problem is possible: the sensible pig will leave, and the stupid one will sit somewhere in the bushes and wait until you leave the field of view. If it so happens that your route runs past those very bushes, the animal’s nerves may fail and it will attack, fearing possible aggression on your part. This situation is dangerous because it is extremely difficult to escape from a cleaver jumping out right at your feet, since it becomes too late to take any action.

Wounded cleavers are very dangerous. If the boar hunt fails, not only will the hunter be torn to pieces, but so will every person the vengeful boar encounters. Therefore, shoot from small-caliber weapons at wild pigs It is highly not recommended: to kill will not kill, but will make you very angry.

Pigs with piglets, contrary to popular belief, attack hunters extremely rarely - in case of danger, they prefer to save themselves rather than rescue their offspring. But it is better for an unarmed tourist not to try to drive the brood away from the camp with screams if the minke whales start rummaging through the backpacks in search of food. In a similar situation, one of my acquaintances fired a flare into the air: the pigs, along with their mother, were afraid of a stranger loud sound, immediately ran away. And he would have started waving his hands at them - it remains to be seen whether he would have told me this...

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Hungry animals attacked a retired livestock breeder when he suffered a stroke.

A shocking incident occurred in the village. Mikhalkovo (Tula station district). A few days ago, a resident of one of the houses on the street disappeared without a trace. Kosogorskoy, 70-year-old pensioner Valentin Belousov. Last time neighbors saw the man on January 18.
“At first we didn’t pay much attention to Valentin’s disappearance,” say residents of the street. Kosogorskaya. - After divorcing his wife several years ago, Valentin lived as a hermit, was a quiet person and rarely appeared in public. He devoted almost all his time to his pets. In his house, Belousov built a real zoo: 5 pigs, a dozen ducks, 15 dogs and 5 cats. Valentin raised piglets for sale, ate ducks himself, and welcomed stray cats and dogs from all over the area out of the kindness of his heart. Moreover, he lived under the same roof with a family of pigs - a huge boar Borka, a sow and three piglets. The rooms of Valentin's house served as a stable for animals.
The postman sounded the alarm when she brought Belousov his pension. She could not find the pensioner either on January 19 or 21. The postman found out that the neighbors had not seen the retired hermit for several days. The woman called the police. But even before the workers of the Station District Department arrived, the neighbors decided to approach the house and look inside.
“Not far from the window we saw a human skull and clothes torn to shreds,” Belousov’s neighbors say. - Valentin himself was nowhere to be found. We immediately realized that it had been eaten by our own pigs.
Both the police and Belousov’s neighbors were afraid to go inside. The pigs were clearly hungry and behaved aggressively - they beat their huge muzzles against the boards that covered the windows and doors in the home of the hermit livestock breeder. Before entering the house, the police had to pour feed into the pigs through the windows. A skull and clothes are all that were found in the house of Valentin Belousov.
Two versions of what happened immediately appeared: either the pigs attacked the pensioner after he drank and fell asleep, or something happened to the man heart attack. But, according to Valentin Belousov’s acquaintances, he never abused alcohol.
“It is unlikely that we will be able to establish for certain the cause of death from the remains of the body at our disposal,” says Andrei Titov, investigator of the Investigative Department for Tula of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Prosecutor’s Office. - Taking into account the age and lifestyle of the deceased - and he practically lived in a stable - we assume that the man had a heart attack. It is likely that he died before the pigs attacked. In the coming days we will resolve the issue with Belousov’s pigs. For now, we have left this issue to the discretion of the relatives of the deceased pensioner. But you can’t leave animals in a poorly locked house!

Chief Veterinarian of the Aibolit Clinic Valery Mikhailovich Shalnev:
- Pigs are omnivores and have no direct tendency to eat human meat. They don't see the difference between human meat and all other food. It is not necessary that only a hungry pig will eat human flesh. All it takes to attack a person is the smell of blood.
The brain activity of pigs is not developed enough to remember the taste human meat and hunt him. But if man-eating pigs do break free, they could create real danger for others. First of all, helpless people - children and the elderly - are at risk of being attacked by pigs. The risk increases if a person is injured and the animal smells blood.


In periodicals, and sometimes in hunting literature, there are reports of the aggressiveness of wild boars. Particularly distinguished in this case are the cleavers with their excessively sharp fangs. But what is characteristic is that in the description of these cases you rarely see a reasoned analysis of what happened, the motives for the behavior of the beast.

Over the past more than twenty years, when our hunting industry has taken root wild boars, the military hunter-kicks of the garrison did not have any dramatic encounters with them. And yet, conversations and rumors to this day have a negative impact on the psyche of other hunters, especially those who go out to shoot boars for the first time. I admit, in my youth I did not escape such influence after the story of a well-wisher that, supposedly, wild boars can wait for days for a hunter under a tree, who climbed it in search of salvation. Some young hunters, who are shooting for the first time, sometimes deliberately create noise or movement so that the wild boars do not come at them.

According to our observations, all unpleasant consequences when meeting wild boars, including wounded animals, often occur due to violation of hunting rules and ignorance of the behavior of the animal.

The wild boar is wary of humans and avoids meeting them if possible. One autumn day, a rather large cleaver wandered onto the outskirts of our city and lay down to rest in the bushes ten meters from the footpath. In the morning, adults and schoolchildren half surrounded the lying boar, some threw bread to it, which it did not touch. Soon he got tired of people's importunity, he got up and slowly headed into the depths of the suburban forest. What if the cleaver was surrounded on all sides and suddenly scared away? Trying to leave, it is possible that he could knock down one of the onlookers.

What have we noticed from the behavior of wild boars?

When a wild boar suddenly rises from its bed, it usually makes several jumps in a straight line and only then begins to maneuver. If the hunter turns out to be against the boar at this moment, the boar may collide with him and unintentionally cause injury.

The boar is very tough to wound. During one of the raids, a powerful cleaver came out to my number and stood ten steps away from me, with his head bowed low. I didn’t shoot him in the forehead, and when, after a few tense seconds, he put up a spatula, I fired a shot. After the shot, he made six jumps (about 30 meters) and fell dead. Upon autopsy, it turned out that the bullet had cut off top part hearts. What would have happened to me if I had not shown restraint? There wouldn't even be time to jump aside.

Let me give you an example. In winter, with deep snow, wild boars make a trail in the form of a continuous trench. In this case, it is better for the hunter to stand in a clearing to the side of the path, about 15 meters away, so that when the boar comes out of cover, he can shoot him under the shoulder blade. There was a case in our region when forester M. stood on a number in a trench. And the beaters drove the boar to him. After the shot, the seriously wounded animal continued to move in leaps. The forester did not have time to jump out and the cleaver “helped” him by hooking his fang under the soft spot. The forester was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. The boar fell after fifty meters. I think this was not an attack by an animal on a hunter, but the natural behavior of an animal when removing an obstacle that was hindering it.

Another time, after a shot, an adult boar fell, and then got up and began to move in a circle 10-12 meters from the hunter. After the second fatal shot, he entered the clearing towards the hunter. Smelling him, he walked around three meters away, reappeared in the clearing and fell. When we figured out the reasons for such turns, it turned out that the first bullet hit the animal in the ear canal. He was stunned. If the hunter did not have experience and endurance, then this case could also be classified as an attempted attack.

As hunting experience shows, even a seriously wounded boar tries to escape the hunter. In this case, at first the boar runs at a gallop, then switches to a trot and a walk. The length of its route to the first bed depends on the severity of the wound. At the end of the move, before the bed, the animal begins to make loops and sometimes lies close to the previously traversed place. When carefully pursuing a wounded animal, especially in mild weather, when no steps are heard, the wounded animal, hearing the approach of the hunter too late, jumps up sharply and, if the hunter is in the range of his jumps, the boar can knock the pursuer down, causing injury.

We had to chase wounded animals for several days, but there was not a single case where a wild boar, seeing a hunter, attacked him.

Experience shows that The best way additional wounded animal - re-salary. Having established in which quarter the animal is located, shooters are assigned numbers, and the hunter who wounded the boar goes into the pen, and the second one to help him. In the pen, they, making light noise, lift the wounded animal, and he goes out to the chain of shooters, where he is picked up. If the animal is motionless, then the hunter catches it on the spot and reports the end of the hunt. This method of hunting allows you to avoid accidents.

And further. If hunters see a wounded boar lying down, until they are sure it is dead, they should approach from behind or from behind and be ready to shoot to finish it off.

In conclusion, I will say that with the correct organization of a round-up hunt, compliance with safety precautions and good knowledge of the habits of animals, troubles from encounters with wild boars can be avoided.

N. Kartashov
"Hunter No. 1 - 1992"